Hi, i want to remove payment methods and payment option in this ecommerce website, it needs to be directly redirecting to the thank you page after filling the shipping address, can you please tell me how to do this??
A lot of customisation is needed to be done here. At first you need to remove shipping and payment section from here: github.com/bagisto/bagisto/blob/v1.4.3/packages/Webkul/Velocity/src/Resources/views/shop/checkout/onepage.blade.php Then there comes the cart validation part which you need to customise. You may either create button which will redirect you to thank you page instead of cart page
Could not find package bagisto/bagisto with stability stable in a version i nstallable using your PHP version, PHP extensions and Composer version. php version 8.0.3, composer version 2.0.8, extensions required for bagisto are all installed and updated.. any solution?
Thanks for the video when i installed bagisto why i didn't find the menu and the table of products in pgadmin and how can i access to panel admin?. thank you
You need to create the categories which will appear as a menu and products as well for which you can refer to our blog section here: bagisto.com/en/articles/ To open the admin panel, you can just write /admin/login after the path of the directory on which you have installed bagisto.
@@youcefouadah6206 Yes you can easily change the template and build your own. The code is easily customisable. You can take help of this: devdocs.bagisto.com/create_theme.html
Hello I am on windows and I did every step. The difference is that I don't have ubuntu or that index. Bagisto was created as a folder in my C drive. And the public is also a folder. What do I do?
sir my php version is 8.0.3 but still I have error in "composer create-project bagisto/bagisto" [InvalidArgumentException] Could not find package bagisto/bagisto with stability stable in a version installable using your PHP version, PHP e xtensions and Composer version.
i had this error while trying add new category why ?? -------------------------------------------- SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1267 Illegal mix of collations (utf8mb4_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8mb4_general_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '=' (SQL: update `categories` set `_lft` = case when `_lft` >= 14 then `_lft`+2 else `_lft` end, `_rgt` = case when `_rgt` >= 14 then `_rgt`+2 else `_rgt` end where (`_lft` >= 14 or `_rgt` >= 14))
We will for sure add a doc on that. However, for a time being, you can post your query on our forum forums.bagisto.com/ so our developers can guide you
SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'bagisto2.channels' doesn't exist (SQL: select * from `channels` where `hostname` in (localhost, localhost, localhost)) how to solve this error
Very nicely explained. But after doing everything I'm getting this: The stream or file "/var/www/html/bagisto/storage/logs/laravel.log" could not be opened: failed to open stream: Permission denied I have given the write permission to User & Group using following command: chmod -R 775 storage chmod -R 775 bootstrap/cache which did not work....then I used 777 which worked perfectly. thanks.
Process Migration Bagisto v.0.1.6 cmd: php artisan migrate 'Illuminate\Database\QueryException :SQLSTATEHY00 [1045] Access Denied for user '__@localhos', using password 'no'. WHYY??
If you have installed bagisto anywhere either on your local or on your server, just after /public or any directory after which bagisto front-end is coming, after that just write /admin/login further which admin panel will open. For eg: if it's on localhost and bagisto opens on something like localhost/bagisto/public then admin panel will open on localhost/bagisto/public/admin/login
Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'json null, `created_at` timestamp null, `updated_at` timestamp null) default cha' at line 1
@@sujithkumarc1971 This is not an issue, it's regarding the MariaDB version that you might be using. Bagisto requires the 10.2 version, you might have 10.1. You can go through this link to update your MariaDB version: stackoverflow.com/questions/44027926/update-xampp-from-maria-db-10-1-to-10-2
hi teacher what is problem here Notice: Undefined variable: key in C:\xampp\htdocs\bagistom\public\installer\install.php on line 32 Notice: Undefined variable: value in C:\xampp\htdocs\bagistom\public\installer\install.php on line 32 Warning: array_combine() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in C:\xampp\htdocs\bagistom\public\installer\install.php on line 32
Hi Agtib, We have checked the issue and resolved that in the next version. If you want to check, you can download from our master branch: github.com/bagisto/bagisto/tree/master This version will be released by next week, so either you can wait for that after proper testing has been done or you can download from there.
@@lucassousarodrigues4020 If you have downloaded the new version of Bagisto from here: bagisto.com/en/download/, then you might have not correctly installed the package. Please follow the installation guide here: webkul.com/blog/laravel-ecommerce-website/#panel-1
@@lucassousarodrigues4020 Yes please try this or if still, it's not working you can connect me on Skype @username: uvdeskhelpdesk@uvdesk.in and we can check the issue on screen share.
segui todos os passos da instalação corretamente, mas tive este erro: Notice: Undefined index: DB_HOST in C:\wamp64\www\bagisto\public\installer\install.php on line 36 Call Stack # Time Memory Function Location 1 1.3851 407800 {main}( ) ...\index.php:0 2 2.3191 408936 require( 'C:\wamp64\www\bagisto\public\installer\install.php' ) ...\index.php:3
We have fixed the issue mentioned by you, but it will take some time for the new release, so you can download the lasted bagisto from the master branch. Here is a link - github.com/bagisto/bagisto
Hi, Thanks for your great efforts . Though I'd been stuck with this issue since yesterday, I download the package from the repository and dropped the files in an empty folder - bagisto - inside my localhost folder (using xampp as and working on Ubuntu 18.04 OS). However, when I do a migrate it gives me an error looks like an error for one of the dependencies packages. I went to composer update and this gives me an error about the autoload files not found, this is the whole error console: Loading composer repositories with package information Updating dependencies (including require-dev) Nothing to install or update Generating optimized autoload files Class Illuminate\Foundation\ComposerScripts is not autoloadable, can not call post-autoload-dump script Class App\Test is not autoloadable, can not call post-autoload-dump script > @php artisan package:discover PHP Warning: require(/opt/lampp/htdocs/bagisto/vendor/composer/../laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/helpers.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /opt/lampp/htdocs/bagisto/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php on line 66 PHP Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required '/opt/lampp/htdocs/bagisto/vendor/composer/../laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/helpers.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php') in /opt/lampp/htdocs/bagisto/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php on line 66 Script @php artisan package:discover handling the post-autoload-dump event returned with error code 255 yaser-work@MrRobot:/opt/lampp/htdocs/bagisto$ composer require --dev phpro/grumphp Using version dev-master for phpro/grumphp ./composer.json has been updated Loading composer repositories with package information Updating dependencies (including require-dev) Nothing to install or update Generating optimized autoload files Class Illuminate\Foundation\ComposerScripts is not autoloadable, can not call post-autoload-dump script Class App\Test is not autoloadable, can not call post-autoload-dump script > @php artisan package:discover PHP Warning: require(/opt/lampp/htdocs/bagisto/vendor/composer/../laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/helpers.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /opt/lampp/htdocs/bagisto/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php on line 66 PHP Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required '/opt/lampp/htdocs/bagisto/vendor/composer/../laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/helpers.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php') in /opt/lampp/htdocs/bagisto/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php on line 66 Script @php artisan package:discover handling the post-autoload-dump event returned with error code 255 Installation failed, reverting ./composer.json to its original content. and this is the composer.json content: { "name": "bagisto/bagisto", "description": "Bagisto Laravel ECommerce", "keywords": [ "framework", "laravel" ], "license": "MIT", "type": "project", "require": { "php": "^7.1.3", "barryvdh/laravel-dompdf": "^0.8.0@dev", "dimsav/laravel-translatable": "^9.0", "doctrine/dbal": "^2.9@dev", "fideloper/proxy": "^4.0", "flynsarmy/db-blade-compiler": "*", "intervention/image": "^2.4", "intervention/imagecache": "^2.3", "kalnoy/nestedset": "^4.3", "konekt/concord": "^1.2", "laravel/framework": "5.6.*", "laravel/tinker": "^1.0", "maatwebsite/excel": "3.1.x-dev", "nwidart/laravel-modules": "^3.2", "prettus/l5-repository": "^2.6", "propaganistas/laravel-intl": "^2.0" }, "require-dev": { "barryvdh/laravel-debugbar": "^3.1", "filp/whoops": "^2.0", "fzaninotto/faker": "^1.4", "mockery/mockery": "^1.0", "nunomaduro/collision": "^2.0", "phpro/grumphp": "dev-master", "phpunit/phpunit": "^7.0" }, "replace": { "bagisto/laravel-user": "v0.1.0", "bagisto/laravel-admin": "v0.1.0", "bagisto/laravel-ui": "v0.1.0", "bagisto/laravel-core": "v0.1.0", "bagisto/laravel-attribute": "v0.1.0", "bagisto/laravel-checkout": "v0.1.0", "bagisto/laravel-customer": "v0.1.0", "bagisto/laravel-inventory": "v0.1.0", "bagisto/laravel-category": "v0.1.0", "bagisto/laravel-product": "v0.1.0", "bagisto/laravel-shop": "v0.1.0", "bagisto/laravel-theme": "v0.1.0", "bagisto/laravel-shipping": "v0.1.0", "bagisto/laravel-payment": "v0.1.0", "bagisto/laravel-sales": "v0.1.0", "bagisto/laravel-tax": "v0.1.0" }, "autoload": { "classmap": [ "database/seeds", "database/factories" ], "psr-4": { "App\\": "app/", "Webkul\\User\\": "packages/Webkul/User/src", "Webkul\\Admin\\": "packages/Webkul/Admin/src", "Webkul\\Ui\\": "packages/Webkul/Ui/src", "Webkul\\Category\\": "packages/Webkul/Category/src", "Webkul\\Checkout\\": "packages/Webkul/Checkout/src", "Webkul\\Attribute\\": "packages/Webkul/Attribute/src", "Webkul\\Shop\\": "packages/Webkul/Shop/src", "Webkul\\Core\\": "packages/Webkul/Core/src", "Webkul\\Customer\\": "packages/Webkul/Customer/src", "Webkul\\Inventory\\": "packages/Webkul/Inventory/src", "Webkul\\Product\\": "packages/Webkul/Product/src", "Webkul\\Theme\\": "packages/Webkul/Theme/src", "Webkul\\Shipping\\": "packages/Webkul/Shipping/src", "Webkul\\Payment\\": "packages/Webkul/Payment/src", "Webkul\\Paypal\\": "packages/Webkul/Paypal/src", "Webkul\\Sales\\": "packages/Webkul/Sales/src", "Webkul\\Tax\\": "packages/Webkul/Tax/src", "Webkul\\API\\": "packages/Webkul/API" } }, "autoload-dev": { "psr-4": { "Tests\\": "tests/" } }, "extra": { "laravel": { "dont-discover": [] } }, "repositories": [ { "type": "composer", "url": "packagist.org" }, { "packagist": false } ], "scripts": { "post-root-package-install": [ "@php -r \"file_exists('.env') || copy('.env.example', '.env');\"" ], "post-create-project-cmd": [ "@php artisan key:generate" ], "post-autoload-dump": [ "Illuminate\\Foundation\\ComposerScripts::postAutoloadDump", "App\\Test::test", "@php artisan package:discover" ] }, "config": { "preferred-install": "stable", "sort-packages": true, "optimize-autoloader": true }, "minimum-stability": "dev" } Hope you get some suggestions, thanks in advanced!
Hi, thank you for your query. I recommend, if you are using Ubuntu OS, then you can try installing Bagisto without XAMPP. Also, please download the release from here and try installing again following the installation guide: github.com/bagisto/bagisto/tree/master
Hi Yaser, Greetings for the day!!! Would it be possible if you can connect with us either on Skype @username:uvdeskhelpdesk@uvdesk.in and show me the issue you got? There might be some issue while the composer update command. Thanks & Regards Saurav Pathak Skype Name - uvdeskhelpdesk@uvdesk.in UVdesk Helpdesk Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd. Contact : India (+91)-9650486699 USA (+1)-9143531684 A 67 Sector 63 , Noida-201301 (U.P.) India webkul.com
Just like any other php application or eCommerce framework, bagisto would be similarly installed on windows using XAMPP. You just need to extract the bagisto files inside htdocs folder and follow the same process as given here: webkul.com/blog/laravel-ecommerce-website/
I am getting error like Illuminate\Database\QueryException : SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'json null, `created_at` timestamp null, `updated_at` timestamp null) default cha' at line 1 (SQL: create table `roles` (`id` int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key, `name` varchar(191) not null, `description` varchar(191) null, `permission_type` varchar(191) not null, `permissions` json null, `created_at` timestamp null, `updated_at` timestamp null) default character set utf8mb4 collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' engine = InnoDB ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC) after run this command php artisan migrate
@@keerthikamarthi8404 It's the issue of MariaDB version which you need to update. Check this link: stackoverflow.com/questions/44027926/update-xampp-from-maria-db-10-1-to-10-2
@@naturallife9254 Here you need to install php intl extension. Check this blog for more details: www.dotkernel.com/php-troubleshooting/where-is-the-intl-php-extension-problem-solved/
I think you're exposing your .env file over HTTP, which is not good. Laravel recommends serving _only_ the /public/index.php file (see laravel.com/docs/8.x/deployment) -- which then takes care of finding the rest of the application. It's a little overwhelming if you're not used to configuring your web server (nginx, apache, etc.) but luckily during development you can just use "php artisan serve" from the bagisto/ directory, and it should work. (I'm really new to bagisto, but this is how it works with Laravel apps in general)
Hello, Apologies for late reply. We are not exposing any .env Your domain should be bind to `public/index.php`. If you check the documentation, we mentioned it as for development purposes.
Hi, i want to remove payment methods and payment option in this ecommerce website, it needs to be directly redirecting to the thank you page after filling the shipping address, can you please tell me how to do this??
A lot of customisation is needed to be done here.
At first you need to remove shipping and payment section from here: github.com/bagisto/bagisto/blob/v1.4.3/packages/Webkul/Velocity/src/Resources/views/shop/checkout/onepage.blade.php
Then there comes the cart validation part which you need to customise. You may either create button which will redirect you to thank you page instead of cart page
Could not find package bagisto/bagisto with stability stable in a version i
nstallable using your PHP version, PHP extensions and Composer version.
php version 8.0.3, composer version 2.0.8, extensions required for bagisto are all installed and updated..
any solution?
As of now kindly use PHP version 7.3
Your lock file does not contain a compatible set of packages. Please run composer update.
im getting this error
have you checked this: stackoverflow.com/questions/65495849/laravel-composer-install-giving-error-your-lock-file-does-not-contain-a-compati
So you need to open this folder with Apache server, Im new to web dev, I just dont get it how you get to Index of / folder page. Please help me.
You need to click on a public directory and then you will be redirected to the front.
did you already create the database before installing Bagisto ? Did you use the Heidi Mysql database?
Yes, the database needs to be created initially so as to provide credentials for the same while installing. We have used MySQL database.
when i try to run php artisan vendor:publish and press 0 some feature are not installed like customer, inventory why?
are you asking of demo data?
Thanks for the video when i installed bagisto why i didn't find the menu and the table of products in pgadmin and how can i access to panel admin?. thank you
You need to create the categories which will appear as a menu and products as well for which you can refer to our blog section here: bagisto.com/en/articles/ To open the admin panel, you can just write /admin/login after the path of the directory on which you have installed bagisto.
@@Bagisto Is it possible to change the template of users my friends i would to make another? Thanks and
is it easy to understand the code?
@@youcefouadah6206 Yes you can easily change the template and build your own. The code is easily customisable. You can take help of this: devdocs.bagisto.com/create_theme.html
@@Bagisto thanks a lot
Hello I am on windows and I did every step. The difference is that I don't have ubuntu or that index. Bagisto was created as a folder in my C drive. And the public is also a folder. What do I do?
Please check this video once: th-cam.com/video/e-mYbL1lY84/w-d-xo.html
Bagisto Thanks anyways. My problem was solved.
@@amantauqir942 Good to know that
sir my php version is 8.0.3 but still I have error in
"composer create-project bagisto/bagisto"
Could not find package bagisto/bagisto with stability stable in a version installable using your PHP version, PHP e
xtensions and Composer version.
May I know the composer version you have?
@@Bagisto 2.0.11
i had this error while trying add new category why ??
SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1267 Illegal mix of collations (utf8mb4_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8mb4_general_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '=' (SQL: update `categories` set `_lft` = case when `_lft` >= 14 then `_lft`+2 else `_lft` end, `_rgt` = case when `_rgt` >= 14 then `_rgt`+2 else `_rgt` end where (`_lft` >= 14 or `_rgt` >= 14))
May I know the version of bagisto you are using?
how can i integrate the multi-currency only on my project pls
are you referring to your bagisto instance?
Hi do you have a video or docs for adding email smtp settings? it does not seem to work?
We will for sure add a doc on that. However, for a time being, you can post your query on our forum forums.bagisto.com/ so our developers can guide you
I am getting this error while installing SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1036 Table 'C:\xampp\tmp\#sql2a4c_39_4.MAI' is read only please help me out.
May I know which version of Bagisto, PHP and MySQL you are using?
Sir i creatd storage:link successfully. But i click the public file nothing happen
May I know what you are getting when you clicked on public?
Hi , can we create a API for this bagisto in order to create Android /iOS mobile app
we already have the API for bagisto to be used for native mobile apps solution. Check this: devdocs.bagisto.com/
SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'bagisto2.channels' doesn't exist (SQL: select * from `channels` where `hostname` in (localhost, localhost, localhost))
how to solve this error
Create a new database and then again run migrate & seed command.
How to install bagisto to shared hosting for testing? Any documentation?
You can make use of one-click install using Softcalous on shared hosting. Kindly check this: www.softaculous.com/apps/ecommerce/Bagisto
after all installation how I will run it on browser ...run using"localhost/bagisto/public" but it give error not found
May I know which version of bagisto have you installed?
Very nicely explained.
But after doing everything I'm getting this:
The stream or file "/var/www/html/bagisto/storage/logs/laravel.log" could not be opened: failed to open stream: Permission denied
I have given the write permission to User & Group using following command:
chmod -R 775 storage
chmod -R 775 bootstrap/cache
which did not work....then I used 777 which worked perfectly.
Great, good to know that. Enjoy using Bagisto. Feel free to ping us for any further doubts or queries.
Process Migration
Bagisto v.0.1.6
cmd: php artisan migrate
'Illuminate\Database\QueryException :SQLSTATEHY00 [1045] Access Denied for user '__@localhos', using password 'no'.
Kindly recheck the database credentials that you have provided for the databse in the .env file and run the commands again.
hi , i don't know how to access to admin panel , should i made it ?
, can you guide me to useful way pleas .. and thank you
If you have installed bagisto anywhere either on your local or on your server, just after /public or any directory after which bagisto front-end is coming, after that just write /admin/login further which admin panel will open. For eg: if it's on localhost and bagisto opens on something like localhost/bagisto/public then admin panel will open on localhost/bagisto/public/admin/login
Is there a CRM for this framework?!
Can you make a video about this topic?!
There's not yet CRM in Bagisto. Thank you for your suggestion, we will look into this.
you can try using this: github.com/krayin/laravel-crm
On migration
Illuminate\Database\QueryException : SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax;
May I which version of bagisto are you using?
@@Bagisto this issue in latest version.
Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'json null, `created_at` timestamp null, `updated_at` timestamp null) default cha' at line 1
@@sujithkumarc1971 This is not an issue, it's regarding the MariaDB version that you might be using. Bagisto requires the 10.2 version, you might have 10.1. You can go through this link to update your MariaDB version: stackoverflow.com/questions/44027926/update-xampp-from-maria-db-10-1-to-10-2
Koyle ke khan mein hira mila hee mujhee 😍
hi teacher
what is problem here
Notice: Undefined variable: key in C:\xampp\htdocs\bagistom\public\installer\install.php on line 32
Notice: Undefined variable: value in C:\xampp\htdocs\bagistom\public\installer\install.php on line 32
Warning: array_combine() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in C:\xampp\htdocs\bagistom\public\installer\install.php on line 32
Hi Agtib, We have checked the issue and resolved that in the next version. If you want to check, you can download from our master branch: github.com/bagisto/bagisto/tree/master
This version will be released by next week, so either you can wait for that after proper testing has been done or you can download from there.
php warning: require (c: \ wamp64 \ www \ bagisto2 / vendor / autoload.php) falhou ao abrir o strem: nenhum tal arquivo ou diretório em
c: \ wamp64 \ www \ bagisto2 \ artisan na linha 18
@@lucassousarodrigues4020 If you have downloaded the new version of Bagisto from here: bagisto.com/en/download/, then you might have not correctly installed the package. Please follow the installation guide here: webkul.com/blog/laravel-ecommerce-website/#panel-1
I think so, but I'll try again.
@@lucassousarodrigues4020 Yes please try this or if still, it's not working you can connect me on Skype @username: uvdeskhelpdesk@uvdesk.in and we can check the issue on screen share.
How to create a page in Bagisto Admin Dashboard?
Hi Andrei, you can check this : forums.bagisto.com/topic/62/how-to-create-a-page-in-bagisto-admin-dashboard/2
How yo install postgres
You can check this: laravel.com/docs/6.x/database
segui todos os passos da instalação corretamente, mas tive este erro:
Notice: Undefined index: DB_HOST in C:\wamp64\www\bagisto\public\installer\install.php on line 36
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 1.3851 407800 {main}( ) ...\index.php:0
2 2.3191 408936 require( 'C:\wamp64\www\bagisto\public\installer\install.php' ) ...\index.php:3
Hi @Lucas , may I know when you got this error. Is it after running commands while installing via composer or you got this error during GUI installer?
Hi Lucas,
We have fixed the issue mentioned by you, but it will take some time for the new release, so you can download the lasted bagisto from the master branch.
Here is a link - github.com/bagisto/bagisto
Rahul Shukla
Hi, Thanks for your great efforts .
Though I'd been stuck with this issue since yesterday, I download the package from the repository and dropped the files in an empty folder - bagisto - inside my localhost folder (using xampp as and working on Ubuntu 18.04 OS).
However, when I do a migrate it gives me an error looks like an error for one of the dependencies packages.
I went to composer update and this gives me an error about the autoload files not found, this is the whole error console:
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Nothing to install or update
Generating optimized autoload files
Class Illuminate\Foundation\ComposerScripts is not autoloadable, can not call post-autoload-dump script
Class App\Test is not autoloadable, can not call post-autoload-dump script
> @php artisan package:discover
PHP Warning: require(/opt/lampp/htdocs/bagisto/vendor/composer/../laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/helpers.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /opt/lampp/htdocs/bagisto/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php on line 66
PHP Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required '/opt/lampp/htdocs/bagisto/vendor/composer/../laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/helpers.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php') in /opt/lampp/htdocs/bagisto/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php on line 66
Script @php artisan package:discover handling the post-autoload-dump event returned with error code 255
yaser-work@MrRobot:/opt/lampp/htdocs/bagisto$ composer require --dev phpro/grumphp
Using version dev-master for phpro/grumphp
./composer.json has been updated
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Nothing to install or update
Generating optimized autoload files
Class Illuminate\Foundation\ComposerScripts is not autoloadable, can not call post-autoload-dump script
Class App\Test is not autoloadable, can not call post-autoload-dump script
> @php artisan package:discover
PHP Warning: require(/opt/lampp/htdocs/bagisto/vendor/composer/../laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/helpers.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /opt/lampp/htdocs/bagisto/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php on line 66
PHP Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required '/opt/lampp/htdocs/bagisto/vendor/composer/../laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/helpers.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php') in /opt/lampp/htdocs/bagisto/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php on line 66
Script @php artisan package:discover handling the post-autoload-dump event returned with error code 255
Installation failed, reverting ./composer.json to its original content.
and this is the composer.json content:
"name": "bagisto/bagisto",
"description": "Bagisto Laravel ECommerce",
"keywords": [
"license": "MIT",
"type": "project",
"require": {
"php": "^7.1.3",
"barryvdh/laravel-dompdf": "^0.8.0@dev",
"dimsav/laravel-translatable": "^9.0",
"doctrine/dbal": "^2.9@dev",
"fideloper/proxy": "^4.0",
"flynsarmy/db-blade-compiler": "*",
"intervention/image": "^2.4",
"intervention/imagecache": "^2.3",
"kalnoy/nestedset": "^4.3",
"konekt/concord": "^1.2",
"laravel/framework": "5.6.*",
"laravel/tinker": "^1.0",
"maatwebsite/excel": "3.1.x-dev",
"nwidart/laravel-modules": "^3.2",
"prettus/l5-repository": "^2.6",
"propaganistas/laravel-intl": "^2.0"
"require-dev": {
"barryvdh/laravel-debugbar": "^3.1",
"filp/whoops": "^2.0",
"fzaninotto/faker": "^1.4",
"mockery/mockery": "^1.0",
"nunomaduro/collision": "^2.0",
"phpro/grumphp": "dev-master",
"phpunit/phpunit": "^7.0"
"replace": {
"bagisto/laravel-user": "v0.1.0",
"bagisto/laravel-admin": "v0.1.0",
"bagisto/laravel-ui": "v0.1.0",
"bagisto/laravel-core": "v0.1.0",
"bagisto/laravel-attribute": "v0.1.0",
"bagisto/laravel-checkout": "v0.1.0",
"bagisto/laravel-customer": "v0.1.0",
"bagisto/laravel-inventory": "v0.1.0",
"bagisto/laravel-category": "v0.1.0",
"bagisto/laravel-product": "v0.1.0",
"bagisto/laravel-shop": "v0.1.0",
"bagisto/laravel-theme": "v0.1.0",
"bagisto/laravel-shipping": "v0.1.0",
"bagisto/laravel-payment": "v0.1.0",
"bagisto/laravel-sales": "v0.1.0",
"bagisto/laravel-tax": "v0.1.0"
"autoload": {
"classmap": [
"psr-4": {
"App\\": "app/",
"Webkul\\User\\": "packages/Webkul/User/src",
"Webkul\\Admin\\": "packages/Webkul/Admin/src",
"Webkul\\Ui\\": "packages/Webkul/Ui/src",
"Webkul\\Category\\": "packages/Webkul/Category/src",
"Webkul\\Checkout\\": "packages/Webkul/Checkout/src",
"Webkul\\Attribute\\": "packages/Webkul/Attribute/src",
"Webkul\\Shop\\": "packages/Webkul/Shop/src",
"Webkul\\Core\\": "packages/Webkul/Core/src",
"Webkul\\Customer\\": "packages/Webkul/Customer/src",
"Webkul\\Inventory\\": "packages/Webkul/Inventory/src",
"Webkul\\Product\\": "packages/Webkul/Product/src",
"Webkul\\Theme\\": "packages/Webkul/Theme/src",
"Webkul\\Shipping\\": "packages/Webkul/Shipping/src",
"Webkul\\Payment\\": "packages/Webkul/Payment/src",
"Webkul\\Paypal\\": "packages/Webkul/Paypal/src",
"Webkul\\Sales\\": "packages/Webkul/Sales/src",
"Webkul\\Tax\\": "packages/Webkul/Tax/src",
"Webkul\\API\\": "packages/Webkul/API"
"autoload-dev": {
"psr-4": {
"Tests\\": "tests/"
"extra": {
"laravel": {
"dont-discover": []
"repositories": [
"type": "composer",
"url": "packagist.org"
"packagist": false
"scripts": {
"post-root-package-install": [
"@php -r \"file_exists('.env') || copy('.env.example', '.env');\""
"post-create-project-cmd": [
"@php artisan key:generate"
"post-autoload-dump": [
"@php artisan package:discover"
"config": {
"preferred-install": "stable",
"sort-packages": true,
"optimize-autoloader": true
"minimum-stability": "dev"
Hope you get some suggestions, thanks in advanced!
Hi, thank you for your query. I recommend, if you are using Ubuntu OS, then you can try installing Bagisto without XAMPP. Also, please download the release from here and try installing again following the installation guide: github.com/bagisto/bagisto/tree/master
@@Bagisto I installed it successfully using the fashioned way with composer, thank you.
Hi Yaser,
Greetings for the day!!!
Would it be possible if you can connect with us either on Skype @username:uvdeskhelpdesk@uvdesk.in and show me the issue you got? There might be some issue while the composer update command.
Thanks & Regards Saurav Pathak Skype Name - uvdeskhelpdesk@uvdesk.in UVdesk Helpdesk
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd. Contact : India (+91)-9650486699 USA (+1)-9143531684
A 67 Sector 63 ,
Noida-201301 (U.P.)
Hi Yaser, I think you did not install composer dependencies before running the "composer update" command.
Any wondering what was the password and database name used in this tutorial its root and bagisto_db 😀😀😀
Hello there, you have to create your database id and password. in this video tutorial, we have used our database id and password!!!!!
Hello there, you have to create your database id and password. in this video tutorial, we have used our database id and password!!!!!
How to Install Bagisto on Windows 10 / xamppserver ???
Just like any other php application or eCommerce framework, bagisto would be similarly installed on windows using XAMPP. You just need to extract the bagisto files inside htdocs folder and follow the same process as given here: webkul.com/blog/laravel-ecommerce-website/
I am getting error like Illuminate\Database\QueryException : SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'json null, `created_at` timestamp null, `updated_at` timestamp null) default cha' at line 1 (SQL: create table `roles` (`id` int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key, `name` varchar(191) not null, `description` varchar(191) null, `permission_type` varchar(191) not null, `permissions` json null, `created_at` timestamp null, `updated_at` timestamp null) default character set utf8mb4 collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' engine = InnoDB ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC)
after run this command php artisan migrate
@@keerthikamarthi8404 It's the issue of MariaDB version which you need to update. Check this link: stackoverflow.com/questions/44027926/update-xampp-from-maria-db-10-1-to-10-2
So, now I need to install MariaDB or need to update xampp software??
@@keerthikamarthi8404 You need to update the MariaDB version, follow the link that I have given in the previous thread
bagisto not installing
What issue are you facing and which version of bagisto you are trying to install?
@@Bagisto Problem 1
- The requested PHP extempore extension text-intl * is missing from your stem. Install or enable PHP's intl extension
@@naturallife9254 Here you need to install php intl extension. Check this blog for more details: www.dotkernel.com/php-troubleshooting/where-is-the-intl-php-extension-problem-solved/
@@Bagistotoken hidden ?
lot of bugs...
May I know which version are you using?
Yar apne docs improve karo please.
Are you referring to this doc: devdocs.bagisto.com/
access denied
How to get username and password
@@Jollyjunction56 for bagisto admin panel?
Configuration Setting?
Unable to edit .env file
I use Window 10
I think you're exposing your .env file over HTTP, which is not good. Laravel recommends serving _only_ the /public/index.php file (see laravel.com/docs/8.x/deployment) -- which then takes care of finding the rest of the application.
It's a little overwhelming if you're not used to configuring your web server (nginx, apache, etc.) but luckily during development you can just use "php artisan serve" from the bagisto/ directory, and it should work.
(I'm really new to bagisto, but this is how it works with Laravel apps in general)
Apologies for late reply. We are not exposing any .env
Your domain should be bind to `public/index.php`. If you check the documentation, we mentioned it as for development purposes.