This is one of the songs from a collab album between myself and yunum. You can check out the rest of the songs on yunum's channel! These songs were originally made for a fangame, but development was cancelled. We decided to release the completed songs anyway. The songs on this album were made up to two years ago, so I apologize if the level of quality may not be up to my current standards! The full album: Yunum's channel: Download for free: This upload won't replace this week's, so there will still be a new song tomorrow!
This is one of the songs from a collab album between myself and yunum. You can check out the rest of the songs on yunum's channel!
These songs were originally made for a fangame, but development was cancelled. We decided to release the completed songs anyway.
The songs on this album were made up to two years ago, so I apologize if the level of quality may not be up to my current standards!
The full album:
Yunum's channel:
Download for free:
This upload won't replace this week's, so there will still be a new song tomorrow!
I have started using the uploads to tell what day it is. This kinda confused me for a good minute until I read the comments
One of my favourite PC-98 songs! Thanks once again!
Love seeing pc-98 music represented! I went ahead and subscribed to Yumum's channel as well.
I'm once again in love
Cool música...nice
Very cool
I don't mean to pry, but what was the planned gameplay like? I might just be me, but I'm getting slight metroidvania vibes from this.
I was going to be based on the original LLS, so bullet hell
Dang, off by a bit then.
It's a shame it was cancelled then because the concept sounded pretty neat.