don't forget that different games have different in-game values, so eDPI is hard to compare. going with mouse movement/360° is a better value to compare between different games. as example, an in-game sens of 10 in overwatch is equal to 3 in ca:go)
To me 400 dpi feels most natural and as you called it instinctive. I feel like games feel best for me when I can match the crosshair distance to my cursor distance. the especially helps in games where youre switching a lot between inventory and actual gameplay because it all feels the same. but the perfect sens really depends on the game as well. it always changes between different engines and fov styles
I use 1800 as a baseline because it's my mouse's default, but in games where going from 1 to 2 sens is like 5 cm/360 difference and there's no in between numbers, I will adjust dpi by 50 at a time till I get where I need to be.
If you want minimum input latency your mouse should never be set lower than 1600 DPI and 1000hz polling rate, while adjusting in game sensitivity to get your aim to feel right to you. Battlenonsense did a very in depth investigation on this here on youtube.
Good shout. This is true. It's small, but surprisingly real (though check your particular mouse, as YMMV depending on the specifics). Until very recently (like a month ago) I'd always assumed the eDPI (DPI * in game sensitivity) was all that mattered unless you'd set your mouse DPI so high that it started to misbehave. I.e. I thought that 400 DPI * 10 was totally the same thing as 800 DPI * 5, and the only difference was your DPI preference for desktop. However, I recently read an rtings review of the Logitech Superlight X, and I was amazed to see that its time-to-movement duration is reduced by ~3ms when using 3200 DPI compared to 400 DPI. It keeps speeding up as you ramp up the DPI, too (but with diminishing returns). - 400 DPI = ~16ms delay - 3200 DPI = ~13ms delay - 6000 DPI = ~11.8ms delay Now, 3ms is not going to be a noticeable improvement for most players, but I'll take every little advantage! The downside is that I don't want to use a high DPI for desktop, so I've set my (crap) logi software to use game profiles. The other downside is the mouse cursor speed in game menus is too fast, and there's usually no way around this, as it's not configurable. I can't use 6000 DPI in OW2 or I won't be able to use the mouse in the menus. 3200 DPI is already a bit of a challenge for someone who's been on 400/450 DPI for 20 years.
@@defragsbin To follow up with the other guy. The mouse pointer speed works in multipliers, so you can set that down to perfectly match 800dpi at the default "6/11" or "10/20" setting on Windows and when moving through menus. For example if you want to use 6400dpi, then you'd set the mouse settings to 3/20 to get the multiplier to 1/8 as 6400 is 8x higher than 800. While most people prefer pointing out using the control panel setting that has 11 notches instead of the newer one with 20. This is an example of the older way not being possible and therefore I'd recommend the new way. I hope that makes sense to you and anyone who reads this.
@@bigbear514 and @overbe -- thanks for the info, I had no idea that was possible. I assumed games would ignore the pointer speed since they tend to use raw input these days, but OW does seem to respect it! When you talk about the 20 step pointer options, is this in Windows 11 or something? (I'm on Windows 10 -- tried 11 and went back to 10)
This isn't completely true. It's not more or less latency. It's just doing its job. DPI stands for Dots Per Inch, so a 400 DPI would have fewer dots per inch than a 1600 DPI, making you need to move it slightly further to reach the first dot. This is why that test only works when moving slowly. If you move fast like you normally do when playing a game there is virtually no difference.
DPI definitely makes specific senses feel better. I, for example, wanted to shift to a higher sens in apex and cs and went from 800 edpi with 800 dpi to now 1200 edpi with 1600 dpi and the higher dpi definitely makes the higher sens feel natural. If I played on 400 dpi at 1200 edpi it would definitely feel disconnected in my inventory and buy menu etc.
@@Edwin6264. Yes. basically you can move the pointer very slow so you can target very small thing more accurately. it doesn't skip skip bunch of pixels on screen at once.
@@Cosmicmorales he also has lowkey god tier aim, and it would kinda make sense for a knowledgeable pc builder and experienced gamer to know alot about mice & aiming too... 🤔
I personally like 500 DPI and 7.74 Ingame Sensitivity for Overwatch. I keep the DPI the same at 500 even when I play different games but the sensitivity is different from game to game, depending on what what feels comfortable to me
If someone isn’t sure about the range of dpi between 400 to 1600 just go down the middle and use 1000dpi because it isn’t too sensitive neither too skippy on the pixels.
you need to use something that is a multiple of your native mouse optical laser. Wich is basically 800 for most mouse so use like 800/1600/2400 using more than 2400 is not worth at all. So if you use 1000 you gonna suffer from your mouse needing to do an interpolation process. Also You need to chose your dpi according to your monitor resolution. 400 dpi on a 4k monitor will suffer from small stutter. 1080p user will want to use 800. 2k and 4k user will want to use 1600-2400. Sry if my english is hard to understand its not my native language. Im eating baguette with fromage.
For me it really depends which game I'm playing. For valorant / csgo I roll on low sens while mw / R6 I prefer high sens. I don't have any problem adjusting
I think the most impotant things about changing dpi is that high dpi requires more micro adjustment than low dpi. I've tried different dpi from 400 to 1600 for two years. Low dpi like 400 feels more solid but less accurate when it comes to micro movement. Higher dpi like 800 and 1600 gives you more accuracy in micro movement but also feels shaky and jitter if you unable to control it. The higher you go the shakier you feel.
@@zephyr_cg_Legacy Theoretically, higher dpi always better even with low sens, because it gives you more control over micro movement. But in reality, if you feel shaky with high dpi and unable to control it, just go with low dpi. Even if you have high sens, go with 400 and crank up your in game sens.
@@minhucnguyen8064 theoretically maybe, but when you use low sens, like you need a foot or more to do a 180 turn ingame, you realize that 400 DPI is perfect for it. I also advise against using low DPI and high ingame sens. You can get what is commonly referred to as "pixel skipping" that way.
in tf2 I use 2400 dpi and 2.27 which is 1.5 inches per 180 as scout. It doesn't hinder my aim with the shotgun too much while using the higher sens to my advantage by jumping around a lot. While in apex legends I find it more comfortable to use the (comparatively) drastically lower sensitivity 2.8 400 dpi, my brain kind of has to take a minute if I switch between games but I can aim reasonably well and consistently hit shots
@@oggirf had to do the math to get what that is in international units and that is about 15-22 cm/360, which sounds about what is to explant from fast gameplay
I like 400dpi simply because it allows for finer tuning of sensitivities across different games. I like to have ~50cm/360 in games like CS:GO, and having a lower dpi allows for finer adjustment to be able to reach that exact same cm/360 when I swap to something else.
Is there any chance of a video like this but with ultra wide monitors in mind, like 34" and coefficient of 2.33. I would be interested to hear from an expert about how scalable these settings are depending on screen size
mail the manufacturer, they usually reply. also the more technical your mail is the more technically accurate answer you will get. Also, try to add another id in cc so that the addressed has lesser mental ability to ignore the mail.
@@karmicjustice4046 wow, what a really helpful answer. I don't think manufacturers are interested in improving your aim in FPS games. Whereas in this series of videos, KOVAAK is trying to help people with hints and tips. Most of these videos are made without Ultra wide monitors in mind, which is great as that is the majority. Merely asking for some tips with them in mind is a fairly simple request and I feel will go down well with the community. I hope you are satisfied with my response, if not please send any complaints to my HR department who I am sure will be happy to assist.
Coefficient is essentially just the difference between horizontal and vertical sensitivity. Best to set it for your monitors aspect ratio like 2.33 for 21:9 or 1.78 for 16:9 and then start adjusting dpi. If you get used to a game like warzone that default to 1.33 and you want to change the coefficient it's best to use kovaaks sensitivity matcher to save your 360° sens then adjust coefficient and then adjust sensitivity to compensate for the coefficient adjustment. Hopefully that makes sense lol.
Don't have the exact settings anymore, but for the glowing targets you can go to the 'Visuals' tab in options > Enemy Colors > Advanced > Full Bright slider. Adjusting that slider will change the intensity of the glow. Also need to have 'Scene Color' on medium or higher in the Video settings. Hope that helps!
Good Video but a important fact about dpi is that the overall latency decreases when you increase the dpi. There is a really good BattleNonSens Video about that
@@tripieXXX its never as simple as the measured number you see. 500hz-1000hz is a 1ms difference, not perceptible by humans, yet it feels notably different. That few ms difference from raising dpi, is being fed into an entire processing chain, creating a butterfly effect. The standard deviation in latency also shrinks significantly with dpi, which is arguably more important.
I having a hard time understanding some of this. DPI is simply a resolution, so for one, why wouldn't everyone want the highest DPI available, but maybe with a lower sensitivity, so more of your movement is controlled? Second, why would a higher DPI want a higher sensitivity? That's completely inverse to what I would have thought. Higher DPI and higher sens, means you are flying all over the screen with little to no control, because who can control millimeters. Low DPI and low sense mean you can barely move your cursor while throwing your mouse across the room. I want to know why we don't all max out DPI and then lower sens to a comfortable level? That would give the best input to output resolution and give the most control. There's something either I don't understand or the community doesn't understand. The only reason I personally don't max out my DPI, but pretty close, is because sensitivity in games doesn't always go so low. Like shoot, I'm playing with a 0.7 sens in Apex Legends. I'd go higher for DPI, but I don't think I'd be able to find a low enough playable sens if I can't use anymore decimal places.
To me 400 dpi feels perfect for me and as you called it instinctive. I feel like any DPI higher and faster than 400dpi gives me carpel tunnel so no go for me. Also, games feel best for me when I can match the crosshair distance to my cursor distance.
hey bro, you are very knowledgeable about these issues, when i play another game from another game, all my sensivity habits are renewed what should I do?
Came to comment that if you play at 4k res you may encounter pixel skipping at these low dpis, these usually are fine for 1440 and below but 4k introduces pixel skipping and needs a higher base value, I use 8000 mouse dpi and 1 sense in ow2 with a gear down to 4000. basically the next reset 400 becomes 4000, 800 becomes 8000.
Not exactly, using one dpi and changing sens between games is the norm and perfectly okay. Changing your DPI can change what in-game sensitivities feel most comfortable. So if you are playing a game that suits high sens, but a high sens feels too fast, you could adjust your DPI higher (and lower your in-game sens if you wanted the same cm/360) to help it feel more normal. The best example of this is using an extremely high DPI like 3600 for a day then jumping into a game with your normal cm/360. Whatever you have it set to will now feel very slow.
@@I3asyl I think there's really only two factors to consider regarding changing in-game vs/ changing in mouse software/OS settings: First, changing in-game is usually the easiest option, however it's not always possible. In *Borderlands 2* for example, I had to change my sensitivity settings in mouse software because the in-game sensitivity range was too sensitive to accommodate the very low sensitivity I was using at the time. Secondly, changing the sensitivity outside of game makes your sensitivity different for all other use-cases, not just that one video game. This will naturally have an effect on how sensitive your mouse feels to you. I'd recommend messing w/ both if you're able to. After many years of being very low-sensitivity, I now have my DPI set to 1200 with 1 in-game sense - 1200 eDPI, which is considered high-sensitivity these days.
No. You should play on a fixed dpi and lower the in game sensitivity. You want the mouse to register small movements. A 400 dpi means a minimum mouse movement of 1/400th of an inch is neeeded for the cursor to move on screen. A higher dpi of 1,600 means a min mouse movement of 1/1,600 is registered.
Actually, switching from 800 dpi and sens 1 in csgo to 1600 dpi and 0,5 sens ingame, does not feel the same since you will get lower input latency. It will feel faster, but should be a little better.
Even though I play on a lower resolution (1280x960) than my monitor's native, I can still move the crosshair more accurately than on 400 dpi. I can definitely track better and also shooting at longer distances is easier. I've always just used 400 dpi though, so I dunno if I wanna keep 1600 dpi or not
@@greippuli9166 yup, tinkering and finding what works best for you will always be better than blindly following the settings pros use. their setup is a good baseline, but you have to find values that for for you, not for them.
Personally I play on 4000 DPI using a Logitech G pro wireless. This my sound odd but was recommended such a high DPI whilst playing Rainbow Six Siege a good few years ago, been roughly about 5. Since then I take it into every game and adjust my sens to cater for it and 9/10 it works pretty well, I don't have the best aim in the world but I'm decent and somewhat consistent. I'd say for newer more fast paced games give high DPI a go and see how it feels, if its not for you then at least you can say you've tried it.
@@jamescoburn2767 Honestly it depends on the game, I play Rainbow Six and I'm plat (I know its not amazing but I feel for someone just trying to enjoy themselves plat isnt a bad rank) other games I have better aim and accuracy than the people I know who all play at 4/800. But of course there will always be better it just feels right at this point anything lower is too slow for me
I usually try to get a software dpi multiplier of 1 and set my hardware dpi to 10x my monitor ppi (pixels per inch) -> 27in 1440p => 109PPI -> 1090 target dpi (logitech g pro x only allows 1100) and I never really had any problems switching monitors or games. Because DPI ~ PPI correlation kinda makes the courser inch-distance move related to the IRL distance moved without some obscure multiplier in between. But it might be a bit slow for me going into the future because I JUST got a second 27in 1440p monitor (two monitors are so freaking amazing!) and working on both of them moving stuff around is a bit slow, so for gaming I'm keeping the rule, but I might just get an extra "productivity" mouse with higher dpi or set up a dpi toggle on my current mouse to get some more speed in.
Is there any reason not to use a high (say 3200) dpi, even when using a low sens, if your mouse can support it without any additional smoothing? I have a Logitech G Pro X Superlight which has the Hero 25K sensor which supposedly has no additional smoothing at any dpi level. Considering I can just lower my sensitivity in Windows which does not affect the games I play, is there any downside to using a high DPI in this case?
all 2d interfaces like menus or inventories will have a super fast cursor. you could easily try it. load up CS:go (or any other games you would like to try), set the mouse dpi all the way up, ingame all the way down, and load up an empty match. now try to do the menues.
So using a lower dpi is better for those who use a low edpi? And higher edpi means im better off with a higher dpi too? But why will it feel better? Any reason for this? Im currently using 1600 dpi on a 240 edpi in valo so im wondering why is ut bad to do this. Please answer thanks
Can somebody please tell what is the best type of training I could do specifically for aiming with Widowmaker from Overwatch? I just downloaded KovaaKs but I don't know where to start and what could help me specifically for playing her. 😟
What should be my baseline dpi if my preferred Valorant sens is 0.471 x 800dpi ? I want to change my dpi but keep the same overall sens to have least warm-up time.
I also tried the suggested 0.378 sens(got the 360 from your video) for 800dpi and it feels very natural. But I want to try it the other way around so that i can keep my old 360 sens for 0.471x800dpi since I've been playing with it for around 2 years :) thanks in advance
@@TamalSarkar i use a website ( ) to convert my sens between all my games, you can use it to convert your same sens with differnet dpi
eDPI general values depend completely on the game being played. Low eDPI is used for skill based shooters like CS and valorant, where as high eDPI is used for faster paced games. I read somewhere that the average eDPI in call of duty is in the 5000's range for an example, whereas for CSGO or Valorant its in the 200-300 range.
CMIIW, so DPI is almost useless right ? because what we must find is the most comfortable setting, combine between dpi and sensitivity like the example 400 dpi with 10 sensitivity is same as 800 dpi with 5 sensitivity so if my comfortable setting is 400 with 20, when i use 800 mouse i need to change my sensitivity to 10 correct ?
I set it and forgot it to 1700 DPI because I find it to be the most comfortable for everyday use and then I simply adjust in-game sensitivity if needed. BUT I generally prefer to have quite high sensitivity because I absolutely cannot stand a "sluggish" mouse when looking around... and of course because of grip + hand/forearm movement which in my case means I move my mouse only around 3 cm around the "center" of my mouse pad...
I play Widow on OW2, and I use the viper 8k using full 8000 polling, and 20,000 dpi with in game sens of (.15). I have a preset for 800dpi for when in menus.
if you higher your dpi but lower your sens so the sensitivity is the same it will actually give you less input delay bcs the mouse sees more pixels it will also feel a little bit different
Apex players have crazy low DPI from my perspective, my Apex eDPI is 1440 but I do play more arena style games with focus on movement and tracking than plant and defuse style games that focus on prediction and crosshair placement. Recently jumped from 800 to 1600 DPI and the later options feels to direct compared to the 800 DPI that was pixel skipping in FPS games. The opposite is true for osu where 800 DPI moves the cursor fluidly and skips movement at 1600 DPI. First check the game engine and then adjust for the best results, for drag and drop games 800 DPI has the fluid mouse motion in 2D with 1080P. For aiming 1600 DPI is required in some games for players that use above average sensitivity.
Im maxing out on my dpi. because i don't have much space to move my mouse. i have a logitech g102 (8000dpi max) and im planning on getting a redragon hydra m805 for the sake of ergonomics, but it also has higher dpi. (14 400) Does anyone know if this will help me be precise even thought i don't have much space and play on high sensitivity? I know it will also take practice to get better.
This is actually helpful info. Been trying to use 1600dpi in Valorant with a.17 sens and that explains why it feels a tad off. I may lower it to 800 and .34.
I got 1000 DPI because I sow a video that anything over 1k dpi has no improvement in latency/responsiveness. Also got a 8k sensor on mouse so sometimes feels like its gliding to much
Can easily switch dpi. Can play with dpi of 1600 and 2000. But It feels unnatural. I even went lower and still cant realy pick wich one works for me. I decided to stick to 1600 and 2000 dpi but I always overshoot and when I do the next time I undershoot I want one where I can just use muscle memory but I think im gonna be on a extremely specific dpi wich I am to lazy to find. Tho it does annoy me alot.
Csgo 3 sens @400 dpi to 0.75 sens @1600. Both makes 1200 edpi but 1600 feels more controllable. 400 felt like a loose cannon overshooting and over correction everywhere
Has anyone had it where when you aim down site the crosshairs and cursor feel like they are farther way and hard to control? Kind of like if you were to hold a gun straight out instead of tucked into arm. I don’t know if this is my mouse dpi, in game sens or my grip+mouse
I use 400 dpi for flickinf so i mostly use it on games like valorant or csgo sometimes rainbow six siege to avoid moving my mouse too much when holding am angle and high dpi for tracking so i use atleast 800 dpi on apex
1600 dpi, but i'm downscaling it with rawaccel to be 800 on x and 880 on y axis. I used to switch dpi and sens rather often, but this is so comfortable that i haven't changed it in a few months.
I'm currently doing 600dpi with in-game CSGO at 3.2, Windows sensitivity at 16. It feels amazing. Sometimes it's a bit slow for large flicks though. I'm not sure which sensitivity to increase for that.
I was playing in 400 DPI and 3 Sensi in CSGO ( 1200 overall) Recently i changed to 12 000 DPI and 0,1 Sensi ( 1200 overall) THE INPUT LAG IS SO BETTER, IS MORE PRECISE, ALL YOU SHOULD TRY
for me the input lag on 400 dpi is much more noticable than on 1600 however my sens feels way smoother and more consistent on 400 then 1600. rn using 800 to get best of both worlds
@@less42069 that's because low dpi is smoother, mouse dpi is basically like controller dead zone except it's reverse psychology, the lower the dpi the more control you have over ur shots.
@@less42069 when I've converted my normal sens (200 dpi 1.48) over to 1600 dpi to test it out in deathmatch I noticed a massive difference my sens felt wayyy faster but my shots were inaccurate despite the EDPI being the exact same.
Yes, it is the same. That said, LTT did a test in which high DPI was measured to have lower latency. The difference was minuscule though, so it doesn't really matter.
@@kodoy Probably because mouse sensitivity varies a lot from game to game. DPI on the other hand, as long as it's the same, no matter what mouse you have, it's gonna move the same amount. I guess it's more like a reference, low DPI usually means big movements and high DPI usually means playing moslty with your wrist. They did mention X cm/360° which makes the most sense to me, but it's hard to measure.
I main valorant, haven’t met anyone with a slower sens than I use. I’m at plat 2 right now at 400 dpi with .23 in game… less than 100 edpi 😄 | 55.9 in/360 or 141.99 cm/360
That is impressively low lol. Curious if you really notice a difference in performance between something like 100cm and 142cm? I've dabbled in some super low sens before but find once it reaches around 80cm the diminishing returns on accuracy when aiming within a small area are huge.
@@TheMeta honestly i reworked the way I approached aiming when I started playing val, I noticed I tended to under flick a lot during pure reaction moments so I kept dropping it lol, it feels super fluent and natural for me. Only problem is 360s or any kind of trick shot or even tracking someone super close to me is quite challenging lol Edit : it was more of what was comfortable and consistent. Make the main area of your that you’ll see enemies, within your wrist range for general precision :p
I use 800 DPI and 13.5 sens for call of duty and I'm still trying to figure out what ADS sens I should use, my aim is super shaky at times and I miss the easiest shots...
You’re missing shots because that sensitivity is ridiculously high (12.8cm/360) try something closer to 6 in game (~28cm/360). Aiming will feel a lot easier and you’ll hit many more shots.
So i and others play roblox how come when people like with 1600 dpi and camera sensitivity 0.07 and they can turn fast! But for me on my logitech 502 lightspeed when i do the same settings it moves soooo slow basically i gotta move my mouse cross the room to do a full 360, someone please explain btw they have i think logitech lightspeed but i think its a smaller mouse wth only 2 side buttons 😭😭😭😭
hey Gday I'm from Australia what's good people Here are the Call of Duty Vanguard settings I've been running Razer Viper Lightweight Pro ESPORT edition 3200 Dpi White Wireless Mouse with a 14 in game sensitivity set 100% ads sensitivity set also the coefficient setting is turned on and set to 178 Also run with my FOV settings set to Max at 120 I'm still new to the mouse now about a year an half of time with a pc i was a console scrub for 20 years and switched to pc at the start of Modern Warfare 2019
generally? low dpi will be less sensitive to jitter from your hand but high dpi will have less risk of pixel skipping and less input lag. So there isn't a perfect dpi, just what works for you. personally I'd say somewhere in the middle, where the downsides of either don't show, but the good things are noticable.
The more I discover about dpi the more I start to think that I’m doing something wrong, I’m using 3800 dpi and 1.5 sense in valorant, I was trying to increase my aim skills and started to change my dpi, now I can’t find my comfortable sensitivity, my friends told me that my sensitivity is too high, only after that i started to feel like maybe they are right, it doesn’t feel naturally for me to move my hand, I used just to move my wrist. And my whole life I’ve been playing like that
hey i started to use 400 dpi ages ago because i noticed im better at flicking and shooting in general on a lower sensitivity. the dilemma is that i noticed as soon as i trained tracking i changed my sensitivity from 400 dpi 900 gradually in 50 dpi incriments until i reached 900. i went from silver in your tracking benchmark to diamond almost master. can someone explain to me how this is possible. i managed to do this but im genuinely trash at aiming. im almost master tracking but somehow i suck at everything else. i always assumed people who are at that level of play are usually gods at everything else? is that not true? so why am i so good at tracking but am dawg shit at every other metric.
oh wow😅😱 that would feel so fast/uncomfortable for me, my mouse would fly all over the place with no control for me, I can use comfortable anything between 40-60cm/360 , but I prefer around 50cm/360😄
I think we should start making cm/360 the standard for sensitivities if we haven't already, it really makes it so much easier to compare the sensitivities since even on exact same eDPI on a different mouse it will still change slightly and cm/360 will just negate all of that by using real life metrics cm/360 is how much centimeters your mouse moves from left or right until you make a 360 degree turn in-game also extremely low dpi (like 400) has been proven to add latency to your mouse so the optimal way is setting it as high as you can and lowering the in-game sensitivity to have the exact same cm/360 as before But I do agree that sensitivity depends on the game you are playing, Precise aiming where enemies can only appear in front of your line of sight and with a low time to kill focuses more on flicks like CSGO, lower sensitivities are more prominent. In games like Apex Legends and Fortnite where people can be anywhere with a higher range of motion and high time to kill focuses more on tracking shows higher sensitivities are more prominent. And games with target switching will have a mix of both and a mediumish in the middle of both will be more prominent
To me the notion that different dpi settings make certain sensitivities work better just seems bullshit. A sensitivity of 1 in CSGO with 800dpi feels exactly the same as 2 with 400dpi. Only difference is the relative to being in windows for example. I for one like 1 on 800dpi and then a higher sensitivity feel in windows. When I switch to the game it always feels a tad lower like I have more control. But saying lower dpi makes lower sensitivity settings better is just based on nothing I think.
I feel like I'm constantly fighting the fact that my comfortable sens / dpi is much lower than is acceptable for the fast paced games that I play. For example my edpi in overwatch is 2672. When I raise it I sacrifice a lot of accuracy to the point of performing way worse in actual fights
Why the majority of CS pro players rather set the mouse at 400 dpi * high in-game sense? What is the advantage of having 400 dpi * 2 in-game sense over 1600 dpi * 0.5 in-game sense? I read once that 1600 dpi delivery a better smooth and fluid crosshair control. Is that a bs? thank you.
This is backwards. When I increase DPI I have to LOWER the sensitivity, not raise it. I dont know when increasing both would ever result in slower movement, that makes no sense. Ive I have sensitivity 2 in Quake Champions, and my DPI 800 its about right, if I raise the sensitivity I would have to lower the DPI to feel controllable. If I play on 1600 DPI I have to lower my sensitivity to 1. One thing I dont think you covered and its something I dont know alot about is, whether a higher DPI/lower sens is actually better than its equivalent lower DPI and higher sensitivity, or is it actually the exact same. If so, then DPI doesnt really matter, so my newer death adder's 20k DPI capabilities are useless, its ok, I just like the shape of deathadders.
higher dpi will give less input lag and risk of pixel skipping, but low dpi will be more resistant to tiny hand jitters. So both have positives and negatives.
i try 2400 and 4000 dpi, and just can't get back to low dpi, if anyone want to try high dpi, can try these 2 2400dpi are quit soild for anything, 4000 dpi, are hard to find the sens, but the in game feeling are good bullet just go directly onto target, dun feel much of the lag, and it may feel blury of the screen. i try a lot 3000~ u cant find a good spot for sens, not like 4000 and 2400, and 3000something are messing up the feeling, close range may good, and long range u just see the bullet travel, feel the lag,
@@bwb4449 So mainly battlefield, warzone, ww3 and some other random shooters. I think it's going well I am still finding my optimal sensitivity with the new DPI and I'm starting to see that higher is better for me because I'm a wrist aimer.
i use 400 dpi cause that is what ive used since csgo 2013... and menus just feel better, i know excacly how much to move... so switching up feels wierd
don't forget that different games have different in-game values, so eDPI is hard to compare. going with mouse movement/360° is a better value to compare between different games. as example, an in-game sens of 10 in overwatch is equal to 3 in ca:go)
To me 400 dpi feels most natural and as you called it instinctive. I feel like games feel best for me when I can match the crosshair distance to my cursor distance. the especially helps in games where youre switching a lot between inventory and actual gameplay because it all feels the same. but the perfect sens really depends on the game as well. it always changes between different engines and fov styles
@@TechSupportDave tf..... how 200 edpi. I use 1000edpi
the higher dpi the less input lag you are gonna get just so you know:) its better to tweak sensitivity in game rather than in mouse
@@dzejkob8that’s not true
@@prod.superior5434 it is true
@@dzejkob8 input lag is related to polling rate not dpi
I use 1800 as a baseline because it's my mouse's default, but in games where going from 1 to 2 sens is like 5 cm/360 difference and there's no in between numbers, I will adjust dpi by 50 at a time till I get where I need to be.
no i use 1.83 on csgo
If you want minimum input latency your mouse should never be set lower than 1600 DPI and 1000hz polling rate, while adjusting in game sensitivity to get your aim to feel right to you. Battlenonsense did a very in depth investigation on this here on youtube.
Good shout. This is true. It's small, but surprisingly real (though check your particular mouse, as YMMV depending on the specifics).
Until very recently (like a month ago) I'd always assumed the eDPI (DPI * in game sensitivity) was all that mattered unless you'd set your mouse DPI so high that it started to misbehave.
I.e. I thought that 400 DPI * 10 was totally the same thing as 800 DPI * 5, and the only difference was your DPI preference for desktop.
However, I recently read an rtings review of the Logitech Superlight X, and I was amazed to see that its time-to-movement duration is reduced by ~3ms when using 3200 DPI compared to 400 DPI. It keeps speeding up as you ramp up the DPI, too (but with diminishing returns).
- 400 DPI = ~16ms delay
- 3200 DPI = ~13ms delay
- 6000 DPI = ~11.8ms delay
Now, 3ms is not going to be a noticeable improvement for most players, but I'll take every little advantage!
The downside is that I don't want to use a high DPI for desktop, so I've set my (crap) logi software to use game profiles. The other downside is the mouse cursor speed in game menus is too fast, and there's usually no way around this, as it's not configurable. I can't use 6000 DPI in OW2 or I won't be able to use the mouse in the menus. 3200 DPI is already a bit of a challenge for someone who's been on 400/450 DPI for 20 years.
@@defragsbin You could try nudging down mouse pointer speed in Windows settings
@@defragsbin To follow up with the other guy. The mouse pointer speed works in multipliers, so you can set that down to perfectly match 800dpi at the default "6/11" or "10/20" setting on Windows and when moving through menus.
For example if you want to use 6400dpi, then you'd set the mouse settings to 3/20 to get the multiplier to 1/8 as 6400 is 8x higher than 800. While most people prefer pointing out using the control panel setting that has 11 notches instead of the newer one with 20. This is an example of the older way not being possible and therefore I'd recommend the new way.
I hope that makes sense to you and anyone who reads this.
@@bigbear514 and @overbe -- thanks for the info, I had no idea that was possible. I assumed games would ignore the pointer speed since they tend to use raw input these days, but OW does seem to respect it!
When you talk about the 20 step pointer options, is this in Windows 11 or something? (I'm on Windows 10 -- tried 11 and went back to 10)
This isn't completely true. It's not more or less latency. It's just doing its job. DPI stands for Dots Per Inch, so a 400 DPI would have fewer dots per inch than a 1600 DPI, making you need to move it slightly further to reach the first dot. This is why that test only works when moving slowly. If you move fast like you normally do when playing a game there is virtually no difference.
DPI definitely makes specific senses feel better. I, for example, wanted to shift to a higher sens in apex and cs and went from 800 edpi with 800 dpi to now 1200 edpi with 1600 dpi and the higher dpi definitely makes the higher sens feel natural. If I played on 400 dpi at 1200 edpi it would definitely feel disconnected in my inventory and buy menu etc.
how can i know my mouse dpi?
@@nirbhay_ic5177 depends what kind of mouse u have, use your mouses software to see.
@@nirbhay_ic5177 use a gaming mouse.
Is higher dpi always better ?
@@Edwin6264. Yes. basically you can move the pointer very slow so you can target very small thing more accurately. it doesn't skip skip bunch of pixels on screen at once.
Yo you sound like @Optimum tech
I legit thought Optimum did the voice-over for the videos…
And both made videos in recent year about DPI. Huh.
@@Ccb780 well shit, they might actually be the same person.
@@Cosmicmorales he also has lowkey god tier aim, and it would kinda make sense for a knowledgeable pc builder and experienced gamer to know alot about mice & aiming too... 🤔
Yes, i found it sounds the same too
I personally like 500 DPI and 7.74 Ingame Sensitivity for Overwatch. I keep the DPI the same at 500 even when I play different games but the sensitivity is different from game to game, depending on what what feels comfortable to me
I am at 600 with 8.5
Btw what do u play in ow?
I am a soldier main.
If someone isn’t sure about the range of dpi between 400 to 1600 just go down the middle and use 1000dpi because it isn’t too sensitive neither too skippy on the pixels.
you need to use something that is a multiple of your native mouse optical laser. Wich is basically 800 for most mouse so use like 800/1600/2400 using more than 2400 is not worth at all. So if you use 1000 you gonna suffer from your mouse needing to do an interpolation process. Also You need to chose your dpi according to your monitor resolution. 400 dpi on a 4k monitor will suffer from small stutter. 1080p user will want to use 800. 2k and 4k user will want to use 1600-2400. Sry if my english is hard to understand its not my native language. Im eating baguette with fromage.
For me it really depends which game I'm playing. For valorant / csgo I roll on low sens while mw / R6 I prefer high sens. I don't have any problem adjusting
I think the most impotant things about changing dpi is that high dpi requires more micro adjustment than low dpi. I've tried different dpi from 400 to 1600 for two years. Low dpi like 400 feels more solid but less accurate when it comes to micro movement. Higher dpi like 800 and 1600 gives you more accuracy in micro movement but also feels shaky and jitter if you unable to control it. The higher you go the shakier you feel.
You are just explaining the most basic shit there is about mouse dpi
Low DPI is great for low sens, high DPI is good for high sens.
@@zephyr_cg_Legacy Theoretically, higher dpi always better even with low sens, because it gives you more control over micro movement.
But in reality, if you feel shaky with high dpi and unable to control it, just go with low dpi. Even if you have high sens, go with 400 and crank up your in game sens.
@@minhucnguyen8064 theoretically maybe, but when you use low sens, like you need a foot or more to do a 180 turn ingame, you realize that 400 DPI is perfect for it. I also advise against using low DPI and high ingame sens. You can get what is commonly referred to as "pixel skipping" that way.
I appreciate your input as a newbie.
in tf2 I use 2400 dpi and 2.27 which is 1.5 inches per 180 as scout. It doesn't hinder my aim with the shotgun too much while using the higher sens to my advantage by jumping around a lot. While in apex legends I find it more comfortable to use the (comparatively) drastically lower sensitivity 2.8 400 dpi, my brain kind of has to take a minute if I switch between games but I can aim reasonably well and consistently hit shots
feels like a reasonable sens for the scout's fast movement, which want fast turns.
@@HappyBeezerStudios something like 3-4.5 inch per 180 is more reasonable i think (most pro scouts fall around this)
@@oggirf had to do the math to get what that is in international units and that is about 15-22 cm/360, which sounds about what is to explant from fast gameplay
800 dpi and I tend to stick to 38.5 cm/360 for most games, I find this a happy medium :)
yea i personally prefer 26000 dpi cuz its most comfortable to me but i get why most ppl prefer to keep it under 2000
I like 400dpi simply because it allows for finer tuning of sensitivities across different games. I like to have ~50cm/360 in games like CS:GO, and having a lower dpi allows for finer adjustment to be able to reach that exact same cm/360 when I swap to something else.
Is there any chance of a video like this but with ultra wide monitors in mind, like 34" and coefficient of 2.33. I would be interested to hear from an expert about how scalable these settings are depending on screen size
mail the manufacturer, they usually reply. also the more technical your mail is the more technically accurate answer you will get. Also, try to add another id in cc so that the addressed has lesser mental ability to ignore the mail.
@@karmicjustice4046 wow, what a really helpful answer. I don't think manufacturers are interested in improving your aim in FPS games. Whereas in this series of videos, KOVAAK is trying to help people with hints and tips. Most of these videos are made without Ultra wide monitors in mind, which is great as that is the majority. Merely asking for some tips with them in mind is a fairly simple request and I feel will go down well with the community. I hope you are satisfied with my response, if not please send any complaints to my HR department who I am sure will be happy to assist.
Coefficient is essentially just the difference between horizontal and vertical sensitivity. Best to set it for your monitors aspect ratio like 2.33 for 21:9 or 1.78 for 16:9 and then start adjusting dpi. If you get used to a game like warzone that default to 1.33 and you want to change the coefficient it's best to use kovaaks sensitivity matcher to save your 360° sens then adjust coefficient and then adjust sensitivity to compensate for the coefficient adjustment. Hopefully that makes sense lol.
Love these types of videos! Keep it up
Thank you!
Great tips man! Can u give the visual settings for your kovaaks at 0:20
Ayo i need them settings
Don't have the exact settings anymore, but for the glowing targets you can go to the 'Visuals' tab in options > Enemy Colors > Advanced > Full Bright slider. Adjusting that slider will change the intensity of the glow. Also need to have 'Scene Color' on medium or higher in the Video settings.
Hope that helps!
@@TheMeta Ye DrUninstall already helped me, thanks anyways
What measurement of edpi does this video use? How do I calculate mine in the same way they did?
Mine is : 800 dpi x 0.385 sens = 308 edpi , use the same method and u will find yours
I just bought KovaaKs today and not even regretting it, great aim trainer
Good Video but a important fact about dpi is that the overall latency decreases when you increase the dpi. There is a really good BattleNonSens Video about that
Only ms no problem really
@@tripieXXX its never as simple as the measured number you see. 500hz-1000hz is a 1ms difference, not perceptible by humans, yet it feels notably different.
That few ms difference from raising dpi, is being fed into an entire processing chain, creating a butterfly effect.
The standard deviation in latency also shrinks significantly with dpi, which is arguably more important.
@@fuscazo5399 I think you failed to understand my comment
@@xThunderMelonx sure... xd
I having a hard time understanding some of this. DPI is simply a resolution, so for one, why wouldn't everyone want the highest DPI available, but maybe with a lower sensitivity, so more of your movement is controlled?
Second, why would a higher DPI want a higher sensitivity? That's completely inverse to what I would have thought. Higher DPI and higher sens, means you are flying all over the screen with little to no control, because who can control millimeters. Low DPI and low sense mean you can barely move your cursor while throwing your mouse across the room.
I want to know why we don't all max out DPI and then lower sens to a comfortable level? That would give the best input to output resolution and give the most control. There's something either I don't understand or the community doesn't understand.
The only reason I personally don't max out my DPI, but pretty close, is because sensitivity in games doesn't always go so low. Like shoot, I'm playing with a 0.7 sens in Apex Legends. I'd go higher for DPI, but I don't think I'd be able to find a low enough playable sens if I can't use anymore decimal places.
I like higher DPI and lower in game sensitivity, e.g. 1600dpi @ 20 => 30% sensitivity & large mouse pad. This is what I use with my G Pro X SL
To me 400 dpi feels perfect for me and as you called it instinctive. I feel like any DPI higher and faster than 400dpi gives me carpel tunnel so no go for me. Also, games feel best for me when I can match the crosshair distance to my cursor distance.
hey bro, you are very knowledgeable about these issues, when i play another game from another game, all my sensivity habits are renewed what should I do?
Came to comment that if you play at 4k res you may encounter pixel skipping at these low dpis, these usually are fine for 1440 and below but 4k introduces pixel skipping and needs a higher base value, I use 8000 mouse dpi and 1 sense in ow2 with a gear down to 4000. basically the next reset 400 becomes 4000, 800 becomes 8000.
Was a 650 dpi gamer all through my Csgo days. After that I’ve been at 800 and honestly enjoy my mouse movement in games much better.
So what you're saying is instead of changing my in game sensitivity I should be changing my dpi? (From game to game)
Im curious about this too, why not just change in game instead?
Not exactly, using one dpi and changing sens between games is the norm and perfectly okay. Changing your DPI can change what in-game sensitivities feel most comfortable. So if you are playing a game that suits high sens, but a high sens feels too fast, you could adjust your DPI higher (and lower your in-game sens if you wanted the same cm/360) to help it feel more normal.
The best example of this is using an extremely high DPI like 3600 for a day then jumping into a game with your normal cm/360. Whatever you have it set to will now feel very slow.
@@I3asyl I think there's really only two factors to consider regarding changing in-game vs/ changing in mouse software/OS settings:
First, changing in-game is usually the easiest option, however it's not always possible. In *Borderlands 2* for example, I had to change my sensitivity settings in mouse software because the in-game sensitivity range was too sensitive to accommodate the very low sensitivity I was using at the time.
Secondly, changing the sensitivity outside of game makes your sensitivity different for all other use-cases, not just that one video game. This will naturally have an effect on how sensitive your mouse feels to you.
I'd recommend messing w/ both if you're able to. After many years of being very low-sensitivity, I now have my DPI set to 1200 with 1 in-game sense - 1200 eDPI, which is considered high-sensitivity these days.
@@TheMeta Ahhh I wonder why that happens even with the same cm/360!
Thanks for the clarification!
No. You should play on a fixed dpi and lower the in game sensitivity. You want the mouse to register small movements. A 400 dpi means a minimum mouse movement of 1/400th of an inch is neeeded for the cursor to move on screen. A higher dpi of 1,600 means a min mouse movement of 1/1,600 is registered.
Actually, switching from 800 dpi and sens 1 in csgo to 1600 dpi and 0,5 sens ingame, does not feel the same since you will get lower input latency. It will feel faster, but should be a little better.
Even though I play on a lower resolution (1280x960) than my monitor's native, I can still move the crosshair more accurately than on 400 dpi. I can definitely track better and also shooting at longer distances is easier. I've always just used 400 dpi though, so I dunno if I wanna keep 1600 dpi or not
@@greippuli9166 maybe you need to get used to it
@@greippuli9166 yup, tinkering and finding what works best for you will always be better than blindly following the settings pros use. their setup is a good baseline, but you have to find values that for for you, not for them.
Personally I play on 4000 DPI using a Logitech G pro wireless. This my sound odd but was recommended such a high DPI whilst playing Rainbow Six Siege a good few years ago, been roughly about 5. Since then I take it into every game and adjust my sens to cater for it and 9/10 it works pretty well, I don't have the best aim in the world but I'm decent and somewhat consistent. I'd say for newer more fast paced games give high DPI a go and see how it feels, if its not for you then at least you can say you've tried it.
With that dpi you’ll never be great at any game that requires aiming. But if you’re just playing for strictly fun then have at it
@@jamescoburn2767 as long as the e dpi is decent, i play on 3200 and got master for the last 4 splits on apex
@@jamescoburn2767 Honestly it depends on the game, I play Rainbow Six and I'm plat (I know its not amazing but I feel for someone just trying to enjoy themselves plat isnt a bad rank) other games I have better aim and accuracy than the people I know who all play at 4/800. But of course there will always be better it just feels right at this point anything lower is too slow for me
@@SPett- Heard that high dpi is more responsive and still accurate for the hero sensor.
1600 dpi 20 sense. Don’t be scared let your body tell you what it needs.
Ever since I turned mouse acceleration off, I changed my dpi to 1000. Before that I used to play on 2100 dpi.
I usually try to get a software dpi multiplier of 1 and set my hardware dpi to 10x my monitor ppi (pixels per inch) -> 27in 1440p => 109PPI -> 1090 target dpi (logitech g pro x only allows 1100) and I never really had any problems switching monitors or games.
Because DPI ~ PPI correlation kinda makes the courser inch-distance move related to the IRL distance moved without some obscure multiplier in between.
But it might be a bit slow for me going into the future because I JUST got a second 27in 1440p monitor (two monitors are so freaking amazing!) and working on both of them moving stuff around is a bit slow, so for gaming I'm keeping the rule, but I might just get an extra "productivity" mouse with higher dpi or set up a dpi toggle on my current mouse to get some more speed in.
109 ppi mean 109 dpi i look that up is it not ?
@@red1evilz952 yeah, 109 ppi but I multiply it by 10 because 100 dpi is a little low ^^ so I usually play with 1100 DPI
@@red1evilz952 You can even take a ruler and measure it: 1cm mouse movement is exactly 10cm on screen movement
3600 dpi with 4.5 sens in halo mcc. 3600 just feels so good and smooth even tho im not at a crazy high sensitivity
Is there any reason not to use a high (say 3200) dpi, even when using a low sens, if your mouse can support it without any additional smoothing? I have a Logitech G Pro X Superlight which has the Hero 25K sensor which supposedly has no additional smoothing at any dpi level. Considering I can just lower my sensitivity in Windows which does not affect the games I play, is there any downside to using a high DPI in this case?
all 2d interfaces like menus or inventories will have a super fast cursor. you could easily try it. load up CS:go (or any other games you would like to try), set the mouse dpi all the way up, ingame all the way down, and load up an empty match. now try to do the menues.
@@HappyBeezerStudios But you could change the windows mouse setting to compensate, correct? Then you'd never need to change your DPI again.
@@RagingBrohemoth4 correct
So using a lower dpi is better for those who use a low edpi? And higher edpi means im better off with a higher dpi too? But why will it feel better? Any reason for this? Im currently using 1600 dpi on a 240 edpi in valo so im wondering why is ut bad to do this. Please answer thanks
It is not bad to do this
Can somebody please tell what is the best type of training I could do specifically for aiming with Widowmaker from Overwatch? I just downloaded KovaaKs but I don't know where to start and what could help me specifically for playing her. 😟
Welcome to KovaaK's! Check out our default Online Playlists for Overwatch and Valorant. There are a lot of appropriate scenarios in those two! GLHF!
Also look into Voltaic bench marks
What should be my baseline dpi if my preferred Valorant sens is 0.471 x 800dpi ? I want to change my dpi but keep the same overall sens to have least warm-up time.
I also tried the suggested 0.378 sens(got the 360 from your video) for 800dpi and it feels very natural. But I want to try it the other way around so that i can keep my old 360 sens for 0.471x800dpi since I've been playing with it for around 2 years :) thanks in advance
@@TamalSarkar i use a website ( ) to convert my sens between all my games, you can use it to convert your same sens with differnet dpi
@@TamalSarkar You and me used to play on the same 0.471 sens, except I was on 2400 dpi.
is it better to plug your mouse in the monitor = less input lag 5 ms or plug in PC Usb port?
eDPI general values depend completely on the game being played. Low eDPI is used for skill based shooters like CS and valorant, where as high eDPI is used for faster paced games. I read somewhere that the average eDPI in call of duty is in the 5000's range for an example, whereas for CSGO or Valorant its in the 200-300 range.
Does kovaks have something to convert sens like aim labs?
CMIIW, so DPI is almost useless right ? because what we must find is
the most comfortable setting, combine between dpi and sensitivity
like the example
400 dpi with 10 sensitivity is same as 800 dpi with 5 sensitivity
so if my comfortable setting is 400 with 20, when i use 800 mouse i need to change my sensitivity to 10
correct ?
I set it and forgot it to 1700 DPI because I find it to be the most comfortable for everyday use and then I simply adjust in-game sensitivity if needed. BUT I generally prefer to have quite high sensitivity because I absolutely cannot stand a "sluggish" mouse when looking around... and of course because of grip + hand/forearm movement which in my case means I move my mouse only around 3 cm around the "center" of my mouse pad...
So do i pick a random dpi like how do i know where to start
start with something like 400, 800 or 1600 dpi and work your way from there. Those are common defaults in mice.
Is 1200 dpi and 1.3 sensitivity too much for CSGO? That’s what I have my setting at right now. Or is it preference?
I play Widow on OW2, and I use the viper 8k using full 8000 polling, and 20,000 dpi with in game sens of (.15). I have a preset for 800dpi for when in menus.
Ive gone from 1200dpi too 400 dpi and now for apex I’m back up to 1800 dpi.
im 2400 dpi lmao
Im 1800 dpi in apex too
400, 3,6
@@veni4104 ayo, same speed, 800/1.8 here
Is it exactly the same if I use the same edpi and just adjust the in game sense but move from 1600dpi to 800dpi, will that make a difference
if you higher your dpi but lower your sens so the sensitivity is the same it will actually give you less input delay bcs the mouse sees more pixels it will also feel a little bit different
Apex players have crazy low DPI from my perspective, my Apex eDPI is 1440 but I do play more arena style games with focus on movement and tracking than plant and defuse style games that focus on prediction and crosshair placement. Recently jumped from 800 to 1600 DPI and the later options feels to direct compared to the 800 DPI that was pixel skipping in FPS games. The opposite is true for osu where 800 DPI moves the cursor fluidly and skips movement at 1600 DPI. First check the game engine and then adjust for the best results, for drag and drop games 800 DPI has the fluid mouse motion in 2D with 1080P. For aiming 1600 DPI is required in some games for players that use above average sensitivity.
Im maxing out on my dpi. because i don't have much space to move my mouse. i have a logitech g102 (8000dpi max) and im planning on getting a redragon hydra m805 for the sake of ergonomics, but it also has higher dpi. (14 400) Does anyone know if this will help me be precise even thought i don't have much space and play on high sensitivity? I know it will also take practice to get better.
Yes but what is your base sensitivity in game even tho you switch dpi?
This is actually helpful info. Been trying to use 1600dpi in Valorant with a.17 sens and that explains why it feels a tad off. I may lower it to 800 and .34.
I'm in The exact situation
For me this is very sad when people say "obv cheating" but I spend much time on aim trainer
why? i love when people think im cheating ^^
What game 3:09?
I got 1000 DPI because I sow a video that anything over 1k dpi has no improvement in latency/responsiveness. Also got a 8k sensor on mouse so sometimes feels like its gliding to much
8k aint that much
@@MrGapi I think he means 8k of polling rate, not dpi
Can easily switch dpi. Can play with dpi of 1600 and 2000. But It feels unnatural. I even went lower and still cant realy pick wich one works for me. I decided to stick to 1600 and 2000 dpi but I always overshoot and when I do the next time I undershoot I want one where I can just use muscle memory but I think im gonna be on a extremely specific dpi wich I am to lazy to find. Tho it does annoy me alot.
Can always practice with a dpi until you improve.
Csgo 3 sens @400 dpi to 0.75 sens @1600. Both makes 1200 edpi but 1600 feels more controllable. 400 felt like a loose cannon overshooting and over correction everywhere
Has anyone had it where when you aim down site the crosshairs and cursor feel like they are farther way and hard to control? Kind of like if you were to hold a gun straight out instead of tucked into arm. I don’t know if this is my mouse dpi, in game sens or my grip+mouse
i changed the dip toggle to save the last 30 seconds of gameplay it was just annoying to accidentaly click it
If im on 800 dpi and 26 ingame is 1600 dpi and 13 ingame the same speed? :D
I use 400 dpi for flickinf so i mostly use it on games like valorant or csgo sometimes rainbow six siege to avoid moving my mouse too much when holding am angle and high dpi for tracking so i use atleast 800 dpi on apex
1600 dpi, but i'm downscaling it with rawaccel to be 800 on x and 880 on y axis. I used to switch dpi and sens rather often, but this is so comfortable that i haven't changed it in a few months.
that sounds cool, if you play pfs games, which ones do you play?
Song name on the background plz
I'm currently doing 600dpi with in-game CSGO at 3.2, Windows sensitivity at 16. It feels amazing. Sometimes it's a bit slow for large flicks though. I'm not sure which sensitivity to increase for that.
How large of flicks are we talking
How do you change your dpi to 1600
1600 dpi & in-game setting 0.5 > 800 dpi in-game setting 1.0 (edpi same for both conditions)
*always buy a mouse that has a higher ips
Bought one today with 450
@@HasimFN gg brother
I was playing in 400 DPI and 3 Sensi in CSGO ( 1200 overall)
Recently i changed to 12 000 DPI and 0,1 Sensi ( 1200 overall) THE INPUT LAG IS SO BETTER, IS MORE PRECISE, ALL YOU SHOULD TRY
1000 dpi dell optical mouse is it good?
what about input lag which was testet and seems to be less at 1600 dpi than 400 dpi
for me the input lag on 400 dpi is much more noticable than on 1600 however my sens feels way smoother and more consistent on 400 then 1600. rn using 800 to get best of both worlds
@@less42069 that's because low dpi is smoother, mouse dpi is basically like controller dead zone except it's reverse psychology, the lower the dpi the more control you have over ur shots.
@@less42069 when I've converted my normal sens (200 dpi 1.48) over to 1600 dpi to test it out in deathmatch I noticed a massive difference my sens felt wayyy faster but my shots were inaccurate despite the EDPI being the exact same.
ok but whats the difference between changing dpi and ingame sens? don't they both accomplish virtually the same thing?
Yes, it is the same. That said, LTT did a test in which high DPI was measured to have lower latency. The difference was minuscule though, so it doesn't really matter.
@@retmotiv my thoughts exactly. why not just say mouse sensitivity then? there's already some weird mysticism around DPI lol
@@kodoy Probably because mouse sensitivity varies a lot from game to game. DPI on the other hand, as long as it's the same, no matter what mouse you have, it's gonna move the same amount. I guess it's more like a reference, low DPI usually means big movements and high DPI usually means playing moslty with your wrist.
They did mention X cm/360° which makes the most sense to me, but it's hard to measure.
i agree.
@@brunops1000 nao conta pra ninguem q fomos clickbaitados nos recomendados e só assistimos 20% do video. alias vou ver o volnutt terça
I main valorant, haven’t met anyone with a slower sens than I use. I’m at plat 2 right now at 400 dpi with .23 in game… less than 100 edpi 😄 | 55.9 in/360 or 141.99 cm/360
bro what
That is impressively low lol. Curious if you really notice a difference in performance between something like 100cm and 142cm? I've dabbled in some super low sens before but find once it reaches around 80cm the diminishing returns on accuracy when aiming within a small area are huge.
@@TheMeta honestly i reworked the way I approached aiming when I started playing val, I noticed I tended to under flick a lot during pure reaction moments so I kept dropping it lol, it feels super fluent and natural for me. Only problem is 360s or any kind of trick shot or even tracking someone super close to me is quite challenging lol
Edit : it was more of what was comfortable and consistent. Make the main area of your that you’ll see enemies, within your wrist range for general precision :p
theres this european bloke that plays alot of battlefield with similar sens to yours.his target switch it litreally aimbot.
I use 0.3/400 dpi (D2 atm), but there’s a guy named Not Untrue on TH-cam that uses 0.11/800 dpi which is 88 edpi at high immo/radiant
I use 800 DPI and 13.5 sens for call of duty and I'm still trying to figure out what ADS sens I should use, my aim is super shaky at times and I miss the easiest shots...
You’re missing shots because that sensitivity is ridiculously high (12.8cm/360) try something closer to 6 in game (~28cm/360). Aiming will feel a lot easier and you’ll hit many more shots.
I use 800 dpi with an ingame sense of 5 in cod if I remember correctly. In apex 800 dpi 1.5 ingame is equal to that I think.
@@Blamzy indeed, math checks out
I use 1500 DPI on a 27 inch display. What would be the best sensitivity?
I use 1.3 sensitivity. Not sure if it matters about the screen size. You have to keep playing with it until you find what works best for you.
I’m also at 1200 dpi
where do you find what dpi I've got
So i and others play roblox how come when people like with 1600 dpi and camera sensitivity 0.07 and they can turn fast! But for me on my logitech 502 lightspeed when i do the same settings it moves soooo slow basically i gotta move my mouse cross the room to do a full 360, someone please explain btw they have i think logitech lightspeed but i think its a smaller mouse wth only 2 side buttons 😭😭😭😭
Actually he has superlight
I play on 6400 dpi, only issue is that the warmup for fine aim takes actual ages.
hey Gday I'm from Australia what's good people
Here are the Call of Duty Vanguard settings I've been running
Razer Viper Lightweight Pro ESPORT edition 3200 Dpi White Wireless Mouse with a 14 in game sensitivity set
100% ads sensitivity set also the coefficient setting is turned on and set to 178
Also run with my FOV settings set to Max at 120
I'm still new to the mouse now about a year an half of time with a pc
i was a console scrub for 20 years and switched to pc at the start of Modern Warfare 2019
What does edpi mean ?????
it’s dpi multiplied by your in game sensitivity
Is it better to have low dpi and High sense then High dpi and low sense?
low dpi will be less sensitive to jitter from your hand but high dpi will have less risk of pixel skipping and less input lag.
So there isn't a perfect dpi, just what works for you.
personally I'd say somewhere in the middle, where the downsides of either don't show, but the good things are noticable.
am i weird if i like to use 4000dpi and 2 on cs
The more I discover about dpi the more I start to think that I’m doing something wrong, I’m using 3800 dpi and 1.5 sense in valorant, I was trying to increase my aim skills and started to change my dpi, now I can’t find my comfortable sensitivity, my friends told me that my sensitivity is too high, only after that i started to feel like maybe they are right, it doesn’t feel naturally for me to move my hand, I used just to move my wrist. And my whole life I’ve been playing like that
but kvk what about pixel skipping when low sens+low dpi?
Thats on high sens low dpi not low sens low dpi
You should use high dpi and just adjust the in game sensitivity.
hey i started to use 400 dpi ages ago because i noticed im better at flicking and shooting in general on a lower sensitivity. the dilemma is that i noticed as soon as i trained tracking i changed my sensitivity from 400 dpi 900 gradually in 50 dpi incriments until i reached 900. i went from silver in your tracking benchmark to diamond almost master. can someone explain to me how this is possible. i managed to do this but im genuinely trash at aiming. im almost master tracking but somehow i suck at everything else. i always assumed people who are at that level of play are usually gods at everything else? is that not true? so why am i so good at tracking but am dawg shit at every other metric.
What you practice you become good at. Also some people are just natural better flickers and some are better trackers. Just keep practicing.
i like 800dpi and around 20 to 28cm/360 depending on the game, but 23cm/360 is the sweet spot for me
oh wow😅😱 that would feel so fast/uncomfortable for me, my mouse would fly all over the place with no control for me, I can use comfortable anything between 40-60cm/360 , but I prefer around 50cm/360😄
I had used 1250 DPI (since it was similar to the previous mouse how it felt) since I got the Razer Viper mouse in 2019
2000 dpi set to 1000 with rawaccel in valorant .4 so 400edpi at the lowest and 600 at max velocity
I play in apex 800dpi 1.7 or 1.6 if i change to 1600dpi and 0.86 ingame is the same right? or not? who can help me?
I think we should start making cm/360 the standard for sensitivities if we haven't already, it really makes it so much easier to compare the sensitivities since even on exact same eDPI on a different mouse it will still change slightly and cm/360 will just negate all of that by using real life metrics
cm/360 is how much centimeters your mouse moves from left or right until you make a 360 degree turn in-game
also extremely low dpi (like 400) has been proven to add latency to your mouse so the optimal way is setting it as high as you can and lowering the in-game sensitivity to have the exact same cm/360 as before
But I do agree that sensitivity depends on the game you are playing,
Precise aiming where enemies can only appear in front of your line of sight and with a low time to kill focuses more on flicks like CSGO, lower sensitivities are more prominent.
In games like Apex Legends and Fortnite where people can be anywhere with a higher range of motion and high time to kill focuses more on tracking shows higher sensitivities are more prominent.
And games with target switching will have a mix of both and a mediumish in the middle of both will be more prominent
so high in game sense like 12 in game and 1600 DPI?, i was at 4.5 in game and 1600 dpi
Before I got seriously into gaming I bought a 10k dpi mouse. And now I’m not sure if I should use it
To me the notion that different dpi settings make certain sensitivities work better just seems bullshit. A sensitivity of 1 in CSGO with 800dpi feels exactly the same as 2 with 400dpi. Only difference is the relative to being in windows for example. I for one like 1 on 800dpi and then a higher sensitivity feel in windows. When I switch to the game it always feels a tad lower like I have more control. But saying lower dpi makes lower sensitivity settings better is just based on nothing I think.
I feel like I'm constantly fighting the fact that my comfortable sens / dpi is much lower than is acceptable for the fast paced games that I play. For example my edpi in overwatch is 2672. When I raise it I sacrifice a lot of accuracy to the point of performing way worse in actual fights
Same here. I'm at 2720 for overwatch.
Why don't you raise the DPI and lower in-game sense? Same "sens" but way more control with same edpi.
@@RagingBrohemoth4 what I'm saying is I play at too low of an edpi for the game. My dpi is 1600 with 1.67 in game
I play on 600 dpi is that wired
honestly for games like cs2 im playing 400 dpi with 1.70 sens
however i feel 800 dpi with 1.00 sens also feels kind of good idk why
Why the majority of CS pro players rather set the mouse at 400 dpi * high in-game sense? What is the advantage of having 400 dpi * 2 in-game sense over 1600 dpi * 0.5 in-game sense? I read once that 1600 dpi delivery a better smooth and fluid crosshair control. Is that a bs? thank you.
This is backwards. When I increase DPI I have to LOWER the sensitivity, not raise it. I dont know when increasing both would ever result in slower movement, that makes no sense. Ive I have sensitivity 2 in Quake Champions, and my DPI 800 its about right, if I raise the sensitivity I would have to lower the DPI to feel controllable. If I play on 1600 DPI I have to lower my sensitivity to 1.
One thing I dont think you covered and its something I dont know alot about is, whether a higher DPI/lower sens is actually better than its equivalent lower DPI and higher sensitivity, or is it actually the exact same. If so, then DPI doesnt really matter, so my newer death adder's 20k DPI capabilities are useless, its ok, I just like the shape of deathadders.
higher dpi will give less input lag and risk of pixel skipping, but low dpi will be more resistant to tiny hand jitters. So both have positives and negatives.
im pretty sure mines at 8000 but g hub doesnt open rn so im not completely sure
Hey mate what dpi do you personally use for call of duty ? Cheers !
1000 felt like a good middle ground for COD and the cm/360 I wanted to use.
i try 2400 and 4000 dpi, and just can't get back to low dpi, if anyone want to try high dpi, can try these 2
2400dpi are quit soild for anything,
4000 dpi, are hard to find the sens, but the in game feeling are good bullet just go directly onto target, dun feel much of the lag, and it may feel blury of the screen.
i try a lot 3000~
u cant find a good spot for sens, not like 4000 and 2400, and 3000something are messing up the feeling,
close range may good, and long range u just see the bullet travel, feel the lag,
I'm going to try going from 400dpi to 1600dpi and see what happens. I'll update in a month or 2.
How's it going
@@mcod99 Very well. Latency seems like it was cut in half and I'm quicker overall.
@@Deltatwo3 interested in doing this as well. What games are you playing?
@@bwb4449 So mainly battlefield, warzone, ww3 and some other random shooters. I think it's going well I am still finding my optimal sensitivity with the new DPI and I'm starting to see that higher is better for me because I'm a wrist aimer.
@@Deltatwo3 you can always calculate your old dpi to your new and check what would give you the same speed.
whats the sens for 1600dpi 395edpi?
i use 400 dpi cause that is what ive used since csgo 2013... and menus just feel better, i know excacly how much to move... so switching up feels wierd
i agree with that but i use 400 dpi to play roblox kat to get a lot of kills.
ever since my pc updated i play on 800 dpi and in valorant 0.25 and it feels like im playing with 1600 dpi bro