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The phrase "Father" and "son of God" had never been taken to be literal by Hebrew and Aramaic speaking people. The worship of a Triune-God, a demigod or God incarnate, was completely foreign to Hebrew and Aramaic speaking Jews like Moses, Jesus, and their families. Literal sons of God, God incarnates, Trinities, demigods, death-and-rebirth god archetype, dying-and-rising god archetype and the resurrected-god archetype - are all pagan constructs foreign to the religious beliefs of Monotheist Jews like Jesus, Mary, Zechariah, John the Baptist, James the Just (ie, the family of Jesus and their Jewish followers).
I am extremely appreciative and grateful for the effort and care that has been put into this video. It is a wealth of information about the Gospel of Thomas and the accompanying perspectives and suggestions about its meanings are valuable and help bring the text to life, but I do however know with certainty for myself that a few key conclusions are different than what was intended. Due to the nature of ancient writings nobody, including myself are able to provide absolute physical proof of its true meaning so I would just suggest anyone seriously pursuing their spiritual path accept the conclusions as well intentioned but only one of multiple possible meanings. The likely reason the gospel of Thomas was excluded from the compilations included in the bible is perhaps summed up in the video's conclusion involving the conflict between the concepts of salvation being obtainable via Faith and Righteousness vs Secret Knowledge. The truth of the matter is blind faith and righteousness can bring the masses to the front porch of enlightenment which is a worthy cause but only those with a burning desire and courage to go further will fully enter the "Kingdom Of God" as they say. The passage about women needing to be manly is akin to something we often hear today "Grow A Pair". The hardest part is not finding the truth but recognizing it when it is staring you in the face. Nobody can keep it from you if you are committed to finding it. I can assure you that Faith alone is awesome but it can only get you so far. You must have knowledge to go all the way. Good Luck.
father is a spirit...not a god... je in french and sus in latin.. jesus in hebrew/gematria number system is 666....warning us the name is wrong...god..g.o.d....god of-destruction demons death... his word is precious and easy...his law is his word...his word is life...his word is the covenant with him...occult art of law ...the modern english language...preposition verb noun pronoun ect...homynom synonym....we are taught to take his easy word and make a sentence...then sentence with imagination to paragraph and finally the lying story...words babbled with different definitions and different spells/spelling class...engilsh is the hardest language to well as government and churches of the earth beat people until the lost their own tongue...occult...beat them raped murdered medical experiments and the first kidnapped the children... o.u.r. tim ballard...child trafficking is the fastest growing criminal enterprise in the world...and they do the same exact thing the catholic church (anglican and other as well) and canadian government here in canada... but they get away with it...the people allow it and think it's good now....murderers...if we serve murderers make us murderers...lion eat the man or man eat the lion... in the beginning is the word....why change it to a title/god...words hurt so easily this day...they babbled the word by their trickery and spells... thanks for your me more hope some more will find the narrow path...been downcast how father leads and guides and brings to that comfort of truth... mary j
The Gospel of Thomas is a experiential writing. It can only be understood through personal experience. To "drink from my mouth" is to experience what I am telling you. What are you seeking? Eternal life What must you have in order to live? "He who has found the body is superior to the world" Plato described this world as a world of shadows. Padmesambhava said that when you die you will see your body lying where you died. That at first you will feel liberated and joyous. But that feeling will go away and you will wander the world in bodiless form; because you will still be trapped in linear time. Then, after you tire of wandering, you will seek rebirth into another life. In Thomas, the "images that came before you" are the faces of your previous lives; which you will see in your inward, and outward, journey. Detachment is the key
Please make more of these kinds of videos, my father is a pastor and has been glued to the screen since I showed him this. We may not practice our faith the same but we both love the knowledge you've shown us today.
Stay in the faith. The oldest copies of Gnostic writings found in the Naghamadi collection are from around the 2nd to 3rd centuries A.D. The gospels we have are true. Gnosticism is a heresy
Tempstep Like maybe the gnostics are a heresy, but let’s be honest. The gospels themselves are likewise a Heresy in many ways. The Catholic Church made them or amalgamated the Bible. It wasn’t christs apostles that formed the Bible end of story. So you can’t claim the form of the Bible after christs death was divine. Also the Catholic Church or the Bible said witches are evil, but the Bible never truly defined a witch. It left out tons of information. Thousands of women died and tons died at the stake all because the Bible is true or because the Bible gave them permission. Interestingly today people don’t stone people or burn them using the Bible as an excuse. Now Muslims may still do it but they don’t use the Bible.
@tempstep4058 genuine curiosity here, coming from a non christian: why is a date of 2 or 3AD considered inauthentic, but gospels written in the 1st century are okay? Is there something special about that year or something in the christian faith I'm unaware of? I'm in school rn for religion and trying to get my brings. I appreciate any help!
@@monochromeboy Great question. It's actually more the location for me. Most copies of these writings are actually from Egypt, not Israel. Somehow, they expect us to believe gospels coming a little later from Egypt, ignoring the earlier gospels from where the apostles are: Israel, Greece, Rome, Tarsus (ancient Spain). Similar to Muslims trying to tell us the truth about Jesus from a book 600 years late from Saudi Arabia and not Israel.
God came down to US in human form to bring Himself closer to us. He gave us a way through Him, not a secret way. The Gnostic gospels require men to rely on themselves and what *they* think of God and enlightenment, rather than relying on the God that truly came to men in the flesh.
@@asevelel nonsense you’re very silly too say God came down Gospel of Thomas:- 15:1 Jesus says: “When you see one who was not born of woman, fall on your face (and) worship him. That one is your Father". What does it mean? It means Jesus is not God and he was born of a woman Numbers 23:19 God is not man or a son of man
@@UniquenessInIslam You believe he is not God because a fake book says so? Jesus calling himself I AM should be enough, but people get creative with their denial. You're missing the point of that passage in Numbers. Besides, Jesus hadn't come yet. Jesus reveals who he is many times, some of them through parables. If you can take that verse out of context and it's good enough for you, contemplate this. The new cannot be read without the old. John 10:1-11 AMEN, amen I say to you: He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up another way, the same is a thief and a robber. But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out. And when he hath let out his own sheep, he goeth before them: and the sheep follow him, because they know his voice. But a stranger they follow not, but fly from him, because they know not the voice of strangers. This proverb Jesus spoke to them. But they understood not what he spoke to them. Jesus therefore said to them again: Amen, amen I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. All others, as many as have come, are thieves and robbers: and the sheep heard them not. I am the door. By me, if any man enter in, he shall be saved: and he shall go in, and go out, and shall find pastures. The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I am come that they may have life, and may have it more abundantly. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd giveth his life for his sheep. Ezekiel 34:2-6 Son of man, prophesy concerning the shepherds of Israel: prophesy, and say to the shepherds: Thus saith the Lord God: Woe to the shepherds of Israel, that fed themselves: should not the hocks be fed by the shepherds? You ate the milk, end you clothed yourselves with the wool, and you killed that which was fat: but my flock you did not feed. The weak you have not strengthened, and that which was sick you have not healed, that which was broken you have not bound up, and that which was driven away you have not brought again, neither have you sought that which was lost: but you ruled over them with rigour, and with a high hand. And my sheep were scattered, because there was no shepherd: and they became the prey of all the beasts of the field, and were scattered. My sheep have wandered in every mountain, and in every high hill: and my flocks mere scattered upon the face of the earth, and there was none that sought them, there was none, I say, that sought them. Ezekiel 34:11-12 For thus saith the Lord God: Behold I myself will seek my sheep, and will visit them. As the shepherd visiteth his hock in the day when he shall be in the midst of his sheep that were scattered, so will I visit my sheep, and will deliver them out of all the places where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day. The day of clouds and darkness is the crucifixion. You will find this three hours of darkness described in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. You will also see this described by extra-biblical historians named Thallus, Phlegon, and Africanus. God was saying he himself will seek his sheep and he will save them... when?
You are Christ, the one to be Sacrificed, or Humbled, to enter into the Inner Paradise of Goodness, the reality that is called God. God is inside of you through your higher faculties, as Goodness, Empathy, is the Source of Intellect. Only through Humbleness, the Son, can you reach Goodness, the Father, of every Good Quality. Learn, Love-Earn, your inner Good Faculties. This is your relationship with 'God'. Humble yourself in every situation, every thought, every emotion, every desire, every word. Your only Enemy is your Inner-Me, and he loves you dearly. Don't let any person, or any belief turn you from Goodness, the 'Father', Conscience, the 'Mother', and Humble Compassion the 'Son'. ❤
It's referring to through physical processes, as the atoms of what you eat become a part of your body, if you allow evil to devour you, your soul will return as a lesser form
19:00 saying 9. No i think (imo) the sewer is a man who reaps what he sews. You go around being a good person. Many people dont appreciate you, some dont even notice at all, dont stick to the one place, keep sewing seeds of good intentions then when your seeds are finally planted in good soil it will return EXPONENTIALLY back beyond the efforts of all your troubles. 😇
One of my favorite gnostic gospels is The Sophia of Jesus, Infancy, and Revelation of Paul. These gospels are very unique and it would be really cool if you look into them. My recommendation is Revelation of Paul as it speaks of the last days and Paul witnessing the brutality of Angels tormenting Sinners. Trust me, it's crazy.😬
And I saw women wearing white robes, being blind, and standing upon obelisks of fire; and an angel was mercilessly beating them, saying: Now you know where you are; you did not attend when the Scriptures were read to you. And the angel said to me: "These are they who corrupted themselves and killed their infants". Their infants, therefore, came crying out: "Avenge us of our mothers". And they were given to an angel to be carried away into a spacious place, but their parents into everlasting fire. - (Revelation of Paul)
The Gospel of Thomas is not in the canonical Bible. However, it may be an extremely early Gospel. It claims to be authored by Jesus himself (Perhaps, just after the resurrection. See Acts 1:3 and the Thomas Prologue). Thomas also purports to have been scribed by Jesus' brother Jude Thomas, who probably also wrote Jude, the second last book in the New Testament. This would mean that Thomas is unique being not only written by Jesus the author and finisher of our faith but is also an early apostolic writing having been scribed by Thomas. This Gospel also appears to be the foundational scripture underpinning the other apostolic writings found within what is often called the New Testament. For those interested in a more in-depth examination regarding how this "Testimony of Jesus", which is the spirit of prophecy, inspired the apostolic writers to pen their own letters and Gospels of the New Testament... for these diligent ones and even for myself, it may be helpful to type a search for - "the original gospel authored by Jesus Christ" takethescroll. Blessings on your search for truth.
It's an apostolic period text. There's really no scholarly decade about that anymore. Many texts were authorized in the century after the reported death of Jesus. None appear to be by the names structured to them, as it turns out. Some were circulated and copied by early Christians. Amongst them a few slowly rose in popularity for next couple centuries that they became canonical. Others were cast down as "apocryphal.". Those that were widely accepted in the eastern Mediterranean region were eventually empowered by being affiliated with Nicean Christianity when it became official and the church in Constantinople labeled all the other versions of Christianity as "herecies.". The Arians out in what you later become Spain apparently liked some different texts but they became actively suppressed by the power and informed of Constantinople. And there you go. You have your Bible.
Some fairly good interpretations. There's more "hidden" versions of what are called universal laws (the "Father's Laws" that were hidden from us by the "state and the temple dogs"). For instance, the "gender" question? He is saying "Balance yourself--Divine Masculine AND Divine Feminine." The Universal Laws are all over the internet. Meditate on them for a while. Eventually, when you can see how they work (all around us and the cosmos) with your own eyes/mind--come back to this gospel--it'll make a LOT more sense. It's really a beautiful collection of universal wisdom for humanity. Another hint: the "money" and "pearl" metaphors are referring to wisdom/"the Father's" Universal Laws--not money or material.
I also think the one about the 5 trees unchanging through weather and seasons talks about 5 fundamental truths which remain true no matter where and what they're applied to.
saying 10, “I’ve cast fire on the world, and look, I’m watching over it until it blazes.”. I understand this fire to be Love. listen to your own heart, and you may hear the blaze. ...pardon me if I am stating the obvious.
I absolutely have to correct this video about the lion. That part is not about lions or even animals at all. Lion is a symbol of power. So when a lion eats a man, that is a man consumed by the power he holds, so that the power becomes him. He is no longer in charge. Conversely if he eats the power he becomes the power and it becomes part of his arsenal rather than being in control of him. Think cults of personality and such.
Boy have we blown it here on saying #114 - the mark not only missed, but now makes me question whether or not it is worth it to listen (respectfully) to 'any' of the rest of this very nicely edited video. My breakdown of this saying is completely different and serves to, as the entirety of the writing as a whole, adhere it's teachings cleanly with those of the New Testament gospels and especially the gospel of John. My video response will not be so graphically pretty. But, accurate.
Think of the times. Women weren't expected to be pious, just obedient to the men that were the spiritual leaders of the house. "Make herself manly" could simply mean to be devout.
14:11 when one realizes that heaven is inside, all around, and like unto a child, they begin to hear children give direction. True direction!! The younger they are, the closer to heaven. Think of where the soul comes from.
From one artist to another,I fully appreciate the work and investment of time shown in Maestro Lottersberger's exquisite work. It isn't only the quality,but what a prolific illustrator. Those are a lot of pieces.
you hear hope for the men of decoded it . Trust in self proclaimed people proclaimed figured it out pick a guesser deceiving self pretending to understand guess know have ears that hear eyes see known proclaimed three times over before they born when unknown deaf blind and deceiving self and others Injust self and others believe your own lies guessed know void in understand unknown exactly liars speaking saying nothing impressing others pretend to understand . When it say is no test test none are no false prophets at the end of the age pick one if like what hear or make something up self proclaimed people proclaimed proves you known to the ALL seen self as the forth in heaven out womb and in man born the untouchable living one take people's word for it or pretend to understand yourself all good at the end of the age no false prophets self proclaimed people proclaimed proves only not false prophets said he who can decode it you the educated guessers and guessers deceiving self exactly unknown deniable false prophets if anything best stop or are false prophets and done real soon is the end of the age
#22 2in to 1 is talking about the male and female sides of the brain becoming 1. The subconscious and the conscious mind becoming 1. Maybe tithing 10% , refers to giving the 10% of our conscious mind over to God. Allowing him to guild you , instead of trying to reason with our conscious mind having faith to operate through the subconscious mind. That is the 10% of the mind we supposedly use. Just like when thy eye be single( seeing with your 3rd eye)
Constantine "converted" to Christianity, then set up the Catholic church to justify the persecution/massacre of those who did not follow Christianity according to the "Holy Bible" that he edited down to eliminate all references to seeking the Kingdom of God within. Instead, he wanted the Church to control the masses by only teaching that to reach God, man must go through a priest. The Albigensians, Waldensians and others were subject to this persecution. They followed the teaching of the Essenes, which Jesus was born into. Jesus also spent many years learning the teachings in Persia India and China. The Book of Thomas, Mary Magdalene and Apocryphon of John reflect these "mystical" concepts. These are not all that "mystical" now that Quantum Physics is being used to explain the phenomenon of energy and thoughts affecting the material world. Christian Science, which is mocked by many, uses these principles to heal through metaphysical concepts. It's actually really powerful stuff.
To all the people saying that the gospel of thomas wasn't written by thomas the apostle also know that the canon gospels are also by scholarly concencus not written by the original apostles either and the gospel of thomas is dated in a range from 60ad to 140ad while the oldest gospel is mark at 70ad. Also in mark he says "He[jesus] answered them[apostles], "The mystery of the kingdom of God has been granted to you. But to those outside everything comes in parables."" Literally talking about secret knowledge
Listen to this floor hour and 14 minutes passion is like heat and heat it's like fire now you don't now you have winnsboro now you have went viral on Wi-Fi
The Bible is the core truth and the Gnostic texts give light to that truth. I think its crazy that anyone can read the gnostic texts and not tell that they are God inspired. The Bible and Gnostic texts are the only books that felt designed for my soul
Some of the sayings really look like they belong to gnostic but when I look at it, some of them are really interesting. Saying 3 brought me chills, it is typical to gnostic, but the message is clear and it contradicts new testament.
Just the facts about known history. Not treating people like children without logic. It is nice to learn and not have emotional beliefs controlling/censoring that knowledge.
Re: Saying 114 - Taking in consideration the context of what Simon Peter said, Jesus' statement about, "every woman who makes herself manly" seems to be using wording and concepts that Simon Peter would understand. Since Simon Peter sees men having good traits and women having bad ones, Jesus is saying that it's not the person's gender that determines the person's worthiness. It just ended up sounding a little douchey because he was catering to Simon Peter's douchey way of thinking.
I love this so much. Thank you! ❤ My experience with Holy Spirit and the spiritual realm has become so much more clearer. Spiritual death 👀 … Saying 2, saying 3, saying 4, saying 5, saying 6! (I literally heard a voice in the spirit saying liars don’t get access to heaven) Actually all the sayings 🥹 Jesus is amazing ❤️🔥😭
Tell me you're Islamaphobic without telling me your Islamaphobic... The bible is easier to research due to the languages it's printed in. That's it. That's literally why. Islam/Judaism/Christianity are all bullshit. All lies. And all based on the same lies and, in fact, the same writings and myths. Keep up.
Because Jesus is offensive to everyone else. Ever notice how his name is constantly allowed to be blasphemed while the commandments say do not use the Lords name in vain.
If it's the world from the divine no matter what language or attitude, it should not be excluded. Remember Christ was on Earth dealing with man and wanted to see him as they were. He wanted to know him earthly first to enable them to know him Heavenly.
For the record, the council of Nicea had literally nothing to do with choosing books of the Bible. It was established to decide how they would address the gnostic heresies of the day. The Tanak was already established and, before the end of the 1st century, the early church was unanamous on the authority of the gospels and practically unanimous on the epistles.
This is a historical myth that won't die. But you get one bit a little wrong. The other "versions" of early Christianity did seem to sometimes favor different texts. We understand the Arians best. This was true in their case it seems. But also there's evidence in early Christianity southeast of the reach of Byzantium. Some of the Syriac texts which were eventually called apocrypha seemed to be quite popular - so much so that you can find pieces of them show up reformulated in the Quran, when it was eventually authored. That includes the Gospel of Thomas, by the way. But especially the infancy Gospel. So while it's true that it's a myth that the council of Nicea met to decide on the canon, there absolutely was NOT "absolute consensus" amongst early Christians. It seems that the consensus that mattered was that if Christians who were within the Byzantine domain, practicing what ended up being called "Nicean Christianity." The power of Rome can be credited with the persecution of Jews, the creation of the conditions for Christianity to spread and ... llater, the influence to determine which Christianity and whoae "favorite books" became canonized. Fairly ironic historical turn, if you ask me! The legacy of this was centuries of clergy associating the apocrypha with "herecies.". You can even find some today - oddly enough in some of the latest invented Protestant denominations.
I have loved watching this. My comments are not with ill intent but to support your statements. It is really excellent. A great place to start with the Gospel of Thomas 😊👍
Parable of the sower is related to the heart. It’s about the word landing inside the heart. The soil represents how soft the heart is to receive, the one with the softened heart is able to bare much fruit and prosper in the world and in so doing so provide and allow others to eat from him. This goes back to the tree of life. And eating from the tree of life. Those that have a hardened heart get further away from God these are unloving, unkind those that don’t bare good fruit (Galatians 5) and unfortunately they do not prosper or struggle in some area of their life because their heart is not positioned correctly. This can manifest in different forms from sickness to mental illness to poverty. Etc Hence why it’s important to store up treasures (reference to the heart again) and then the word is able to renew the mind and you will be transformed into His image.
Most of these I knew and try to practice and this is my forst time hearing of this, I'm content and humble and extremely great full for every moment what a experience
😅 this was thrusted in my heart without reading it by Holy Spirit. Sometimes you have to act crazy to push the evil away from you in order to survive. Man is corrupt, many will never be worthy.
Anything that relies on secrets and trusting in your intuition rather than fully surrendering yourself and your will to the Lord is what is corrupt. It is the definition of corrupt. We are body and soul. Jesus's body rose from the grave and we have the promise of eternal life through him. The Gnostic gospels deny that promise, claiming we are but spirits that must escape through secret knowledge.
The line about women making themselves "manly" to me sounded like Jesus was saying any woman who lives the way humans should according to God they will enter Heaven, since all throughout the old and new testaments humanity as a whole is called "the children of man"
12:53 Ephesians 6:12-13 Geneva Bible (before King James) For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, and against the worldly gouernours, the princes of the darkenesse of this worlde, against spirituall wickednesses, which are in ye hie places.
I think saying #4 is saying a child has the memories of previous lives and will remember at this period in thier lives and is really establishing the fact of Reicarnation. After all, they did think Jesus was Elijah returning...
I think this is one of your best topics you have done, would you consider taking perhaps five or ten of the most mysterious or interesting sayings and doing an episode that goes into more detail of the possible meanings of what is given.... I think listeners would find them to be very enlightening... thanks for all you do❤️
Regarding the saying 114; I think what Christ meant was that unity between the two side within is what grants salvation, that a man must come in terms with their anima (a Jungian term for the other side of oneself), their feminine side, and that woman must do the same with their animus, their masculine side, for in the light of this view it also aligns with the concept of Adam Kadmon, the divinity that is depicted as both man and woman. In Christ reprimanding Peter of making her a man I see it as making a semi-mockery of Peter, not for Mary nor himself, for even if Christ were to make her man she still had to go the same length in uniting her feminine side given she was turned into man by Christ, making Peter's remark redundant. This concept of unifying and uniting one's outer side with the inner side, biological man with the feminine side where Christ is the prime example of that, and biological woman with the masculine side where Mother Mary still stood up for her devoting love for her son despite the crippling pain of experiencing loss twice, making Mary an example of the complete woman, coincide with the Jungian process of individuation and with the spiritual process of becoming one. Aragon from LotR is another example of a man in touch with his feminine side, which was showcased when Boromir was dying in his arms, and Eowyn is the other example of a believing and firm woman fighting evil not because she wanted to be a man but be true to herself in the process of becoming herself as a whole woman. She eventually became a shieldmaiden and a healer after making the prophecy come true. She became one with herself.
Saying 65. This is the most powerful saying in ALL of gospel of Thomas. The owner of the vineyard or the share cropper is also God. He created this world and gave it to us to produce good fruit, meaning glorify his name and do good in the world. They seized his servant, meaning that when he (God) sent the prophets to lead us, we ended up beating them, meaning rejecting them. So, God at the end decided to send his Son (Jesus Christ) who is the heir to the vineyard (the kingdom), thinking perhaps thy will recognize my Son. But when they found out that he is the true messiah they killed him.
Great video! Please, do continue with the series of lost gospels. Everything, from how the video is structured, the artwork and your intonation, is very well done and entertaining. Congrats!
you hear hope for the men of decoded it . Trust in self proclaimed people proclaimed figured it out pick a guesser deceiving self pretending to understand guess know have ears that hear eyes see known proclaimed three times over before they born when unknown deaf blind and deceiving self and others Injust self and others believe your own lies guessed know void in understand unknown exactly liars speaking saying nothing impressing others pretend to understand . When it say is no test test none are no false prophets at the end of the age pick one if like what hear or make something up self proclaimed people proclaimed proves you known to the ALL seen self as the forth in heaven out womb and in man born the untouchable living one take people's word for it or pretend to understand yourself all good at the end of the age no false prophets self proclaimed people proclaimed proves only not false prophets said he who can decode it you the educated guessers and guessers deceiving self exactly unknown deniable false prophets if anything best stop or are false prophets and done real soon is the end of the age
Saying 20 with the mustard seed has a lot of similar context with the sewer who casts seeds around until it hits fertile soil but then grows exponentially
@11:19 Lol, I've been telling my friends to be careful when snooping. Never know what you'll find. EDIT: for my own research; @34:36 Saying 22: two becomming one (gender) @37:28 Saying 25: Love and Protect
Thank you for this content. I am reading the compiled Nag Hammadi scriptures, watching a Wondrium series on Gnostic history, and this is a perfect companion. Also, love the art work! Jesus looks more intense here than most renderings. Thanks again! I'm looking forward to more of your work.
114 , where it mentions “a woman who makes herself manly” . This goes back to the balancing of masculine and feminine. If she is able to make herself manly then she in fact is balancing her masculine and feminine by not omitting that part of herself. That was my interpretation at least.
Thank u for the Book of Thomas. They didn't want Angels or demons to be real,the supernatural world is creepy. Not all hand handle the reality they both exist. Books were burned, taken out of the Bible. Translated to GREEK, and translated wrong too, in so many words ! Yeshua is real , resurrection is REAL. 🙏🏽❤🙏🏽
@@mauzer271 ahh yes. The skeptic. My favorite. Begin with the oldest existing copy of the Bible. It's in Ethiopia. There are roughly 20 more books in that bible. Start there, tread slowly and pray you aren't too far indoctrinated.
Who didn't want angels or demons to be real? The only Christians who downplay demons tend to be Protestants. For the past 2000 years the Catholic Church has recognized the important role both angels and demons play. There were tons of fake scripture to sift through, not every writing regardless of its age is worth reading. You should ask yourself, and ask the Lord, who is it that has the proper authority to put the canon together? Also, if you believe Jesus's resurrection is real (you should) you should stay away from Gnostic texts because it will deny His bodily resurrection.
So you mean all the chapters that were taken out should be put back in and considered canon? What about the Gospel of Judas? It's probably my favorite.
He doubted the disciples not Jesus. Thomas was the first to claim to go and die with him and the first to claim Jesus as Lord and God. Like many things, the truth has undoubtedly been diluted by time and influence. I believe Thomas (The twin) was one of the most faithful. The beginning is the end as in the beginning it was perfect and when the fathers plan is complete it shall return to perfection.
It is amazing how apt so many of these sayings are applicable to what we see in the world today. From our public influences to what we see happening in some churches. It would do people well to head these sayings.
I'm less i impressed. It's unnecessarily complicated and intellectually confused. There's only two questions to ask to guide yourself through life as a moral person: - an i causing or inviting harm with my words or actions? - am i causing or initving benefit with my words of actions? Every decision and deed can be assessed morally based on this alone.
I learned from my Guru Saint Rampal ji Maharaj .God Kabir said I have burnt my house and I have taken a burning torch in my hand those who will fallow me I’ll burn there house too .House is our body and all the evil in us is what God will burn it and make us pure again.
Jesus said seek keep seeking and find then be disturbed thats the truth and the joy of understanding is awesome. i love this video thank you for posting. it sounds like Thomas made Jesus happy and was told a secret.
Lot of AI created art here. Just like everywhere else... And why not? Thing is, if you look closely you'll start to see some strange, mutant faces in the background of many pics... A dead give away its ai. Also odd proportions, and a frenzied level of detail .. Once you know what it looks like, you can see it all over TH-cam.
@@matthewbecker7389 not true. He has his artist actually do most it. Hes credited and I checked it out. Dudes a legit great artist. The mutant faces are mutant, theyre just shaded over and drawn quickly. I'm a professional artist also. Yeah, its crazy how ai art is now that people double guess themselves now
Yeah, illustrator of 40+years here. And yes, he does have an artist, and earlier clips were exclusively hand drawn. But lately, you can see the hints of AI everywhere. If in doubt, try looking at the hands of a character. If ai ever makes an army, we should be ok... Their hands will be useless.
no one was made a supervisor of the holy writtings.If the church will not accept the sayings of Thomas it is up to them and it is because it brings to bear how the bible has been changed to suit their purpose.Those who accept them will read and live by it.Each one for himself/herself almighty for us all,and he alone will judge.period.
You should do a video on when the name "Jesus" was actually used as the Hebrew language had no J in their alphabet. Why would they changed the original name anyway? His name is sacred, holy and written in stone to NEVER be changed! Does no one question this? I do
Just like the phrase "son of God" isn't had never been taken to be literal, by Hebrew and Aramaic speaking people. The worship of a Triune-God, a demigod or God incarnate, was completely foreign to Hebrew and Aramaic speaking Jews like Moses, Jesus, and their families. Literal sons of God, God incarnates, Trinities, demigods, death-and-rebirth god archetype, dying-and-rising god archetype and the resurrected-god archetype - are all pagan constructs foreign to the religious beliefs of Monotheist Jews like Jesus, Mary, Zechariah, John the Baptist, James the Just (ie, the family of Jesus and their Jewish followers).
@@johndoeiii9767 false as well the very first book of Genesis God says let US make man and OUR image and OUR likeness (body soul spirit) speaking of the trinity
False Look up yeshua or Jesus at real bible believer's here on TH-cam he shows you why Jesus is the correct word today and English in how it was translated you got to study
@@royaltywilliams1380 Yahuah is the Fathers name. Yahusha is His Son and our messiah! I come in my Fathers name! Pray for discernment while studying the Living Word. The all truths will be revealed to you! Blessings
Love the GoT. It is of course a blend and serves as a wonderful Rosetta stone of spiritual teachings. Jesus sayings are predominant. There is some Mesopotamian influence. Five trees in paradise from Five beams in Marduk's head, Enuma Elish, Babylonian creation epic. Pharisees are like a dog in the manger from Aesop's Fables, Greek from 500bc, 'Dog in the Manger.' If the verses are mirrored in the psyche, (inner pathway) it is a standard, find Nirvana, Inner Peace, Enlightenment, Kingdom of Heaven within, (as personal and general states of being in life) teachings. It is like Buddha or Lao Tzu. Compact verses. But held in different analogs. Buddha - Seek Emptiness, (rid the past we cling to) Jesus - Blessed are the poor in spirit, (rid the past we cling to) Buddha - Life will be happy, Jesus - God will bless your life Buddha - Karma, Jesus - The measure you mete unto others will be likewise meted to you Same inner teachings once played out in the psyche. But one has to make that mental shift in order to fully see it. Belief in why that happens appears to be entirely optional. It happens to anyone who walks that path. Faith is not a factor but action is. Life becomes what we are, and what we hate about ourselves. These teachings show us how to interact with that and change ones life. And they are contained in an analogous manner to provide cryptic, mystical sounding verbiage for the masses. This is a minimalist teaching on a self healing template contained within the Hero's Journey template. When one sees what it is containing, it is no longer unique.
Thank you. I notice the translations of The Gospel of Thomas vary as in, not Bandits but Robbers, also, one of thd disciples says: Jesus is messenger not an angel, there are others as well. Jesus is incredibly biased as to who are the few chosen ones who will be admitted to the Kingdom! After all there are millions of people who desire to be admitted to kingdom of heaven and Jesus is extremely choosy as to who will pass his tests. Jesus is also damning against his own Jewish people unless they too follow him and convert to Christianity. There were also many sects of Christianity none agreeing with the other that were eventually called heretics and mostly murdered. I do not beiieve in the indoctrination of any religion that uses threats of fire and brimstone, heaven or hell unless you obey the powers of the church. Particularly the Pope and Vatican. Xxx ❤
I think saying 4 means that the child was (the last) most recently with God, (edit) and i know that saying 48 refers to our heart and mind becomig one in our body, the house is our body. There is confirmation of this in other apocrypha texts.
It's a bit of a myth that these apocrypha were "gnostic" texts. Some were favored by the gnostics. Sone weren't. But you'll notice if you look at them carefully that only a couple actually have any parts at all which describe the gnostic beliefs at all. Some do seem to have been partially enjoyed by the Arians,Sethians and Valentinians, however. They weren't actually gnostics. They were simply non-Niceans. It's a shame they didn't survive. Some of them could have been quirky alternatives to Christianity as we know it.
12:22 very, very true. My faith journey has changed, as I learn more about the truth of heaven and its inner works. I've heard angels tell me, "don't take humans personal," and wondered what they meant. Aren't I human? Well, not according to a few texts. Psalm 82:6, John 10:34, and 1 Cor 3:1-4. Life begins anew, and people seemingly talk about me constantly. Only, how could anyone else, or everyone else know so much about me? They don't, the heavens do, and that kingdom is constantly near me. Let those with eyes see, and they with hearts understand!! Almost all has been fulfilled. The twins born 06/06/06, are of age, and have shown themselves to me. Oddly enough, they're a friend of mine's sons. One of which was hidden from all. (See the murals in Bank of America, NC; even perhaps look the video up) Lion's Judah (fb/insta)
Pls Keep these videos coming at will, as these true findings, “are well and truely needed, today and till, if the end of days were to shall come what seems to continue to exist, Shall not be mistaken, forgotten, twisted, shaken down nor misconstrued as the, New Testament and Old Testament of bible has already done for thee. I’ve only just recently come to great unimaginable, inestimable understanding of greater knowledge, if were spoken more, diligently, to how it was said, as it was said, rather than to oppose how and what we interpret, for this “ I thank you dearly, how the narrator has put these misunderstandings”, to a better context to how we should see it, for what it is, which brings Ancient Greek stoicism, come aligned with Wisdom, patience, virtue and everything what Jesus has told, Mind you, this is my opinion, without having a religious background, but was always trying to find better understanding to how it all come about, so I help myself (Believe)to have what we all have in us, but was always lacking within myself to believe. Whilst this in play, I’ve always respected other people belief’s, just never had the right teachings, for me see. Now that I see quite clearly, it opened up all aspects of differential views and opinions and makes me more curious to all lost artefacts, teachings and findings of the past history! We have 2 ears, 2 eyes and 1 mouth. With these, we should listen to more than we say, and not speak wrongly of others nor when things that are known, not to be true, only then shall we speak. This is all true with the words that Jesus has spoken! I’ve never been enlightened as much as I am now, which brings further understanding to ancient civilisation findings to our existence with Anunuaki Enki , Book of Enoch, Emerald tablets of Thoth, Moses and all the rest, along with lost city of Atlantis and the Great Halls Of Amenti in the land of Kehm, which consists of sacred gatekeepers to the underworld! My cup of knowledge is merely but seemingly nearly full, but I feel the need for more! For I have lacked my whole adolescent life in obtaining knowledge, as I have a few too many mental disabilities, which has steered me away from been capable to understand or interpret with my ADHD , OCD, Dyslexic PDSD and the rest! Which only makes me thirsty for more knowledge and wish I knew all alike Thoth does and always will. (KEEPER OF ALL KNOWLEDGE) through-out time….. Whooow, I had to get that of my chest
To those who found this video: Treat all commentary on any sacred or philosophical text as sparks for further internal insight and not as objectively true (whether from a YTer or a professor or a priest). It's always lovely to see how others interpret things but "The Work" within cannot be replaced by The Work of another. I'm happy this video exists regardless how much I disagree with aspects here and there (decided to write this during the "what does the Gospel of Thomas Say?" section as I have radically different opinions of some of the passages) because it opens my mind up to new avenues of thought and reflection. My disagreement with what I was hearing made me want to hear more because it allows me to compare and contrast and evolve my own viewpoint if I'm able to (not by changing my view to that of the video creator but by reanalyzing my perspective, going over various translations, going over various academic takes and more then seeing if I can improve upon my perspective). For this I'm very thankful this video was made. All the same I also worry that many people out there are desperate (usually subconsciously) for someone to tell them "what it all means" or to make "The Mysteries" solved both of which are not only impossible but potentially dangerous in that they can lead to delusion and loss of self agency. We're all on our own paths, no one but you can walk yours for you. All another can do is give their best description of how they interpret their map and the territory around them wherever they are on their path. I've gone to university to study Gnosticism, I've taken courses online to study Gnosticism (that 15 hour lecture series by David Brakke on Wondrium was of higher quality than my uni), I was a Priest in a Gnostic Church, I joined a Mystery School... and none of those really truly gave me what I was looking for. Slowly but surely as I've stopped looking for The Answers and started to try and find ways for The Answers to come to me I've begun to have glimpses, small ones but deeply moving none the less, of Truth, Divinity, God, The One or whatever you want to call It. The Answers are always trying to find their way into you. "The Search" (for me at least) has been more about learning what is in its way and how to carefully, healthily and wisely clear The Way.
I'm trying to like this, but the thumbs up won't work. I tried hitting the thumbs down and it worked, but now it won't let me undo that. Very frustrating.
5 seeds from GODs Hand in them trees in paradise...APPLE seeds... maybe like an echo in time for a Dragon 🐲 that feels lost... I found you also... NOT...NOT...forgetting about you TiaMat... your my Matey! and Pirates we bee 🐝...🍯...🐻 Tween wit ME... Twin polarity¡! 37:37
"I am the hope of the omniverse. I am the lightbulb in the darkness. I am the bacon in the fridge, for all living things that cry out in hunger. I am the Alpha, and the Amiga. I am the terror, that flaps in the night... "
@@NIKIPEDIAstarter Firstly, I wasn't mocking, it was a reference to Dragonball Z Abridged; Secondly, I don't know what "you are perspective" means. The word you meant to use was "your", learn some grammar; and lastly, I reserve the right to mock any adult that needs an imaginary friend to feel good about themselves.
@@eee9034 If you seek God with all your heart you will find Him. But don't be proud for God resist the proud but gives grace to the humble. If you believe in your heart that Jesus died for your sins and resurrected the third day, confess this with your mouth and accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour, repent of your sins you shall be saved. Be baptised in the name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. Do the will of The Father which is written in The Bible.
Fire is a representation of the spirit. And Jesus brings the spirit to unite our soul. Water is the representation of soul being female. When fire burns water, the vapour goes up into the heavens.
@@Wickytb If you study the writings of 1st and 2nd century Church Fathers you will notice the early Church was really in communion with and inseparable from the Roman Church/Bishop. These books from the "Nag Hammadi library" were found in the mid 1900s and the authorship is almost obviously fake. There were tons of fake scripture written and the early Christians had to sift through them. They also battled against the Gnostic heresy, which the Gospel of Thomas teaches.
The problem is that people have this pristine view of Jesus. Yes, he was a perfect human, BUT he most likely spoke to his fallible human peers in ways they would understand. I’m sure he understood what they would and would not understand based on how he spoke to them. Like any disciplinarian, I’m sure he could be harsh. We accept it from our human parents, our teachers, our bosses … but not the Son of God?
Yes, everyone has a different view of what "perfect" and "sin-free" means. I'd bet if he was here now, everyone would attack his every action and word and find ways to label him a sinner no matter what he did For me, It wouldn't bother me one bit if he had sinned and learned from it, nor would it matter if he had a wife of girlfriend. His actions, message, teaching, miracles, and accurate prophecy mattered the most
The Gospel of Thomas is emphatically NOT Gnostic! If anything, the text is ANTI-gnostic! Gnostics have secret knowledge; but Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas says: “All things are disclosed before heaven. For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and there is nothing covered that will remain undisclosed.” (Saying #6) The gnostics keep their knowledge to themselves, but Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas says: “What you will hear in your ear, in the other ear proclaim from your roof-tops.” (Saying #33) Gnostics say that the material world is evil, created by a bungling god, the “demiurge”. Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas declares: “I am the light that is over all things. I am all; from me all has come forth, and to me all things have reached.” (Saying #77) Gnostics say that the true god exists in a realm far beyond the material world. Jesus in Thomas says: “Split a piece of wood, I am there. Lift up the stone, and you will find me there.” (Saying #77) Gnostics engage in arduous studies to achieve special wisdom. In Thomas, Jesus says: “Come to me, for my yolk is easy and my lordship gentle and you will find rest for yourselves.” (Saying #90) In Thomas, Jesus laments over the fact that the truth is not a secret, yet it remains hidden from people only because of their unwillingness to accept it. “I took my stand in the midst of the world, and in the flesh I appeared to them. I found them all drunk and I did not find any of them thirsty.” It is only we ourselves who make our way to knowing the truth difficult, just as the gnostics did (or like the scribes and scholars mentioned in Saying #39)! To conclude, the fact that Jesus may have been admired by gnostics (as Plato was) hardly makes him (or Plato) a gnostic! Gnosticism gets shoehorned into orthodoxy's reading of the Gospel of Thomas when clearly even a cursory examination of Thomas' text fails to support it. Peace to all.
This note is intended for “Doriesse”, whose response came in a notification to me, but now I don't see it on the page here. Here it is again as I copied it along with my response. Hope Doriesse sees it sometime. Doriesse @neilhundtoft4873 Does it sound like He was teaching Pantheism? Response to Doriesse from 9/8/23 Pantheism, yes I think so. I think that what Jesus teaches in the Gospel of Thomas might even be called a radical pantheism. That is, God isn't just in everything, God IS everything! All that there is participates in God's very existence and being. It's much the same way the Buddhists and Hindus see it. The idea of creation (including us) being separate from a creator God is unique to the religions arising out of the middle-east, including Zoroastrianism and Judaism, and then subsequently Christianity. For Jews and Christians, it starts with the very first verse of Genesis. “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” The creator, over there, created the universe, over here. Because of this idea of separation, Christianity's main challenge ever since has been figuring out how to get reconnected again. Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas cuts through all of this to declare our intimate and eternal connection with the divine. Look at Saying #108, for example. Jesus says "Whoever drinks from my mouth will become like me; I myself shall become that person, and the hidden things will be revealed to that person." Jesus was crucified for the blasphemy of saying that he was one with God. They were in such a hurry to crucify him for that blasphemy that they missed the rest of the message. So are we all. We are all “...children of the living father!!” (Saying #3) That message from Thomas is the entire reason why the sayings are called “secret”. It wouldn't be prudent to go 'round the temple grounds blabbing that you're one with God if you hope to avoid a stoning! Thanks for talking with me. Peace and light.
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The phrase "Father" and "son of God" had never been taken to be literal by Hebrew and Aramaic speaking people.
The worship of a Triune-God, a demigod or God incarnate, was completely foreign to Hebrew and Aramaic speaking Jews like Moses, Jesus, and their families.
Literal sons of God, God incarnates, Trinities, demigods, death-and-rebirth god archetype, dying-and-rising god archetype and the resurrected-god archetype - are all pagan constructs foreign to the religious beliefs of Monotheist Jews like Jesus, Mary, Zechariah, John the Baptist, James the Just (ie, the family of Jesus and their Jewish followers).
Jesus is literally saying that you specifically need to listen to Black Sabbath to enter Heaven. Thems the rules!
I am extremely appreciative and grateful for the effort and care that has been put into this video. It is a wealth of information about the Gospel of Thomas and the accompanying perspectives and suggestions about its meanings are valuable and help bring the text to life, but I do however know with certainty for myself that a few key conclusions are different than what was intended.
Due to the nature of ancient writings nobody, including myself are able to provide absolute physical proof of its true meaning so I would just suggest anyone seriously pursuing their spiritual path accept the conclusions as well intentioned but only one of multiple possible meanings.
The likely reason the gospel of Thomas was excluded from the compilations included in the bible is perhaps summed up in the video's conclusion involving the conflict between the concepts of salvation being obtainable via Faith and Righteousness vs Secret Knowledge. The truth of the matter is blind faith and righteousness can bring the masses to the front porch of enlightenment which is a worthy cause but only those with a burning desire and courage to go further will fully enter the "Kingdom Of God" as they say. The passage about women needing to be manly is akin to something we often hear today "Grow A Pair".
The hardest part is not finding the truth but recognizing it when it is staring you in the face. Nobody can keep it from you if you are committed to finding it. I can assure you that Faith alone is awesome but it can only get you so far. You must have knowledge to go all the way. Good Luck.
father is a spirit...not a god...
je in french and sus in latin..
jesus in hebrew/gematria number system is 666....warning us the name is wrong...god..g.o.d....god of-destruction demons death...
his word is precious and easy...his law is his word...his word is life...his word is the covenant with him...occult art of law ...the modern english language...preposition verb noun pronoun ect...homynom synonym....we are taught to take his easy word and make a sentence...then sentence with imagination to paragraph and finally the lying story...words babbled with different definitions and different spells/spelling class...engilsh is the hardest language to well as government and churches of the earth beat people until the lost their own tongue...occult...beat them raped murdered medical experiments and the first kidnapped the children...
o.u.r. tim ballard...child trafficking is the fastest growing criminal enterprise in the world...and they do the same exact thing the catholic church (anglican and other as well) and canadian government here in canada...
but they get away with it...the people allow it and think it's good now....murderers...if we serve murderers make us murderers...lion eat the man or man eat the lion...
in the beginning is the word....why change it to a title/god...words hurt so easily this day...they babbled the word by their trickery and spells...
thanks for your me more hope some more will find the narrow path...been downcast how father leads and guides and brings to that comfort of truth...
mary j
If you wish to interpret Scriptures.. Please don't.. Unless you can use an uncorrupted version of The Bible.. Smh
The Gospel of Thomas is a experiential writing. It can only be understood through personal experience. To "drink from my mouth" is to experience what I am telling you.
What are you seeking?
Eternal life
What must you have in order to live?
"He who has found the body is superior to the world"
Plato described this world as a world of shadows. Padmesambhava said that when you die you will see your body lying where you died. That at first you will feel liberated and joyous. But that feeling will go away and you will wander the world in bodiless form; because you will still be trapped in linear time. Then, after you tire of wandering, you will seek rebirth into another life.
In Thomas, the "images that came before you" are the faces of your previous lives; which you will see in your inward, and outward, journey.
Detachment is the key
Right then we have the ones drinking from each other's mouth 😂.
Please make more of these kinds of videos, my father is a pastor and has been glued to the screen since I showed him this. We may not practice our faith the same but we both love the knowledge you've shown us today.
Stay in the faith. The oldest copies of Gnostic writings found in the Naghamadi collection are from around the 2nd to 3rd centuries A.D. The gospels we have are true. Gnosticism is a heresy
Like maybe the gnostics are a heresy, but let’s be honest.
The gospels themselves are likewise a Heresy in many ways. The Catholic Church made them or amalgamated the Bible. It wasn’t christs apostles that formed the Bible end of story. So you can’t claim the form of the Bible after christs death was divine.
Also the Catholic Church or the Bible said witches are evil, but the Bible never truly defined a witch. It left out tons of information. Thousands of women died and tons died at the stake all because the Bible is true or because the Bible gave them permission. Interestingly today people don’t stone people or burn them using the Bible as an excuse. Now Muslims may still do it but they don’t use the Bible.
Thats beautiful!
@tempstep4058 genuine curiosity here, coming from a non christian: why is a date of 2 or 3AD considered inauthentic, but gospels written in the 1st century are okay? Is there something special about that year or something in the christian faith I'm unaware of? I'm in school rn for religion and trying to get my brings. I appreciate any help!
Great question. It's actually more the location for me. Most copies of these writings are actually from Egypt, not Israel. Somehow, they expect us to believe gospels coming a little later from Egypt, ignoring the earlier gospels from where the apostles are: Israel, Greece, Rome, Tarsus (ancient Spain). Similar to Muslims trying to tell us the truth about Jesus from a book 600 years late from Saudi Arabia and not Israel.
It didn’t give authority to the church or it’s so called leaders.. it freed the person to find the true path Christ showed us..
God came down to US in human form to bring Himself closer to us. He gave us a way through Him, not a secret way. The Gnostic gospels require men to rely on themselves and what *they* think of God and enlightenment, rather than relying on the God that truly came to men in the flesh.
@@asevelel nonsense you’re very silly too say God came down
Gospel of Thomas:- 15:1 Jesus says: “When you see one who was not born of woman, fall on your face (and) worship him. That one is your Father". What does it mean? It means Jesus is not God and he was born of a woman
Numbers 23:19
God is not man or a son of man
@@UniquenessInIslam You believe he is not God because a fake book says so? Jesus calling himself I AM should be enough, but people get creative with their denial.
You're missing the point of that passage in Numbers. Besides, Jesus hadn't come yet. Jesus reveals who he is many times, some of them through parables. If you can take that verse out of context and it's good enough for you, contemplate this. The new cannot be read without the old.
John 10:1-11
AMEN, amen I say to you: He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up another way, the same is a thief and a robber. But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out. And when he hath let out his own sheep, he goeth before them: and the sheep follow him, because they know his voice. But a stranger they follow not, but fly from him, because they know not the voice of strangers. This proverb Jesus spoke to them. But they understood not what he spoke to them.
Jesus therefore said to them again: Amen, amen I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. All others, as many as have come, are thieves and robbers: and the sheep heard them not. I am the door. By me, if any man enter in, he shall be saved: and he shall go in, and go out, and shall find pastures. The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I am come that they may have life, and may have it more abundantly.
I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd giveth his life for his sheep.
Ezekiel 34:2-6
Son of man, prophesy concerning the shepherds of Israel: prophesy, and say to the shepherds: Thus saith the Lord God: Woe to the shepherds of Israel, that fed themselves: should not the hocks be fed by the shepherds? You ate the milk, end you clothed yourselves with the wool, and you killed that which was fat: but my flock you did not feed. The weak you have not strengthened, and that which was sick you have not healed, that which was broken you have not bound up, and that which was driven away you have not brought again, neither have you sought that which was lost: but you ruled over them with rigour, and with a high hand. And my sheep were scattered, because there was no shepherd: and they became the prey of all the beasts of the field, and were scattered. My sheep have wandered in every mountain, and in every high hill: and my flocks mere scattered upon the face of the earth, and there was none that sought them, there was none, I say, that sought them.
Ezekiel 34:11-12
For thus saith the Lord God: Behold I myself will seek my sheep, and will visit them. As the shepherd visiteth his hock in the day when he shall be in the midst of his sheep that were scattered, so will I visit my sheep, and will deliver them out of all the places where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day.
The day of clouds and darkness is the crucifixion. You will find this three hours of darkness described in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. You will also see this described by extra-biblical historians named Thallus, Phlegon, and Africanus.
God was saying he himself will seek his sheep and he will save them... when?
@@asevelel The Gospel of Thomas is valid but they really badly misquoted it.
@@sheilasolosthemcu How is it valid? Care to explain how it isn't a forgery?
You are Christ, the one to be Sacrificed, or Humbled, to enter into the Inner Paradise of Goodness, the reality that is called God. God is inside of you through your higher faculties, as Goodness, Empathy, is the Source of Intellect.
Only through Humbleness, the Son, can you reach Goodness, the Father, of every Good Quality.
Learn, Love-Earn, your inner Good Faculties. This is your relationship with 'God'.
Humble yourself in every situation, every thought, every emotion, every desire, every word.
Your only Enemy is your Inner-Me, and he loves you dearly.
Don't let any person, or any belief turn you from Goodness, the 'Father', Conscience, the 'Mother', and Humble Compassion the 'Son'.
I think the quote about eating/being eaten by a lion talks about conquering vs being consumed by sin/negativity. Just my own interpretation, though.
It is also written the devil goes around prowling like a lion ready to devour.
So I think you are right. Jesus save us.
It's referring to through physical processes, as the atoms of what you eat become a part of your body, if you allow evil to devour you, your soul will return as a lesser form
@@charlenemock333the all caps makes you look totally sane
19:00 saying 9. No i think (imo) the sewer is a man who reaps what he sews. You go around being a good person. Many people dont appreciate you, some dont even notice at all, dont stick to the one place, keep sewing seeds of good intentions then when your seeds are finally planted in good soil it will return EXPONENTIALLY back beyond the efforts of all your troubles. 😇
Ive bee listening to this channel for two days nonstop, so grateful I found your channel!
One of my favorite gnostic gospels is The Sophia of Jesus, Infancy, and Revelation of Paul. These gospels are very unique and it would be really cool if you look into them. My recommendation is Revelation of Paul as it speaks of the last days and Paul witnessing the brutality of Angels tormenting Sinners. Trust me, it's crazy.😬
And I saw women wearing white robes, being blind, and standing upon obelisks of fire; and an angel was mercilessly beating them, saying: Now you know where you are; you did not attend when the Scriptures were read to you. And the angel said to me: "These are they who corrupted themselves and killed their infants". Their infants, therefore, came crying out: "Avenge us of our mothers". And they were given to an angel to be carried away into a spacious place, but their parents into everlasting fire. - (Revelation of Paul)
@@KamiTenchi Paul was one sick, misogynistic puppy. 😏
@@KamiTenchi that's so terrifying.
@@KamiTenchi love your children folks
@@KamiTenchi seems fair
The Legends of HIstory coming with me with a 2 hour video! Ty my dude!
The Gospel of Thomas is not in the canonical Bible. However, it may be an extremely early Gospel. It claims to be authored by Jesus himself (Perhaps, just after the resurrection. See Acts 1:3 and the Thomas Prologue). Thomas also purports to have been scribed by Jesus' brother Jude Thomas, who probably also wrote Jude, the second last book in the New Testament. This would mean that Thomas is unique being not only written by Jesus the author and finisher of our faith but is also an early apostolic writing having been scribed by Thomas. This Gospel also appears to be the foundational scripture underpinning the other apostolic writings found within what is often called the New Testament. For those interested in a more in-depth examination regarding how this "Testimony of Jesus", which is the spirit of prophecy, inspired the apostolic writers to pen their own letters and Gospels of the New Testament... for these diligent ones and even for myself, it may be helpful to type a search for - "the original gospel authored by Jesus Christ" takethescroll. Blessings on your search for truth.
It's an apostolic period text. There's really no scholarly decade about that anymore. Many texts were authorized in the century after the reported death of Jesus. None appear to be by the names structured to them, as it turns out. Some were circulated and copied by early Christians. Amongst them a few slowly rose in popularity for next couple centuries that they became canonical. Others were cast down as "apocryphal.". Those that were widely accepted in the eastern Mediterranean region were eventually empowered by being affiliated with Nicean Christianity when it became official and the church in Constantinople labeled all the other versions of Christianity as "herecies.". The Arians out in what you later become Spain apparently liked some different texts but they became actively suppressed by the power and informed of Constantinople. And there you go. You have your Bible.
Some fairly good interpretations. There's more "hidden" versions of what are called universal laws (the "Father's Laws" that were hidden from us by the "state and the temple dogs"). For instance, the "gender" question? He is saying "Balance yourself--Divine Masculine AND Divine Feminine." The Universal Laws are all over the internet. Meditate on them for a while. Eventually, when you can see how they work (all around us and the cosmos) with your own eyes/mind--come back to this gospel--it'll make a LOT more sense. It's really a beautiful collection of universal wisdom for humanity. Another hint: the "money" and "pearl" metaphors are referring to wisdom/"the Father's" Universal Laws--not money or material.
I also think the one about the 5 trees unchanging through weather and seasons talks about 5 fundamental truths which remain true no matter where and what they're applied to.
Do you know what those five truths are?
saying 10, “I’ve cast fire on the world, and look, I’m watching over it until it blazes.”. I understand this fire to be Love. listen to your own heart, and you may hear the blaze. ...pardon me if I am stating the obvious.
Refining love
It means pretty much what it says. He purposely caused trouble intending to damage and destroy certain things.
I absolutely have to correct this video about the lion.
That part is not about lions or even animals at all.
Lion is a symbol of power.
So when a lion eats a man, that is a man consumed by the power he holds, so that the power becomes him. He is no longer in charge.
Conversely if he eats the power he becomes the power and it becomes part of his arsenal rather than being in control of him.
Think cults of personality and such.
Released on “Yom Kippur”.
Thank you Brother.
Peace be with you 💚🧏♀️🦋🙏🏻🧠📲
Boy have we blown it here on saying #114 - the mark not only missed, but now makes me question whether or not it is worth it to listen (respectfully) to 'any' of the rest of this very nicely edited video.
My breakdown of this saying is completely different and serves to, as the entirety of the writing as a whole, adhere it's teachings cleanly with those of the New Testament gospels and especially the gospel of John.
My video response will not be so graphically pretty. But, accurate.
Think of the times. Women weren't expected to be pious, just obedient to the men that were the spiritual leaders of the house. "Make herself manly" could simply mean to be devout.
14:11 when one realizes that heaven is inside, all around, and like unto a child, they begin to hear children give direction. True direction!! The younger they are, the closer to heaven. Think of where the soul comes from.
I am fascinated with the exquisite quality of your content!! I will be binge watching your channel forever more!! 💕 Thank you!
This is awesome! I just bought the Gnostic Gospels and it’s been interesting to say the least
This by far the longest video i have ever sat through and it took me 2 days to watch it. Thanks
When will you update your Spotify? That's my favorite way to listen, but it hasn't been updated in ages
From one artist to another,I fully appreciate the work and investment of time shown in Maestro Lottersberger's exquisite work. It isn't only the quality,but what a prolific illustrator. Those are a lot of pieces.
They are fantastic. I was wondering if they were drawn or ai.
you hear hope for the men of decoded it . Trust in self proclaimed people proclaimed figured it out pick a guesser deceiving self pretending to understand guess know have ears that hear eyes see known proclaimed three times over before they born when unknown deaf blind and deceiving self and others Injust self and others believe your own lies guessed know void in understand unknown exactly liars speaking saying nothing impressing others pretend to understand . When it say is no test test none are no false prophets at the end of the age pick one if like what hear or make something up self proclaimed people proclaimed proves you known to the ALL seen self as the forth in heaven out womb and in man born the untouchable living one take people's word for it or pretend to understand yourself all good at the end of the age no false prophets self proclaimed people proclaimed proves only not false prophets said he who can decode it you the educated guessers and guessers deceiving self exactly unknown deniable false prophets if anything best stop or are false prophets and done real soon is the end of the age
#22 2in to 1 is talking about the male and female sides of the brain becoming 1. The subconscious and the conscious mind becoming 1. Maybe tithing 10% , refers to giving the 10% of our conscious mind over to God. Allowing him to guild you , instead of trying to reason with our conscious mind having faith to operate through the subconscious mind. That is the 10% of the mind we supposedly use. Just like when thy eye be single( seeing with your 3rd eye)
Constantine "converted" to Christianity, then set up the Catholic church to justify the persecution/massacre of those who did not follow Christianity according to the "Holy Bible" that he edited down to eliminate all references to seeking the Kingdom of God within. Instead, he wanted the Church to control the masses by only teaching that to reach God, man must go through a priest. The Albigensians, Waldensians and others were subject to this persecution. They followed the teaching of the Essenes, which Jesus was born into. Jesus also spent many years learning the teachings in Persia India and China. The Book of Thomas, Mary Magdalene and Apocryphon of John reflect these "mystical" concepts. These are not all that "mystical" now that Quantum Physics is being used to explain the phenomenon of energy and thoughts affecting the material world. Christian Science, which is mocked by many, uses these principles to heal through metaphysical concepts. It's actually really powerful stuff.
To all the people saying that the gospel of thomas wasn't written by thomas the apostle also know that the canon gospels are also by scholarly concencus not written by the original apostles either and the gospel of thomas is dated in a range from 60ad to 140ad while the oldest gospel is mark at 70ad. Also in mark he says
"He[jesus] answered them[apostles], "The mystery of the kingdom of God has been granted to you. But to those outside everything comes in parables."" Literally talking about secret knowledge
Listen to this floor hour and 14 minutes passion is like heat and heat it's like fire now you don't now you have winnsboro now you have went viral on Wi-Fi
The Bible is the core truth and the Gnostic texts give light to that truth.
I think its crazy that anyone can read the gnostic texts and not tell that they are God inspired.
The Bible and Gnostic texts are the only books that felt designed for my soul
Some of the sayings really look like they belong to gnostic but when I look at it, some of them are really interesting. Saying 3 brought me chills, it is typical to gnostic, but the message is clear and it contradicts new testament.
Thank you for bringing this public... without a religious spin on it. Love your channel and all your work! Much love and many thanks 👍🙏😊
Just the facts about known history.
Not treating people like children without logic.
It is nice to learn and not have emotional beliefs controlling/censoring that knowledge.
@@Master_Failure exactly!! Love your screen name 😁
Re: Saying 114 - Taking in consideration the context of what Simon Peter said, Jesus' statement about, "every woman who makes herself manly" seems to be using wording and concepts that Simon Peter would understand. Since Simon Peter sees men having good traits and women having bad ones, Jesus is saying that it's not the person's gender that determines the person's worthiness. It just ended up sounding a little douchey because he was catering to Simon Peter's douchey way of thinking.
I love this so much. Thank you! ❤ My experience with Holy Spirit and the spiritual realm has become so much more clearer. Spiritual death 👀 …
Saying 2, saying 3, saying 4, saying 5, saying 6! (I literally heard a voice in the spirit saying liars don’t get access to heaven) Actually all the sayings 🥹
Jesus is amazing ❤️🔥😭
You're hearing voices? Should we be worried?
Don't worry.
She is Blessed.
Hearing the Truth of the Lord.
You wouldn't know what that is because you don't Have Ears to Hear.
Sad for those who listen but don’t hear and are easily swayed by outside words for the voice that you seek comes from within.
Ever notice nobody is allowed to question or degrade any part of the Muslim tales or any other "religion"
Or the Jews.
Tell me you're Islamaphobic without telling me your Islamaphobic...
The bible is easier to research due to the languages it's printed in. That's it. That's literally why.
Islam/Judaism/Christianity are all bullshit. All lies. And all based on the same lies and, in fact, the same writings and myths. Keep up.
@@aaronwatkin3681 especially the jews
Because Jesus is offensive to everyone else. Ever notice how his name is constantly allowed to be blasphemed while the commandments say do not use the Lords name in vain.
@@Vodalus Christianity is Judaism with a DLC add on. They are pretty much same thing. Jesus himself was a Jew.
If it's the world from the divine no matter what language or attitude, it should not be excluded. Remember Christ was on Earth dealing with man and wanted to see him as they were. He wanted to know him earthly first to enable them to know him Heavenly.
For the record, the council of Nicea had literally nothing to do with choosing books of the Bible. It was established to decide how they would address the gnostic heresies of the day. The Tanak was already established and, before the end of the 1st century, the early church was unanamous on the authority of the gospels and practically unanimous on the epistles.
Tell me your riddles three. 😊
This is a historical myth that won't die. But you get one bit a little wrong. The other "versions" of early Christianity did seem to sometimes favor different texts. We understand the Arians best. This was true in their case it seems. But also there's evidence in early Christianity southeast of the reach of Byzantium. Some of the Syriac texts which were eventually called apocrypha seemed to be quite popular - so much so that you can find pieces of them show up reformulated in the Quran, when it was eventually authored. That includes the Gospel of Thomas, by the way. But especially the infancy Gospel.
So while it's true that it's a myth that the council of Nicea met to decide on the canon, there absolutely was NOT "absolute consensus" amongst early Christians. It seems that the consensus that mattered was that if Christians who were within the Byzantine domain, practicing what ended up being called "Nicean Christianity."
The power of Rome can be credited with the persecution of Jews, the creation of the conditions for Christianity to spread and ... llater, the influence to determine which Christianity and whoae "favorite books" became canonized. Fairly ironic historical turn, if you ask me!
The legacy of this was centuries of clergy associating the apocrypha with "herecies.". You can even find some today - oddly enough in some of the latest invented Protestant denominations.
I pray people find this book of truth
I have loved watching this. My comments are not with ill intent but to support your statements. It is really excellent. A great place to start with the Gospel of Thomas 😊👍
Parable of the sower is related to the heart. It’s about the word landing inside the heart. The soil represents how soft the heart is to receive, the one with the softened heart is able to bare much fruit and prosper in the world and in so doing so provide and allow others to eat from him. This goes back to the tree of life. And eating from the tree of life. Those that have a hardened heart get further away from God these are unloving, unkind those that don’t bare good fruit (Galatians 5) and unfortunately they do not prosper or struggle in some area of their life because their heart is not positioned correctly. This can manifest in different forms from sickness to mental illness to poverty. Etc
Hence why it’s important to store up treasures (reference to the heart again) and then the word is able to renew the mind and you will be transformed into His image.
Most of these I knew and try to practice and this is my forst time hearing of this, I'm content and humble and extremely great full for every moment what a experience
The Gospel of Thomas is wonderful.
😅 this was thrusted in my heart without reading it by Holy Spirit. Sometimes you have to act crazy to push the evil away from you in order to survive. Man is corrupt, many will never be worthy.
Anything that relies on secrets and trusting in your intuition rather than fully surrendering yourself and your will to the Lord is what is corrupt. It is the definition of corrupt. We are body and soul. Jesus's body rose from the grave and we have the promise of eternal life through him. The Gnostic gospels deny that promise, claiming we are but spirits that must escape through secret knowledge.
It's wise and just makes me smile
You’ve got some of this right, but when they refer to duality it is in reference to the mind/heart connection.
The line about women making themselves "manly" to me sounded like Jesus was saying any woman who lives the way humans should according to God they will enter Heaven, since all throughout the old and new testaments humanity as a whole is called "the children of man"
It didn’t mean women should be a man 😂 also is better than men being female 🤬
Or giving themselves to man in submission married sense as a wife or partner
Could this be why we are dealing with the tranny infiltration?... There seems to be a militant army of them these days... jus sayin
If need listen to this again and again.
12:53 Ephesians 6:12-13 Geneva Bible (before King James)
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, and against the worldly gouernours, the princes of the darkenesse of this worlde, against spirituall wickednesses, which are in ye hie places.
I think saying #4 is saying a child has the memories of previous lives and will remember at this period in thier lives and is really establishing the fact of Reicarnation. After all, they did think Jesus was Elijah returning...
I think this is one of your best topics you have done, would you consider taking perhaps five or ten of the most mysterious or interesting sayings and doing an episode that goes into more detail of the possible meanings of what is given.... I think listeners would find them to be very enlightening... thanks for all you do❤️
Regarding the saying 114; I think what Christ meant was that unity between the two side within is what grants salvation, that a man must come in terms with their anima (a Jungian term for the other side of oneself), their feminine side, and that woman must do the same with their animus, their masculine side, for in the light of this view it also aligns with the concept of Adam Kadmon, the divinity that is depicted as both man and woman.
In Christ reprimanding Peter of making her a man I see it as making a semi-mockery of Peter, not for Mary nor himself, for even if Christ were to make her man she still had to go the same length in uniting her feminine side given she was turned into man by Christ, making Peter's remark redundant.
This concept of unifying and uniting one's outer side with the inner side, biological man with the feminine side where Christ is the prime example of that, and biological woman with the masculine side where Mother Mary still stood up for her devoting love for her son despite the crippling pain of experiencing loss twice, making Mary an example of the complete woman, coincide with the Jungian process of individuation and with the spiritual process of becoming one.
Aragon from LotR is another example of a man in touch with his feminine side, which was showcased when Boromir was dying in his arms, and Eowyn is the other example of a believing and firm woman fighting evil not because she wanted to be a man but be true to herself in the process of becoming herself as a whole woman. She eventually became a shieldmaiden and a healer after making the prophecy come true. She became one with herself.
Saying 65. This is the most powerful saying in ALL of gospel of Thomas. The owner of the vineyard or the share cropper is also God. He created this world and gave it to us to produce good fruit, meaning glorify his name and do good in the world. They seized his servant, meaning that when he (God) sent the prophets to lead us, we ended up beating them, meaning rejecting them. So, God at the end decided to send his Son (Jesus Christ) who is the heir to the vineyard (the kingdom), thinking perhaps thy will recognize my Son. But when they found out that he is the true messiah they killed him.
Great video!
Please, do continue with the series of lost gospels.
Everything, from how the video is structured, the artwork and your intonation, is very well done and entertaining. Congrats!
you hear hope for the men of decoded it . Trust in self proclaimed people proclaimed figured it out pick a guesser deceiving self pretending to understand guess know have ears that hear eyes see known proclaimed three times over before they born when unknown deaf blind and deceiving self and others Injust self and others believe your own lies guessed know void in understand unknown exactly liars speaking saying nothing impressing others pretend to understand . When it say is no test test none are no false prophets at the end of the age pick one if like what hear or make something up self proclaimed people proclaimed proves you known to the ALL seen self as the forth in heaven out womb and in man born the untouchable living one take people's word for it or pretend to understand yourself all good at the end of the age no false prophets self proclaimed people proclaimed proves only not false prophets said he who can decode it you the educated guessers and guessers deceiving self exactly unknown deniable false prophets if anything best stop or are false prophets and done real soon is the end of the age
Saying 20 with the mustard seed has a lot of similar context with the sewer who casts seeds around until it hits fertile soil but then grows exponentially
Lol, I've been telling my friends to be careful when snooping. Never know what you'll find.
EDIT: for my own research;
@34:36 Saying 22: two becomming one (gender)
@37:28 Saying 25: Love and Protect
Thank you for this content. I am reading the compiled Nag Hammadi scriptures, watching a Wondrium series on Gnostic history, and this is a perfect companion. Also, love the art work! Jesus looks more intense here than most renderings. Thanks again! I'm looking forward to more of your work.
Two hours? Well alright. Time to get my Bible on. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Number 9. Meaning those that try and spread truth will awaken some but not all.
114 , where it mentions “a woman who makes herself manly” . This goes back to the balancing of masculine and feminine. If she is able to make herself manly then she in fact is balancing her masculine and feminine by not omitting that part of herself. That was my interpretation at least.
Yin-yang, pineal and hypothalamus, so on. Seems you got the idea that it's an allusion to natural balance.
Subconscious and conscious being made one
Thank u for the Book of Thomas. They didn't want Angels or demons to be real,the supernatural world is creepy. Not all hand handle the reality they both exist. Books were burned, taken out of the Bible. Translated to GREEK, and translated wrong too, in so many words ! Yeshua is real , resurrection is REAL. 🙏🏽❤🙏🏽
The gospel of thomas wasnt even written by thomas lol
Which books were taken out of the Bible and when?
@@mauzer271 ahh yes. The skeptic. My favorite. Begin with the oldest existing copy of the Bible. It's in Ethiopia. There are roughly 20 more books in that bible. Start there, tread slowly and pray you aren't too far indoctrinated.
Who didn't want angels or demons to be real? The only Christians who downplay demons tend to be Protestants. For the past 2000 years the Catholic Church has recognized the important role both angels and demons play.
There were tons of fake scripture to sift through, not every writing regardless of its age is worth reading. You should ask yourself, and ask the Lord, who is it that has the proper authority to put the canon together? Also, if you believe Jesus's resurrection is real (you should) you should stay away from Gnostic texts because it will deny His bodily resurrection.
So you mean all the chapters that were taken out should be put back in and considered canon? What about the Gospel of Judas? It's probably my favorite.
Why would they Bury text if they were trying to hide something why wouldn't they just burn it like a box
this is my favorite gospel!! thank you for giving it more exposure!
He doubted the disciples not Jesus. Thomas was the first to claim to go and die with him and the first to claim Jesus as Lord and God. Like many things, the truth has undoubtedly been diluted by time and influence. I believe Thomas (The twin) was one of the most faithful. The beginning is the end as in the beginning it was perfect and when the fathers plan is complete it shall return to perfection.
It is amazing how apt so many of these sayings are applicable to what we see in the world today. From our public influences to what we see happening in some churches. It would do people well to head these sayings.
@Methodius wait wat do you mean condem 😢
@Methodius of Thessaloniki yes you should Head
I'm less i impressed. It's unnecessarily complicated and intellectually confused.
There's only two questions to ask to guide yourself through life as a moral person:
- an i causing or inviting harm with my words or actions?
- am i causing or initving benefit with my words of actions?
Every decision and deed can be assessed morally based on this alone.
I learned from my Guru Saint Rampal ji Maharaj .God Kabir said I have burnt my house and I have taken a burning torch in my hand those who will fallow me I’ll burn there house too .House is our body and all the evil in us is what God will burn it and make us pure again.
Jesus said seek keep seeking and find then be disturbed thats the truth and the joy of understanding is awesome.
i love this video thank you for posting. it sounds like Thomas made Jesus happy and was told a secret.
And when you understand, you rule over the all.
Straight up, does your artist do every drawing because daaang. There's a lot of art work and everyone is amazing. Dude put out some great art for ya
Lot of AI created art here. Just like everywhere else... And why not? Thing is, if you look closely you'll start to see some strange, mutant faces in the background of many pics... A dead give away its ai. Also odd proportions, and a frenzied level of detail .. Once you know what it looks like, you can see it all over TH-cam.
@@matthewbecker7389 not true. He has his artist actually do most it. Hes credited and I checked it out. Dudes a legit great artist. The mutant faces are mutant, theyre just shaded over and drawn quickly. I'm a professional artist also. Yeah, its crazy how ai art is now that people double guess themselves now
Yeah, illustrator of 40+years here. And yes, he does have an artist, and earlier clips were exclusively hand drawn. But lately, you can see the hints of AI everywhere. If in doubt, try looking at the hands of a character. If ai ever makes an army, we should be ok... Their hands will be useless.
Church so afraid anybody challenge their dogma
no one was made a supervisor of the holy writtings.If the church will not accept the sayings of Thomas it is up to them and it is because it brings to bear how the bible has been changed to suit their purpose.Those who accept them will read and live by it.Each one for himself/herself almighty for us all,and he alone will judge.period.
Really enjoyed this David great work
Another angle on saying 65:
The creditor Is God
The field is the world
The servants are the prophets
The Son is Christ
The share croppers are people
You should do a video on when the name "Jesus" was actually used as the Hebrew language had no J in their alphabet. Why would they changed the original name anyway? His name is sacred, holy and written in stone to NEVER be changed!
Does no one question this? I do
Just like the phrase "son of God" isn't had never been taken to be literal, by Hebrew and Aramaic speaking people.
The worship of a Triune-God, a demigod or God incarnate, was completely foreign to Hebrew and Aramaic speaking Jews like Moses, Jesus, and their families.
Literal sons of God, God incarnates, Trinities, demigods, death-and-rebirth god archetype, dying-and-rising god archetype and the resurrected-god archetype - are all pagan constructs foreign to the religious beliefs of Monotheist Jews like Jesus, Mary, Zechariah, John the Baptist, James the Just (ie, the family of Jesus and their Jewish followers).
@@johndoeiii9767 false as well the very first book of Genesis God says let US make man and OUR image and OUR likeness (body soul spirit) speaking of the trinity
False Look up yeshua or Jesus at real bible believer's here on TH-cam he shows you why Jesus is the correct word today and English in how it was translated you got to study
@@royaltywilliams1380 OK so you're a deceived one... Carry on
@@royaltywilliams1380 Yahuah is the Fathers name. Yahusha is His Son and our messiah!
I come in my Fathers name!
Pray for discernment while studying the Living Word. The all truths will be revealed to you!
Also reminds me of Matthew 18:20 For where 2 or 3 are gathered in my name, I am there among them
Amazing Teachings ….. 🌞
I truly appreciate this video. Keep up the amazing content
Love the GoT. It is of course a blend and serves as a wonderful Rosetta stone of spiritual teachings. Jesus sayings are predominant. There is some Mesopotamian influence. Five trees in paradise from Five beams in Marduk's head, Enuma Elish, Babylonian creation epic. Pharisees are like a dog in the manger from Aesop's Fables, Greek from 500bc, 'Dog in the Manger.' If the verses are mirrored in the psyche, (inner pathway) it is a standard, find Nirvana, Inner Peace, Enlightenment, Kingdom of Heaven within, (as personal and general states of being in life) teachings. It is like Buddha or Lao Tzu. Compact verses. But held in different analogs.
Buddha - Seek Emptiness, (rid the past we cling to) Jesus - Blessed are the poor in spirit, (rid the past we cling to)
Buddha - Life will be happy, Jesus - God will bless your life
Buddha - Karma, Jesus - The measure you mete unto others will be likewise meted to you
Same inner teachings once played out in the psyche. But one has to make that mental shift in order to fully see it. Belief in why that happens appears to be entirely optional. It happens to anyone who walks that path. Faith is not a factor but action is. Life becomes what we are, and what we hate about ourselves. These teachings show us how to interact with that and change ones life. And they are contained in an analogous manner to provide cryptic, mystical sounding verbiage for the masses. This is a minimalist teaching on a self healing template contained within the Hero's Journey template. When one sees what it is containing, it is no longer unique.
Thank you. I notice the translations of The Gospel of Thomas vary as in, not Bandits but Robbers, also, one of thd disciples says: Jesus is messenger not an angel, there are others as well. Jesus is incredibly biased as to who are the few chosen ones who will be admitted to the Kingdom! After all there are millions of people who desire to be admitted to kingdom of heaven and Jesus is extremely choosy as to who will pass his tests. Jesus is also damning against his own Jewish people unless they too follow him and convert to Christianity. There were also many sects of Christianity none agreeing with the other that were eventually called heretics and mostly murdered. I do not beiieve in the indoctrination of any religion that uses threats of fire and brimstone, heaven or hell unless you obey the powers of the church. Particularly the Pope and Vatican. Xxx ❤
I think saying 4 means that the child was (the last) most recently with God, (edit) and i know that saying 48 refers to our heart and mind becomig one in our body, the house is our body. There is confirmation of this in other apocrypha texts.
One of the best gnostics.
True words of Christ.
Life changing.
True words of christ. This book of "Thomas", a false prophet FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. You spiritually dead.
It's a bit of a myth that these apocrypha were "gnostic" texts. Some were favored by the gnostics. Sone weren't. But you'll notice if you look at them carefully that only a couple actually have any parts at all which describe the gnostic beliefs at all.
Some do seem to have been partially enjoyed by the Arians,Sethians and Valentinians, however. They weren't actually gnostics. They were simply non-Niceans. It's a shame they didn't survive. Some of them could have been quirky alternatives to Christianity as we know it.
12:22 very, very true. My faith journey has changed, as I learn more about the truth of heaven and its inner works. I've heard angels tell me, "don't take humans personal," and wondered what they meant. Aren't I human? Well, not according to a few texts.
Psalm 82:6, John 10:34, and 1 Cor 3:1-4.
Life begins anew, and people seemingly talk about me constantly. Only, how could anyone else, or everyone else know so much about me? They don't, the heavens do, and that kingdom is constantly near me. Let those with eyes see, and they with hearts understand!! Almost all has been fulfilled. The twins born 06/06/06, are of age, and have shown themselves to me. Oddly enough, they're a friend of mine's sons. One of which was hidden from all.
(See the murals in Bank of America, NC; even perhaps look the video up)
Lion's Judah (fb/insta)
Thank you legends for the video 💯💯💯🤘🤘
Pls Keep these videos coming at will, as these true findings, “are well and truely needed, today and till, if the end of days were to shall come what seems to continue to exist, Shall not be mistaken, forgotten, twisted, shaken down nor misconstrued as the, New Testament and Old Testament of bible has already done for thee. I’ve only just recently come to great unimaginable, inestimable understanding of greater knowledge, if were spoken more, diligently, to how it was said, as it was said, rather than to oppose how and what we interpret, for this “ I thank you dearly, how the narrator has put these misunderstandings”, to a better context to how we should see it, for what it is, which brings Ancient Greek stoicism, come aligned with Wisdom, patience, virtue and everything what Jesus has told,
Mind you, this is my opinion, without having a religious background, but was always trying to find better understanding to how it all come about, so I help myself (Believe)to have what we all have in us, but was always lacking within myself to believe.
Whilst this in play, I’ve always respected other people belief’s, just never had the right teachings, for me see. Now that I see quite clearly, it opened up all aspects of differential views and opinions and makes me more curious to all lost artefacts, teachings and findings of the past history! We have 2 ears, 2 eyes and 1 mouth. With these, we should listen to more than we say, and not speak wrongly of others nor when things that are known, not to be true, only then shall we speak. This is all true with the words that Jesus has spoken! I’ve never been enlightened as much as I am now, which brings further understanding to ancient civilisation findings to our existence with Anunuaki Enki , Book of Enoch, Emerald tablets of Thoth, Moses and all the rest, along with lost city of Atlantis and the Great Halls Of Amenti in the land of Kehm, which consists of sacred gatekeepers to the underworld!
My cup of knowledge is merely but seemingly nearly full, but I feel the need for more! For I have lacked my whole adolescent life in obtaining knowledge, as I have a few too many mental disabilities, which has steered me away from been capable to understand or interpret with my ADHD , OCD, Dyslexic PDSD and the rest! Which only makes me thirsty for more knowledge and wish I knew all alike Thoth does and always will. (KEEPER OF ALL KNOWLEDGE) through-out time…..
Whooow, I had to get that of my chest
To those who found this video: Treat all commentary on any sacred or philosophical text as sparks for further internal insight and not as objectively true (whether from a YTer or a professor or a priest). It's always lovely to see how others interpret things but "The Work" within cannot be replaced by The Work of another. I'm happy this video exists regardless how much I disagree with aspects here and there (decided to write this during the "what does the Gospel of Thomas Say?" section as I have radically different opinions of some of the passages) because it opens my mind up to new avenues of thought and reflection. My disagreement with what I was hearing made me want to hear more because it allows me to compare and contrast and evolve my own viewpoint if I'm able to (not by changing my view to that of the video creator but by reanalyzing my perspective, going over various translations, going over various academic takes and more then seeing if I can improve upon my perspective). For this I'm very thankful this video was made.
All the same I also worry that many people out there are desperate (usually subconsciously) for someone to tell them "what it all means" or to make "The Mysteries" solved both of which are not only impossible but potentially dangerous in that they can lead to delusion and loss of self agency. We're all on our own paths, no one but you can walk yours for you. All another can do is give their best description of how they interpret their map and the territory around them wherever they are on their path. I've gone to university to study Gnosticism, I've taken courses online to study Gnosticism (that 15 hour lecture series by David Brakke on Wondrium was of higher quality than my uni), I was a Priest in a Gnostic Church, I joined a Mystery School... and none of those really truly gave me what I was looking for. Slowly but surely as I've stopped looking for The Answers and started to try and find ways for The Answers to come to me I've begun to have glimpses, small ones but deeply moving none the less, of Truth, Divinity, God, The One or whatever you want to call It. The Answers are always trying to find their way into you. "The Search" (for me at least) has been more about learning what is in its way and how to carefully, healthily and wisely clear The Way.
I'm trying to like this, but the thumbs up won't work. I tried hitting the thumbs down and it worked, but now it won't let me undo that. Very frustrating.
I think this is the best one you’ve ever done ! ❤ thank you
5 seeds from GODs Hand in them trees in paradise...APPLE seeds... maybe like an echo in time for a Dragon 🐲 that feels lost... I found you also... NOT...NOT...forgetting about you TiaMat... your my Matey! and Pirates we bee 🐝...🍯...🐻 Tween wit ME... Twin polarity¡! 37:37
"I am the hope of the omniverse.
I am the lightbulb in the darkness.
I am the bacon in the fridge, for all living things that cry out in hunger.
I am the Alpha, and the Amiga.
I am the terror, that flaps in the night... "
"You're" Cosmic Batman!
@@NIKIPEDIAstarter Firstly, I wasn't mocking, it was a reference to Dragonball Z Abridged; Secondly, I don't know what "you are perspective" means. The word you meant to use was "your", learn some grammar; and lastly, I reserve the right to mock any adult that needs an imaginary friend to feel good about themselves.
Is that from 2nd Ekleezians, version 4?
And If god is real , did someone saw the nether regions of god , that people use "he" to denot god ?
@@eee9034 If you seek God with all your heart you will find Him. But don't be proud for God resist the proud but gives grace to the humble. If you believe in your heart that Jesus died for your sins and resurrected the third day, confess this with your mouth and accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour, repent of your sins you shall be saved.
Be baptised in the name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. Do the will of The Father which is written in The Bible.
I think you have done a good job on this very difficult text. Very well done.
I really needed this 💞
Fire is a representation of the spirit. And Jesus brings the spirit to unite our soul. Water is the representation of soul being female. When fire burns water, the vapour goes up into the heavens.
The way you worded that is so cool💯🙎🏽🔥
Beautiful presentation thank you 🐓
Your voice is so soothing, keep up with such videos, new sub
I loved this, thank you!
55:39 I feel as though it meant if the people (divided house) make piece with each other the powers that be (mountain) can’t control them
Hm, quite interesting so far.
Thank you so much for this,..I love you Jesus❤️👼
That is similar to Matthew 10:34-39, where Jesus says he didn't come to bring peace but a sword
Well, he was right , i do face some hostility from my relatives who are newly converted to christianity
Fun Fact: Early Christians tried to burn these texts away.
Hello 👋 Which Christians tried to burn them?🤔
@@terrymoore5000 the early Catholics during the early years of the Holy Roman empire.
@@lowesgameing2003 early Christians is much broader then early roman Christianity
Book burning and banning is common in all eras even now Amazon does it
@@Wickytb If you study the writings of 1st and 2nd century Church Fathers you will notice the early Church was really in communion with and inseparable from the Roman Church/Bishop. These books from the "Nag Hammadi library" were found in the mid 1900s and the authorship is almost obviously fake. There were tons of fake scripture written and the early Christians had to sift through them. They also battled against the Gnostic heresy, which the Gospel of Thomas teaches.
The problem is that people have this pristine view of Jesus. Yes, he was a perfect human, BUT he most likely spoke to his fallible human peers in ways they would understand. I’m sure he understood what they would and would not understand based on how he spoke to them. Like any disciplinarian, I’m sure he could be harsh. We accept it from our human parents, our teachers, our bosses … but not the Son of God?
Yes, everyone has a different view of what "perfect" and "sin-free" means. I'd bet if he was here now, everyone would attack his every action and word and find ways to label him a sinner no matter what he did
For me, It wouldn't bother me one bit if he had sinned and learned from it, nor would it matter if he had a wife of girlfriend. His actions, message, teaching, miracles, and accurate prophecy mattered the most
That is not a "perfect human"
The Gospel of Thomas is emphatically NOT Gnostic! If anything, the text is ANTI-gnostic! Gnostics have secret knowledge; but Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas says: “All things are disclosed before heaven. For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and there is nothing covered that will remain undisclosed.” (Saying #6) The gnostics keep their knowledge to themselves, but Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas says: “What you will hear in your ear, in the other ear proclaim from your roof-tops.” (Saying #33) Gnostics say that the material world is evil, created by a bungling god, the “demiurge”. Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas declares: “I am the light that is over all things. I am all; from me all has come forth, and to me all things have reached.” (Saying #77) Gnostics say that the true god exists in a realm far beyond the material world. Jesus in Thomas says: “Split a piece of wood, I am there. Lift up the stone, and you will find me there.” (Saying #77) Gnostics engage in arduous studies to achieve special wisdom. In Thomas, Jesus says: “Come to me, for my yolk is easy and my lordship gentle and you will find rest for yourselves.” (Saying #90) In Thomas, Jesus laments over the fact that the truth is not a secret, yet it remains hidden from people only because of their unwillingness to accept it. “I took my stand in the midst of the world, and in the flesh I appeared to them. I found them all drunk and I did not find any of them thirsty.” It is only we ourselves who make our way to knowing the truth difficult, just as the gnostics did (or like the scribes and scholars mentioned in Saying #39)! To conclude, the fact that Jesus may have been admired by gnostics (as Plato was) hardly makes him (or Plato) a gnostic! Gnosticism gets shoehorned into orthodoxy's reading of the Gospel of Thomas when clearly even a cursory examination of Thomas' text fails to support it. Peace to all.
This note is intended for “Doriesse”, whose response came in a notification to me, but now I don't see it on the page here. Here it is again as I copied it along with my response. Hope Doriesse sees it sometime.
@neilhundtoft4873 Does it sound like He was teaching Pantheism?
Response to Doriesse from 9/8/23
Pantheism, yes I think so. I think that what Jesus teaches in the Gospel of Thomas might even be called a radical pantheism. That is, God isn't just in everything, God IS everything! All that there is participates in God's very existence and being. It's much the same way the Buddhists and Hindus see it. The idea of creation (including us) being separate from a creator God is unique to the religions arising out of the middle-east, including Zoroastrianism and Judaism, and then subsequently Christianity. For Jews and Christians, it starts with the very first verse of Genesis. “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” The creator, over there, created the universe, over here. Because of this idea of separation, Christianity's main challenge ever since has been figuring out how to get reconnected again. Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas cuts through all of this to declare our intimate and eternal connection with the divine. Look at Saying #108, for example. Jesus says "Whoever drinks from my mouth will become like me; I myself shall become that person, and the hidden things will be revealed to that person." Jesus was crucified for the blasphemy of saying that he was one with God. They were in such a hurry to crucify him for that blasphemy that they missed the rest of the message. So are we all. We are all “...children of the living father!!” (Saying #3) That message from Thomas is the entire reason why the sayings are called “secret”. It wouldn't be prudent to go 'round the temple grounds blabbing that you're one with God if you hope to avoid a stoning! Thanks for talking with me. Peace and light.
17:28 Genesis 3:21, 1 Peter 4:12, and one more I can't seem to remember concerning the reverse of Genesis 3:21.