Please don't tie up the county or other city officials with this. Officials at Torrance county are working with us on dealing with Chief Juan Reyes, and Mayor Peter Nieto, as well as bringing criminal charges against Brent Woodard for his year long spree in Mountainair. Here's phone numbers to those who allowed Officer Brent Woodard to abuse people for a year. Chief Reyes Cell Phone 505-702-5618 Mayor Peter Nieto Cell Phone 505-967-2322 Uncut, Unedited body cam on small town 48 channel. subscribe while you're there!
Every member of that town should file a claim for compensation. The people paid their city's council members to perform a service that benefits the people of the town. But the city council are derelict in their duties and obligations to the community. They accepted funding but failed the men and women who hired them to protect them from abuse and robberies.
One day, we'll read that Woodard is "no longer with us" because he pulled this shit on exactly the wrong person. Losing cops like Woodard is a good thing. It improves everyone's safety and peaceful existence. Now that it's clear there was no traffic stop, this should be tossed out on its face. Then, Woodard should be prosecuted. But, by far, the best solution is that Woodard be relegated to the realm of "no longer with us".
I cringe every time I hear this tyrant call these people "sweetheart". He must be put in jail. A lawsuit which the taxpayers have to pay for is not good enough. This tyrant has to be brought to justice.
This is a clear example of WHY the 2nd amendment exists!!!! ALL enemies, foreign AND Domestic! That would have been a dead motherfucker if he came into my house!
@Steve L like, I figured they would have tried to erase that type of footage. Nah, they know nothing will come of it so they don't even put the effort to try to destroy the evidence. I'm honestly not sure which is worse; them deleting body cam footage or them leaving it on because no one gives A F.
@@JamesFreeman1 I really hope charges will be brought and he is not allowed to exchange his license for a get out of jail card. The local robe will probably side with this psycho if it ever gets past the DA.
It makes me SICK when he says “Sweetheart” over and again. Woodard needs to held accountable for his actions, this is a TOTAL abuse of power and quite unbecoming of an officer. The other LE on site are just as guilty for letting him do it.
I don't get shocked easily any more but this police department knew this guy was like this and continued to let him be on the streets. They allowed it for years. This is actually freaking terrifying.
I was arrested and charge d for tresspass on my own property and three other felonies added falsely prosecuted put in rehab for passing my drug test no joke reality God bless everyone
The idea that he keeps calling his victims 'sweetheart' is very telling. "I love you sweetheart, that's why I had to do what I did, it was for your own good." is typical of the type of gaslighting used by domestic abusers.
Yeah, this video was extremely triggering for me. I screamed at my phone when he said that after clearly assaulting a tiny woman. Not to mention the later clips of him screaming at her.
You become a Nurse, after a 3 year degree you sign on to a professional accreditation register that any member of the public can access so they can see that you are a qualified nurse in good standing. If you mess up negligently, or fail to act ethically or within professional standards you are struck off the register and never allowed to practice ever again. This happens because, as a nurse, a mistake could end a life and your actions can have profound long lasting effects on people’s lives. You become a doctor, after a 7 year degree you sign on to a professional accreditation register that any member of the public can access so they can see that you are a qualified doctor in good standing. If you mess up negligently, or fail to act ethically or within professional standards you are struck off the register and never allowed to practice ever again. This happens because, as a doctor, a mistake could end a life and your actions can have profound long lasting effects on people’s lives. You become a Firearms instructor, after several years of intense training you sign on to a professional accreditation register that any member of the public can access so they can see that you are a qualified firearms instructor in good standing. If you mess up negligently, or fail to act ethically or within professional standards you are struck off the register and never allowed to teach ever again. This happens because, as a firearms instructor, a mistake could end a life and your actions can have profound long lasting effects on people’s lives. You become a cop. After a 6 week course where you are taught legal phrases such as “in this day and age” and “here’s the deal, essential police skills like ‘muting your bodycam’ and ‘how to turn every conversation into an interrogation’, you are given a badge, gun, powers of arrest; hundreds of likeminded individuals at your beck and call, ready to drop everything and rush to do violence on your behalf in the name of ‘officer safety’ and ‘arrest quotas’, with vague (at best) knowledge of law and _zero_ accountability and unleashed on the streets to terrorise citizens! This happens despite , as a cop, making mistakes that could end a life and actions that can have profound long lasting effects on people’s lives.
since 2017 i have offered a $5k reward for anyone who can cite where in our constitution we have government the authority to police society. it doesn't exist. we are at the tail end of the tyrannical cycle. anykne who believes these clowns are constitutional. also has to be lieve that everything that happened that surrounded the founding was to create the very same systems the founders sought to get away from. wilful ignorance of basic facts is what has lead to this.
Our forefathers left Monarch Rule for just this type of behavior. Unbelievable. Imagine what fools like this get away with when no body cams are used. This list is endless.
When he just pushed the lady out of his way saying "Don't talk to me lady", my jaw hit the floor. Gives no reason for being there and just starts pushing people around. WTF. This is UN FN believable.
Like someone else posted earlier, with any luck, he'll try that BS with someone who's not having it. He presents a clear and present danger........ B & E, Assault,,,,,,,,, sounds like great grounds for "being in fear for you life""
Don't forget how his porcine mouth bold faced lied to the other cop & said that the woman pushed him - even when it's been recorded on his body cam that she never touched him & that he shoved her hard. One keeps hoping that one of the people this uniformed lunatic starts abusing goes stinkin' berserk on his pathetic ass. And who could fault anybody for it? When people are being pushed to the wall & treated like garbage - hey, they'll reach the point of "enough" & take care of things themselves. Cops would be smart to understand that before the shit hits the fan for them.
What the worst part is, is that alot of police would say this cop did "good policework". This is what happens when you give ANYONE absolute authority on scene
Officer Woody says it best! “This is f🤬cking ridiculous!” This guy is DANGEROUS and needs to be blacklisted from acting as a public “peace officer” !!! Unbelievable 😠
Blacklisted from acting as a public “peace officer”? I'm sorry to say but if that's the most you think this pig Woodard should receive for his actions you're more an advocate for this type behavior than it's opposition. I'll explain myself, Woodard is knowingly of his free will committing numerous felonies to the detriment of free people. He is also a cop and should be held to a higher standard than those he abuses, however you only wish for him to be band from being a cop? Awesome, tell you what - God forbid but should you ever be victim to a home invasion where an armed plumber beats the tar out of you and anyone present in the home before he demands you pay him for his actions and leaves. I implore you to tell everyone it's fine if he never gets punished just don't let him be a plumber anymore.
Well, the sad truth is United States has a DARK history of Slavery, therefore most government employees on all levels "especially law enforcement" turned into new Slave Masters under color of law AND Qualified IMPUNITY "immunity" thanks to the "Injustice System"🤦♂️🤷♂️
calling someone "sweetie" or "sweetheart" is a form of sexual harassment as well. This "officer" should be sent to prison for violating people's rights.
How did anyone review this footage and say that officer did nothing wrong? This officer should be permanently banned from becoming an officer anywhere and prosecuted for assault and breaking into a house without a warrant
A lot of departments require reviews of the use of force if reported, but will consistently say that when conducting the review, they are ONLY looking at the specific use of force not anywhere hung else about the video. So they may have just looked looked and said that according to policy, he was allowed to move her out of the way, but ignored the myriad or rights violations, lies about justification, and his purely criminal actions. It’s so they can cover themselves at all times.
Well it's like when I screw up, I'm going to "investigate" myself and of course there was no wrongdoing. Right out of the coward cop and corrupt politicians handbook
The entire encounter from the start never should have happened. Then he lies and makes things up after the illegal entry on private property. How many rights and laws he violated is off the charts on this one.
Way better at this than a hack like Justin Pullium (Corruption Report) who rehashed Joe Salvaggio's bogus claims against the Leon Valley mayor, two council members, and a citizen, from 5 years ago. All those claims were dismissed, just as the claims of arrest for 14 "auditors" and Justin himself, for hacking a council meeting. Justin tried to create drama 🙄 He's become pathetic and useless to the accountability movement.
This is the type of news main media shy away from until independent journalist brings it to the forefront that they want a piece of the action, without the leg work....
Why does he keep referring to the females as sweetheart? That’s creepy and unprofessional. They are not your sweethearts Mr. abusive ex cop. They are your victims.
This is unbelievable. We complain in New Zealand about our Police being too soft but if this is the other side of that coin then you can keep it. Absolutely outrageous, Land of the free you've got to be joking or deluded.
I wish to move to NZ where the police are too soft, rather than psychopathic monsters, and many other expatriate reasons, please welcome me a ND other refugees of US neofascism. I like new Zealand because my dad's college roomie resettled there, and I once had an internet video gaming buddy from NZ.
Our cops are nothing like these corrupt bastards. We have to be careful the National party are advocating in response to the current gang trouble that the New Zealand police force be allowed to perform warrantless searches. We don’t want that in our country because as you can see cops will abuse their powers and enter innocent people’s homes. As the video shows the cops in the US are out of control and there’s no way to put that genie back in its bottle.
@@lorrtyler If Woodard gets tried, I will give up on atheism just to pray he gets convicted, sentenced to prison, goes to gen pop, and gets turned out on the yard and ends up washing underwear for whichever big, bad, bull he finds most humiliating. I expect from his actions that he is also a racist so what he would hate worst is to be property of a black dude.
Good luck with that, they HAVE THE VIDEO and simply ALLOWED him to walk away...... Sound like anyone there is interested in prosecuting this cowardly POS?
Notice how he calls his female victims sweety or sweetheart but only after backup arrives. Before that, she's called lady in a derogatory tone. This guy is dangerous!
Well, the sad truth is United States has a DARK history of Slavery, therefore most government employees on all levels "especially law enforcement" turned into new Slave Masters under color of law AND Qualified IMPUNITY "immunity" thanks to the "Injustice System"🤦♂️🤷♂️
Yep... If he hasn't been hired in the next town over, he's currently working on it and will be within a few weeks... Ready and eager to go at it again with a fresh new start and another negligent Department who both failed to do their due diligence and doesn't care...
He has got to be one of the most out of control tyrants I’ve seen. 18 U.S. Code § 242 provides a punishment for his crimes of the death penalty. And that’s arguably exactly what he deserves. Wow!
Look how long he got away with it. TBL means he won't be held accountable until they just have no choice. Do you really think he 2ont continue as a LEO? He'll get a glowing recommendation and just move to a town close by.
She didn't try to interfere with you. You called it as a traffic stop, and you shoved the woman out of your way because you entered the property without permission and without a lawful reason.
and the other cop in the background... "you have to do whatever he says" ALL OF THEM NEED FIRED. the one doing the arresting needs to be six feet under.
Will he ultimately be prosecuted? I think we all know the answer to that. Seriously, we need to abolish qualified immunity and get rid of internal affairs that protect criminal cops. WE RUN THE GOVERNMENT. It’s time we return the power to the people
No, they just fire them. He probably increases his demand in the cop job market, from that video. He will make more money now. This is what they want. They want unhinged lunatics who the public fears. This is all working out exactly like they planned.
James, this is why your work is so important. The chief and the officer would be able to lie their way out of these. No one would double check their word. Especially not the "media". Thank you!!! This is why they hate recorders.
In America is illegal to defend yourself. Especially from tyrant police. The law states yes you can defend yourself and keep firearms, yet law abiding citizens who defend their home and lives are the ones disarmed and charged.
This is easily a million dollar lawsuit! He violated three peoples civil rights on one stop! His qualified immunity should be throw out and he sued and incarcerated.
Well done James, excellent commentary. We need more people in this world like you who are will to help communities dealing with corrupt and disrespectful cops and mayors. I think you and others in this community are not only making life better there, but also educating people of their rights and how to fight back together. Much love !
This cop should not be fired,he should be in prison. If only these innocent victims took him to court,the PD ,the town, the state would owe these people millions.
How in the hell can these obvious documented crimes of physical abuse, rights violations be deemed ok? Did they still have to pay a fine for running a stop sign? Sick f*#king world! Thanks for all you do James!
@@dschoenfeld9277 More like executed by platoon. And their heads shown to public to shame their families. Including everyone who was knew and did nothing. Hitler would be proud of those people. Who cares about any law, rights and human life after all if you're in position of power. You can do whatever you want. It has been years since I saw something so infuriating. People like this will cause violent reaction and vengeful ideas in normal people..
That hog is an absolute tyrant and the other officers are complicit in allowing him to behave that way. I hope they sue him and the dept for everything they're worth.
The only problem with that is that the pig cop and the department are not the ones who will have to pay a lawsuit, it's the taxpayers, the citizens who will be the ones paying for this pigs crimes
What a nice guy, I’m thinking he really hopes his kids get treated exactly the same he has been treating people, his parents would be very proud of him if they knew how he treats the public!!
If his parents have any morals at all they would have disowned this piece of shit years ago, imagine the shame you'd feel knowing you'd brought this lowlife into the world, you'd immediately have a vasectomy
OUT OF CONTROL!!!!! WE THE PEOPLE need to raise up and put a STOP to this outrageous behavior!!! He should be sued and charged, do some time in prison or better yet under the prison.
Woodard is a menace to any community that he serves. The best case scenario is to take his licence away for good. One day he will mess with the wrong person and learn what it feels like on the receiving end.
I would love to see him unknowingly mess with some Mafia Don's family. I think he would be sailing the submarine SS 55 Gal Barrel to the bottom of Lake Mead. Just Sayin'.
Dang he walks into the house like he’s a welcome guest. I would say I’m shocked that and internal investigation determined no wrong doing but that would be a lie. Thanks for the share James 🤘
Wow, that was a tough one to watch because I wanted to defend that lady. I could not imagine living in a place like that were cops are rewarded for breaking the law.
@@respectmyauthoritah1875 Yep, I see it here. I watched our local police point guns at the entire middle school children and I know they were having fun.
When you think you've seen it all, this officer takes it to the next level. I'm literally speechless. It doesn't take a degree in law to understand just about everything the officer does in this video is unlawful and absolute violation of civil rights.
I find it very telling that he doesn't want Lily to say anything while there are EMS around because he doesn't want EMS to hear all the horrible unlawful things that he did to her. He only wants EMS to think what he is saying is true that she hit him poor little old Brent was just defending himself.
How easy it would have been for the Chief to say 'We've reviewed the video and that Officer has been relieved of duties' But the entitled ego is just too strong
Where's the exigency to enter private property and then go further on private property and then into a house? The most protect property is the home under the 4th Amendment per the US Supreme Court
The horrifying thing is Woodard has probably moved to another town in another state to continue his carrer and keep his pension account going. Aint it grand to have such wonderful people to serve and protect.
Please don't tie up the county or other city officials with this. Officials at Torrance county are working with us on dealing with Chief Juan Reyes, and Mayor Peter Nieto, as well as bringing criminal charges against Brent Woodard for his year long spree in Mountainair. Here's phone numbers to those who allowed Officer Brent Woodard to abuse people for a year.
Chief Reyes Cell Phone
Mayor Peter Nieto Cell Phone
Uncut, Unedited body cam on small town 48 channel. subscribe while you're there!
He quit weeks back
Hey, I was arrested on 5/21 and video everything from port orange and I think we need to show transparency so please assist me regarding video, etc
Every member of that town should file a claim for compensation. The people paid their city's council members to perform a service that benefits the people of the town. But the city council are derelict in their duties and obligations to the community. They accepted funding but failed the men and women who hired them to protect them from abuse and robberies.
And I say continue to blow up their phone lines until justice is served and these bastards are incarcerated. Mayor/chief/Woodard. All of them.
Sounds like Chief and Mayor are Cartel Leaders !
These videos are enraging, Woodward should be in prison
That cop needs to be arrested and prosecuted. It's clear that he is psychotic.
He needs a cavity search with an SUV 🚙
no. he needs much more than that to happen to him
That's not going to happen. It's a cop. It can rape and murder children and sell videos of it doing that on the internet.
This officer has been on this earth much too long.
All the officers that watched and did nothing should be fired too
Trespassing, home invasion, assault, kidnapping, perjury and yet the cops are still on the job???
Charge that cop
He resigned so that he could just get a job elsewhere. His qualified immunity needs to be revoked.
Glad I don’t pay my taxes!
His certificate needs to be yanked.
One day, we'll read that Woodard is "no longer with us" because he pulled this shit on exactly the wrong person. Losing cops like Woodard is a good thing. It improves everyone's safety and peaceful existence. Now that it's clear there was no traffic stop, this should be tossed out on its face. Then, Woodard should be prosecuted. But, by far, the best solution is that Woodard be relegated to the realm of "no longer with us".
Exactly the RIGHT PERSON. not the wrong person. And when we find out that he is “NO LONGER WITH US” we’ll all have a WONDERFUL DAY.
LOL, who's the wrong? person None of you has the bottle to deal with anything.
@@nigelpalmer9248 I'm one of them.....Terrorist traitor lover.....
@@nigelpalmer9248 go get him then
We can only hope!
This cop should be in a straight jacket and a padded room. He is insane.
Wrong side of the dirt would be preferable
Or just straight up evil
straitjacket yes but no padded room because that padding would provide comfort of which he doesn't deserve.
Cemetery is appropriate for him
That cop should be in jail
Or in the ground.
These thugs should never ever be allowed to resign , they should be charged and jailed .
I cringe every time I hear this tyrant call these people "sweetheart".
He must be put in jail. A lawsuit which the taxpayers have to pay for is not good enough. This tyrant has to be brought to justice.
He's past jail - needs to be put in the ground.
@@frankbeardsley2941 Yes, I agree. He should be made an example of. Hanged in full view of his fellow tyrants.
Street justice is what's needed.
Once he's in jail, others can then call him sweetheart!!!
This terrorist and his superior must be jailed for a long long time for this terrorist act and past ones.
The two officers that were there and did nothing but back up this deranged lunatic should be fired as well.Does no one in this department have morals?
In a word................... NO, you'd get better results finding a UNICORN
Unless he goes to jail, nothing changes.
We are working with a prosecutor on criminal charges in multiple cases.
@@JamesFreeman1 Thank you for what you do.
I believe in NM you have the legal right to use self defense even against LE.
@@JamesFreeman1 if he doesn't get consecutive life sentences one for each time he violated his oath it's not enough.
And get NMPOST involved. Go after his credentials
Man, I sure hope they throw the book at this dirty cop...
This a clear example of a Law Enforcement Official breaking the Law repeatedly.
They know they can because the have qualified immunity
This is an example of THREE LEOs breaking the laws. The others' inaction with stopping Woodard makes them complicit in his actions.
This is a clear example of WHY the 2nd amendment exists!!!!
ALL enemies, foreign AND Domestic!
That would have been a dead motherfucker if he came into my house!
Yeah he's going to FUCK WITH THE WRONG INDIVIDUAL one day, and hopefully that day will be his last day BREATHING.
And a CLEARER example of the higher ups CONDONING it
Allowing violent thugs like this cop to resign clearly shows they have no problem with their officers acting illegally
He should not be allowed to make it home
They let p.o.s. like this cop resign so they keep their pensions and the community has to pay for that p.o.s. the rest of his miserable life.
As usual, the thin blue line gang investigated their own and found "no wrong doing".
This should be a huge lawsuit, he should be prosecuted.
I would sue him immediately
This is incredible. He just barges in. Holy hell. The fact he doesn't turn off his body camera just shows how they don't fear repurcussions.
@Steve L like, I figured they would have tried to erase that type of footage.
Nah, they know nothing will come of it so they don't even put the effort to try to destroy the evidence. I'm honestly not sure which is worse; them deleting body cam footage or them leaving it on because no one gives A F.
Let's not forget the "good" cops letting all that happen.
The state of New Mexico has let this tyrant terrorize these people.
This guy definitely needs to be fired and arrested
He resigned, we are working on criminal charges.
@@JamesFreeman1 of course they let him resign 🙄 Im sure the county over will gladly take him on their PD
shit country, I would never visit the US and take the risk of getting in contact with the pigs you guys got in the country.
@@JamesFreeman1 I really hope charges will be brought and he is not allowed to exchange his license for a get out of jail card.
The local robe will probably side with this psycho if it ever gets past the DA.
Being shot to death is the only thing that would end this, but there's thousands more just like it to take its place.
Watching this makes me physically sick. I cannot believe someone this vile got away with this for far too long.
He still got away with it. He resigned. Which means he can just hop to another department.
It makes me SICK when he says “Sweetheart” over and again. Woodard needs to held accountable for his actions, this is a TOTAL abuse of power and quite unbecoming of an officer. The other LE on site are just as guilty for letting him do it.
No respect for anyone. Condescending.
He knew what he was doing...
100% !!
They should all be hung for treason
He probably calls his wife Sweet Heart after he batters her too. DISGRACEFUL !!!
spot on
I don't get shocked easily any more but this police department knew this guy was like this and continued to let him be on the streets. They allowed it for years. This is actually freaking terrifying.
I was arrested and charge d for tresspass on my own property and three other felonies added falsely prosecuted put in rehab for passing my drug test no joke reality God bless everyone
@@oihilguest5902 Well I hope your going 2 sue, that's BS !
Listen u poor excuse 4 a human your actions from this will get payback always works shit head pigs
@@oihilguest5902 They did it to you for the money. They have to keep there corruption going.
Crazy I paid 2400 and Im still on probation 723 2020
The idea that he keeps calling his victims 'sweetheart' is very telling.
"I love you sweetheart, that's why I had to do what I did, it was for your own good." is typical of the type of gaslighting used by domestic abusers.
Yeah, this video was extremely triggering for me. I screamed at my phone when he said that after clearly assaulting a tiny woman. Not to mention the later clips of him screaming at her.
He needs to be charged and put in PRISON!!!
This assaulting criminal officer must be dealt with and held accountable for his horrific actions! Despicable!
You become a Nurse, after a 3 year degree you sign on to a professional accreditation register that any member of the public can access so they can see that you are a qualified nurse in good standing. If you mess up negligently, or fail to act ethically or within professional standards you are struck off the register and never allowed to practice ever again. This happens because, as a nurse, a mistake could end a life and your actions can have profound long lasting effects on people’s lives.
You become a doctor, after a 7 year degree you sign on to a professional accreditation register that any member of the public can access so they can see that you are a qualified doctor in good standing. If you mess up negligently, or fail to act ethically or within professional standards you are struck off the register and never allowed to practice ever again. This happens because, as a doctor, a mistake could end a life and your actions can have profound long lasting effects on people’s lives.
You become a Firearms instructor, after several years of intense training you sign on to a professional accreditation register that any member of the public can access so they can see that you are a qualified firearms instructor in good standing. If you mess up negligently, or fail to act ethically or within professional standards you are struck off the register and never allowed to teach ever again. This happens because, as a firearms instructor, a mistake could end a life and your actions can have profound long lasting effects on people’s lives.
You become a cop. After a 6 week course where you are taught legal phrases such as “in this day and age” and “here’s the deal, essential police skills like ‘muting your bodycam’ and ‘how to turn every conversation into an interrogation’, you are given a badge, gun, powers of arrest; hundreds of likeminded individuals at your beck and call, ready to drop everything and rush to do violence on your behalf in the name of ‘officer safety’ and ‘arrest quotas’, with vague (at best) knowledge of law and _zero_ accountability and unleashed on the streets to terrorise citizens! This happens despite , as a cop, making mistakes that could end a life and actions that can have profound long lasting effects on people’s lives.
Well said
since 2017 i have offered a $5k reward for anyone who can cite where in our constitution we have government the authority to police society.
it doesn't exist. we are at the tail end of the tyrannical cycle. anykne who believes these clowns are constitutional. also has to be lieve that everything that happened that surrounded the founding was to create the very same systems the founders sought to get away from. wilful ignorance of basic facts is what has lead to this.
Unfkingreal isn't it??!!!! Boggles the mind....We the People DESERVE CHANGE!!!!!!!
You hit that nail square on the head!
Our forefathers left Monarch Rule for just this type of behavior. Unbelievable. Imagine what fools like this get away with when no body cams are used. This list is endless.
When he just pushed the lady out of his way saying "Don't talk to me lady", my jaw hit the floor.
Gives no reason for being there and just starts pushing people around. WTF.
This is UN FN believable.
Like someone else posted earlier, with any luck, he'll try that BS with someone who's not having it. He presents a clear and present danger........ B & E, Assault,,,,,,,,, sounds like great grounds for "being in fear for you life""
@@bbigrocker1 Unfortunately the only way people like this learn is by someone knocking them out.
Then patronizingly calling her "sweetheart"....guy is a first class creep....
If this was on MY property he'd no longer be with us. That's an armed intrusion period and I'd defend myself !!
Don't forget how his porcine mouth bold faced lied to the other cop & said that the woman pushed him - even when it's been recorded on his body cam that she never touched him & that he shoved her hard. One keeps hoping that one of the people this uniformed lunatic starts abusing goes stinkin' berserk on his pathetic ass. And who could fault anybody for it? When people are being pushed to the wall & treated like garbage - hey, they'll reach the point of "enough" & take care of things themselves. Cops would be smart to understand that before the shit hits the fan for them.
What the worst part is, is that alot of police would say this cop did "good policework". This is what happens when you give ANYONE absolute authority on scene
"They" would. And "they'd" be wrong. As usual!
Woodard goes from "get the fuck off of me lady" to calling every moving woman in his vicinity "sweetheart" once the other cops arrive. What a lunatic.
Officer Woody says it best!
“This is f🤬cking ridiculous!”
This guy is DANGEROUS and needs to be blacklisted from acting as a public “peace officer” !!! Unbelievable 😠
I think the New Mexico State Police need to arrest Woodard. Coprot.
Blacklisted from acting as a public “peace officer”? I'm sorry to say but if that's the most you think this pig Woodard should receive for his actions you're more an advocate for this type behavior than it's opposition. I'll explain myself, Woodard is knowingly of his free will committing numerous felonies to the detriment of free people. He is also a cop and should be held to a higher standard than those he abuses, however you only wish for him to be band from being a cop? Awesome, tell you what - God forbid but should you ever be victim to a home invasion where an armed plumber beats the tar out of you and anyone present in the home before he demands you pay him for his actions and leaves. I implore you to tell everyone it's fine if he never gets punished just don't let him be a plumber anymore.
@@thitchin I would think that the Sheriff in that county would be the the agency with jurisdiction and the means for arresting Woodard.
The police will always protect their own, no matter how brutal and crooked he is. They're untouchable.
@@Forsak3nBreed1982 hey dude I don’t disagree with u
Don't feel bad foe officer Woodard. I'm sure he will find a job. Bully tyrants are needed everywhere
Sad but true
Possibly next town over.
Well, the sad truth is United States has a DARK history of Slavery, therefore most government employees on all levels "especially law enforcement" turned into new Slave Masters under color of law AND Qualified IMPUNITY "immunity" thanks to the "Injustice System"🤦♂️🤷♂️
I'm hoping he DOES! Then with any luck he'll try this BS with the RIGHT one and that will be that
calling someone "sweetie" or "sweetheart" is a form of sexual harassment as well. This "officer" should be sent to prison for violating people's rights.
How did anyone review this footage and say that officer did nothing wrong? This officer should be permanently banned from becoming an officer anywhere and prosecuted for assault and breaking into a house without a warrant
Those who reviewed his behavior before must also be held accountable
Because the condone the behavior. You can’t trust them at all, complete liars and supported by the department and the courts.
A lot of departments require reviews of the use of force if reported, but will consistently say that when conducting the review, they are ONLY looking at the specific use of force not anywhere hung else about the video. So they may have just looked looked and said that according to policy, he was allowed to move her out of the way, but ignored the myriad or rights violations, lies about justification, and his purely criminal actions. It’s so they can cover themselves at all times.
Well it's like when I screw up, I'm going to "investigate" myself and of course there was no wrongdoing. Right out of the coward cop and corrupt politicians handbook
The entire encounter from the start never should have happened. Then he lies and makes things up after the illegal entry on private property. How many rights and laws he violated is off the charts on this one.
Man, James Freeman, you are doing an impeccable job covering this issue and putting together this amazing content 👏 👏👏
Way better at this than a hack like Justin Pullium (Corruption Report) who rehashed Joe Salvaggio's bogus claims against the Leon Valley mayor, two council members, and a citizen, from 5 years ago. All those claims were dismissed, just as the claims of arrest for 14 "auditors" and Justin himself, for hacking a council meeting. Justin tried to create drama 🙄 He's become pathetic and useless to the accountability movement.
This is the type of news main media shy away from until independent journalist brings it to the forefront that they want a piece of the action, without the leg work....
And.. . what's up with the sweethearts?
@@doctorseuss5349 …calls them “honey” too….classic behavior for people like him.
He's well past his expiration date
Why does he keep referring to the females as sweetheart? That’s creepy and unprofessional. They are not your sweethearts Mr. abusive ex cop. They are your victims.
well said pepper x
Brutalizes her, then delays EMS from attending to her, all the while calling her “Sweetie.” His wife probably knows just how the woman feels.
His wife needs to be checked on
It's infuriates me to no end when they force people to sit on the ground
It's for yellow line gang safety. Their so afraid an innocent victim might just retaliate
Yes sir I agree!!!! I freaking hate it!!
This is unbelievable. We complain in New Zealand about our Police being too soft but if this is the other side of that coin then you can keep it. Absolutely outrageous, Land of the free you've got to be joking or deluded.
The new rendering of the statement is ,the land of the fee and the home of the slave.
@Steve L confirmation affirmed
I wish to move to NZ where the police are too soft, rather than psychopathic monsters, and many other expatriate reasons, please welcome me a ND other refugees of US neofascism.
I like new Zealand because my dad's college roomie resettled there, and I once had an internet video gaming buddy from NZ.
YES, it is in fact a JOKE, and not a good one
Our cops are nothing like these corrupt bastards. We have to be careful the National party are advocating in response to the current gang trouble that the New Zealand police force be allowed to perform warrantless searches. We don’t want that in our country because as you can see cops will abuse their powers and enter innocent people’s homes. As the video shows the cops in the US are out of control and there’s no way to put that genie back in its bottle.
Disgusting. Hearing him say "sweetheart" is just disgusting. Hope this guy gets prosecuted and punished.
I'd love to see Bubba say "sweetheart" to Woodard when he's placed in gen pop.
@@Uberragen21 lol that’s assuming any cop makes it to gen pop
@@lorrtyler If Woodard gets tried, I will give up on atheism just to pray he gets convicted, sentenced to prison, goes to gen pop, and gets turned out on the yard and ends up washing underwear for whichever big, bad, bull he finds most humiliating. I expect from his actions that he is also a racist so what he would hate worst is to be property of a black dude.
Good luck with that, they HAVE THE VIDEO and simply ALLOWED him to walk away...... Sound like anyone there is interested in prosecuting this cowardly POS?
Jail his arse and make him pay, financially, every person that he’s violated in the past. He is one despicable human being. 😡
Notice how he calls his female victims sweety or sweetheart but only after backup arrives. Before that, she's called lady in a derogatory tone. This guy is dangerous!
Just to hear him talk is sickening let alone his actions the chief, mayor, the town is just as guilty as the most worthless cop on the planet.
*WOW* I bet he's already been hired in the next town over. So terrible.
Well, the sad truth is United States has a DARK history of Slavery, therefore most government employees on all levels "especially law enforcement" turned into new Slave Masters under color of law AND Qualified IMPUNITY "immunity" thanks to the "Injustice System"🤦♂️🤷♂️
Yep... If he hasn't been hired in the next town over, he's currently working on it and will be within a few weeks...
Ready and eager to go at it again with a fresh new start and another negligent Department who both failed to do their due diligence and doesn't care...
They don't care.
Hes the type they look for.
Bring in revenue & disregard rights, laws & due process
And a written letter of recommendation from this one.
Brookside Alabama may be hiring.
"The most dangerous thing in life is an incompetent that has been given a gun and a law enforcement badge."
- Steven Magee
Are there judges that defend this kind of tyranny? Despicable.
Yes, they’re the criminals that allow these pigs to continue to violate peoples rights!😤👿💩💩💩💩💩
Just as bad if not worse.
Majority of them. Especially on lower courts. Its the blue line brotherhood.
The DA needs to pick up charges on him.
I have no idea how an honest person can survive one day in the USA..
IT AINT EASY🤔🤔🤔👍👍🤡🤡😲
Gotta be sneaky.
Knowing Jesus sure helps.
America is huge...... Not everywhere is like this.
@@PridelessChickz So you have to be delusional and see sky fairies?
Keeps calling herSWEETHEART!!!!! Absolutely Nauseating
He has got to be one of the most out of control tyrants I’ve seen. 18 U.S. Code § 242 provides a punishment for his crimes of the death penalty. And that’s arguably exactly what he deserves. Wow!
It’s amazing that he filmed this. No one “caught” him. He pressed record then began breaking so many laws
Shows no fear of accountability
Look how long he got away with it. TBL means he won't be held accountable until they just have no choice. Do you really think he 2ont continue as a LEO? He'll get a glowing recommendation and just move to a town close by.
Laws are for THEE, but not for ME
James Freeman: one of the the most valuable public persons looking out after our rights. We appreciate everything you do for us James!
Why did all of those "good cops" let IT get away with IT'S criminal behavior?
She didn't try to interfere with you. You called it as a traffic stop, and you shoved the woman out of your way because you entered the property without permission and without a lawful reason.
@not tellin What do you think isn't clear about that?
@@reformcongress the With part
@@twichyi3ones312 Mistyped. Meant to type without a lawful reason.
and the other cop in the background... "you have to do whatever he says" ALL OF THEM NEED FIRED. the one doing the arresting needs to be six feet under.
Will he ultimately be prosecuted? I think we all know the answer to that. Seriously, we need to abolish qualified immunity and get rid of internal affairs that protect criminal cops. WE RUN THE GOVERNMENT. It’s time we return the power to the people
No, they just fire them. He probably increases his demand in the cop job market, from that video. He will make more money now. This is what they want. They want unhinged lunatics who the public fears. This is all working out exactly like they planned.
He'll most likely get hired by next closest a cop.
You are right!
It's up to us
They will never end QI or do anything else that limits their power.
& It's not just cops with qi.
But people do nothing though.
We need to keep this up
We can't accept Woodard doing the same for another PD
James, this is why your work is so important. The chief and the officer would be able to lie their way out of these. No one would double check their word. Especially not the "media". Thank you!!! This is why they hate recorders.
I can only imagine how many other tyrants that are doing the same thing and are even worse 😡
Iwas just think about the good cops we all hear about but never does nothing when thier partner is the real criminal
Someone needs to legally defend themselves and put this dude out of the force
In America is illegal to defend yourself. Especially from tyrant police. The law states yes you can defend yourself and keep firearms, yet law abiding citizens who defend their home and lives are the ones disarmed and charged.
Holy shit. For running a stop sign?
There's no way a court could even dream about letting qualified immunity play a role in this
This is a failure of the residents of Torrance County. They should have _dealt_ with this man a long time ago…
Absolutely right. However, it is hard to wake up sleepy sheep.
This is easily a million dollar lawsuit! He violated three peoples civil rights on one stop! His qualified immunity should be throw out and he sued and incarcerated.
Well done James, excellent commentary. We need more people in this world like you who are will to help communities dealing with corrupt and disrespectful cops and mayors. I think you and others in this community are not only making life better there, but also educating people of their rights and how to fight back together. Much love !
This cop should not be fired,he should be in prison. If only these innocent victims took him to court,the PD ,the town, the state would owe these people millions.
Trespassing, assault
Breaking and entering, battery.
@@JamesFreeman1 don't forget kidnapping, and making false claims with his authority to other officers to justify his criminal actions
This cop is an extreme danger to the community!!!
And think of his family
How in the hell can these obvious documented crimes of physical abuse, rights violations be deemed ok? Did they still have to pay a fine for running a stop sign? Sick f*#king world! Thanks for all you do James!
Bet they did.
The chief needs to be fired yesterday! The mayor as well sure as he certainly didn’t do anything after viewing this video.
@@dschoenfeld9277 More like executed by platoon. And their heads shown to public to shame their families. Including everyone who was knew and did nothing. Hitler would be proud of those people. Who cares about any law, rights and human life after all if you're in position of power. You can do whatever you want. It has been years since I saw something so infuriating. People like this will cause violent reaction and vengeful ideas in normal people..
You're not surprised are you? Remember the Rodney King documented beating where the suspects were all acquitted? Nothing has changed.
@@bbigrocker1 It has become a more common thing, unless we just weren't seeing it back then. Thanks.
Officer Woody needs jail time with Derek Chauvin 🎉
That hog is an absolute tyrant and the other officers are complicit in allowing him to behave that way. I hope they sue him and the dept for everything they're worth.
The only problem with that is that the pig cop and the department are not the ones who will have to pay a lawsuit, it's the taxpayers, the citizens who will be the ones paying for this pigs crimes
What a nice guy, I’m thinking he really hopes his kids get treated exactly the same he has been treating people, his parents would be very proud of him if they knew how he treats the public!!
If his parents have any morals at all they would have disowned this piece of shit years ago, imagine the shame you'd feel knowing you'd brought this lowlife into the world, you'd immediately have a vasectomy
I wonder if his children are being told in school what their dad is doing all day.
OUT OF CONTROL!!!!! WE THE PEOPLE need to raise up and put a STOP to this outrageous behavior!!! He should be sued and charged, do some time in prison or better yet under the prison.
Accountability, chief, mayor and every cop there need to be criminally charged. C’mon feds where are you at? This is your watch!
Woodard is a menace to any community that he serves. The best case scenario is to take his licence away for good. One day he will mess with the wrong person and learn what it feels like on the receiving end.
I would love to see him unknowingly mess with some Mafia Don's family. I think he would be sailing the submarine SS 55 Gal Barrel to the bottom of Lake Mead. Just Sayin'.
he already has he has messed with Father Jesus's Good Sons and Good Daughters and for him Woodward his D day awaits.
The chief's number is disconnected.
Not surprised, he's a coward.
COWARD CHIEF. you knew about this lunatic and allowed it.
Woodard deserves everything that comes his way.
Lead preferably
The Chief needs to be held accountable and the mayor shown the door.
Light him up James!
If the mayor knows nothing about the law then why does have a say in anything ??
Dang he walks into the house like he’s a welcome guest. I would say I’m shocked that and internal investigation determined no wrong doing but that would be a lie. Thanks for the share James 🤘
Woodard doesn’t deserve to be called officer. If he moves to another agency we need to get him fired before he gets out on the streets again.
The system will protect and defend them and the abuse will continue....SAD
Wow, that was a tough one to watch because I wanted to defend that lady. I could not imagine living in a place like that were cops are rewarded for breaking the law.
Trust me! It's going on in your town too.
@@respectmyauthoritah1875 Yep, I see it here. I watched our local police point guns at the entire middle school children and I know they were having fun.
You mean in Every Town, U.S.A.?
His actions are why cops need to have bodycams and on at all times. Great work as always 👍💙🏴
That is not a Police Officer it’s just a CRIMINAL! have to be in prison!..
His entire arrest record needs to be reviewed.
Well, “grandma” wudn’t LISTENIN’ so for OFFICER SAFETY he had no choice. United states “Supreme” Court “case” CLOSED. Next. 😭😭😭😭
Terminated? Too soft. He ought to be put away in solitary confinement.
Oh hell no. Put him in prison general population and make sure everyone there sees these videos.
@@respectmyauthoritah1875 YES YES YES you are are right, better to let the prison population see what a coward he is!
Would be a shame if someone took justice into their own hands.
When you think you've seen it all, this officer takes it to the next level. I'm literally speechless. It doesn't take a degree in law to understand just about everything the officer does in this video is unlawful and absolute violation of civil rights.
To the rest of the civilised world getting hauled of to jail for an unpaid fine is ridiculous…
There are many things sp wrong with this encounter, but Lily nor any citizen is this cop's sweetheart nor sweetie!
This cop is lucky, Had he done this to me and mine, I would have broken both his arms, IF THIS IS WHAT COPS WHAT TO DO. THEN SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES
Hell yeah..!
exactly my mucka x
🚨 🚨 Tuff Guy Alert 🚨 🚨
I find it very telling that he doesn't want Lily to say anything while there are EMS around because he doesn't want EMS to hear all the horrible unlawful things that he did to her. He only wants EMS to think what he is saying is true that she hit him poor little old Brent was just defending himself.
His supervisor should be fired also
How easy it would have been for the Chief to say 'We've reviewed the video and that Officer has been relieved of duties'
But the entitled ego is just too strong
Small town justice.. Typical New Mexico.
Or, "We have arrested and charged that officer with numerous crimes. We stacked them."
Where's the exigency to enter private property and then go further on private property and then into a house?
The most protect property is the home under the 4th Amendment per the US Supreme Court
Which is protected by the 2nd
@@ryanjones7681 There would be no 2nd Amendment if we had no 4th Amendment to protect privacy/searches of weapons
She should have said don't call me sweetheart after you tresspassed on my property & assaulted me.
The horrifying thing is Woodard has probably moved to another town in another state to continue his carrer and keep his pension account going. Aint it grand to have such wonderful people to serve and protect.