us twb yog neej yog tsav luag kev twb tws tas luag thiaj li tuaj sab laj rau us los us ua tus g paub luag thiaj ua siab tuag, thaum luag tuag lawm no ces ho ua ntsuj ua tsiv thiab cas txawv ua luaj g yog neej tsa hos yog neej lauj
Peb cov txiv tsev es yuav mus ua luam ces tsis xav pab tus poj niam ua liaj ua teb xwb!!! Thiaj pheej dag tias mus ua luam!! Qhov tseeb tseeb yog mua ua tsuam lawm xwb!!!! Pheej dag tus poj niam yuav mus ua luam thiaj muaj laij!!! Qhov tseeb tseeb yog mus nrhiav chaw caij xwb!!!! Tus neeg ncaj ncees yuav ua luam los pab poj niam me nyuam yeej ua luam yog luam!!! Thaum ua Nkauj ua nraug twb xav xav tau twv xav xav sib qhau!!!!
Kuv lub neej yog nkaus li koj zaj dab neeg no os tij laug. Kv tus txiv wb sib yuav tau 10 lub xyoo lawm. Tiam sis tam sim no nws txawj muaj lub siab phem mus twv txiaj yuam pov. Thov k pab kv saib seb nws ho yog tim qhov twg tiag os.
He probably have a girlfriend LOL typical Hmong men LOL I already know how the story goes LOL he have an affair with other ladies after I listen to 4 minutes and 48 second of the story
It's sad how her brother's don't wanna help her but when them heard that she is dead them all come in like a storm!!! A storm hungry for money's only!!
Zoo mloog heev li os niam Tu me tub
Nyob zoo os kwv yuav ua li ca thiaj tau nyiaj dua os lov kwv
us twb yog neej yog tsav luag kev twb tws tas luag thiaj li tuaj sab laj rau us los us ua tus g paub luag thiaj ua siab tuag, thaum luag tuag lawm no ces ho ua ntsuj ua tsiv thiab cas txawv ua luaj g yog neej tsa hos yog neej lauj
Txiv tsi tab cuab ces nrauj kiag yuav tus tshiab xwb thiab yog tus poj niam ntse nawb
Muab kev tuag pauv txiv tsi tab cuab mas ruam dhau . Nrauj kiag yuav poj niam tus tshiab xwb tsi txhob tuag thiaj yog tus neeg ntse
Ntuj tsis txawj ua ntuj thiaj tso kev nyuaj siab
Tsi yog tim ntuj os tim yus xwb os
Peb cov txiv tsev es yuav mus ua luam ces tsis xav pab tus poj niam ua liaj ua teb xwb!!! Thiaj pheej dag tias mus ua luam!! Qhov tseeb tseeb yog mua ua tsuam lawm xwb!!!! Pheej dag tus poj niam yuav mus ua luam thiaj muaj laij!!! Qhov tseeb tseeb yog mus nrhiav chaw caij xwb!!!! Tus neeg ncaj ncees yuav ua luam los pab poj niam me nyuam yeej ua luam yog luam!!! Thaum ua Nkauj ua nraug twb xav xav tau twv xav xav sib qhau!!!!
Mh khbmo
Tsi txhob tuag yuav tus tshiab tseem zoo tshaj tus qub
Kuv lub neej yog nkaus li koj zaj dab neeg no os tij laug. Kv tus txiv wb sib yuav tau 10 lub xyoo lawm. Tiam sis tam sim no nws txawj muaj lub siab phem mus twv txiaj yuam pov. Thov k pab kv saib seb nws ho yog tim qhov twg tiag os.
Hmong story
He probably have a girlfriend LOL typical Hmong men LOL I already know how the story goes LOL he have an affair with other ladies after I listen to 4 minutes and 48 second of the story
It's sad how her brother's don't wanna help her but when them heard that she is dead them all come in like a storm!!! A storm hungry for money's only!!