Salute to all foreigners who are residing in HK for decades, they definitely adapt to the local cultures and speak proper HK style Cantonese, much better than those new immigrants from Mainland China. Have an enjoyable life in HK
They are not foreigners. They are HongKonger. They are borne and raised in HK and no less. They speak fluent Cantonese because they are truly part of HK. Think beyond the color of the skin.
Salute to all foreigners who are residing in HK for decades, they definitely adapt to the local cultures and speak proper HK style Cantonese, much better than those new immigrants from Mainland China. Have an enjoyable life in HK
I always find it's so amazing to see foreigners who speak fluent Cantonese.
They are not foreigners. They are HongKonger. They are borne and raised in HK and no less. They speak fluent Cantonese because they are truly part of HK. Think beyond the color of the skin.
🙏🙏 辛苦晒莉莉同陳子豐,可以開第二輯,再次訪問本港土生土長嘅泰國人 / 港泰混血兒後代 ,解構泰國宗教:四面佛及有關佛牌嘅神秘面紗‧
can't wait to see Anushka who's got the cutest face and most perfect Canto!!!!
睇完沖哥黎呢到, 真係靚女
講真香港啲泰國菜改良得太多 even係泰國人掌廚都一樣 同泰國完全唔同味
@@Willie_WayLee 我覺得九龍城嘅泰國菜令人失望係D人 Hea 做。唔係香港泰菜唔好食。
對不起.香港人最蠱惑.搵着數. 呃得就呃.因為個個人都俾人呃過..
@maycheung3506 咁畢竟泰國文化同香港學校嘅校規係有落差
😅應該係話成日諗shortcut, 因為要save time, 你做兩次嘅嘢我只能夠有一次嘅機會同時間, 而勤力係指個心態上, 通常係人蠢佢要試多幾次先得, 所以佢一定要勤力, 香港人應該係話有魄力, d power好似源源不絕咁~💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻