Man! For as slow as you went i followed yr instructions exactly for the first example (at least i thought i did… repeatedly ) nothing worked for me. Things that pop up for you in the video, didn’t pop up for me to use on my screen. This is the same with every ‘Shortcut’ video i try to learn from. Lot of instructors ‘race’ thru these videos. You didn’t and im grateful. Thank you for your time.
Man! For as slow as you went i followed yr instructions exactly for the first example (at least i thought i did… repeatedly ) nothing worked for me. Things that pop up for you in the video, didn’t pop up for me to use on my screen. This is the same with every ‘Shortcut’ video i try to learn from. Lot of instructors ‘race’ thru these videos. You didn’t and im grateful. Thank you for your time.