good one. the 69th week ended 33 AD when Jesus was killed. Then there is a little gap then the 70th week middle was 66 AD when the daily sacrifice was stopped sparking the Judean/Roman wars, and the temple was destroyed about 3.5 years later August 70 AD. The daily sacrifice stopping in Dan 8 was in the temple in Maccabees so in Dan 9 it is the same thing (but first century), and not reference to Jesus, and the last supper. Jesus did not set up an abomination of desolation in the temple sometime around 66-70 AD whatever it was.
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good one. the 69th week ended 33 AD when Jesus was killed. Then there is a little gap then the 70th week middle was 66 AD when the daily sacrifice was stopped sparking the Judean/Roman wars, and the temple was destroyed about 3.5 years later August 70 AD. The daily sacrifice stopping in Dan 8 was in the temple in Maccabees so in Dan 9 it is the same thing (but first century), and not reference to Jesus, and the last supper. Jesus did not set up an abomination of desolation in the temple sometime around 66-70 AD whatever it was.