Cheers to the Architects who tirelessly work on their Scale Model to which is as hard as build the actual project bcoz it should stand if put into a stress test say a Wind Tunnel Nice Wirk👍👍🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸👍🙏
Frank Lloyd Wright once was quoted as saying “Something about myself that amazes me, is that I never stop learning”. (About 89 yrs old) Those in the room thought that he was about to brag about himself instead of his enlightened statement.
Our Earth 🌎 is a cosmic body. It is an insignificant spect of dust in the Universe!The Universe itself is a vast infinite expanse of Space and Matter!!so grateful to see your beautiful projects in this little planet of ours!!!
Not so. Not even close. It is far from insignificant. Here’s a riposte for your serious contemplation: It is a WORK of unimaginable wonder - of eternal awe at the ‘impossible’ magnificence far beyond the hopeless horror that mere mortal men inflict upon the majesty of nature and His own Kingdom (evidenced so powerfully too in the best of Man ab initio). The total victory of His Eternal realm is already won…. There is nothing any created being - no matter how driven by satan - can do to reverse the Triumph of God (and thereby our) true beauty over ugliness. It is the work of the Time Traveler - the Creator of Time… and the victory of the great Father through Christ at the End Time is TOTAL. … Hope you that you that still remain non- awake to this irreversible fact may receive the Light of Truth, and learn to rejoice in His Majesty which is all around you even in this fallen material state by His complete Control of what architecture will remain (into the final realm of timelessness) long after mankind has been divided into those that will inherit the “new” Earth - Eden - and those that will be taken out of the perfect picture that is already existing in another dimension beyond contemporary man’s feeble grip on “science”. God Bless. 2.4 Billion of souls worldwide already know this… The rest of you all shall do so too - precisely as written in the eternal text - in the day of your death, if not sooner. Cling to the faith in atheism and the god of science all you can - and by so doing go to your inevitable “pointless” deaths - just as you dream of, determined as you are to prove yourselves correct - into the misery of darkness, and the eternal extinction of all life and reason. Wake up and THINK! Architects perhaps more than any other people, surely, have NO excuse to believe in anything but the immaculate design of individual free-will - upon which all previous Europeans civilizational might was built - ALL of it - and the big crit of your life at the final examination of your soul and life’s industry awaits by the One judge whose name is real freedom - and always was right next to you throughout this first test of “mortal” existence.
Ammiro molto i Mecanoo ma sono dell’idea che ci sia una frattura tra il ns modo di intendere l’architettura e quella degli studi olandesi. Seppur questi vadano da sempre a velocità sostenuta e noi no, la concezione nordica, paradossalmente, privilegia il gioco delle forme favorendo un approccio ludico della geometria creando incastri, salti di scala, grosse trasparenze e favorendo appunto materiali come il legno a cercare calore e luce. L’architettura mediterranea al contrario predilige le ombre, si protegge dal sole, l’acqua! Che purtroppo compare sempre meno nei progetti. Il nostro animo é passionale e drammatico più vicino alle culture mediorientali e arabe per design ma sopratutto per carattere. É un peccato perché é come misurarsi e mitizzare qualcuno che é totalmente diverso generando una continua frustrazione e di fatto abbandonando le radici della nostra cultura. Perché ogni luogo é diverso come in ogni luogo si parla una lingua diversa.
As a young italian architect it has been a great pleasure to work for this fantastic studio!
Francine always at the top! ❤
Join the next episode tomorrow! More info on
Cheers to the Architects who tirelessly work on their Scale Model to which is as hard as build the actual project bcoz it should stand if put into a stress test say a Wind Tunnel
Nice Wirk👍👍🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸👍🙏
I remember your house..Kept me fascinated for years
Amazing firm!!! I follow bafore my student year 1998
Join the next episode tomorrow! More info on
Frank Lloyd Wright once was quoted as saying “Something about myself that amazes me, is that I never stop learning”. (About 89 yrs old) Those in the room thought that he was about to brag about himself instead of his enlightened statement.
Our Earth 🌎 is a cosmic body. It is an insignificant spect of dust in the Universe!The Universe itself is a vast infinite expanse of Space and Matter!!so grateful to see your beautiful projects in this little planet of ours!!!
Join the next episode tomorrow! More info on
Ok great thanks!
Not so.
Not even close.
It is far from insignificant.
Here’s a riposte for your serious contemplation:
It is a WORK of unimaginable wonder - of eternal awe at the ‘impossible’ magnificence far beyond the hopeless horror that mere mortal men inflict upon the majesty of nature and His own Kingdom (evidenced so powerfully too in the best of Man ab initio).
The total victory of His Eternal realm is already won…. There is nothing any created being - no matter how driven by satan - can do to reverse the Triumph of God (and thereby our) true beauty over ugliness.
It is the work of the Time Traveler - the Creator of Time… and the victory of the great Father through Christ at the End Time is TOTAL.
… Hope you that you that still remain non- awake to this irreversible fact may receive the Light of Truth, and learn to rejoice in His Majesty which is all around you even in this fallen material state by His complete Control of what architecture will remain (into the final realm of timelessness) long after mankind has been divided into those that will inherit the “new” Earth - Eden - and those that will be taken out of the perfect picture that is already existing in another dimension beyond contemporary man’s feeble grip on “science”.
God Bless.
2.4 Billion of souls worldwide already know this… The rest of you all shall do so too - precisely as written in the eternal text - in the day of your death, if not sooner.
Cling to the faith in atheism and the god of science all you can - and by so doing go to your inevitable “pointless” deaths - just as you dream of, determined as you are to prove yourselves correct - into the misery of darkness, and the eternal extinction of all life and reason.
Wake up and THINK!
Architects perhaps more than any other people, surely, have NO excuse to believe in anything but the immaculate design of individual free-will - upon which all previous Europeans civilizational might was built - ALL of it - and the big crit of your life at the final examination of your soul and life’s industry awaits by the One judge whose name is real freedom - and always was right next to you throughout this first test of “mortal” existence.
Ammiro molto i Mecanoo ma sono dell’idea che ci sia una frattura tra il ns modo di intendere l’architettura e quella degli studi olandesi. Seppur questi vadano da sempre a velocità sostenuta e noi no, la concezione nordica, paradossalmente, privilegia il gioco delle forme favorendo un approccio ludico della geometria creando incastri, salti di scala, grosse trasparenze e favorendo appunto materiali come il legno a cercare calore e luce. L’architettura mediterranea al contrario predilige le ombre, si protegge dal sole, l’acqua! Che purtroppo compare sempre meno nei progetti. Il nostro animo é passionale e drammatico più vicino alle culture mediorientali e arabe per design ma sopratutto per carattere. É un peccato perché é come misurarsi e mitizzare qualcuno che é totalmente diverso generando una continua frustrazione e di fatto abbandonando le radici della nostra cultura. Perché ogni luogo é diverso come in ogni luogo si parla una lingua diversa.