Access VBA | Import Excel Tables to Access Pt. 2

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024

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  • @kabukijoe99
    @kabukijoe99 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Good lessons

  • @aminghanooni4240
    @aminghanooni4240 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Why not using SQL Server instead of Access?

    • @navjotsingh2251
      @navjotsingh2251 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Access is good for smaller data sets and it provides a better way to store data then just dumping it all into an excel file, and it provides an easy to use interface which has full access to VBA so it can be interoperable with all office365 applications. And it can act as a frontend to bigger databases like MySQL, SQL Server, PostgresSQL etc

  • @SunilKumar-uv6zu
    @SunilKumar-uv6zu 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Dear Alex ,
    what`s wrong with this code i am using powershell command to read text from image.. i have already installed tesseract 5.0 version and also added the path to environment variable..
    Sub ReadTextUsingShell()
    Dim myshell As Shell32.Shell
    Set myshell = New Shell32.Shell
    Dim argu As String
    Dim ImagetoReadPth, output As String
    ImagetoReadPth = "C:\Users\Sunil Kumar\OneDrive\Desktop\File\ImgtoRead.jpg"
    output = "C:\Users\Sunil Kumar\OneDrive\Desktop\File\1.txt"
    argu = "tesseract.exe " & ImagetoReadPth & " " & output & " -l eng"
    myshell.ShellExecute "powershell", vArgs:=argu
    End Sub
    Powershell window pops-up but do nothing and get closed..

  • @SunilKumar-uv6zu
    @SunilKumar-uv6zu 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Dear Alex,
    Kindly help on my below query

  • @SunilKumar-uv6zu
    @SunilKumar-uv6zu 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Dear Alex ,
    what`s wrong with this code i am using powershell command to read text from image.. i have already installed tesseract 5.0 version and also added the path to environment variable..
    Sub ReadTextUsingShell()
    Dim myshell As Shell32.Shell
    Set myshell = New Shell32.Shell
    Dim argu As String
    Dim ImagetoReadPth, output As String
    ImagetoReadPth = "C:\Users\Sunil Kumar\OneDrive\Desktop\File\ImgtoRead.jpg"
    output = "C:\Users\Sunil Kumar\OneDrive\Desktop\File\1.txt"
    argu = "tesseract.exe " & ImagetoReadPth & " " & output & " -l eng"
    myshell.ShellExecute "powershell", vArgs:=argu
    End Sub
    Powershell window pops-up but do nothing and get closed..