I would like to thank the one user from discord from introducing to install ParrotOS since I struggle to interact with the VM after my free Pwnbox ended and I can't progress at all since I am more practical learner (I learn the best through practice and actual). Now along the way, I stumbled upon this video because I would like to know what should I do next and now I can't be thankful enough for this. You save me a lot of time and help me alot. Thank you very much, Mr. Keylogin or whoever you are.
Brother, in Parrot do not update with apt upgrade because the entire system can go to waste, Parrot has its own command to do this and there will be no problem, the command is "parrot-upgrade".
Now i make some basics on tryhackme and i do some streams on twitch , but thanks for suggestion, after finished with tryhackme i will change on hackthebox.
Perhaps, all I know is that one of the first ones you just curl the web address they give you to get the code word. lol actually I think that's just what i had to do to sign up... eh whatever we all start somewhere
actually what is the different bitween Parrot OS Security Edition VS Parrot OS HTB Edition - Which is Best Usually ? curently i am installed HTB one coz i am just start learn HTB still i want know whats the different between this 2
@@keylogin installation failed external command failed to finish Command /usr/sbin/sources-media-unmount failed to finish in 600 seconds. There was no output from the command. Close option only it shows at 91 percent it gets stuck please help !
installation failed external command failed to finish Command /usr/sbin/sources-media-unmount failed to finish in 600 seconds. There was no output from the command. Close option only it shows at 91 percent it gets stuck what to do next ???
So what does Hack The Box edition any different from the Security edition? AFAIK they are both for pentest and have a bunch of tools for that purpose. Even their homepage only state that hackthebox version is for beginner, but never explain any further. It has more feature? Explaining what each tool does and how things work or what?
I've used the original security edition a time or two, but I'm installing the htb on vm right now if I remember I'll try to revisit this question once I've poked around a bit, I'd imagine that it just has less tools. A lot of the ones that come in security edition are really not gonna be used by 90% of people.
Installation failed external command failed to finish Command /usr/sbin/sources-media-unmount failed to finish in 600 seconds. There was no output from the command. Close option only it shows at 91 percent it gets stuck if you can help thanks a lot 2 weeks before it was all good but currently it has this issues as i watched your video and installed correctly but at present its having issues
I would like to thank the one user from discord from introducing to install ParrotOS since I struggle to interact with the VM after my free Pwnbox ended and I can't progress at all since I am more practical learner (I learn the best through practice and actual). Now along the way, I stumbled upon this video because I would like to know what should I do next and now I can't be thankful enough for this.
You save me a lot of time and help me alot. Thank you very much, Mr. Keylogin or whoever you are.
If you like my work. Here is a cup of coffee thanks. www.buymeacoffee.com/keylogin
Brother, in Parrot do not update with apt upgrade because the entire system can go to waste, Parrot has its own command to do this and there will be no problem, the command is "parrot-upgrade".
Tutorials on basic knowledge needed to compete in hack the box would also be really helpful if you're taking suggestions!
Now i make some basics on tryhackme and i do some streams on twitch , but thanks for suggestion, after finished with tryhackme i will change on hackthebox.
Perhaps, all I know is that one of the first ones you just curl the web address they give you to get the code word. lol actually I think that's just what i had to do to sign up... eh whatever we all start somewhere
actually what is the different bitween Parrot OS Security Edition VS Parrot OS HTB Edition - Which is Best Usually ? curently i am installed HTB one coz i am just start learn HTB still i want know whats the different between this 2
this is the best guide i have ever watched thank you so much for your time!
Very straightforward guide. Thank you sir!
@@keylogin installation failed external command failed to finish
Command /usr/sbin/sources-media-unmount failed to finish in 600 seconds.
There was no output from the command.
Close option only it shows at 91 percent it gets stuck
please help !
For those looking at this video and the interface has changed. Choose Live > HTB > AMD64
installation failed external command failed to finish
Command /usr/sbin/sources-media-unmount failed to finish in 600 seconds.
There was no output from the command.
Close option only it shows at 91 percent it gets stuck
what to do next ???
So what does Hack The Box edition any different from the Security edition? AFAIK they are both for pentest and have a bunch of tools for that purpose. Even their homepage only state that hackthebox version is for beginner, but never explain any further. It has more feature? Explaining what each tool does and how things work or what?
I've used the original security edition a time or two, but I'm installing the htb on vm right now if I remember I'll try to revisit this question once I've poked around a bit, I'd imagine that it just has less tools. A lot of the ones that come in security edition are really not gonna be used by 90% of people.
@@SparQz are the commands for cli same ?
Bv frate .Te rog fa si cu Tails os ,decid au dat astia legea ca SRI sa aiba acces total la pc-urile noastre ma gindesc serios sa tre pe Tails Os.
Good job mate! This was useful!
thank you for this video and the one about connecting to htb via ovpn. Cudos to you!
Great video! very easy to follow. This saved saved me a ton of time :)
Thanks Exoquasar. I’m glad that helps you.
Thanks for the tutorial, really well explained and easy to follow.
Installation failed external command failed to finish
Command /usr/sbin/sources-media-unmount failed to finish in 600 seconds.
There was no output from the command.
Close option only it shows at 91 percent it gets stuck if you can help thanks a lot
2 weeks before it was all good but currently it has this issues as i watched your video and installed correctly but at present its having issues
same i am having this issue from 2 days i re-downloaded iso file but still same problem
Yes I am waiting if any solution I get will let you know
Excellent video thanks for sharing.
How do you take a snapshot? The instructions on the website are not super clear and can not find the icon to take a snapshot
You're the man for this!
How can we change the resolution ? I can't increase the resolution more than 1366x768
You need to install tools from VMware. Find on TH-cam VMware tools install
While doing eraze disk does it uninstall our current operating system
no it erasers only the virtuelbox,
Does it work with VMware?
I make a new video for that. 👍
Thanks! It really helped me a lot :)
I’m glad to hear that 👍
thank you could you also make a video on how to set up open vpn
Now i will make the video
Mersi frate pentru ajutor, te pwp
Să trăiești 👍
Very useful ! Thanks
What is the password
Thank you, bro!
thanks bud