It works. I got the first pin out yesterday, and installed one of the hinge pins. The hinge pins that I bought with the kit are a bit too long, compared to standard VW pins, so long that I didn’t have room to put my oil cap back in. So I ordered four pins from Wolfsburg West. The tool (spanner, wrench) required is a 15/16 inch (or 24 mm). Make sure it’s a good foot long, as the beginning take a lot of leverage torque. But once you get a few turns in, the pin starts moving, and it’s pretty easy to press the rest of the pin up and out. Removing the old pin was easier than installing the new one, using the tool. I should have remembered to put the new pin in the freezer for an hour, then heated up the hinge with a hair dryer. Once the pin is nice and frozen (smaller, that is) pull it out of the freezer and immediately insert it in the heated-up hinge, then tap it in with a hammer. I didn’t do the above for the first pin, but I’ll do so for the four pins I’ll be getting soon. All in all, this hinge-pin removal tool is well worth the money. Just be sure to follow the directions, with turning one side, then the other. First one, then the other, and on and on. I didn’t scratch my paint during removal, but did a little bit when pressing a new pin in. I believe this was novice error on my part, as I neglected to adjust the back bolt evenly (often enough) to align the horizontal bars evenly, and so the tool head would wander off center and closer to the door flange (A pillar). Also, pressing in the pin is a little awkward, compared to removing the old one. Perhaps an additional threaded hole for the handle at the lower side bar also would help, as pressing in is an upside down affair, and the handle being at the bottom when reversing the tool for pressing in makes it harder to keep the tool in alignment. For piece of mind, and because you’re probably doing this for the first time, a thin strip of cardboard (I cut mine from a thin Christmas box) taped along the two areas adjacent to the head, is a good precautionary procedure.
not sure if anyone gives a damn but if you guys are stoned like me during the covid times then you can stream all the new series on InstaFlixxer. Been streaming with my gf these days xD
For us in North America with the steering wheel on the left and the passenger on the right, I believe there is a side rear view mirror for the passenger/right side which mounts by screwing into a hinge pin. Does the pin on the tool fit inside the tapped hole of that type of pin or does that type of pin have an exterior threaded end?
Hello! Great video on this tool! I placed an order for one on December 22 2022, but have not heard any communication at all from you. Is there a problem with my order? Invoice number WC-425. Please let me know what's going on. Thank you in advance!
Are you still selling these? I’m going to put one on my Christmas list (that’s how I get a lot of VW stuff, without the wife moaning a lot), and I need to know how long it takes for you to make up one, then mail it to California? Once I have some ballpark timeline, I can put the tool on my list, showing your site to the wife, and get it by Christmas.
@@trevorhutchinsth, Trevor, I just emailed you that I sent the money for the tool, via PayPal. Looking forward to trying it out. Stay safe, Tim (Michael Donahoe).
Nice vid, but what a colossal hassle! VW placing Beetle door hinges on the outside and exposed to the weather was a very BAD IDEA in the first place. Obviously, hinges should have been completely inside the door jamb, not visible to the outside.
Please do not think all Americans can’t understand English spoken with a different dialect. I guess you’ve never spent time in Boston, southern Alabama, west Texas, or south Chicago. Almost all of those places speak some type of English but I’ll guarantee you they’re just as hard to understand this gentleman. If you get my sarcasm out of that. You got a live more man if you can’t understand him
It works. I got the first pin out yesterday, and installed one of the hinge pins. The hinge pins that I bought with the kit are a bit too long, compared to standard VW pins, so long that I didn’t have room to put my oil cap back in. So I ordered four pins from Wolfsburg West. The tool (spanner, wrench) required is a 15/16 inch (or 24 mm). Make sure it’s a good foot long, as the beginning take a lot of leverage torque. But once you get a few turns in, the pin starts moving, and it’s pretty easy to press the rest of the pin up and out.
Removing the old pin was easier than installing the new one, using the tool. I should have remembered to put the new pin in the freezer for an hour, then heated up the hinge with a hair dryer. Once the pin is nice and frozen (smaller, that is) pull it out of the freezer and immediately insert it in the heated-up hinge, then tap it in with a hammer.
I didn’t do the above for the first pin, but I’ll do so for the four pins I’ll be getting soon.
All in all, this hinge-pin removal tool is well worth the money. Just be sure to follow the directions, with turning one side, then the other. First one, then the other, and on and on.
I didn’t scratch my paint during removal, but did a little bit when pressing a new pin in. I believe this was novice error on my part, as I neglected to adjust the back bolt evenly (often enough) to align the horizontal bars evenly, and so the tool head would wander off center and closer to the door flange (A pillar). Also, pressing in the pin is a little awkward, compared to removing the old one. Perhaps an additional threaded hole for the handle at the lower side bar also would help, as pressing in is an upside down affair, and the handle being at the bottom when reversing the tool for pressing in makes it harder to keep the tool in alignment.
For piece of mind, and because you’re probably doing this for the first time, a thin strip of cardboard (I cut mine from a thin Christmas box) taped along the two areas adjacent to the head, is a good precautionary procedure.
Awesome video and very helpful... never saw this done before and mine will be needing to be replaced.. thank you
Fantastic demonstration! When can one buy this tool?
You already have :-)
I have a 74 Beetle & the old pins are already out. Will this tool install the new pins as well? Thanks!
Does exactly what it says with no damage to my cars paintwork, though I dd tape some thin card over the areas where damage could have occured.
not sure if anyone gives a damn but if you guys are stoned like me during the covid times then you can stream all the new series on InstaFlixxer. Been streaming with my gf these days xD
@Royce Gerardo yea, have been using InstaFlixxer for since december myself :)
For us in North America with the steering wheel on the left and the passenger on the right, I believe there is a side rear view mirror for the passenger/right side which mounts by screwing into a hinge pin. Does the pin on the tool fit inside the tapped hole of that type of pin or does that type of pin have an exterior threaded end?
The tool will take these pins out too .. and put them back in without damage to the treads as the pin on my tool fits inside the threads
Hi, nice step by step video?where can I buy one of those tools 🛠️ to get my door replace? Can you provide the link? Thank you
Hi you can get them from my Web
Really helpful tips ...excellent
Does this tool work for golf mark2, i really need to change my pins and it is a pain in the ass to do.
Best regards
Do you still have these available and will you ship to the US?
Yes mate constantly making them .. visit my web site
@@trevorhutchinsth Great, I placed an order for one on the 9th. Do you happen to know how I can get delivery information?
@@joerullan7271 did you eventually get your tool? I ordered one but haven't heard anything from the seller.
Hello! Great video on this tool! I placed an order for one on December 22 2022, but have not heard any communication at all from you. Is there a problem with my order? Invoice number WC-425. Please let me know what's going on. Thank you in advance!
Hi thats strange did you send to ?
@@trevorhutchinsth no I did not. Wasn't I supposed to get an order confirmation from you?
@Ken R. yes mate that would of been from
I'll check my end when I get back
@@trevorhutchinsth ok thank you!
@@trevorhutchinsth did you return yet? Why is it taking so long or you to ship my order?? Please give me an update! Thanks.
Thanks , Very helpful
Hello. Do you have a link to purchase this tool?
Hi ...
Do you know anyone who might rent one of these, or sell used? I only need it once.
Cool air vw mate
How do you know what size pin goes in to replace the old one? First oversized, second? Or, the same size?
Same 8.00mm pin 99% of the time its the pin that is warn ...
@@trevorhutchinsth, thanks for the tip.
Are you still selling these? I’m going to put one on my Christmas list (that’s how I get a lot of VW stuff, without the wife moaning a lot), and I need to know how long it takes for you to make up one, then mail it to California? Once I have some ballpark timeline, I can put the tool on my list, showing your site to the wife, and get it by Christmas.
i can get out to you next week . not a problem now
@@trevorhutchinsth, Trevor, I just emailed you that I sent the money for the tool, via PayPal. Looking forward to trying it out.
Stay safe,
Tim (Michael Donahoe).
@@trevorhutchinsth how much is the tool
@@frankestrada1259 tool are 120 mate have a look on
Is the pin supposed to be tight into the top and bottom portions of the hinge and loose on the middle/door portion of the hinge?
Yes mate the pin has a spline at the top to grip the hinge .. this means it can only come out by going up
Just done a video mate will help answer that question
What size is the bolt head? 24 mm?
yes mate m16 . 15/16ths
How much?
£120 mate ... have a look on my website
Where i can get this tool and the cost Of this tool?
Nice vid, but what a colossal hassle! VW placing Beetle door hinges on the outside and exposed to the weather was a very BAD IDEA in the first place. Obviously, hinges should have been completely inside the door jamb, not visible to the outside.
Yes ... but that's how they are .. and they have been like it for decades..
Yup, that's how they are. Idiotic placement for decades.
I brought one a year ago. It's for sale.
We in the USA, might have a bit of a problem understanding your accent, most of the time.
Please do not think all Americans can’t understand English spoken with a different dialect. I guess you’ve never spent time in Boston, southern Alabama, west Texas, or south Chicago. Almost all of those places speak some type of English but I’ll guarantee you they’re just as hard to understand this gentleman. If you get my sarcasm out of that. You got a live more man if you can’t understand him
looks expensive could be possible to be rented like in autozone o O'reyllis , i am in Mexco.
It's alot cheaper than some... I've actually sent 5 to Mexico already
impact hammer works faster and is cheaper
No such as:freer