Wow, I literally posted this a few days ago, and it's already beaten my highest viewed video in that amount of time. Thanks to all you guys here who viewed, and thanks so much for 500+ new subs!!
For anyone wondering, this is both a teaser trailer for FNF and also an announcement trailer for the video series, the teaser is basically for the fact that Needlemouse is going to be included in the FNF Sonic.EXE 3.0 update, and the date at the end is the announcement of when the next official Needlemouse episode/part in the video series is going to come out!
@@javierjaraba7188, Revie claimed that Needlemouse didn’t give permission to join the mod, however with Revie out, the rest of the team are saying that it was false. They are on Twitter saying several times that Needlemouse WILL be in the mod now and this video is proof of that where the creator of the Needlemouse video series posted this announcement on Twitter to confirm that it will be in the 3.0 update while at the same time announcing the release date of the next video in the official series. SimplyCrispy even just posted a video of a song they made for the FNF 3.0 update for Needlemouse’s inclusion
Sarah: wants to rap battle Luther: doesn't want to rap battle Xenophanes: *COULD YA REPEAT THAT?* Michael and Martin, watching Luther sing against his will: vibin'
i bet it's gonna look good, once the crossover mod itself comes out, it could be hella sick tho lol (depends on devs and shutupjoseph itself) Edit:(actually it said that they'll update it on the VS sonic.exe chapter)
@@TCISquad yeah true atleast i am not the only one who felt that it is odd that we hear a very different voice in this video witch i suppose is the tails's voice(look i d'ont know who possessed tails but i think it is luthur so it might be a NeedleMouse Week?)
Luther: Sarah, im NOT going to do a rap battle. XenoPhanes: Could you repeat that...? Luther (i think): "insert shits his pants face here" and *starts spitting bars*
Ayo he does really spit some nice bars since i want only the part where they rap to just put it on loop. I can do that but i keep needing the hear where Sarah and Luther speak and the funni metal sonic man teaser.
Seeing Xenophanes in Needle Mouse is just as amazing as seeing the Xenomorph skull in Predator 2. Which I never watched, but is still a great crossover.
The just really really really really really unexpected ending: Luther kisses Sarah in sonic form A while in season one of the needlemouse episodes Luther confesses to sarah
wouldn’t be surprised if after xenophane got beat at his own game he retreated to the tapes where he found sarah to help him, but we’ll have to wait to find out!
@@thefireman17492 that was Kyle and I am pretty sure that was Luther’s son friend I think. Thomas was Luther’s son who saw his fathers tapes at the end of the last tape.
This mod is about to get even more sick, and man I'm so freaking happy that this crossover happened. I hope to see the og Needlemouse series get even more love from the update! Seeing Xenophanes in this style was so cool!
This is interesting. Needlem0use's song got posted a couple hours ago, but the song teased in this vid was different to it. Could we be getting multiple songs for Needlem0use?
Have a single one of you even watched Needlemouse? Let me explain, since apparently FNF fans lack the braincells to comprehend series outside of FNF. Tails isn't the Tails we "know". (Quotations there since, well, as I've said before, we already know FNF fans don't know anything else other than their funny beep-boop game.) Tails is being used as a vessel for a person by the name of Luther. Luther is an old friend of the main antagonist (Sarah, who uses the body of Sonic since she was the very first person to be trapped inside the game where the main events of Needlemouse take place) that was killed and had their soul brought into the game the main antagonist was trapped inside of. He was the second person to be brought into the game, so that's why he's possessing the body of Tails. (If you're thinking that there's some spooky unknown force trapping everyone in the game, no. Sarah got trapped first after dying right outside a SEGA building, and after spending 30 years in the game alone decided to start hunting down her old friends so she can torture them for god knows how long.) Hopefully this explanation will prove to be somewhat consequential to some of you, though knowing FNF fans, my explanation will be quickly skipped over because all FNF fans are children with 0 attention span. (Additional note that no other EXEs are featured in the actual Needlemouse series, unlike what you see in the trailer. The only EXE present is Sarah. Felt like I needed to put this here since, AGAIN, all FNF fans are children with rabies.)
ok this is legendary, amazing i just love the full on twist with her becoming cherished for the song while he's just *done* 0:31 ( or 0:30 ) funni song
I know Needle Mouse will most likely be only a few songs in the next update, But I would really love it if Sarah and Xenophanes interacted. Sarah is a real person who killed real people, and Xenophanes is a fictional character that killed other fictional characters. I feel like they could cause some major chaos together!
@@markisfort3468 Outside of the Needlem0use canon, Lord X wouldn't really get on well with Sarah, since he seems to hate people turned into EXEs like her.
Damn a woman who hates all of her friends and killed them all and is trapped inside a game and a powerful demon vs the last of the fun gang to get killed by the person they killed.
Well it kinda makes sense for Sarah to like rap battles cuz she was killed as a teenager and her opinion on things that she liked hasn’t changed for over 30 years, and Luther disagreeing on form the rap battle cuz killed as an adult and thought “Why the hell am I fighting with my friend’s corrupted spirit in a rap battle?”.
god dammit this mod is going to be something else it went from a three song mod to a multi-dimensional cross between satan and a funny little hedgehog saying beep bo
@@AutisticNobody2010 Luther: "I repeat. I'm already dead. And I really doubt that any kind of torture you could inflict on me is worse than what she did." Sarah: "I mean, I still wanna rap battle, so sure! I'm game!"
Not gonna lie, but the songs in this trailer sound really cool. Maybe second one of them will be used in the episode 4 (which I highly doubt, but still).
Yknow whats weird? The music that plays at the end is different than the Round-A-Bout song we got. (Maybe im just stupid and it did appear but idk). Also Round-A-Bout would sound better if you added a CRT filter to it like the original vhs tapes.
@@someperson4536 i do, and i just got in confirmed, there was a new song leak for a needlem0use character + a background leak that relates to luther so i know that its a seperate song including luther now.
I like to think Xenophanes found the collection of tapes and forced his way into them to talk meet Sarah, that and the other thing being the first song we hear might either be Xeno in their world and the style of it will alter his voice to sound like it along with Boyfriends or Luthors if they choose either or, and I hope they keep the song and sprites in the style of the tapes
Im still sad because they had to entirely scrap Luther and his song in V3. He didn't even got actual sprites :( And his song still looks like it was going to be a complete BANGER.
Sarah: “I know EXACTLY how to settle this… a rap battle!” Luther: “Sarah, I am NOT going to rap battle you.” *Heavy metal music plays* Xenophane: “Could you repeat that?”
NM/Sarah: "I know exactly how to settle this..." NM/Sarah: "a rap battle! :D" ... Tails/Luther: "sarah I am not going to do a rap battle." Xenophanes: *appears into existance* Xenophanes: *"Could you repeat that?"*
They NEED to do a fun gang triple trouble for Sarah that would be awesome and the tails vocals for the trailer could be the opening like tail was for the triple trouble. Better yet you could swap the order to knuckles then Eggman and then tails with Needlemouse appearing between knux and Ivo and Sarah appearing in between Ivo and Tails.
Wow, I literally posted this a few days ago, and it's already beaten my highest viewed video in that amount of time. Thanks to all you guys here who viewed, and thanks so much for 500+ new subs!!
This trailer is awesome of course you gonna get views bro
( That quick peak at the end is a *v i b e* )
Ya know what I’m going to go ahead and sub why not
@@chrispy5249 damn 💀 the harsh truth
@@gen03thenova dude i already know hes name hes name it's luther i already get it
Looks like Xenophanes has accepted rap battles into his life now.
I guess all his Rap Battles with BF actually worked out for him
haha not in vain xenophanes Rap battle with bf
@Xenophane hmmmmm good idea
But isn't Sarah more annoying than boyfriend?
@@Prometheus134._giza your right
I love the way Xenophanes creeps up behind Tails like: "*C O U L D Y O U R E P E A T T H A T?*"
literally "MIND YO TONE MF"
luther not tails
@@steamaxlova eh, semantics. who cares
@@sandclover i know lmao
Sarah:who is that
The way Luther said “Sarah I’m not going to do a rap battle” it makes him sound so pissed off. And I love it
Xenophanes: “Could you repeat that?”
Luther: (oh sh**)
Luther: You murdered me and brought me into this cd hell world for this!?
Luther: *triggered*
Sonic.exe: ya got a problem with that!?
Luther: "Sarah im not going to do a Rap Battle..."
Xenophanes: " *Your free trial of living has expired* "
Wait, is the last person silver sonic?
Luther:What are you talking about, My trial to life ended because of her!
Pointing at Sarah who’s currently laughing at him.
@@riyaz1084 I think it's Mecha sonic but I'm not sure
@@huhwhat2673 that not mecha
@@Monke4life-l2g That's why I said I'm not sure, thanks. So who is it?
For anyone wondering, this is both a teaser trailer for FNF and also an announcement trailer for the video series, the teaser is basically for the fact that Needlemouse is going to be included in the FNF Sonic.EXE 3.0 update, and the date at the end is the announcement of when the next official Needlemouse episode/part in the video series is going to come out!
not that the creator of the mod said that he was not going to include needlemouse in the mod? I am a little confused
@@javierjaraba7188, Revie claimed that Needlemouse didn’t give permission to join the mod, however with Revie out, the rest of the team are saying that it was false. They are on Twitter saying several times that Needlemouse WILL be in the mod now and this video is proof of that where the creator of the Needlemouse video series posted this announcement on Twitter to confirm that it will be in the 3.0 update while at the same time announcing the release date of the next video in the official series. SimplyCrispy even just posted a video of a song they made for the FNF 3.0 update for Needlemouse’s inclusion
@@aaricbro. really? God I look forward to it
Damn, I thought that was a release date for the mod at the end
So basically, Xenophanes got so used to rap battling that he partaked in the "forcing people to rap battle thing" like boyfriend?
@@Prometheus134._giza The thought of an All Powerful demon-like thing like him Forcing people to Rap battle is a Funni thought to me
@@theant2266 maybe he just wanted to have fun because the victim was too weak?
funni demon man got used to do rap battles now lolololo.
"If you can't beat them, join them" mentality.
Luther : Sarah, I am NOT going to do a rap battle..
Xenophanes : *C O U L D Y O U*
*R E P E A T T H A T ?*
Luther : **oh shit face**
Thats not really tails-
@@skoopercantdraw yeah
Oh shoot face please tell me ima not rap battle
His named luther (tails)
This actually helped me understand what Xeno was saying
Needlemouse tails:*reading something*
Xenophane:your reading of your life is expired
his name is Luther
That's Luther
Sarah: wants to rap battle
Luther: doesn't want to rap battle
Michael and Martin, watching Luther sing against his will: vibin'
Luther do be spittin bars tho ngl
I want this to be out already, just hearing the music after Xenophane says “could you repeat that?” Is just so good
i bet it's gonna look good, once the crossover mod itself comes out, it could be hella sick tho lol (depends on devs and shutupjoseph itself)
Edit:(actually it said that they'll update it on the VS sonic.exe chapter)
its just one song not a mod
@@GLITCHYIMPOSTER looks like it might be more as i dont hear this song bit in roundabout
@@GLITCHYIMPOSTER it depends on devs and shutupjoseph (but the song of round-a-bout song has released doe)
@@TCISquad yeah true atleast i am not the only one who felt that it is odd that we hear a very different voice in this video witch i suppose is the tails's voice(look i d'ont know who possessed tails but i think it is luthur so it might be a NeedleMouse Week?)
@@aymen9551 idk but whatever it is its gonna be dope
Luther: Sarah, im NOT going to do a rap battle.
XenoPhanes: Could you repeat that...?
Luther (i think): "insert shits his pants face here" and *starts spitting bars*
Ayo he does really spit some nice bars since i want only the part where they rap to just put it on loop. I can do that but i keep needing the hear where Sarah and Luther speak and the funni metal sonic man teaser.
I thought hesaid "couse you Will be dead" but yeah that makes a lot more sense
Luther probably cuz we can see a few images of him in the last shots
I think it’s fatal error
Like, his vocals sound like the ones in the trailer
I love how Sarah seems super happy when she says that she wants to rap battle
Thats sus since sarah is evil
Seeing Xenophanes in Needle Mouse is just as amazing as seeing the Xenomorph skull in Predator 2.
Which I never watched, but is still a great crossover.
Loving Luther's design, the cape is wicked! Plus a little sneak peak of Mecha Sonic and an episode 4 release date! Like Christmas came early!
More like late
Mecha Sonic is Kyle and i dont know which little sneak peak?, maybe an extra song against him?
@@appailingfir241 the sneak peak I was taking about was just the Mecha sonic at the end
@@beefoon9517 Then that is Kyle Watch the season 2 of the Needlemouse then you'll Understand his origin
@@appailingfir241 I've watched all of Needlemouse
Alternate ending: Luther repeats what he said to Xenophanes
Cmon man let's a rap battle
He he he ha ha ha
Oh wow-
People actually liked this-
Aftermath of the Alternate ending: Luther twices hecking twice
The just really really really really really unexpected ending: Luther kisses Sarah in sonic form
A while in season one of the needlemouse episodes Luther confesses to sarah
0:25 mans really said
"You gonna pick up that soap?"
Lmao 🤣🤣
“I’m feeling romantical”
Dx I suck the menu 😆
wouldn’t be surprised if after xenophane got beat at his own game he retreated to the tapes where he found sarah to help him, but we’ll have to wait to find out!
"Sarah, this midget beat me in a rap-battle!!!"
@@SMILE53335 "He kicked my ass I need your help"
“Sarah, I am not going to do a rap battle.”
*starts spitting fire bars*
sarah can finally spit the bars needed
I like that outside of the whole getting revenge by killing the people that were part of her group for letting her die she seems pretty nice
I assume it depends on her mood,
She still might be unforgiving
makes sense
She mercilessly killed Luther's son and brutally mutilated him, but well-
@@thefireman17492 that was Kyle and I am pretty sure that was Luther’s son friend I think. Thomas was Luther’s son who saw his fathers tapes at the end of the last tape.
This mod is about to get even more sick, and man I'm so freaking happy that this crossover happened. I hope to see the og Needlemouse series get even more love from the update! Seeing Xenophanes in this style was so cool!
It hit different when Luther said he wouldn't do a rap battle... Then started spitting bars.
They just released the song today, so it’s hella confirmed.
"Look I know I brutally murdered you and trapped you here for all of eternity but like, rap battle?"
Xeno: DO IT BI-
im so sad that 3.0 is cancelled and we never got the full song of this.
Same. I was so excited to hear the full song
Well he said i won't do a rap battle after all soooo.
This is interesting. Needlem0use's song got posted a couple hours ago, but the song teased in this vid was different to it. Could we be getting multiple songs for Needlem0use?
It sounds like Luther is singing in this teaser, so we may be getting more
Maybe we will have a full week like lord x and faker/exe
@@cubistwaves Well this comment is 7 months old-
I cant- i just cant stop rewatching this and getting hyped for this
Me too!
Xenophanes in the needlemouse style isn't real. He can't hurt you.
Xenophanes in the needlemouse style: 0:25
Creepy AF how his mouth stays open
I imagine Xeno and Sarah being friends after that punchline delivered by Xeno near the end there, lmao
Sarah went from torturing her friends to rap battling them almost like lord x when he resorted to furry killing
torture just kinda gets old when the victims don't feel the pain anymore, you gotta mix up it sometimes
@Pro Mob Steve "i mean i can kill with my fur because... well, i have needles"
@@happyneedlemoused4149 so thats why you name after that
I’m a member of the official needle mouse server and I remember when this was released. The whole server went NUTS
After seeing the small images during the last part, I’m starting to have a feeling Tails is gonna turn evil.
No,The last images are teasers of the New Chapter of Needlem0use.
@@user-zv8li5ix7t true
@@songitxe It literally IS.
that's Luther, not tails
Have a single one of you even watched Needlemouse? Let me explain, since apparently FNF fans lack the braincells to comprehend series outside of FNF.
Tails isn't the Tails we "know". (Quotations there since, well, as I've said before, we already know FNF fans don't know anything else other than their funny beep-boop game.) Tails is being used as a vessel for a person by the name of Luther. Luther is an old friend of the main antagonist (Sarah, who uses the body of Sonic since she was the very first person to be trapped inside the game where the main events of Needlemouse take place) that was killed and had their soul brought into the game the main antagonist was trapped inside of. He was the second person to be brought into the game, so that's why he's possessing the body of Tails. (If you're thinking that there's some spooky unknown force trapping everyone in the game, no. Sarah got trapped first after dying right outside a SEGA building, and after spending 30 years in the game alone decided to start hunting down her old friends so she can torture them for god knows how long.)
Hopefully this explanation will prove to be somewhat consequential to some of you, though knowing FNF fans, my explanation will be quickly skipped over because all FNF fans are children with 0 attention span.
(Additional note that no other EXEs are featured in the actual Needlemouse series, unlike what you see in the trailer. The only EXE present is Sarah. Felt like I needed to put this here since, AGAIN, all FNF fans are children with rabies.)
Fun fact: original sonic's name was Mister Needlemouse
Is Mr.Hedgehog not Needlemouse
Idk about this but ok
@@redthing3449 that was a mistranslation. It's Mr. Hedgehog
@@solarfiringtiger4254 ight then.
And its not even the original its just one of the many name concepts
ok this is legendary, amazing i just love the full on twist with her becoming cherished for the song while he's just *done*
0:31 ( or 0:30 ) funni song
POV: If you try to deny someone a rap battle in FNF a random character who BF has phased will teleport behind you and ask you to confirm those words
Xenophanes knows what happened with BF, so once he heard no he immediately jumped in.
Also I swear I heard Faker near 0:40-0:45
Wait that actually kinda sounds like exe, but I think that was unintentionally
Not that Faker will be included anymore.
heres fakers replacement
Sounds like a distorted bf
I know Needle Mouse will most likely be only a few songs in the next update,
But I would really love it if Sarah and Xenophanes interacted.
Sarah is a real person who killed real people, and Xenophanes is a fictional character that killed other fictional characters.
I feel like they could cause some major chaos together!
Sarah: *kills Luther and puts him into her world to torture him*
Also Sarah: ayo fam, wanna rap?
Luther: 🤦♂️
Xeno: Yes, now leave the house already, ya stink.
Wait so sonic exe can go through multiple games now?!
Ig lol
Yes it's games and Universes
Well that is a ability we know lord x can do plus this is a cursed sonic game so it would make sense
@@markisfort3468 true
@@markisfort3468 Outside of the Needlem0use canon, Lord X wouldn't really get on well with Sarah, since he seems to hate people turned into EXEs like her.
Xenophane design is this amount of coolness: ITS OVER 9000
Damn a woman who hates all of her friends and killed them all and is trapped inside a game and a powerful demon vs the last of the fun gang to get killed by the person they killed.
I want to hear needlemouse say the line:
"Stupid Man Thing! I'm fucking ballin'"
I'm sad that the song used in this trailer didn't make it into the 3.0 build. :(
why does this feel like a Super Smash bros reveal trailer
After we get the Needlemouse x Vs Sonic.Exe crossover, we're gonna go higher, WE WILL GET NEEDLEMOUSE X SUPER SMASH BROS
"Because it is, now buy my dlc which costs luther's soul"
@@happyneedlemoused4149 ...and how exactly would i get Luther's soul? its for science reasons
@@Techy404 go to sonic 3 and knuckles, play as tails and kill all his 1ups until you get a gameover and tadaa
You have luther's soul
@@happyneedlemoused4149 oh ok, time to get the new DLC!!
"Could you repeat that?" "Yes, I will. I am not going to do a rap battle." "Aw man.." Story of how sonic.exe got canceled.
buenisimo el trailer si me gustaria que el mod de needlemouse y de sonic.exe se junten y agan sus propias canciones nuevas 👍👍👍👍
No me esperaba esta colaboracion XD
Es la serie con el mod.
Well it kinda makes sense for Sarah to like rap battles cuz she was killed as a teenager and her opinion on things that she liked hasn’t changed for over 30 years, and Luther disagreeing on form the rap battle cuz killed as an adult and thought “Why the hell am I fighting with my friend’s corrupted spirit in a rap battle?”.
Needle mouse: "Wanna rap?"
Luther: "No"
Xenophanes: *"Too bad"*
The terrified expression on Luther face when sonic .exe shows up just gives you the idea that he knows that something is here when it shouldn't be.
Love Xenophanes' voice tho
I'm calling it, someone is gonna make a Triple Trouble song with Sarah and the others.
god dammit this mod is going to be something else
it went from a three song mod to a multi-dimensional cross between satan and a funny little hedgehog saying beep bo
Luther looks like he doesn't care about the torcher or anything anymore.
Okay, but Luther spitting the bars sounds like a genuine bop tho-
Xenophane: *be in my mod now if you wish to live.*
Luther: "im not gonna be in your mod because im already dead so cry about it"
@@AweAtWork Xenophane: It Was Not A Choice, It Was A Demand.
@@AutisticNobody2010 Luther: "I repeat. I'm already dead. And I really doubt that any kind of torture you could inflict on me is worse than what she did."
Sarah: "I mean, I still wanna rap battle, so sure! I'm game!"
@@thomasthecoolkid7228 Xenophane: *E* mind telling me what happened?
@@AweAtWork He's Dead But He's Living.
Plot Twist: Xenophanes has hearing problems so he had to ask Tails to repeat that so he could hear.
Old man
Its Luther not tails
@@wiktorgorczak1553 man i dont watch needlemouse
Luther: Sarah, im not going to rap battle you
Xenophane: *im gonna end this man's whole career*
@@Prometheus134._giza *Cookie*
@@Teimosofficial *COOKIES*
@@Prometheus134._giza *TIKY*
@@Teimosofficial lol, your name is so long
needlemouse AND fnf mod teaser trailer in one video? Now that's what I call a pro gamer move.
Not gonna lie, but the songs in this trailer sound really cool. Maybe second one of them will be used in the episode 4 (which I highly doubt, but still).
i think the 2nd song will probity be use Needlemouse tails because the voice for Needlemouse tails is a deeper tone
Also I like how Luther and Sarah seemed close here.
(And Luther)
Just few meter away
"Sarah I am not going to do a rap battle"
"ᑕOᑌᒪᗪ YOᑌ ᖇᗴᑭᗴᗩT TᕼᗩT"
0:20 She looks and sounds so happy. It kinda makes you forget she trapped them in the game to give them eternal hell.
“Could you repeat that?”
*e e o a o e o e o a o*
Yknow whats weird? The music that plays at the end is different than the Round-A-Bout song we got. (Maybe im just stupid and it did appear but idk). Also Round-A-Bout would sound better if you added a CRT filter to it like the original vhs tapes.
Dang man i was getting the same feeling but i thought i was stupid and just skipped the part.
That can be true, really nice thinking.
It could be luthers song i guess
i think its a song for luther, if u dunno who that is watch needlemouse
@@someperson4536 i do, and i just got in confirmed, there was a new song leak for a needlem0use character + a background leak that relates to luther so i know that its a seperate song including luther now.
Sarah/Sonic/Needlemouse: We settle things with a rap battle
Luther/Tails: how about no
Xenophane: Are you sure about that?
I like how needlemouse said “rap battle” happily.
Luther: im not doing a rap battle.
*C O U L D Y O U R E P E A T T H A T ?*
getting the original creator (idk exactly if its the guy from the channel or he contracted a animator) to do such a trailer, pretty sick
This canonically proved xenophanes actually likes doing rap battles
I like to think Xenophanes found the collection of tapes and forced his way into them to talk meet Sarah, that and the other thing being the first song we hear might either be Xeno in their world and the style of it will alter his voice to sound like it along with Boyfriends or Luthors if they choose either or, and I hope they keep the song and sprites in the style of the tapes
That’s what i thought as well, the vocals of the song sound near identical to this version of Xenophanes
@@lygoozman125 hopefully he's in there, if not then it's either Luther
Luther :"Sarah im not going to do a rap battle"
* xenophanes slowly apearing behind luther *
Xenophanes: " *COULD YOU REPEAT THAT?* "
Im still sad because they had to entirely scrap Luther and his song in V3. He didn't even got actual sprites :(
And his song still looks like it was going to be a complete BANGER.
I was curious about the song at the end, but couldn't find any song similar to that fragment in the 2.5
Am I deaf or just didn't pay enough attention?
Sarah: “I know EXACTLY how to settle this… a rap battle!”
Luther: “Sarah, I am NOT going to rap battle you.”
*Heavy metal music plays*
Xenophane: “Could you repeat that?”
“Could you repeat that?”
“Proceed to shit himself”
NM/Sarah: "I know exactly how to settle this..."
NM/Sarah: "a rap battle! :D"
Tails/Luther: "sarah I am not going to do a rap battle."
Xenophanes: *appears into existance*
Xenophanes: *"Could you repeat that?"*
its luther, not lucifer
Xenophanes: *"could you repeat that?"*
Tails/Luther: *suddenly gains microphone* ''I said let's do this-''
The zenophane behind tails thing has some serious meme potential
I can just imagine after the whole bf thing sonic.exe likes to rap battle sometimes to decide his victims fate
imagine that when sonic.exe says that and says behind bf I accept :) and the O.o
Luther: no
ZENO: could you repeat that?
Luther: OH SHI-
For ppl wondering what Xenophanes says at 0:29, He Says:
Xenophon’s Exe is on a completely different level than even Sarah and her controller, god knows how horrifying that monster is
Luther doesn't want a rap battle huh?
Xenophane over here insists him to do it, and wow i just love that sarah is now going to be in the mod :D
0:29 Xenophanes: C O U L D Y O U R E P E A T T H A T. ?
They NEED to do a fun gang triple trouble for Sarah that would be awesome and the tails vocals for the trailer could be the opening like tail was for the triple trouble. Better yet you could swap the order to knuckles then Eggman and then tails with Needlemouse appearing between knux and Ivo and Sarah appearing in between Ivo and Tails.
0:27 when u talk back to your mother :
Is this the release date of Friday night Funkin vs sonic exe 3.0???
since it says chapter 4 it probably is the release date of the new chapter of Needlem0use
no its for the needlemouse series, not the release date for the update
"I'm not going to do a rap battle"
"could you repeat that?"
starts spitting bars for probably the best song in exe
Why Luther is so calm while talk with Sarah??
He know that he can't deny anything with her, for obvious reasons
And where did he get the cape??
He Doesn't Even Care Now lol
Why would he care if he can't deny her?
0:29 I could imagine xenophane behind him just holding him at gunpoint while Luther is just trying to live.
Kyle 1?1?1?1?1?1?1?
Xeno be like "beg for your life in beep boops"
Luther (Or Tails) should at least be grateful that Sarah is actually giving him a chance.
Luther: Sarah, I am *not* going to do a rap battle.
Xenophanes: C O U L D Y O U
R E P E A T T H A T ?
It's like if sonic.exe was sarah's bf and he forces luther to rapbattle with her.
Faker: xenophanes why you are spending alot of time with my gf in her universe without me knowing?
Idk if faker/EXE is still sarah bf after revie situation
@@AweAtWork That's not cannon now i see why josh doesn't want exe to be mentioned in needle mouse universe this is cancer right here
You just had to comment that you had any choice and you chose this lol
Xenophanes legit said "could you repeat that" and got luther rapping instantly💀💀💀