There’s always a fool hearted human who thinks they can save their belongings, or worse hangs around as if Mother Nature cares!!! Then there’s the poor souls who do all they can to escape, and end up perishing.
Sometimes people don't have anywhere to go in the last moments it isn't like there was a rescue team going around and they said no. They just have to brace themselves and hold on. I highly doubt these people were fools who felt they could save something, they didn't have a choice this tsunami caught many people off guard
This video is absolutely heart-wrenching. 🌊 The sheer devastation caused by these monstrous tsunamis is beyond comprehension. My deepest sympathies go out to everyone affected by such catastrophic events. It's a stark reminder of the raw power of nature and the importance of preparedness. Stay safe, everyone.
They might not of know what was happening. People were busy exploring the exposed sea bottom not knowing why the tide went out as part of the tsunami that killed 200,k in the 2004 tsunami people weren’t educated on tsunamis.
That was in Greenland and that boat may represent the only tool he has to make a living and/or find food to feed his extended family. The arctic communities have a lot of challenges in their economy which is why it Alaska and Greenland have in the past (Alaska) or are currently developing (Gteenland) their tourism industries. Both are incredibly cool and I heard from someone that Greenland was the most awesome place he's ever been.
Tom is right here folks. If you see seven surfers riding a wave like that and crowds of on-lookers awaiting what’s coming, it is a REGULAR occurrence and, in that case in particular, it is a tidal bore. Surfers ride tidal bores all the time because they are a seasonal event.
The last wave at the end of the video was shocking!! Even though the text at the beginning of that excerpt warned that the last wave in the sequence was the largest, it still came as a total shock. I thought the water was subsiding and then out of nowhere, WHAM!! That happened so quickly.
What the video didn't explain, or author didn't know, was that what was being recorded, was an area not hit to hard by the Tsaumi. The roughness and debris in water show this. The part that we don't see, that obliterated that home, wasn't the tsaumi, but the return water with all the debris in it, that slammed into the home. All the water that hit elsewhere, receided taking the easiest route. While the person recording the ocean, they aren't paying attention to the other sides where the water returned. A deadly mistake. As they say in Naruto. "YOU got distracted "
Yes - I was just thinking there needs to an international alert for earthquakes; that's what creates tsunamis . . . Volcano earthquakes tunamis go hand in hand
the aftermath of a tsunami is a reminder of the need for coordinated international efforts to address the impacts of natural disasters on vulnerable communities.
tsunamis serve as a sobering reminder of the power and unpredictability of natural disasters, highlighting the need for constant vigilance and readiness.
Yeah that Icelandic one is a fear of mine. I love the ocean and used to be a very good swimmer but I’ve had horrendous nightmares about tsunami’s so I will only go near the ocean if their is a bay or inlet in front. My nightmares are of me walking casually along the coast and a wave towers over me then I wake up…..2nd one ( don’t laugh it’s a dream) 😅 I’m surfing on a huge wave going over the top of buildings. I have these two dreams constantly. Scary 😧
@@janegilmore102 Similar things happen to me since I was a child. I often dream that I am deep in the ocean or pool. Sometimes it's dark and dirty and I don't know how to escape. Not long time ago I dreamed about a tsunami, too and rescued my brother who gave up hope...
@@janegilmore102 i think its greenland. it happened a year or two back. its the same one as the guys trying to secure the boats at the start. absolutely terrifying how fast it can happen.
the tragedy of a tsunami reminds us that the forces of nature are powerful and unpredictable, and that we must remain vigilant and prepared at all times.
More like idiot! Did you see how thin that tree trunk was? It won’t save him if another bad wave comes through as he’s just stands there after climbing down that tree.
Wow, and I thought those people were going to be okay in the last clip - I assume SOMEONE survived to post their footage? Why oh why did they not flee BEFORE the waters reached their home? From other Greenland tsunami clips, I felt most for the dogs that were chained outside the houses, frantically barking, and left to certain death as their owns fled up the incline, leaving them chained... Thanks for the compilation, though, it would be helpful to have time / location stamps. For example, wasn't the opening clip from the East coast of Africa somewhere (Durban?)? And, where was the surfing/ bay innundation with all of the folks crowding into that ramshackle wooden-frame building (except for the guy up the tree in the bay - I initially thought it was a large bird, maybe with a nest/ chicks, as to why it didn't just fly off) - I've never seen that clip before - where was it? Again, thanks. R.I.P., all those who died, and condolences to all of the surviors left to go on without their loved ones... One thing both the 2004 Indian Ocean AND the 2011 Japanese tsunami and all of their victims/ losses have done, is raise global awareness in tidal waves / tsunamis. One positive, out of all of that suffering and loss. 😢
The folks gathered in the ramshackle hut for protection are hiding from a tidal bore. An exceptionally high one due to spring tide/full moon so it was larger than it usually was. You would think someone had enough sense to say “maybe we shouldn’t be here “?
I know you made your comment a year ago so I’m replying quite late here… but I felt the same about the dogs. I live in a Tsunami zone and have lots of emergency supplies, but my pets are built into our emergency plans. I have 1 bugout backpack that contains medical supplies, army emergency rations/food supply/MRE’s, Mylar blankets etc. And then another backpack that can contain animals that would fit my 3 ferrets if need be. 1 bag for my partner and then the other for me to carry. Honestly I’d rather die than live with the guilt of leaving my animals behind.
“The sheer power of a monster tsunami is both terrifying and mesmerizing. I can’t imagine what it must have been like to witness such an event in person. This video sounds like a gripping yet chilling reminder of nature’s unstoppable force-I can’t wait to see how it was captured on camera!”
C est un phenomene naturelle chaque annee la ou vous avez vu des surfeurs .C est une benediction, des surfeurs viennent chaque annee a ce rendez vous ,pour cette fameuse vague ..Bravo et ♥ ♥ ♥.
My heart goes out to all who has lost their lives in any natural disaster. And my condolences to all the family members who went threw this and lost a loved 9ne or a friend. Mother nature has a way of showing us who is actually in charge and shows her hierarchy as top bitch. She will rip us apart if she is not treated with the respect she deserves. And she really upset lately as well.. God bless us all. From back then till recent she's seen enough from us fools . Prayers to any one who has suffered by natural disasters. 🙏
Isso não é uma simples reação da natureza, é o soar da trombeta de Deus avisando que seu Filho Jesus está voltando isso são os sinais proféticos de seu retorno, o Senhor quer q nos preparemos para não sermos surpreendidos com algo milhões de vezes pior....😢
Questa non è natura, con le antenne haarp fanno del tempo ciò che vogliono : alluvioni, siccità, tornado, ma soprattutto tsunami e terremoti artificiali che sono sempre sempre a una profondità di 10km
I so agree! Everywhere ya look it's one disaster after another. Mother Nature is tired of being abused. All the poison sprayed into the air, and God knows what else. Man-made is true but it's not from us. We just suffer the consequences
in order to truly understand and address the challenges posed by natural disasters like floods, we need to take a comprehensive, interdisciplinary approach.
the aftermath of a tsunami is a reminder of the need for coordinated international efforts to address the impacts of natural disasters on vulnerable communities.🥶🥶🥶🥶
it looked like some of those surfers never got back to land...I hope they did but it sure looked like some went under and never came up again...Its a very tragic event when a loved one dies .
although tsunamis are a type of natural disaster, there are steps that can be taken to minimize the impact and ensure the safety of those in affected areas.
Got to love the Tsaumi alarm at 16:10 going off after the 4th one hit. Kinda reminds me of my neighbor who had a small fire in his garage, and him being yelled at by the fire chief for not having smoke alarms, which he did but went off only moments after he got lecture. Turned out to be an electrical issue which threw the breaker, and a problem with main panel not kicking in with backup battery. He replaced the entire system, with smoke detectors that had their own batterys.
That was not a tsunami. It was a tidal bore and happens everyday. It's become a spectator sport as you can tell by how many are watching and waiting. The world record for longest surf is a tidal bore in the Amazon River.
The one video is one of my favorites of all time. First you have these young kids/itiots trying to surf the tsunami-like waves, in crocodile infested waters. That is why you see jet skis going back and forth to hopefully scare away the crocs. I watched this video many times and never noticed any of the surfers coming back above the water once they fell into the water. The currents were so massive I do not see anyone being able to swim or get saved in those conditions. Then you have the on lookers not even close to being far enough away from the waters wrath. especially in the building getting flooded. One guy already has water up to his waist and instead of taking safe refuge he has his phone out video taping. What was the final kicker was the guy in the top of this flimsy tree filming everything with massive waves and water underneath him. What a classic! Two videos were from Greenland, There were 2 fisherman and video person just watched in awe and never sought safety until it was too late. The video camera got great film coverage of what it is like being under the water during a tsunami. The 2nd video from Greenland actually wipes out the village, which is not shown here.
It's amazing how fast the conditions can change in only a few seconds. Because of people filming this, we can learn from this and not underestimate how suddenly conditions can change and not underestimate the power of water.
great vid! it’s super interesting to see the power of nature up close. but honestly, some of the images felt a bit too sensationalized for me. i think it’s important to remember the real impact these disasters have on people’s lives instead of just focusing on the shock value. what do you all think?
what a gripping video! the footage is absolutely stunning, but it makes me wonder if these types of storms are becoming more frequent because of climate change. some people think natural disasters have always been this severe, but shouldn’t we consider the impact of human activity?
I can't believe that when people see natural disaster coming they don't leave they just stay there then lot or all can die and they put others at risk for there lives because they got to try to save them
yes yes i agree with you This was a disaster that could destroy everything in the blink of an eye. not a show Stupid like this!?! Only foolish people act like this..!?! I hope this event It will make them smarter..!!!😅😅😅
this video is such a captivating glimpse into the power of nature, but i have to say, the title feels a bit sensationalized. while i totally understand the need to grab attention, using the word "horrific" could minimize the real devastation these events cause to so many lives. just seems like there’s a fine line between informing and sensationalizing, you know?
Жизнь наша что засохшая трава,а с Богом,это вечная жизнь,поэтому надо каяться и и служить Господу нашему Спасителю и быть готовыми,а Всевысший нам дал надежду быть с Ним и обещал то, что глаз не видел и ухо не слышало и на сердце нам не приходило ,жизнь на небесах поэтому отвечайте на зло Добром и молитесь с любовью и благоговением за всех и даже врагов наших .Слава Богу,!
Please tell me the camera man is ok! The guy in the yellow just wanted to save his boat! His whole life was probably that boat. I feel so bad for him and the other guy that showed up later. Breaks my heart , for that guy. Please tell me all 3 are ok?!
wow, this video is really well put together! the footage is both fascinating and terrifying. however, i can't help but wonder if sensationalizing these natural disasters does more harm than good. it kind of feels like we're getting desensitized to the reality of these events. what do you all think?
If you think this is friction then wake up from your sleep and face the realities of what Jesus spoke about his second coming watch and pray. And be spiritually alert
Первые кадры из Сочи. Это не цунами, а шторм, который случается очень часто. Точнее, это город Адлер. Все застроили, поэтому волна просто ударяет в парапет.
despite the destruction wrought by tsunamis and other natural disasters, there is hope in the form of community resilience, innovation, and collective action.
this video is incredibly well put together and really captures the sheer power of nature. however, i can't help but feel like the media often sensationalizes these events. while tsunamis are terrifying, i think it's important to focus on preparedness rather than just shock value. what do you all think?
I think we need to recognize a world wide issue, wherever you reside. Whatever disasters we face, we become desensitized to our typical weather, and fail to take action, as it'll be just like every other time!😮
this video is absolutely captivating and really gives a sense of nature's power. however, i can't help but wonder if it's more responsible to show such terrifying footage without context. sure, it grabs attention, but it might also cause unnecessary fear among viewers who don't understand the science behind tsunamis.
what an intense video! the footage is both fascinating and terrifying. it's amazing how nature can be so powerful, but i can't help but wonder if we should be focusing more on prevention and infrastructure rather than just capturing these disasters on camera. wouldn’t it make more sense to invest in better warning systems instead? what do you all think?
Not flash floods, tsunami. People in the comments keep saying flash floods, saying not a tsunami. YES THESE ARE TSUNAMIS! A flash flood is rain water that rushes down a mountainside during/right after a heavy rain, and inundates the valleys below, with rushing water when the streams and cannot withstand all the water from the rains. A tsunami is the ocean coming in with nearly 500mph force, the same speed as a jet plane, after an earthquake. It doesn't look like you see in the movies. There's no giant sky scraper high wave at the shore, though there could be depending on the severity of the quake, and the amount of ocean water displaced. It rolls in at high speed, the receding water slows it down at the edge of the shore, then the force of the water accumulates and rises, and pushes passed the slower water. It will recede again, then rush right back in with the water rising in mere minutes, and racing at the speed of a 747, approx 500mph. But go ahead, don't call it what it is. Don't learn either. Maybe some time in the future you'll find out. Run for high high high ground if you live along a shore, and there's an earthquake with the epicenter in the ocean. There WILL BE A TSUNAMI.
great job on this video, the visuals are truly captivating. however, i can't help but wonder if sensationalizing these disasters only adds to the fear instead of promoting awareness. what do you all think?
Wow, this video is really well done and captures the raw power of nature. It's fascinating and terrifying at the same time. However, I can’t help but feel that sometimes we glorify these disasters a bit too much. Shouldn’t we focus more on the lives affected rather than just the shock value?
great video, really captures the power of nature. but honestly, i feel like sensationalizing disasters like this can make people more afraid than informed. shouldn’t we focus more on preparedness rather than just the shock factor?
Wow, this video is really captivating and the footage is both stunning and terrifying. It’s amazing how nature can be so beautiful yet so destructive. however, I can't help but wonder if showcasing these disasters like this desensitizes people to the real impacts on communities. what do you guys think?
this video is incredibly intense and well put together! the footage really captures the raw power of nature. but, honestly, i can't help but wonder if we sometimes glorify these disasters too much. it's devastating for the people affected, and focusing on the “monstrous” aspects can feel a bit exploitative. what do you all think?
Most Horrific Monster Tsunami Caught On Camera - Natural Disasters
I'm sorry but Japan has got you beat by a mile on most horrific Tsunamis caught on camera. 3/11
무섭네요 쓰나미 어떻해요ㅠㅠ
There’s always a fool hearted human who thinks they can save their belongings, or worse hangs around as if Mother Nature cares!!! Then there’s the poor souls who do all they can to escape, and end up perishing.
Богатые тоже плачут😊
@@Bafang-lz3xc bu buy
Sometimes people don't have anywhere to go in the last moments it isn't like there was a rescue team going around and they said no. They just have to brace themselves and hold on. I highly doubt these people were fools who felt they could save something, they didn't have a choice this tsunami caught many people off guard
I completely agree with you
thats life honey, we are all gonna go one day, it aint we humans who choose who will stay longer or who will go first
This video is absolutely heart-wrenching. 🌊 The sheer devastation caused by these monstrous tsunamis is beyond comprehension. My deepest sympathies go out to everyone affected by such catastrophic events. It's a stark reminder of the raw power of nature and the importance of preparedness. Stay safe, everyone.
Когда возмущается человек, это можно пережить, а когда возмущается природа - это оборачивается катастрофой, даже мировой.
I don't think I would be standing there watching. Anybody notice the guy in the tree filming? Crazy!
Well what else are you gonna do? I for sure would film while shitting my pants
People just sitting their casually watching! I’d be headed for the top floor!
They’re morons
It's called natural selection.
rebooting 😂
That's what's called natural selection... Too stupid to save themselves.
I couldn't believe some people wanted to save their boat instead of their lives.
Get in the boat! Maybe no time to run anyway!
Muy bonita y sabrosa la música, en que año , mes día, y lugar fue ese susto, ho es para divertirnos?.
They might not of know what was happening. People were busy exploring the exposed sea bottom not knowing why the tide went out as part of the tsunami that killed 200,k in the 2004 tsunami people weren’t educated on tsunamis.
That was in Greenland and that boat may represent the only tool he has to make a living and/or find food to feed his extended family. The arctic communities have a lot of challenges in their economy which is why it Alaska and Greenland have in the past (Alaska) or are currently developing (Gteenland) their tourism industries. Both are incredibly cool and I heard from someone that Greenland was the most awesome place he's ever been.
people are stupid. Even ones wealthy enough to have a boat.
i'm grateful for the first responders who risk their lives to save others during natural disasters like this flash flood.
Traduzir para o português
flash floods are so dangerous, it's important to stay informed and be prepared for any eventuality.
A number of these clips are not technically tsunamis. High surf from storms and tidal bores, but not tsunamis.
Regardless, they are big ass waves you don't want to get caught up in...
Nope. They are tsunami.
A storm surge like that is a tsunami regardless as to its cause
Tom is right here folks. If you see seven surfers riding a wave like that and crowds of on-lookers awaiting what’s coming, it is a REGULAR occurrence and, in that case in particular, it is a tidal bore. Surfers ride tidal bores all the time because they are a seasonal event.
The last wave at the end of the video was shocking!! Even though the text at the beginning of that excerpt warned that the last wave in the sequence was the largest, it still came as a total shock. I thought the water was subsiding and then out of nowhere, WHAM!! That happened so quickly.
What the video didn't explain, or author didn't know, was that what was being recorded, was an area not hit to hard by the Tsaumi. The roughness and debris in water show this. The part that we don't see, that obliterated that home, wasn't the tsaumi, but the return water with all the debris in it, that slammed into the home. All the water that hit elsewhere, receided taking the easiest route. While the person recording the ocean, they aren't paying attention to the other sides where the water returned. A deadly mistake. As they say in Naruto. "YOU got distracted "
i never realized how quickly natural disasters like flash floods could happen until i saw this video.
Yes - I was just thinking there needs to an international alert for earthquakes; that's what creates tsunamis . . .
Volcano earthquakes tunamis go hand in hand
Flash floods happen on land by rains. These are Tsunamis.
Yes me too.. Never knew bout tsunami going inland 4 or5 miles crazy fascinating,but sorrow for these people
it's so important to have an emergency plan in place for natural disasters like flash floods. you never know when they might strike.
Ну что,миллионерские яхточки,поминай как звали??!!!
Complacency kills
I think that's why they're called 'flash floods'...🤔
the aftermath of a tsunami is a reminder of the need for coordinated international efforts to address the impacts of natural disasters on vulnerable communities.
tsunamis serve as a sobering reminder of the power and unpredictability of natural disasters, highlighting the need for constant vigilance and readiness.
The last one is pretty scary!
Living close to a river or ocean can be so nice but also so dangerous...
Yeah that Icelandic one is a fear of mine. I love the ocean and used to be a very good swimmer but I’ve had horrendous nightmares about tsunami’s so I will only go near the ocean if their is a bay or inlet in front. My nightmares are of me walking casually along the coast and a wave towers over me then I wake up…..2nd one ( don’t laugh it’s a dream) 😅 I’m surfing on a huge wave going over the top of buildings. I have these two dreams constantly. Scary 😧
@@janegilmore102 Similar things happen to me since I was a child. I often dream that I am deep in the ocean or pool. Sometimes it's dark and dirty and I don't know how to escape. Not long time ago I dreamed about a tsunami, too and rescued my brother who gave up hope...
@@janegilmore102 i think its greenland. it happened a year or two back. its the same one as the guys trying to secure the boats at the start. absolutely terrifying how fast it can happen.
the tragedy of a tsunami reminds us that the forces of nature are powerful and unpredictable, and that we must remain vigilant and prepared at all times.
Non c'entra la natura qui sono i criminali che usano antenne haarp dove fanno del tempo ciò che vogliono con onde elf. Tsunami e terremoti artificiali
Vigilance Oui ‼️👍 Mais préparé pas évident 🤔🤔
this video is a stark reminder of the importance of being prepared for natural disasters like flash floods.
Kardeşim seninde benim gibi kanalın çalınmış geçmiş olsun
What are people thinking hanging around ground level, the shorelines and in trees to watch a tsunami?! Moving water is extremely powerful! 🤦
Some people just don’t have any common sense. I was thinking the same thing.
That was actually a flash flood. But you are correct.
Bros sacrificing himself for our entertainment
Chill cameraman never die
Domnul Dumnezeu sa ne fie alaturi , lor si noua tuturor.Amin.
the footage of this flash flood is a sobering reminder of the destructive power of natural disasters.
Hats off to the dude in the tree filming.
😐 (come back to this video and tell me if you notice something a little strange about all the comments here.)
More like idiot! Did you see how thin that tree trunk was? It won’t save him if another bad wave comes through as he’s just stands there after climbing down that tree.
I have no respect for people who see a disaster coming and staying to take pictures. My life means more to me than pictures.
Like seriously if you see a huge way of water coming your way why would you just stand there looking smh
I don't think they need or value your respect 😅
But cameraman never dies🙂
Nobody cares what you think, people film natural disasters,they always have ,they always will , without it we would never have footage
Wow, and I thought those people were going to be okay in the last clip - I assume SOMEONE survived to post their footage? Why oh why did they not flee BEFORE the waters reached their home? From other Greenland tsunami clips, I felt most for the dogs that were chained outside the houses, frantically barking, and left to certain death as their owns fled up the incline, leaving them chained...
Thanks for the compilation, though, it would be helpful to have time / location stamps.
For example, wasn't the opening clip from the East coast of Africa somewhere (Durban?)? And, where was the surfing/ bay innundation with all of the folks crowding into that ramshackle wooden-frame building (except for the guy up the tree in the bay - I initially thought it was a large bird, maybe with a nest/ chicks, as to why it didn't just fly off) - I've never seen that clip before - where was it?
Again, thanks. R.I.P., all those who died, and condolences to all of the surviors left to go on without their loved ones...
One thing both the 2004 Indian Ocean AND the 2011 Japanese tsunami and all of their victims/ losses have done, is raise global awareness in tidal waves / tsunamis. One positive, out of all of that suffering and loss. 😢
The folks gathered in the ramshackle hut for protection are hiding from a tidal bore. An exceptionally high one due to spring tide/full moon so it was larger than it usually was. You would think someone had enough sense to say “maybe we shouldn’t be here “?
I know you made your comment a year ago so I’m replying quite late here… but I felt the same about the dogs. I live in a Tsunami zone and have lots of emergency supplies, but my pets are built into our emergency plans. I have 1 bugout backpack that contains medical supplies, army emergency rations/food supply/MRE’s, Mylar blankets etc. And then another backpack that can contain animals that would fit my 3 ferrets if need be. 1 bag for my partner and then the other for me to carry.
Honestly I’d rather die than live with the guilt of leaving my animals behind.
@@gwenclarke506 I hear you, Gwen. My animals are my priority, too. Best wishes to you & your family. Cheers!
Nobody seems to get the picture... the picture is getting RF big
Lembrem de protegerem os animais em todas as situações. Gratidão.🌷
As pessoas não estão dando conta de proteger a se próprio,, vai dar conta de proteger animais...
Cada comentário,,, eu emmm....affsss
Merci pour eux ❤❤❤.vous et nous pour eux .
Os animais que se virem, vamos proteger as pessoas que tem uma alma eterna!
“The sheer power of a monster tsunami is both terrifying and mesmerizing. I can’t imagine what it must have been like to witness such an event in person. This video sounds like a gripping yet chilling reminder of nature’s unstoppable force-I can’t wait to see how it was captured on camera!”
the community's resilience in the face of this flash flood is truly inspiring. i hope they're able to recover quickly.
C est un phenomene naturelle chaque annee la ou vous avez vu des surfeurs .C est une benediction, des surfeurs viennent chaque annee a ce rendez vous ,pour cette fameuse vague ..Bravo et ♥ ♥ ♥.
C est une seule fois ,un seul jour .
This is the Iceland tsunami
It had to take months to recover
You were not kidding about the last one being the worst! Wow.
My heart goes out to all who has lost their lives in any natural disaster. And my condolences to all the family members who went threw this and lost a loved 9ne or a friend. Mother nature has a way of showing us who is actually in charge and shows her hierarchy as top bitch. She will rip us apart if she is not treated with the respect she deserves. And she really upset lately as well.. God bless us all. From back then till recent she's seen enough from us fools . Prayers to any one who has suffered by natural disasters. 🙏
Isso não é uma simples reação da natureza, é o soar da trombeta de Deus avisando que seu Filho Jesus está voltando isso são os sinais proféticos de seu retorno, o Senhor quer q nos preparemos para não sermos surpreendidos com algo milhões de vezes pior....😢
Questa non è natura, con le antenne haarp fanno del tempo ciò che vogliono : alluvioni, siccità, tornado, ma soprattutto tsunami e terremoti artificiali che sono sempre sempre a una profondità di 10km
I so agree! Everywhere ya look it's one disaster after another. Mother Nature is tired of being abused. All the poison sprayed into the air, and God knows what else. Man-made is true but it's not from us. We just suffer the consequences
in order to truly understand and address the challenges posed by natural disasters like floods, we need to take a comprehensive, interdisciplinary approach.
the footage of the flash flood is a reminder that we need to be mindful of how we impact our environment.
Too late
Даже сидя за компьютером смотреть страшно, а люди прямо смотрят в "глаза" и испытывают судьбу, видимо стихия завораживает ...
The surfers were not on a tsunami. That is a tidal bore and happens every day. The world record longest wave to be surfed was in the Amazon River.
Thank you
tsunamis are a reminder of the importance of sustainable development practices that take into account the risks posed by natural disasters.
Природа -- серьезная дама! Она не терпит, когда с ней заигрывают!
the aftermath of a tsunami is a reminder of the need for coordinated international efforts to address the impacts of natural disasters on vulnerable communities.🥶🥶🥶🥶
it looked like some of those surfers never got back to land...I hope they did but it sure looked like some went under and never came up again...Its a very tragic event when a loved one dies .
I couldn’t understand those people, It’s looks alike a suicide action.
I think them surfers knew that tsunami was coming and tried to be heroes riding that wave and yes several did go under and drown
@Danny Lopez lol I hear you Dan
Great content! I'm really enjoying all the insights you share. Keep it up!
although tsunamis are a type of natural disaster, there are steps that can be taken to minimize the impact and ensure the safety of those in affected areas.
Got to love the Tsaumi alarm at 16:10 going off after the 4th one hit. Kinda reminds me of my neighbor who had a small fire in his garage, and him being yelled at by the fire chief for not having smoke alarms, which he did but went off only moments after he got lecture. Turned out to be an electrical issue which threw the breaker, and a problem with main panel not kicking in with backup battery. He replaced the entire system, with smoke detectors that had their own batterys.
The currents in a tsunami are insane. I wouldn’t be surprised if those surfers didn’t make it out. Why. Why do people stand and gawk.
I know. They risk their lives so the rest of us can see videos like this and go “how could they just stand there “
That was not a tsunami. It was a tidal bore and happens everyday. It's become a spectator sport as you can tell by how many are watching and waiting. The world record for longest surf is a tidal bore in the Amazon River.
Если от тебя убежало море- беги в противоположную сторону, у тебя есть всего 10 минут что бы спастись.
скорее лезь как можно выше на самое высокое здание
The surfing scene blew my mind. The last dude to fall definitely didnt make it
I absolutely loved this video! Can't wait to see what you create next!
That isn’t a tsunami; it is a coastal storm.
It is a tsunami.
The one video is one of my favorites of all time. First you have these young kids/itiots trying to surf the tsunami-like waves, in crocodile infested waters. That is why you see jet skis going back and forth to hopefully scare away the crocs. I watched this video many times and never noticed any of the surfers coming back above the water once they fell into the water. The currents were so massive I do not see anyone being able to swim or get saved in those conditions. Then you have the on lookers not even close to being far enough away from the waters wrath. especially in the building getting flooded. One guy already has water up to his waist and instead of taking safe refuge he has his phone out video taping. What was the final kicker was the guy in the top of this flimsy tree filming everything with massive waves and water underneath him. What a classic! Two videos were from Greenland, There were 2 fisherman and video person just watched in awe and never sought safety until it was too late. The video camera got great film coverage of what it is like being under the water during a tsunami. The 2nd video from Greenland actually wipes out the village, which is not shown here.
Captivating with fun music. However, that would be considered simply high surf and also what's called "Tidal bore." That is Not tsunami! 😅😂
the camera man never dies lol
The most powerful force on Earth.
Life is precious.
Rest in peace to those who died
Misericórdia Senhor desse povo amém 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙌🙌
Tsunami was like camera man, i see you.
Never mess with mother Nature
It's amazing how fast the conditions can change in only a few seconds.
Because of people filming this, we can learn from this and not underestimate how suddenly conditions can change and not underestimate the power of water.
great vid! it’s super interesting to see the power of nature up close. but honestly, some of the images felt a bit too sensationalized for me. i think it’s important to remember the real impact these disasters have on people’s lives instead of just focusing on the shock value. what do you all think?
It would be nice to have the name of the countries
what a gripping video! the footage is absolutely stunning, but it makes me wonder if these types of storms are becoming more frequent because of climate change. some people think natural disasters have always been this severe, but shouldn’t we consider the impact of human activity?
I can't believe that when people see natural disaster coming they don't leave they just stay there then lot or all can die and they put others at risk for there lives because they got to try to save them
yes yes i agree with you This was a disaster that could destroy everything in the blink of an eye. not a show Stupid like this!?! Only foolish people act like this..!?! I hope this event It will make them smarter..!!!😅😅😅
this video is such a captivating glimpse into the power of nature, but i have to say, the title feels a bit sensationalized. while i totally understand the need to grab attention, using the word "horrific" could minimize the real devastation these events cause to so many lives. just seems like there’s a fine line between informing and sensationalizing, you know?
Жизнь наша что засохшая трава,а с Богом,это вечная жизнь,поэтому надо каяться и и служить Господу нашему Спасителю и быть готовыми,а Всевысший нам дал надежду быть с Ним и обещал то, что глаз не видел и ухо не слышало и на сердце нам не приходило ,жизнь на небесах поэтому отвечайте на зло Добром и молитесь с любовью и благоговением за всех и даже врагов наших .Слава Богу,!
1000,🙏 India
2:50 when you see that the water is receding... Run.
Please tell me the camera man is ok! The guy in the yellow just wanted to save his boat! His whole life was probably that boat. I feel so bad for him and the other guy that showed up later. Breaks my heart , for that guy. Please tell me all 3 are ok?!
I highly doubt it. Tsunami can reach up to 500 mph. People don't realize how fast that water can get.
wow, this video is really well put together! the footage is both fascinating and terrifying. however, i can't help but wonder if sensationalizing these natural disasters does more harm than good. it kind of feels like we're getting desensitized to the reality of these events. what do you all think?
If you think this is friction then wake up from your sleep and face the realities of what Jesus spoke about his second coming watch and pray. And be spiritually alert
Первые кадры из Сочи. Это не цунами, а шторм, который случается очень часто. Точнее, это город Адлер. Все застроили, поэтому волна просто ударяет в парапет.
Over 230,000 tsunami victims, where are they?
From which tsunami?
despite the destruction wrought by tsunamis and other natural disasters, there is hope in the form of community resilience, innovation, and collective action.
The camera man lost his life at the end of the video..
this video is incredibly well put together and really captures the sheer power of nature. however, i can't help but feel like the media often sensationalizes these events. while tsunamis are terrifying, i think it's important to focus on preparedness rather than just shock value. what do you all think?
Only the 2nd and last clips were tsunamis , the others were tidal waves. 😊
Really good musical background! Heart pounding suspense!
I think we need to recognize a world wide issue, wherever you reside. Whatever disasters we face, we become desensitized to our typical weather, and fail to take action, as it'll be just like every other time!😮
this video is absolutely captivating and really gives a sense of nature's power. however, i can't help but wonder if it's more responsible to show such terrifying footage without context. sure, it grabs attention, but it might also cause unnecessary fear among viewers who don't understand the science behind tsunamis.
How come people are so stupid when waves that high are coming toward them??!! 🤔
That's because.. They wanted to show others their courage. Not afraid of anything.. But finally! The secret's just as it should be..!?!
What's amazing is the people see the ocean rising and their stuck and won't react.
Мы же хотим, чтобы после нас ,был потоп.
Не думая о сегодняшним дне!!!
what an intense video! the footage is both fascinating and terrifying. it's amazing how nature can be so powerful, but i can't help but wonder if we should be focusing more on prevention and infrastructure rather than just capturing these disasters on camera. wouldn’t it make more sense to invest in better warning systems instead? what do you all think?
this video shows just how unpredictable flash floods can be. we need to take them seriously.
Not flash floods, tsunami.
People in the comments keep saying flash floods, saying not a tsunami.
A flash flood is rain water that rushes down a mountainside during/right after a heavy rain, and inundates the valleys below, with rushing water when the streams and cannot withstand all the water from the rains.
A tsunami is the ocean coming in with nearly 500mph force, the same speed as a jet plane, after an earthquake.
It doesn't look like you see in the movies. There's no giant sky scraper high wave at the shore, though there could be depending on the severity of the quake, and the amount of ocean water displaced.
It rolls in at high speed, the receding water slows it down at the edge of the shore, then the force of the water accumulates and rises, and pushes passed the slower water. It will recede again, then rush right back in with the water rising in mere minutes, and racing at the speed of a 747, approx 500mph.
But go ahead, don't call it what it is. Don't learn either. Maybe some time in the future you'll find out.
Run for high high high ground if you live along a shore, and there's an earthquake with the epicenter in the ocean. There WILL BE A TSUNAMI.
great job on this video, the visuals are truly captivating. however, i can't help but wonder if sensationalizing these disasters only adds to the fear instead of promoting awareness. what do you all think?
какая мощь природы! жуткое зрелище😢
Wow, this video is really well done and captures the raw power of nature. It's fascinating and terrifying at the same time. However, I can’t help but feel that sometimes we glorify these disasters a bit too much. Shouldn’t we focus more on the lives affected rather than just the shock value?
Buenas tardes
Toda la información está bien pero no mencionan los nombres de los lugares donde ocurren estos sucesos
great video, really captures the power of nature. but honestly, i feel like sensationalizing disasters like this can make people more afraid than informed. shouldn’t we focus more on preparedness rather than just the shock factor?
Почему не пишите какая страна?Я поняла,что это Бразилия. Идёт цунами люди сидят на берегу.Я в шоке.
Wow, this video is really captivating and the footage is both stunning and terrifying. It’s amazing how nature can be so beautiful yet so destructive. however, I can't help but wonder if showcasing these disasters like this desensitizes people to the real impacts on communities. what do you guys think?
this video is incredibly intense and well put together! the footage really captures the raw power of nature. but, honestly, i can't help but wonder if we sometimes glorify these disasters too much. it's devastating for the people affected, and focusing on the “monstrous” aspects can feel a bit exploitative. what do you all think?
Agora vi, terrível e as pessoas ficam por perto.
Was that a beached shark at 8:09 in the vid, or just my brain trying to explain a log? Context would help of course, I have no idea where this is.
Good footage Cheers
Страшное зрелище!
Hold the camera steady next time please.