wow Harry well done cocker. A massive hit,hit,hit! whop whop! Great lyrics,voice,melody. Did Harry write the lyrics and music,I'm wondering now. If yes even more credit. If not still loads of credit for lovely voice and deliverance.
This song makes me feel like it’s for a huge moment. Like marriage or graduation. Like a special it’s going to be okay, change is good moment. A chapter is ending but a new one is just beginning.
Fatima Guadalupe Pimentel Calderon hollywood works for pope F. they stalk people and mock their lives and they do evil. but they traitors cuz they hate the pope 2. they r just all fucked up.
I just can't help feeling that this is the genre he should be singing all along... I loved his audition, and for me it's obvious that when these artists were united in a band their managers/the crowd pushed them into a kind of music that was apealing for the masses. I'm not saying 1D are aweful, I like some of their songs too, but I think that they lost their individuality... I like that they're trying different things on their one, it shows that they are maturing more as artists...
I cant believe in about 4 months this song will be 4 years old... wow well i’m back and today marks the 4 year anniversary! listening to this song is apart of my daily routine now. awh i’m so proud of harry and everything he has accomplished
I think he is expressing the kind of world everyone lives in these days and about how "The End of the World" is near. Terrorism, Crime & etc seems to be every where these days and someone somewhere is always finding themselves needing to or trying to get away from the bad, "The Bullet". If you pay attention to Harry Styles Comments, Tweets, etc he is always expressing how sad it is when a part of the World is being attacked or is suffering from something. Harry Styles is a Very Caring Person and hates to see Bad come to anyone.
It's also about the Sign of Time in the bible about how Jesus is coming and the world is about to end. or the end is near of the world ending. but, from your theory, i also agree.
alia nam suffer same thing I listen to young Courtny HAdrin but Harry dam good.good luck with panic attacks.try breathing in and out of paper bag that can help
I was really obsessed with One Direction a few years ago, but I didn't really expect any of their solo careers to go anywhere, but Harry is starting off really strong. I'm really liking his songs so far.
It's #477 in Rolling Stones top 500 songs of all times and it was written by about five people and Harry got most of the credit He thought of the idea while playing keyboards in Jamaica I read and it's from the perspective of a Mother talking to a child. It's compared very much to Bowie and Queen, definitely sounds like 70s. I live that entire decade and it was the best years of my life. ❤
This song feels like an old chapter ending and a new one opening. Maybe it was written for the boys. Everything they have been through together won’t be forgotten but they are starting something new, something big, something great!! This song brought back every song, every dumb joke, every concert, every prank, every dumb dance, and every group hug! Well done boys! Everyone is sooo proud of you all for everything you guys have accomplished!! We are so so so very proud of you guys!! Just please come back!! I want you guys back!!
@Najah Khalil yeah Ik they are but Harry has a record label company and so maybe if they were to come back they wouldn’t have to deal with the crap they dealt with in the past
I wish more people would give Harry a chance as a solo artist even though he was in 1D. I know people who refuse to listen to him because he’s in/was in a boy band. He has more creative freedom as a solo artist to explore new genres and release songs that are more deeply connected to his emotions. Edit: it’s 3 plus years later and why does this comment have so much attention haha…anyways Harry is very successful as a solo artist and and has gained the attention he deserves. Still rooting for that 1D reunion even if it’s just a one day thing 👌🏻
Hearing this from you brings me so much joy, I put in lots of hard work in this and l'm glad you appreciate it I created this channel to reach out to fans and you are so amazing thank you. How long have you been a fan?
I would not say he is ahead of his time at all. He is a man of his time. Haunting and pretty though this is, it is a simple, minimalist ballad in a protest genre of many decades. Listen to Armageddon Song by The The. Then maybe The Clash. Go backwards from there. xxx
Lyrics: Just stop your crying It's a sign of the times Welcome to the final show Hope you're wearing your best clothes You can't bribe the door on your way to the sky You look pretty good down here But you ain't really good If we never learn, we been here before Why are we always stuck and running from The bullets? The bullets We never learn, we been here before Why are we always stuck and running from The bullets? The bullets Just stop your crying It's a sign of the times We gotta get away from here We gotta get away from here Just stop your crying It'll be alright They told me that the end is near We gotta get away from here Just stop your crying Have the time of your life Breaking through the atmosphere And things are pretty good from here Remember everything will be alright We can meet again somewhere Somewhere far away from here We never learn, we been here before Why are we always stuck and running from The bullets? The bullets We never learn, we been here before Why are we always stuck and running from The bullets? The bullets Just stop your crying It's a sign of the times We gotta get away from here We gotta get away from here Stop your crying Baby, it'll be alright They told me that the end is near We gotta get away from here We never learn, we been here before Why are we always stuck and running from The bullets? The bullets We never learn, we been here before Why are we always stuck and running from The bullets? The bullets We don't talk enough We should open up Before it's all too much Will we ever learn? We've been here before It's just what we know Stop your crying, baby It's a sign of the times We gotta get away We got to get away We got to get away We got to get away We got to get away We got to, we got to, away We got to, we got to, away We got to, we got to, away
What a rockstar. Who knew!!!! This sounds so 70's and I am having every minute of it. Im shocked as I never followed 1D...but very impressed at this production.
I was just thinking this sounds like, the instrumentals at least, the kind of music I grew up listening to with my parents (which was primarily 70s rock). It also has such a profound message.
Welcome, Christina. I really recommend you listen to their other albums, especially Made in the AM and Four. They have been completely undersold in mainstream music. There are some brilliant songwriters and singers in 1D :) Also, welcome to the world of loving Harry, it's a ride.
Will be 7 years next month of sign of the times and it will forever be one of my favourite songs ever for this to be the first song Harry ever released for his solo career I don’t think he will ever beat it no matter how much I love his other songs this is just special
this song touches me. i feel like this is wut i try to express but no one understands. thank you Harry for making such a relatable song. i truly need it.
dunno why these people are surprised. harry and one direction in general have always been talented. i've never been an actual fan but i genuinely enjoyed their music. they're really talented but many people overlook this since they're a pop boyband. people might find them overrated but i think their individual capabilities are underrated.
This is actually impressive. I'm not a huge fan.Don't hate them eighter. It was kind of too bandboyish for me I guess. Always thought that their music wasn't passion oriented, maybe because they were more than two singers in the group so,they couldn't express the things(emotions etc) they wanted to express and write something that will suit each one of them ,but that's not the only reason. For example,Zayn is very successful,great music and so on,but I feel like he resembles a lot of artists,same vibes other successful artists have,but when I heard Harry's new song,I was like,shit,this is lit,This was the real him,the entire freaking time? I actually thought that he gave 1D the bandboyish vibes,but the truth is he didn't,and I surely am impressed and I can truly feel the passion he puts into his music,like he isn't doing this for fame. He just wants to sing.
What a great song . Reminds me the times when my friend and I use to play outside while raining. Now he died 3 days ago cause of low potassium. Goodbye Fernando.
You know, this song reminds me of a old chapter closing and a new one opening. For example, to all the seniors graduating this year, it's been a wild ride. Whether you enjoyed it or not, it's a sign the times are changing. The future is full of the unknown but I know you will get through it. You don't know me, but I have faith in you you'll do something big in life. Maybe in a few months or in a few years. But I just know it. Darling. the world is waiting for you. ❤️ I love Harry
TheMightyWhite that's not really necessary is it? that's just a thing that you say as a proud fan who's watched someone grow up the past 7 years of their life and change and become who they are. they weren't claiming ownership or anything jeez
da cracksella i disagree. Many of us started listening to them when we were 12-14, but we grew up with them. We aren't children anymore. Their sound changed. They are definitely not the typical boyband anymore. Maybe actually give their songs/albums a listen. You might change your mind.
(John 14:6 > Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.) + Jesus is the ONLY way! + (1 Corinthians 15:51-57 > [51]Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall be changed, [52]-In a moment in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. [53]-For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. [54]-So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. [55]-O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? [56]-The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. [57]-But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.) + (John 3:3 > Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.) + (John 3:5 > Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.) + These are non-negotiable statements by the Lord Jesus Christ, you have to believe on Him or there will be no "eternal life" for you! + (Romans 10:9-10 > [9]-That if thou shalt confess with the mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him form the dead, thou shalt be saved. [10]-For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.) + Romans 10:13 > For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.) + Have you been born again? Have you assurance of eternal life? Because the alternative is eternal damnation which is the part that the false preachers, teachers, and prophets always leave out, sin unto death! + Trust God for your salvation, Jesus is God. Amen! + All glory and honour and power and praise be to the Lord our God, Jesus Christ. Amen!
sanjana shetty This song is beyond beautiful 😌🎶 I love to write. Would you please give *Sleeper* by ninanile a listen. I'd truly appreciate it. I hope you'll like it and would want to share it and subscribe :')
I was never into one direction or liked them that much but sarah baska bought me here and all I gotta say is that i'm really impressed, this is absolutely amazing!
im not impressed with this because its nothing new , its the same style as zayn and the other blonde 1D guy, and every other sad song we hear today.thats the only route they had to take for them to go far. zayn in my opinion has the highest ceiling of them i believe. i was impressed by the singing though, harry sang very well. let's see how his other songs turn out.
I don't usually comment on anything here on TH-cam, but I wonder how someone can be so good at everything and not have a single flaw? Truly Harry is a definition of perfection 🙈🫂 I pray that one day we'll meet
“Welcome to the final show, I hope you’re wearing your best clothes,” chills, powerful lyrics. Obviously, about someone exiting this life, yet ppl assume it’s about love, in a sense, yes, losing someone you really love.
The special thing about Harry is that he was always the kind ,lovely gentleman and he always will be. This song is just so beautiful and it makes me as proud as every single one of you . It´s just a very calming song because of his angel-like voice . It remembers me of a 90s song and I really don't know why. Please appreciate this song and don't compare harold to dj malik ;)) it´s not worth it because they both are amazing in there own unique way. I will always support and love the boys .!! enjoy this amazing song ! :))
Damn, I actually like this.. A departure from his former sound but sounds like a modern take on classic rock - this is a style he was meant to sing. So happy for him
Justin Timberlake comes to mind. Great song as I had no idea who sung it before I heard it. I hope the rest of his music is this good and breaks free of the stigma of a "boy band". A+
the only thing that I genuinely don't understand is why zqaud are here hating on harry and saying that he is not good enough or that he is not as good as zayn. don't compare them it´s hideous they both have amazing voices ,they have their own music style and both are literally amazing you just have to admit..
"'Sign of the Times' came from 'This isn't the first time we've been in a hard time, and it's not going to be the last time.' The song is written from a point of view as if a mother was giving birth to a child and there's a complication. The mother is told, 'The child is fine, but you're not going to make it.' The mother has five minutes to tell the child, 'Go forth and conquer.'" - Taken from Harry's interview for the Rolling Stones magazine. this is for those who wants to know the meaning behind the song. I was surprised he actually revealed it, knowing how H would always tell people that it's up to their interpretation ♡
wow i wouldnt have thought that but no matter the meaning i still love it because i love songs that have a good meaning or at least some meaning to it 😊
I agree, the lyrics don't really match. I think it's about a toxic environment where previous attempts just perpetuate the toxic cycle, rather than just biting the bullet and saying 'time to move on before we destroy what was good with bad memories'. Tbh I think it's about the bands breakup... might even be saying 'don't cry' to the fans haha. Or maybe it is just about a girl/guy, but I like to think Harry sings about more than just love songs.
MONSTER Ikr... Just watch, in the next twenty or thirty years, or so, everyone will be looking back on this song saying," When music was actually good..."
My grandmother died today and she was the very first person who knew that I was a huge fan of Harry. She wanted me to meet him so bad and she did too. She never got to meet him but one day, I swear that one day I'll meet Harry for the both of us ❤
I'm really loving this song. Was hoping Harry would come out with something like this. Congrats on the worldwide #1!
Harry has slayed us all
it's incredible!
My Baby 😍😍😭😭
wow Harry well done cocker. A massive hit,hit,hit! whop whop!
Great lyrics,voice,melody.
Did Harry write the lyrics and music,I'm wondering now. If yes even more credit. If not still loads of credit for lovely voice and deliverance.
2017: was here
2018: was here
2019: was here
2020: was here
2021: was here
2022: was here
2023: was here
2024: im heree
love this ❤️
We stay forever💕
this is not the end.
Sena Allen 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030!
I listen to this daily
same tbh
jessiepaege hii
jessiepaege omg I love uuuuuuuuu and yes this song is life💖
jessiepaege OMG OMG
jessiepaege me too
this song reminds us that life is changing, we have to live, grow up, and understand what surrounds us. We love you Harry
I still remember when this song made the world stop
Joyce s it still does for me
It still does 😭 3 years ago today it was released and it has been my favourite ever since ❤
I know Im late, but my world stops every day when I play this song.
And still does
Me too 🤧🤧
Harry is art.
So humans are art? That means I’m ugly art
@@russianbias8876...Just remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and it rests in your soul, not your physical appearance:)
Gregor Miller Still
@@gregormiller4037 gc
Harry: „just stop your crying“
Me: *start crying*
*but in a cool way
@@lilyando1901 yess hahahaha
everryone is commenting this, which is the copy one you COPYCAT
Lily Ando YES
This song makes me feel like it’s for a huge moment. Like marriage or graduation. Like a special it’s going to be okay, change is good moment. A chapter is ending but a new one is just beginning.
after three years, i still come back here to hear Harry tell me to stop crying
Yes bro me too 🤚💚
You really just exposed me 💛
same lmao
When you realize that it is almost four years..
He says to us to stop our crying but we keep crying with this music...
Man I'm so hooked up on this song, beautifully written.
And beatiful autor
Never in a million years would I have expected this from a member from One Direction. This is absolutely raw and wow. What a beautiful song
Sara siddiqui you shouldn't underestimate 1D, many of their song may be " girl I love you" songs, but they are fuckin talented
Sara siddiqui pones fu
Sara siddiqui um they steal lyrics fyi
Fatima Guadalupe Pimentel Calderon hollywood works for pope F. they stalk people and mock their lives and they do evil. but they traitors cuz they hate the pope 2. they r just all fucked up.
I just can't help feeling that this is the genre he should be singing all along... I loved his audition, and for me it's obvious that when these artists were united in a band their managers/the crowd pushed them into a kind of music that was apealing for the masses. I'm not saying 1D are aweful, I like some of their songs too, but I think that they lost their individuality... I like that they're trying different things on their one, it shows that they are maturing more as artists...
still my fav song from Harry
Mine too 😻
Same! 💖
My fav songs is Sing of the times and fine line
This song deserves a Grammy, and this is a fact. 😳
@chasm without a doubt, and not even a nomination. How truly embarrassing for them.
He is not even fucking nominated.. WHAT IS THIS WE WANT A NOMINATION LETS MAKE IT HAPPENN..
chasm. Agreed👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼❤️🥰😍😭
100% agreeeeeeed
chasm. No it’s a opinion
saddened that this song doesn’t always get the recognition it deserves just because it’s not a “tradition” pop song🤷🏼♀️
and harry it´s a one direction member
0:14 0:15 0:16 0:17 @gudrunbauer569
Best of 2017... Still can't believe how "despacito" had more success than this piece of art..
Yeah, totally
oh shit, a big same!
I'm a fan of 1D but Despacito was lit bro.
aditya lama it was overplayed too much lmao
This song gives me chills every time I listen to it
from tiktok 😔
Hi I recommend an indie rock Song that's called 'The Bond Villain' By Robert Nix
This dude's voice is gold. Just waiting for him to drop his album. I wish success for him.
Check my sad music video for this song :) .
I was genuinely surprised that Harry Styles sang this. He really does have a charming voice
i thought it was someone else only found out today
1 more like and your at 1000 likes dude!
This hits different now. Stay safe everyone.
I swear every word is in motion now even the punctuations.😪
Yaw Asante im taking next week off. Need some time away from work care.
You aswell❤
This always has hit❗❗❗😭💜
I cant believe in about 4 months this song will be 4 years old... wow
well i’m back and today marks the 4 year anniversary! listening to this song is apart of my daily routine now. awh i’m so proud of harry and everything he has accomplished
Ikr! It’s crazy!!
Time does really fly!
NO! not already!
3 months now
Omg, no way
I think he is expressing the kind of world everyone lives in these days and about how "The End of the World" is near. Terrorism, Crime & etc seems to be every where these days and someone somewhere is always finding themselves needing to or trying to get away from the bad, "The Bullet". If you pay attention to Harry Styles Comments, Tweets, etc he is always expressing how sad it is when a part of the World is being attacked or is suffering from something. Harry Styles is a Very Caring Person and hates to see Bad come to anyone.
It's also about the Sign of Time in the bible about how Jesus is coming and the world is about to end. or the end is near of the world ending. but, from your theory, i also agree.
Teresa Parsons
Syria..... :'(
Yes Thelegend 27 I agree.
Well explained, didn't catch that.
Ah, well done Harry. Such beautiful ballad! 😍
Can we just take a second to appreciate that Harry is gonna be performing this live soon
Meg Says trueeeeeee
Meg Says just watched your reaction it was so cute
Meg Says we can all go together and cry our absolute lives out😭😭💖
Meg Says just watched your reaction 😂✨
Meg Says OMG IKR ?!?!?
Harry seems to have an incredible range as a singer. Fascinating visual.
This was the beginning of everything, and 4 years later the third album is coming, proud of Harry.
Let's go!!
for real , we're so proud ☹️
Yesterday it just turned 5
It started with the boys 💚💙🇨🇮💛❤️
@@alynnasumalpong mmp
I will never understand how this song didn't win a grammy
Me too
that’s exactly what i say abt all of his songs lmao
Wait. It didn't?!
me too.
@@emileigh9935 Watermelon sugar was on Grammys
Somehow this always calms me down after an anxiety attack
alia nam “just stop your crying it’ll be alright”
alia nam suffer same thing I listen to young Courtny HAdrin but Harry dam good.good luck with panic attacks.try breathing in and out of paper bag that can help
Same ❤
yes he’s helped sm with my anxiety it’s shocking🥺
This song has a new meaning
Yes , specially the beginning of it.
Happy 1 year anniversary to Sign of the times ❤❤
Zayn&OneDirection yesss❤️
I still can't believe its been a year, I feel like it was a few days ago when I was crying and Harry telling me to stop
Zayn&OneDirection as i said before ur r in every one direction related(in a good way) comment section
Barbara Oliveros. I was at the one year show ❤️
I just woke up and came straight to TH-cam. My ears have never been so blessed before 😭😭 .
Lmao me too
Sophia Hernandez Same tho I'm in shock
Sophia Hernandez same
Sophia Hernandez me too 😭💞
Sophia Hernandez same
I was not expecting this.. I thought he was gonna come out with a pop or R&B single. Well done Harry! This song is amazing.
Harry has always liked older rock, especially Pink Floyd.
lol Harry and R&B I just can't imagine. 😂
Natsu777 same 😂😂
It’s been 7 years , I had to take a break from the 1D videos bc I’ve been crying about liam and this song autoplayed :( such a beautiful song
i am so glad he didnt do something generic... hes finally finding his sound and putting stuff out that he truly feels. so proud
mel coleman still this is a very safe sound. It's not too generic but it's definitely not original.
mel coleman this song is pretty good, pretty much Harry Styles
mel coleman same
mel coleman sweetheart, this is the definition of generic. If you knew anything about music, you would know that.
Username and Password lol, this is not generic pop music. he went from singing shit about staying up all night to singing about real shit
I was really obsessed with One Direction a few years ago, but I didn't really expect any of their solo careers to go anywhere, but Harry is starting off really strong. I'm really liking his songs so far.
In my opinion their solo careers are more interesting than One Direction
That's what I call A song, this is THE song, this is art...those 70's vibes, so freaking cool
It's #477 in Rolling Stones top 500 songs of all times and it was written by about five people and Harry got most of the credit
He thought of the idea while playing keyboards in Jamaica I read and it's from the perspective of a Mother talking to a child. It's compared very much to Bowie and Queen, definitely sounds like 70s. I live that entire decade and it was the best years of my life. ❤
This song feels like an old chapter ending and a new one opening. Maybe it was written for the boys. Everything they have been through together won’t be forgotten but they are starting something new, something big, something great!! This song brought back every song, every dumb joke, every concert, every prank, every dumb dance, and every group hug! Well done boys! Everyone is sooo proud of you all for everything you guys have accomplished!! We are so so so very proud of you guys!! Just please come back!! I want you guys back!!
@Najah Khalil yeah Ik they are but Harry has a record label company and so maybe if they were to come back they wouldn’t have to deal with the crap they dealt with in the past
I also have a feeling this is about the ending of 1D
- 3 years later, If you're still watching this you're a legend
Edit: 4 years now****
OK, I'm legend
Yes as we should
Welp, I guess I'm a legend 🙌
Ok, Im legend ❤️🥺
This will probably remain to be one of my favorite songs of all time
@@unicornfartdonut manfred
I wish more people would give Harry a chance as a solo artist even though he was in 1D. I know people who refuse to listen to him because he’s in/was in a boy band. He has more creative freedom as a solo artist to explore new genres and release songs that are more deeply connected to his emotions.
Edit: it’s 3 plus years later and why does this comment have so much attention haha…anyways Harry is very successful as a solo artist and and has gained the attention he deserves. Still rooting for that 1D reunion even if it’s just a one day thing 👌🏻
Kimberly Mistretta I know right!
who is not giving him a chance? he is already overrated
salma x that's what op means by people not giving him a chance. people like you
I'm not giving him a chance because he tried to push in front of my brother at a petrol station saying 'don't you know who I am'.
Stringer13ell yeah totally. Stfu go away.
Yups. He’s got the cutest voice in singing. Public need to let him be. My favorite songs by him are ALL of his songs!!!!! Keep singing Harry!
Hearing this from you brings me so much joy, I put in lots of hard work in this and l'm glad you appreciate it I created this channel to reach out to fans and you are so amazing thank you. How long have you been a fan?
Simplemente ✨Harry Styles✨
Si ✨
Nuestro harry
Si, simplemente arte.
This kid is a star. This kid can sing. This kid gives me hope for future music.
BEA ALONSO HAZZA "We got to, we got to get away." My favorite part❤️❤️
Cristian Pérez 😂😂
80's 90's vibe. I like it. Bring it back Harry.
Izabella Jolieian it actually is original.
This is an incredible masterpiece. Harry is way ahead of his time & so very talented! Amazing artist.❤️
I would not say he is ahead of his time at all. He is a man of his time. Haunting and pretty though this is, it is a simple, minimalist ballad in a protest genre of many decades. Listen to Armageddon Song by The The. Then maybe The Clash. Go backwards from there. xxx
Not really
Just stop your crying
It's a sign of the times
Welcome to the final show
Hope you're wearing your best clothes
You can't bribe the door on your way to the sky
You look pretty good down here
But you ain't really good
If we never learn, we been here before
Why are we always stuck and running from
The bullets?
The bullets
We never learn, we been here before
Why are we always stuck and running from
The bullets?
The bullets
Just stop your crying
It's a sign of the times
We gotta get away from here
We gotta get away from here
Just stop your crying
It'll be alright
They told me that the end is near
We gotta get away from here
Just stop your crying
Have the time of your life
Breaking through the atmosphere
And things are pretty good from here
Remember everything will be alright
We can meet again somewhere
Somewhere far away from here
We never learn, we been here before
Why are we always stuck and running from
The bullets?
The bullets
We never learn, we been here before
Why are we always stuck and running from
The bullets?
The bullets
Just stop your crying
It's a sign of the times
We gotta get away from here
We gotta get away from here
Stop your crying
Baby, it'll be alright
They told me that the end is near
We gotta get away from here
We never learn, we been here before
Why are we always stuck and running from
The bullets?
The bullets
We never learn, we been here before
Why are we always stuck and running from
The bullets?
The bullets
We don't talk enough
We should open up
Before it's all too much
Will we ever learn?
We've been here before
It's just what we know
Stop your crying, baby
It's a sign of the times
We gotta get away
We got to get away
We got to get away
We got to get away
We got to get away
We got to, we got to, away
We got to, we got to, away
We got to, we got to, away
Jeff Bhasker, Tyler Johnson, Ryan Nasci, Mitch Rowland, Alex Salibian, Harry Styles. (6)
Obrigada ❤ had take a lot of time for this ❤️❤️😁
@@Matilda1994 they couldve gone to google and c&p it
Almost 3 years😭 feels like yesterday
páulspotatoes no way
it hurts like HELL
Happy 3 years from this incredible song 😭😭❤️❤️❤️🌍🌍
🥺 today
What a rockstar. Who knew!!!!
This sounds so 70's and I am having every minute of it.
Im shocked as I never followed 1D...but very impressed at this production.
I'm guessing you've never heard "Where Do Broken Hearts Go" or "Temporary Fix".
I was just thinking this sounds like, the instrumentals at least, the kind of music I grew up listening to with my parents (which was primarily 70s rock). It also has such a profound message.
Christina Gina What a Feeling and fireproof sound like the 70's too
Welcome, Christina. I really recommend you listen to their other albums, especially Made in the AM and Four. They have been completely undersold in mainstream music. There are some brilliant songwriters and singers in 1D :) Also, welcome to the world of loving Harry, it's a ride.
Will be 7 years next month of sign of the times and it will forever be one of my favourite songs ever for this to be the first song Harry ever released for his solo career I don’t think he will ever beat it no matter how much I love his other songs this is just special
Hi I recommend an indie rock Song that's called 'The Bond Villain' By Robert Nix
this isnt a song, this is art
Hejtmankova Hana agreed
Music IS art, just in audible form.
Well - it seems like Art Rock, if not: psychedelic rock.
Isn't.... Isn't that what music is
Hejtmankova Hana singing in an art 😂
harry never disappoints us. really enjoy the high note and every part of this song ❤
Carine Nup yes!
Wow.. completely blew my mind. Absolutely new respect for Harry Styles
ya anit done enough if this blows ur mind. I like it though.....
Kyle Aragon ikr same
what respect did anyone have before
Yeah same, never really like 1D but this song omg just amazing
Kyle Aragon I
this song touches me. i feel like this is wut i try to express but no one understands. thank you Harry for making such a relatable song. i truly need it.
Hi I recommend an indie rock Song that's called 'The Bond Villain' By Robert Nix
dunno why these people are surprised. harry and one direction in general have always been talented. i've never been an actual fan but i genuinely enjoyed their music. they're really talented but many people overlook this since they're a pop boyband. people might find them overrated but i think their individual capabilities are underrated.
청춘 agreed!
This is actually impressive. I'm not a huge fan.Don't hate them eighter. It was kind of too bandboyish for me I guess. Always thought that their music wasn't passion oriented, maybe because they were more than two singers in the group so,they couldn't express the things(emotions etc) they wanted to express and write something that will suit each one of them ,but that's not the only reason. For example,Zayn is very successful,great music and so on,but I feel like he resembles a lot of artists,same vibes other successful artists have,but when I heard Harry's new song,I was like,shit,this is lit,This was the real him,the entire freaking time? I actually thought that he gave 1D the bandboyish vibes,but the truth is he didn't,and I surely am impressed and I can truly feel the passion he puts into his music,like he isn't doing this for fame. He just wants to sing.
V. Louiz yeah i felt that too. perhaps it's because he actually auditioned as a solo artist (harry)
two years of this masterpiece, i'm proud of my angel
dolphintattoogirl what does that have to do with anything I said?
seven years feels unreal. i still remember waiting for this audio to be posted back in 2017. i feel SICK.
2 months later and I still get goosebumps and emotional every single time I hear this.
Camila Borquez linkinpark2 und ich habe 3
8 and still
I agree he is my favorite singer and needs to get a Grammy for this artwork, beautiful singer
I agree
he finally got one :’)
I'm from the future and he got one!
Happy birthday Harry...!
He is 27 today..!
Happy belated birthday Harry 🤍🤍
What a great song . Reminds me the times when my friend and I use to play outside while raining. Now he died 3 days ago cause of low potassium. Goodbye Fernando.
Can`t believe i`m listening to Harry Styles.This is really good. You never know
Paul Durney Same. I'm not a One Direction fan but I love this song and I really respect Harry
Wasn't even a fan of one direction, but here I am on a Sunday night finding myself wanting to listen to this song again...
MyLife I'm going through the exact same thing right now.
MyLife me
iinfinitydolans sameeee
I can already see this being used in a movie 😍😭 I've been waiting for this moment forever, and I am more than happy to finally listen to it
Annette Mendez maybe it will be in Dunkirk?
You know, this song reminds me of a old chapter closing and a new one opening. For example, to all the seniors graduating this year, it's been a wild ride. Whether you enjoyed it or not, it's a sign the times are changing. The future is full of the unknown but I know you will get through it. You don't know me, but I have faith in you you'll do something big in life. Maybe in a few months or in a few years. But I just know it. Darling. the world is waiting for you. ❤️ I love Harry
Can't wait for him to sing this live ❤❤❤❤
Sachelle Solomon busca a martin garrix pleas
Lili Oli I love Martin, he's amazing!!
Harry is singing it live on Saturday Night Live this Saturday April 15, and on Graham Norton int he UK on April 21.
Me too
If he doesn't win a Grammy for this I'm going to cryy.
Julio Alberto Palomo
I hope this song just goes down in hell were it belongs.
CMD Syndrome Well don't listen to it then knobhead
Good, i'll also be there.
BTSTAEHYUNGBTS wouldn't know, I'm not into pop music, jus Harry. Lolz
BTSTAEHYUNGBTS idk, here listen to this (it's Japanese)
my baby's certainly not a baby anymore. i'm proud of you, harry. you've come so far.
soft ballads lmao you are a baby yourself
yall savage af
TheMightyWhite It's just a thing people say jesus
TheMightyWhite why you gotta be a bitch
TheMightyWhite that's not really necessary is it? that's just a thing that you say as a proud fan who's watched someone grow up the past 7 years of their life and change and become who they are. they weren't claiming ownership or anything jeez
This is the first solo song of Harry that I listened to, I was touched and I simply understood that I had just met the singer of my heart ❤❤❤
This is definitely +18. Not of the usual One Direction taste. And I like it.
Their last album was also Oasis-y. They stopped making bubblegum pop years ago
Have you heard the penultimate album "four" ? This is a taste of a "one direction +18" they changed , they grew up, and it's been some time
Tumblr Larry most of you are
da cracksella i disagree. Many of us started listening to them when we were 12-14, but we grew up with them. We aren't children anymore. Their sound changed. They are definitely not the typical boyband anymore. Maybe actually give their songs/albums a listen. You might change your mind.
Justice Beaver AGREE
Song: *Starts playing*
Friends: Ah shit, here we go again
In one word: Beautiful.
Türkler her yerde 😂
Rabia Demir upgrade// gorgeous
Aydın Can skwkdkekdoeodp
listening to this after liam has passed away hurts
Finally a beautiful, sincere song
Bethany Sychowski harrys a imposter trying to take the 60s to this year.... (pathetic)
and it's perfect
Um please don't disrespect Harry's music if you don't like it then don't listen to it simple
@@stylingirl15 No, what's perfect is Jesus and the sacrifice that He made for you and me and all the world. Amen!
(John 14:6 > Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.)
Jesus is the ONLY way!
(1 Corinthians 15:51-57 > [51]Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall be changed,
[52]-In a moment in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
[53]-For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
[54]-So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.
[55]-O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?
[56]-The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.
[57]-But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.)
(John 3:3 > Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.)
(John 3:5 > Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.)
These are non-negotiable statements by the Lord Jesus Christ, you have to believe on Him or there will be no "eternal life" for you!
(Romans 10:9-10 > [9]-That if thou shalt confess with the mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him form the dead, thou shalt be saved.
[10]-For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.)
Romans 10:13 > For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.)
Have you been born again? Have you assurance of eternal life? Because the alternative is eternal damnation which is the part that the false preachers, teachers, and prophets always leave out, sin unto death!
Trust God for your salvation, Jesus is God. Amen!
All glory and honour and power and praise be to the Lord our God, Jesus Christ. Amen!
This song is a beautiful masterpiece
sanjana shetty
This song is beyond beautiful 😌🎶
I love to write. Would you please give *Sleeper* by ninanile a listen. I'd truly appreciate it. I hope you'll like it and would want to share it and subscribe :')
I was never into one direction or liked them that much but sarah baska bought me here and all I gotta say is that i'm really impressed, this is absolutely amazing!
It's indeed amazing!
Sara Baska is very influential.
asena Lol I see why she screamed
asena yesss I love her ahah
im not impressed with this because its nothing new , its the same style as zayn and the other blonde 1D guy, and every other sad song we hear today.thats the only route they had to take for them to go far. zayn in my opinion has the highest ceiling of them i believe. i was impressed by the singing though, harry sang very well. let's see how his other songs turn out.
I don't usually comment on anything here on TH-cam, but I wonder how someone can be so good at everything and not have a single flaw?
Truly Harry is a definition of perfection 🙈🫂 I pray that one day we'll meet
This song could be on the credits for Dunkirk. This is so beautiful as it talks about us never learn from our mistakes. it is absolutely beautiful
Beatrice Breitrick yesss
Red Zie
Beatrice Breitrick yeah if you can hear the lyrics have something about "bullets" there actually might be a chance 😁
spaceless styles Oml. 😝
spaceless styles LMFAOOO
you cannot take it away from him can you, this is VERY GOOD, ignore the boy band fluff, and give credit where its due here
“Welcome to the final show,
I hope you’re wearing your best clothes,”
powerful lyrics.
about someone exiting this life,
yet ppl assume it’s about love,
in a sense,
losing someone you really love.
this is unreal, my heart is broken but it hurts so good
i know , the same feeling i have evry time i hear it
Omg same!! 😭😭❤️
Rubina B SAME
The special thing about Harry is that he was always the kind ,lovely gentleman and he always will be. This song is just so beautiful and it makes me as proud as every single one of you . It´s just a very calming song because of his angel-like voice . It remembers me of a 90s song and I really don't know why. Please appreciate this song and don't compare harold to dj malik ;)) it´s not worth it because they both are amazing in there own unique way. I will always support and love the boys .!! enjoy this amazing song ! :))
Well said, thank you.
what a brilliant comparison he gave to degrade 90s songs
am i the only one who can see the transition of the water. yes !!! it's waving or more like moving omg
I also saw it....
Eyyy Exo-L! We are everywhere lmao xD
i saw it
i saw it
BAEK_HYUN 04 I realised it just now
The start of Harry Styles' career. Will never forget about this song
Not ready to see him sing this all by himself on April 15, my 1D heart...
Lisa M and his second new song too.
Lisa M where is he singing it??
Beatriz Muñoz Saturday Night Live ... I think
He's performing this song on SNL, can't wait!
Lisa M when though?
Damn, I actually like this.. A departure from his former sound but sounds like a modern take on classic rock - this is a style he was meant to sing. So happy for him
Chelsea Baker exactly!!!
Chelsea Baker yes!!!
Chelsea Baker hell yeah!
modern take on classic brit rock. absolute perfection.
Glad I heard the song before I saw who it was by; no prejudices attached.
So beautiful.
Justin Timberlake comes to mind. Great song as I had no idea who sung it before I heard it. I hope the rest of his music is this good and breaks free of the stigma of a "boy band". A+
Kamya Vishwanath I thought the same thing. 😂
haha! me too, I heard the song. looked it up, and found out who the singer was
same here
I come back here every time someone I know passes away, I came here with my grandparents, my uncle, and now my friend. It is my comfort song. 🕊🤍
the only thing that I genuinely don't understand is why zqaud are here hating on harry and saying that he is not good enough or that he is not as good as zayn. don't compare them it´s hideous they both have amazing voices ,they have their own music style and both are literally amazing you just have to admit..
Selin Malik I totally agree with u
Selin Malik because they r clearly jealous..
thank u
exactly :)
Selin Malik true, they are both fantastic
"'Sign of the Times' came from 'This isn't the first time we've been in a hard time, and it's not going to be the last time.' The song is written from a point of view as if a mother was giving birth to a child and there's a complication. The mother is told, 'The child is fine, but you're not going to make it.' The mother has five minutes to tell the child, 'Go forth and conquer.'" - Taken from Harry's interview for the Rolling Stones magazine. this is for those who wants to know the meaning behind the song. I was surprised he actually revealed it, knowing how H would always tell people that it's up to their interpretation ♡
Lee Styles omg that is deep but I love it LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN NEW SONG! :)!
wow i wouldnt have thought that but no matter the meaning i still love it because i love songs that have a good meaning or at least some meaning to it 😊
Lee Styles Hi, is this his channel or it's a fake account 'cause some people say it's a fake account so i don't know what to think...
I agree, the lyrics don't really match. I think it's about a toxic environment where previous attempts just perpetuate the toxic cycle, rather than just biting the bullet and saying 'time to move on before we destroy what was good with bad memories'. Tbh I think it's about the bands breakup... might even be saying 'don't cry' to the fans haha. Or maybe it is just about a girl/guy, but I like to think Harry sings about more than just love songs.
This is going to be a fucking classic, mark my words
MONSTER Ikr... Just watch, in the next twenty or thirty years, or so, everyone will be looking back on this song saying," When music was actually good..."
doubt it, it barely even took off.
i dont it will be a CLASSIC but teenage hipsters 30 years from now will look back at this
In the future, this song will be legend
One of a billion reasons to love Harry Styles is this masterpiece 🤧💘
I never really listened to 1D but this guy has a great voice, very impressed.
babyfaceconblr Same 😂👌
you should have to listen to da boys but its ok. harry is talented af.
You should listen to Louis' solo as well :)
Déborah Shosola I was always more of a panic! at the disco person but if you have a fave song of 1D ill give it a listen :)
My grandmother died today and she was the very first person who knew that I was a huge fan of Harry. She wanted me to meet him so bad and she did too. She never got to meet him but one day, I swear that one day I'll meet Harry for the both of us ❤
So sorry to hear that. Hope you are okay. Sending you all the love 💕
i'm so sorry
Bless you
My grandma passed away today and this song just hit me right in the heart.. Beautiful
A.M.C. I'm so sorry 💔
I'm so sorry...hugs
i'm so sorry...💕❤
I'm really sorry, stay strong💘
This should be the credits song at the end of the world
Any day now hopefully. Hope you get Musical Director credit. Things Look Pretty Good From Here!
It kinda is if you listen to the lyrics
I agree with you 😊
Avni Singh omggg me I just realized after reading this I was like wahttt . I thought it was just a picture
shows that you don't like reading TH-cam comments...
Now this is music
Happy 7 years 😭♥️
when he says stop crying and you be literally balling your eyes out
Muskaan Patel same omg 😂😂
Muskaan Patel I actually was omg!!
Muskaan Patel yess true
NOT same because im not a 13 year old who gets orgasms from a decent song with an overhyped performer
micky mr stealyodoritos they like this song. They cried to it. Big whoop. FUCK, LET PEOPLE LIVE.
Heard this on the radio for the first time this morning. First time I've gotten goosebumps from a song on the radio.
mike lambert.... Radio two, about 9.30, had the same skin condition........