16:00 Does it, though? The 1/Pi formulation pre-supposes that the quantity it's used for would get integrated over the hemisphere - that's how Pi got in there in the first place - but the Lambertian model doesn't have that integration happening for it - it's an approximation of the overall intensity that would be reflected back, so it's an approximation of the 'result' of the integration, not an approximation of the 'integrand' byt itself. So I can't see how it would seem correct to cap it to 1/Pi, as that only makes sense within the context of integration - which doesn't apply in the Lambertian case.
*Thank you for this beautiful lecture one day I will go to UCDavis or MIT wish all of the students good luck*
16:00 Does it, though? The 1/Pi formulation pre-supposes that the quantity it's used for would get integrated over the hemisphere - that's how Pi got in there in the first place - but the Lambertian model doesn't have that integration happening for it - it's an approximation of the overall intensity that would be reflected back, so it's an approximation of the 'result' of the integration, not an approximation of the 'integrand' byt itself. So I can't see how it would seem correct to cap it to 1/Pi, as that only makes sense within the context of integration - which doesn't apply in the Lambertian case.
Diffusivity is rarely used. Thermal diffusion of ____ + activity
possible to get the homework files from anywhere please?
Oh shit he was my professor for ECS120 Theory of Computation!
Must be a blast-from-the-past
Where is all the lectures?
UC Davis. Look at the channel name. XD
thanx very useful