0:00 There's a door nearby, not the ones on the left, or the right. keep going, you'll get out of here eventually. 0:20 You're lost. 0:40 They won't make it in time, they won't even notice you're gone until the morning. 1:00 You're somewhere you shouldn't be. 1:20 You should have stayed in bed, but you couldn't resist it. 1:40 The water isn't for you, but perhaps you could steal some of it. 2:00 Nobody lives in that house anymore, it's been abandoned for five years. 2:20 Do you feel safe? 2:40 Do you know where you are? Can you feel the cold in your fingers? 3:00 It's been spreading across the city, the country... The world? 3:20 You're right where they want you. 3:40 This isn't a dream, you're wide awake. 4:00 You can see tracks in the snow, someone else has been out here. 4:20 They were supposed to set sail several hours ago. 4:40 He won't be here, he's dead, and he's been dead for ten years. 5:00 That room is vacant. 5:20 The frost bite is gnawing. 5:40 Snowmen have been outlawed, they'll be coming for you. 6:00 That was your spot, but things change friend, you need to let go. 6:20 She'd tell you about her old house, when she was around... 6:40 This was where it happened... Avenge her. 7:00 By the time you got out of your locker, everybody had left. 7:20 The trains are out currently, please return to the surface. 7:40 Nobody said custodian was a peaceful job. 8:00 The city's easily a couple miles away, you won't make it before night fall. 8:20 That mountain wasn't there before.
Top 10 asian horror movies 1) Ringu: (リング) 2) Shutter: (ชัตเตอร์ กดติดวิญญาณ) 3) Ju-On: The Grudge: (呪怨) 4) One Missed Call: (着信アリ) 5) Pulse: (回路) 6) Battle Royale (バトル・ロワイアル) 7) A Tale of Two Sisters: (장화, 홍련) 8) The Eye: (見鬼) 9) Dark Water: (仄暗い水の底から) 10) Suicide Club (自殺サークル) I like this horror movies ❤
0:01 The water is rising, but slowly. You have a few minutes to spare. Use them wisely before he finds you. 0:20 You've escaped the building, and escaped his searching grounds. He can no longer find you. 0:40 You've found your childhood street, but the lamppost on the block flickers alot more often than you remember. 1:00 Do not go up the stairs. He is coming down them rapidly. 1:20 That bench looks a bit different than yesterday, and the lamppost wasn't there... Keep walking down the trail. 1:40 That is not water in those jugs. Do not drink it. If you so much as make liquid move around in one jug he will find you. Do not turn away from the dark. 2:00 The view out the window is not the view from your window. You are not in your home anymore. Climb out the window and run before he finds you. 2:20 Just keep walking down the trail. You'll be fine. I promise :) 2:40 Keep driving, do not crash. Your car is faster than him. 3:00 This is not the town you live in. He is in one of the houses. 3:20 Keep driving. The sun will come out at some point. 3:40 Do not go near that building. He is searching for you. Run away now. 4:00 Get to the light and spend the night there. You will be safe there 4:20 Don't board the ship on the left. You have no idea where it's going. The ship on the right is docked to stay, and is safe. 4:40 You are suddenly in your old elementary school, and are the only one left willing to play with the parachute. He is in the school and is in the hall, so find a safe place that you know since you were there 5:00 He is looking at you right now. Do not look away from the red window. 5:20 Just keep walking, the moonlight will light the snowy path. 5:40 The snowman is a trap. Stay away from it. 6:00 Just enjoy your summer night drive before its too late 6:20 The open window you just climbed out of. What are you doing looking back and not running? 6:40 The snow in your neighborhood seems a bit brighter than usual. Don't trust it 7:00 The drinking fountain doesnt work. Follow the exit signs with caution. There are no classes held at this hour 7:20 The place is empty. Feel free to explore. 7:40 Hide. 8:00 Keep driving and find a hotel. 8:20 He no longer searches for you, but you have no idea who else is.
0:00 he flooded the building…escape out of a door before it’s too late… 0:20 it’s not safe out here. Go up the stairs or follow the trees…choose wisely 0:40 the house will deceive you…it isn’t real…you have no choice but to follow the noise… 1:00 G.O U.P TH3 S.T.A.1.R.S N.0.W H.3 F.0.U.N.D Y.0.U 1:20 don’t follow the track…the foot steps aren’t human… 1:40 You look thirsty! Take a jug! Just be very careful…if you make a noise it will call th3m… 2:00 Your saf3! F0r n0w… 2:20 he already came for everyone…you might be n3xt 2:40 they like frigid weather, they can come out whenever they want… 3:00 They used the snow to lure everyone… 3:20 Theres tracks. They ar3nt human 3:40 The field isn’t safe…you’re in h1s sp0t 4:00 Don’t follow the noises or the tracks…it means he’s close 4:20 This can be your only hope for surviving…the s3a is full of more dang3rs…ch00se the correct decision 4:40 They came through here. It’s t00 lat3 5:00 He found you…he’s staring at you right now… 5:20 Good luck following the tra1l… 5:40 Don’t follow the tracks anym0r3… 6:00 Everyones gone…it’s just y0u and h1m 6:20 The house looks welcoming. . . 6:40 This was where the worst happened… 7:00 Th3y turn3d 0n th3 lights just…for…y0u…:) 7:20 Choose a path wisely…one of them awaits something worse than death 7:40 It’s coming from here… 8:00 This is your way back to safety…good luck :) 8:20 The structure is what’s causing it all…
Top 10 favorite asian horror movies 1) Ringu: (リング) 2) Shutter: (ชัตเตอร์ กดติดวิญญาณ) 3) Ju-On: The Grudge: (呪怨) 4) One Missed Call: (着信アリ) 5) Pulse: (回路) 6) Alone: (แฝด) 7) A Tale of Two Sisters: (장화, 홍련) 8) The Eye: (見鬼) 9) Dark Water: (仄暗い水の底から) 10) Ju-On: The Beginning of the End: (呪怨: 終わりの始まり This is on my favorite horror movies ❤️
0:00 There's a door nearby, not the ones on the left, or the right. keep going, you'll get out of here eventually.
0:20 You're lost.
0:40 They won't make it in time, they won't even notice you're gone until the morning.
1:00 You're somewhere you shouldn't be.
1:20 You should have stayed in bed, but you couldn't resist it.
1:40 The water isn't for you, but perhaps you could steal some of it.
2:00 Nobody lives in that house anymore, it's been abandoned for five years.
2:20 Do you feel safe?
2:40 Do you know where you are? Can you feel the cold in your fingers?
3:00 It's been spreading across the city, the country... The world?
3:20 You're right where they want you.
3:40 This isn't a dream, you're wide awake.
4:00 You can see tracks in the snow, someone else has been out here.
4:20 They were supposed to set sail several hours ago.
4:40 He won't be here, he's dead, and he's been dead for ten years.
5:00 That room is vacant.
5:20 The frost bite is gnawing.
5:40 Snowmen have been outlawed, they'll be coming for you.
6:00 That was your spot, but things change friend, you need to let go.
6:20 She'd tell you about her old house, when she was around...
6:40 This was where it happened... Avenge her.
7:00 By the time you got out of your locker, everybody had left.
7:20 The trains are out currently, please return to the surface.
7:40 Nobody said custodian was a peaceful job.
8:00 The city's easily a couple miles away, you won't make it before night fall.
8:20 That mountain wasn't there before.
Top 10 asian horror movies
1) Ringu: (リング)
2) Shutter: (ชัตเตอร์ กดติดวิญญาณ)
3) Ju-On: The Grudge: (呪怨)
4) One Missed Call: (着信アリ)
5) Pulse: (回路)
6) Battle Royale (バトル・ロワイアル)
7) A Tale of Two Sisters: (장화, 홍련)
8) The Eye: (見鬼)
9) Dark Water: (仄暗い水の底から)
10) Suicide Club (自殺サークル)
I like this horror movies ❤
0:01 The water is rising, but slowly. You have a few minutes to spare. Use them wisely before he finds you.
0:20 You've escaped the building, and escaped his searching grounds. He can no longer find you.
0:40 You've found your childhood street, but the lamppost on the block flickers alot more often than you remember.
1:00 Do not go up the stairs. He is coming down them rapidly.
1:20 That bench looks a bit different than yesterday, and the lamppost wasn't there... Keep walking down the trail.
1:40 That is not water in those jugs. Do not drink it. If you so much as make liquid move around in one jug he will find you. Do not turn away from the dark.
2:00 The view out the window is not the view from your window. You are not in your home anymore. Climb out the window and run before he finds you.
2:20 Just keep walking down the trail. You'll be fine. I promise :)
2:40 Keep driving, do not crash. Your car is faster than him.
3:00 This is not the town you live in. He is in one of the houses.
3:20 Keep driving. The sun will come out at some point.
3:40 Do not go near that building. He is searching for you. Run away now.
4:00 Get to the light and spend the night there. You will be safe there
4:20 Don't board the ship on the left. You have no idea where it's going. The ship on the right is docked to stay, and is safe.
4:40 You are suddenly in your old elementary school, and are the only one left willing to play with the parachute. He is in the school and is in the hall, so find a safe place that you know since you were there
5:00 He is looking at you right now. Do not look away from the red window.
5:20 Just keep walking, the moonlight will light the snowy path.
5:40 The snowman is a trap. Stay away from it.
6:00 Just enjoy your summer night drive before its too late
6:20 The open window you just climbed out of. What are you doing looking back and not running?
6:40 The snow in your neighborhood seems a bit brighter than usual. Don't trust it
7:00 The drinking fountain doesnt work. Follow the exit signs with caution. There are no classes held at this hour
7:20 The place is empty. Feel free to explore.
7:40 Hide.
8:00 Keep driving and find a hotel.
8:20 He no longer searches for you, but you have no idea who else is.
@Marbled food the right ship is safe. Basically, one is lucky one is not, choose wisely.
0:00 he flooded the building…escape out of a door before it’s too late…
0:20 it’s not safe out here. Go up the stairs or follow the trees…choose wisely
0:40 the house will deceive you…it isn’t real…you have no choice but to follow the noise…
1:00 G.O U.P TH3 S.T.A.1.R.S N.0.W H.3 F.0.U.N.D Y.0.U
1:20 don’t follow the track…the foot steps aren’t human…
1:40 You look thirsty! Take a jug! Just be very careful…if you make a noise it will call th3m…
2:00 Your saf3! F0r n0w…
2:20 he already came for everyone…you might be n3xt
2:40 they like frigid weather, they can come out whenever they want…
3:00 They used the snow to lure everyone…
3:20 Theres tracks. They ar3nt human
3:40 The field isn’t safe…you’re in h1s sp0t
4:00 Don’t follow the noises or the tracks…it means he’s close
4:20 This can be your only hope for surviving…the s3a is full of more dang3rs…ch00se the correct decision
4:40 They came through here. It’s t00 lat3
5:00 He found you…he’s staring at you right now…
5:20 Good luck following the tra1l…
5:40 Don’t follow the tracks anym0r3…
6:00 Everyones gone…it’s just y0u and h1m
6:20 The house looks welcoming. . .
6:40 This was where the worst happened…
7:00 Th3y turn3d 0n th3 lights just…for…y0u…:)
7:20 Choose a path wisely…one of them awaits something worse than death
7:40 It’s coming from here…
8:00 This is your way back to safety…good luck :)
8:20 The structure is what’s causing it all…
5:00 damn it! he found me...
3:40 I took that picture 🙃🙃
So nice to see someone use it
Where were you?
3:21 I feel like I had a nightmare before like this where I was walking on this kind of trail
Love this ones dude keep it good ☠️
Top 10 favorite asian horror movies
1) Ringu: (リング)
2) Shutter: (ชัตเตอร์ กดติดวิญญาณ)
3) Ju-On: The Grudge: (呪怨)
4) One Missed Call: (着信アリ)
5) Pulse: (回路)
6) Alone: (แฝด)
7) A Tale of Two Sisters: (장화, 홍련)
8) The Eye: (見鬼)
9) Dark Water: (仄暗い水の底から)
10) Ju-On: The Beginning of the End: (呪怨: 終わりの始まり
This is on my favorite horror movies ❤️
and Gojira/Godzilla (ゴジラ) 1954
The actual scary thing is that these are real places.
Happy Christmas Unnerving Images 🎄🎄☃️☃️
Wow irealy wanted to visite this places 🤩am serious !!
Fucc I was scared at the end ♥
I don’t get the snowy ones. Just looks like outside my house right now. Lol.
The title of this video should be "Places I've seen in My nightmares". Because I do not recognize any of this.
I love the image in the end
The sonic cd us Boss fits really well in the graveyard (2:20)!
4:28 The ship on the right looks like a Kirov-class battlecruiser from Russia.
Make unnerving images with unnerving music 12 please
Winter is a nightmare indeed.
I’d like a full list of the music pls
nice lil christmas present
4:26 is in Siberia
Song name at 6:00?
It’s from yume Nikki idk which one thoygh
2:40 song
6:24 undertale cold
7:05 song silent Hill 2 or 3 or 1 ost
3:13 roblox siren head ost
What about 8:00
Not my nightmares, that's for sure.
6:00 music?
7:20 close your eyes
3:00 what music is that
Roblox-scp 3008 night theme
Why you been peeping my nightmares bruv? How you do dat? And why? Who you?
Bro music final ?
Thanks bro
*he is watching*
He better enjoy the show I'm about to give Him 😈
5:40 snowmen will have been outlawd
Undertale bro
0:22 that's what it looks like here in widefield colorado and 0:41 and 1:23