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@@tomvhresvelg9286because they are actual modellers who have basics skills to fix such a minor issue with this kit’s frame, not just a regular builder that whines as soon as a kit is anything less than perfect.
@@MaidenlessScrub Cuz Japanese know that Tristan is a cursed artifact too, tho. Cuz they have "cursed artifact" meme like Gourmet spicer(doomfist gauntlet ripoff), Sasuke happy meal.
Such a disappointment for the price. Thankfully a company is already making a conversion kit to remove the ms joint, which in turn should work with the older rg strike
Oh for crying out loud! They actually recycled one of the infamous early RG FRAMES!? Bandai! You bloody idiots! YOU KNOW WE DONT LIKE THIS!! It’s the whole reason we celebrated RG RX-78 2.0!!! 🤦♂️
@@Matanumi Making a product so bad nobody will buy it doesn't sound like a great business strategy. They'll be printing this kit plenty, but money? Not so sure.
personally i love the full gold plating(atleast from what i have seen from the images on the internet), but the use of old strike frame is like such a HUGE middle finger to the fans
Frame Chinese/bootleg making are good support part for bandai's kits especially specifically the IBO and Recently newly released Akatsuki I mean it's bit stupid That bandai uses Old MS from the expensive RG kit as it's base Lol
@@Matanumi Lol. Lmao even. Bandai is unquestionably the best Japanese plastic model manufacturer right now, but that doesn't mean they should earn any sort of loyalty and tolerance for messing up. If their products are inferior to bootleg, why should I buy? My AGE-1 Razor almost certainly agree with me.
@@REmasteredSEED911 But gunpla lasted 4 times longer than Bionicle!! No way that 3rd parties are great as bionicle which was gunpla's greatest competitor!!
There are 3rd party companies that are currently developing replacement parts for the inner frame parts for the legs so that they won't eventually sag over time, especially since the Akatsuki has a heavy backpack. The Aile Strike's leg frames have always been the Achilles Heel of the early SEED RGs, and many people are getting tired of it. And I know that people are saying that there is a stand included, so why even bother? Well, not all people have the shelf space to put the kit onto the stand. And who knows if that particular stand will break over time? It's a small but still very real possibility. I'm not saying the RG Akatsuki is a bad kit. The build shows ACTUAL potential like the torso build. However, it is just fatally flawed in some of its most crucial components, like the legs. I WILL give Bandai some credit for the fact that they tried a different solution with the arms whilst using the same frame. It may be more solid than the crappy shoulder balljoint frame connecting to the actual connecting shoulder piece. But I don't know how that will last over time, we'll just have to wait and see. Tl;dr, I don't hate this kit. In fact, the Akatsuki is one of my favorite mobile suits from SEED Destiny. I just hate the fact they used the leg frames from a decade-old kit that won't last over time.
It’s a crying shame they didn’t bother creating the kit from the ground up to keep it in like with standard RGs. But instead start with an older RG as a base unit. It still looks really nice but definitely one I can’t grab full price.
@@alvarosolorzano5405 gold plating is so expensive they had to cut corners somewhere, otherwise no one would be able to afford the kit, have you seen how much rg phenex costs
@@tomvhresvelg9286 Do you even have the kit? You're dedicating a lot of time and effort into filling replies with claims that other people think it's good.
How would they though? The Akatsuki is literally based in the Strike, it has those proportions. The Impulse is too different to use, especially considering Modern RG Frames are shaped to the armor.
The RG Impulse has a functional Core Splendor gimmick. Their options would have been retrofitting a transforming frame to a not transforming mobile suit or using the frame of the suit the Akatsuki is based on.
@@lucasurquiza554 Not really. You can use the Impulse design for the Akatsuki. the waste joint uses the same style as the impulse for some reason they didn't peg it to the front side skirt or the back part. Also they could have updated the leg joint to be similar to the new rg where it has a ball joint that pegs into the leg and connects it to the waist.
Both have their problems. Injection doesn’t always look great and shiny plated gets finger prints and can be really bad if the gates are not under gated.
I wonder why they went the route they did with this?? To have this come out in the same year as: The rfv high grades, The RX78 2.0 And the MGSD wing gundam is crazy. All 3 of those kits go above and beyond and feel like they are trying to put extra effort in. this feels so lazy next to them.
My thought is, there are multiple engineering teams in Bandai Some are large and recieve higher budget to cook something like RG gramps 2.0 Some are smaller and recieve less budget just to make some "filler" kits with reused parts like this one or Sinanju
Disappointing but not surprising. The moment they said "Strike frame Gen 1" it's joeover I DO like that it was plated. Gloss injection in 2024 looks awesome, but plating is a classic.
Didn't Bandai learn from the Sinanju RG that using a diffrent older frame was not a great idea, well guess someone there thought it couldn't happen twice...right?
@@coachjunoquirabo5313 but Bandai's gunpla lasts over 40 years while bionicle couldn't hold decade. Bionicle was the greatest competitor of bandai, so No way that bootleg can be a Commodore Perry and Bandai killer when these are not so great as bionicle. When Bandai competes with Western toy companies.
"Some people hate gold plating" Then they certainly are not the target buyers of this RG. I mean, why would people who don't like gold plating even care about Akatsuki the _gold_ Gundam anyway?
It also depends on why they don't like gold plating. Many who have issues with gold plating, have issues with exposed numb marks that detract from the finished product. This kit seems to have hidden if not eliminated exterior numb marks by 1) using an injection gold plastic instead of black (as most gold plated models have historically been made) and 2) undergating most if not all of the exposed parts.
Because the design? Role in the series? Love for its pilots? Not everyone is into kits for kit's sake, nor just straight-building. You've seen what these modders do. All of those that have an aversion to "shinny" gold will 🤢 matte it over or such as always.
When I built the RG Strike Freedom and Perfect Strike, one additional step I did was to “thicken” the moveable joint sections to tighten them. I used mod Podge (strike freedom) and grey paint (perfect strike). Both kits have been holding up a dynamic pose pretty well after about 4 years on display. Thanks to Mecha Gaikotsu for his reviews because they made me aware of ERS. Hoping this same method would also work for RG Akatsuki.. what a shame that such a nice looking kit would still have ERS issues though.
i did not even do that for ps and sf but for destiny could have used some of that to strengthen but the other two are still going strong at least for sf but it has been close to 2 years for ps i built earlier this year.
I've been waiting so long for this, and to say I'm disappointed would be an understatement It's my favorite MS from the SEED series, and I was waiting for HG 2.0, and really hyped when they announced the RG instead, even with the steep price tag. And this is what we got...
I was fine with the gold plating but damn, they actually put an old frame for it? Oh well. It's gonna be loosy and needs extra work which isn't ideal for the price imo.
@@meikisaragi1445don't reply to them. Those are the people who simp bandai products, people who dump money no questions asked. This kit is not worth it.
@@myhonestopinion3334extra effort is painting, putting decals and panel line, top coating etc etc. *Extra effort shouldn't include fixing broken products. Bandai SIMP.*
They should know better at this point and time with the expected quality that they themselves have set in place with the RG line these past couple years. Bandai needs to do better and make a recall for this RG and build an original new frame for release.
this actually a GOOD opportunity for Bandai to introduce us to a whole new Strike frame so in future we might got RG Strike 2.0, but no, Bandai was too lazy to do it
what i dont get is why are people complaining about the mirror finish, if that's EXACTLY what the akatsuki has? its the most defining feature of the suit, that its so shinny gold, even the animation went the extra length to show that its always flickering light away. hell, its so mirror gold, it can reflect beam shots. it NEED to be this shiny.
I was about to say that it is anime accurate that the akatsuki and the strike shared the same inner frame but i was wrong i looked up on the wiki "The Akatsuki Gundam was developed through the fusion of the knowledge that the Orb engineers had gained from studying the GAT-X105 Strike Gundam and its Striker Pack support system, with newer Orb-based prototype technologies. Its standard armaments include a twin beam saber, head-mounted CIWS, an arm-mounted shield, and a beam rifle. Its most remarkable feature is its gold-colored armor, known as the Yata-no-Kagami."
To be fair, the Sinanju used a frame that was good by itself in a suit too big for it to support. The RG Strike inner frame doesn't work well even for the RG Strike
@@Matanumiout dated expensive and doesn’t fit in with the other seed mgs maby the fms but the per portions are too wonky next the the ver rms or more modern seeds
I'm not against the bright gold, but not a fan of the old frame. I am kind of happy I nabbed the Wuji MG Akatsuki though. Wasn't a shabby build and the gold on it was my akin to the shade I enjoy.
I love your channel, you've influenced my Gunpla kits since I've started, only a few months ago! I've almost finished my HG Gundam Calibarn and next? My first MG, an MG Freedom Gundam 2.0 (I bought some metal hip joints in advance!) I've been building and painting Warhammer models for 30+ years, so I've carried some skills over, especially in painting and shading. Do you prefer using stickers or metallic markers for the eyes and cameras/lenses? I'm really enjoying your videos (been binge-watching them!), and for Christmas, I have a Narrative Gundam C-Packs Ver.Ka and an MG Astray Red Frame Kai. Looking forward to my first MG after an RG and 3 HG's. Thanks for your videos, dude!
my rg perfect strike still feel solid but then I haven't posed it a lot and it just stand with action base supporting the backpack. Early rg can be ok if you just don't treat it like toys, and pretty sure need support if the backpack is heavy since the waist connection is crap. They're great display piece, just not for playing.
The akatsuki's identity is REALLY wrapped up in being mirror finish gold, for better or for worse. I really like the shape of the suit but it's sometimes hard to tell with the reflectiveness.
They're still developing one. Hoping that they'd be made of tougher, more heavy-duty plastic that can hold up the weight of the Oowashi and Shiranui Pack.
What probably happened in Bandai HQ: Boss: Ok, team! We need a new SEED kit to commemorate and market the new movie. Employee: We already have all new suits in High grade. Boss: How bout a new Akatsuki HGCE? Employee: Sure, Sir. We just need Budget. Boss: 😂😂😂😐😂😂😂😂🙂 Employee:😐 Boss: You serious? Just use the Old frame! We're over budget due to re-releasing the Movie twice. (*They weren't*). Make RG so we can charge them more.
@@tomvhresvelg9286to be fair, you can fix collor inaccuracies with paint. With the material used for RGs, theres no permanent fix for loose joints without fully compromising that joint. Added the Premium askinf price and there's really no helping if people get angry.
That secondary gold on runner E2 was definitely a better gold coating that would have been the better choice for the dominate color…But honestly, I really liked how it looked in that picture where all the gold was washed off. This as a Yellow Gundam would have been gorgeous. I also think more Yellow & Orange gundams would be nice to have. They fill very rare.
completely disagree. its the akatsuki, not the hiaku shiki. its a suit that has a literal mirror finish. its supposed to be VERY reflexive gold. now we can discuss preferences, but the suit itself is so gold, it can reflect beam shots, even in the anime, they try to show that its very shiny.
Ppl bought a fingerprint magnet shelf display piece just to complain it isn’t an action figure. We complain about the curry gold injection, complain about the plating, etc. in no realistic capacity can you get a kit like this with zero flaws. It’s expensive. So are all the other plated kits. It uses Stroke Gundam parts. Which. It’s based on. I’m confused on the expectations.
I like what they did to the arm shoulder joint why couldn’t they do that to the hip joint. Basically removing the old ball socket and replace it with something better.
It’s such a weird decision not to, I’ve messed with my rg strike so often and it’s the only problem joint that they didn’t replace at least one side of. All of the other joints on the old frame that were kept like elbows and knees are still completely fine on mine 2 years later
it's been years working with real grades and the only part that makes me rage are the ball joints. never had any problem with knees or elbows. it´s always the balljoints. At the time, I've only fixed grandpa 1.0 with thin layers of paint inside the joints, and it really works.
Honestly i feel like bashing on old RG’s and the whole “ERS” thing is so lame, they’re still amazing kits, an so is this kit, obviously these kits need a bit of extra attention and work but that’s all part of modelling. I think looking at these kits like action figures or toys sorta undermines the amazing model kit aspect of them.
Absolutely. I think people like this have been spoiled by bandai's quality, so even just a couple steps back are met with vitriol. Sad to see, as this kit seems very nice and actually decently priced for something with this much plated gold.
@@truthchanMSVgunpla builds, especially the new ones that have only been working with masterpieces kits are spoiled and lazy af. I’m seen one calling the RG Unicorn a garbage kit.THE RG UNICORN
Sadly, this kit is an example of an attempt by Bandai to rush engineer a kit just to keep up the hype for SEED Freedom... No time to create a new RG frame to avoid that leg joint problem...
Actually, as some others already pointed out, they could have made for a better kit if they used RG Impulse as a base instead. What ever happened here is simply DUMB and LAZY.
All Bandai had to do was replace the hip. That’s it . The elbow and knee have so many supports in the inner frame and mechanisms to give it that mechanical solid feel. The hip is a ball joint . Come on Bandai
@ yes of course u can . But this is 2024 Gunpla . It is expected to do that stuff for older kits and older RGs to be specific . But new gunpla? It is dissapointing
Bandai in general has been doing a lot of screw ups, we got a lot in the roleplay side of things where they had to full on replace some of the adult replica toys for everyone
I think this one is worse, just because the Sinanju can stand on its own with just simple super-glue fixes. The Akatsuki needs the whole hip joint replaced to take ground poses.
Bandai should've made a RG 1.5 Strike frame so people could update their RG Strike. people gonna buy two or multiple of these just for the updated frame.
I agree that Bandai should have done a whole new frame for this, but the RG Strike frame only ages like milk if you treat it like a toy. Treat it like a model kit and it ages better
One the one hand yes, in the Lore, the Akatsuki is based off of the Strike Frame, but man it’s so disappointing. Plus you have to get an equally expensive PBandai kit for the space variant, Definitely a pass for me. When we’ve been getting crazy, almost mini Perfect grades, it’s really disappointing
so then no actual issues, just complaining to complain, the gold plating is no issue at all, I bought the mg hyper mode god gundam for that reason, I LOVE the shine of the gold, and the inner frame of the rg aile strike wasn't an issue for me in the slightest when I was building it
Thank you for taking the bullet for us on this one. This Gundam has been one of my all time favorite for years. I have the old 1/100 and love it. I thought I might be picking up this new RG since that line has been so awesome for a while now. Such a shame Bandai 180'd with this one. I guess I'll hope to one day get a legit MG or Ver ka.
For people who are crying. The only bad joints in this from the old advance ms frame are the hips, and that’s one easy fix because you can either thicken it with paint, the joint strengthening pen, or cut out a rectangular part from the clear decal sticker sheet and wrap it around the peg, or just use toilet paper if you’re lazy. The elbow and knee joints of the the ms frames are actually good and strong joints that hold up very well. If the thing had the ball joint shoulders or ankles, it would actually be a disappointment because you can’t fix those, but this is fine.
Funny thing is I almost got this kit BECAUSE I love the gold plated look, but something told me to wait and that frame makes me feel justified. Maybe enough RG failures will force them to focus on MG again.
look at it this way, maybe you can get it later for cheaper. as for the weak joints, it does come with a nice base, so its not much of an issue. chances are, because of the backpack, it would end up needing those sooner or later anyways.
cant say it does, but i think he would be mentioning that if it was such a massive issue. i mean, he does point it out whenever it happens with pretty much every gunpla, but in here, he did not mention a single time. if anything he aluded at the possibility at the beginning, but again, did not raise the issue at any point. so, for now, it seems they at least did alot of undergating. gotta wait until the review to see if that's the case or not. also, from what he showed, it didnt seem to have that issue either, since its plated gold, as opposed to injection, it would show up as a sore thumb
Did not expect for this 2024 kit to have a advanced ms joint frame, was not worth the hype because as usual advanced ms joints get loose overtime and can break if you aren't careful enough. If they could they should've made it a hand built frame
If they had just replaced the hip ball joints, it could've been great. Most RG ABS inner frames are perfectly serviceable, but have one or two points that become a problem very quickly. The RG Strike has been out for a long time, and the hips on that were already terrible, there's no reason why Bandai would think it would work on the Akatsuki.
In all fairness of the grandaddy 2.0 head, previous rg release dates would get pushed back because they find issues that needs to be corrected, which they didnt do with the rg grandaddy 2.0, also that got corrected in later batches as i got one that didnt have the issue
Well said, mate. Your word pretty much sum it up what I feel about this kit when Bandai think putting it in a glass display near those amazing kit such as RG 2.0 RX 78 or Destiny Spec II with Zeus silihoute pack Like looked so cheap. To think that they wasted actual wonderful detail under those half ass coating that can be make with few dollar is just heart breaking . And I know that they could make this a lot better. Like it is not the first time an RG use a different frame than what is lore correct. They could easily just rg inpluse hip on this . If asking a big dollar, use what big dollar. Just throw the whole runner that contain the hip , redo some molding for the armor on the hip and done.
I'll never understand the folk who want these kits to be in matted gold. Everything from the lore to the animation )tricks in the case of the Hyakushiki) says they are indeed supposed to be lustrous shiny mirror gold. Hell, the Akatsuki and some of them Hyakushiki decendants actually got that proper beam reflective coating that the OG was supposed to get. The only reasons they released stuff that wasn't proper mirror gold was because of "costs and tech" especially at the time, and "why not." True gold forever! Not sorry
@destiny13777 yall understand the concept of "animation technology of the time" right. They opened the doors it was behind and cut to Cagalli covering her face from it shiny golden luster.... How it 'looks' on screen versus every single que they hit you in the face with to spell out what they're trying to convey are two different things. It's supposed to be gold gold. Not imitation gold. Not painted gold. Not dog-puke yellow. And the modeling tech is where we haven't gottent a single matte gold kit because it's not supposed to be matte gold! Hyakushiki gets away with that because the modeling tech wasn't there way back then (on top of animation pitfalls). Not because there was ever any confusion as to what it's supposed to be in the show. They also did the "shiny sheen" tricks back then to spell that out, but for some reason everyone has blinders on to it, insistently 🙄 One off day in the studio where they couldn't detail it up as much as they usually do, or in the case of the OG simple lack of ability, does not mean yall got something. Then you disappear. Amazing!
Want to help support the channel? Then consider checking out my patreon! Right now we're having a friendly kitbash build-off contest!
Hey man, just wondering can you make a review video about the rg blast impulse, i would love to know your thoughts about that kit
When bandai saves money, I save money
Well said
I like your process 😂
@@essho9912 but Japanese fans call this great kit and masterpiece.
@@tomvhresvelg9286because they are actual modellers who have basics skills to fix such a minor issue with this kit’s frame, not just a regular builder that whines as soon as a kit is anything less than perfect.
@@MaidenlessScrub Cuz Japanese know that Tristan is a cursed artifact too, tho. Cuz they have "cursed artifact" meme like Gourmet spicer(doomfist gauntlet ripoff), Sasuke happy meal.
Such a disappointment for the price. Thankfully a company is already making a conversion kit to remove the ms joint, which in turn should work with the older rg strike
And the RG Build Strike 😊
which company? do we know?
Really??? Any information pls!!
What company?
Probably a chinese company, just a wait for a while and the replacement frames will be available.
Oh for crying out loud! They actually recycled one of the infamous early RG FRAMES!? Bandai! You bloody idiots! YOU KNOW WE DONT LIKE THIS!! It’s the whole reason we celebrated RG RX-78 2.0!!! 🤦♂️
Printing money who cares?
Pot of greed
@@Matanumi Making a product so bad nobody will buy it doesn't sound like a great business strategy. They'll be printing this kit plenty, but money? Not so sure.
Well, this idiot bought it
i think they already made/planned this before the RG gramps 2.0. they just released the Gramps first if my theory is correct.
@@ToxicAtom It's sold out in Japan, though. I think plenty are buying this kit lol
Damn, I was hopping it wouldn't use the old strike frame. This is such a step backwards for the RG line.
Runner pics was released a long time ago, I'm more surprised people overreacted when we already know it uses the bad Strike frame.
@ry0usama511 Didn't know that happened.
Not a step backwards, an outlier, the bad kind, but definitely an outlier.
@@ry0usama511tbf people expected to be as decent as the Freedom ver. GCP (aka Freedom 1.5)
@@thebasedone2182 that one released infos about which parts in the frame are changed, this one didn't at all, sadly.
personally i love the full gold plating(atleast from what i have seen from the images on the internet),
but the use of old strike frame is like such a HUGE middle finger to the fans
Chinese manufacturer are currently working on support frame from Akatsuki Real Grade soon not yet been released for now
You shouldn't have to buy a bootleg frame for support
Kinda agree with the bootleg, they start to arise and slowly cook the Bandai brand. To shown them how good and affordable the kit was
Frame Chinese/bootleg making are good support part for bandai's kits especially specifically the IBO and Recently newly released Akatsuki I mean it's bit stupid
That bandai uses Old MS from the expensive RG kit as it's base Lol
@@Matanumi Tell that to Bandai then. We're just trying to fix their mess.
@@Matanumi Lol. Lmao even. Bandai is unquestionably the best Japanese plastic model manufacturer right now, but that doesn't mean they should earn any sort of loyalty and tolerance for messing up. If their products are inferior to bootleg, why should I buy?
My AGE-1 Razor almost certainly agree with me.
Those 3rd party replacement parts that have been showing up in my news feeds will be an absolute godsend for this kit.
What 3rd party replacement parts, I never heard of them till now
@@REmasteredSEED911 But gunpla lasted 4 times longer than Bionicle!! No way that 3rd parties are great as bionicle which was gunpla's greatest competitor!!
@@REmasteredSEED911 Japanese think RG akatsuki as godsend, great kit. Not shitty kit.
There are 3rd party companies that are currently developing replacement parts for the inner frame parts for the legs so that they won't eventually sag over time, especially since the Akatsuki has a heavy backpack. The Aile Strike's leg frames have always been the Achilles Heel of the early SEED RGs, and many people are getting tired of it.
And I know that people are saying that there is a stand included, so why even bother? Well, not all people have the shelf space to put the kit onto the stand. And who knows if that particular stand will break over time? It's a small but still very real possibility.
I'm not saying the RG Akatsuki is a bad kit. The build shows ACTUAL potential like the torso build. However, it is just fatally flawed in some of its most crucial components, like the legs.
I WILL give Bandai some credit for the fact that they tried a different solution with the arms whilst using the same frame. It may be more solid than the crappy shoulder balljoint frame connecting to the actual connecting shoulder piece. But I don't know how that will last over time, we'll just have to wait and see.
Tl;dr, I don't hate this kit. In fact, the Akatsuki is one of my favorite mobile suits from SEED Destiny. I just hate the fact they used the leg frames from a decade-old kit that won't last over time.
@@REmasteredSEED911 the shoulder joint will last because it make the ball joint a swivel ,which it could be the same solution for the legs
It’s a crying shame they didn’t bother creating the kit from the ground up to keep it in like with standard RGs. But instead start with an older RG as a base unit.
It still looks really nice but definitely one I can’t grab full price.
This was the perfect excuse to make a RG 2.0 strike frame, don’t know why they used the ms joint frame
@@alvarosolorzano5405 gold plating is so expensive they had to cut corners somewhere, otherwise no one would be able to afford the kit, have you seen how much rg phenex costs
@@viperson9818 It is considered masterpiece to Japanese modelers!!
@@tomvhresvelg9286 Do you even have the kit? You're dedicating a lot of time and effort into filling replies with claims that other people think it's good.
@@wasdwazd Cuz Japanese modelers actually think this kit is great and treasure like while Westerners don't.
I'm surprised was Bandai so lazy that they didn't even use the more recent RG Impulse Gundam frame instead.
How would they though? The Akatsuki is literally based in the Strike, it has those proportions. The Impulse is too different to use, especially considering Modern RG Frames are shaped to the armor.
That or the new RG 78 2.0, the frame design on that thing is so nice.
My thoughts exactly - Force Impulse is SOLID..!
The RG Impulse has a functional Core Splendor gimmick. Their options would have been retrofitting a transforming frame to a not transforming mobile suit or using the frame of the suit the Akatsuki is based on.
@@lucasurquiza554 Not really. You can use the Impulse design for the Akatsuki. the waste joint uses the same style as the impulse for some reason they didn't peg it to the front side skirt or the back part. Also they could have updated the leg joint to be similar to the new rg where it has a ball joint that pegs into the leg and connects it to the waist.
0:38 OH NOW people are complaining about gold plating
When injection gold has been beaten harder than a dead horse at this point
Both have their problems. Injection doesn’t always look great and shiny plated gets finger prints and can be really bad if the gates are not under gated.
@@TheSpongyMallard I'm sure this kit is undergated
Because plating sucks😂 it was better done on the shiki. They should have done something like that here. Mirror-like yellow plating is just pure ass
@@GojiraFan-in9oo It is, just saying plating will be bad if a kit isn’t.
Matt painted gold will always be superior than shiny gold
I wonder why they went the route they did with this??
To have this come out in the same year as:
The rfv high grades,
The RX78 2.0
And the MGSD wing gundam is crazy. All 3 of those kits go above and beyond and feel like they are trying to put extra effort in. this feels so lazy next to them.
And the last year, they even introduced us into new, and completely build from the ground up, RG Epyon Gundam.
Like what the hell?
My thought is, there are multiple engineering teams in Bandai
Some are large and recieve higher budget to cook something like RG gramps 2.0
Some are smaller and recieve less budget just to make some "filler" kits with reused parts like this one or Sinanju
There was a saying: not all that glitters are gold.
then: not all glittery gold impresses the eyes of mechaG.
Not all that glitters has a stable inner frame
Disappointing but not surprising. The moment they said "Strike frame Gen 1" it's joeover
I DO like that it was plated. Gloss injection in 2024 looks awesome, but plating is a classic.
Raover 😵
Didn't Bandai learn from the Sinanju RG that using a diffrent older frame was not a great idea, well guess someone there thought it couldn't happen twice...right?
Well it wasn't as bad of an idea as sinanju, at least the akatsuki isn't twice the size of the strike (still bad though)
The Akatsuki is at least based off the Strike in universe unlike Sinanju which uses the Mk2 frame
@@Sup2233 In universe yes, but not in gunpla unfortunately
@@FOXZILLA5734 But Japanese think RG akatsuki as great, godlike masterpiece kit!
I've got a feeling that this kit is targetted to scalpers 😂
Chinese bootleg: okey metal inner fame for this shit kit. 📈📈
@@asalbossenang9365 shut up. Gunpla even defeated bionicle for lasting 4 times longer!! Which was the greatest competitor of gunpla.
@@asalbossenang9365 But Japanese think this as great kit and masterpiece.
id rather buy bootlegs than the mass produced pbandais.
@@coachjunoquirabo5313 but Bandai's gunpla lasts over 40 years while bionicle couldn't hold decade. Bionicle was the greatest competitor of bandai, so No way that bootleg can be a Commodore Perry and Bandai killer when these are not so great as bionicle. When Bandai competes with Western toy companies.
@@coachjunoquirabo5313 But Japanese think RG akatsuki as masterpiece. While Koreans and Westerners think it as garbage.
"Some people hate gold plating"
Then they certainly are not the target buyers of this RG. I mean, why would people who don't like gold plating even care about Akatsuki the _gold_ Gundam anyway?
Someone who kitbash / custom paint their kit
@dreamEnd As if they don't have literal _hundreds_ of other non-gold kits to choose from 🤷
It also depends on why they don't like gold plating. Many who have issues with gold plating, have issues with exposed numb marks that detract from the finished product. This kit seems to have hidden if not eliminated exterior numb marks by 1) using an injection gold plastic instead of black (as most gold plated models have historically been made) and 2) undergating most if not all of the exposed parts.
As someone who aims to build all the RGs... but I like gold plating.
Because the design?
Role in the series?
Love for its pilots?
Not everyone is into kits for kit's sake, nor just straight-building.
You've seen what these modders do. All of those that have an aversion to "shinny" gold will 🤢 matte it over or such as always.
The fact that they give the stand base, bandai actually know what are they doing, such a disappointment in a such beautiful mobile suit
When I built the RG Strike Freedom and Perfect Strike, one additional step I did was to “thicken” the moveable joint sections to tighten them. I used mod Podge (strike freedom) and grey paint (perfect strike). Both kits have been holding up a dynamic pose pretty well after about 4 years on display.
Thanks to Mecha Gaikotsu for his reviews because they made me aware of ERS. Hoping this same method would also work for RG Akatsuki.. what a shame that such a nice looking kit would still have ERS issues though.
i did not even do that for ps and sf but for destiny could have used some of that to strengthen but the other two are still going strong at least for sf but it has been close to 2 years for ps i built earlier this year.
The biggest negative is definitely the frame. Heard the hip-leg connection in particular is prone to sagging badly or even breaking.
Assumming it even connects
and the loose shoulder joint
I've been waiting so long for this, and to say I'm disappointed would be an understatement
It's my favorite MS from the SEED series, and I was waiting for HG 2.0, and really hyped when they announced the RG instead, even with the steep price tag. And this is what we got...
I was fine with the gold plating but damn, they actually put an old frame for it? Oh well. It's gonna be loosy and needs extra work which isn't ideal for the price imo.
the 8000yen price is for the gold plating ☝️🤓
gunpla always has been buy first put extra work later yourself 🫵
@@myhonestopinion3334yep. I thought that was obvious.
@@meikisaragi1445don't reply to them. Those are the people who simp bandai products, people who dump money no questions asked. This kit is not worth it.
@@myhonestopinion3334extra effort is painting, putting decals and panel line, top coating etc etc. *Extra effort shouldn't include fixing broken products. Bandai SIMP.*
Instead of investing in a better innerframe they choose the gold-plate instead, and justify that the 8000 yen price is worth it. Ridiculous
Putting early real grade frames on a 2024 kit is actually diabolical
This costs 90 usd here in America and it is not worth it !
Same here. I would rather buy RG God gundam or RG rx782 2.0 than this shees
Bandai once again proving the adage 'you can cover sh!t in gold but it still stinks'
I don’t understand how Bandai thought it was a good idea to use the early RG frame here. Why?
They should know better at this point and time with the expected quality that they themselves have set in place with the RG line these past couple years.
Bandai needs to do better and make a recall for this RG and build an original new frame for release.
this actually a GOOD opportunity for Bandai to introduce us to a whole new Strike frame so in future we might got RG Strike 2.0, but no, Bandai was too lazy to do it
RG Sinanju: "finally! a worthy opponent for me!"
RG Gundam Mk-II: "who stole my inner frame?"
Everyone is crying when Bandai doesnt use good plating, everyone is crying when bandai uses good plating
Honestly Gunpla builders can be too spoiled
what i dont get is why are people complaining about the mirror finish, if that's EXACTLY what the akatsuki has? its the most defining feature of the suit, that its so shinny gold, even the animation went the extra length to show that its always flickering light away.
hell, its so mirror gold, it can reflect beam shots. it NEED to be this shiny.
Since they want to play that game, might as well do the same thing in MG line. Use the inner frame for the GAT-X and create the MG Akatsuki.
My God. That would be an awesome kit. Seed X frames are the best mg frames out there.
Yea I had to cancel my preorder for this guy. Couldn't bring myself to deal with another one of those old floppy frames.
thats actually a damn shame. i was actually eyeing the p bandai version of it (different pack + zeus compatibility parts)
It didn’t come with the Gundam itself. It was just a parts pack
yes Pbandai just for the backpack haha 😂 good job 👏 now where the gundam? 🤣
I built the 1/100 last year and that holds up. Hearing this, massive let down
The 1/100 no grade Akatsuki has frankly atrocious articulation, I wouldn't say it holds up at all.
I was about to say that it is anime accurate that the akatsuki and the strike shared the same inner frame but i was wrong i looked up on the wiki "The Akatsuki Gundam was developed through the fusion of the knowledge that the Orb engineers had gained from studying the GAT-X105 Strike Gundam and its Striker Pack support system, with newer Orb-based prototype technologies. Its standard armaments include a twin beam saber, head-mounted CIWS, an arm-mounted shield, and a beam rifle. Its most remarkable feature is its gold-colored armor, known as the Yata-no-Kagami."
It still a *Strike Gundam* based kit the compatibility with strikerpacks prove it ☝️🤓
that "2011 bandai" kills me
BanDai did not learn a thing from the RG Sinanju. It's not difficult to comprehend that repurposing old RG frames for a new kit is not the best idea.
To be fair, the Sinanju used a frame that was good by itself in a suit too big for it to support. The RG Strike inner frame doesn't work well even for the RG Strike
Should have been a Master Grade.
There's already a decent 1/100 NG
It's not the same though@@Matanumi
@@Matanumiout dated expensive and doesn’t fit in with the other seed mgs maby the fms but the per portions are too wonky next the the ver rms or more modern seeds
I'm not against the bright gold, but not a fan of the old frame. I am kind of happy I nabbed the Wuji MG Akatsuki though. Wasn't a shabby build and the gold on it was my akin to the shade I enjoy.
I love your channel, you've influenced my Gunpla kits since I've started, only a few months ago!
I've almost finished my HG Gundam Calibarn and next? My first MG, an MG Freedom Gundam 2.0 (I bought some metal hip joints in advance!)
I've been building and painting Warhammer models for 30+ years, so I've carried some skills over, especially in painting and shading.
Do you prefer using stickers or metallic markers for the eyes and cameras/lenses?
I'm really enjoying your videos (been binge-watching them!), and for Christmas, I have a Narrative Gundam C-Packs Ver.Ka and an MG Astray Red Frame Kai.
Looking forward to my first MG after an RG and 3 HG's.
Thanks for your videos, dude!
my rg perfect strike still feel solid but then I haven't posed it a lot and it just stand with action base supporting the backpack. Early rg can be ok if you just don't treat it like toys, and pretty sure need support if the backpack is heavy since the waist connection is crap. They're great display piece, just not for playing.
(Insert “Darth Vader Screaming Nooooooo” gif here)
Man how did we go from the RX 2.0 to this 😭
-Mr Krabs
That price damn
The rg phenex is plated, and there is a gold coated rg unicorn. Not exactly standard release, but they were there before the Akatsuki
The akatsuki's identity is REALLY wrapped up in being mirror finish gold, for better or for worse. I really like the shape of the suit but it's sometimes hard to tell with the reflectiveness.
but that's the thing about it, it pretty much needs that type of gold. it is a mirror/flashy gold.
@@marcosdheleno yeah but I think it'd look good in colors that aren't gold at all, for a variant or a build custom or something
Im surprised a 3rd party company hasn't made some sort of replacement for these early real grade frames. S=
I’ve heard there’s a fix already in the works for this one.
They're still developing one. Hoping that they'd be made of tougher, more heavy-duty plastic that can hold up the weight of the Oowashi and Shiranui Pack.
Whoever built 3rd party MG Akatsuki (not the dragon momoko) has the same build feeling as RG 2024. Except the advance joints-
As pewdiepie said.... It's evolving, just backwards-
This isn’t a really a surprise for me, I’ve already seen some sources saying the RG Akatsuki has some problems
Also from Japanese reviewers, unlike Dual blitz and L-buster, which Japanese didn't care bout color separation shit?
I am so happy i opted to buying the RG Gaogaigar. This ain't it!
I am glad I didn’t order the P-Bandai add-on and I look forward to buying it at a reduced price sometime next year 😅
What probably happened in Bandai HQ:
Boss: Ok, team! We need a new SEED kit to commemorate and market the new movie.
Employee: We already have all new suits in High grade.
Boss: How bout a new Akatsuki HGCE?
Employee: Sure, Sir. We just need Budget.
Boss: 😂😂😂😐😂😂😂😂🙂
Boss: You serious? Just use the Old frame! We're over budget due to re-releasing the Movie twice. (*They weren't*). Make RG so we can charge them more.
Real Grade? More like Real Pain!
even the biggest bandai worshiper disappointed with this kit
Even Japanese gundam fans got mad at this, while being quiet on Duel blitz and L-buster's color separation issue?
@@tomvhresvelg9286to be fair, you can fix collor inaccuracies with paint. With the material used for RGs, theres no permanent fix for loose joints without fully compromising that joint. Added the Premium askinf price and there's really no helping if people get angry.
@@tomvhresvelg9286 Colour separation issues on a HG is nothing new. This is an expensive kit and can't even hold up basic poses.
@@muisverriet Did Japanese complain about this kit?
@@randomnetizen7065 But Japanese think this as great, treasure like masterpiece kit tho. While Korean and Westerners don't.
No one hates gold plating for the Akatsuki what is bro yapping about
Out of all suits the Akatsuki is the only one where you'd want it to be plated 😭😭
exactly. the whole point of the akatsuki is that is almost blinding gold. it literaly has a mirror finish.
B frame brings out the B rate builders
That secondary gold on runner E2 was definitely a better gold coating that would have been the better choice for the dominate color…But honestly, I really liked how it looked in that picture where all the gold was washed off. This as a Yellow Gundam would have been gorgeous. I also think more Yellow & Orange gundams would be nice to have. They fill very rare.
completely disagree. its the akatsuki, not the hiaku shiki. its a suit that has a literal mirror finish. its supposed to be VERY reflexive gold.
now we can discuss preferences, but the suit itself is so gold, it can reflect beam shots, even in the anime, they try to show that its very shiny.
“Bite my glorious golden ass!” - RG akatsuki, apparently.
I wouldn't say no if some handed it to me
Ppl bought a fingerprint magnet shelf display piece just to complain it isn’t an action figure. We complain about the curry gold injection, complain about the plating, etc. in no realistic capacity can you get a kit like this with zero flaws. It’s expensive. So are all the other plated kits. It uses Stroke Gundam parts. Which. It’s based on. I’m confused on the expectations.
They fooled the gunpla builders. They're just milking the community.
Yeah not sure what Bandai was cooking with this kit lol
I like what they did to the arm shoulder joint why couldn’t they do that to the hip joint. Basically removing the old ball socket and replace it with something better.
It’s such a weird decision not to, I’ve messed with my rg strike so often and it’s the only problem joint that they didn’t replace at least one side of.
All of the other joints on the old frame that were kept like elbows and knees are still completely fine on mine 2 years later
it's been years working with real grades and the only part that makes me rage are the ball joints. never had any problem with knees or elbows. it´s always the balljoints.
At the time, I've only fixed grandpa 1.0 with thin layers of paint inside the joints, and it really works.
I would love for Bandai to completely redo all of the RG SEED and SEED Destiny models and leave the Advanced MS Joint Gimmick entirely in the past.
Honestly i feel like bashing on old RG’s and the whole “ERS” thing is so lame, they’re still amazing kits, an so is this kit, obviously these kits need a bit of extra attention and work but that’s all part of modelling. I think looking at these kits like action figures or toys sorta undermines the amazing model kit aspect of them.
Absolutely. I think people like this have been spoiled by bandai's quality, so even just a couple steps back are met with vitriol. Sad to see, as this kit seems very nice and actually decently priced for something with this much plated gold.
@@truthchanMSVgunpla builds, especially the new ones that have only been working with masterpieces kits are spoiled and lazy af.
I’m seen one calling the RG Unicorn a garbage kit.THE RG UNICORN
Lol, this wouldve made a great pbandai kit and the phenex couldve been a pricey normal release.
Sadly, this kit is an example of an attempt by Bandai to rush engineer a kit just to keep up the hype for SEED Freedom... No time to create a new RG frame to avoid that leg joint problem...
Actually, as some others already pointed out, they could have made for a better kit if they used RG Impulse as a base instead. What ever happened here is simply DUMB and LAZY.
@bryanmerel yup. Laziness by Bandai. And to think that they will release a P-Bandai kit of this one for the Shiranui Space Pack...
All Bandai had to do was replace the hip. That’s it . The elbow and knee have so many supports in the inner frame and mechanisms to give it that mechanical solid feel.
The hip is a ball joint . Come on Bandai
you can always mod the hips yourself or buy spare parts from 3rd party 😃
@ yes of course u can . But this is 2024 Gunpla . It is expected to do that stuff for older kits and older RGs to be specific . But new gunpla? It is dissapointing
Bandai in general has been doing a lot of screw ups, we got a lot in the roleplay side of things where they had to full on replace some of the adult replica toys for everyone
"I'm not hating the gold" I'm with you I love the gold but I'm glad we both hate the advanced ms joint
At least it looks good
Yes it does. But what about that old inner frame dude? 😢
@marvinpasumbal9077 for what I heard just the hip joints are bad but there's a mod that you can do that helps with it
We could've had another peak SEED RG suit. But apparently, they didn't fucking learn from the RG Sinanju.
Before it all begins, does this over throw RG Sinanju ?
Also can't wait to see this carry the Zeus 😆😆😆😆
Now imagine an RG Sinanju Stein Narrative
@swordimpulse07 JESUS CHRIST, I tried what you said I was knocked out for 7 hours. Holy forkeroni I almost saw the light
I think this one is worse, just because the Sinanju can stand on its own with just simple super-glue fixes. The Akatsuki needs the whole hip joint replaced to take ground poses.
Yeah this is just another example of why I don't do real grades and why my entire collection is nothing but HG 144 models and a hg 100 tv altron
Bandai should've made a RG 1.5 Strike frame so people could update their RG Strike. people gonna buy two or multiple of these just for the updated frame.
money welp spend 👏👏
Bro saves my money
Welome to the club by sinanju and zeta
So basically RG Sinanju. New armor, old MS joints frame.
All looks, but janky right out of the box.
No, this hasnew torso, shoulder and ankles. Did you even watch? This is not RG Sinanju situation, this is Freedom GCP situation.
Ngl I’m getting mine even pre ordered the p Bandai with the Zeus silhouette pack parts and just gonna wait for the third party parts
I agree that Bandai should have done a whole new frame for this, but the RG Strike frame only ages like milk if you treat it like a toy. Treat it like a model kit and it ages better
I think I prefer the gold plating and I think Bandai did nail the look. But it's very disappointing they used the old frame.
you can always do the finishing touch later yourself *that is what gunpla is all about* 😃
After the 2.0, I have no idea what they were thinking.
Your voiceover really made me laugh in this :D "two little pieces of disappointment"... bruh ^^
One the one hand yes, in the Lore, the Akatsuki is based off of the Strike Frame, but man it’s so disappointing. Plus you have to get an equally expensive PBandai kit for the space variant, Definitely a pass for me. When we’ve been getting crazy, almost mini Perfect grades, it’s really disappointing
so then no actual issues, just complaining to complain, the gold plating is no issue at all, I bought the mg hyper mode god gundam for that reason, I LOVE the shine of the gold, and the inner frame of the rg aile strike wasn't an issue for me in the slightest when I was building it
They really could have made a new frame for this. Then proceed to make a 2.0 for the other SEED gundam
Apparently apparently apparently anything related to Gundam (RX-78-2) they could make it happen but for other gundam they could not haha 😂
Thank you for taking the bullet for us on this one. This Gundam has been one of my all time favorite for years. I have the old 1/100 and love it. I thought I might be picking up this new RG since that line has been so awesome for a while now. Such a shame Bandai 180'd with this one. I guess I'll hope to one day get a legit MG or Ver ka.
For people who are crying. The only bad joints in this from the old advance ms frame are the hips, and that’s one easy fix because you can either thicken it with paint, the joint strengthening pen, or cut out a rectangular part from the clear decal sticker sheet and wrap it around the peg, or just use toilet paper if you’re lazy.
The elbow and knee joints of the the ms frames are actually good and strong joints that hold up very well.
If the thing had the ball joint shoulders or ankles, it would actually be a disappointment because you can’t fix those, but this is fine.
Funny thing is I almost got this kit BECAUSE I love the gold plated look, but something told me to wait and that frame makes me feel justified.
Maybe enough RG failures will force them to focus on MG again.
look at it this way, maybe you can get it later for cheaper. as for the weak joints, it does come with a nice base, so its not much of an issue. chances are, because of the backpack, it would end up needing those sooner or later anyways.
Just...why? Bandai kept releasing hit after hit with the RG line culminating with granddaddy 2.0. Why take such a HUGE step backwards?
recourse is limited and reused parts are cheaper to reproduce
"Those huge Christmas Bonus for them Bandai Corporate Higher-ups have to come from somewhere."
@@myhonestopinion3334they could have used RG Impulse instead if that's the case and it could have solved EVERYTHING.
@bryanmerel why aren't you working for Bandai? we could get a better RG Akatsuki if you work for Bandai!
@myhonestopinion3334 i'm not Japanese, to start. ._.
All I thought when I saw it was "That is going to be covered in chipping from where you remove it from the runners"
cant say it does, but i think he would be mentioning that if it was such a massive issue. i mean, he does point it out whenever it happens with pretty much every gunpla, but in here, he did not mention a single time.
if anything he aluded at the possibility at the beginning, but again, did not raise the issue at any point.
so, for now, it seems they at least did alot of undergating. gotta wait until the review to see if that's the case or not.
also, from what he showed, it didnt seem to have that issue either, since its plated gold, as opposed to injection, it would show up as a sore thumb
Did not expect for this 2024 kit to have a advanced ms joint frame, was not worth the hype because as usual advanced ms joints get loose overtime and can break if you aren't careful enough. If they could they should've made it a hand built frame
If they had just replaced the hip ball joints, it could've been great. Most RG ABS inner frames are perfectly serviceable, but have one or two points that become a problem very quickly. The RG Strike has been out for a long time, and the hips on that were already terrible, there's no reason why Bandai would think it would work on the Akatsuki.
I had a golden bootlegged barbatos, i needed a golden marker to remove the nubmarks, even when they got cut out cleanly lmao
In all fairness of the grandaddy 2.0 head, previous rg release dates would get pushed back because they find issues that needs to be corrected, which they didnt do with the rg grandaddy 2.0, also that got corrected in later batches as i got one that didnt have the issue
The worst part there is the balljoint
Well said, mate. Your word pretty much sum it up what I feel about this kit when Bandai think putting it in a glass display near those amazing kit such as RG 2.0 RX 78 or Destiny Spec II with Zeus silihoute pack
Like looked so cheap.
To think that they wasted actual wonderful detail under those half ass coating that can be make with few dollar is just heart breaking .
And I know that they could make this a lot better.
Like it is not the first time an RG use a different frame than what is lore correct.
They could easily just rg inpluse hip on this . If asking a big dollar, use what big dollar. Just throw the whole runner that contain the hip , redo some molding for the armor on the hip and done.
I'll never understand the folk who want these kits to be in matted gold.
Everything from the lore to the animation )tricks in the case of the Hyakushiki) says they are indeed supposed to be lustrous shiny mirror gold.
Hell, the Akatsuki and some of them Hyakushiki decendants actually got that proper beam reflective coating that the OG was supposed to get.
The only reasons they released stuff that wasn't proper mirror gold was because of "costs and tech" especially at the time, and "why not."
True gold forever! Not sorry
@destiny13777 yall understand the concept of "animation technology of the time" right.
They opened the doors it was behind and cut to Cagalli covering her face from it shiny golden luster....
How it 'looks' on screen versus every single que they hit you in the face with to spell out what they're trying to convey are two different things.
It's supposed to be gold gold. Not imitation gold. Not painted gold. Not dog-puke yellow.
And the modeling tech is where we haven't gottent a single matte gold kit because it's not supposed to be matte gold!
Hyakushiki gets away with that because the modeling tech wasn't there way back then (on top of animation pitfalls). Not because there was ever any confusion as to what it's supposed to be in the show. They also did the "shiny sheen" tricks back then to spell that out, but for some reason everyone has blinders on to it, insistently 🙄
One off day in the studio where they couldn't detail it up as much as they usually do, or in the case of the OG simple lack of ability, does not mean yall got something.
Then you disappear. Amazing!
what bro yapping about