Can you help me start a trend? The idea is that when you play gorilla tag there is just a bunch of Batman’s it would mean a lot to me if you could make a video where u tell people when they play they change there color to black and change there name to Batman
Yo this livestream was fire🔥
I’m big fan of you
Can you help me start a trend? The idea is that when you play gorilla tag there is just a bunch of Batman’s it would mean a lot to me if you could make a video where u tell people when they play they change there color to black and change there name to Batman
I was with you yesterday
What ur minecraft name
I just caum back from spain
My brudr broke his arm bikeing
Sup I'm back
My vr is at 59
Wer are you in gorillatag map
Dw you play minerals
Dw you play minckraft
Read this if you can see it
Are you good at Fortnite
From the stream arctrie my channel is many44
Wat code
Can you hermy