Hello. I would like to hear your full take on Remarkable People in English if you get a chance to review it. I'm sniping that one for a couple of weeks now. :)
It will be available sometime in the near future as a mini-review in my Scented Recommendation content. I had it for months but i waited for higher temperatures to come.
Chiar am comandat ieri You or someone like you și Hermann. Deocamdată, preferatul meu este Experimentum Crucis.
Bombă cu ceas...
Hello. I would like to hear your full take on Remarkable People in English if you get a chance to review it. I'm sniping that one for a couple of weeks now. :)
It will be available sometime in the near future as a mini-review in my Scented Recommendation content.
I had it for months but i waited for higher temperatures to come.
@@GaVoHD Cheers! Can't wait to see it. :)
Pana si creatorul parfumului Secretions Magnifiques a zis ca e oribil, dar na, probabil ca tu stii mai bine...suntem noi necunoscatori😂
Adevaru-i ca stii tu fiindca-l porti, nu ca mine.
Jasmin et Cigarette Etat Libre d'Orange
Deasemenea merită atenție!
nu e pt mine.