Corrections and important notes: The original version of this video featured at around the 3-hour mark, a moment where I describe the number of those killed on October 7th as around 3000 people. This is inaccurate, and it is a number cited by the IDF and disseminated after October 7th. As this video began research around that time, that number made it into the script. The correct number is currently 1,139 people, including 815 civilians. My deepest apologies for this mistake and for keeping it in the script. It should have been caught and fixed by me or my script readers. The intent was never to cite an incorrect number. I take ownership of that mistake. Additionally, this video once featured a quote from the book “Son of Hamas” by Mosab Hassan Yousef about Hamas. The quote was about how, to Yousef, Hamas offers an option to many young Palestinian men within Gaza to fight back against Israel, but how that also gets wrapped up in Islamic fundamentalism. While this is a dynamic that many Palestinians across the political spectrum have spoken about, the use of a specific quote from Yousef was a misstep as Yousef himself has acted as a spy for the IDF and has been platformed and funded by the IDF and other right-wing organizations to spread disinformation about the situation in Gaza. While I stand by the point of the section overall, I should never have quoted Yousef given his clearly politically biased background. His quote has been deleted from the video as well.
Hey Jessie, thanks for the notes. I've been watching this video in chunks as I've been able to, and I'm getting close to the end now - it's good to read the things that have come up since the initial recording. Just wanted to let you know you may want to update the chapter time stamps to account for these deletions/corrections. Thanks! 💛
1200 “civilians along an array of militarized settlements created and operated with the express purpose of ethnically cleansing 100s of thousands of actual civilians living in an open air concentration camp where they are deprived of food, water, power, basic medical services, fundamental human rights. Not to mention the fact that the so called civilians see Arabs as less than human.
Oh shut up, I can't believe how easily you caved to Zionist pushback. Your first video was about this was good and largely accurate but as soon as you saw the negative feedback you immediately took it down and made this God awful both sides argument. Zionists ARE fascists by nature and you're a fascist apologist and no amount of fixing small citations in this video will ever change that. You're not on the left, you are actively helping an ethno nationalist apartheid state run propaganda.
I strongly disagree with the thumbnail. Zionism is almost definitionally fascism. An ethnostate is fascist. The only way to enforce it is through force and oppression.
ABSOLUTELY!!!! I'm also a Jew descended from a Holocaust survivor and it is BLASPHEMOUS to be complicit and silent in the face of any genocide, let alone one committed in our name. How many times do we have to say "never again" until it means something???
@@Enfjscrolling There's over 2 billion Muslims on Earth. People in Gaza, the vast majority have family roots in Egypt and some are literally migrants from Egypt. Hamas leaders EXPLICITLY STATE that they are EGYPTIAN people. There's also Arabized people from Arabia, from Syria, and from every neighboring country. Arab High Commission REJECTED any "Palestinian" identity in 1933. They were united by common obedience to Islam and by Arab heritage with everyone else in the region. People living in Gaza and Judea-Samaria, which is cities not a "refugee camp", are part of the Umma, the global Muslim empire. Hamas and Hamas citizens are a front group of Muslim Brotherhood formed in Egypt, which was created to purify Islam, punish blasphemers, exterminate Jews, and conquer Earth for Allah. "Genocide" is ridiculous Marxist slander, INTENDED to justify the extermination and scattering of Judean people from their indigenous homeland, from self-defense and self-rule. Non-muslims are forbidden to rule over themselves, and not be under subjugation, on any land that was ever in all history conquered by Muslim armies. More than ONE FIFTH of Israeli citizens are Arab heritage and Muslim. Those are the ones that agreed to live in peace and prosperity with Jews. Where do you plan to move these "apostates" when Hamas comes to cut their heads off, like how they murdered Muslims in Israel on 10/07. What the Left is going to do ignore everything when Israeli Arabs and Israeli Druze are annihilated along with Israeli Jews, and also kill all dogs in Israel. Muhammad hated dogs.
The ‘they voted for Hamas, they deserve what they get’ argument has always sounded like an attempt to justify collective punishment. Who is ‘they’ exactly? Every single Palestinian in Gaza, including those not born at the time of the 2007 vote?
@@ladygrey4113 they dont debate that. They debate if raping a Palestinian constitutes rape since Palestinians are not human to begin with ( their words) So they're debating beastiality ( again, their words), not rape.
Denouncing the genocide is not at all antisemitic. Israel does not represent the Jewish identity. I've seen examples of online people (most probably bots) trying to instigate antisemitism within the pro-Palestinian cause, and fortunately they don't seem to be that successful.
All I had to do was go stand within earshot of the pro-Palestininan protestors to hear them chanting "death to all Jews", so idk wtf you are talking about.
80 precent of american jews are zionists, and almost half of the jews of the world are living in Israel by now. The ones who are anti-zionists are a vocal minority, most of them just lost touch with their jewish roots, or are just religious bigots that would hate people like you for being trans. So yes, it is antisemitic to hate the vast majority of jews in the world, and liking only your good imaginary jews, and toss them aside the moment they would challenge your preception. Its maybe different from the old antisemitism, but it is still antisemitic and has the same historical roots of using jews as a scape goat and forcing them to assimilate. (I am not talking on a legitimate criticism of Israel, but on people who, like Jessie, claim that my country should be destroyed)
There is no genocide happening. Having a high death toll compared to your opponents doesn't make you a victim, it means you a fighting a more advanced army than than you have. ISIS took very high casualties in the late stages of the war against them, does that make them the victims? Many Palestinians support Hamas, Palestinians love to instigate war with Israel anytime they have their guard down, but get upset when Israel retaliates. Collateral damage is an accepted consequence of warfare...
As a person raised Jewish/secular, the Israel-Palestine conflict has always baffled me. Our people - the people Israel claims to represent - have been slaughtered and oppressed since before the Torah was written. Overcoming and surviving oppression is a foundational part of the religion and culture (hello, Passover!). How does doing it to another group of people make any sense??? In my community, we learned from the horrors of the Holocaust. Most American Jews are Ashkenazi (north/east European), so I think that's why so many young American Jews are anti-Zionist. We were taught *"never again"* from the time we were little. Our ancestors died from the same type of shit the Israeli state is doing to Palestinians right now. Unbelievable and inexcusable!!
Pro colonial propaganda is one hell of a drug. You can honestly ask this question about any group of people who supports some kind of oppression. The answer is always some kind of socialization/normalization that happens in society at large to make the atrocities seem somehow unconnected from the rest of the ideology. Why do Americans, by and large, love their military and veterans and also can't understand why so many people (from around the world who's countries were destroyed and families killed by the military) hate them? Propaganda and normalization of the military in American culture. If anything, it goes against the antisemitic conspiracies about Jewish people, because they are no more special and different from everyone else. They can just as easily be propagandized to. Hopefully with enough education to counteract the propaganda, more people will stand against Zionism and the colonialism and apartheid will end.
If you want an answer I recomend start looking in the publications of Breaking the Silence organization and checking the website +972 Magazine, the former is an organization of Israeli army veterans and the latter an independent news site in Israel, both they don't hide what happened and still happens there
It's a common feature of post colonialism. My own ancestors fled from China twice, first during the initial British colonization, and second during the Taiping Rebellion, which was a direct result of colonialism. Then in WWII, China was colonized again by imperial Japan. Nowadays, the Chinese government is engaging in its own campaign against the Uighur Muslim population. It's an attempt to retake a sense of power and identity.
As a former Jew*, I have never understood the conflation of the political state of Israel with the religious/ethnic population of Jews around the world. I've never understood why I was expected to support a political state I wasn't living under. Took a looooong time to learn about the evangelical christian influence on american pro-Israel sentiment. But every American Jew I know speaks out against the genocide and that makes me hopeful. It's only the older generation I see sticking by Israel out of pure misplaced loyalty. *Nobody @ me, I was raised Jewish and gave the faith up a long time ago. I reserve the right to claim my own identity and leave behind one that doesn't work for me.
As a Jew, I would like to affirm your right to forge your own identity, and insist that you don't listen to anyone telling you you can't. Best of luck on your journey my friend.
Hopefully you know that your private, personal and professional identity and how you live your life has got nothing to do with Zionism or other countries political parties, movements or even your own country. You are not beholden to anyone but yourself.
im sorry but i am confused. Judaism is an ethno-religion. You can't be a former jew? You can be a secular jew, aka a jew who is ethnically jewish but not religously, but former jew only works if you converted then gave up the religion which you said wasn't the case??????
Hi Jessie. I am a long time viewer of your channel and really love the content you put out--I appreciate that it is always nuanced and attempts to disentangle complex sociopolitical issues in a way that does not dilute our understanding but makes it amenable as knowledge. I also really appreciate this video, as after having consumed a lot of content and discourse surrounding the history of Zionism and Israel, this is relatively unique as it does not flatten our understanding of Zionism and how it interacts with Jewish history, and inspires empathy and understanding for Jewish folk across the spectrum. Having said that, as a Muslim (and non-Arab) viewer of yours, I would urge you to consider examining the history of Islamophobia and orientalism, and how it has informed the current discourse around Israel/Palestine, as well as the general experience of Arab and/or Muslim diaspora in the US and in their home countries as a function of US and Israeli imperialism, colonial wounds, and even how Islamic fundamentalism has been weaponized against them. I recognize you can make content on whichever subject you desire (or your paying Patrons desire), and if you feel limited in your understand or interest in this issue you might not be compelled to discuss it, but the many videos I've seen on Zionism from leftist perspectives hardly address how Arab/Muslims have been systematically harmed by Western imperialist policy even before 9/11 and more predominantly post 9/11, and how rising Islamophobia is not only being ignored by the current power structure, but remains rampant in media and culture, in spite of leftists attempting to be inclusive. As a queer Muslim I have been made to feel I'm "being held back" because of my faith in leftist spaces, with a lot of racist and Islamophobic assumptions being made about my faith and culture. I also spent the first seven months of the Palestinian genocide in a Jewish university, where Islamophobic rhetoric was weaponized against me and folks like me by the very pro-Zionist administration, and the local newspapers were not even interested in talking about it. Heck, I don't agree with your view on Kamala or Biden, though I understand it, but this opinion is being offered rather callously by some not recognizing that they're asking people like me to vote for someone who will continue to kill people like me, while reminding me of everything I went through as a little girl in a post 9/11 world, simply because it will protect some other people who may or may not interested in addressing their internalized Islamophobia. We must talk about antisemitism in leftist spaces, but simply being "pro-Palestinian" does not erase Islamophobia in the left, as it is also tied to the Western cultural fabric at this point, and Hamas is only one example of imperialist powers supporting religious fundamentalism. If you are interested, I would encourage checking out Edward Said's book, Orientalism, which is a good place to start examining this issue. I also think Shaun and Tazzy Phe have occasionally touched on these topics. Regardless, thanks for the work you do, I hope you consider expanding this work you have already done quite a bit of.
Islam/Muslims were (and continue to be) themselves an imperial force since the last 1400 years. The fact that their imperialism has been on a 250-year or so hiatus doesn't change the fact that their culture is responsible for wiping out (via either cultural genocide OR actual genocide OR a combination of both) the indigenous cultures of North Africa, the Middle East, and parts of South Asia and South East Asia. So yes, pardon us for 'infidels' who've had a close brush with Islam for rejecting your defence of and propaganda on behalf of Islamic imperialism.
@@disdoncable Speaking out against Islamophobia and criticizing imperial Islam are not mutually exclusive. A 4 hour video disengaging Zionism and Judaism should make that much obvious. And you can call yourself an "infidel" if that's what you'd like to be, but nothing I've said communicates that Islamic history is devoid of imperialism, and imperialism in Islam does not change the racist and xenophobic treatment of Islam and Muslims by Western civilizations over hundreds of years, that has continued to operate with modern day colonialism and imperialism. Come back for me when I defend brutalist regimes such as Saudi Arabia or the UAE (which I will never do anyway).
Regarding Miriam Libicki at 3:25:33, she wasn't conscripted, she was born outside of Israel and travelled there in order to participate in the IDF. I think it's valid to boycott former conscripted IDF soldiers if they haven't openly renounced their service ("just following orders" isn't an excuse after all) but this woman isn't even an example of that. "Libicki voluntarily served as a clerk in the Israel Defense Forces in 2000, during the time of the Second Intifada." according to her Wikipedia page.
The main issue that I have with the "feeling unsafe" argument is that it conflates a fear of being victimized by violence and bigotry with discomfort towards having your beliefs challenged. I understand the immense amount of caution that many members of marginalized groups must unfortunately be burdened by due to the legitimate threat that bigotry poses against them, but it really bothers me when that reasonable fear gets unconsciously or deliberately weaponized in order to ignore criticism or, even worse, justify atrocities. So, I think a lot more people need to ask themselves: Do you feel *unsafe,* or do you feel *uncomfortable?* Because those mean very different things.
OOF that last paragraph especially holy shit. I’m a white Christian in leftist anti assorted bigotry spaces and the amount of time I an uncomfortable is a lot. But I’ve also learned how to not make that other people’s problems and understand how my discomfort is more a challenge to what I was taught growing up instead of an attack on me personally. And I wonder if a lot of people seeing challenges against Israel as attacks against Judaism have not had to deal with unpacking this conflation like I did years ago.
Except in the case of Jews it is literally about feeling unsafe instead of uncomfortable. I'm Jewish and anti political Zionism. And you know what? When a movement I believe in calls an indigenous people colonizers and actively starts praising Hamas right after they murder people for being Jewish then I feel unsafe too. Like, it's not just the news or liberals conflating being pro-Palestinian with pro-Hamas, it's literally the people in the movement who refuse to speak out against Hamas or even praise them which furthers the conflating of the two.
I don't disagree, but is that the same standard you use when a woman says sexism makes her feel unsafe, or when a trans person says transphobia makes them feel unsafe? This isn't meant as a callout against you specifically; it just really bothers me that for my entire adult life, the leftist mainstream has had an ironclad sense of deference to marginalized people with critiques, until right now. I've often thought that we needed to add a bit more nuance in these discussions, and now it seems like people have finally started doing that... but only when we're talking about the Jews.
@0mni42 To answer your first question: Yeah, it is. Weaponized marginalization is something that's discussed pretty frequently in the progressive online communities that I participate in, as it's a major factor in misogynoir, terf rhetoric, transmedicalism, gatekeeping within the queer community, and a whole host of other harmful ideologies. If I had to wager a guess, the reason this leftist scrutiny towards weaponized marginalization is only now entering the mainstream is likely because most other cases of it aren't connected to major ongoing news topics.
@@0mni42 I dont think we have to entertain that idea, is not the same and it doesnt arise from a real tangible fear, unlike women and trans ppl who have materially been murdered by sexists and transphobes, no zionist has ever been killed nor any jewish ppl being killed by pro-Palestinian activists who are simply calling for peace and criticizing the fascist state of Israel, the "feeling unsafe" argument is disingenuous naive at best, and maliciously bad faith at worst in order to de-legitimize critiques of Israel and its ethnic cleansing crusade.
@@erikaeric8313 Leave and go where? Where do they belong? The majority of them fled here after being expelled or to escape persecution. There is no Israeli land. It's all Palestine, from the river to the sea.
@@darrengreen9374a large number of them hold dual U.S. or U.K or Canadian citizenship. I have always that an unrestricted right of. Return to an area roughly the size of New Jersey and with the population density of Los Angeles was in an area of the world that is already water and land-poor was.... criminal. If the person is living in a western style democracy, they don't need the right of return, let it go to a person at risk, e.g. an Iranian, Yemeni, Chinese, or South Moroccan Jew, but those Jew are regularly denied their right of return in favor of a White Jew who is at least relatively safe, unlike the one who might not have a house qn whose government doesn't guarantee they won't lock them up or killl them simply for being Jewish. Unlike the Ashkenazi Jews and to a lesser extent the Serfardi Jews who get in automatically, these Jews, are all non-whites.
I personally am Jewish as much as Netanjahu, when I voiced my support for Palestine and explained how I have been always supportive of Palestine since a young age, Israeli people have called me the most horrific slurs and denounced my jewishness. Jewish voices are being erased and I am so thankful for this think piece that finally mentions people like me being erased
I'm sorry you have to go through this. It's got to be very difficult to be a Jewish person who is also opposed to the current Israeli government's policies in Palestine, and the actions of the IDF...because NOW you have to deal with anti-semitism from the usual bigoted (often far right) neo-Nazi "Jews Will Not Replace Us!" IDIOTS. AND you have deal with accusations of not being a "real Jew" being a "self-hating Jew", etc. Then there are going to be people who hate you because the equate all Jews with the persecution of Palestinians. (I am pro-peace and believe in Palestinian freedom, and I oppose bigotry against those who are Muslim - aka "Islamophobia" - however, I and not naive enough to think religious-based Islamic terrorism doesn't exist either.) I support those who are Jewish and Christian and Muslim - and Hindu and Buddhist - and Secular/Atheist/Agnostic (such as myself) who want peace and freedom and equality for ALl.
@@IAmACloud44 I am very sorry for your experience. I am Israeli myself and I am very critical of the Israeli government and of the Zionist movement. I also support the right of Palestinians for self determination and (how radical) the right to live and feel safe. Stay safe and stay strong.
As a native American that narrative is pretty much the white western standard ,Non white /western populations have NEVER been allowed self defense ever from here to Palestine to S. Africa to Vietnam to Iraq and a hundred other places the narrative stays the same whether its 1850 or 2024 .
@@fg-l3565 American and western politicians and media The way in which they talk about the actions taken by palestinians and the way in which they talk about israel make it clear that the actions taken by hamas are completely unacceptable... but the greater actions taken by israel that have killed greater numbers are You do not have to directly say they don't to make it clear that in your eyes they dont
They did in all the wrong ways. They always hoped some bigger power (Egypt, Syria, the USSR, now Iran) would come, win their war for them, get rid of the Jews and give them back all the land. But it doesn't work like that. Egypt came to the negotiating table and got back Sinai and a peace agreement that lasted 50 years. Jordan did the same in 1994, not an easy peace, but one that lasts nonetheless. Remember the definiton of insanity? The Palestinians should ask themsekves why their actions aren't working, and change strategy, because the deal won't get any better with time. Perhaps it's not right, but history isn't made of right and wrong.
As a pro-Palestinian, Israeli Jew, let me just say thank you. I am fully committed to my values - Palestinian liberation, anarchism, abolition - and at the same time, seeing some parts of the left lacking in their ability to grapple with nuance has been saddening. Hearing your voice today helps strengthen my hope. Thank you.
Why should we give you guys the benefit of the doubt at this point its so annoying to have to put on mittens everytime we have to talk to you about what YOURE people are doing. I've seen the survey from 2011 that shows like most Israelis don't think marital rape is bad. And now you have people rioting for the right to rape Palestinian civilians YOU hold prisoner. Get thicker skin
@atlas6864 it's not easy, and the past 10 months have forced me to accelerate my progress exponentially. I've done things I regret, I've lost people, but I'm strong in my beliefs that *every life* is worthy of a safe and liberated life. I trust that our movement will continue to prioritize compassion and understanding in a way that also keeps Jews safe and helps Zionists deconstruct productively, while acknowledging that right now, stopping the genocide is our #1 priority.
Please elaborate, your comment just rings hollow when you are not being specific, what has the "left" been lacking? Zionism is fascism, thats what we see is the result of such ethno-nationalist ideology, even if it means something different for Jewish ppl around the world, the end result of the Israeli ethnic cleansing in Palestine is evident and undenyable of what zionism really means and encourages, so maybe you should rethink your position about such asinine ideology.
Hi, Jessie I love your channel however I think that your treatment of the Palestinians is lacking because the claim that the Palestinians have been in Palestine for centuries seems to imply that they are colonists from peninsular Arabia. It also portrays it as if the majority of roman Judea was exiled when it was only really central Judea, the Galilee remained significantly Jewish and was the center of Jewish culture. Additionally there were Arabs in Palestine since antiquity, Gaza for instance was controlled by the Arab Nabataea kingdom before the Hasmoneans conquered it destroyed it in 96 BCE. there was not significant the majority of people in the following centuries were Christianized, Islamized, and Arabized becoming modern Palestinians. Genetic studies have shown that Palestinians along with the Druze, and Palestinian Bedouins cluster with Mizrahi Jews. The fact that they descend doesn't really matter in terms of Indigeneity, and you probably didn't mean it, but this would be similar to calling the majority of Egyptians as Arab Colonists rather than Arabized ancient Egyptians, they may treat the Copts relatively poorly but calling Egyptians merely Arabs would be erasing their history. In the Same Way Zionists leaders have portrayed the Palestinians are colonists from Arabia and thus Israel as a land back movement and erasing the Palestinian's history in the area as Canaanites that were Judaized by Judea, Hellenized by the Diadochi, Romanized & Christianized by the Roman Empire, and Arabized & Islamized by the Various Caliphates they have just as much claim to the major historical sites as the Israelis do.
I was about to say this, the idea that muslims from the Arabian peninsula (and subsequently the Ottoman Empire) ‘conquered’ the land of the levant in the same vain as British and French colonialism and settler colonialism is such a horrible misconception and it’s so saddening to see it perpetuated in this pretty great video. Like you said the people of the levant aren’t Arab colonialists, many shifted religion as empire changed and conceptualising the Muslim empires in the near east in colonial terms is such an oversight on her end and a perpetuation of orientalist ideas. For a video that is about conceptions of antisemitism, it’s honestly sad that orientalism isn’t given the same attention.
@@chidiettre8367 Thank you,and I feel zionists' only arguments are Ancient History and the bible.Which gets old really quick,and doesn't give much nuance to the table.Additionally,Israel made it illegal to do DNA testing,because it's antisemitic I guess?
Thank you. Also so many folks don't consider that most "Arabs" are 'arabasized' and not from the Arabian Peninsula itself. That'd be absurd. They're native peoples who have simply adopted and adapted the Arabic language while retaining or evolving their religious, ethnic, cultural and linguistic identities as any people throughout history are bound to do. Palestinians belong to that land fully and completely in every sense imaginable. They haven't been there for decades, nor centuries, nor millennia. They've simply...been there. Period!
Also, the very status of "native" exists in the context of colonialism. If Mexico suddenly became a superpower and its browner population with its ostensibly older roots came to power and started to colonize and brutalize NA, us Americans and Canadians would rightly be seen as colonized natives regardless of our whiteness or otherwise because we were/are living here before we came to this second new round of colonization.
Yeah, the language people speak is a very bad indicator of genetics. For example Austrians are genetically much closer to Hungarians and Czechs than they are to Germans.
And dont the jewish people have a right for safety? Lets say israel stops existing. By wich i mean it gets invaded and becomes an arab state (Again) What happens to the people there? It has happen hundreds of times before- it shouldnt be hard to answer. 9 million people find themselves under a government that has "kill jews" as a main mossion. Do you actually think its not going to be a genocide?
@@donovan4222 but like, that's still genocide my dude 🤣"it's ok when WE genocide the genociders" also to the first point, does Pakistan have no moral right to exist, or nah it's only Jewish ethnostates?
I'm sorry Jessie, but "Zionism is a form of ethno-nationalism but the basis for it is understandable" doesn't suddenly make Zionism immune to the same trappings as other forms of nationalism, let alone fascism. We've seen far right populism take root in countries that have both previously fallen to or were victimized by fascist regimes, and we have no reason to assume Isreal would be any different from the latter group. Doubly so given how closly tied to western politics Israeli society is.
Agreed completely. Just because the basis for it is understandable doesn't make it not ethno-nationalism. It just makes it harder to try to push back against.
@@MrGameSecrets it defiantly does if you’re trying to get some people who have complicated feelings about Zionism to deconstruct it and fight back against Zionism. It doesnt make it harder for me personally to call if an ethnostate and for me to want to end it. It makes it harder to try to fight back/break it down within people who have been indoctrinated in it because it’s strong traumatic emotional investment that it roots itself in
When it comes to Marx's work "On the Jewish question", it's important to remember that the pamphlet is answering to an anti-semitic paper called "The Jewish Question" in which another author blames the Jews for basically everything wrong with the world, and thus Marx's pamphlet was actually an attempt to tone things down.
He didn't "tone things down", he spent the entire essay debunking the other paper. That was the point. He himself was ethnically Jewish, and is the most famous secular philosopher of all time. He never makes any generalization about Jewish people outside of his own cultural insights into the religious dynamics which he correctly felt needed to be abolished to emancipate themselves from capitalism.
I am one of the, at this point, over 3.5k thousand students that have been arrested/cited and detained (i was arrested) in the U.S. these last few months. I feel deeply passionate and connected to the Palestinian struggle, and in general to the anti-colonial struggle that my family all across the world continues struggling against. But one of the oddest things i witnessed were numerous instances of my fellow well-meaning organizers dipping into anti-semetic ideas, often times without even realizing it. And that was so incredibly disappointing, as I figured as part of a solidarity movement, we would show solidarity with oppressed people everyone, including our Jewish friends across the world who have been fighting anti-semitism for years. Gracefully, members of our JVP spent a lot of time engaging with these students and educating them, but honestly, they should not have had to. So all this to say, that I am really happy that anti-semitism and the way it appears in leftist spaces is being discussed, because I do feel people have been pushing it away to protect the solidarity movement, which i do not feel is just. So thank you for this video and I'm excited to watch it to completion!
If people say they are socialists aka Marxists they can't be antisemitic for self given reasons. However Marxists should be anti-zionists as he was too. He opposed the very foundation of ethno-states completely no matter the ethnicity.
"one of the oddest things i witnessed were numerous instances of my fellow well-meaning organizers dipping into anti-semetic ideas, often times without even realizing" David Schraub has a good paper on this. "The Epistemic Dimension of Antisemitism".
Have these 3.5k students called their local government and made their voices heard? That is lobbying. You don’t need money when these people have to hear what their constituents demand to say. This means, if you have friends who is at DC you can go to the capital and ask to see a HoR member where you reside and if you see a secretary they will pass that voice to the member. The US has a pretty accessible manner of doing this. You should use it. End all aid to Israel.
@@najawin8348 when that region’s land was claimed by people, who through the approval of foreigners, have acknowledged its creation then the end result is terrorist “antisemitic” Hamas group. You create a villain and out comes the monsters. You should remind yourself if Palestine has institutions and when you realize they don’t due to bombings you can see why they can never develop. The history of that region including Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, Iran and Yemen are very much brewed in hatred as the perpetrators, the Israeli government condones what Saudis do to its neighbors while Saudis vice verse. Yemen had 400,000 starving children, Iran always can never develop due to “nuclear capabilities concerns” (Iran’s 1% is enough to make a power plant and not nuclear bombs which is 99% efficiency), Syria and Assad along with Solemani, Iraq crisis actors, Afghanistan and reconstruction money laundering. All these are just current events in the Bush to now era. Our ally has been bothering us to intervene in these desert conflicts… I will read David Schraub but it’s wrong to ignore the hatred that is constantly brewing. This is the same as Biden making Transgender visibility day a thing on the same day as Passover, it’s also the same as Biden calling people who don’t support him as “extreme semi fascists”…
As an American Israeli dual citizen who's become incredibly disillusioned with Israel in the past 10 months, arguing with my Israeli father about Gaza has been the most emotionally draining fight I've ever had. I've always had to ask myself why, despite my continued refutations of being antisemitic, he was so quick to accuse me of being a self-hating jew. This video's done a lot to help answer that question, and so I have to thank you for that.
@@ringsofmars29 you might the documentary israelism helpful. I saw it at a festival and it’s by and about young Israeli’s who became disillusioned with Zionist programming
Yo I’m sorry, that’s a lot of layers of complicated and awful. It’s a bizarre and scary time for people and communities of conscience in Israel, it seems
@@ladygrey4113 I went to a screening of that which was set up by one of the directors of the documentary!! Got to ask them a few questions afterwards, it was really good! I second this recommendation
@@lornm1856 I would argue their dad is only “poor“ for having been conditioned into Zionism his whole life. I hope their dad is one day proud to have raised a kid who can see past a fascist ideology, and unlearn it himself
I'm having a fair few contentions with this video but I want to talk about the IDF military service point? IDF service is mandatory in Israel but if someone refuses they get a prison sentence, and there are many Israeli Jews who refuse to join the IDF and thus serve that sentence. I understand what you're saying but the cartoonist in question (according to Wikipedia) joined the IDF voluntarily even if her personal beliefs differ from the government's (she believes in a Palestinian state, for example). Conflating people who've served in the IDF with Israeli Jews as a whole isn't entirely accurate because of that
There are several articles circulating on how some IDF members and veterans didn't know what was going on until they were in the midst of it and are now speaking out. There is also the group "Combatants for Peace" made of former Palestinian fighters and former members of the IDF. They are doing some great work together.
@@comrade-princesscelestia4907 Makes sense honestly. It's easier to control what information your own population has access to than to control the entire world.
Too bad we don't hold elected Isreli and 'Merican leaders to the same standard of speech that we hold college protesters to. They never have to show nuance or deference to Islamophobia in their words.
Ok that makes me feel more reassured cuz I was identifying strongly with my tennis ball identity for “default” people (of whichever gd demographic category) but didn’t want to misunderstand and upset someone by saying so.
Yup. My husband is Jewish, and I'm a low-melanin child of the American Deep South. I've made that remark to him more than once, that low-melanin folk will treat him and his like one of them only so long as it's useful for them.
@@gn.punpunbecause of its proximity to white supremacy, capitalism and imperialism. It’s very different from converged interest as the latter is mutually beneficial whereas ultimately the former only ultimately benefits one party i.e. white supremacists which can exist in both left and right wing spaces as is being shown in places such as the UK
I've been a subscriber of yours for a while, and I feel around the 3rd hour mark the video focuses too much on coddling the feelings of people who willingly and proudly sustain oppressive systems because of a romantic idea of nationalism. At some point it's my responsability to look past my feelings as an oppressor and just do the listening and sit down, my feelings do not matter when they sustain genocide, here in my country or in the US or in Israel. Maybe it's not realistic to expect people to behave the same way, but I don't have to entertain them in the delusion that my feelings as an oppressed yet also privileged person trumps those of someone who are under my country's boots.
Hey Jess Ive been watching your stuff for a few years, I remember a video you made about trans people and sports. I just watched your video "When Your Favorite Creator Turns Out to Be Pro-Israel" and I don't think there is anything wrong with your original video, actually you nailed it with one of your closing statements "it's also important to remember that this support needs to go to and the voices need to be heard of the Palestinian people right now they are the ones in most dire and direct threat and they need to be put first " so pivoting from putting the attention towards the genocide that is being committed by the state of Israel to anything else specially the feelings of your close network seems rather strange, to be fair I could only watch 25 minutes of this video, however arguing about the safety of people in a comment section or US campuses instead of focusing in what really matters "The Genocide" seems rather strange, I don't know what else to say, good luck.
Keep watching. Later Jesse explains in great detail how zionisimand nazism have similar ideological roots, ho Israel today is racist and fascistic, how Palestinian resistence is absolutely crucial
Well put. Yes antisemitism is one of the world’s oldest bigotries, but when paranoia and self flagellation over antisemitism coincides with an ongoing genocide being perpetrated by Israel, you have to wonder whether your attention is being redirected by design.
I wonder why, in so many other discussions, there has never once been a discussion of the role of Islamophobia in imperial history, as a significant portion of the Israel-Palestine conflict also relates to Palestinians’ struggle to overcome Islamophobic characterizations (whether or not those Palestinians are themselves Muslim). Backwardsness, being prone to violence, having inclinations to savagery, being imbued with inherent murderous hatred, maintaining an aversion to freedom or democracy, being fundamentally incompatible with “Western values” Islamophobia is a problem on the right, the center, and the left. Whatever the West is at any given time, we were the opposite. So it has been for a thousand years I appreciate Jessie’s willingness to say the word “Islamophobia” and to talk about it. It made me feel seen. I wish we could see a larger discussion about Islamophobia not as a thing that has existed for a few decades, but as a centuries-old institution in which current bigotries are deeply rooted
@@Beretta249True. Let’s not forget that the Reconquista and Crusades (well most of them at least) were fought against Muslim aggression. Now I don’t know about Muslims wanting to invade Europe in today’s world though. I mean except for ISIS I guess.
Because Islam/Muslims were (and continue to be) themselves an imperial force since the last 1400 years. The fact that their imperialism has been on a 250-year or so hiatus doesn't change the fact that their culture is responsible for wiping out (via either cultural genocide OR actual genocide OR a combination of both) the indigenous cultures of North Africa, the Middle East, and parts of South Asia and South East Asia. So yes, pardon us for 'infidels' who've had a close brush with Islam for rejecting your defence of and propaganda on behalf of Islamic imperialism.
@@disdoncable Literally every single thing you’ve said is wrong. Name one scholar of African histories, Islamic history, South Asian history, or Middle Eastern history who has ever claimed any of this to be true in any peer-reviewed work. I can find every single point you make if I look to professional Islamophobic grifters, but won’t find a hint of it in any academic field. That in mind, bringing this line of discussion into a dialogue about how unchecked Islamophobia is being weaponized against Muslims is about as ironic as it gets
Thank you so much for this, Jessie! Us Muslims are trying to so hard to deal with our trauma of oppression, especially with the Jews & the LGBTQ community. We are aware of the homophobia, misogyny and antisemitism within our community, but bombing or collective punishment on us will not solve those issues We should do more than just "make peace" and instead, discuss our shared trauma and find out how to go through them together while facing against hate & seek justice.
The excuse of "oh there are sexist/racist/anti-LGBTQ2A people in that community" is so incredible bigoted and disgusting. Every community has a spectrum of people including bad apples. It's just an absurd and abhorrent attempt to ""justify"" perpetuating harm against a community. They're just using other oppressed communities as scapegoats for their hatred for another oppressed community, it's infuriating.
@@Germania9 the thing is homophobes are everywhere you go, why do Muslims have to shoulder and apologize for something every group deals with? Look at Israel, gay marriage isn’t accepted there even though they prop themselves as a gay haven
@@alimhamad6532THANK YOU! 😅 Like whyy?? I agree. As another Muslim. Its literally slaughter and we still need to be on the defence? Typical White Privilege 😅 No. No excuses. Also that Jessie says its Racist to say "Go back to Europe" Is sooo "Amurica" coded😂
THIS! When I am pressured about whether I am a Zionist or Anti-Zionist within the Jewish community, I always tell people it's nuanced but it begins with this: Regardless of the deep past or present, Palestinians and us have far more in common than what separates us. And anyway, Palestinians have lived, died, and made more Palestinians who have only known the Land (A phrase I use because Israel, Palestine, or Israel-Palestine have all been divisive terms, and I'm trying to build a bridge), they have just as much right to it as we do, and so any "Zionism" that I have begins and ends with this: Israelis _must_ learn to live in equal peace and hopefully over time, brotherhood, with the Palestinians. The rest of my answer is rooted not in the inevitability of violence against Jews in the Western world, but the seeming lack of interest in breaking a cycle of violence and bigotry against us. I often tell Gentiles "well, y'all don't seem particularly interested in _not_ killing us every fifty years or so like clockwork, so until you get a handle on that impulse, I do think having a safe place to go is important." BUT AGAIN: THE SAME APPLIES TO PALESTINIANS. The blockade of Gaza is a violation of fundamental human rights. The treatment of Palestinians in the West Bank and Hebron is a violation of fundamental human rights. There's a racist hypocrisy that lies at the center of that argument, if it doesn't demand an end to the conflict and a just and equitable land for everyone.
Just a quick FYI, Jessie - at the end when you tried to reference other videos people could turn to there was white text saying "thumbnail here" and no thumbnails. This was great. You are one of the most nuanced and important voices on TH-cam. Keep up the solid work.
Honestly, I get it. Replacing placeholders for small things get lost. I honestly think it's funny it happened, but I do think it's worth adding links in the description.
It was a tremendous honor to have contributed to this video. A very important topic and a ton of work went into this. I'm so proud of Jessie and the rest of the team that put this video together. Really hope that it reaches the right people and helps to heal the hurt so many of us feel right now. With love, Miranda
I will just ask, while it is important to highlight the persecution and oppression which created the sentiment for the origin of Zionism as an ideology, why would anyone who is Jewish identify with it? Its a strictly fascist ideology which seeks to have an ethno state as a safe haven for Jewish people which is in itself wrong, as there should be no ethno state for any religion, but most importantly because of the consequences of that ideology are most clear with the ongoing genocide against Palestinians, so its time for all Jewish people to reject that ideology rather than embrace it.
Also seconded! Uh third...ed? Seriously, three cheers for you and everyone who's putting their necks on the line to stand up for what's right! - Against the horrors happening to _our fellow humans!_ - Our "PALs"! (Sorry, The Platform won't let me even say their people's name, or use simple little shapes like a red 🔼 or a slice of ❤🍈.)
Jessie, I have been watching your videos for a long time. You introduced me to my favorite show, Star Trek. I am disappointed that this is the avenue you chose, rather than an angle of prioritizing the lived experiences of Palestinians. Every single day, human beings, including children, in Gaza is ongoing, are being murdered. The urgency of this cause cannot be overstated. Amplifying opposition to this is an URGENT need. We should be using every possible tool at our disposal to do whatever we can to contribute to stopping this crime against humanity. It is easy to feel helpless as an individual, but every single person we can educate on what is happening, who will then add their own voice to the chorus of demanding our governments stop funding and supporting the genocide, matters. Every single one. And someone who has the platform that you do can make an outsized impact. I know that you have generally spoken against the genocide, but that is not the same thing as applying your talent and resources to actively advocating against it. Antisemitism is obviously a terrible problem, but to choose this moment in time to expound upon Zionism as a rationalization for a lack of unequivocal opposition the genocide hat is happening right now, as I type this, that has been ongoing for decades, is unconscionable. It is also an insult to Jewish people like me. I think it is a mistake to in any way cater to people who are do not actively and staunchly oppose genocide, or in denial about the reality of said genocide and 70+ years of well-documented history. I can’t support you prioritizing a video like this. You could have even made one centering the urgent and immediate need to address rampant, rising Islamophobia. I hope you are able to truly consider why there has been so much opposition to you making this video, and to look at this from a different perspective.
Thank you for this video, it has been quite helpful to gain a perspective that isn't always available to me as a Muslim leftist who isn't in community with zionists. I stopped here: 2:59:20. Mosab Hassan Yousef is an Islamophobe who has compared Islam to Nazism and has routinely called for violence against Muslims and Palestinians. Incredible to quote him as you discuss the bigotries that matter.
I haven't gotten to that point yet but I've seen interviews with him, he is completely unhinged and a literal government shill. Americans have some great slurs for the kind of person he is.
I'm stunned to have missed that when i watched this - that Jessie would quote Yousef as a source given the absolutely vile and dehumanising rhetoric he has used to describe the Palestinian people (while also denying that Palestinian people actually exist). Disappointed in Jose for reading that quote too. Far out.
His quout has the same energy of "im not racist... but". He starts talking about how islam is based on compation and mercy, than he pushes that hamas "islamized" and become anti-semetic. Also him saying that hamas don't care about israel policies, and only are moved by a anti-semetic fervor against israel is wild... Her validating that quout makes me sick.
Voting is not harm reduction. Harm reduction is a concept that was co-opted by Dems. There have been many radical actions done in terms of harm reduction with drug use. I know you are well researched and thoughtful so please do some research on what "harm reduction" actually is.
100% never again applies to every human being on the planet. If you have never watched the channel world War II week by week, they have a sub-series called the war against humanity in which it covers all of the war crimes committed by all parties everywhere during the war and right now they are at the point of coverage where the war in Europe is over. And now you are actually seeing German citizens and occupied Eastern Europe experiencing the same treatment that Jewish and other minority groups experienced under Nazi rule. Mass deportations, being placed in camps and Force marches without any resources to sustain themselves. Literally right after we stopped the Holocaust, we allowed for more human rights violations in the immediate wake of it and it has been that way, practically ever since with different groups being victims at different times and most of the time the Western world turning their head as not to see.
Just a heads up, the quote about antisemitism being the rocket fuel of zionism is not from Doppelganger (which was also spelled incorrectly numerous times, but that's besides the point). It's actually from an opinion piece Klein wrote for The Guardian called "In Gaza and Israel, side with the child over the gun" a few days after October 7. You should probably correct that. That's why in academia we have to indicate page number when quoting something. Also, you kind of removed the best part of the article that literally gave name to it. A bit disappointing.
Because Nazism is explicitly anti-Jewish, and an "anti-Jewish Jewish" Israeli is a literal contradiction in terms? Israelis can be racist, but they can't specifically believe that Germans constitute the master race (Herrenvolk) and that it's the Germans' responsibility to destroy the Jewish people in their entirety, as well as all other people classed as undesirables (Untermenschen). Not _everyone_ can be a Nazi, easily the most exclusionary ideology ever conceived. Israelis can absolutely be the most vicious, unrepentant racists imaginable (and, as we have seen for the last 10 months, that means hundreds of thousands of them), and they still wouldn't be Nazis. Zionism can be a racist ideology asserting Jews' exclusive right to the land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea without it also being the racist ideology asserting that Jews are an inherently inferior race of subhumans whose greatest crime is that they exist and whose only solution is their total extirpation, which is what Nazism is, always has been, and always will be.
I wish comments like these were more clear in who they're referencing so I can hopefully avoid supporting that person in the future? I'm not trying to come off as doubtful at all, and like I completely understand it's not anyone's job to educate random commenters on problematic people, but if you're already bothering to make a comment on it I don't see the point in keeping it so vague (unless youtube flags it for some reason?) again sorry, I'm pretty out of the loop when it comes to youtubers/creators/online people and I'm not sure where to start with all the names listed in the description
@@dazc9965TH-cam is not very involved in regulating comment sections unless people actively report a comment. TH-cam creators are the ones that decide what gets through (by setting filters) and what gets to stay (by deleting what they don’t want)
4 hour long Jessie Gender Video??? Girl you’re definitely getting 100% viewer retention from me, i’m so here for this. You’re a brilliant essayist and I can’t wait to see how you tackle this.
With the number of TikToks I’ve seen of Israelis civilians supporting the genocide in Palestine, whether by making fun of Palestinian detainees or by making fun of how they have electricity and resources while Palestinians don’t, to say that Israeli civilians don’t represent the actions of their government is incorrect. Israel as a society is deeply rooted in anti-Palestinian racism and rhetoric even if there might be Israeli citizens who don’t agree with this current trend in Israel (which I’ve seen and I am with you, it must be horrible to live in such a society). Even Norman Finkelstein, a Jewish professor expert on the state of Israel and the ongoing genocide in Palestine whose parents have survived the Holocaust, has stated so about Israel, even calling it “a lunatic society.” I’ve seen this comment before, but I will reiterate it here: just like Germany was denazified, just like Japan was denazified, so must Israel be denazified. And it is not antisemitic to say such a thing.
@@JessieGender1 I haven’t watched all of your video and I plan to do so, but I stopped at the beginning of the video where you said that Israeli civilians don’t represent the actions of their government. I do think that in order for the genocide to end, something within the Israeli society needs to change and not only their government, which is what I meant by my last sentence. But you might’ve talked about this in depth in your video, so I’ll watch it in full. I usually comment after finishing videos, so I’m really sorry about that, but yeah just wanted to add my thoughts on that as well.
@@Bagelsmoker1945While I agree, a majority of Israelis do support the current operations in Gaza and I’ve seen many testimonies from pro-Palestinian Israelis that all revolved in being bullied by their peers for expressing support to the Palestinian cause. So there is a problem within the Israeli society, and it’s not just the government that’s at fault.
@@JessieGender1that’s not what @sparkfan6135 said. There’s sufficient evidence at this point to suggest that hatred of Palestinians is a pathology endemic to Israeli society. This is neither rare nor surprising considering systems of childhood indoctrination in Israeli schools (Nurit Peled has written about this), mandatory conscription, and the maintenance of Israel through military violence against Palestinians. You cannot reform a fundamentally ethnonationalist state by voting out one iteration of a fascist government. Rather there must be total social reform, denazification as the OP said, to address the root cause of such a government’s existence in the first place.
I feel like you did a really good job of trying to pass through the real complexity of the situation while also making it clear about what's wrong with much of the ideas around it. I can't lie and say I haven't fallen into any of these talking points at some point only to need to check myself. There is a very deep complex nature to this whole situation, some more simple than others to understand that argue, but at the same time, there's times where we really need to recognize we were going down a certain path that we really shouldn't be. I have both Jewish and Palestinian coworkers I work with, neither of them really speak on it, but myself I try to understand the whole situation because I know people around me are going to be affected by it, and I don't like the idea of anybody being hurt for any reason because of it. Plus I never really understood the question of do you condemn Hamas, as if all this started on October 7th and hasn't been going on for decades. I myself haven't been following this whole situation for that long, but anytime I look at anything, I always make it a priority to learn where & when it started, because when you don't know that, you can't really understand the whole picture. And finding out that the Israeli government is responsible for the creation of Hamas in the same way that America's is responsible for the creation of the taliban, I feel like just really for his how complicated this situation truly is, but also shows just How deeply America is at the root of a lot of the world's problems.
The bottom line to me is, which is the side with countries with a lot of money and power backing them? They don't need support, they need to be stopped.
I wouldn't go so far as to say Kamala was "far superior" to Biden, she's still a Dem and all the other stuff. Even if we skip her last week of nonsense...
as an israeli i hate everything that is happening, we are stuck in a positive feedback loop of hate and violence, and using said violence to vote for people like netanyahu to continue being loud and aggressive and distrust and uncooperativeness
Do you ever feel like Hamas and Likudniks need each other? The worse thing that could happen to Hamas is an Israeli government that is invested (not just words, but money) to developing a Palestinian state. And the worse thing that could happen to the Likud is a Palestinian state were Jews are safe to visit, travel, work, and invest. It’s beyond a positive feedback loop, it’s two parasites in a symbiotic relationship.
@@lolaa.8161 apparently TH-cam won’t let me give a response with sources from amnesty international. Which is not conducive to any form of dialogue. So my question is very simple, how is murdering peace activists like Vivian Silver going to bring liberation? Hamas’s targeting of civilians, use of child soldiers, persecution of Palestinians is all well documented (by organizations like amnesty international). And these atrocities are hand waved as “resistance”. But why is my framework problematic? Why do so many insist that Hamas fights for liberation as the left understands it? Hamas is an organization who fights oppression, genocide, and mass murder through a framework of religious totalitarianism and seeks to establish their own regime of oppression. And I’m sick and tired of being asked to overlook the fact that they are not in the name of a greater cause. Systems of oppression succeed by turning the oppressed into oppressors, by affording rights and benefits to the oppressor, and the fear that they will loose their rights and privileges should the oppression cease. Hamas does not seek for the Palestinian people to be freed of the system, but to become the new oppressors. If the system of oppression ends, Hamas looses their raison d'état. Take your instance that murdering peace activists is a form of resistance and do what you will with it. But giving any form of support for Hamas at this point is voting for the panthers eating face party.
What about peojects lke Senenia, the Olive Tree Project, and aeveral others that have worked to build Palestinian stability in either the West Bank or Gaza? My heart broke as I watched olive trees i'd invested in get blown to Hell but those are cross religious and cross racial projects at tearing down walls and stopping settlement building.
Can't find the exact time after watching but on the topic of 'who is Indigenous?' I'd like to add a fairly simplified distinction we frequently use in discussing Māoritanga and tino rangatiratanga. In short, Indigeneity is about relationship to *dispossession* of a land you are native to, not solely relationship to a land you are native to. It is about the relationship to colonisation and its impact on the people and the land, not just about the people and the land, easily resolving the issue of 'when is the arbitrary start date?' To be Indigenous you must be both: 1) Able to trace your ancestry back to this land 2) Dispossessed of this land in an *ongoing and present* manner Danish people are little i indigenous to Denmark but they are not big I Indigenous to Denmark. They are a people from that land (while of course dramatically more recently and contiguously than Jewish people from Palestine) but they are not a people displaced/colonised/oppressed within or from their own land and thus it would be laughable for a Danish person to refer to themselves as Indigenous. They fulful category 1 but not 2 and are not Indigenous. I as a Māori am Indigenous to Aotearoa because my people fulfil category 1 & 2 for Aotearoa. My ancestors came from elsewhere in Polynesia, like Sāmoa, so by the stretched definitions sometimes applied to the Jewish people and Israel I am indigenous to Sāmoa, a land I and any ancestors I know of have never even been to. If Māori oppression were to worsen in Aotearoa, would we be justified in colonising Sāmoa, imposing Māori culture, and establishing a Māori state at the expense of Sāmoans? If we were to do so, we would then be colonisers (fulfilling only #1) and Sāmoans would be the Indigenous people in the relationship (fulfilling #1 and 2). In the same way, the Irish were/are the Indigenous people of Ireland, but Irish Americans were/are the colonisers of the USA. Should Irish Americans, whose ancestors fled British colonisation, colonise Ireland and impose Irish American culture and nationhood upon the Irish people, the Irish Americans then in remarkable fasion would be colonisers of a land they can claim ancestry to and thus be indigenous, but as colonisers would *not* be Indigenous. It seems quite clear in these cases that if you have to leave a place, go off and form a new cultural identity, and return later to conquer, you do not have any legitimacy as indigenous. This is why the relationship to power, colonisation, and dispossession is such a key part of the definition.
Thanks about your explanation, i was aware anout indigineity being connected to the relation with colonialism, but i was neves able that articulate that well in my head.
There is no general definition of Indigenous. You would think something like the UN would have one, but they decline to specify a generalised definition for good reason - circumstances vary from place to place and time to time and you can be damn sure there's several situations out there that confound the cleverest definition. Having said that, the definition you elaborate here is exactly or close to what's used pretty much everywhere, and your examples of Ireland and Aotearoa do a great job of distinguishing between indigenous and Indigenous, and they are relatively easy because we're talking about islands with clear-cut edges to distinct territories. However examples can get really really messy, especially where there is a long history of ebb and flow across a contiguous landmass, with settlement, clearance, imperialism, cultural shifts, populations made up of persons of mixed heritage aligning in part wholly to several cultural traditions and identifying in various ways. Even your Irish example gets messy very fast in multiple ways and in both directions and you have to start making arbitrary decisions about cutoff dates, genetics, cultural practices, and the reality that across much of the world the cultures that enter history, are visible through history, and experience settler colonialism are themselves a mish-mash of cultural traditions, waves of settlement, subsuming of settler populations, slow trickles of migrants, migrations out of and back into a given piece of land etc etc that are sometimes recorded in history and sometimes not. Even if we say 'the people living on the land when settler colonialism happened who have no record of living elsewhere prior to that' it is not hard to find examples of the next question being "which wave of settler colonialism?" followed by "how many generations back do we go? Not to mention problematic questions around don't-go-there topics like 'blood purity.' Aotearoa is actually an outlier case, where we can point to clear-cut distinctions, when the planet as a whole is considered. Ireland, despite on the face of it being another good example, is the direct opposite. In most cases you just have to set cut-off dates, draw border lines, assign labels and declare "for the purposes of X, all of population Y are treated as Indigenous" or abandon any discussion about Indigeneity in that instance.
Great comment! The funny thing about your Irish-American example too is that the "American" culture that Irish-Americans were forced to assimilate into has its roots in British culture. So it would be people of Irish descent imposing a culture of British origin on Irish people, which would then continue the history of the British oppressing the Irish, if you think about it
The key thing that I always try to keep in mind is that oppression does not justify oppression. The historical oppression of Jews does not justify Israeli oppression of Palestinians; similarly Israeli oppression of Palestinians does not justify oppression of Israelis. Oppression itself is the enemy. It is not a question of who should or shouldn't be oppressed, or who can or can't do the oppression.
@Peasham , not for lack of trying. Keep in mind Israel was invaded and attacked by its neighbors multiple times. It was invaded by 7 different countries within 24 hours of declaring independence. Their entire goal was to "drive the Jews into the sea."
Look at what was happening to the Palestinians in the six months before those countries attacked "within 24 hours." The Nakba did not start in response to that attack. The systematic dispossession of urban Palestinians and the destruction of villages had started months before.
almost every conflict involving israel has either been initiated by israel or has been a neighbouring country responding to israel's treatment of Palestinians or other bs They invaded the land that the UN set out as Palestinian land, they invaded the Golan Heights (Syria), they even occupied the entire Sinai peninsula (Egypt) for years. Israel is not a victim in the middle east, they are an occupying army.
@@violet7773 ?????? Syria literally was using the Golan Heights to launch rockets and artillery into Israel. Everyone but Syria accepted the UN ceasefire proposal, who continued to attack villages in Israel until Israel captured Golan. They didn't "invade" the Golan Heights, they counterattacked an enemy position who was actively engaged in hostilities with them.
(Sees runtime.) Well I'm in the hospital atm so excellent timing; I get to lay in adjudy bed and watch your hard work unfold while people bring me stuff. Yay for being sick? (Obviously tragic that anything about the situation is happening at all.)
@@searchingfororion I just got out of the hospital not long ago. I think some people don't realize how stressful filling the long hours from when they wake you up for vitals to when you crash again at night can be as the day(s) tick by. Good luck and I hope you feel better.
@@tsuritsa3105 Aww. That's genuinely sweet. Yeah, sleep isn't easy to find (I also have vampires intermixed with my night vitals; double checking to see if I have the right mix of hemoglobin ect or if they need to send a note in that the cocktail is off - so helpful vamps but double the waking.) Honestly this was the last type of response I was expecting to the joke at my situation - it's refreshingly kind. I *do* hope that whatever brought you to the land of premium price rooms, though lacking the gild and glamour, gave you the help you needed and you're now recovered/ing well in comfort.
@@searchingfororion I had night vampires too, mostly so they could check my potassium and other vitamin levels. I'm recovering now. It's a process but I'll get there.
True, however I have seen a lot of leftists fall back into antisemitic tropes to criticise the Israeli government and supporters of Israel. We shouldn't presume all accusations are made in bad faith.
Except that it often is, thb. And I say this as a Jew who is against political Zionism. For example, framing the conflict as white vs brown which is based on the social whiteness of many Ashkies in specifically the US and Canada and AUS/NZ when Ashkies are absolutely no more socially white in Europe to this day than the Roma are. Not to mention this framing also blatantly ignores that the majority of Jews in Israel are actually the descendants of those ethically cleansed from the rest of SWANA for being Jewish and thus are not white by any American understanding. At all.
@@eclecticlittledork3418 I can't speak for all of Europe, it's a diverse subcontinent, but in the UK the Roma are far more marginalised than the Jews. The whiteness of Jews is really dependent on the rhetorical convenience of the person speaking in any given instance but the Roma are always othered and foreign.
@@jhf2121, eh. More legally marginalized? Absolutely. However, if you speak to Jews in the UK there absolutely is quite a ton of discrimination and outright antisemitism. The more shtark or visibly religious one gets the more experiences of outright antisemitism one has, but as a whole most Jews will experience overt antisemitism at some point.
I'm a university student and my experience was that our protest camp was shut down towards the end of term because there were some instances of illegal (against university rules, not the law that I know) peaceful protest where people hijacked meetings. We had three requests: 1. University publicly supports an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza. 2. University cuts all ties with arms companies. 3. University management does not pursue disciplinary action against students or staff involved in protests. The university itself didn't do any of these they said they have to be apolitical, the collaborations were on departmental levels so it wasn't their place to interfere (there was no consistent central funding) and they felt justified in taking action against protesters who were disruptive. We have had some level of victory as we are being attacked rather than ignored, but the University has only continued to be a sanctuary offering scholarships to Palestinians. We also got our student's union to intake the following policies: 1. University calls for a permanent ceasefire. 2. University agrees to cut ALL ties with arms manufacturers. 3. University management agrees upon full annual disclosure of university-wide assets, including direct and indirect investments, land holdings, donations, and grants. 4. Lancaster University reaffirms its status as a sanctuary university by offering scholarships to Palestinian refugees and commits to investments in education within the region.
The way to not be antisemitic while criticizing Israel is to be specific. It seems to me that these college protest were pretty successful at using specificity. It’s not Jewish hate to say that Netanyahu is a war criminal. It’s when people become a lot less specific that you can see the antisemitism. It is likely that antisemitism will be on the rise as a result of the war crimes currently happening in Gaza though. It’s an absolute mess. This is coming someone who is secularly Jewish
It will take a long time for me to process everything in this video, as a pro-Palestine Jew, but I will say you have addressed this topic with so much more care than anyone else I have seen on TH-cam. Not that it should be a competition. But thank you. I think I might cry...
Hey, sorry if this is cheesy, but I just want you to know, as a leftist atheist, I see you too. Jessie isn't the only one. This whole conflict is deeply painful for Jews too and I think that should be acknowledged; this samsara of pain and horror in Palestine is good for no one. No average people, anyway. Jews are not the villains; most of them are victims, some of whom have been convinced that this injustice is good for them. Free everyone in Palestine from all forms of oppression; no true liberation can be exclusionary.
To their credit, not only did South Africa use the word “apartheid” to describe Israel’s occupation of Palestinians, so did former President Jimmy Carter and the US-based NGO Human Rights Watch, some years back.
As a jewish person whos been emboldened in my identity by my deprogramming from zionism and the breakaway from israel as a country who, when you delve into it, has no respect for me as a "diaspora jew", it saddens me to see people feel unsafe in a place that realistically wants to build them up. The paranoia of Israel has wormed it's way into many of our hearts, until words like "jew/jewish" or "zionist" become synonymous with Israel to such a toxic degree. On both ends. It HAS led to overt antisemitism, because when israel reinforces that synonysm its not the fault of the oppressed if they repeat it in their reaction. But it also is leading to many people who would otherwise be completely against the actions in palestine to be accepted or even DESIRED simply because of this association It is difficult to deal with. To see people walk away, cast away, or even decry people who have love for them simply because the binding ties israel has cast upon our synagogues has led to us growing up in these heavily indoctrinating societies between jews. Personally, i was not disowned by my family for my trans identity. But i was for standing wholeheartedly against the genocide of the people of the surrounding region... Hah, i wound up rambling. I hope people come back to you Jessie, youre good people, youre kind, and we all deserve the love of our fellows.
Thank you for making this video, it's giving me a more clear and concise vision so far. It also makes me feel safer, and that I can actually do something. I don't know how to end these types of things so... Great video!
I could not be more proud to have worked on this with you Jessie. I’ve felt so powerless in the face of all this, it means so much to have helped on a video that will be seen by so many and actually move the conversation in a more mature and helpful direction. Truly, I’ll never be able to thank you enough for giving me the chance to do so. Hope to chat with you soon.
This was an incredible video essay. As a Palestinian, I applaud your unbiased stance on this issue. Instead of focusing on "condemning" one side, you aimed to present the audience with facts. However controversial it seemed, the truth is that we are all inherently flawed and the fight between the initially-funded-by-israel Hamas and the Israeli Government is a testament for the need for humanity to look in a different direction opposed to war. In the end, this war, in fact, all wars happening right now as I comment, all feels non sensical to me. Again, thank you so much for your efforts in to bringing this video to life.
Right? It's a bit of a drain on me when I make a 20 minute researched podcast. That's just audio. 4 hours of editing video with so many clips is mind boggling.
She’s spoken before about how these videos do often drain her. Take it from a fellow TH-camr, feeling overwhelmed is part of the job description but it’s even worse when you’re marginalized.
@@tuckerbugeater jessie is a transgender woman who has a lot of pressure on her shoulders when it comes to videos like this due to her public status AS a well known trans woman
It's more accurate to say that Zionism is a colonialist ethno nationalist movement that was founded in response to descrimination against the Jewish people largely in Europe.
Regarding why Israel gets so much more focus than other countries doing similar things, if the focus is from Americans, the fact that Israel being actively supported by the US government seems like a pretty important difference. I obviously don't want any country doing such things, but I especially don't want my country enabling it.
Some context about the pale of settlement: it was a part of russia where jews were allowed to settle. It was created after poland-lithuania's east (where a lot of jews lived due to a history of relatively tolerant policy towards jews) was conquered by russia (where until then very few jews lived).
2:44:46 Yes. That’s exactly my problem, I am a Jewish trans woman with a disability and I can’t just live in my own without support, and I can’t be open about opposing the ongoing genocide without alienating important people in my life. And at the same time my queer and leftist friends don’t understand why I am not so vociferous and loud as they are. And I do see them absorb and integrate explicit Judenhass tropes and treat me more coldly. It is a struggle I sublimate by being especially loud in my work for equity and justice for trans people and people of color and refugees. And I hope people take the hint. But it seldom happens.
I was raised as a White American revert Muslim from when I was 5 till I was 17 (came out as a trans guy and looking for my own path), and being a kid in Islam who was constantly a victim of people assuming any woman with a scarf is automatically linked to terroristic groups (because funny enough, no one could tell if the men were Muslim unless in traditional clothing, so Women got the brunt of it) and was yelled at multiple times as a child, by adults I did not know, for the actions of a group I never even knew outside of the news. So when I hear people protesting for the acknowledgement of Palestine, but then they fall down the rabbit hole of offending those who happen to be Jewish, who aren't all with Israel's political side or haven't even stepped foot on the land, it just baffles me. What need is there to scare people simply because of their faith or ancestry? It only causes more hate and distrust. And people need to be careful of their words and learn more before jumping into anything BECAUSE of this. I deeply want to get into more things like protesting to help raise the voices of Palestine, but I fear if some protestors say harsh words of the Jewish people, it will cause things to get worse and I might let my emotions out lol.
Also speciesism is also anti-animals and insult to injury to also be compared to the indoctrinated humans, let alone when also their ab*sers and rpists?
The main reason Israel is singled out for condemnation of its apartheid and genocide because it receives billions of dollars in aid, diplomatic cover and other major supports from the most powerful imperial force on the planet. Other genocidal regimes should be condemned. But the power and financial issue cannot be subtracted from this subject.
I think both things can be true. It's like when media gives disproportionate attention to women they hate, while they may have many reasons they hide behind misogyny always plays a role in the background. I genuinely believe most antizionist sentiments in the left aren't antisemitic, but antizionism in general can always be weaponized by antisemites
Yes, Western governments calling out Israel is indeed hypocrisy... And that's why I as a citazen of the western colonial world, support land back and support Palestine
@shibibi1 so asking Isreal not to bomb kids on a daily basis is too much and people on the west shouldn't call it out? How many more kids wish to see killed?
@@shibibi1 isreal is an aparthied that treats muslims and Christian palastnians as 2nd class citizens and even worse in the occupied west bank, not denying America's past crimes but at least on American soil in 21st century there is no group is treated as horribly as the palastnians in their own land
Some topics, such as this one, are only possible to give due respect to with a minimum of a four hour discussion. Thank you so much for your hard work and intellectual and well researched approach.
This video feels like a four-hour, thorough version of a set of clarifications that I myself have had to preempt so many conversations with. That said I do think there were a lot of capitulations and acceptance of certain framings that I would certainly not have made. The number of notes I have would make this a novel and may more reflect a relationship with my own worldview as opposed to a broader, less informed one. Either of those reasons would make me putting them here not terribly helpful. Solid video overall. Despite my disagreements seems like a very good thing to put out. *Edit: just a note it sounded like you said 3000 civilians dying at the music festival. It is my understanding that is an incorrect figure.*
Just going to add this after thinking my comment over for a little bit. I think I got a touch defensive given the topic being putting the left (deservedly) on blast for antisemitism. Think I felt impulsively like I had to defend myself instead of taking the video as it was intended. This one was not about me and I apologize if I literally came off as the smug leftist you were rightly criticizing in the video. Centering myself was completely inappropriate. My apologies. Antisemitism having far too comfortable a home in the rhetoric of the left is important to call out. It absolutely destroys solidarity as you rightly pointed out. Thank you for the good work.
I like that you eye shadow matches your glasses it messes with my mind but it's really cool, also thank you for speaking on important topics I hope your not having to much of a hard time 💚
Thank you for discussing this topic in such detail; it's getting more and more difficult as a Jewish person to have productive conversations with other leftists about the genocide happening right now.
Thank you, I can't imagine the time and energy that went into making this. I'll be working my way through it over the next... let's say week or so, the topic is a bit of an energy drain, in addition to setting aside time to give it the proper attention, but I always love your work and look forward to it, kinda. I mean I do, but, you know what I mean.
Thank you so much for this. You are an amazing essayist and this really touched my heart as an lonely rural anarchist. You make me hopeful that the future we are trying to build might actually happen.
I will watch this part after part thrpughput the following days! Thank you for the video, for the true reflection and massive work you put into this video! 🖤❤
I think it’s a bit of a misnomer saying that ‘Israeli’ colonists aren’t European by saying many are American, as they’re not native to the americas, they are native ultimately to Europe, which colonised America
you should've paid attention to the video. most israeli jews are middle eastern in origin - ashkenazi jews from europe are the smaller population. please educate yourself before trying to teach people about a society you clearly don't know much about.
@@johnsushi2007 cool, do exactly what the video is advising us not to do and distract from my clarifying that most Israeli Jews aren’t of European descent by focusing on the etymology of the word mustache, completely irrelevant to my response and the original comment.
@@elgranespejoit doesn’t really matter where the colonizers come from tbh. They’re still participating in European style colonialism, propped up by a settler colonial empire.
Jews as a whole are not required to be (And many many are not) in any way related to Israel and that project. If someone who is 'Anti-zionist/anti israeli state) but feel uncomfortable with Jessie's level of criticism and concern: You need to check yourself. You SHOULD feel uncomfortable with this whole thing and NOT try to have a safe space where you can hide your feelings. Examine your feelings. 'Do you feel complicit?' could be a good starting point.
Yes, correct on all counts but not all imperialism/colonialism is fascism. All are dangerous and need to be fought, but it behooves us to be able to describe each correctly so as to discuss fighting them in specific terms rather than just through generalized populist sentiments.
"Fascism is colonialism" is not a populist term at all. No politician says that. Since the beginning, Nazis emulated the US' colonialism to develop their policies. That's why they invaded their neighboring countries, took their land and drove their victims to reservations (the OG inspiration of the ghettos).
Populism is not when "politican says a thing" or "thing is popular". Populist rhetoric is when "a political approach that strives to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups." It's wielded by many groups across all political groups. However, when populism is undirected; it can lead easily to antisemitism. And again, no one is arguing that fascism isn't embedded with colonialism. Colonialism and fascism however are two different things. One could even safely argue that all fascism is inherently colonial. But not all colonialism is fascism. The argument is not to call Israel INCAPABLE of fascism (its doing fascism right now) but to say that it won't all ways be fascist, nor has always been, but it will always be colonial and therefore always genocidal against the Palestinians, even when not overtly fascist.
When discussing fascism and colonialism, it is crucial to recognize both the connections and distinctions between these two concepts. Fascism, as a political ideology, is deeply rooted in ideas of racial superiority, national rebirth, and the creation of a homogeneous society. It often seeks to expand its influence and territory through aggressive means, which is why many argue that fascism is inherently colonial in nature-it seeks to dominate and control other peoples and territories as part of its broader agenda. Colonialism, on the other hand, is the practice of establishing control over foreign lands and peoples, often for economic gain, resource extraction, or strategic advantage. While colonialism has frequently been justified through ideologies of racial superiority-similar to those found in fascism-it does not always take on the same totalitarian or authoritarian form that fascism does. Colonialism can occur in different contexts, including those driven purely by economic motives without the broader social and ideological ambitions of fascism. Thus, while it is accurate to say that fascism often carries colonial ambitions, it is not correct to equate all forms of colonialism with fascism. Colonialism has taken various forms throughout history, some of which predate or exist outside of the fascist framework. The two concepts are related but distinct, each with its own historical and ideological nuances.
@@JessieGender1 How could you write this post and not realize that yes, both things are the same? You just described the ideological aspect of fascism and the economical aspect of colonialism. But the economical aspect of fascism IS colonialism. And at least in this very age, the ideology of colonialism IS fascism. Where do you develop these ideas? Did you talk with your Indigenous neighbours about it, beforehand? Do you really believe you're qualified to define colonialism as a White settler?
One of the problems in all form of modern discourse around issues like this is the tendency of people (propelled by interested parties) to reduce everything down to a "perfect victim/absolute villain" dichotomy. One of the things I always appreciate about Jessie's videos is the focus on a more nuanced approach that attempts to appreciate a multifaceted issue from an initial understanding that nothing is completely straightforward.
Whenever I hear or read an interview with an Israeli settler I get flashbacks to genocidal colonial powers of the 19th century. The calls for ethnic cleansing, the demands that the Palestinians are driven out, the moderates who might allow them to stay as 2nd class citizens without voting rights... And for some reason they always look whiter than me, a Scandinavian, and always talk with American accents.
Hi Jessie. Long time viewer of yours here. To say that I am trepidatious about this video is an understatement. I am a leftist, pro-palestine jew who has participated in Jewish pro-palestine activism, and yet the antisemitism that I have experienced in my own life perpetuated BY the left and the pro-palestine movement has deeply wounded me. The gaslighting I've experienced when I talk about those wounds has only isolated me further. The way that I've watched the Left nosedive into ancient antisemitic conspiracy theory and tropes (like blood libel) has shattered my trust in the Left writ large. It has also shattered my trust in the Left's discernment: the way that the Left talks about zionists/zionism smacks of dog-whistling, and tokenizes antizionist Jews as the only "good" and acceptable jews--all without engaging with the problem that Zionism attempted to solve: systemic antisemitic violence. This dichotomy of Zionism-antizionism ignores historical context and erases alternatives (like neo/bundism) and does nothing to ensure actual Jewish safety in the diaspora. I am nonetheless hopeful that this video will address the Left's failure to be intersectional and hold compassion for Jewish people. I am cautiously looking forward to seeing where you take us on this 4 hour journey. Best, a trans, leftist, nonzionist Jew.
22:00 in or so and I just burst into tears. This alienation from leftist spaces and the queer community is exactly why I've felt so isolated since October 7th. I've had tears streaming down my face for several minutes now
24:24 I started sobbing. This is the most willing I've seen a goyische leftist to have compassion for us and ask themselves this question. I'm on my way to work rn but l'll continue to comment timestamps as I continue watching this later. Thank your for even entertaining the idea that the left isn't immune to antisemitism. We have felt so dismissed
Fellow non-zionist, leftist Jew, feeling very much the same (cautious but hopeful) prior to starting this video - Jessie is one of the most thoughtful commentary TH-camrs I've come across, so I have faith that the video will be challenging but nuanced
this is honestly just a garbage take. like, for real imagine if in the midst of the holocaust someone started barking about genuine anti-german sentiment and conflating feeling personally insulted / unsafe with the ongoing industrial-scale mass killings that is what you are doing right now. you are pearl-clutching over genuine antisemitism that in no way immediately jeopardizes your person and then giving that equal weight to an active military campaign meant to inflict genocide upon palestinians it is straight garbage that fact that people were racist to you isn't okay; the fact you want to use that as an excuse to turn a blind eye to a genocide means you are pretty much just as bad as people being racist to you
I love your work Jessie! When you described the complex oppression that Jewish people experience it reminds me of how other races, women, and queer people experience oppression through out history. It's crazy how often an outgroup has been said to be demonic or using some dark magic if they gained power. Then using that fear of evil and dark magic as proof that they deserve to be oppressed because of how dangerous the outgroup was. Meanwhile the "good ones" are used as examples to promote the ruling group. It's really frustrating how this is often rooted with, as you mentioned, systems of power and one of the major ones is the Nation state which you beautifully explained it's growth and how it was conceptualized that a culture was linked to ethnicity, and those people are bound to land (a border drawn on a map decided by some people). Thank you for such a great deep dive into these awful things. I really hope it can help expand people's understanding of how frustratingly complex and interconnected oppression is.
While the targeting of civilians is abhorrent no matter who does it, on the whole Oct 7 represented concentration camp inmates breaking out and fighting back against the concentration camp guards (the IDF). You can't acknowledge that "colonizers say let me keep my boot on your neck but your resistance can't be too violent" and tell people that anti-colonial violence is "nothing to celebrate" in the same breath with zero irony.
@@NearBiblicolol haretz said it was the Hannibal directive. I too am sad for those party goers who were partying near the world's largest concentration camp that was put on a diet and under "mowing the lawn" blockaded where they can't get out with no future or hope. Who could have thought haha
Thank you for making an in-depth, nuanced video on zionism. As someone who is Jewish who never grew up in the culture, the attachment to Israel by many perplexed me. Your video puts into perspective the history of Israel and why many Jewish people may still support zionism despite its consequences People are not representative of their governments. I feel like many times we can apply it to the situation in Gaza, but forget to apply it to Israeli people I hope to see a free Palestine in my lifetime
Unfortunately, polls have shown that the majority of Jewish Israelis are either in complete accord with the Netanyahu government, or believe that they haven't gone far enough.
"Has a right to defend itself" is such a frustrating slogan when applied to a situation where a state assumes governance of land and people and proceeds to attact said land and people on it. How come a state has a right to defend itself from its people, but the people don't have a right to defend itself from the state? It's quite the paradox, isn't it? Is Palestine a separate national entity or is it not? Is there an outside adversary power or is there not? From what and who is Isreal's state defending itself from? If it assumes governance of said land and people, does genuinely have a right to attack its own people? If there is Palestine, how can the state of Israel rule over its existence as an outside entity? The cycle of violence is immensely heartbreaking. I procrastinated with watching this to the end, and I'm glad I finally did. This opened upon a lot of questions and concerns I've had listening to the ongoing discourse.
My uncle was a Kuwaiti resistance fighter and got cheered on by Americans in the 90’s. I wonder if you would have thought my uncle was a hero/martyr, or a terrorist. Either way, I love him and respect his decision to fight for our home. (Which is still standing 30 years later because of his sacrifice)
@@JessieGender1 it’s been a while and after finishing reading We Will Not Cancel Us by: Adrienne Maree Brown , I’d like to apologize for any tension I/we may have caused by our comments. We as the proletariat are comrades, and sometimes we need to step back and reflect back to that. Thank you for reading our comments. Conflict can be healthy for growing knowledge and also ourselves.
i usually don't really comment on videos much but i really felt the need to say this, i don't really think you can really blame hamas considering the historical context of the brutal Palestinian oppression since the late 40s, i personally have lost a few distant family members thanks to israel and i thought it was bad, i cant even begin to imagine the rage they must feel, having been slaughtered and kept in poverty for generations. IN YOUR OWN LAND THAT WAS STOLEN FROM YOU. other then that, it was a really well made vid, and your voice kept me hooked. would probably watch it again.
What you say abound bounds of ideologies and hope beyond them resonates so deeply with me, thank you, thank you, you smart, kind and brave woman. A little personal story: to my shame, I am one of the people saved by Israel. After the war with Ukraine began, and gender-affirming healthcare was blanketly outlawed in Russia, me and my spouse were deeply in trouble. We financially supported Ukraine almost from day 1, and my spouse of 15 years works in grassroots organization supporting trans people. One of his colleagues, a volunteer, is in jail now for 12 years for giving much less money to Ukraine than we did. We had to escape, and we escaped to Israel, because it provided gender-affirming healthcare that he needed, and had a support system. We thought a lot about it but decided that we could do some good as citizens by voting left, and supporting Palestinian rights and charities, and that’s what we do and did. We moved to Israel exactly one month and one week before the genocide in Gaza started. We were so happy at first to get healthcare, to be open about our relationship for the first time in our lives, to not fear the neighbors who could guess we were a couple and tell on us to the authorities - all of those horrors left behind in Russia. My spouse could work with trans youth now, and that was so dangerous back in Russia! But in one month we found out we just have new horrors now, and a second genocide we are responsible for as citizens of a country committing it. Before the war, I deluded myself that a two-state solution could be enough, freeing Palestine in the borders of old treaties was enough - now I believe that equality should be achieved in a country that is fair for all, and I believe it can be done. Maybe not right away, not tomorrow, and as a band-aid I will support parties who will bring on at least the end of occupation with a two-state solution. But if the US can be such a patchwork of states united under one country, why can’t all the people on this tiny piece of land coexist in free and fair Palestine? And religious people can call it by another name if they want to. Like traditionalists Russian sometimes call it Rus’, it’s not the name of the state and it’s inaccurate, and it doesn’t matter. And maybe Jews and Jewish families in situations like mine could still be saved by this country for all, but so could others- because I do not deserve to be saved more or less just on the grounds of having the right ancestry. I’m sorry if I said something offensive or stupid, please correct me if I did. It’s just how I feel, and I thought my story can be interesting to someone.
No need to be ashamed. You saved your own lives and now can save Palestinian lives and work for peace by working from within - which is going to do more good than outsiders' condemnation.
Bless you, may you be a positive force of justice and change. Don't forget to take care of yourself, this situation sucks and mental health is important to be able to help, but I appreciate your contributions immensely. Thank you.
Just wait. When universities open up again. Students will continue their protests and since there's an election in a minute, Harris will have to promise them something. Dearborn included.
The reality of Israel: Israel is a settler colonial state which was born out of the violent conquest of a land not theirs, backed by foreign powers. Since it's establishment the government has continued to kill civilians and occupy the homes they emptied wjth their own population (whom by doing so are complicit in and legitimizing the bloodshed). Those Palestinians who survived were displaced, forced into the Gaza ghetto or elsewhere. In the lands still labeled Palestine (Gaza, West Bank) Israel still exerts power over their governments, rendering them with little autonomy. This is the reality of the state of Israel. The desirable resolution: 1) A Palestian governed state which replaces the political entity of Israel. And 2) the voluntary return of Palestinians to their homeland now under Palestinian control. As for the Israelis? This isn't about them. The Palestinains are oppressed and their path towards liberation is to overthrow their oppressors. Israelis should fight alongside the Palestinans, or flee elsewhere. That is their choice to make.
Well said! Israel itself is the crime and the only acceptable solution is for the state of Israel to be disolved, the lands they have stolen returned, and the criminals who participated (this includes all Israeli living on occupied land) made to answer for their crimes in a court of law, just like the Germans had to after World War 2. If this makes jews uncomfortable, then that does not matter. Zionists are just another flavor of Nazis and should not be welcome anywhere! If you're a jew and not in support of the genocidal colonialist ethnostate of Israel, you are not the one being protested against and more than welcome to join us on the right side of history. This is not about your religion, it is about the genocidal colonialist ethnostate of Israel and its ongoing crimes against humanity. The state of Israel must be disolved and the lands returned. Anything less is supporting and rewarding a genocidal conquest. We will not let Israel cry anti-semitism whenever we call out in protest against their ongoing crimes against humanity! *Israel does not have a right to defend itself. It only has the right to leave the lands they have stolen and to return them to the people they have been actively murdering and displacing for the past 76 years!*
Corrections and important notes: The original version of this video featured at around the 3-hour mark, a moment where I describe the number of those killed on October 7th as around 3000 people. This is inaccurate, and it is a number cited by the IDF and disseminated after October 7th. As this video began research around that time, that number made it into the script. The correct number is currently 1,139 people, including 815 civilians. My deepest apologies for this mistake and for keeping it in the script. It should have been caught and fixed by me or my script readers. The intent was never to cite an incorrect number. I take ownership of that mistake.
Additionally, this video once featured a quote from the book “Son of Hamas” by Mosab Hassan Yousef about Hamas. The quote was about how, to Yousef, Hamas offers an option to many young Palestinian men within Gaza to fight back against Israel, but how that also gets wrapped up in Islamic fundamentalism. While this is a dynamic that many Palestinians across the political spectrum have spoken about, the use of a specific quote from Yousef was a misstep as Yousef himself has acted as a spy for the IDF and has been platformed and funded by the IDF and other right-wing organizations to spread disinformation about the situation in Gaza. While I stand by the point of the section overall, I should never have quoted Yousef given his clearly politically biased background. His quote has been deleted from the video as well.
Hey Jessie, thanks for the notes. I've been watching this video in chunks as I've been able to, and I'm getting close to the end now - it's good to read the things that have come up since the initial recording. Just wanted to let you know you may want to update the chapter time stamps to account for these deletions/corrections. Thanks! 💛
1200 “civilians along an array of militarized settlements created and operated with the express purpose of ethnically cleansing 100s of thousands of actual civilians living in an open air concentration camp where they are deprived of food, water, power, basic medical services, fundamental human rights. Not to mention the fact that the so called civilians see Arabs as less than human.
Oh shut up, I can't believe how easily you caved to Zionist pushback. Your first video was about this was good and largely accurate but as soon as you saw the negative feedback you immediately took it down and made this God awful both sides argument. Zionists ARE fascists by nature and you're a fascist apologist and no amount of fixing small citations in this video will ever change that. You're not on the left, you are actively helping an ethno nationalist apartheid state run propaganda.
I strongly disagree with the thumbnail. Zionism is almost definitionally fascism. An ethnostate is fascist. The only way to enforce it is through force and oppression.
Who could've guessed iof numbers wouldn't be accurate
art spiegelman once said that suffering doesn’t make you good, it just makes you suffer. that sentiment has illuminated a lot of things for me.
"Suffering makes you stronger"
*insert that one plane diagram
Don't tell the catholics
@@jacks.6243 not you lowkey clocking my catholic school trauma lmao 😭 probably one of the reasons the quote feels so profound for me
@@cb-akp jack might be a mind reader lol
I am reminded of Mouse a lot, lately
As a jewish person with family who survived the holocaust, its antisemetic to DENY THIS GENOCIDE.
Never Again Means Never Again. Not to us. Not to anyone.
Thank you kindly for your humanity and empathy.
Jewish, Islamic, Christian, or whomever.... we're all human beings.
Thank you for saying this.
ABSOLUTELY!!!! I'm also a Jew descended from a Holocaust survivor and it is BLASPHEMOUS to be complicit and silent in the face of any genocide, let alone one committed in our name. How many times do we have to say "never again" until it means something???
@@Enfjscrolling There's over 2 billion Muslims on Earth. People in Gaza, the vast majority have family roots in Egypt and some are literally migrants from Egypt.
Hamas leaders EXPLICITLY STATE that they are EGYPTIAN people. There's also Arabized people from Arabia, from Syria, and from every neighboring country.
Arab High Commission REJECTED any "Palestinian" identity in 1933. They were united by common obedience to Islam and by Arab heritage with everyone else in the region.
People living in Gaza and Judea-Samaria, which is cities not a "refugee camp", are part of the Umma, the global Muslim empire. Hamas and Hamas citizens are a front group of Muslim Brotherhood formed in Egypt, which was created to purify Islam, punish blasphemers, exterminate Jews, and conquer Earth for Allah.
"Genocide" is ridiculous Marxist slander, INTENDED to justify the extermination and scattering of Judean people from their indigenous homeland, from self-defense and self-rule.
Non-muslims are forbidden to rule over themselves, and not be under subjugation, on any land that was ever in all history conquered by Muslim armies.
More than ONE FIFTH of Israeli citizens are Arab heritage and Muslim. Those are the ones that agreed to live in peace and prosperity with Jews. Where do you plan to move these "apostates" when Hamas comes to cut their heads off, like how they murdered Muslims in Israel on 10/07.
What the Left is going to do ignore everything when Israeli Arabs and Israeli Druze are annihilated along with Israeli Jews, and also kill all dogs in Israel. Muhammad hated dogs.
The ‘they voted for Hamas, they deserve what they get’ argument has always sounded like an attempt to justify collective punishment.
Who is ‘they’ exactly? Every single Palestinian in Gaza, including those not born at the time of the 2007 vote?
@@Maddness101 just throw it back at Israelis they voted for a government that debates whether rape is a right of idf soldiers
@@ladygrey4113 they dont debate that.
They debate if raping a Palestinian constitutes rape since Palestinians are not human to begin with ( their words)
So they're debating beastiality ( again, their words), not rape.
Especially given that Palestine is about 45% minors
50% were not born at that point, and another 25% weren't old enough to vote.
And it doesn’t matter that they voted for Hamas. Voting for Hamas is preferable to voting for the previous Israeli puppets.
Denouncing the genocide is not at all antisemitic. Israel does not represent the Jewish identity. I've seen examples of online people (most probably bots) trying to instigate antisemitism within the pro-Palestinian cause, and fortunately they don't seem to be that successful.
All I had to do was go stand within earshot of the pro-Palestininan protestors to hear them chanting "death to all Jews", so idk wtf you are talking about.
80 precent of american jews are zionists, and almost half of the jews of the world are living in Israel by now. The ones who are anti-zionists are a vocal minority, most of them just lost touch with their jewish roots, or are just religious bigots that would hate people like you for being trans.
So yes, it is antisemitic to hate the vast majority of jews in the world, and liking only your good imaginary jews, and toss them aside the moment they would challenge your preception. Its maybe different from the old antisemitism, but it is still antisemitic and has the same historical roots of using jews as a scape goat and forcing them to assimilate.
(I am not talking on a legitimate criticism of Israel, but on people who, like Jessie, claim that my country should be destroyed)
I´m guessing you mean like Nick Fuentes and the Pro Palestinian Nazis on twitter.
Or rather, supporting z*nism (i.e. trying to associate Jewish people with the colonial project that is isr*l) is antisemitism
There is no genocide happening. Having a high death toll compared to your opponents doesn't make you a victim, it means you a fighting a more advanced army than than you have. ISIS took very high casualties in the late stages of the war against them, does that make them the victims? Many Palestinians support Hamas, Palestinians love to instigate war with Israel anytime they have their guard down, but get upset when Israel retaliates. Collateral damage is an accepted consequence of warfare...
As a person raised Jewish/secular, the Israel-Palestine conflict has always baffled me. Our people - the people Israel claims to represent - have been slaughtered and oppressed since before the Torah was written. Overcoming and surviving oppression is a foundational part of the religion and culture (hello, Passover!). How does doing it to another group of people make any sense???
In my community, we learned from the horrors of the Holocaust. Most American Jews are Ashkenazi (north/east European), so I think that's why so many young American Jews are anti-Zionist. We were taught *"never again"* from the time we were little.
Our ancestors died from the same type of shit the Israeli state is doing to Palestinians right now. Unbelievable and inexcusable!!
And now the Knesset debates and civilians riot for the right of IDF soldiers to rape Palestinian prisoners
Pro colonial propaganda is one hell of a drug.
You can honestly ask this question about any group of people who supports some kind of oppression. The answer is always some kind of socialization/normalization that happens in society at large to make the atrocities seem somehow unconnected from the rest of the ideology.
Why do Americans, by and large, love their military and veterans and also can't understand why so many people (from around the world who's countries were destroyed and families killed by the military) hate them? Propaganda and normalization of the military in American culture.
If anything, it goes against the antisemitic conspiracies about Jewish people, because they are no more special and different from everyone else. They can just as easily be propagandized to. Hopefully with enough education to counteract the propaganda, more people will stand against Zionism and the colonialism and apartheid will end.
If you want an answer I recomend start looking in the publications of Breaking the Silence organization and checking the website +972 Magazine, the former is an organization of Israeli army veterans and the latter an independent news site in Israel, both they don't hide what happened and still happens there
It's a common feature of post colonialism. My own ancestors fled from China twice, first during the initial British colonization, and second during the Taiping Rebellion, which was a direct result of colonialism. Then in WWII, China was colonized again by imperial Japan. Nowadays, the Chinese government is engaging in its own campaign against the Uighur Muslim population. It's an attempt to retake a sense of power and identity.
@FrozEnbyWolf150-b9t or like how post independence 'black supremacy" movements led to Indians being displaced from Zimbabwe
As a former Jew*, I have never understood the conflation of the political state of Israel with the religious/ethnic population of Jews around the world. I've never understood why I was expected to support a political state I wasn't living under. Took a looooong time to learn about the evangelical christian influence on american pro-Israel sentiment. But every American Jew I know speaks out against the genocide and that makes me hopeful. It's only the older generation I see sticking by Israel out of pure misplaced loyalty.
*Nobody @ me, I was raised Jewish and gave the faith up a long time ago. I reserve the right to claim my own identity and leave behind one that doesn't work for me.
The only thing you need to understand all this, is that the most powerful Zionists are not even Jewish, but American Christian billionaires.
As a Jew, I would like to affirm your right to forge your own identity, and insist that you don't listen to anyone telling you you can't. Best of luck on your journey my friend.
@@spacecore8250 the original noahides unless your name is Jacob Frank.
Hopefully you know that your private, personal and professional identity and how you live your life has got nothing to do with Zionism or other countries political parties, movements or even your own country. You are not beholden to anyone but yourself.
im sorry but i am confused. Judaism is an ethno-religion. You can't be a former jew? You can be a secular jew, aka a jew who is ethnically jewish but not religously, but former jew only works if you converted then gave up the religion which you said wasn't the case??????
Hi Jessie. I am a long time viewer of your channel and really love the content you put out--I appreciate that it is always nuanced and attempts to disentangle complex sociopolitical issues in a way that does not dilute our understanding but makes it amenable as knowledge. I also really appreciate this video, as after having consumed a lot of content and discourse surrounding the history of Zionism and Israel, this is relatively unique as it does not flatten our understanding of Zionism and how it interacts with Jewish history, and inspires empathy and understanding for Jewish folk across the spectrum.
Having said that, as a Muslim (and non-Arab) viewer of yours, I would urge you to consider examining the history of Islamophobia and orientalism, and how it has informed the current discourse around Israel/Palestine, as well as the general experience of Arab and/or Muslim diaspora in the US and in their home countries as a function of US and Israeli imperialism, colonial wounds, and even how Islamic fundamentalism has been weaponized against them. I recognize you can make content on whichever subject you desire (or your paying Patrons desire), and if you feel limited in your understand or interest in this issue you might not be compelled to discuss it, but the many videos I've seen on Zionism from leftist perspectives hardly address how Arab/Muslims have been systematically harmed by Western imperialist policy even before 9/11 and more predominantly post 9/11, and how rising Islamophobia is not only being ignored by the current power structure, but remains rampant in media and culture, in spite of leftists attempting to be inclusive. As a queer Muslim I have been made to feel I'm "being held back" because of my faith in leftist spaces, with a lot of racist and Islamophobic assumptions being made about my faith and culture. I also spent the first seven months of the Palestinian genocide in a Jewish university, where Islamophobic rhetoric was weaponized against me and folks like me by the very pro-Zionist administration, and the local newspapers were not even interested in talking about it. Heck, I don't agree with your view on Kamala or Biden, though I understand it, but this opinion is being offered rather callously by some not recognizing that they're asking people like me to vote for someone who will continue to kill people like me, while reminding me of everything I went through as a little girl in a post 9/11 world, simply because it will protect some other people who may or may not interested in addressing their internalized Islamophobia.
We must talk about antisemitism in leftist spaces, but simply being "pro-Palestinian" does not erase Islamophobia in the left, as it is also tied to the Western cultural fabric at this point, and Hamas is only one example of imperialist powers supporting religious fundamentalism. If you are interested, I would encourage checking out Edward Said's book, Orientalism, which is a good place to start examining this issue. I also think Shaun and Tazzy Phe have occasionally touched on these topics. Regardless, thanks for the work you do, I hope you consider expanding this work you have already done quite a bit of.
Islam/Muslims were (and continue to be) themselves an imperial force since the last 1400 years. The fact that their imperialism has been on a 250-year or so hiatus doesn't change the fact that their culture is responsible for wiping out (via either cultural genocide OR actual genocide OR a combination of both) the indigenous cultures of North Africa, the Middle East, and parts of South Asia and South East Asia.
So yes, pardon us for 'infidels' who've had a close brush with Islam for rejecting your defence of and propaganda on behalf of Islamic imperialism.
@@disdoncable Speaking out against Islamophobia and criticizing imperial Islam are not mutually exclusive. A 4 hour video disengaging Zionism and Judaism should make that much obvious. And you can call yourself an "infidel" if that's what you'd like to be, but nothing I've said communicates that Islamic history is devoid of imperialism, and imperialism in Islam does not change the racist and xenophobic treatment of Islam and Muslims by Western civilizations over hundreds of years, that has continued to operate with modern day colonialism and imperialism. Come back for me when I defend brutalist regimes such as Saudi Arabia or the UAE (which I will never do anyway).
Glad to see a few responses that don't begin with.... 'as a Jew/israeli/american/western person.
Regarding Miriam Libicki at 3:25:33, she wasn't conscripted, she was born outside of Israel and travelled there in order to participate in the IDF. I think it's valid to boycott former conscripted IDF soldiers if they haven't openly renounced their service ("just following orders" isn't an excuse after all) but this woman isn't even an example of that.
"Libicki voluntarily served as a clerk in the Israel Defense Forces in 2000, during the time of the Second Intifada." according to her Wikipedia page.
Big oof...
@@ZijnShayatanica Big ot
The main issue that I have with the "feeling unsafe" argument is that it conflates a fear of being victimized by violence and bigotry with discomfort towards having your beliefs challenged.
I understand the immense amount of caution that many members of marginalized groups must unfortunately be burdened by due to the legitimate threat that bigotry poses against them, but it really bothers me when that reasonable fear gets unconsciously or deliberately weaponized in order to ignore criticism or, even worse, justify atrocities.
So, I think a lot more people need to ask themselves: Do you feel *unsafe,* or do you feel *uncomfortable?* Because those mean very different things.
OOF that last paragraph especially holy shit. I’m a white Christian in leftist anti assorted bigotry spaces and the amount of time I an uncomfortable is a lot. But I’ve also learned how to not make that other people’s problems and understand how my discomfort is more a challenge to what I was taught growing up instead of an attack on me personally. And I wonder if a lot of people seeing challenges against Israel as attacks against Judaism have not had to deal with unpacking this conflation like I did years ago.
Except in the case of Jews it is literally about feeling unsafe instead of uncomfortable.
I'm Jewish and anti political Zionism. And you know what? When a movement I believe in calls an indigenous people colonizers and actively starts praising Hamas right after they murder people for being Jewish then I feel unsafe too. Like, it's not just the news or liberals conflating being pro-Palestinian with pro-Hamas, it's literally the people in the movement who refuse to speak out against Hamas or even praise them which furthers the conflating of the two.
I don't disagree, but is that the same standard you use when a woman says sexism makes her feel unsafe, or when a trans person says transphobia makes them feel unsafe?
This isn't meant as a callout against you specifically; it just really bothers me that for my entire adult life, the leftist mainstream has had an ironclad sense of deference to marginalized people with critiques, until right now. I've often thought that we needed to add a bit more nuance in these discussions, and now it seems like people have finally started doing that... but only when we're talking about the Jews.
@0mni42 To answer your first question: Yeah, it is. Weaponized marginalization is something that's discussed pretty frequently in the progressive online communities that I participate in, as it's a major factor in misogynoir, terf rhetoric, transmedicalism, gatekeeping within the queer community, and a whole host of other harmful ideologies.
If I had to wager a guess, the reason this leftist scrutiny towards weaponized marginalization is only now entering the mainstream is likely because most other cases of it aren't connected to major ongoing news topics.
@@0mni42 I dont think we have to entertain that idea, is not the same and it doesnt arise from a real tangible fear, unlike women and trans ppl who have materially been murdered by sexists and transphobes, no zionist has ever been killed nor any jewish ppl being killed by pro-Palestinian activists who are simply calling for peace and criticizing the fascist state of Israel, the "feeling unsafe" argument is disingenuous naive at best, and maliciously bad faith at worst in order to de-legitimize critiques of Israel and its ethnic cleansing crusade.
Settlers are not innocent in this
@@darrengreen9374they could just leave or stay within Israeli boarders instead of taking Palestinian land…
@@erikaeric8313 Leave and go where? Where do they belong? The majority of them fled here after being expelled or to escape persecution. There is no Israeli land. It's all Palestine, from the river to the sea.
@@darrengreen9374a large number of them hold dual U.S. or U.K or Canadian citizenship. I have always that an unrestricted right of. Return to an area roughly the size of New Jersey and with the population density of Los Angeles was in an area of the world that is already water and land-poor was.... criminal. If the person is living in a western style democracy, they don't need the right of return, let it go to a person at risk, e.g. an Iranian, Yemeni, Chinese, or South Moroccan Jew, but those Jew are regularly denied their right of return in favor of a White Jew who is at least relatively safe, unlike the one who might not have a house qn whose government doesn't guarantee they won't lock them up or killl them simply for being Jewish. Unlike the Ashkenazi Jews and to a lesser extent the Serfardi Jews who get in automatically, these Jews, are all non-whites.
@@erikaeric8313That's not enough. They are armed and dangerous. They need to leave. All of them.
@@darrengreen9374They can go to Germany or the US.
I personally am Jewish as much as Netanjahu, when I voiced my support for Palestine and explained how I have been always supportive of Palestine since a young age, Israeli people have called me the most horrific slurs and denounced my jewishness. Jewish voices are being erased and I am so thankful for this think piece that finally mentions people like me being erased
Is the joke here that Netanyahu is what do they call it a secular or non practicing Jew?
@@ladygrey4113 secular jewish people are still jewish but the issue with netenyahu is that he is a fascist war criminal
I'm so sorry... I relate to this struggle. Stay strong
I'm sorry you have to go through this. It's got to be very difficult to be a Jewish person who is also opposed to the current Israeli government's policies in Palestine, and the actions of the IDF...because NOW you have to deal with anti-semitism from the usual bigoted (often far right) neo-Nazi "Jews Will Not Replace Us!" IDIOTS.
AND you have deal with accusations of not being a "real Jew" being a "self-hating Jew", etc.
Then there are going to be people who hate you because the equate all Jews with the persecution of Palestinians. (I am pro-peace and believe in Palestinian freedom, and I oppose bigotry against those who are Muslim - aka "Islamophobia" - however, I and not naive enough to think religious-based Islamic terrorism doesn't exist either.)
I support those who are Jewish and Christian and Muslim - and Hindu and Buddhist - and Secular/Atheist/Agnostic (such as myself) who want peace and freedom and equality for ALl.
I am very sorry for your experience.
I am Israeli myself and I am very critical of the Israeli government and of the Zionist movement.
I also support the right of Palestinians for self determination and (how radical) the right to live and feel safe.
Stay safe and stay strong.
I've always noticed that "Israel has a right to defend itself" but Palestine has never had a right to defend itself.
As a native American that narrative is pretty much the white western standard ,Non white /western populations have NEVER been allowed self defense ever from here to Palestine to S. Africa to Vietnam to Iraq and a hundred other places the narrative stays the same whether its 1850 or 2024 .
Who says it doesn't?
They do they just lose all the time
@@fg-l3565 American and western politicians and media
The way in which they talk about the actions taken by palestinians and the way in which they talk about israel make it clear that the actions taken by hamas are completely unacceptable... but the greater actions taken by israel that have killed greater numbers are
You do not have to directly say they don't to make it clear that in your eyes they dont
They did in all the wrong ways. They always hoped some bigger power (Egypt, Syria, the USSR, now Iran) would come, win their war for them, get rid of the Jews and give them back all the land. But it doesn't work like that. Egypt came to the negotiating table and got back Sinai and a peace agreement that lasted 50 years. Jordan did the same in 1994, not an easy peace, but one that lasts nonetheless. Remember the definiton of insanity? The Palestinians should ask themsekves why their actions aren't working, and change strategy, because the deal won't get any better with time. Perhaps it's not right, but history isn't made of right and wrong.
As a pro-Palestinian, Israeli Jew, let me just say thank you. I am fully committed to my values - Palestinian liberation, anarchism, abolition - and at the same time, seeing some parts of the left lacking in their ability to grapple with nuance has been saddening. Hearing your voice today helps strengthen my hope. Thank you.
Heck yeah anarchism!
Why should we give you guys the benefit of the doubt at this point its so annoying to have to put on mittens everytime we have to talk to you about what YOURE people are doing. I've seen the survey from 2011 that shows like most Israelis don't think marital rape is bad. And now you have people rioting for the right to rape Palestinian civilians YOU hold prisoner. Get thicker skin
you're very inspiring. from what i've heard from other pro-palestinian israelis, deconstructing zionism is a long and difficult process.
@atlas6864 it's not easy, and the past 10 months have forced me to accelerate my progress exponentially. I've done things I regret, I've lost people, but I'm strong in my beliefs that *every life* is worthy of a safe and liberated life. I trust that our movement will continue to prioritize compassion and understanding in a way that also keeps Jews safe and helps Zionists deconstruct productively, while acknowledging that right now, stopping the genocide is our #1 priority.
Please elaborate, your comment just rings hollow when you are not being specific, what has the "left" been lacking? Zionism is fascism, thats what we see is the result of such ethno-nationalist ideology, even if it means something different for Jewish ppl around the world, the end result of the Israeli ethnic cleansing in Palestine is evident and undenyable of what zionism really means and encourages, so maybe you should rethink your position about such asinine ideology.
Hi, Jessie I love your channel however I think that your treatment of the Palestinians is lacking because the claim that the Palestinians have been in Palestine for centuries seems to imply that they are colonists from peninsular Arabia. It also portrays it as if the majority of roman Judea was exiled when it was only really central Judea, the Galilee remained significantly Jewish and was the center of Jewish culture. Additionally there were Arabs in Palestine since antiquity, Gaza for instance was controlled by the Arab Nabataea kingdom before the Hasmoneans conquered it destroyed it in 96 BCE. there was not significant the majority of people in the following centuries were Christianized, Islamized, and Arabized becoming modern Palestinians. Genetic studies have shown that Palestinians along with the Druze, and Palestinian Bedouins cluster with Mizrahi Jews. The fact that they descend doesn't really matter in terms of Indigeneity, and you probably didn't mean it, but this would be similar to calling the majority of Egyptians as Arab Colonists rather than Arabized ancient Egyptians, they may treat the Copts relatively poorly but calling Egyptians merely Arabs would be erasing their history. In the Same Way Zionists leaders have portrayed the Palestinians are colonists from Arabia and thus Israel as a land back movement and erasing the Palestinian's history in the area as Canaanites that were Judaized by Judea, Hellenized by the Diadochi, Romanized & Christianized by the Roman Empire, and Arabized & Islamized by the Various Caliphates they have just as much claim to the major historical sites as the Israelis do.
I was about to say this, the idea that muslims from the Arabian peninsula (and subsequently the Ottoman Empire) ‘conquered’ the land of the levant in the same vain as British and French colonialism and settler colonialism is such a horrible misconception and it’s so saddening to see it perpetuated in this pretty great video. Like you said the people of the levant aren’t Arab colonialists, many shifted religion as empire changed and conceptualising the Muslim empires in the near east in colonial terms is such an oversight on her end and a perpetuation of orientalist ideas. For a video that is about conceptions of antisemitism, it’s honestly sad that orientalism isn’t given the same attention.
@@chidiettre8367 Thank you,and I feel zionists' only arguments are Ancient History and the bible.Which gets old really quick,and doesn't give much nuance to the table.Additionally,Israel made it illegal to do DNA testing,because it's antisemitic I guess?
Thank you. Also so many folks don't consider that most "Arabs" are 'arabasized' and not from the Arabian Peninsula itself. That'd be absurd. They're native peoples who have simply adopted and adapted the Arabic language while retaining or evolving their religious, ethnic, cultural and linguistic identities as any people throughout history are bound to do. Palestinians belong to that land fully and completely in every sense imaginable. They haven't been there for decades, nor centuries, nor millennia. They've simply...been there. Period!
Also, the very status of "native" exists in the context of colonialism. If Mexico suddenly became a superpower and its browner population with its ostensibly older roots came to power and started to colonize and brutalize NA, us Americans and Canadians would rightly be seen as colonized natives regardless of our whiteness or otherwise because we were/are living here before we came to this second new round of colonization.
Yeah, the language people speak is a very bad indicator of genetics. For example Austrians are genetically much closer to Hungarians and Czechs than they are to Germans.
No Ethnostate has the moral right to exist.
@@briannakubiwood6595 States don’t have rights, people do
you understand this is a call for genocide, right?
@@pennydoodles87 No it's not, it's a call for ending a state that is carrying out genocide
And dont the jewish people have a right for safety? Lets say israel stops existing. By wich i mean it gets invaded and becomes an arab state
(Again) What happens to the people there? It has happen hundreds of times before- it shouldnt be hard to answer. 9 million people find themselves under a government that has "kill jews" as a main mossion.
Do you actually think its not going to be a genocide?
@@donovan4222 but like, that's still genocide my dude 🤣"it's ok when WE genocide the genociders" also to the first point, does Pakistan have no moral right to exist, or nah it's only Jewish ethnostates?
I'm sorry Jessie, but "Zionism is a form of ethno-nationalism but the basis for it is understandable" doesn't suddenly make Zionism immune to the same trappings as other forms of nationalism, let alone fascism. We've seen far right populism take root in countries that have both previously fallen to or were victimized by fascist regimes, and we have no reason to assume Isreal would be any different from the latter group. Doubly so given how closly tied to western politics Israeli society is.
Agreed completely. Just because the basis for it is understandable doesn't make it not ethno-nationalism. It just makes it harder to try to push back against.
@@MrGameSecrets it defiantly does if you’re trying to get some people who have complicated feelings about Zionism to deconstruct it and fight back against Zionism. It doesnt make it harder for me personally to call if an ethnostate and for me to want to end it. It makes it harder to try to fight back/break it down within people who have been indoctrinated in it because it’s strong traumatic emotional investment that it roots itself in
When it comes to Marx's work "On the Jewish question", it's important to remember that the pamphlet is answering to an anti-semitic paper called "The Jewish Question" in which another author blames the Jews for basically everything wrong with the world, and thus Marx's pamphlet was actually an attempt to tone things down.
He didn't "tone things down", he spent the entire essay debunking the other paper. That was the point. He himself was ethnically Jewish, and is the most famous secular philosopher of all time. He never makes any generalization about Jewish people outside of his own cultural insights into the religious dynamics which he correctly felt needed to be abolished to emancipate themselves from capitalism.
I am one of the, at this point, over 3.5k thousand students that have been arrested/cited and detained (i was arrested) in the U.S. these last few months. I feel deeply passionate and connected to the Palestinian struggle, and in general to the anti-colonial struggle that my family all across the world continues struggling against. But one of the oddest things i witnessed were numerous instances of my fellow well-meaning organizers dipping into anti-semetic ideas, often times without even realizing it. And that was so incredibly disappointing, as I figured as part of a solidarity movement, we would show solidarity with oppressed people everyone, including our Jewish friends across the world who have been fighting anti-semitism for years. Gracefully, members of our JVP spent a lot of time engaging with these students and educating them, but honestly, they should not have had to. So all this to say, that I am really happy that anti-semitism and the way it appears in leftist spaces is being discussed, because I do feel people have been pushing it away to protect the solidarity movement, which i do not feel is just. So thank you for this video and I'm excited to watch it to completion!
I would like this comment but it's just too nice.
If people say they are socialists aka Marxists they can't be antisemitic for self given reasons. However Marxists should be anti-zionists as he was too. He opposed the very foundation of ethno-states completely no matter the ethnicity.
"one of the oddest things i witnessed were numerous instances of my fellow well-meaning organizers dipping into anti-semetic ideas, often times without even realizing"
David Schraub has a good paper on this. "The Epistemic Dimension of Antisemitism".
Have these 3.5k students called their local government and made their voices heard? That is lobbying. You don’t need money when these people have to hear what their constituents demand to say. This means, if you have friends who is at DC you can go to the capital and ask to see a HoR member where you reside and if you see a secretary they will pass that voice to the member. The US has a pretty accessible manner of doing this. You should use it. End all aid to Israel.
@@najawin8348 when that region’s land was claimed by people, who through the approval of foreigners, have acknowledged its creation then the end result is terrorist “antisemitic” Hamas group. You create a villain and out comes the monsters. You should remind yourself if Palestine has institutions and when you realize they don’t due to bombings you can see why they can never develop. The history of that region including Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, Iran and Yemen are very much brewed in hatred as the perpetrators, the Israeli government condones what Saudis do to its neighbors while Saudis vice verse. Yemen had 400,000 starving children, Iran always can never develop due to “nuclear capabilities concerns” (Iran’s 1% is enough to make a power plant and not nuclear bombs which is 99% efficiency), Syria and Assad along with Solemani, Iraq crisis actors, Afghanistan and reconstruction money laundering.
All these are just current events in the Bush to now era. Our ally has been bothering us to intervene in these desert conflicts…
I will read David Schraub but it’s wrong to ignore the hatred that is constantly brewing. This is the same as Biden making Transgender visibility day a thing on the same day as Passover, it’s also the same as Biden calling people who don’t support him as “extreme semi fascists”…
I feel like the considerations you gave to those who felt "uncomfortable" with your video was most likely far more than they would have given you.
If someone fells unconfortable of critics about a colonial genocidal state, you should't give a piece of your mind you now, complying to fascists.
As an American Israeli dual citizen who's become incredibly disillusioned with Israel in the past 10 months, arguing with my Israeli father about Gaza has been the most emotionally draining fight I've ever had. I've always had to ask myself why, despite my continued refutations of being antisemitic, he was so quick to accuse me of being a self-hating jew. This video's done a lot to help answer that question, and so I have to thank you for that.
Thank you for your efforts! I wish you the best of luck with your family
@@ringsofmars29 you might the documentary israelism helpful. I saw it at a festival and it’s by and about young Israeli’s who became disillusioned with Zionist programming
Yo I’m sorry, that’s a lot of layers of complicated and awful. It’s a bizarre and scary time for people and communities of conscience in Israel, it seems
@@ladygrey4113 I went to a screening of that which was set up by one of the directors of the documentary!! Got to ask them a few questions afterwards, it was really good! I second this recommendation
@@lornm1856 I would argue their dad is only “poor“ for having been conditioned into Zionism his whole life. I hope their dad is one day proud to have raised a kid who can see past a fascist ideology, and unlearn it himself
27 minutes into the video: "Before we start this video"
I'm having a fair few contentions with this video but I want to talk about the IDF military service point? IDF service is mandatory in Israel but if someone refuses they get a prison sentence, and there are many Israeli Jews who refuse to join the IDF and thus serve that sentence. I understand what you're saying but the cartoonist in question (according to Wikipedia) joined the IDF voluntarily even if her personal beliefs differ from the government's (she believes in a Palestinian state, for example). Conflating people who've served in the IDF with Israeli Jews as a whole isn't entirely accurate because of that
There are several articles circulating on how some IDF members and veterans didn't know what was going on until they were in the midst of it and are now speaking out. There is also the group "Combatants for Peace" made of former Palestinian fighters and former members of the IDF. They are doing some great work together.
@@Yibambe.So they didn't know about it but people who live halfway across the world who have never been within 10000 km of Palestine did?
We don’t care about the perspective of the oppressors
Not to mention the many people that migrate there from other countries just to join the military and participate in gen0c1de.
@@comrade-princesscelestia4907 Makes sense honestly. It's easier to control what information your own population has access to than to control the entire world.
Too bad we don't hold elected Isreli and 'Merican leaders to the same standard of speech that we hold college protesters to.
They never have to show nuance or deference to Islamophobia in their words.
“nominal white privilege that is revoked when convenient”
(nods in mixed)
Ok that makes me feel more reassured cuz I was identifying strongly with my tennis ball identity for “default” people (of whichever gd demographic category) but didn’t want to misunderstand and upset someone by saying so.
Yup. My husband is Jewish, and I'm a low-melanin child of the American Deep South. I've made that remark to him more than once, that low-melanin folk will treat him and his like one of them only so long as it's useful for them.
@@jenbdiamondhow is that different to any other group of people tho?
@@gn.punpunbecause of its proximity to white supremacy, capitalism and imperialism. It’s very different from converged interest as the latter is mutually beneficial whereas ultimately the former only ultimately benefits one party i.e. white supremacists which can exist in both left and right wing spaces as is being shown in places such as the UK
Im also mixed! This is relatable
I've been a subscriber of yours for a while, and I feel around the 3rd hour mark the video focuses too much on coddling the feelings of people who willingly and proudly sustain oppressive systems because of a romantic idea of nationalism. At some point it's my responsability to look past my feelings as an oppressor and just do the listening and sit down, my feelings do not matter when they sustain genocide, here in my country or in the US or in Israel. Maybe it's not realistic to expect people to behave the same way, but I don't have to entertain them in the delusion that my feelings as an oppressed yet also privileged person trumps those of someone who are under my country's boots.
Hey Jess Ive been watching your stuff for a few years, I remember a video you made about trans people and sports.
I just watched your video "When Your Favorite Creator Turns Out to Be Pro-Israel" and I don't think there is anything wrong with your original video, actually you nailed it with one of your closing statements "it's also important to remember that this support needs to go to and the voices need to be heard of the Palestinian people right now they are the ones in most dire and direct threat and they need to be put first " so pivoting from putting the attention towards the genocide that is being committed by the state of Israel to anything else specially the feelings of your close network seems rather strange, to be fair I could only watch 25 minutes of this video, however arguing about the safety of people in a comment section or US campuses instead of focusing in what really matters "The Genocide" seems rather strange, I don't know what else to say, good luck.
well put! these were my thoughts too
Keep watching. Later Jesse explains in great detail how zionisimand nazism have similar ideological roots, ho Israel today is racist and fascistic, how Palestinian resistence is absolutely crucial
@@anniee5487 thanks.
Well put. Yes antisemitism is one of the world’s oldest bigotries, but when paranoia and self flagellation over antisemitism coincides with an ongoing genocide being perpetrated by Israel, you have to wonder whether your attention is being redirected by design.
@@chrishoe1291 when and if I have the time, you should look "Mohammed El-Kurd on Israel & The Art of Distraction" its only 12 minutes.
I wonder why, in so many other discussions, there has never once been a discussion of the role of Islamophobia in imperial history, as a significant portion of the Israel-Palestine conflict also relates to Palestinians’ struggle to overcome Islamophobic characterizations (whether or not those Palestinians are themselves Muslim). Backwardsness, being prone to violence, having inclinations to savagery, being imbued with inherent murderous hatred, maintaining an aversion to freedom or democracy, being fundamentally incompatible with “Western values”
Islamophobia is a problem on the right, the center, and the left. Whatever the West is at any given time, we were the opposite. So it has been for a thousand years
I appreciate Jessie’s willingness to say the word “Islamophobia” and to talk about it. It made me feel seen. I wish we could see a larger discussion about Islamophobia not as a thing that has existed for a few decades, but as a centuries-old institution in which current bigotries are deeply rooted
Probably because Muslim armies nearly conquered Europe and are promising to do so again.
@@Beretta249True. Let’s not forget that the Reconquista and Crusades (well most of them at least) were fought against Muslim aggression.
Now I don’t know about Muslims wanting to invade Europe in today’s world though. I mean except for ISIS I guess.
Because Islam/Muslims were (and continue to be) themselves an imperial force since the last 1400 years. The fact that their imperialism has been on a 250-year or so hiatus doesn't change the fact that their culture is responsible for wiping out (via either cultural genocide OR actual genocide OR a combination of both) the indigenous cultures of North Africa, the Middle East, and parts of South Asia and South East Asia.
So yes, pardon us for 'infidels' who've had a close brush with Islam for rejecting your defence of and propaganda on behalf of Islamic imperialism.
@@disdoncable Literally every single thing you’ve said is wrong. Name one scholar of African histories, Islamic history, South Asian history, or Middle Eastern history who has ever claimed any of this to be true in any peer-reviewed work. I can find every single point you make if I look to professional Islamophobic grifters, but won’t find a hint of it in any academic field. That in mind, bringing this line of discussion into a dialogue about how unchecked Islamophobia is being weaponized against Muslims is about as ironic as it gets
@@Beretta249 oxygen waist
Thank you so much for this, Jessie! Us Muslims are trying to so hard to deal with our trauma of oppression, especially with the Jews & the LGBTQ community.
We are aware of the homophobia, misogyny and antisemitism within our community, but bombing or collective punishment on us will not solve those issues
We should do more than just "make peace" and instead, discuss our shared trauma and find out how to go through them together while facing against hate & seek justice.
It's interesting how Muslims are some of the nicest and most accepting people I've met. Generalizations really do suck.
The excuse of "oh there are sexist/racist/anti-LGBTQ2A people in that community" is so incredible bigoted and disgusting. Every community has a spectrum of people including bad apples. It's just an absurd and abhorrent attempt to ""justify"" perpetuating harm against a community. They're just using other oppressed communities as scapegoats for their hatred for another oppressed community, it's infuriating.
@@Germania9 the thing is homophobes are everywhere you go, why do Muslims have to shoulder and apologize for something every group deals with? Look at Israel, gay marriage isn’t accepted there even though they prop themselves as a gay haven
@@alimhamad6532THANK YOU! 😅 Like whyy?? I agree.
As another Muslim.
Its literally slaughter and we still need to be on the defence? Typical White Privilege 😅
No excuses.
Also that Jessie says its Racist to say "Go back to Europe"
Is sooo "Amurica" coded😂
THIS! When I am pressured about whether I am a Zionist or Anti-Zionist within the Jewish community, I always tell people it's nuanced but it begins with this: Regardless of the deep past or present, Palestinians and us have far more in common than what separates us. And anyway, Palestinians have lived, died, and made more Palestinians who have only known the Land (A phrase I use because Israel, Palestine, or Israel-Palestine have all been divisive terms, and I'm trying to build a bridge), they have just as much right to it as we do, and so any "Zionism" that I have begins and ends with this: Israelis _must_ learn to live in equal peace and hopefully over time, brotherhood, with the Palestinians.
The rest of my answer is rooted not in the inevitability of violence against Jews in the Western world, but the seeming lack of interest in breaking a cycle of violence and bigotry against us. I often tell Gentiles "well, y'all don't seem particularly interested in _not_ killing us every fifty years or so like clockwork, so until you get a handle on that impulse, I do think having a safe place to go is important." BUT AGAIN: THE SAME APPLIES TO PALESTINIANS. The blockade of Gaza is a violation of fundamental human rights. The treatment of Palestinians in the West Bank and Hebron is a violation of fundamental human rights. There's a racist hypocrisy that lies at the center of that argument, if it doesn't demand an end to the conflict and a just and equitable land for everyone.
Just a quick FYI, Jessie - at the end when you tried to reference other videos people could turn to there was white text saying "thumbnail here" and no thumbnails.
This was great. You are one of the most nuanced and important voices on TH-cam. Keep up the solid work.
Came here to say this. It would probably ruin this video's standing with the algorithm to re-upload it but she can maybe pin a comment with links.
Honestly, I get it. Replacing placeholders for small things get lost. I honestly think it's funny it happened, but I do think it's worth adding links in the description.
It was a tremendous honor to have contributed to this video. A very important topic and a ton of work went into this. I'm so proud of Jessie and the rest of the team that put this video together. Really hope that it reaches the right people and helps to heal the hurt so many of us feel right now.
With love,
Seconded on all fronts.
I will just ask, while it is important to highlight the persecution and oppression which created the sentiment for the origin of Zionism as an ideology, why would anyone who is Jewish identify with it? Its a strictly fascist ideology which seeks to have an ethno state as a safe haven for Jewish people which is in itself wrong, as there should be no ethno state for any religion, but most importantly because of the consequences of that ideology are most clear with the ongoing genocide against Palestinians, so its time for all Jewish people to reject that ideology rather than embrace it.
Also seconded! Uh third...ed? Seriously, three cheers for you and everyone who's putting their necks on the line to stand up for what's right! - Against the horrors happening to _our fellow humans!_ - Our "PALs"! (Sorry, The Platform won't let me even say their people's name, or use simple little shapes like a red 🔼 or a slice of ❤🍈.)
@@vanessamaldonado5877 You do realize that... like... most of this video is about answering that very question... right?
Thank you kindly for your work‼️
Jessie, I have been watching your videos for a long time. You introduced me to my favorite show, Star Trek. I am disappointed that this is the avenue you chose, rather than an angle of prioritizing the lived experiences of Palestinians. Every single day, human beings, including children, in Gaza is ongoing, are being murdered. The urgency of this cause cannot be overstated. Amplifying opposition to this is an URGENT need. We should be using every possible tool at our disposal to do whatever we can to contribute to stopping this crime against humanity.
It is easy to feel helpless as an individual, but every single person we can educate on what is happening, who will then add their own voice to the chorus of demanding our governments stop funding and supporting the genocide, matters. Every single one. And someone who has the platform that you do can make an outsized impact.
I know that you have generally spoken against the genocide, but that is not the same thing as applying your talent and resources to actively advocating against it.
Antisemitism is obviously a terrible problem, but to choose this moment in time to expound upon Zionism as a rationalization for a lack of unequivocal opposition the genocide hat is happening right now, as I type this, that has been ongoing for decades, is unconscionable. It is also an insult to Jewish people like me.
I think it is a mistake to in any way cater to people who are do not actively and staunchly oppose genocide, or in denial about the reality of said genocide and 70+ years of well-documented history.
I can’t support you prioritizing a video like this. You could have even made one centering the urgent and immediate need to address rampant, rising Islamophobia.
I hope you are able to truly consider why there has been so much opposition to you making this video, and to look at this from a different perspective.
Thank you for putting your energy and time in this comment. I hope Jessie reads and possibly is moved by it
As a Palestinian, thank you for saying this and putting it into words as I felt the same way but don’t currently have the energy to type it out.
Crazy how nothing satisfies people like you huh. Purity testing is horrid.
Wholeheartedly agree!
Thank you for this video, it has been quite helpful to gain a perspective that isn't always available to me as a Muslim leftist who isn't in community with zionists. I stopped here: 2:59:20. Mosab Hassan Yousef is an Islamophobe who has compared Islam to Nazism and has routinely called for violence against Muslims and Palestinians. Incredible to quote him as you discuss the bigotries that matter.
I haven't gotten to that point yet but I've seen interviews with him, he is completely unhinged and a literal government shill. Americans have some great slurs for the kind of person he is.
I'm stunned to have missed that when i watched this - that Jessie would quote Yousef as a source given the absolutely vile and dehumanising rhetoric he has used to describe the Palestinian people (while also denying that Palestinian people actually exist). Disappointed in Jose for reading that quote too. Far out.
@@g-radical349 and it absolutely undermines the message of the essay for me. Virulent Islamophobia is apparently not a deal breaker.
@@stepstoolliterally three seconds of reading his timeline, his Wikipedia page, his media appearances will tell you what sort of person he is
His quout has the same energy of "im not racist... but". He starts talking about how islam is based on compation and mercy, than he pushes that hamas "islamized" and become anti-semetic. Also him saying that hamas don't care about israel policies, and only are moved by a anti-semetic fervor against israel is wild...
Her validating that quout makes me sick.
Voting is not harm reduction. Harm reduction is a concept that was co-opted by Dems. There have been many radical actions done in terms of harm reduction with drug use. I know you are well researched and thoughtful so please do some research on what "harm reduction" actually is.
How is voting Democrat not LITERALLY harm reduction, when it prevents Republicans from assuming office?
@@MrGameSecrets What are you talking about?! My nation is Sweden!
Never again should mean never again for anybody.
100% never again applies to every human being on the planet. If you have never watched the channel world War II week by week, they have a sub-series called the war against humanity in which it covers all of the war crimes committed by all parties everywhere during the war and right now they are at the point of coverage where the war in Europe is over. And now you are actually seeing German citizens and occupied Eastern Europe experiencing the same treatment that Jewish and other minority groups experienced under Nazi rule. Mass deportations, being placed in camps and Force marches without any resources to sustain themselves. Literally right after we stopped the Holocaust, we allowed for more human rights violations in the immediate wake of it and it has been that way, practically ever since with different groups being victims at different times and most of the time the Western world turning their head as not to see.
Just a heads up, the quote about antisemitism being the rocket fuel of zionism is not from Doppelganger (which was also spelled incorrectly numerous times, but that's besides the point). It's actually from an opinion piece Klein wrote for The Guardian called "In Gaza and Israel, side with the child over the gun" a few days after October 7. You should probably correct that. That's why in academia we have to indicate page number when quoting something. Also, you kind of removed the best part of the article that literally gave name to it. A bit disappointing.
why do you have someone who thinks israelis can't be nazis on your team
Because Nazism is explicitly anti-Jewish, and an "anti-Jewish Jewish" Israeli is a literal contradiction in terms? Israelis can be racist, but they can't specifically believe that Germans constitute the master race (Herrenvolk) and that it's the Germans' responsibility to destroy the Jewish people in their entirety, as well as all other people classed as undesirables (Untermenschen). Not _everyone_ can be a Nazi, easily the most exclusionary ideology ever conceived. Israelis can absolutely be the most vicious, unrepentant racists imaginable (and, as we have seen for the last 10 months, that means hundreds of thousands of them), and they still wouldn't be Nazis. Zionism can be a racist ideology asserting Jews' exclusive right to the land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea without it also being the racist ideology asserting that Jews are an inherently inferior race of subhumans whose greatest crime is that they exist and whose only solution is their total extirpation, which is what Nazism is, always has been, and always will be.
I wish comments like these were more clear in who they're referencing so I can hopefully avoid supporting that person in the future?
I'm not trying to come off as doubtful at all, and like I completely understand it's not anyone's job to educate random commenters on problematic people, but if you're already bothering to make a comment on it I don't see the point in keeping it so vague (unless youtube flags it for some reason?) again sorry, I'm pretty out of the loop when it comes to youtubers/creators/online people and I'm not sure where to start with all the names listed in the description
@@dazc9965TH-cam is not very involved in regulating comment sections unless people actively report a comment. TH-cam creators are the ones that decide what gets through (by setting filters) and what gets to stay (by deleting what they don’t want)
Thank you for the time and effort you put into making these long videos! I really appreciate it!
4 hour long Jessie Gender Video??? Girl you’re definitely getting 100% viewer retention from me, i’m so here for this. You’re a brilliant essayist and I can’t wait to see how you tackle this.
The moment i realized my eyes werent mistaken by the 4 i started straight up purring with excitement
She did poorly trying to both sides..shame on her
Now she just need to one-up Hbomberguy with a four hour Deus Ex video.
With the number of TikToks I’ve seen of Israelis civilians supporting the genocide in Palestine, whether by making fun of Palestinian detainees or by making fun of how they have electricity and resources while Palestinians don’t, to say that Israeli civilians don’t represent the actions of their government is incorrect. Israel as a society is deeply rooted in anti-Palestinian racism and rhetoric even if there might be Israeli citizens who don’t agree with this current trend in Israel (which I’ve seen and I am with you, it must be horrible to live in such a society). Even Norman Finkelstein, a Jewish professor expert on the state of Israel and the ongoing genocide in Palestine whose parents have survived the Holocaust, has stated so about Israel, even calling it “a lunatic society.”
I’ve seen this comment before, but I will reiterate it here: just like Germany was denazified, just like Japan was denazified, so must Israel be denazified. And it is not antisemitic to say such a thing.
No one is saying it is antisemetic for Israel to remove its fascist government. I say it myself in the video.
TikTok’s don’t represent all the Israelis.
@@JessieGender1 I haven’t watched all of your video and I plan to do so, but I stopped at the beginning of the video where you said that Israeli civilians don’t represent the actions of their government. I do think that in order for the genocide to end, something within the Israeli society needs to change and not only their government, which is what I meant by my last sentence. But you might’ve talked about this in depth in your video, so I’ll watch it in full. I usually comment after finishing videos, so I’m really sorry about that, but yeah just wanted to add my thoughts on that as well.
@@Bagelsmoker1945While I agree, a majority of Israelis do support the current operations in Gaza and I’ve seen many testimonies from pro-Palestinian Israelis that all revolved in being bullied by their peers for expressing support to the Palestinian cause. So there is a problem within the Israeli society, and it’s not just the government that’s at fault.
@@JessieGender1that’s not what @sparkfan6135 said. There’s sufficient evidence at this point to suggest that hatred of Palestinians is a pathology endemic to Israeli society. This is neither rare nor surprising considering systems of childhood indoctrination in Israeli schools (Nurit Peled has written about this), mandatory conscription, and the maintenance of Israel through military violence against Palestinians. You cannot reform a fundamentally ethnonationalist state by voting out one iteration of a fascist government. Rather there must be total social reform, denazification as the OP said, to address the root cause of such a government’s existence in the first place.
I feel like you did a really good job of trying to pass through the real complexity of the situation while also making it clear about what's wrong with much of the ideas around it. I can't lie and say I haven't fallen into any of these talking points at some point only to need to check myself.
There is a very deep complex nature to this whole situation, some more simple than others to understand that argue, but at the same time, there's times where we really need to recognize we were going down a certain path that we really shouldn't be. I have both Jewish and Palestinian coworkers I work with, neither of them really speak on it, but myself I try to understand the whole situation because I know people around me are going to be affected by it, and I don't like the idea of anybody being hurt for any reason because of it.
Plus I never really understood the question of do you condemn Hamas, as if all this started on October 7th and hasn't been going on for decades. I myself haven't been following this whole situation for that long, but anytime I look at anything, I always make it a priority to learn where & when it started, because when you don't know that, you can't really understand the whole picture. And finding out that the Israeli government is responsible for the creation of Hamas in the same way that America's is responsible for the creation of the taliban, I feel like just really for his how complicated this situation truly is, but also shows just How deeply America is at the root of a lot of the world's problems.
Im Jewish, my father is Muslim, and we live in israel. I have many feelings, one right now is how good and important this entire video is. Thank you.
Wow, catching this right as it comes out, and right as I'm going to sleep. This is a big one
It's amazing when the notification bell does it's job.
The bottom line to me is, which is the side with countries with a lot of money and power backing them? They don't need support, they need to be stopped.
Mini add on Sephardic jews are also native to the Maghreb and some are part of the indigenous group called Amazigh
I wouldn't go so far as to say Kamala was "far superior" to Biden, she's still a Dem and all the other stuff. Even if we skip her last week of nonsense...
as an israeli i hate everything that is happening, we are stuck in a positive feedback loop of hate and violence, and using said violence to vote for people like netanyahu to continue being loud and aggressive and distrust and uncooperativeness
We need more people like you in the world who see the truth. ❤️
Do you ever feel like Hamas and Likudniks need each other? The worse thing that could happen to Hamas is an Israeli government that is invested (not just words, but money) to developing a Palestinian state. And the worse thing that could happen to the Likud is a Palestinian state were Jews are safe to visit, travel, work, and invest.
It’s beyond a positive feedback loop, it’s two parasites in a symbiotic relationship.
@@SyrEmilon ,sad dude from Israel here, you're correct they both use violence and distrust to keep themselves in power...
@@lolaa.8161 apparently TH-cam won’t let me give a response with sources from amnesty international. Which is not conducive to any form of dialogue. So my question is very simple, how is murdering peace activists like Vivian Silver going to bring liberation? Hamas’s targeting of civilians, use of child soldiers, persecution of Palestinians is all well documented (by organizations like amnesty international). And these atrocities are hand waved as “resistance”. But why is my framework problematic? Why do so many insist that Hamas fights for liberation as the left understands it? Hamas is an organization who fights oppression, genocide, and mass murder through a framework of religious totalitarianism and seeks to establish their own regime of oppression. And I’m sick and tired of being asked to overlook the fact that they are not in the name of a greater cause. Systems of oppression succeed by turning the oppressed into oppressors, by affording rights and benefits to the oppressor, and the fear that they will loose their rights and privileges should the oppression cease. Hamas does not seek for the Palestinian people to be freed of the system, but to become the new oppressors. If the system of oppression ends, Hamas looses their raison d'état. Take your instance that murdering peace activists is a form of resistance and do what you will with it. But giving any form of support for Hamas at this point is voting for the panthers eating face party.
What about peojects lke Senenia, the Olive Tree Project, and aeveral others that have worked to build Palestinian stability in either the West Bank or Gaza? My heart broke as I watched olive trees i'd invested in get blown to Hell but those are cross religious and cross racial projects at tearing down walls and stopping settlement building.
Can't find the exact time after watching but on the topic of 'who is Indigenous?' I'd like to add a fairly simplified distinction we frequently use in discussing Māoritanga and tino rangatiratanga. In short, Indigeneity is about relationship to *dispossession* of a land you are native to, not solely relationship to a land you are native to. It is about the relationship to colonisation and its impact on the people and the land, not just about the people and the land, easily resolving the issue of 'when is the arbitrary start date?'
To be Indigenous you must be both:
1) Able to trace your ancestry back to this land
2) Dispossessed of this land in an *ongoing and present* manner
Danish people are little i indigenous to Denmark but they are not big I Indigenous to Denmark. They are a people from that land (while of course dramatically more recently and contiguously than Jewish people from Palestine) but they are not a people displaced/colonised/oppressed within or from their own land and thus it would be laughable for a Danish person to refer to themselves as Indigenous. They fulful category 1 but not 2 and are not Indigenous.
I as a Māori am Indigenous to Aotearoa because my people fulfil category 1 & 2 for Aotearoa. My ancestors came from elsewhere in Polynesia, like Sāmoa, so by the stretched definitions sometimes applied to the Jewish people and Israel I am indigenous to Sāmoa, a land I and any ancestors I know of have never even been to. If Māori oppression were to worsen in Aotearoa, would we be justified in colonising Sāmoa, imposing Māori culture, and establishing a Māori state at the expense of Sāmoans? If we were to do so, we would then be colonisers (fulfilling only #1) and Sāmoans would be the Indigenous people in the relationship (fulfilling #1 and 2).
In the same way, the Irish were/are the Indigenous people of Ireland, but Irish Americans were/are the colonisers of the USA. Should Irish Americans, whose ancestors fled British colonisation, colonise Ireland and impose Irish American culture and nationhood upon the Irish people, the Irish Americans then in remarkable fasion would be colonisers of a land they can claim ancestry to and thus be indigenous, but as colonisers would *not* be Indigenous. It seems quite clear in these cases that if you have to leave a place, go off and form a new cultural identity, and return later to conquer, you do not have any legitimacy as indigenous. This is why the relationship to power, colonisation, and dispossession is such a key part of the definition.
Indigenous people are simply the ones who were there before the settler colonists were
Thanks about your explanation, i was aware anout indigineity being connected to the relation with colonialism, but i was neves able that articulate that well in my head.
Well said, big facts
There is no general definition of Indigenous. You would think something like the UN would have one, but they decline to specify a generalised definition for good reason - circumstances vary from place to place and time to time and you can be damn sure there's several situations out there that confound the cleverest definition.
Having said that, the definition you elaborate here is exactly or close to what's used pretty much everywhere, and your examples of Ireland and Aotearoa do a great job of distinguishing between indigenous and Indigenous, and they are relatively easy because we're talking about islands with clear-cut edges to distinct territories.
However examples can get really really messy, especially where there is a long history of ebb and flow across a contiguous landmass, with settlement, clearance, imperialism, cultural shifts, populations made up of persons of mixed heritage aligning in part wholly to several cultural traditions and identifying in various ways.
Even your Irish example gets messy very fast in multiple ways and in both directions and you have to start making arbitrary decisions about cutoff dates, genetics, cultural practices, and the reality that across much of the world the cultures that enter history, are visible through history, and experience settler colonialism are themselves a mish-mash of cultural traditions, waves of settlement, subsuming of settler populations, slow trickles of migrants, migrations out of and back into a given piece of land etc etc that are sometimes recorded in history and sometimes not.
Even if we say 'the people living on the land when settler colonialism happened who have no record of living elsewhere prior to that' it is not hard to find examples of the next question being "which wave of settler colonialism?" followed by "how many generations back do we go? Not to mention problematic questions around don't-go-there topics like 'blood purity.'
Aotearoa is actually an outlier case, where we can point to clear-cut distinctions, when the planet as a whole is considered.
Ireland, despite on the face of it being another good example, is the direct opposite.
In most cases you just have to set cut-off dates, draw border lines, assign labels and declare "for the purposes of X, all of population Y are treated as Indigenous" or abandon any discussion about Indigeneity in that instance.
Great comment! The funny thing about your Irish-American example too is that the "American" culture that Irish-Americans were forced to assimilate into has its roots in British culture. So it would be people of Irish descent imposing a culture of British origin on Irish people, which would then continue the history of the British oppressing the Irish, if you think about it
The key thing that I always try to keep in mind is that oppression does not justify oppression. The historical oppression of Jews does not justify Israeli oppression of Palestinians; similarly Israeli oppression of Palestinians does not justify oppression of Israelis.
Oppression itself is the enemy. It is not a question of who should or shouldn't be oppressed, or who can or can't do the oppression.
@Peasham , not for lack of trying. Keep in mind Israel was invaded and attacked by its neighbors multiple times. It was invaded by 7 different countries within 24 hours of declaring independence. Their entire goal was to "drive the Jews into the sea."
@@Peasham Not right now, no, but an awful lot of people seem to think it would be a good idea.
Look at what was happening to the Palestinians in the six months before those countries attacked "within 24 hours." The Nakba did not start in response to that attack. The systematic dispossession of urban Palestinians and the destruction of villages had started months before.
almost every conflict involving israel has either been initiated by israel or has been a neighbouring country responding to israel's treatment of Palestinians or other bs
They invaded the land that the UN set out as Palestinian land, they invaded the Golan Heights (Syria), they even occupied the entire Sinai peninsula (Egypt) for years. Israel is not a victim in the middle east, they are an occupying army.
@@violet7773 ?????? Syria literally was using the Golan Heights to launch rockets and artillery into Israel. Everyone but Syria accepted the UN ceasefire proposal, who continued to attack villages in Israel until Israel captured Golan. They didn't "invade" the Golan Heights, they counterattacked an enemy position who was actively engaged in hostilities with them.
settlers are not innocent
@@salmonforest640 ?
@@berrybirb I saw a furry pfp. so I just said OwO but I agree with you. settlers are not inncent.
@@salmonforest640 ohhhhh ok :33
Israel belongs to the Jewish people since biblical times you
(Sees runtime.) Well I'm in the hospital atm so excellent timing; I get to lay in adjudy bed and watch your hard work unfold while people bring me stuff.
Yay for being sick? (Obviously tragic that anything about the situation is happening at all.)
It may not be a _silver_ lining, but aluminum foil's certainly easier to find.
@@LexYeen In here? Everything is mostly plastic. 'Cept bits o' me.
@@searchingfororion I just got out of the hospital not long ago. I think some people don't realize how stressful filling the long hours from when they wake you up for vitals to when you crash again at night can be as the day(s) tick by. Good luck and I hope you feel better.
@@tsuritsa3105 Aww. That's genuinely sweet. Yeah, sleep isn't easy to find (I also have vampires intermixed with my night vitals; double checking to see if I have the right mix of hemoglobin ect or if they need to send a note in that the cocktail is off - so helpful vamps but double the waking.)
Honestly this was the last type of response I was expecting to the joke at my situation - it's refreshingly kind.
I *do* hope that whatever brought you to the land of premium price rooms, though lacking the gild and glamour, gave you the help you needed and you're now recovered/ing well in comfort.
@@searchingfororion I had night vampires too, mostly so they could check my potassium and other vitamin levels. I'm recovering now. It's a process but I'll get there.
It's horrifying how many people conflate being against the state of Isreal as antisemitism...
True, however I have seen a lot of leftists fall back into antisemitic tropes to criticise the Israeli government and supporters of Israel. We shouldn't presume all accusations are made in bad faith.
Except that it often is, thb. And I say this as a Jew who is against political Zionism. For example, framing the conflict as white vs brown which is based on the social whiteness of many Ashkies in specifically the US and Canada and AUS/NZ when Ashkies are absolutely no more socially white in Europe to this day than the Roma are. Not to mention this framing also blatantly ignores that the majority of Jews in Israel are actually the descendants of those ethically cleansed from the rest of SWANA for being Jewish and thus are not white by any American understanding. At all.
@@eclecticlittledork3418 I can't speak for all of Europe, it's a diverse subcontinent, but in the UK the Roma are far more marginalised than the Jews. The whiteness of Jews is really dependent on the rhetorical convenience of the person speaking in any given instance but the Roma are always othered and foreign.
You're missing the point my friend
@@jhf2121, eh. More legally marginalized? Absolutely. However, if you speak to Jews in the UK there absolutely is quite a ton of discrimination and outright antisemitism. The more shtark or visibly religious one gets the more experiences of outright antisemitism one has, but as a whole most Jews will experience overt antisemitism at some point.
I'm a university student and my experience was that our protest camp was shut down towards the end of term because there were some instances of illegal (against university rules, not the law that I know) peaceful protest where people hijacked meetings. We had three requests:
1. University publicly supports an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza.
2. University cuts all ties with arms companies.
3. University management does not pursue disciplinary action against students or staff involved in protests.
The university itself didn't do any of these they said they have to be apolitical, the collaborations were on departmental levels so it wasn't their place to interfere (there was no consistent central funding) and they felt justified in taking action against protesters who were disruptive.
We have had some level of victory as we are being attacked rather than ignored, but the University has only continued to be a sanctuary offering scholarships to Palestinians. We also got our student's union to intake the following policies:
1. University calls for a permanent ceasefire.
2. University agrees to cut ALL ties with arms manufacturers.
3. University management agrees upon full annual disclosure of university-wide assets, including direct and indirect investments, land holdings, donations, and grants.
4. Lancaster University reaffirms its status as a sanctuary university by offering scholarships to Palestinian refugees and commits to investments in education within the region.
The way to not be antisemitic while criticizing Israel is to be specific. It seems to me that these college protest were pretty successful at using specificity. It’s not Jewish hate to say that Netanyahu is a war criminal. It’s when people become a lot less specific that you can see the antisemitism. It is likely that antisemitism will be on the rise as a result of the war crimes currently happening in Gaza though. It’s an absolute mess. This is coming someone who is secularly Jewish
It will take a long time for me to process everything in this video, as a pro-Palestine Jew, but I will say you have addressed this topic with so much more care than anyone else I have seen on TH-cam. Not that it should be a competition. But thank you. I think I might cry...
Hey, sorry if this is cheesy, but I just want you to know, as a leftist atheist, I see you too. Jessie isn't the only one. This whole conflict is deeply painful for Jews too and I think that should be acknowledged; this samsara of pain and horror in Palestine is good for no one. No average people, anyway. Jews are not the villains; most of them are victims, some of whom have been convinced that this injustice is good for them. Free everyone in Palestine from all forms of oppression; no true liberation can be exclusionary.
To their credit, not only did South Africa use the word “apartheid” to describe Israel’s occupation of Palestinians, so did former President Jimmy Carter and the US-based NGO Human Rights Watch, some years back.
As a jewish person whos been emboldened in my identity by my deprogramming from zionism and the breakaway from israel as a country who, when you delve into it, has no respect for me as a "diaspora jew", it saddens me to see people feel unsafe in a place that realistically wants to build them up.
The paranoia of Israel has wormed it's way into many of our hearts, until words like "jew/jewish" or "zionist" become synonymous with Israel to such a toxic degree. On both ends.
It HAS led to overt antisemitism, because when israel reinforces that synonysm its not the fault of the oppressed if they repeat it in their reaction.
But it also is leading to many people who would otherwise be completely against the actions in palestine to be accepted or even DESIRED simply because of this association
It is difficult to deal with. To see people walk away, cast away, or even decry people who have love for them simply because the binding ties israel has cast upon our synagogues has led to us growing up in these heavily indoctrinating societies between jews.
Personally, i was not disowned by my family for my trans identity.
But i was for standing wholeheartedly against the genocide of the people of the surrounding region...
Hah, i wound up rambling. I hope people come back to you Jessie, youre good people, youre kind, and we all deserve the love of our fellows.
Thank you for making this video, it's giving me a more clear and concise vision so far.
It also makes me feel safer, and that I can actually do something.
I don't know how to end these types of things so... Great video!
I could not be more proud to have worked on this with you Jessie. I’ve felt so powerless in the face of all this, it means so much to have helped on a video that will be seen by so many and actually move the conversation in a more mature and helpful direction.
Truly, I’ll never be able to thank you enough for giving me the chance to do so.
Hope to chat with you soon.
This was an incredible video essay. As a Palestinian, I applaud your unbiased stance on this issue. Instead of focusing on "condemning" one side, you aimed to present the audience with facts. However controversial it seemed, the truth is that we are all inherently flawed and the fight between the initially-funded-by-israel Hamas and the Israeli Government is a testament for the need for humanity to look in a different direction opposed to war. In the end, this war, in fact, all wars happening right now as I comment, all feels non sensical to me. Again, thank you so much for your efforts in to bringing this video to life.
Jess, how do you not get overwhelmed with such gigantic projects?
Right? It's a bit of a drain on me when I make a 20 minute researched podcast. That's just audio. 4 hours of editing video with so many clips is mind boggling.
She’s spoken before about how these videos do often drain her. Take it from a fellow TH-camr, feeling overwhelmed is part of the job description but it’s even worse when you’re marginalized.
@@PosiWritesStories what margin?
@@tuckerbugeater jessie is a transgender woman who has a lot of pressure on her shoulders when it comes to videos like this due to her public status AS a well known trans woman
@tuckerbugeater In Jessie's case transgender.
It's more accurate to say that Zionism is a colonialist ethno nationalist movement that was founded in response to descrimination against the Jewish people largely in Europe.
Regarding why Israel gets so much more focus than other countries doing similar things, if the focus is from Americans, the fact that Israel being actively supported by the US government seems like a pretty important difference.
I obviously don't want any country doing such things, but I especially don't want my country enabling it.
Some context about the pale of settlement: it was a part of russia where jews were allowed to settle. It was created after poland-lithuania's east (where a lot of jews lived due to a history of relatively tolerant policy towards jews) was conquered by russia (where until then very few jews lived).
2:44:46 Yes. That’s exactly my problem, I am a Jewish trans woman with a disability and I can’t just live in my own without support, and I can’t be open about opposing the ongoing genocide without alienating important people in my life. And at the same time my queer and leftist friends don’t understand why I am not so vociferous and loud as they are. And I do see them absorb and integrate explicit Judenhass tropes and treat me more coldly.
It is a struggle I sublimate by being especially loud in my work for equity and justice for trans people and people of color and refugees. And I hope people take the hint.
But it seldom happens.
I was raised as a White American revert Muslim from when I was 5 till I was 17 (came out as a trans guy and looking for my own path), and being a kid in Islam who was constantly a victim of people assuming any woman with a scarf is automatically linked to terroristic groups (because funny enough, no one could tell if the men were Muslim unless in traditional clothing, so Women got the brunt of it) and was yelled at multiple times as a child, by adults I did not know, for the actions of a group I never even knew outside of the news. So when I hear people protesting for the acknowledgement of Palestine, but then they fall down the rabbit hole of offending those who happen to be Jewish, who aren't all with Israel's political side or haven't even stepped foot on the land, it just baffles me. What need is there to scare people simply because of their faith or ancestry? It only causes more hate and distrust. And people need to be careful of their words and learn more before jumping into anything BECAUSE of this.
I deeply want to get into more things like protesting to help raise the voices of Palestine, but I fear if some protestors say harsh words of the Jewish people, it will cause things to get worse and I might let my emotions out lol.
Also speciesism is also anti-animals and insult to injury to also be compared to the indoctrinated humans, let alone when also their ab*sers and rpists?
White trans Muslim AKA Chicken for KFC
Feeding the algorithms. Thank you so much for making this video, jessie.
The main reason Israel is singled out for condemnation of its apartheid and genocide because it receives billions of dollars in aid, diplomatic cover and other major supports from the most powerful imperial force on the planet. Other genocidal regimes should be condemned. But the power and financial issue cannot be subtracted from this subject.
I think both things can be true. It's like when media gives disproportionate attention to women they hate, while they may have many reasons they hide behind misogyny always plays a role in the background. I genuinely believe most antizionist sentiments in the left aren't antisemitic, but antizionism in general can always be weaponized by antisemites
Yes, Western governments calling out Israel is indeed hypocrisy... And that's why I as a citazen of the western colonial world, support land back and support Palestine
No it's not, native Americans have equal rights in 2024. You can't say the same about palastnians in the west bank and Gaza
@@Ringoroadagain6 until there is land back, it's hypocrisy
@shibibi1 so asking Isreal not to bomb kids on a daily basis is too much and people on the west shouldn't call it out?
How many more kids wish to see killed?
@@shibibi1 isreal is an aparthied that treats muslims and Christian palastnians as 2nd class citizens and even worse in the occupied west bank, not denying America's past crimes but at least on American soil in 21st century there is no group is treated as horribly as the palastnians in their own land
Some topics, such as this one, are only possible to give due respect to with a minimum of a four hour discussion. Thank you so much for your hard work and intellectual and well researched approach.
النصر لشيوعية ،فلتسقط الإمبراطورية الأمريكية
I know that's right
This video feels like a four-hour, thorough version of a set of clarifications that I myself have had to preempt so many conversations with.
That said I do think there were a lot of capitulations and acceptance of certain framings that I would certainly not have made. The number of notes I have would make this a novel and may more reflect a relationship with my own worldview as opposed to a broader, less informed one. Either of those reasons would make me putting them here not terribly helpful.
Solid video overall. Despite my disagreements seems like a very good thing to put out.
*Edit: just a note it sounded like you said 3000 civilians dying at the music festival. It is my understanding that is an incorrect figure.*
Just going to add this after thinking my comment over for a little bit. I think I got a touch defensive given the topic being putting the left (deservedly) on blast for antisemitism. Think I felt impulsively like I had to defend myself instead of taking the video as it was intended.
This one was not about me and I apologize if I literally came off as the smug leftist you were rightly criticizing in the video.
Centering myself was completely inappropriate. My apologies.
Antisemitism having far too comfortable a home in the rhetoric of the left is important to call out. It absolutely destroys solidarity as you rightly pointed out. Thank you for the good work.
As usual Admiral, you dive into the topic head first, with peril to your own sanity, and deliver an extensive and nuanced take on the subject.
I like that you eye shadow matches your glasses it messes with my mind but it's really cool, also thank you for speaking on important topics I hope your not having to much of a hard time 💚
Thank you for discussing this topic in such detail; it's getting more and more difficult as a Jewish person to have productive conversations with other leftists about the genocide happening right now.
A productive discussion starts and ends with abolishing Zionism
Thank you, I can't imagine the time and energy that went into making this. I'll be working my way through it over the next... let's say week or so, the topic is a bit of an energy drain, in addition to setting aside time to give it the proper attention, but I always love your work and look forward to it, kinda. I mean I do, but, you know what I mean.
Oh Jessie... plenty of comments have already well outlined my own disappointment with this, so I'll keep it simple and just say "oof".
Not helpful
@@YadonTheCat Was not attempting to be 👍
Thank you so much for this. You are an amazing essayist and this really touched my heart as an lonely rural anarchist. You make me hopeful that the future we are trying to build might actually happen.
I will watch this part after part thrpughput the following days! Thank you for the video, for the true reflection and massive work you put into this video! 🖤❤
I think it’s a bit of a misnomer saying that ‘Israeli’ colonists aren’t European by saying many are American, as they’re not native to the americas, they are native ultimately to Europe, which colonised America
you should've paid attention to the video. most israeli jews are middle eastern in origin - ashkenazi jews from europe are the smaller population. please educate yourself before trying to teach people about a society you clearly don't know much about.
@@elgranespejomizrahi is an artificial category that obscures settler colonialism
@@johnsushi2007 Artificial how?
@@johnsushi2007 cool, do exactly what the video is advising us not to do and distract from my clarifying that most Israeli Jews aren’t of European descent by focusing on the etymology of the word mustache, completely irrelevant to my response and the original comment.
@@elgranespejoit doesn’t really matter where the colonizers come from tbh. They’re still participating in European style colonialism, propped up by a settler colonial empire.
South Africa is still one of the very few governments willing to openly criticise Israel. It makes me proud to be part of the rainbow nation
@@lornm1856 yes. And?
Jews as a whole are not required to be (And many many are not) in any way related to Israel and that project. If someone who is 'Anti-zionist/anti israeli state) but feel uncomfortable with Jessie's level of criticism and concern: You need to check yourself. You SHOULD feel uncomfortable with this whole thing and NOT try to have a safe space where you can hide your feelings. Examine your feelings. 'Do you feel complicit?' could be a good starting point.
Fascism is inherently colonialist and imperialist, zionism started as the latter two and inevitably became the former.
Yes, correct on all counts but not all imperialism/colonialism is fascism. All are dangerous and need to be fought, but it behooves us to be able to describe each correctly so as to discuss fighting them in specific terms rather than just through generalized populist sentiments.
"Fascism is colonialism" is not a populist term at all. No politician says that. Since the beginning, Nazis emulated the US' colonialism to develop their policies. That's why they invaded their neighboring countries, took their land and drove their victims to reservations (the OG inspiration of the ghettos).
Populism is not when "politican says a thing" or "thing is popular". Populist rhetoric is when "a political approach that strives to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups." It's wielded by many groups across all political groups. However, when populism is undirected; it can lead easily to antisemitism. And again, no one is arguing that fascism isn't embedded with colonialism. Colonialism and fascism however are two different things. One could even safely argue that all fascism is inherently colonial. But not all colonialism is fascism. The argument is not to call Israel INCAPABLE of fascism (its doing fascism right now) but to say that it won't all ways be fascist, nor has always been, but it will always be colonial and therefore always genocidal against the Palestinians, even when not overtly fascist.
When discussing fascism and colonialism, it is crucial to recognize both the connections and distinctions between these two concepts. Fascism, as a political ideology, is deeply rooted in ideas of racial superiority, national rebirth, and the creation of a homogeneous society. It often seeks to expand its influence and territory through aggressive means, which is why many argue that fascism is inherently colonial in nature-it seeks to dominate and control other peoples and territories as part of its broader agenda.
Colonialism, on the other hand, is the practice of establishing control over foreign lands and peoples, often for economic gain, resource extraction, or strategic advantage. While colonialism has frequently been justified through ideologies of racial superiority-similar to those found in fascism-it does not always take on the same totalitarian or authoritarian form that fascism does. Colonialism can occur in different contexts, including those driven purely by economic motives without the broader social and ideological ambitions of fascism.
Thus, while it is accurate to say that fascism often carries colonial ambitions, it is not correct to equate all forms of colonialism with fascism. Colonialism has taken various forms throughout history, some of which predate or exist outside of the fascist framework. The two concepts are related but distinct, each with its own historical and ideological nuances.
@@JessieGender1 How could you write this post and not realize that yes, both things are the same? You just described the ideological aspect of fascism and the economical aspect of colonialism. But the economical aspect of fascism IS colonialism. And at least in this very age, the ideology of colonialism IS fascism.
Where do you develop these ideas? Did you talk with your Indigenous neighbours about it, beforehand? Do you really believe you're qualified to define colonialism as a White settler?
One of the problems in all form of modern discourse around issues like this is the tendency of people (propelled by interested parties) to reduce everything down to a "perfect victim/absolute villain" dichotomy. One of the things I always appreciate about Jessie's videos is the focus on a more nuanced approach that attempts to appreciate a multifaceted issue from an initial understanding that nothing is completely straightforward.
Whenever I hear or read an interview with an Israeli settler I get flashbacks to genocidal colonial powers of the 19th century.
The calls for ethnic cleansing, the demands that the Palestinians are driven out, the moderates who might allow them to stay as 2nd class citizens without voting rights...
And for some reason they always look whiter than me, a Scandinavian, and always talk with American accents.
Hi Jessie. Long time viewer of yours here. To say that I am trepidatious about this video is an understatement. I am a leftist, pro-palestine jew who has participated in Jewish pro-palestine activism, and yet the antisemitism that I have experienced in my own life perpetuated BY the left and the pro-palestine movement has deeply wounded me. The gaslighting I've experienced when I talk about those wounds has only isolated me further. The way that I've watched the Left nosedive into ancient antisemitic conspiracy theory and tropes (like blood libel) has shattered my trust in the Left writ large. It has also shattered my trust in the Left's discernment: the way that the Left talks about zionists/zionism smacks of dog-whistling, and tokenizes antizionist Jews as the only "good" and acceptable jews--all without engaging with the problem that Zionism attempted to solve: systemic antisemitic violence. This dichotomy of Zionism-antizionism ignores historical context and erases alternatives (like neo/bundism) and does nothing to ensure actual Jewish safety in the diaspora. I am nonetheless hopeful that this video will address the Left's failure to be intersectional and hold compassion for Jewish people.
I am cautiously looking forward to seeing where you take us on this 4 hour journey. Best, a trans, leftist, nonzionist Jew.
22:00 in or so and I just burst into tears. This alienation from leftist spaces and the queer community is exactly why I've felt so isolated since October 7th. I've had tears streaming down my face for several minutes now
24:24 I started sobbing. This is the most willing I've seen a goyische leftist to have compassion for us and ask themselves this question. I'm on my way to work rn but l'll continue to comment timestamps as I continue watching this later. Thank your for even entertaining the idea that the left isn't immune to antisemitism. We have felt so dismissed
Yeah; everything you've been discussing is what the whole video is about
Fellow non-zionist, leftist Jew, feeling very much the same (cautious but hopeful) prior to starting this video - Jessie is one of the most thoughtful commentary TH-camrs I've come across, so I have faith that the video will be challenging but nuanced
this is honestly just a garbage take. like, for real
imagine if in the midst of the holocaust someone started barking about genuine anti-german sentiment and conflating feeling personally insulted / unsafe with the ongoing industrial-scale mass killings
that is what you are doing right now. you are pearl-clutching over genuine antisemitism that in no way immediately jeopardizes your person and then giving that equal weight to an active military campaign meant to inflict genocide upon palestinians
it is straight garbage
that fact that people were racist to you isn't okay; the fact you want to use that as an excuse to turn a blind eye to a genocide means you are pretty much just as bad as people being racist to you
I love your work Jessie! When you described the complex oppression that Jewish people experience it reminds me of how other races, women, and queer people experience oppression through out history. It's crazy how often an outgroup has been said to be demonic or using some dark magic if they gained power. Then using that fear of evil and dark magic as proof that they deserve to be oppressed because of how dangerous the outgroup was. Meanwhile the "good ones" are used as examples to promote the ruling group. It's really frustrating how this is often rooted with, as you mentioned, systems of power and one of the major ones is the Nation state which you beautifully explained it's growth and how it was conceptualized that a culture was linked to ethnicity, and those people are bound to land (a border drawn on a map decided by some people). Thank you for such a great deep dive into these awful things. I really hope it can help expand people's understanding of how frustratingly complex and interconnected oppression is.
A most informative , in depth and timely video essay . Thank you Jesse!
Wonderfully done! Many MANY people need to hear this!
No one is free until ALL are free! Money for jobs and education, not for war and occupation!
While the targeting of civilians is abhorrent no matter who does it, on the whole Oct 7 represented concentration camp inmates breaking out and fighting back against the concentration camp guards (the IDF). You can't acknowledge that "colonizers say let me keep my boot on your neck but your resistance can't be too violent" and tell people that anti-colonial violence is "nothing to celebrate" in the same breath with zero irony.
You forgot the fact that most of people killed on oct 7 weren't IDF soldiers and were just civilians and tourist in a party.
@@NearBiblicolol haretz said it was the Hannibal directive. I too am sad for those party goers who were partying near the world's largest concentration camp that was put on a diet and under "mowing the lawn" blockaded where they can't get out with no future or hope. Who could have thought haha
It's just cause and effect
Thank you for making an in-depth, nuanced video on zionism. As someone who is Jewish who never grew up in the culture, the attachment to Israel by many perplexed me. Your video puts into perspective the history of Israel and why many Jewish people may still support zionism despite its consequences
People are not representative of their governments. I feel like many times we can apply it to the situation in Gaza, but forget to apply it to Israeli people
I hope to see a free Palestine in my lifetime
Unfortunately, polls have shown that the majority of Jewish Israelis are either in complete accord with the Netanyahu government, or believe that they haven't gone far enough.
"Has a right to defend itself" is such a frustrating slogan when applied to a situation where a state assumes governance of land and people and proceeds to attact said land and people on it. How come a state has a right to defend itself from its people, but the people don't have a right to defend itself from the state? It's quite the paradox, isn't it? Is Palestine a separate national entity or is it not? Is there an outside adversary power or is there not? From what and who is Isreal's state defending itself from? If it assumes governance of said land and people, does genuinely have a right to attack its own people? If there is Palestine, how can the state of Israel rule over its existence as an outside entity?
The cycle of violence is immensely heartbreaking. I procrastinated with watching this to the end, and I'm glad I finally did. This opened upon a lot of questions and concerns I've had listening to the ongoing discourse.
My uncle was a Kuwaiti resistance fighter and got cheered on by Americans in the 90’s. I wonder if you would have thought my uncle was a hero/martyr, or a terrorist.
Either way, I love him and respect his decision to fight for our home. (Which is still standing 30 years later because of his sacrifice)
As I say in the video, armed resistance is justified. And much love to your uncle for fighting.
@@JessieGender1 it’s been a while and after finishing reading We Will Not Cancel Us by: Adrienne Maree Brown , I’d like to apologize for any tension I/we may have caused by our comments. We as the proletariat are comrades, and sometimes we need to step back and reflect back to that. Thank you for reading our comments. Conflict can be healthy for growing knowledge and also ourselves.
if it is possible down the line, could you add captions to this video? it would greatly help to follow along. thank you
Absolutely spineless conclusion.
i usually don't really comment on videos much but i really felt the need to say this, i don't really think you can really blame hamas considering the historical context of the brutal Palestinian oppression since the late 40s, i personally have lost a few distant family members thanks to israel and i thought it was bad, i cant even begin to imagine the rage they must feel, having been slaughtered and kept in poverty for generations. IN YOUR OWN LAND THAT WAS STOLEN FROM YOU. other then that, it was a really well made vid, and your voice kept me hooked. would probably watch it again.
@@ererererd9497huh?! Yeah nice attempt at reverse but nobody is buying the unit 8200 bot lines anymore.
What you say abound bounds of ideologies and hope beyond them resonates so deeply with me, thank you, thank you, you smart, kind and brave woman.
A little personal story: to my shame, I am one of the people saved by Israel. After the war with Ukraine began, and gender-affirming healthcare was blanketly outlawed in Russia, me and my spouse were deeply in trouble. We financially supported Ukraine almost from day 1, and my spouse of 15 years works in grassroots organization supporting trans people. One of his colleagues, a volunteer, is in jail now for 12 years for giving much less money to Ukraine than we did. We had to escape, and we escaped to Israel, because it provided gender-affirming healthcare that he needed, and had a support system. We thought a lot about it but decided that we could do some good as citizens by voting left, and supporting Palestinian rights and charities, and that’s what we do and did.
We moved to Israel exactly one month and one week before the genocide in Gaza started. We were so happy at first to get healthcare, to be open about our relationship for the first time in our lives, to not fear the neighbors who could guess we were a couple and tell on us to the authorities - all of those horrors left behind in Russia. My spouse could work with trans youth now, and that was so dangerous back in Russia!
But in one month we found out we just have new horrors now, and a second genocide we are responsible for as citizens of a country committing it.
Before the war, I deluded myself that a two-state solution could be enough, freeing Palestine in the borders of old treaties was enough - now I believe that equality should be achieved in a country that is fair for all, and I believe it can be done. Maybe not right away, not tomorrow, and as a band-aid I will support parties who will bring on at least the end of occupation with a two-state solution. But if the US can be such a patchwork of states united under one country, why can’t all the people on this tiny piece of land coexist in free and fair Palestine? And religious people can call it by another name if they want to. Like traditionalists Russian sometimes call it Rus’, it’s not the name of the state and it’s inaccurate, and it doesn’t matter. And maybe Jews and Jewish families in situations like mine could still be saved by this country for all, but so could others- because I do not deserve to be saved more or less just on the grounds of having the right ancestry.
I’m sorry if I said something offensive or stupid, please correct me if I did. It’s just how I feel, and I thought my story can be interesting to someone.
No need to be ashamed. You saved your own lives and now can save Palestinian lives and work for peace by working from within - which is going to do more good than outsiders' condemnation.
@@Yibambe. Thank you, and I hope I can be one of those drops of water that will overpower the stone, as they say in Russian.
Bless you, may you be a positive force of justice and change. Don't forget to take care of yourself, this situation sucks and mental health is important to be able to help, but I appreciate your contributions immensely. Thank you.
Why are you treating Israeli settler feelings with such a soft touch my goodness
western colonizers hedging their bets for when their reckoning comes too🤷♂
Thank you for still talking about this Jessie, even tho lots of others have decided to move on.
Just wait. When universities open up again. Students will continue their protests and since there's an election in a minute, Harris will have to promise them something. Dearborn included.
The reality of Israel:
Israel is a settler colonial state which was born out of the violent conquest of a land not theirs, backed by foreign powers. Since it's establishment the government has continued to kill civilians and occupy the homes they emptied wjth their own population (whom by doing so are complicit in and legitimizing the bloodshed). Those Palestinians who survived were displaced, forced into the Gaza ghetto or elsewhere. In the lands still labeled Palestine (Gaza, West Bank) Israel still exerts power over their governments, rendering them with little autonomy. This is the reality of the state of Israel.
The desirable resolution:
1) A Palestian governed state which replaces the political entity of Israel. And 2) the voluntary return of Palestinians to their homeland now under Palestinian control.
As for the Israelis? This isn't about them. The Palestinains are oppressed and their path towards liberation is to overthrow their oppressors. Israelis should fight alongside the Palestinans, or flee elsewhere. That is their choice to make.
Well said!
Israel itself is the crime and the only acceptable solution is for the state of Israel to be disolved, the lands they have stolen returned, and the criminals who participated (this includes all Israeli living on occupied land) made to answer for their crimes in a court of law, just like the Germans had to after World War 2.
If this makes jews uncomfortable, then that does not matter. Zionists are just another flavor of Nazis and should not be welcome anywhere!
If you're a jew and not in support of the genocidal colonialist ethnostate of Israel, you are not the one being protested against and more than welcome to join us on the right side of history. This is not about your religion, it is about the genocidal colonialist ethnostate of Israel and its ongoing crimes against humanity.
The state of Israel must be disolved and the lands returned. Anything less is supporting and rewarding a genocidal conquest.
We will not let Israel cry anti-semitism whenever we call out in protest against their ongoing crimes against humanity!
*Israel does not have a right to defend itself. It only has the right to leave the lands they have stolen and to return them to the people they have been actively murdering and displacing for the past 76 years!*