Because this type of people who allows old men to do this over and over again. Because old men know that he will have people to take care of him even after destroy everything
SISTER, you don’t have to take care of him if you don’t want to. He’s CURSED from his sins! Put him in nursing home already!! You don’t need to complain to us, we just gonna downgrade you. RESPECT yourself n think YoU first. He don’t matter! Only you would do that. Some women say BYe BYE!!
I don’t pity these type of stories or women because they subject themselves into this situation. They still stay no matter how bad or their s/o treat them.. Your ankle are not shackles to a pole or a gun put on your head.. you are free to leave anytime but you don’t love and respect yourself enough that’s why you suffered so much .. Women be smarter! Stop making all these excuses why you can’t leave your husband
Why are you complaining? STOP begging someone to love you or stay with you. So easy to just kick him out. No looking back. Stop having a heart for someone who doesn’t deserve it! He already buried you alive. If you choose to care for him, then don’t complain.
Stop stop xa kiag mus nyob tsev laus xwb maj cas tseem yuav coj tuaj tham ua dog ua dig ntshav siab ntawm ko naj Sister aw! Nws twb tsis hlub koj ib qho li lawm naj. Tej nyiaj tu nws los yog kuv mas kuv twb tsis ntshaw2 li os. Yog nws siab phem npaum koj hais ko naj tsis tu nws yuav txhaum leej twg naj Sister aw! Yus nyob yus twj ywm yus kaj siab dua os. Twb muab koj nrauj tag lawm koj tsis kam tu nws xwb tseem thaum cov kwv tij ces lawv tsis puv 100 lawm xwb os. Los xyov tus tsis puv 100 yog koj os yom…
Lady, love yourself and tell your kids, "NO!" If they can't take care of their dad, drop him off at a nursing home. 😤 whoever is the caretaker should be taking care of him, not you. Tsam no ces muab thaub laus xa pem tsev laus xwb mas. Cov me nyuam ntshaw nyiaj es ua cas ho tsis kam tu! Koj tseem xav xav tu es lawv thiaj li cia nyob rau koj tu.
Tsi nkag siab tias cas cov niam tais koj tus txiv twb tsi yuav koj tsi hlub koj es koj pheej yuav kom koj tus txiv yuav koj hlub koj ruam dhau lawm os laus lawm txhob ntshaw22 txiv mas yus nyob yus zoo dua yus ua22 kom yus mob stroke tuag tes taw puas hlwb yus nyb yus yam kaj siab lug xb lo pob thov ib tsoom pojniam uas tus txiv tsi hlub lo tso nws mus yus nyob yus ua neej khov kho ntag ho,ib hnub nws mam mob hlwb ua nruj nriaj ntag ho
You wanted him so bad now that you have him. Just be happy that you win him back to your life and you two are soulmate, grandma best part you get pay spending time with him.🏆🎉😂😂😂👍🙌🙏🏼🗣
This is what happened when you have low self esteem and not independent enough to move on with your life. Sometimes, it’s really hard for me to understand our Hmong sisters who begged their dead beat husbands to come back or stay with them.
Why do I not feel sorry for this niam tais??? Yus txaus yus siab tu os mog Txhob tuaj nroo nroo. You can always say no but you chose to take care of him. Good for you lady…!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Txhob tu 2 siab os vim koj tsi hlub koj tu kheej xwb yog koj hlub koj tu kheej no koj twb tsi to tu koj niag txiv ntawm ko lawm vim koj tsi hlub koj nw twb tsi hlub koj lo koj tseem to to tau tu kiag koj niag txiv dev ntawm ko ce kav kav tsij siab ntev 2 tu nawb mog hnub twg koj hlub koj lawm ce muab koj niag txiv deb koj xa dab xwb
Tus mi niam tsev aw. Nyob lub teb chaw mekas no yog yus tsi Kam tus yeej tsi muaj leej twg yuav yuam tau yus li os. Vim nws twb g yuav yus lawm na. Koj ruam dhau thb koj siab zoo dhau lawm es koj thj tu xwb. Yog kuv ces tsi care los tus li os. Mi nyuam txawm kom koj tus lo koj tsi Kam tu mi nyuam yeej yuam tsi tau koj li thb os. Siab phem li ntawv muab pov tom tsev laus xwb mas.
It's not too late to let him reap what he sow and live out his karma. You do not need to suffer with him. It's your choice to stay or to go. If your children want the money, they can deal with him. What people say about you is not your business.
Neb sib nrauj koj tsis hais kom tu tu rau kwvtij neejtsa thiab cov menyuam nrog hnov. Nej cov pojniam pheej ntshai luag hais ces lees tu niag txiv siab phem limhiam quav zis. Hnub no tus kwvtij twg tseem cem hais tsis zoo ces kom nws coj mus tu. Tsis yog tim nej cov niamtub ua nws mob stroke. Muab pov rau tsevlaus txomnyem kom coob, cov txiv thiaj tsis liam2 xwb. Nej hais li ko los tau 20 tawm xyoo lawv yeej tsis hloov.
Lady, no one is pointing a gun at you to take care of him. You don't owe anyone anything. He cheated and left you. What's good about him? Leave him at the nursing home. Geesh. You don't love yourself. Stop forcing someone to love you when they don't love you anymore. Move on. Stop begging him to come love you. You want people to learn from your experience, but you don't even learn anything from this pain you went thru. You're not so smart.
I was feeling good and positive until I started to listen to this story. My mood went from good and happy to feeling depressed and crap. Let the OG go, he deserves it. Stop playing victim when you put yourself in the situation. Urgh….
Niam lau kj txob tu kj tu txiv lawm nws siab phem heev txawm tu yuav nyiaj lo khib kj dhau lawm nws twb tsis hlub kj xum mu tus lwm tu kj thiaj tsis mob siab os
Koj pom zoo tu tus txiv neej siab phem no lawm no complain if you complain then let him go or you get out of yourself fine another man if you welling to
Lady, how do you expect your husband to love you when you don’t love and respect yourself??? You’re only 53, you have time to be happy without him. Stop begging someone to love you if you want to live a long healthy life. You could’ve had a good life without him. It’s not too late to leave him. Doesn’t matter if he’s wheelchair bound, he needs to be out of your life. Who is making you care for him?? You are doing it to yourself so stop complaining.
Ua cas tej txhia pojniam hmoob es yuav ruam tag npaud li os, tus txiv dev liam siab phem lim hiam ntawd tseem yuav ntshaw nws cov niag nyiaj tu ntawd es rov los ua nws qhev dua kom nws rov qab muab yus tsim dua thiab lau !!! Koj cov megnuam yuav tu lawv txiv ces kom lawv tu los mas !!! Muav nws xa mus tom tsev laus kiag xwb mas, ua cas koj tsis paub hlub koj li os….
muab nw coj mu yuj tom tsev lau xwb mua leej twg kom nej ntshaw2 nw cov niag nyiaj vij sub vij sw cov nyiaj tuag te tuag taw ko naj yu txau yu siab tu ce tsi txhob muab lo piav2 lawm os
Yus txaus yus siab tu niag txiv dev ces tsis tham tu siab li os niam laus aw. Cas tsis muab pov nram tsev laus xwb na? Koj cov menyuam los tsis hlub koj thiab thiaj yuam kom koj tu os. Lawv ntshaw2 nyiaj ces cia lawv tu lawv xwb. Cas yuav ntshai kwvtij hais na? Lawv tus neeg twb tua yus nyoo2 cov kwvtij ntawv twb hais tsis tau lawv tus neeg los hlub yus ne. Cas koj yuav ntshai kwvtij hais na. Cov niag kwvtij dev ntawv twb tsis hlub koj tsis paub koj tus kab mob siab. Ua li koj ua no ces cov niag txiv dev thiaj cia2 siab tias mus yuav niam yau lwm hnub tsis taus lawm los nej yeej yuav tu ces lawv thiaj tsis ntshai nej los mas
There's a place called a nursing home for people like your husband. If you can't take the pressure or anxiety of taking care of him just don't. You to get paid for taking care of him so just do it...there's no need to complain because you want his money!
Yog koj npam lawm os. Kuv mam tsis thab li nws kiag li tseem yuav hlub ua dab tsi os nws twb tsis hlub yus ua ntej lawm os. Let him go to nursing home 🏡
Nej twb ntshaw cov nyiaj tu nws ces tsis txhob yws2 os. Twb nrauj tag lawm es leejtwg yuam nej tu nws na? Cia nws tuag nws mus los mos. Yus rov ua rau yus xwb ces tejzaum yeej npam yus tiag2 laud.
Tsis yog koj npam os yog koj ruam dhau koj thiaj tu nws. Yog koj cov me nyuam yuav tu thiab yuav nyiaj ces cia lawv tu niag txiv siab phem ntawd. Niag txiv dev siab phem ntawd Thaum nws zoo2 nws twb tsis hlub tsis fwm koj tsam no nyiaj tu nws ntau npaum cas los tsis care tu nws lawm. Koj xaiv txoj kev npam rau koj tus kheej xwb tsis yog koj npam. Koj nyob lub neej no ntev ces koj tseem yuav mob stroke zaum 2 tseem yuav sab tshaj zaum 1. If your children want to take care of him, let them take responsibility. You take yourself out of the situation. He did it to himself. Why care about someone who didn’t care about you??
Lady It's not karma but stupidity! You aloud him to treat you like shit and beg for his love/attention, that's why at the end you end up taking care of him. You should have left when you have the chance. I know it harder said than done especially when there's kids involved and plus we were taught to be patient and love our husband regardless, but we do have choices too. We as women deserve to be happy and love too.
Stop complaining! Nobody force you to do it! You know your husband didn’t love you and he tortured you so much. Why are you still doing this to yourself? You have the right to refuse when your children asked you to care for him. Who cares what people think? They’re not in your shoes. They don’t understand the pain you’re going through. Lady, you have to start loving yourself.
Do you know why 1975 women can't and won't leave their abusive husbands? It's because Hmong religion or as Hmong calls it "dab qhua". Once a woman marries, she is now considered an outsider to the family/relatives who raised her. If she divorce, she no longer has anyone to return to mainly because (1) her parents likely passed away already and (2) when she dies, no one to perform the funeral rites and bury her (tsis muaj chaw tuag). Even if she returns to the family who raised her, she will still be treated like an outsider such as: If she is seriously ill, she will be thrown outside for fear of her passing away in their house and (2) if she's pregnant, she'll be toss out as well because Hmong religion forbids anyone else to give birth in their house. So Hmong women are stuck with their abusive husbands. This "religion" of the Hmong is created to benefit men not women. This practice is supported and respected by all Hmong women who practice the old religion. So, it's not all because of Hmong men. Sure, there are the kids who can take care of her, bury her but this too has issues. Because Hmong has this thing called "dab qhua" (every close family has their own, even the same clan has multiple dab qhua). So if you're not of their "qab qhua", they will 100% won't perform funeral rites and bury the women for fear of angering their dab qhua. So if Hmong women want equal rights, this practice needs to change. In addition, Hmong women are brainwashed to think that without a husband, no one will respect her so for all 1975 Hmong women, they would rather have an abusive husband than no husband. Plus, women say they don't need men... that they are able to live without men. But on the contrary, in reality, women need men as much, if not more, than men need women.
Your children know that your husband didn’t love you, and he made himself to have stroke and became who he is today. why are they forcing you to care for him for the money? The money is more important to them than you lady. Life is too short and you need to enjoy it and love yourself!
Your kids did you wrong they collect the money and make you take care of your husband. You are the mom put your foot down and say no. You are just putting stress to yourself.
Can he be any more clear? He has said and done everything for you to see he doesn’t want to be with you anymore. If you still decide to stay then you’re doing it to yourself. Btw, how broke are you guys to need the money the government give you to take care of him 🤦♂️
Tus sister nws twb muab koj nrauj tag lawm na es koj pheey yuav yeem los tu nws ua ab tsi naw. Cas koj tsis txuag koj lub zog ntawm ko cia es thiaj li kav koj thaum laus os. Koj yuav ua ua kom koj thiab koj niag yawg nrauj ntawm ko neb zoo ib yam ces neb 2 leeg yuav nyob tom tsev laus uake ntag. Vim tias koj nuag fxiv nrauj ntawm ko 1 leeg xwb koj cov me nyuam twb tu tsis tau na es pom leej twg yuav tu tau 2 leeg naw. Koj tsis xav kom deb deb os muaj ib hnub saum no koj yuav ua ib thooj tim tej niag kaum tsev tsis muaj neeg pom thiab. Thaum luag zoo zoo neej luag twb tsis yuav yus es thaum luag twb tig tsis taus cev lawm ces twb yog ntuj rau txim rau lawm. Koj tseem mus khaws thiab ces ntuj yeej tias koj thov thov es ntuj thiaj pab muab lov tes lov taw kom nws thiaj li paub no os. Tab sis koj tseem rov qab mus khaws los tu thiab ces ntuj pab tsis tau koj lawm. Zoo tsis zoo ib me ntsis ntuj tseem muab kojov tesov taw rog kkj niag yawg nrauj ko thiab. GOOD LUCK OS TSIS MUAJ LEEJ TWG YUAM KOM KOJ TU OS KOJ YEEM KOJ XWB ES TSIS TXHOB PHEEJ YWS YWS Tsam koj ho tau nws tus mob ok 👍
Phauj aw, koj tsis npam os, koj ruam xwb! He didn’t love and respect you? Let the nursing home pay him tribute! No one can stop you. If they do, then let them take care of him! Or are you suffering for the $? Then don’t complain!
Tus niam tsev cas tej tus tsev zoo npauj koj hais ko Cas ho tsi poob rau peb cov no tes es ho mus poob rau cov txiv dev Liam txwv lis ko tes na tus neeg Liam ces nws yeej yuav tau txais txoj kev liam os.
Raws li mloog koj hais hauv no thaum pib xwb ces twb ntes tau tias koj yog ib tug neeg qaug qib ua tsis taus niam ruam heev, tos koj ho yog tus npam los vim nws twb tso ncauj tso lus los koj twb mus tsis taus vim koj tseem nco thiab khuv xim nws heev ces txog thaum kawg koj thiaj tau nws los tu ces ua ib siab tu vim koj twb xaiv txojkev no koj thiaj li 9-10 los mus tsis taus.
You allowed the abuse., After how he treated you, you have the right to say, get lost and out of my face. Your kids can deal with him for taking money for claiming to care for him. Talk to the hand is what you should have done.
Tus viv ncaus aw..cas koj tseem tu tus neeg npam no thiab na yog koj yog tus mob ces kwv tij twb coj mus yuav tus tshiab lawm os tiam sis rwb yog nws npam es nws thiaj mob txhob kk tu nws lawm thiab tsis kk cov kwv tij ntawv yog lawv hais ntau ces kom lawv coj mus tu xwb mas
Vidncaus, tim koj tsis hlub koj tus kheej, txhob ntshaw2 nws pob nyiaj tu. Menyuam xav tau pob nyiaj ces lawv tu xwb. Tawm tsev mus nyob lwm qhov los yog xa nws rau tsevlaus koj mam rov los. Txav kom deb2, tuag los txhob faus sib ze.
Nws mus nws ib tug lawm twb tsis yus lawm tsis los tau yeej npam li es koj pheej tseem hlub dab tsis nas tsis hlub li esxa mus tos tsev laus xwb xwb mas.
Ua cas nej tu tsis taus hlub tsis tau nej ho tsis coj mus rau tsev laus tu maj. Yog nej tsis tu zoo tseem yuav txog nej ntu thiab laiv. Luag tias taws tsau tsis pom tom ntej.
Your children and you enabled him to do this. No one to blame but yourself and the children.
I don’t feel sorry for them. I don’t understand why she is complaining. They do this to themselves
Zoo kawg
Because this type of people who allows old men to do this over and over again. Because old men know that he will have people to take care of him even after destroy everything
Yes, these women are their biggest enablers.
SISTER, you don’t have to take care of him if you don’t want to. He’s CURSED from his sins! Put him in nursing home already!! You don’t need to complain to us, we just gonna downgrade you. RESPECT yourself n think YoU first. He don’t matter! Only you would do that. Some women say BYe BYE!!
I don’t pity these type of stories or women because they subject themselves into this situation. They still stay no matter how bad or their s/o treat them.. Your ankle are not shackles to a pole or a gun put on your head.. you are free to leave anytime but you don’t love and respect yourself enough that’s why you suffered so much .. Women be smarter! Stop making all these excuses why you can’t leave your husband
Why are you complaining? STOP begging someone to love you or stay with you. So easy to just kick him out. No looking back. Stop having a heart for someone who doesn’t deserve it! He already buried you alive. If you choose to care for him, then don’t complain.
But she and her kids love the money.
@chatvang5648 I agree with you they want money why they take care him
Stop stop xa kiag mus nyob tsev laus xwb maj cas tseem yuav coj tuaj tham ua dog ua dig ntshav siab ntawm ko naj Sister aw! Nws twb tsis hlub koj ib qho li lawm naj. Tej nyiaj tu nws los yog kuv mas kuv twb tsis ntshaw2 li os. Yog nws siab phem npaum koj hais ko naj tsis tu nws yuav txhaum leej twg naj Sister aw! Yus nyob yus twj ywm yus kaj siab dua os. Twb muab koj nrauj tag lawm koj tsis kam tu nws xwb tseem thaum cov kwv tij ces lawv tsis puv 100 lawm xwb os. Los xyov tus tsis puv 100 yog koj os yom…
Lady, love yourself and tell your kids, "NO!" If they can't take care of their dad, drop him off at a nursing home. 😤 whoever is the caretaker should be taking care of him, not you.
Tsam no ces muab thaub laus xa pem tsev laus xwb mas. Cov me nyuam ntshaw nyiaj es ua cas ho tsis kam tu! Koj tseem xav xav tu es lawv thiaj li cia nyob rau koj tu.
I’m having a headache listening to her
Yus ruam2 yus tsis hlub yus tus kheej ces yus npam yus xwb tiag.
Kv nyiam kj cov neej neeg heev os niam laus
Tsi nkag siab tias cas cov niam tais koj tus txiv twb tsi yuav koj tsi hlub koj es koj pheej yuav kom koj tus txiv yuav koj hlub koj ruam dhau lawm os laus lawm txhob ntshaw22 txiv mas yus nyob yus zoo dua yus ua22 kom yus mob stroke tuag tes taw puas hlwb yus nyb yus yam kaj siab lug xb lo pob thov ib tsoom pojniam uas tus txiv tsi hlub lo tso nws mus yus nyob yus ua neej khov kho ntag ho,ib hnub nws mam mob hlwb ua nruj nriaj ntag ho
You wanted him so bad now that you have him. Just be happy that you win him back to your life and you two are soulmate, grandma best part you get pay spending time with him.🏆🎉😂😂😂👍🙌🙏🏼🗣
lol lol yog yog
Peb cov pojniam Hmoob os cov pojniam Hmoob aw...cas peb yuav RUAM ua luaj tsis txawj hlub peb tus kheej li os.😢😢 Peb yuav tsum HLUB peb tus kheej thiab saib peb muaj nuj nqi thiab lau!!!
Peb ua neej nyob ces ib leeg npam ib ntus ib ntus lub ntuj yeej ntxawj faib kev ncaj ncees kawg li os hmoob
Kuv cov lus nug: 1. Ua cas koj tsis nrauj? 2. Ua cas koj tseem tu tus neeg uas twb emotionally nrauj koj lawm? Kuv kuj nrog koj tu siab thiab.
Koj mas thiaj li tsim nyog tshaj plaws li koj yuav mus txooj kum ntshaw nyiaj na koj tseem yuav tu tus neeg lim hiam rau koj thiab os
This is what happened when you have low self esteem and not independent enough to move on with your life. Sometimes, it’s really hard for me to understand our Hmong sisters who begged their dead beat husbands to come back or stay with them.
Maybe she can’t do any better….yes she have no self love n no respect for herself!
Why do I not feel sorry for this niam tais???
Yus txaus yus siab tu os mog
Txhob tuaj nroo nroo.
You can always say no but you chose to take care of him.
Good for you lady…!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Twb muaj tsev laus cas tsis muab rau tse laus xwb tseem muab nws coj los tu thiab ces poob peev xwb os pab kojtu siab os tus mi niam tais os😂
Hau yau tim koj ib leeg xwb os. Tus dev liam cas tsis nrauj pov tseg tseem tu thiab. Tsis qhuas koj li. Koj ntshaw txiv dhau lawm
Tsis yog npam os niam tais aw, qhov no yog yus xaiv yus xwb. Yog koj tsis txau siab ces yeej tsis tau tus ma.
Txhob tu 2 siab os vim koj tsi hlub koj tu kheej xwb yog koj hlub koj tu kheej no koj twb tsi to tu koj niag txiv ntawm ko lawm vim koj tsi hlub koj nw twb tsi hlub koj lo koj tseem to to tau tu kiag koj niag txiv dev ntawm ko ce kav kav tsij siab ntev 2 tu nawb mog hnub twg koj hlub koj lawm ce muab koj niag txiv deb koj xa dab xwb
Tus mi niam tsev aw. Nyob lub teb chaw mekas no yog yus tsi Kam tus yeej tsi muaj leej twg yuav yuam tau yus li os. Vim nws twb g yuav yus lawm na. Koj ruam dhau thb koj siab zoo dhau lawm es koj thj tu xwb. Yog kuv ces tsi care los tus li os. Mi nyuam txawm kom koj tus lo koj tsi Kam tu mi nyuam yeej yuam tsi tau koj li thb os. Siab phem li ntawv muab pov tom tsev laus xwb mas.
😢😢😢nim tu tu siab ntshe tag tiam peb cov niam tsev tsi muaj nqi li o tab sis peb hlub peb tus kheej kom txuas txuas mog cov me niam tsev
pov kiag tsev laus tsi quav ncej
It's a typical everyday OG problem..but where is this medical assembly company??? I need that 12g bonus 😩
It's not too late to let him reap what he sow and live out his karma. You do not need to suffer with him. It's your choice to stay or to go. If your children want the money, they can deal with him. What people say about you is not your business.
Koj twb tsis saib koj muaj qis es lwm tus yeej saib koj tsi muaj nuj qis os tus niam tsev
Neb sib nrauj koj tsis hais kom tu tu rau kwvtij neejtsa thiab cov menyuam nrog hnov. Nej cov pojniam pheej ntshai luag hais ces lees tu niag txiv siab phem limhiam quav zis. Hnub no tus kwvtij twg tseem cem hais tsis zoo ces kom nws coj mus tu. Tsis yog tim nej cov niamtub ua nws mob stroke. Muab pov rau tsevlaus txomnyem kom coob, cov txiv thiaj tsis liam2 xwb. Nej hais li ko los tau 20 tawm xyoo lawv yeej tsis hloov.
Tus me niam tsev cas koj yuav Xav tau nws cov niag nyiaj khaum na muab nws pov Tim tsev laus tsev vwm xwb
Lady, no one is pointing a gun at you to take care of him. You don't owe anyone anything. He cheated and left you. What's good about him? Leave him at the nursing home. Geesh. You don't love yourself. Stop forcing someone to love you when they don't love you anymore. Move on. Stop begging him to come love you. You want people to learn from your experience, but you don't even learn anything from this pain you went thru. You're not so smart.
I was feeling good and positive until I started to listen to this story. My mood went from good and happy to feeling depressed and crap. Let the OG go, he deserves it. Stop playing victim when you put yourself in the situation. Urgh….
I haven't listened but reading the comments. LOL
Niam lau kj txob tu kj tu txiv lawm nws siab phem heev txawm tu yuav nyiaj lo khib kj dhau lawm nws twb tsis hlub kj xum mu tus lwm tu kj thiaj tsis mob siab os
Sister it's your fault for welling to take care of him. You don't owed him anything..didn't you already signed the divorced paper...
Tsis muaj tus yuam tau koj tu nws, koj tsis nyiam tabsis koj ua siab tu nws vim nyiaj, ces tsis yog npam... ces txhob complain.
Koj pom zoo tu tus txiv neej siab phem no lawm no complain if you complain then let him go or you get out of yourself fine another man if you welling to
Lady, how do you expect your husband to love you when you don’t love and respect yourself??? You’re only 53, you have time to be happy without him. Stop begging someone to love you if you want to live a long healthy life. You could’ve had a good life without him.
It’s not too late to leave him. Doesn’t matter if he’s wheelchair bound, he needs to be out of your life. Who is making you care for him?? You are doing it to yourself so stop complaining.
Mob ces rho xaim mas
Ua cas tej txhia pojniam hmoob es yuav ruam tag npaud li os, tus txiv dev liam siab phem lim hiam ntawd tseem yuav ntshaw nws cov niag nyiaj tu ntawd es rov los ua nws qhev dua kom nws rov qab muab yus tsim dua thiab lau !!!
Koj cov megnuam yuav tu lawv txiv ces kom lawv tu los mas !!! Muav nws xa mus tom tsev laus kiag xwb mas, ua cas koj tsis paub hlub koj li os….
Mob hlwb tshaj
Pog no mas ntshaw txiv dev xwb
Tus ruam yog tus npam, tsis yog tus zoo npam.
Kuv los khoom koj lawm os niam laus kuv muaj ib txoj kev nyuaj siab xav saub rau koj hais os
Why your kids taking the money and you’re caring for him??! Kick him out if you don’t care for him.
Tus niam ntxawm forget about your ex husband leave him to tsev laus. Forget about your image with the kwv tij they don't care about you
muab nw coj mu yuj tom tsev lau xwb mua leej twg kom nej ntshaw2 nw cov niag nyiaj vij sub vij sw cov nyiaj tuag te tuag taw ko naj yu txau yu siab tu ce tsi txhob muab lo piav2 lawm os
Yus txaus yus siab tu niag txiv dev ces tsis tham tu siab li os niam laus aw. Cas tsis muab pov nram tsev laus xwb na? Koj cov menyuam los tsis hlub koj thiab thiaj yuam kom koj tu os. Lawv ntshaw2 nyiaj ces cia lawv tu lawv xwb. Cas yuav ntshai kwvtij hais na? Lawv tus neeg twb tua yus nyoo2 cov kwvtij ntawv twb hais tsis tau lawv tus neeg los hlub yus ne. Cas koj yuav ntshai kwvtij hais na. Cov niag kwvtij dev ntawv twb tsis hlub koj tsis paub koj tus kab mob siab. Ua li koj ua no ces cov niag txiv dev thiaj cia2 siab tias mus yuav niam yau lwm hnub tsis taus lawm los nej yeej yuav tu ces lawv thiaj tsis ntshai nej los mas
Tsis yog kev npam lis yog kev ruam xwb os
Hluas nkauj thiab poj nrauj thiaj muaj nuj nqi cas koj twb yog poj nrauj lawm koj tsis mus nrhiav neej ua koj tseem rov mus tu tus neeg npam uas twb tsis hlub tsis fwm koj. Nws saib koj tsis muaj nqi vim koj twb tsis saib koj muaj nqi thiab koj twb tsis hlub koj tus kheej ne.
Yog koj tsis xav mob zaum 2 ces xa rau tsev laus....yog koj cov me nyuam tsis xav tu neb 2 leeg thaum mob stoke ib yam ces kawg cov me nyuam yuav tau xa leej txiv mus nyob tsev laus...vim nws nrhiav mob rau nws tu kheej
What a HEADACHE I almost die listening n still don’t know if it’s the husband or the wife that got my blood 🩸 boiled
You could leave. You chose to stay for the PCA money. Yes you are Npam bc you chose to be npam
Koj cov menyuam twb yeej pom ntsoov tias lawv txiv twb tsis hlub koj, mus yuav niam mos ab cia koj ua poj ntsuam ciaj, noj hno ntsuag kua muag, tab sis koj cov menyuam yeej tsis hlub koj kiag thiab lawv ntshaw2 nyiaj es lawv thiaj Yuam kom koj tu koj niag txiv siab phem ko kom koj txom nyem es lawv tau nyiaj. Dhau ntawv lawm los koj yeej yeem koj thiab vim peb nyob mes kas teb lawm ib leeg yeej yuam tsis tau ib leeg yog yus tsis yeem. Kev npam ces yeej tsis muaj vim koj niag txiv ko siab twb phem ua luaj li ko, tab sis yog koj tsim koj tus kheej xwb.
Tus niam tsev aw teb chaws no tsis muaj neeg yuam koj os cas hais tau ntxim npau taws ua luaj
Nej ntsaw nyiaj dhau lawm paub.
There's a place called a nursing home for people like your husband. If you can't take the pressure or anxiety of taking care of him just don't. You to get paid for taking care of him so just do it...there's no need to complain because you want his money!
Yog koj npam lawm os. Kuv mam tsis thab li nws kiag li tseem yuav hlub ua dab tsi os nws twb tsis hlub yus ua ntej lawm os. Let him go to nursing home 🏡
You agreed to take care of him. You can just walk away
Nej twb ntshaw cov nyiaj tu nws ces tsis txhob yws2 os. Twb nrauj tag lawm es leejtwg yuam nej tu nws na? Cia nws tuag nws mus los mos. Yus rov ua rau yus xwb ces tejzaum yeej npam yus tiag2 laud.
Tsis yog koj npam os yog koj ruam dhau koj thiaj tu nws. Yog koj cov me nyuam yuav tu thiab yuav nyiaj ces cia lawv tu niag txiv siab phem ntawd.
Niag txiv dev siab phem ntawd Thaum nws zoo2 nws twb tsis hlub tsis fwm koj tsam no nyiaj tu nws ntau npaum cas los tsis care tu nws lawm.
Koj xaiv txoj kev npam rau koj tus kheej xwb tsis yog koj npam. Koj nyob lub neej no ntev ces koj tseem yuav mob stroke zaum 2 tseem yuav sab tshaj zaum 1.
If your children want to take care of him, let them take responsibility. You take yourself out of the situation. He did it to himself. Why care about someone who didn’t care about you??
Ua li cas peb cov poj niam hmoob pheej yuav cia cov niag txiv dev no los tsim peb li no mas. Nus ua yus ces yus ua rau xwb los mos.
Why complaining now? Now you got him all to yourself 😂😂😂
Lady It's not karma but stupidity! You aloud him to treat you like shit and beg for his love/attention, that's why at the end you end up taking care of him. You should have left when you have the chance. I know it harder said than done especially when there's kids involved and plus we were taught to be patient and love our husband regardless, but we do have choices too. We as women deserve to be happy and love too.
Peb cob txiv neej dev zoo lis no mas feem coob yog Pen con txiv neej hmoob xwb tiag 😂😂😂😂
Stop complaining! Nobody force you to do it! You know your husband didn’t love you and he tortured you so much. Why are you still doing this to yourself? You have the right to refuse when your children asked you to care for him. Who cares what people think? They’re not in your shoes. They don’t understand the pain you’re going through. Lady, you have to start loving yourself.
Do you know why 1975 women can't and won't leave their abusive husbands? It's because Hmong religion or as Hmong calls it "dab qhua". Once a woman marries, she is now considered an outsider to the family/relatives who raised her. If she divorce, she no longer has anyone to return to mainly because (1) her parents likely passed away already and (2) when she dies, no one to perform the funeral rites and bury her (tsis muaj chaw tuag). Even if she returns to the family who raised her, she will still be treated like an outsider such as: If she is seriously ill, she will be thrown outside for fear of her passing away in their house and (2) if she's pregnant, she'll be toss out as well because Hmong religion forbids anyone else to give birth in their house. So Hmong women are stuck with their abusive husbands. This "religion" of the Hmong is created to benefit men not women. This practice is supported and respected by all Hmong women who practice the old religion. So, it's not all because of Hmong men. Sure, there are the kids who can take care of her, bury her but this too has issues. Because Hmong has this thing called "dab qhua" (every close family has their own, even the same clan has multiple dab qhua). So if you're not of their "qab qhua", they will 100% won't perform funeral rites and bury the women for fear of angering their dab qhua. So if Hmong women want equal rights, this practice needs to change. In addition, Hmong women are brainwashed to think that without a husband, no one will respect her so for all 1975 Hmong women, they would rather have an abusive husband than no husband. Plus, women say they don't need men... that they are able to live without men. But on the contrary, in reality, women need men as much, if not more, than men need women.
Tus me niam tsev, cai nyob ntawm koj tes koj taw koj tsi siv. Koj thiaj raug li ko ne. Ib co txiv neej tiam no nej txhob txuag maj.
Yog koj twb hlub koj tus txiv npaum kov es koj pheej yws dabtsi na..yog nws ua phem npaum koj hais koj yeej tsis hlub nws tsis tu nws lawm os..tej zaum nws yeej zoo kawg thiab koj thiaj tu nws tsis tso nws mus..
Your children know that your husband didn’t love you, and he made himself to have stroke and became who he is today. why are they forcing you to care for him for the money? The money is more important to them than you lady. Life is too short and you need to enjoy it and love yourself!
Koj niag twb tsis muaj siab muaj ntsws ne koj thiaj tu cas tseem coj tuaj hais .
Your kids did you wrong they collect the money and make you take care of your husband. You are the mom put your foot down and say no. You are just putting stress to yourself.
Koj leeg txias kev npam los nrog koj nyob ces txhoob los hais hais os. Tus txiv li kos ces muab pov tseg rau tsev laus tu. Yus yee yus ces shuuush....
Leej twg kom koj ruam es koj mus lees tu nws ua dab tsi naw! Tsis txhob complain li koj tej zaum koj tsuav nws nqi tiam tas los
Nyob zoo os sister may Vang aw cas ntev22 hnub koj mam los tawm ib ob zaj dab neeg xwb peb laj22 tos koj kawg li os ♥️ 💖
Can he be any more clear? He has said and done everything for you to see he doesn’t want to be with you anymore. If you still decide to stay then you’re doing it to yourself. Btw, how broke are you guys to need the money the government give you to take care of him 🤦♂️
Tus sister nws twb muab koj nrauj tag lawm na es koj pheey yuav yeem los tu nws ua ab tsi naw.
Cas koj tsis txuag koj lub zog ntawm ko cia es thiaj li kav koj thaum laus os.
Koj yuav ua ua kom koj thiab koj niag yawg nrauj ntawm ko neb zoo ib yam ces neb 2 leeg yuav nyob tom tsev laus uake ntag.
Vim tias koj nuag fxiv nrauj ntawm ko 1 leeg xwb koj cov me nyuam twb tu tsis tau na es pom leej twg yuav tu tau 2 leeg naw.
Koj tsis xav kom deb deb os muaj ib hnub saum no koj yuav ua ib thooj tim tej niag kaum tsev tsis muaj neeg pom thiab.
Thaum luag zoo zoo neej luag twb tsis yuav yus es thaum luag twb tig tsis taus cev lawm ces twb yog ntuj rau txim rau lawm. Koj tseem mus khaws thiab ces ntuj yeej tias koj thov thov es ntuj thiaj pab muab lov tes lov taw kom nws thiaj li paub no os. Tab sis koj tseem rov qab mus khaws los tu thiab ces ntuj pab tsis tau koj lawm. Zoo tsis zoo ib me ntsis ntuj tseem muab kojov tesov taw rog kkj niag yawg nrauj ko thiab.
Tsam koj ho tau nws tus mob ok 👍
Phauj aw, koj tsis npam os, koj ruam xwb! He didn’t love and respect you? Let the nursing home pay him tribute! No one can stop you. If they do, then let them take care of him! Or are you suffering for the $? Then don’t complain!
Why u complaining u have a choice plus u wanted the $
Tus niam tsev cas tej tus tsev zoo npauj koj hais ko Cas ho tsi poob rau peb cov no tes es ho mus poob rau cov txiv dev Liam txwv lis ko tes na tus neeg Liam ces nws yeej yuav tau txais txoj kev liam os.
Twb muaj Mekas tsev laus ntau2 ne ua cas pheej yws nas? Yog nws hlub2 koj mas thiaj tsim nyog koj tu nws pob?
Tus niam tsev, leej twg taw phom kom koj tu tus neeg txia ntshav no. Koj cov me nyuam ntshaw nyiaj ces kuj cia lawv tu xwb!
Raws li mloog koj hais hauv no thaum pib xwb ces twb ntes tau tias koj yog ib tug neeg qaug qib ua tsis taus niam ruam heev, tos koj ho yog tus npam los vim nws twb tso ncauj tso lus los koj twb mus tsis taus vim koj tseem nco thiab khuv xim nws heev ces txog thaum kawg koj thiaj tau nws los tu ces ua ib siab tu vim koj twb xaiv txojkev no koj thiaj li 9-10 los mus tsis taus.
Yes you are the NPAM one!!! You have a choice and obviously you did this to yourself. Not feeling sorry for you
Woman, there are nursing home to take of people like that, if you or your children need the money than you guys just stop complaining!
Why do u allow him to abuse u n ur kids? It's your fault.
You allowed the abuse., After how he treated you, you have the right to say, get lost and out of my face. Your kids can deal with him for taking money for claiming to care for him. Talk to the hand is what you should have done.
Tus tsis tau lawm ces cias nws mus nyob tsev laus
Hais ib los lus ib khauj tsiav rau xwb los ma me niam tsev aw.
Tus viv ncaus aw..cas koj tseem tu tus neeg npam no thiab na yog koj yog tus mob ces kwv tij twb coj mus yuav tus tshiab lawm os tiam sis rwb yog nws npam es nws thiaj mob txhob kk tu nws lawm thiab tsis kk cov kwv tij ntawv yog lawv hais ntau ces kom lawv coj mus tu xwb mas
Twb tsis muaj leej twg khoo kom koj tu nws nas? Koj nrhiav koj kev npam xwb os. Muab nws xa loo rau mis kas zov xwb. Yus nyob yus tsis muaj neeg yuam yus nawb
Yog koj tseem npam tsis tau txaus ces kav tsij tu tiag
Koj tsis npam os. Koj tsis hlub koj tus kheej xwb. Koj hlub koj cov menyuam thiab koj tus txiv siab phem tshaj koj hlub koj lawm. Yog koj cov menyuam ntshaw noj cov nyiaj tu ces lawv yuav tsum tu.
Vidncaus, tim koj tsis hlub koj tus kheej, txhob ntshaw2 nws pob nyiaj tu. Menyuam xav tau pob nyiaj ces lawv tu xwb. Tawm tsev mus nyob lwm qhov los yog xa nws rau tsevlaus koj mam rov los. Txav kom deb2, tuag los txhob faus sib ze.
Can't stand this one.
Tej zaj no cas boring ua luaj.
Koj ruam koj thiaj tau kev npam.
Tsis yog npam os, yog koj ruam ruam xwb os
Nws mus nws ib tug lawm twb tsis yus lawm tsis los tau yeej npam li es koj pheej tseem hlub dab tsis nas tsis hlub li esxa mus tos tsev laus xwb xwb mas.
Koj ruam koj thiaj tu nws. Yog kuv ces kuv coj mus nyob tsev laus. Leej twg tau nyiaj tu nws ces leej twg tu nws xwb. Koj ruam tiag tiag.
Ua cas nej tu tsis taus hlub tsis tau nej ho tsis coj mus rau tsev laus tu maj. Yog nej tsis tu zoo tseem yuav txog nej ntu thiab laiv. Luag tias taws tsau tsis pom tom ntej.