Praise the Almighty

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 17 ต.ค. 2024
  • On the seventh Sunday after Epiphany, the congregation sings the processional hymn, "Praise the Almighty" (Lutheran Service Book #797) at Grace Lutheran Church in Grass Valley, California. Accompanied on the pipe organ by church organist John Bacigalupi, this grand hymn is based on Psalm 146.
    "Praise the Almighty, my soul, adore Him!
    Yes, I will laud Him until death;
    With songs and anthems I come before Him
    As long as He allows me breath.
    From Him my life and all things came;
    Bless, O my soul, His holy name.
    Allelujah, allelujah!
    "Trust not in rulers; they are but mortal;
    Earth-born they are and soon decay.
    Vain are their counsels at life's last portal,
    When the dark grave doth claim its prey.
    Since mortals can no help afford,
    Place all your trust in Christ, our Lord.
    Allelujah, allelujah!
    "Blessed, oh, blessed is he forever
    Whose help is in the Lord Most High,
    Whom from salvation can nothing sever,
    And who in hope to Christ draw nigh.
    To all who trust in Him, our Lord
    Will aid and counsel now afford.
    Allelujah, allelujah!
    "Penitent sinners, for mercy crying,
    Pardon and peace from Him obtain;
    Ever the wants of the poor supplying,
    Their faithful God He will remain.
    He helps His children in distress,
    The widows and the fatherless.
    Allelujah, allelujah!
    "Praise, all you nations, the name so holy
    Of Him who does such wondrous things!
    All that has being, to praise Him solely,
    With happy heart its amen sings.
    Children of God, with angel host
    Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!
    Allelujah, allelujah!"
    Our music clips are usually not intended to give you something to look at -- unless you like seeing shoes or motion sickness -- but only to share with you, the listener, a sample of beautiful, sacred music. This is what you hear what you can find in a traditional LCMS Lutheran church today.
    Capturing these moments of Lutheran church music to share with you requires first that I avoid distracting myself or anyone else when I do it. That's the top priority. Turning on a camera and setting it on the ground -- or dangling it by its strap -- is usually the way it goes. SERIOUSLY, do yourself a favor and avoid watching the video for something to see unless you don't mind shoes and possibly motion sickness. Enjoy only for the music, and understand the limits imposed by circumstances, tiny little computer speakers, and the camera microphone. Or, skip all of this and go to a traditional LCMS Lutheran church for the real thing.

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