Or the right hero😂 cuz if u don’t got certain hero that do the most damage then u are fucked. Just example is lunox or gord for elemental. Won’t be too 3 without none one of them. I prefer lunox because she more versatile.. unless I already got 6 elemental and tigerl then I want gord. The thing is lunox is already good without 2 star
I laughed about Minsi during the last clash because he was just standing there watching Zilong die, and then he quickly eliminated Wanwan for a moment. Hahaha!
Yeah I hate that because I don't know why but sometimes champion do nothing beside just standing there and watching friends die. Lost many matches due to this bug 😠
@@호엦쳐슝조에 It's not a bug. Basically because of out of range. Melee heroes cannot attack if his teammates surround the remaining enemy. Usually happens when the remaining enemy is in the corner of the board
Bro how is some body always leave the extra sloth i am currently almost reach 2k points they never leave out extra slot.... I think all commander except Tharz need the extra slot
Just tap on the hero, the info panel on the right can have 2 icons for immortals that already have stacks from matches Yellow is for health when death and red is for atk boost when kill sorced
17:35 violated wanwan
xD 🤣
Gawk gawk🥵🥵
@@Jangmin977 Best sound effect for mindithar
Nicee mannn my fav synergy
i tried this. it works. best part is its more guaranteed to get what you need
did not know gawkgawk build is OP. nice vid
xD 🤣 thank you 😁
love your guide and details ❤
Glad you enjoy it!
Just play and after 2 box turn my minsisthar still 1* is wild👻
Minsi is super strong with lancer and quater master at late we can even change our hyper into zilong
Wan wan has a lot of HP and shield,but no crowd control immunity.
I'll try 😁 this.❤️❤️
Please create a video for Vale skill 1. I don't know what synergy fits for that skill.
The thing about most carry gameplays is getting the right items
Or the right hero😂 cuz if u don’t got certain hero that do the most damage then u are fucked. Just example is lunox or gord for elemental. Won’t be too 3 without none one of them. I prefer lunox because she more versatile.. unless I already got 6 elemental and tigerl then I want gord. The thing is lunox is already good without 2 star
Been using this for 2 months already haha zilong and minsi so OP 😂
Please try yuki 2 with elementalist odette
Nc game bro...
thank you 😊
For me I used lancer and warrior I use leomord as main for late and Ruby for early
Nc Game bro❤ can i know whats the first background song?
I laughed about Minsi during the last clash because he was just standing there watching Zilong die, and then he quickly eliminated Wanwan for a moment. Hahaha!
Yeah I hate that because I don't know why but sometimes champion do nothing beside just standing there and watching friends die. Lost many matches due to this bug 😠
@@호엦쳐슝조에 It's not a bug. Basically because of out of range. Melee heroes cannot attack if his teammates surround the remaining enemy. Usually happens when the remaining enemy is in the corner of the board
@@호엦쳐슝조에my guy still new in magic chess but if you're already playing for a long time then you'll know that's not the case
@@FanNy-ct1fq now I get it otherwise it irritated me for long time 😆
Can you please make ling 2nd skill with the same synergy?
Minshitar immortal old combo bro,
can i have the list of music you got on this video
Hi po??
3:33 song name?
Madness by wateva
@@itachi7473 thank you
I tried after last vid with same combo but my question is why transform arlot in minthsi? Arlot immortal and lancer
Cos ur main core hero is minsi.. u can add arlot after u finish lvling minsi to 3 star
bcz this way making minsi 3* easy and later add Arlott in combo once 3* minsi done same I did,,,,minsi is way more stronger than Arlott
am i the only one thinking arlott has low sustainability
How do u know which blessings did u get without deploying it
It's random
Just pray you get the right one
My question too how do they know without deploying and seeing the blessings?
@@AllenTheAnimator004 that's not what I'm asking..I'm asking how to they know the blessings they got without even deploying it
If that's the case then I think it will be a random
When u click them, the synergy under them will show 2x of the blessing synergy
Bro how is some body always leave the extra sloth i am currently almost reach 2k points they never leave out extra slot.... I think all commander except Tharz need the extra slot
they can leave if u get your combos crystal or necessary 5 gold hero(sometimes to make 3*)
How do i defeat stunlock kaja elementalist mystic bureau
Build magic def?like oracle or rose gold.
Or equip immortal or freeze to survive.
Bro why hero library is not showing in my magic chess
you need to purchase magic chess pass for that
@@freeze7466 thanks for responsed
How to know how many stacks is immortal synergy?
Click the hero theres a stack on the info
Just tap on the hero, the info panel on the right can have 2 icons for immortals that already have stacks from matches
Yellow is for health when death and red is for atk boost when kill sorced
This build is not so good infront of astro assassin core
How to counter 3s haya astro with commander chou 2nd skill? HAHA
Elementalist with Kaja 3 stars
even a 3star gord cannot defeat that
First song name pls
Immortal(Mewone, Siberian remix)
شنو اسم العبه
Play mobile chess go go
I don't have access to that
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welcome 🤗