He still considers him ,at least verbatim, the "Pope". He has called him a "non-Catholic Pope" which is literally impossible since a man who's the Pope who ceases to be Catholic would consequently lose the Papacy. Either Francis is the Pope, or he is not. His heresies and blasphemies constantly show that he is not the Pope.
What's wrong with being a sedevacantist? Do you really think Francis is a Pope when he pushing for a demolition of the Church with his humanist and communist heretical mandates.
Position of SSPX and similar groups and R&R and Vigano is a non-Catholic nonsense. They lead people to Scandal, to false religion, to a sect, to false positions and to Hell. They basically claim, that you can embrace what ever heresy, preach false Gospel, practice Judaism or Paganism or Islam or New Age, and you are still to be within the Church and even lead a Church. What nonsense and abomination! There is one Church of THE FAITHFUL, that is a DOGMA, and FRANCIS IS NOT PART OF FAITHFUL. He is apostate heretical antipope. Wake up! Pope Innocent III, Fourth Lateran Council, Constitution 1, 1215, ex cathedra: “THERE IS INDEED ONE UNIVERSAL CHURCH OF THE FAITHFUL, outside of which nobody at all is saved, in which Jesus Christ is both priest and sacrifice.” Pope Clement V, The Council of Vienne, 1311-1312: “But since one is the universal Church, of regulars and seculars, of prelates and subjects, of exempt and non-exempt, outside of which absolutely (omnino) no one (nullus) is saved (salvatur), one is the Lord, one is the Faith and one is the baptism of all.”
Even if Bishop Vigano has Not been Conditionally Consecrated, it seems very clear from Fr Chazals statements that Archbishop Carlo Vigano is either in or is actively cooperating with the Resistance. That said, it would be good for Archbishop Vigano himself to make a public announcement and confirm that.
Hey, I am a lay 'STRONG RESISTANCE'. Vig is running a seminary now. Good to hear that he may be ordaining priests & consecrating Bishops in the future. Another Lefebvre in the making!
Will Strickland get conditionally ordained/ consecrated or he will stay in novus ordo lala land? Hope he gets an intervention from Vigano , can step up to the plate and truly embrace tradition rejecting the v2 church
@@SonsoftheEagle You claim Strickland “might be a mason” - so… on what basis? “Bp Strickland is a conservative modernist”? Absolutely fair assessment of theological position. “Strickland might be a freemason (maybe not)”??? Without evidence this is conjecture at best (less malicious), or else wanton slander, character assassination via the most base, low-stake means of influencing the most innocent, trusting and gullible of us, those watching and reading this content in earnest with lower intelligence and higher trust…you know, the meek who will inherit the earth. Those people are the ones set to believe your unsubstantiated slander without question or deeper analysis, on childlike trust alone. Ostensibly Christian (CATHOLIC even!) commenters need to hold them/your/ourselves to higher standards in the service of the capital-T Truth. If you have serious evidence to offer, I am glad to retract any statement made against you here and apologize in advance for (very possibly) having made a premature judgement if that is shown to be the case. Anyways. God bless ~
Do you support Francis when he prays with other religions at their place of worship? This is condemned by the Catholic Church and against the faith of Jesus. Or are you good with it?
I am surprised this hasn’t been made more public. Bishop Vigano has or is starting a seminary, so it seems IMPOSSIBLE to believe the resistance would work with him if he wasn’t conditionally consecrated. But, Fr Chazel’s words make clear all doubt that he certainly has been conditionally consecrated
Are you being sarcastic? "Go viral???" Arch Vigano means nothing anymore other than a reminder of how nuts jealousy and avarice will make you. He has probably gone literally insane. I mean that literally. History will view him as he is. No hero.
Haters will attack Vigano because they: 1.) love the heresies of Jimmy and Co. or... 2.) Believes aa long as one submits to Francis then heresy is okay or not as bad as so-called schism (even though the Church, at least since St. Augustine of Hippo, has taught heresy (like being pro-L G 🐝, being pro-women priests, etc) is worse than schism (which the German bishops actually are in) but yet Francis has had 10 yrs to remove them but doesn't; yet removes Strickland. 3.) Haters will attack Vigano because they are inwardy schismatic protestants and thus like Francis promoting protestantism (he rolled out the Luther statue and says he was correct on justification by faith alone, which the Councils of Vatican I and Trent say is false). And Francis has nominated people to the Synod who promote protestant L G 🐝, etc.
One question? Why is there no way to like this video??? There is only a dislike button!!! But just so you know, I REALY like this video!!! Thank you!!!
On Jan 13, yesterday morning during the KOOL chapter meeting for January, one of the Brothers said he saw on Twitter that Bp Williamson had traveled to Italy to conditionally consecrate Abp Vigano.
@@StAnthonyPaduaRadTrad / Have you seen the Life Site News story from last week? If it's true, then battle lines are being drawn, but Vigano is not hanging out there alone anymore. He has the Resistance behind him. You ready for war, Rad Trad?
To me, something does not seem right about a secret consecration. Everything should be in the open. Catholics should never be put in the position of guessing whether their priest has valid orders.
But secret consecrations have been necessary at times, witness the secretly consecrated bishops in Eastern block countries during the cold war. It won't be secret forever, eventually it will be made public.
We've had that for some time now. Successive surveys since 2019 have shown around 67% of NOM mass adherents are pro-g A e maRRiage and 51% are pro-choice. With so many priests and bishops adhering to the same, they are heretics, the Church has always taught that heretics are outside the Church, thus they are not valid or licit.
Against sedevacantism, we must remember that a Catholic must not only always be subject to the pope, but must also always be subject to the bishops canonically sent, even in the event of a vacancy. Indeed, legitimate bishops (appointed by a pope or approved by him) constitute the Church's hierarchy. To cut oneself off from them, as sedevacantists do, has already been condemned by Leo XII and Leo XIII. These popes were targeting a group whose members denied the legitimacy of Pope Pius VII: like the sedevacantists. Leo XII, Pastoris Aeterni: "Your Little Church cannot therefore in any way belong to the Catholic Church. By the very admission of your masters, or rather those who deceive you, there are no French bishops left who support and defend the party you follow. Moreover, all the bishops of the Catholic Universe, to whom they themselves have appealed, and to whom they have addressed their printed schismatic claims, are recognized as approving the conventions of Pius VII and the acts which followed, and the whole Catholic Church is henceforth entirely favorable to them." Leo XIII, Eximia nos laetitia: "Absolutely no bishop considers and governs them as his sheep. They must conclude from this, with certainty and evidence, that they are defectors from the fold of Christ." Other quotes teach that submission to jurisdictional bishops is absolutely necessary to be Catholic: Catechism of St. Pius X: "Schismatics are those Christians who, explicitly denying no dogma, voluntarily separate themselves from the Church of Jesus Christ or from the legitimate pastors." Benedict XIV, Ex Quo: "Indeed, Augustine, aware that the Lord established the foundation of the Church on the apostolic sees, says that whoever withdraws from the authority and communion of the prelates of these sees is in schism. He clearly affirms that there is no Church outside that which is firmly established on the pontifical foundations of the apostolic sees." All these quotations show that to be Catholic one must be subject to legitimate Pastors, one must be subject to bishops who govern Apostolic Sees, and one must be recognized by bishops. On the contrary, sedevacantists separated themselves from all bishops governing Apostolic Sees in the 60s: for they rejected popes and their acts, and even a council, which were recognized by all legitimate bishops. What's more, no bishop recognized them or their position. Just as the Little Church had no bishop recognizing them, so the sedevacantists had no bishop (we all agree they were legitimate because consecrated by Pius XII) recognizing them, all having recognized the Council, in 1964 and 1965. The universal Church has unanimously recognized Paul VI as the true Pope. He is therefore the true pope. If he wasn't, then the whole Church would have been mistaken, which is impossible. Finally, if Paul VI was a false pope, and yet the Church was mistaken in recognizing him, what's to say that a previous pope wasn't also secretly a false pope, and that the Church was mistaken in recognizing him? We could go even further: what's to say that of all the popes the Church has recognized and continues to recognize, there haven't been some, even some very important ones, whose election was invalid because of defects that remained hidden? How do you know that the dogmas taught by these popes are not in fact infallible, because of their hidden illegitimacy? This is what sedevacantism is all about: denying the absolute certainty of dogmas, because it implies denying the absolute certainty and incontestability of any of the popes.
@@FideFidelisFirstly, Paul VI wasn't acting secretly. People raised questions from his public acts. Occult or hidden heretics retain their jurisdiction, so there's no point asking "what if this?" or "what if that?". That's called negative doubt, and is dismissed by the Church. The Church only deals with what is public and knowable to all. Also if you accept Vatican II as a legitimate Council, it teaches in Unitatis Redintegratio (3) that communities and groups not in communion with the Church are "means of salvation". So in accepting the Council, you must believe that sedevacantists and other groups who reject the Council are "means of salvation". This is what you assent to, but you aren't applying it in practice, so enough of the tough talk. Your own Council is against you.
Consecrated or not to the Resistance, I would say that old adage; "if it walks like a duck looks like a duck and quakes like a duck", sure applies her. The proof is in the putting when Archbishop Vigano established Exsurge Domine!
Thank you. Such good points! It is quite ironic that the most confusing "Pontiff" in regards to his messaging is having the opposite effect. His messages are producing much dialogue albeit by stirring his audience with novelties they desire to study for themselves. AB Vigano is one such Prelate. 🙏✝️🙏
He was ordained in late March in '68, literally weeks, not even a month away from the new "Rite" of ordination being enforced. He's a valid priest at the very least. Barely though, by God's grace. At the very least, we can go to his Masses. But his consecration is giving off an aura similar to that of Bp. Kelly after Bp. Mendez's death. I won't really trust any hearsay from the Resistance until I see any evidence of the conditional consecration taking place.
Ab Vigano does not need a conditional consecration in my opinion, unless they’re is/was a doubt in his original consecration. He is a shepherd and possesses the fullness of the priesthood of Christ. God bless and protect him and all the SSPX priests and bishops who fight to uphold True Teachings of Christ and and Sacred Traditions of His Church+ VIVAT CHRISTUS REX+
The rite of episcopal consecration changed by Paul VI are at best doubtful. Since Bishop Vigano was “consecrated” in the false rites of Paul VI, he does need to be consecrated by a valid Traditional Bishop. Look into the issues with the false episcopal Novus Ordo rite of Paul VI
Yes,@@Greg-wn2pp Strickland, like Vigano was recently, would need to be conditionally ordained and consecrated. He could then join the Bp Williamson, Father Chazal and the Resistance.
Maybe “the necessary” may grow into him outright saying, “I’ve been conditionally consecrated, so now there is no doubt about me being a bishop.” Or is that asking too much?
I think it needs to be said just like that, but in all reality Fr Chazel confirms this fact by what he said. If he hasn’t been, then what Fr Chazel says here is deceptive
I think they are saying he was conditionally reconsecrated, in case his official new rite consecration was not valid. Was he not a representative in the Vatican diplomatic corps? They are Monsignori at the lower ranks, and the nuncios are usually archbishops.
Bishop Williamson along with Archbishop Vigano, need to at the very least... To do a video interview released to the public, to confirm the conditional consecration of Archbishop Vigano was done ! Assumptions don't cut it in this day and age, with the great level of deceit and confusion The old story of don't hide your light under a bushel. Bishop Williamson's past consecrations of Traditional Bishops in recent years, has been concerning.... because they were unknown by the faithful for so long A consecration of any Bishop including new members is supposed to be a celebration. Obviously because of the a t t a c k on tradition today prudence and caution-unary measures need to me made. But keeping their existence secret for long periods of time doesn't build confidence and trust, it rather leads to mistrust and people drawing the wrong conclusions. 🙂🙏
The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church has always taught that ONLY Catholics can enter Heaven and that baptism (the holy sacrament in water) is absolutely necessary for salvation.
Anyway, if Viganò recognizes Bergoglio as a legitimate authority - as he does - he is schismatic. The same must be said about this fr. Chazal and his acolytes.
And we laymen,@@ivornovello985, like the Cristeros, will be forced to use State Militia to determine "legitimate authority". As Abp Sheen stated (1972), the laymen will save the Church.
All his works will be useless if he doesn’t pray. If we don’t pray 15 decades of the rosary every day while meditating on the mysteries. God bless us Catholics
How can Vigano declare Bergoglio not to be the pope without being a sedevacantist? If B is not the pope who is? Do we have a secret Pope in the woods somewhere? If B is not the pope then the chair must be empty.
I'm a a lay person in my 70s I have studied Vatican 11. It is not heretical!! Read it. When you start worshipping tradition you've stopped worshipping God. Read your Old Testament. The Scribes and Pharisees did just that( worshipping Tradition) and we all know where that lead.
Recently in a Church near me the Priest told the congregation that they are not to kneel when receiving Communion The Priest said if you do kneel he will not hear your confession This was not in Vatican II but yet has been implemented by American Bishops. V II intent was to make the Catholic Church Protestant to help bring about a one world religion in which Jesus is just a good fellow who will stand in a corner with Buddha and the rest of the deities While I cannot completely agree with Sedevacantists I do however recognize and agree that there is a diabolical plot against the Catholic Church which is headed by Satan himself. Men are just the tools and pawns he uses for his evil plan. Is it possible that all Popes from 1958 and on are illegitimate ? Maybe But more proof would have to be shown as to their invalid elections Vigano uses Bergoglio’s intent before election as to why that and that alone disqualifies him because he never had the intent to be a true Pope and protect and defend its divine content. Its a very complicated mess that we are now seeing The sewage has run unchecked for decades in the Vatican and now seeps out through the windows and doors I believe that Archbishop Lefebvre was 100% right in what he did I also believe he is a Saint for it We now live in the Ape Of The Church If Vigano was ordained as a Bishop by Williamson I completely understand. Intent matters And the intent of V II was evil
@@angelamalek Parts of the Latin Mass go back to the Apostles When Paul VI was asked why should we use the N.O. Mass he said “ Because it would make me happy “ Our Saints & Martyrs used the Latin Mass and does for it The N.O. Mass was written by 6 Protestants headed by a Mason ( Bugnini ) with the sole purpose of turning the Mass in to a Protestant Service They have succeeded
McCarrikk was part of a Satanic Mass back in the 1950’s which was held in North Carolina and in the Vatican This is fact and you can easily look it up I say this to use him as an example of what can happen Now given the fact that he was and still is a Satanist can any religious function of his be valid ? The answer is No That means and baptisms confessions weddings confirmations and so on are invalid But also any Priests that were consecrated by him are also invalid Now multiply this because McCarrikk wasn’t the only evil Cardinal Bishop Priest or Pope You now have a major problem in the Church Couple this with a Mass ( N.O. ) that was written by 6 Protestants headed by a Mason ( Bugnini ) with the sole intent of changing the Mass to a Protestant service and you really have a problem. Is the N.O. Mass valid ? What was the intent ? Intent Matters And their intent was EVIL.
Agreed: Bergoglio honored Luther in true protestant fashion. He also venerated the pachamama demon so there's no telling where this servant of satan will attempt to steer the church....
@@jasonperez4975 The only problem with your comment is that Pope Francis is the duly elected Pontiff. Which means there is a specific charism that prevents him from steering the Church into error. My comment was in reference to Archbishop Vigano. And I’ve heard, just today in fact, that Archbishop Vigano has been ordained into the rebellious Sedevactism movement. If this is true; then he has removed himself from Holy Mother Church. Not a good position for him to take.
Kinda doubt Vigano was conditionally consecrated. Any evidence? SSPX said new ordination rite better demonstrated the sacrificial and priestly role better than old rite. Vigano was done licitly. Williamson valid but not licit. Ripperger s thesis on the binding force of tradition valid. Strickland said old mass 9 times before removal and publicly refused to enforce TC. Henry Sires confirms Bergolio temper.
What do you think Fr Chazal meant that “the necessary has been done”? The SSPX resistance as a practice continually ordains priests of the Novus Ordo due to the doubtful nature of the new rites
There is not conditional consecration. It is all or nothing. This is either poor grammar or poor theology. Either way, all clergy are consecrated to stand up for and honor the Truth.
There is what is known as receiving sacraments under condition. If there is doubt that a sacrament was properly received, then it is repeated “conditionally”. According to some Bishop Vigano received conditional Consecration due to the invalid new rites (or a best highly doubtful) of consecration he received earlier
@@Lcoch2482 "brood of vipers" ... that's where I went first* in the above similar comment ...but I think that's actually St John the Baptist's line isn't it? I mean when the Pharisees were going out to get baptized with the people, but St John called them on their virtue-signalling hypocrisy...I think. I don't have my Douay Rheims near me rt now... *so I changed it B4 posting.
Soooo.... if the Archbishop doesn't regard francis as valid then how is he not a sedevacantist?
He still considers him ,at least verbatim, the "Pope". He has called him a "non-Catholic Pope" which is literally impossible since a man who's the Pope who ceases to be Catholic would consequently lose the Papacy. Either Francis is the Pope, or he is not. His heresies and blasphemies constantly show that he is not the Pope.
What's wrong with being a sedevacantist? Do you really think Francis is a Pope when he pushing for a demolition of the Church with his humanist and communist heretical mandates.
God bless Archbishop Vigano and the Resistance.
@@tomthx5804 i don’t know if anyone can like them more than Francis
@@StAnthonyPaduaRadTrad/ Why would Bergoglio like the Resistance?
I was referring to the Protestants
I keep studying his hand gestures; they are so expressive. I would like to learn them by heart.
Deo gratias for Bishop Vigano! We are blessed to have him for the Resistance.
Position of SSPX and similar groups and R&R and Vigano is a non-Catholic nonsense. They lead people to Scandal, to false religion, to a sect, to false positions and to Hell. They basically claim, that you can embrace what ever heresy, preach false Gospel, practice Judaism or Paganism or Islam or New Age, and you are still to be within the Church and even lead a Church. What nonsense and abomination! There is one Church of THE FAITHFUL, that is a DOGMA, and FRANCIS IS NOT PART OF FAITHFUL.
He is apostate heretical antipope. Wake up!
Pope Innocent III, Fourth Lateran Council, Constitution 1, 1215, ex cathedra: “THERE IS INDEED ONE UNIVERSAL CHURCH OF THE FAITHFUL, outside of which nobody at all is saved, in which Jesus Christ is both priest and sacrifice.”
Pope Clement V, The Council of Vienne, 1311-1312: “But since one is the universal Church, of regulars and seculars, of prelates and subjects, of exempt and non-exempt, outside of which absolutely (omnino) no one (nullus) is saved (salvatur), one is the Lord, one is the Faith and one is the baptism of all.”
Is it official that Vigano is with Bp Williamson? If true, then that would mean Vigano was conditionally ordained and consecrated.
Archbishop vigano is fighting for the truth
Even if Bishop Vigano has Not been Conditionally Consecrated, it seems very clear from Fr Chazals statements that Archbishop Carlo Vigano is either in or is actively cooperating with the Resistance.
That said, it would be good for Archbishop Vigano himself to make a public announcement and confirm that.
Hey, I am a lay 'STRONG RESISTANCE'. Vig is running a seminary now. Good to hear that he may be ordaining priests & consecrating Bishops in the future. Another Lefebvre in the making!
💖 Bon ! Resist Pope Francis, he is absolutely a heretic. As well as a shill, for the globalists ! Viva Christo Rey ! !
Is there one or 2 Sspx resistance. ? I know Father hewko and bishop Williamson having some issues
@haydendude Hi Hayden, at this rate the Modernist Heretics are going, I think there will be a LOT MORE resistance, whether SSPX or not.
@@haydendude Fr Hewko was deceived by Fr Pfeiffer. He should have sided with the Bp Williamson Marian Corps Resistance. Was it a pride issue? IDK.
@TheMilitiaGuy what was or is the disagreement between Fr Hewko and Bishop Pfeiffer?
Will Strickland get conditionally ordained/ consecrated or he will stay in novus ordo lala land? Hope he gets an intervention from Vigano , can step up to the plate and truly embrace tradition rejecting the v2 church
Strickland might be a mason.
Strickland is a conservative modernist.
@@SonsoftheEagle You claim Strickland “might be a mason” - so… on what basis?
“Bp Strickland is a conservative modernist”? Absolutely fair assessment of theological position.
“Strickland might be a freemason (maybe not)”??? Without evidence this is conjecture at best (less malicious), or else wanton slander, character assassination via the most base, low-stake means of influencing the most innocent, trusting and gullible of us, those watching and reading this content in earnest with lower intelligence and higher trust…you know, the meek who will inherit the earth. Those people are the ones set to believe your unsubstantiated slander without question or deeper analysis, on childlike trust alone.
Ostensibly Christian (CATHOLIC even!) commenters need to hold them/your/ourselves to higher standards in the service of the capital-T Truth. If you have serious evidence to offer, I am glad to retract any statement made against you here and apologize in advance for (very possibly) having made a premature judgement if that is shown to be the case. Anyways. God bless ~
We need to pray for his strength. Hopefully, he'll follow in the footsteps of Vigano.
I stand with Jesus Christ, The One True Holy and Apostolic Catholic Church and Pope Francis. ☺🙏💖🕊✝️⛪
Do you support Francis when he prays with other religions at their place of worship? This is condemned by the Catholic Church and against the faith of Jesus. Or are you good with it?
Me too!
What !
I love Pope Francis
Me too!
@@junglequeen7386 Me too!
This video will go Viral. It will break the internet.
I am surprised this hasn’t been made more public. Bishop Vigano has or is starting a seminary, so it seems IMPOSSIBLE to believe the resistance would work with him if he wasn’t conditionally consecrated.
But, Fr Chazel’s words make clear all doubt that he certainly has been conditionally consecrated
Wow 💣💥
Are you being sarcastic? "Go viral???" Arch Vigano means nothing anymore other than a reminder of how nuts jealousy and avarice will make you. He has probably gone literally insane. I mean that literally.
History will view him as he is.
No hero.
@@jperickson7737you vaxxed?
Haters will attack Vigano because they:
1.) love the heresies of Jimmy and Co. or...
2.) Believes aa long as one submits to Francis then heresy is okay or not as bad as so-called schism (even though the Church, at least since St. Augustine of Hippo, has taught heresy (like being pro-L G 🐝, being pro-women priests, etc) is worse than schism (which the German bishops actually are in) but yet Francis has had 10 yrs to remove them but doesn't; yet removes Strickland.
3.) Haters will attack Vigano because they are inwardy schismatic protestants and thus like Francis promoting protestantism (he rolled out the Luther statue and says he was correct on justification by faith alone, which the Councils of Vatican I and Trent say is false). And Francis has nominated people to the Synod who promote protestant L G 🐝, etc.
One question? Why is there no way to like this video???
There is only a dislike button!!! But just so you know, I REALY like this video!!! Thank you!!!
I see a bunch of likes on the video, so I am not sure. Glad you liked it
Praise The Lord ❤
On Jan 13, yesterday morning during the KOOL chapter meeting for January, one of the Brothers said he saw on Twitter that Bp Williamson had traveled to Italy to conditionally consecrate Abp Vigano.
It would be nice if they both made a public statement regarding the consecration
@@StAnthonyPaduaRadTrad / I suppose it is politics. No one wants to be a martyr today.
Human respect kills Catholic Action.
@@StAnthonyPaduaRadTrad / Have you seen the Life Site News story from last week? If it's true, then battle lines are being drawn, but Vigano is not hanging out there alone anymore. He has the Resistance behind him. You ready for war, Rad Trad?
To me, something does not seem right about a secret consecration. Everything should be in the open. Catholics should never be put in the position of guessing whether their priest has valid orders.
But secret consecrations have been necessary at times, witness the secretly consecrated bishops in Eastern block countries during the cold war. It won't be secret forever, eventually it will be made public.
I concur. No episcopal consectations should be occult.
We are living in very difficult times. Difficult times need difficult decisions.
We've had that for some time now. Successive surveys since 2019 have shown around 67% of NOM mass adherents are pro-g A e maRRiage and 51% are pro-choice. With so many priests and bishops adhering to the same, they are heretics, the Church has always taught that heretics are outside the Church, thus they are not valid or licit.
Against sedevacantism, we must remember that a Catholic must not only always be subject to the pope, but must also always be subject to the bishops canonically sent, even in the event of a vacancy.
Indeed, legitimate bishops (appointed by a pope or approved by him) constitute the Church's hierarchy. To cut oneself off from them, as sedevacantists do, has already been condemned by Leo XII and Leo XIII. These popes were targeting a group whose members denied the legitimacy of Pope Pius VII: like the sedevacantists.
Leo XII, Pastoris Aeterni: "Your Little Church cannot therefore in any way belong to the Catholic Church. By the very admission of your masters, or rather those who deceive you, there are no French bishops left who support and defend the party you follow. Moreover, all the bishops of the Catholic Universe, to whom they themselves have appealed, and to whom they have addressed their printed schismatic claims, are recognized as approving the conventions of Pius VII and the acts which followed, and the whole Catholic Church is henceforth entirely favorable to them."
Leo XIII, Eximia nos laetitia: "Absolutely no bishop considers and governs them as his sheep. They must conclude from this, with certainty and evidence, that they are defectors from the fold of Christ."
Other quotes teach that submission to jurisdictional bishops is absolutely necessary to be Catholic:
Catechism of St. Pius X: "Schismatics are those Christians who, explicitly denying no dogma, voluntarily separate themselves from the Church of Jesus Christ or from the legitimate pastors."
Benedict XIV, Ex Quo: "Indeed, Augustine, aware that the Lord established the foundation of the Church on the apostolic sees, says that whoever withdraws from the authority and communion of the prelates of these sees is in schism. He clearly affirms that there is no Church outside that which is firmly established on the pontifical foundations of the apostolic sees."
All these quotations show that to be Catholic one must be subject to legitimate Pastors, one must be subject to bishops who govern Apostolic Sees, and one must be recognized by bishops.
On the contrary, sedevacantists separated themselves from all bishops governing Apostolic Sees in the 60s: for they rejected popes and their acts, and even a council, which were recognized by all legitimate bishops. What's more, no bishop recognized them or their position.
Just as the Little Church had no bishop recognizing them, so the sedevacantists had no bishop (we all agree they were legitimate because consecrated by Pius XII) recognizing them, all having recognized the Council, in 1964 and 1965.
The universal Church has unanimously recognized Paul VI as the true Pope. He is therefore the true pope. If he wasn't, then the whole Church would have been mistaken, which is impossible.
Finally, if Paul VI was a false pope, and yet the Church was mistaken in recognizing him, what's to say that a previous pope wasn't also secretly a false pope, and that the Church was mistaken in recognizing him? We could go even further: what's to say that of all the popes the Church has recognized and continues to recognize, there haven't been some, even some very important ones, whose election was invalid because of defects that remained hidden? How do you know that the dogmas taught by these popes are not in fact infallible, because of their hidden illegitimacy? This is what sedevacantism is all about: denying the absolute certainty of dogmas, because it implies denying the absolute certainty and incontestability of any of the popes.
@@FideFidelisFirstly, Paul VI wasn't acting secretly. People raised questions from his public acts. Occult or hidden heretics retain their jurisdiction, so there's no point asking "what if this?" or "what if that?". That's called negative doubt, and is dismissed by the Church. The Church only deals with what is public and knowable to all.
Also if you accept Vatican II as a legitimate Council, it teaches in Unitatis Redintegratio (3) that communities and groups not in communion with the Church are "means of salvation". So in accepting the Council, you must believe that sedevacantists and other groups who reject the Council are "means of salvation". This is what you assent to, but you aren't applying it in practice, so enough of the tough talk. Your own Council is against you.
🎉 Bon. Viva Cristo Rey. Bishop Strickland, needs to play hardball & stay in the game !
Consecrated or not to the Resistance, I would say that old adage; "if it walks like a duck looks like a duck and quakes like a duck", sure applies her. The proof is in the putting when Archbishop Vigano established Exsurge Domine!
Thank you. Such good points! It is quite ironic that the most confusing "Pontiff"
in regards to his messaging is having the opposite effect. His messages are producing much dialogue albeit by stirring his audience with novelties they desire to study for themselves. AB Vigano is one such Prelate. 🙏✝️🙏
Which Vatican II document is he referring to when he said to read six pages?
When was +Vigano ordained? Wouldn't he need a conditional reordination, too?
He was ordained in late March in '68, literally weeks, not even a month away from the new "Rite" of ordination being enforced.
He's a valid priest at the very least. Barely though, by God's grace. At the very least, we can go to his Masses. But his consecration is giving off an aura similar to that of Bp. Kelly after Bp. Mendez's death. I won't really trust any hearsay from the Resistance until I see any evidence of the conditional consecration taking place.
1968, befiore the new rite of Orders was issued.
Ab Vigano does not need a conditional consecration in my opinion, unless they’re is/was a doubt in his original consecration. He is a shepherd and possesses the fullness of the priesthood of Christ. God bless and protect him and all the SSPX priests and bishops who fight to uphold True Teachings of Christ and and Sacred Traditions of His Church+
The rite of episcopal consecration changed by Paul VI are at best doubtful. Since Bishop Vigano was “consecrated” in the false rites of Paul VI, he does need to be consecrated by a valid Traditional Bishop. Look into the issues with the false episcopal Novus Ordo rite of Paul VI
Who is Fr. Chazel? BTW, Bishop Strickland does say the Latin Mass, he loves it.
I've never heard this. Does he still say "The Great Sacrilege"?
That is nice but Strickland was never validly ordained
@@Greg-wn2pp Yes
Sede vacante
Yes,@@Greg-wn2pp Strickland, like Vigano was recently, would need to be conditionally ordained and consecrated. He could then join the Bp Williamson, Father Chazal and the Resistance.
Have you a link for the original video?
I stand by Archbishop Vigano.
Maybe “the necessary” may grow into him outright saying, “I’ve been conditionally consecrated, so now there is no doubt about me being a bishop.”
Or is that asking too much?
I think it needs to be said just like that, but in all reality Fr Chazel confirms this fact by what he said. If he hasn’t been, then what Fr Chazel says here is deceptive
C-h-a-z-a-l, @@StAnthonyPaduaRadTrad, for the record
@@TheMilitiaGuy thank you. It has been corrected in the title
I think they are saying he was conditionally reconsecrated, in case his official new rite consecration was not valid. Was he not a representative in the Vatican diplomatic corps? They are Monsignori at the lower ranks, and the nuncios are usually archbishops.
Bishop Williamson along with Archbishop Vigano, need to
at the very least... To do a video interview released to the public, to confirm the conditional consecration of Archbishop Vigano was done !
Assumptions don't cut it in this day and age, with the great level of deceit and confusion
The old story of don't hide your light under a bushel.
Bishop Williamson's past consecrations of Traditional Bishops in recent years, has been concerning.... because they were unknown by the faithful for so long
A consecration of any Bishop including new members is supposed to be a celebration.
Obviously because of the
a t t a c k on tradition today prudence and caution-unary measures need to me made.
But keeping their existence secret for long periods of time doesn't build confidence and trust, it rather leads to mistrust and people drawing the wrong conclusions. 🙂🙏
For sure, whoever of the Resistance Bishops who consecrated him needs to publicly come out. Same with Bishop Vigano
The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church has always taught that ONLY Catholics can enter Heaven and that baptism (the holy sacrament in water) is absolutely necessary for salvation.
Yes, also Baptism of Blood and desire
@@StAnthonyPaduaRadTrad If that were the case, there would be a contradiction in Christianity, which is impossible. @StAnthonyPaduaRadTrad
St Louis what about Vatican 2Catholics?
Anyway, if Viganò recognizes Bergoglio as a legitimate authority - as he does - he is schismatic. The same must be said about this fr. Chazal and his acolytes.
Why is that? Saying he doesn’t have authority is against the Council of Constance
Sedevacantism is an unnecessary position to take. See Fr James Wathen (R.I.P.)
@@TheMilitiaGuy in the catholic Church you are called to obey the legitimate authority.
And we laymen,@@ivornovello985, like the Cristeros, will be forced to use State Militia to determine "legitimate authority". As Abp Sheen stated (1972), the laymen will save the Church.
“Make-a-mess” Bergoglio, right on cue.
This is the prelate prophezised for these dark times, Deo Gratias!
All his works will be useless if he doesn’t pray. If we don’t pray 15 decades of the rosary every day while meditating on the mysteries. God bless us Catholics
Why would this Bhp Show the hand of the resistance on camera so freely?
Rad trads are Sooooo crazy
Crazy cool 😎
What or who is the resistance?
Pope St. Paul II consecrated Vigano, April 26, 1992. Vigano is heroic.
I love that song
Saint Paul VI? 😂
How can Vigano declare Bergoglio not to be the pope without being a sedevacantist? If B is not the pope who is? Do we have a secret Pope in the woods somewhere? If B is not the pope then the chair must be empty.
I'm a a lay person in my 70s I have studied Vatican 11. It is not heretical!! Read it. When you start worshipping tradition you've stopped worshipping God. Read your Old Testament. The Scribes and Pharisees did just that( worshipping Tradition) and we all know where that lead.
Recently in a Church near me the Priest told the congregation that they are not to kneel when receiving Communion
The Priest said if you do kneel he will not hear your confession
This was not in Vatican II but yet has been implemented by American Bishops.
V II intent was to make the Catholic Church Protestant to help bring about a one world religion in which Jesus is just a good fellow who will stand in a corner with Buddha and the rest of the deities
While I cannot completely agree with Sedevacantists I do however recognize and agree that there is a diabolical plot against the Catholic Church which is headed by Satan himself.
Men are just the tools and pawns he uses for his evil plan.
Is it possible that all Popes from 1958 and on are illegitimate ?
But more proof would have to be shown as to their invalid elections
Vigano uses Bergoglio’s intent before election as to why that and that alone disqualifies him because he never had the intent to be a true Pope and protect and defend its divine content.
Its a very complicated mess that we are now seeing
The sewage has run unchecked for decades in the Vatican and now seeps out through the windows and doors
I believe that Archbishop Lefebvre was 100% right in what he did
I also believe he is a Saint for it
We now live in the Ape Of The Church
If Vigano was ordained as a Bishop by Williamson I completely understand.
Intent matters
And the intent of V II was evil
Worshiping in the Traditional Rite is not worshiping God?
@@angelamalek Parts of the Latin Mass go back to the Apostles
When Paul VI was asked why should we use the N.O. Mass he said
“ Because it would make me happy “
Our Saints & Martyrs used the Latin Mass and does for it
The N.O. Mass was written by 6 Protestants headed by a Mason ( Bugnini ) with the sole purpose of turning the Mass in to a Protestant Service
They have succeeded
After the split,who gets Rome?
Forgive me, but what does this even mean? What is the resistance?
Keeping the mission of Abp Marcel Lefebvre alive.
"robber council" = abusive council
Bishop Vigano has been consecrated sub conditioni
I haven't heard anything - good catch - God bless you!
It's "Chazal" not "Chazel".
it proves that novus ordo bishop are not valid. or just a gimmick of this bishop/ if this is true he has to provide evidence ot document
McCarrikk was part of a Satanic Mass back in the 1950’s which was held in North Carolina and in the Vatican
This is fact and you can easily look it up
I say this to use him as an example of what can happen
Now given the fact that he was and still is a Satanist can any religious function of his be valid ?
The answer is No
That means and baptisms confessions weddings confirmations and so on are invalid
But also any Priests that were consecrated by him are also invalid
Now multiply this because McCarrikk wasn’t the only evil Cardinal Bishop Priest or Pope
You now have a major problem in the Church
Couple this with a Mass ( N.O. ) that was written by 6 Protestants headed by a Mason ( Bugnini ) with the sole intent of changing the Mass to a Protestant service and you really have a problem.
Is the N.O. Mass valid ?
What was the intent ?
Intent Matters
And their intent was EVIL.
I never thought I’d live in a time like this! Another Marcel Lefebvre…another Martin Luther. 😞
Bergoglio loves luther
@@Lcoch2482 kkkk
Agreed: Bergoglio honored Luther in true protestant fashion. He also venerated the pachamama demon so there's no telling where this servant of satan will attempt to steer the church....
@@jasonperez4975 The only problem with your comment is that Pope Francis is the duly elected Pontiff. Which means there is a specific charism that prevents him from steering the Church into error.
My comment was in reference to Archbishop Vigano. And I’ve heard, just today in fact, that Archbishop Vigano has been ordained into the rebellious Sedevactism movement. If this is true; then he has removed himself from Holy Mother Church. Not a good position for him to take.
Kinda doubt Vigano was conditionally consecrated. Any evidence? SSPX said new ordination rite better demonstrated the sacrificial and priestly role better than old rite. Vigano was done licitly. Williamson valid but not licit. Ripperger s thesis on the binding force of tradition valid. Strickland said old mass 9 times before removal and publicly refused to enforce TC. Henry Sires confirms Bergolio temper.
What do you think Fr Chazal meant that “the necessary has been done”? The SSPX resistance as a practice continually ordains priests of the Novus Ordo due to the doubtful nature of the new rites
You are schismatics
Vigano is a nut
There is not conditional consecration. It is all or nothing. This is either poor grammar or poor theology. Either way, all clergy are consecrated to stand up for and honor the Truth.
There is what is known as receiving sacraments under condition. If there is doubt that a sacrament was properly received, then it is repeated “conditionally”. According to some Bishop Vigano received conditional Consecration due to the invalid new rites (or a best highly doubtful) of consecration he received earlier
This guy speaks in riddles. I say no, nope.
Vigano - a wolve in sheeps clothing.
Did Jesus engage in gossip and finger pointing? Come on. Good grief.
Guess He pointed His finger at the Pharisees so that He could warn the Faithful about them.... it's what led directly to Calvary.
This is News.
I personally appreciate the reporting, why do you feel this shouldn’t be reported?
Really? I'm pretty sure Jesus pointed his finger at the Pharisees and called them a brood of vipers.
@@Lcoch2482 "brood of vipers" ... that's where I went first* in the above similar comment ...but I think that's actually St John the Baptist's line isn't it? I mean when the Pharisees were going out to get baptized with the people, but St John called them on their virtue-signalling hypocrisy...I think. I don't have my Douay Rheims near me rt now...
*so I changed it B4 posting.
Wow, this is great news merry Christmas thank you