Even if that is not considered possible today. There will one day be a Slavic union of all Slavic nations. There is a sense of togetherness among the Slavs which shows that the Slavs are much more than a language family. There are various Panslavic videos on TH-cam like this one too. In all, most of the comments are positive and pro-Slavic. This is an example of one such Pan-Slavic vido entitled: "This Is Slavia"! Another video has the title "Slavic People" The second comment in the list by @David Trivic is as follows. "The dream of a united Slavia will never die. Love all of my Slav brothers:🇧🇦🇧🇬🇧🇾🇭🇷🇷🇸🇵🇱🇲🇪🇷🇺🇸🇮🇸🇰🇺🇦🇨🇿🇲🇰." Pan-Slavism also shows that the Slavs are much more than only a language family. Slavs feel like an ethnic group and are an ethnic group. Because this definition applies to the Slavs: An ethnic group is a grouping of people who identify with each other on the basis of shared attributes that distinguish them from other groups. Those attributes can include common sets of traditions, ancestry, language, history, society, culture, nation, religion, or social treatment within their residing area. This applies to Slavs! These common attributes distinguish the Slavs from other groups. Today a Slavic Union seems like an impossible dream. But the time of the Slavic Union will come and the Russians will be part of it too! If the western European states and Germany perish in the civil war in the fight of "native" against orientals for supremacy in this countries, the Slavs will have to come to an understanding or perish. Already today there are big conflicts in this countries of the "natives" against the orientals, although the orientals have reached until now only about 10% of the population in these countries. Only a small percentage is assimilated. Most wanted to keep their oriental identity! In fact, most of them feel superior to the natives because of their religion which also prevents assimilation. What's going to happen when it's 20% or 30%? Because of that there will be chaos and civil war for supremacy. Already today radicals including soldiers and police officers are already setting up weapons depots and planning armed struggle with the aim of overthrowing the government. But there are also more and more radicals on the other side. It is a fact that already today there is more and more violence from both sides with deaths. There is increasing radicalization on both sides. Muslim graves are already being desecrated today. Orientals are already being murdered today. There are already thousands of attacks on the migrant camps today. Conversely, there is already violence in the other direction including terrorism. All this happens at 10% of the population of Orientals in these countries. It is obvious that the situation will escalate completely when there will be 30% oriental population. Maybe yes even already with 20% oriental population. Due to higher birth rates and immigration, the number of Orientals in these countries will increase to this level and continue to increase. Germany and France etc. are doomed to fail! This countries will definitely not survive that! The chaos and civil war is the future of this countries! If the EU and NATO haven't gone under before then, they will doom in this chaos. In any case, the chaos for the Slavic states will also cause problems, even though that kind of population does not exist there. There will be economic losses because export markets will disappear. Of course, the EU will no longer exist. There may be refugees from these countries. There could even be border incidents. Etc. This will automatically lead to the Slavic nations moving closer together. Since there will be a long pro-Slavic campaign beforehand, the pan-Slavic idea will meanwhile also be widespread in the Slavic states. Necessary is a positive pro-Slavic spirit in the the Slavic states. Before that there will be a long-term Proslavic campaign! Then there will probably be several pan-Slavic conferences in which the Slavic nations will then also decide on the union. But the prerequisite is that there is a will to reconciliation, because today, as is well known, some Slavic nations are actually enemies and two Slavic nations are actually at war with each other. Russia will only be able to participate if Russia agrees that there are mechanisms in the Union that prevent one state from dominating. Incidentally, Russia will have no problem agreeing to this, because there will be no restrictions on the sovereignty of the participating states. Russia will also have the opportunity to pursue an independent foreign policy like the other states. But why shouldn't the states of the Union support each other in foreign policy? There are no logical reasons against such a Slavic union! Why shouldn't this Slavic union exist, from which all participating Slavic states would only benefit in very problematic times. At a time when there will be an enormous threat to the security of all these states from outside. Either the Slavic nations will be able to overcome their feuds, or they will perish. Panslavism is not about creating a Slavic superstate, but about a union of Slavic states with equal rights. I am sure that the Slavs will learn from the mistakes of the EU! There will be no attempt to establish a united Slavic state. It will be a union of equal states in which it is prevented that one dominates. It will be a union of independent states, but they will work closely together on an economic level. There will be limited political cooperation, especially in the military sphere. Because that will also be a defense alliance at the same time. With time, the situation can change and certain Slavic nations can find a political compensation and reconciliation. It should not be forgotten that the Polish nation and the Ukrainian nation were at war with each other 100 years ago. In the shadow of World War II there were massacres of Poles by Ukrainians and massacres by Poles of Ukrainians. Today, Ukraine and Poland are friends, although there are still problems, but the relationship is friendly. Also Czechoslovakia and Poland were at war 100 years ago and Czechoslovakia occupied territories in Poland. Poland then brought these areas back in 1938. Today there are certain problems, but Poland's relationship with the successor states of Czecholovakia, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, is friendly. Enemies became friends, because the Czechs, Slovaks and Poles are now friends. So if these Slavic nations can be friends today, then actually all Slavic nations can be friends in the future. It's just a matter of will. So this is not the end point of understanding of the Slavic nations. There will be a Slavic Union! Only a matter of time! Today the Slavic nations are still divided but the situation in the future will be completely different. If Czechs, Slovaks and Poles could become friends, then the other Slavic nations can too! Poles and Ukrainians used to be much more hostile and today have friendly relations. At the end of the understanding there will be Slavic union! By the way, non-Slavic nations would definitely not want to be in a Slavic union, because there would be an automatic assimilation process. I'm sure no nation wants to be assimilated by the Slavs. But I'm sure there will be associated privileged members. Hungary and Romania would certainly accept the invitation to become such Associate Members. Because such an associated membership would mean a lot of economic advantage, for example, access to the Slavic markets without tariffs. In any case, this would be very useful for the Slavic Union, because it would give a duty-free land connection to the southern Slavs. It could also be that Greece would also receive an invitation to such membership. However, unrest in that country would prevent that. So what will be decisive is what the situation in Greece would be like. Although an intervention could pacify the country. Another country that would be offered such an associative membership would be Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan would agree because of the large Slavic minority there. In the next comment below I describe what troubles in Europe will lead to the Slavic union if it is not deleted!
Already today there are about 10% of Orientals from the Middle East in this European countries. Which are a kind of aliens, Already today there is a big conflict in this countries of the natives against the migrants, although the migrants have reached until now only about 10% of the population. Only a small percentage is assimilated. Most wanted to keep their Oriental identity! In fact, most of them feel superior to the natives because of their religion which also prevents assimilation. There is a wiki link entitled: "Hijab and burka controversies in Europe"! That's just the tip of the iceberg! The online offshoot "Zeit Online" of the German left-wing newspaper "Zeit", which has many subscribers, has posted that "the Germans will lose power in their own country. The Germans will become a minority in their own country. Non-Germans will take over power in the country!" The consequence of failed integration due to extremely different cultures is a sharply increased crime rate. So it's no coincidence that for example the robbery rate in Germany is 2 times as high as in Poland and in Sweden even 4 times as high! Due to this failure to integrate, there are social problems that lead to increased crime. In addition, crime is also increased by special cultural aspects of the countries of origin. Like, for example, these migrants come from Klan-influenced societies, which leads to clan crimes. Religion is also a reason why integration fails and the crime rate increases. This results in terrorism, but also crimes such as the genital cutting of girls or the murder of homosexuals or honor killings. Violence against women in general is much higher among them. This migration also leads to an increase in crime by natives, such as violence against migrants like attacks on migrant camps and even their killing. Such crimes occur as a reaction of feeling of being overwhelmed by immigrants. What further increases the resentment of the natives is the drastic increase in attacks with knives or by terrorists attacking while shouting "Allahu Akbar". With tens of millions of people coming and settling the land, the term "colonization" is entirely appropriate. Many mosques are already being built today. There is a growing demand for Muslim dietary laws to be taken into account in society Female teachers only want to work with their hair covered. It is demanded that girls in schools should have the opportunity to be taught with their hair covered. Girls should not participate in physical education and swimming lessons. For example in Germany the Christmas markets are actually renamed Winter markets. Easter markets are also renamed non Christian. etc. etc. etc. Because the country should be de-Christianized. But there is more and more resistance against it! So there are more and more conflicts regarding to the Muslimization of society. Also regarding religious clothing, MuslimOriental nutrition and other Oriental influences on society. So let's see what will happen in this countries when 20% or 30% of the population will be Oriental . Because of that there will be chaos and civil war for supremacy. There are already numerous forerunners of civil war with bloody riots by Orientals in various countries! In response to this from the natives already today radicals including soldiers and police officers are setting up weapons depots and planning armed struggle with the aim of overthrowing the government in some of these countries. In 2021 there was an open letter from 25 Retired French generals who warned the government that the country was headed for a civil war. "The hour is grave, France is in peril," the generals wrote, adding that failure to act against the "suburban hordes" -- a reference to residents of the mainly immigrant areas that ring French cities -- and other unnamed groups who "scorn our country" will lead to "civil war". Before there were already French riots in 2005. In 2005 a 21 days period of riots took place in the in French cities. Mostly migrants were involved. Riots break also out in France after France beat Morocco in semi-final of FIFA World Cup 2022. Police deployed with riot gear, water cannons and tear gas to quell the unrest. There are now 5 million Moroccans living in France. In 2023 there were also civil war-like 6 days lasted riots in France. 45,000 police officers were deployed against them. Estimates of the damage have been projected to be about $1.1 billion. The riots also spread to Switzerland and Belgium, where there have also been riots with burning cars and looting. In 2022 there were also riots in Sweden with burnt cars and looting and crowds on the streets fighting with the police and rioters tried to kill police officers. The riots were triggered by the announcement of a Public burning of the Koran by a Danish-Swedish politician. In Germany on New Year's Eve 2022/23 there were also civil war-like riots with looting and burning cars. It was mainly the migrants who were involved there. But there were also various shootings and terrorist attacks! Like the 2022 Oslo shooting! At the act of Islamist terrorism two people were killed and twenty-one people were wounded in a mass shooting in Oslo, Norway. Although I could name many other examples with many more victims. Islamist terrorist stabbings are now almost normal in certain European countries! But there have also been riots by right-wing extremists as a reaction and there were also riots of the extreme left wingers supporters of the migrants! Like the around the turn of the year 2008-2009 Oslo riots in which, no kidding, mainly Muslim youth, supported by left-wing activists attacked mostly Jews and Jewish institutions. Wiki quote: Attack type: Rioting, antisemitic hate crimes, vandalism and arson! Weapons: stones, Molotov cocktails, iron rods and fireworks. Gasoline was drawn from nearby cars to set fire to trash bins that were launched against the police. The list of such negative incidents is very long, which are probably the forerunners of a civil war. In these countries Muslim graves are already being desecrated today. Orientals are already being murdered today. For example, three Orientals were shot in Paris. Some have already been shot in Germany! There are already thousands of attacks on the migrant camps in Europe today. There is increasing resistance, both legal and illegal, against the colonization of this countries. Conversely, there is already violence in the other direction so there are also more and more radicals on the other side including terrorism. All that are forerunners of the coming civil wars. It is a fact that already today there is more and more violence from both sides with deaths. There is increasing radicalization on both sides. All this happens at 10% of the population of Orientals in these countries. It is obvious that the situation will escalate completely when there will be 30% Orientals population. Maybe with 20% Orientals population. Due to higher birth rates and immigration, the number of Orientals in these countries will increase to this level and continue to increase. This will end in a civil war for dominance in this countries. This countries will perish in the civil war in the fight of "native" against orientals for supremacy. This countries are doomed to fail! This countries will definitely not survive that! The chaos and civil war is the future of this countries. If the EU hasn't perished before then, it will perish in these civil wars. The same applies to NATO. They have decided their own downfall! As a result of these civil wars, the EU will of course collapse, although it will most likely collapse already before then. These problems will not exist in the Slavic countries because these countries will not have this toxic population mix. But of course such explosions in the neighborhood will also endanger the Slavic countries. This will lead to the Slavic countries coming together and working much more closely together. A Slavic Union, as a defense and economic alliance, is actually only a logical consequence in order to protect the countries even better.
Already today there are about 10% of Orientals from the Middle East in this European countries. Which are a kind of aliens, Already today there is a big conflict in this countries of the natives against the migrants, although the migrants have reached until now only about 10% of the population. Only a small percentage is assimilated. Most wanted to keep their Oriental identity! In fact, most of them feel superior to the natives because of their religion which also prevents assimilation. There is a wiki link entitled: "Hijab and burka controversies in Europe"! That's just the tip of the iceberg! The online offshoot "Zeit Online" of the German left-wing newspaper "Zeit", which has many subscribers, has posted that "the Germans will lose power in their own country. The Germans will become a minority in their own country. Non-Germans will take over power in the country!" The consequence of failed integration due to extremely different cultures is a sharply increased crime rate. So it's no coincidence that for example the robbery rate in Germany is 2 times as high as in Poland and in Sweden even 4 times as high! Due to this failure to integrate, there are social problems that lead to increased crime. In addition, crime is also increased by special cultural aspects of the countries of origin. Like, for example, these migrants come from Klan-influenced societies, which leads to clan crimes. Religion is also a reason why integration fails and the crime rate increases. This results in terrorism, but also crimes such as the genital cutting of girls or the murder of homosexuals or honor killings. Violence against women in general is much higher among them. This migration also leads to an increase in crime by natives, such as violence against migrants like attacks on migrant camps and even their killing. Such crimes occur as a reaction of feeling of being overwhelmed by immigrants. What further increases the resentment of the natives is the drastic increase in attacks with knives or by terrorists attacking while shouting "Allahu Akbar". With tens of millions of people coming and settling the land, the term "colonization" is entirely appropriate. Many mosques are already being built today. There is a growing demand for Muslim dietary laws to be taken into account in society Female teachers only want to work with their hair covered. It is demanded that girls in schools should have the opportunity to be taught with their hair covered. Girls should not participate in physical education and swimming lessons. For example in Germany the Christmas markets are actually renamed Winter markets. Easter markets are also renamed non Christian. etc. etc. etc. Because the country should be de-Christianized. But there is more and more resistance against it! So there are more and more conflicts regarding to the Muslimization of society. Also regarding religious clothing, MuslimOriental nutrition and other Oriental influences on society.
If I use the term Mulimes and Muslim the comment will be deleted. So instead of this term I use Orientals and Oriental to prevent deletion. Already today there are about 10% of Orientals from the Middle East in this European countries. Which are a kind of aliens, Already today there is a big conflict in this countries of the natives against the migrants, although the migrants have reached until now only about 10% of the population. So let's see what will happen in this countries when 20% or 30% of the population will be Oriental . Because of that there will be chaos and civil war for supremacy. There are already numerous forerunners of civil war with bloody riots by Orientals in various countries! In response to this from the natives already today radicals including soldiers and police officers are setting up weapons depots and planning armed struggle with the aim of overthrowing the government in some of these countries. In 2021 there was an open letter from 25 Retired French generals who warned the government that the country was headed for a civil war. "The hour is grave, France is in peril," the generals wrote, adding that failure to act against the "suburban hordes" -- a reference to residents of the mainly immigrant areas that ring French cities -- and other unnamed groups who "scorn our country" will lead to "civil war". Before there were already French riots in 2005. In 2005 a 21 days period of riots took place in the in French cities. Mostly migrants were involved. Riots break also out in France after France beat Morocco in semi-final of FIFA World Cup 2022. Police deployed with riot gear, water cannons and tear gas to quell the unrest. There are now 5 million Moroccans living in France. In 2023 there were also civil war-like 6 days lasted riots in France. 45,000 police officers were deployed against them. Estimates of the damage have been projected to be about $1.1 billion. The riots also spread to Switzerland and Belgium, where there have also been riots with burning cars and looting. In 2022 there were also riots in Sweden with burnt cars and looting and crowds on the streets fighting with the police and rioters tried to kill police officers. The riots were triggered by the announcement of a Public burning of the Koran by a Danish-Swedish politician. In Germany on New Year's Eve 2022/23 there were also civil war-like riots with looting and burning cars. It was mainly the migrants who were involved there. But there were also various shootings and terrorist attacks! Like the 2022 Oslo shooting! At the act of Islamist terrorism two people were killed and twenty-one people were wounded in a mass shooting in Oslo, Norway. Although I could name many other examples with many more victims. Islamist terrorist stabbings are now almost normal in certain European countries! But there have also been riots by right-wing extremists as a reaction and there were also riots of the extreme left wingers supporters of the migrants! Like the around the turn of the year 2008-2009 Oslo riots in which, no kidding, mainly Muslim youth, supported by left-wing activists attacked mostly Jews and Jewish institutions. Wiki quote: Attack type: Rioting, antisemitic hate crimes, vandalism and arson! Weapons: stones, Molotov cocktails, iron rods and fireworks. Gasoline was drawn from nearby cars to set fire to trash bins that were launched against the police. The list of such negative incidents is very long, which are probably the forerunners of a civil war. In these countries Muslim graves are already being desecrated today. Orientals are already being murdered today. For example, three Orientals were shot in Paris. Some have already been shot in Germany! There are already thousands of attacks on the migrant camps in Europe today. There is increasing resistance, both legal and illegal, against the colonization of this countries. Conversely, there is already violence in the other direction so there are also more and more radicals on the other side including terrorism. All that are forerunners of the coming civil wars. It is a fact that already today there is more and more violence from both sides with deaths. There is increasing radicalization on both sides. All this happens at 10% of the population of Orientals in these countries. It is obvious that the situation will escalate completely when there will be 30% Orientals population. Maybe with 20% Orientals population. Due to higher birth rates and immigration, the number of Orientals in these countries will increase to this level and continue to increase. This will end in a civil war for dominance in this countries. This countries will perish in the civil war in the fight of "native" against orientals for supremacy. This countries are doomed to fail! This countries will definitely not survive that! The chaos and civil war is the future of this countries. If the EU hasn't perished before then, it will perish in these civil wars. The same applies to NATO. They have decided their own downfall! As a result of these civil wars, the EU will of course collapse, although it will most likely collapse already before then. These problems will not exist in the Slavic countries because these countries will not have this toxic population mix. But of course such explosions in the neighborhood will also endanger the Slavic countries. This will lead to the Slavic countries coming together and working much more closely together. A Slavic Union, as a defense and economic alliance, is actually only a logical consequence in order to protect the countries even better.
If I use the term Mulimes and Muslim the comment will be deleted. So instead of this term I use Orientals and Oriental to prevent deletion. Already today there are about 10% of Orientals from the Middle East in this European countries. Which are a kind of aliens, Already today there is a big conflict in this countries of the natives against the migrants, although the migrants have reached until now only about 10% of the population. I continue the comment below. It's no joke if I post the comment as a whole it will be deleted.
If I use the term Muslims and Muslim the comment will be deleted. So instead of this terms I use Orientals and Oriental to prevent deletion. Already today there are about 10% of Orientals from the Middle East in this European countries. Already today there is a big conflict in this countries of the natives against the Orientals, although the Orientals have reached until now only about 10% of the population. So let's see what will happen in this countries when 20% or 30% of the population will be Oriental . Because of that there will be chaos and civil war for supremacy. There are already numerous forerunners of civil war with bloody riots by Orientals in various countries! In response to this from the natives already today radicals including soldiers and police officers are setting up weapons depots and planning armed struggle with the aim of overthrowing the government in some of these countries. In 2021 there was an open letter from 25 Retired French generals who warned the government that the country was headed for a civil war. "The hour is grave, France is in peril," the generals wrote, adding that failure to act against the "suburban hordes" -- a reference to residents of the mainly immigrant areas that ring French cities -- and other unnamed groups who "scorn our country" will lead to "civil war". Before there were already French riots in 2005. In 2005 a 21 days period of riots took place in the in French cities. Mostly migrants were involved. Riots break also out in France after France beat Morocco in semi-final of FIFA World Cup 2022. Police deployed with riot gear, water cannons and tear gas to quell the unrest. There are now 5 million Moroccans living in France. In 2023 there were also civil war-like 6 days lasted riots in France. 45,000 police officers were deployed against them. Estimates of the damage have been projected to be about $1.1 billion. The riots also spread to Switzerland and Belgium, where there have also been riots with burning cars and looting. In 2022 there were also riots in Sweden with burnt cars and looting and crowds on the streets fighting with the police and rioters tried to kill police officers. The riots were triggered by the announcement of a Public burning of the Koran by a Danish-Swedish politician. In Germany on New Year's Eve 2022/23 there were also civil war-like riots with looting and burning cars. It was mainly the migrants who were involved there. But there were also various shootings and terrorist attacks! Like the 2022 Oslo shooting! At the act of Islamist terrorism two people were killed and twenty-one people were wounded in a mass shooting in Oslo, Norway. Although I could name many other examples with many more victims. Islamist terrorist stabbings are now almost normal in certain European countries! But there have also been riots by right-wing extremists as a reaction and there were also riots of the extreme left wingers supporters of the migrants! Like the around the turn of the year 2008-2009 Oslo riots in which, no kidding, mainly Muslim youth, supported by left-wing activists attacked mostly Jews and Jewish institutions. Wiki quote: Attack type: Rioting, antisemitic hate crimes, vandalism and arson! Weapons: stones, Molotov cocktails, iron rods and fireworks. Gasoline was drawn from nearby cars to set fire to trash bins that were launched against the police. The list of such negative incidents is very long, which are probably the forerunners of a civil war. In these countries Muslim graves are already being desecrated today. Orientals are already being murdered today. For example, three Orientals were shot in Paris. Some have already been shot in Germany! There are already thousands of attacks on the migrant camps in Europe today. There is increasing resistance, both legal and illegal, against the colonization of this countries. Conversely, there is already violence in the other direction so there are also more and more radicals on the other side including terrorism. All that are forerunners of the coming civil wars. It is a fact that already today there is more and more violence from both sides with deaths. There is increasing radicalization on both sides. All this happens at 10% of the population of Orientals in these countries. It is obvious that the situation will escalate completely when there will be 30% Orientals population. Maybe with 20% Orientals population. Due to higher birth rates and immigration, the number of Orientals in these countries will increase to this level and continue to increase. This will end in a civil war for dominance in this countries. This countries will perish in the civil war in the fight of "native" against orientals for supremacy. This countries are doomed to fail! This countries will definitely not survive that! The chaos and civil war is the future of this countries. If the EU hasn't perished before then, it will perish in these civil wars. The same applies to NATO. They have decided their own downfall! As a result of these civil wars, the EU will of course collapse, although it will most likely collapse already before then. These problems will not exist in the Slavic countries because these countries will not have this toxic population mix. But of course such explosions in the neighborhood will also endanger the Slavic countries. This will lead to the Slavic countries coming together and working much more closely together. A Slavic Union, as a defense and economic alliance, is actually only a logical consequence in order to protect the countries even better.
Zajebiste ! 🇵🇱
Even if that is not considered possible today. There will one day be a Slavic union of all Slavic nations. There is a sense of togetherness among the Slavs which shows that the Slavs are much more than a language family. There are various Panslavic videos on TH-cam like this one too. In all, most of the comments are positive and pro-Slavic. This is an example of one such Pan-Slavic vido entitled: "This Is Slavia"! Another video has the title "Slavic People" The second comment in the list by @David Trivic is as follows. "The dream of a united Slavia will never die. Love all of my Slav brothers:🇧🇦🇧🇬🇧🇾🇭🇷🇷🇸🇵🇱🇲🇪🇷🇺🇸🇮🇸🇰🇺🇦🇨🇿🇲🇰." Pan-Slavism also shows that the Slavs are much more than only a language family. Slavs feel like an ethnic group and are an ethnic group. Because this definition applies to the Slavs: An ethnic group is a grouping of people who identify with each other on the basis of shared attributes that distinguish them from other groups. Those attributes can include common sets of traditions, ancestry, language, history, society, culture, nation, religion, or social treatment within their residing area. This applies to Slavs! These common attributes distinguish the Slavs from other groups.
Today a Slavic Union seems like an impossible dream. But the time of the Slavic Union will come and the Russians will be part of it too! If the western European states and Germany perish in the civil war in the fight of "native" against orientals for supremacy in this countries, the Slavs will have to come to an understanding or perish. Already today there are big conflicts in this countries of the "natives" against the orientals, although the orientals have reached until now only about 10% of the population in these countries. Only a small percentage is assimilated. Most wanted to keep their oriental identity! In fact, most of them feel superior to the natives because of their religion which also prevents assimilation. What's going to happen when it's 20% or 30%? Because of that there will be chaos and civil war for supremacy. Already today radicals including soldiers and police officers are already setting up weapons depots and planning armed struggle with the aim of overthrowing the government. But there are also more and more radicals on the other side. It is a fact that already today there is more and more violence from both sides with deaths. There is increasing radicalization on both sides. Muslim graves are already being desecrated today. Orientals are already being murdered today. There are already thousands of attacks on the migrant camps today. Conversely, there is already violence in the other direction including terrorism. All this happens at 10% of the population of Orientals in these countries. It is obvious that the situation will escalate completely when there will be 30% oriental population. Maybe yes even already with 20% oriental population. Due to higher birth rates and immigration, the number of Orientals in these countries will increase to this level and continue to increase. Germany and France etc. are doomed to fail! This countries will definitely not survive that! The chaos and civil war is the future of this countries! If the EU and NATO haven't gone under before then, they will doom in this chaos.
In any case, the chaos for the Slavic states will also cause problems, even though that kind of population does not exist there. There will be economic losses because export markets will disappear. Of course, the EU will no longer exist. There may be refugees from these countries. There could even be border incidents. Etc. This will automatically lead to the Slavic nations moving closer together. Since there will be a long pro-Slavic campaign beforehand, the pan-Slavic idea will meanwhile also be widespread in the Slavic states. Necessary is a positive pro-Slavic spirit in the the Slavic states. Before that there will be a long-term Proslavic campaign! Then there will probably be several pan-Slavic conferences in which the Slavic nations will then also decide on the union. But the prerequisite is that there is a will to reconciliation, because today, as is well known, some Slavic nations are actually enemies and two Slavic nations are actually at war with each other.
Russia will only be able to participate if Russia agrees that there are mechanisms in the Union that prevent one state from dominating. Incidentally, Russia will have no problem agreeing to this, because there will be no restrictions on the sovereignty of the participating states. Russia will also have the opportunity to pursue an independent foreign policy like the other states. But why shouldn't the states of the Union support each other in foreign policy? There are no logical reasons against such a Slavic union! Why shouldn't this Slavic union exist, from which all participating Slavic states would only benefit in very problematic times. At a time when there will be an enormous threat to the security of all these states from outside. Either the Slavic nations will be able to overcome their feuds, or they will perish.
Panslavism is not about creating a Slavic superstate, but about a union of Slavic states with equal rights. I am sure that the Slavs will learn from the mistakes of the EU! There will be no attempt to establish a united Slavic state. It will be a union of equal states in which it is prevented that one dominates. It will be a union of independent states, but they will work closely together on an economic level. There will be limited political cooperation, especially in the military sphere. Because that will also be a defense alliance at the same time.
With time, the situation can change and certain Slavic nations can find a political compensation and reconciliation. It should not be forgotten that the Polish nation and the Ukrainian nation were at war with each other 100 years ago. In the shadow of World War II there were massacres of Poles by Ukrainians and massacres by Poles of Ukrainians. Today, Ukraine and Poland are friends, although there are still problems, but the relationship is friendly. Also Czechoslovakia and Poland were at war 100 years ago and Czechoslovakia occupied territories in Poland. Poland then brought these areas back in 1938. Today there are certain problems, but Poland's relationship with the successor states of Czecholovakia, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, is friendly. Enemies became friends, because the Czechs, Slovaks and Poles are now friends. So if these Slavic nations can be friends today, then actually all Slavic nations can be friends in the future. It's just a matter of will. So this is not the end point of understanding of the Slavic nations. There will be a Slavic Union! Only a matter of time! Today the Slavic nations are still divided but the situation in the future will be completely different. If Czechs, Slovaks and Poles could become friends, then the other Slavic nations can too! Poles and Ukrainians used to be much more hostile and today have friendly relations. At the end of the understanding there will be Slavic union!
By the way, non-Slavic nations would definitely not want to be in a Slavic union, because there would be an automatic assimilation process. I'm sure no nation wants to be assimilated by the Slavs. But I'm sure there will be associated privileged members. Hungary and Romania would certainly accept the invitation to become such Associate Members. Because such an associated membership would mean a lot of economic advantage, for example, access to the Slavic markets without tariffs. In any case, this would be very useful for the Slavic Union, because it would give a duty-free land connection to the southern Slavs. It could also be that Greece would also receive an invitation to such membership. However, unrest in that country would prevent that. So what will be decisive is what the situation in Greece would be like. Although an intervention could pacify the country. Another country that would be offered such an associative membership would be Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan would agree because of the large Slavic minority there.
In the next comment below I describe what troubles in Europe will lead to the Slavic union if it is not deleted!
Already today there are about 10% of Orientals from the Middle East in this European countries. Which are a kind of aliens, Already today there is a big conflict in this countries of the natives against the migrants, although the migrants have reached until now only about 10% of the population. Only a small percentage is assimilated. Most wanted to keep their Oriental identity! In fact, most of them feel superior to the natives because of their religion which also prevents assimilation. There is a wiki link entitled: "Hijab and burka controversies in Europe"! That's just the tip of the iceberg! The online offshoot "Zeit Online" of the German left-wing newspaper "Zeit", which has many subscribers, has posted that "the Germans will lose power in their own country. The Germans will become a minority in their own country. Non-Germans will take over power in the country!" The consequence of failed integration due to extremely different cultures is a sharply increased crime rate. So it's no coincidence that for example the robbery rate in Germany is 2 times as high as in Poland and in Sweden even 4 times as high! Due to this failure to integrate, there are social problems that lead to increased crime. In addition, crime is also increased by special cultural aspects of the countries of origin. Like, for example, these migrants come from Klan-influenced societies, which leads to clan crimes. Religion is also a reason why integration fails and the crime rate increases. This results in terrorism, but also crimes such as the genital cutting of girls or the murder of homosexuals or honor killings. Violence against women in general is much higher among them. This migration also leads to an increase in crime by natives, such as violence against migrants like attacks on migrant camps and even their killing. Such crimes occur as a reaction of feeling of being overwhelmed by immigrants. What further increases the resentment of the natives is the drastic increase in attacks with knives or by terrorists attacking while shouting "Allahu Akbar". With tens of millions of people coming and settling the land, the term "colonization" is entirely appropriate. Many mosques are already being built today. There is a growing demand for Muslim dietary laws to be taken into account in society Female teachers only want to work with their hair covered. It is demanded that girls in schools should have the opportunity to be taught with their hair covered. Girls should not participate in physical education and swimming lessons. For example in Germany the Christmas markets are actually renamed Winter markets. Easter markets are also renamed non Christian. etc. etc. etc. Because the country should be de-Christianized. But there is more and more resistance against it! So there are more and more conflicts regarding to the Muslimization of society. Also regarding religious clothing, MuslimOriental nutrition and other Oriental influences on society.
So let's see what will happen in this countries when 20% or 30% of the population will be Oriental . Because of that there will be chaos and civil war for supremacy. There are already numerous forerunners of civil war with bloody riots by Orientals in various countries! In response to this from the natives already today radicals including soldiers and police officers are setting up weapons depots and planning armed struggle with the aim of overthrowing the government in some of these countries. In 2021 there was an open letter from 25 Retired French generals who warned the government that the country was headed for a civil war. "The hour is grave, France is in peril," the generals wrote, adding that failure to act against the "suburban hordes" -- a reference to residents of the mainly immigrant areas that ring French cities -- and other unnamed groups who "scorn our country" will lead to "civil war". Before there were already French riots in 2005. In 2005 a 21 days period of riots took place in the in French cities. Mostly migrants were involved. Riots break also out in France after France beat Morocco in semi-final of FIFA World Cup 2022. Police deployed with riot gear, water cannons and tear gas to quell the unrest. There are now 5 million Moroccans living in France. In 2023 there were also civil war-like 6 days lasted riots in France. 45,000 police officers were deployed against them. Estimates of the damage have been projected to be about $1.1 billion. The riots also spread to Switzerland and Belgium, where there have also been riots with burning cars and looting. In 2022 there were also riots in Sweden with burnt cars and looting and crowds on the streets fighting with the police and rioters tried to kill police officers. The riots were triggered by the announcement of a Public burning of the Koran by a Danish-Swedish politician. In Germany on New Year's Eve 2022/23 there were also civil war-like riots with looting and burning cars. It was mainly the migrants who were involved there. But there were also various shootings and terrorist attacks! Like the 2022 Oslo shooting! At the act of Islamist terrorism two people were killed and twenty-one people were wounded in a mass shooting in Oslo, Norway. Although I could name many other examples with many more victims. Islamist terrorist stabbings are now almost normal in certain European countries! But there have also been riots by right-wing extremists as a reaction and there were also riots of the extreme left wingers supporters of the migrants! Like the around the turn of the year 2008-2009 Oslo riots in which, no kidding, mainly Muslim youth, supported by left-wing activists attacked mostly Jews and Jewish institutions. Wiki quote: Attack type: Rioting, antisemitic hate crimes, vandalism and arson! Weapons: stones, Molotov cocktails, iron rods and fireworks. Gasoline was drawn from nearby cars to set fire to trash bins that were launched against the police. The list of such negative incidents is very long, which are probably the forerunners of a civil war. In these countries Muslim graves are already being desecrated today. Orientals are already being murdered today. For example, three Orientals were shot in Paris. Some have already been shot in Germany! There are already thousands of attacks on the migrant camps in Europe today. There is increasing resistance, both legal and illegal, against the colonization of this countries. Conversely, there is already violence in the other direction so there are also more and more radicals on the other side including terrorism. All that are forerunners of the coming civil wars. It is a fact that already today there is more and more violence from both sides with deaths. There is increasing radicalization on both sides.
All this happens at 10% of the population of Orientals in these countries. It is obvious that the situation will escalate completely when there will be 30% Orientals population. Maybe with 20% Orientals population. Due to higher birth rates and immigration, the number of Orientals in these countries will increase to this level and continue to increase. This will end in a civil war for dominance in this countries. This countries will perish in the civil war in the fight of "native" against orientals for supremacy. This countries are doomed to fail! This countries will definitely not survive that! The chaos and civil war is the future of this countries. If the EU hasn't perished before then, it will perish in these civil wars. The same applies to NATO. They have decided their own downfall! As a result of these civil wars, the EU will of course collapse, although it will most likely collapse already before then. These problems will not exist in the Slavic countries because these countries will not have this toxic population mix. But of course such explosions in the neighborhood will also endanger the Slavic countries. This will lead to the Slavic countries coming together and working much more closely together. A Slavic Union, as a defense and economic alliance, is actually only a logical consequence in order to protect the countries even better.
Already today there are about 10% of Orientals from the Middle East in this European countries. Which are a kind of aliens, Already today there is a big conflict in this countries of the natives against the migrants, although the migrants have reached until now only about 10% of the population. Only a small percentage is assimilated. Most wanted to keep their Oriental identity! In fact, most of them feel superior to the natives because of their religion which also prevents assimilation. There is a wiki link entitled: "Hijab and burka controversies in Europe"! That's just the tip of the iceberg! The online offshoot "Zeit Online" of the German left-wing newspaper "Zeit", which has many subscribers, has posted that "the Germans will lose power in their own country. The Germans will become a minority in their own country. Non-Germans will take over power in the country!" The consequence of failed integration due to extremely different cultures is a sharply increased crime rate. So it's no coincidence that for example the robbery rate in Germany is 2 times as high as in Poland and in Sweden even 4 times as high! Due to this failure to integrate, there are social problems that lead to increased crime. In addition, crime is also increased by special cultural aspects of the countries of origin. Like, for example, these migrants come from Klan-influenced societies, which leads to clan crimes. Religion is also a reason why integration fails and the crime rate increases. This results in terrorism, but also crimes such as the genital cutting of girls or the murder of homosexuals or honor killings. Violence against women in general is much higher among them. This migration also leads to an increase in crime by natives, such as violence against migrants like attacks on migrant camps and even their killing. Such crimes occur as a reaction of feeling of being overwhelmed by immigrants. What further increases the resentment of the natives is the drastic increase in attacks with knives or by terrorists attacking while shouting "Allahu Akbar". With tens of millions of people coming and settling the land, the term "colonization" is entirely appropriate. Many mosques are already being built today. There is a growing demand for Muslim dietary laws to be taken into account in society Female teachers only want to work with their hair covered. It is demanded that girls in schools should have the opportunity to be taught with their hair covered. Girls should not participate in physical education and swimming lessons. For example in Germany the Christmas markets are actually renamed Winter markets. Easter markets are also renamed non Christian. etc. etc. etc. Because the country should be de-Christianized. But there is more and more resistance against it! So there are more and more conflicts regarding to the Muslimization of society. Also regarding religious clothing, MuslimOriental nutrition and other Oriental influences on society.
If I use the term Mulimes and Muslim the comment will be deleted. So instead of this term I use Orientals and Oriental to prevent deletion. Already today there are about 10% of Orientals from the Middle East in this European countries. Which are a kind of aliens, Already today there is a big conflict in this countries of the natives against the migrants, although the migrants have reached until now only about 10% of the population. So let's see what will happen in this countries when 20% or 30% of the population will be Oriental . Because of that there will be chaos and civil war for supremacy. There are already numerous forerunners of civil war with bloody riots by Orientals in various countries! In response to this from the natives already today radicals including soldiers and police officers are setting up weapons depots and planning armed struggle with the aim of overthrowing the government in some of these countries. In 2021 there was an open letter from 25 Retired French generals who warned the government that the country was headed for a civil war. "The hour is grave, France is in peril," the generals wrote, adding that failure to act against the "suburban hordes" -- a reference to residents of the mainly immigrant areas that ring French cities -- and other unnamed groups who "scorn our country" will lead to "civil war". Before there were already French riots in 2005. In 2005 a 21 days period of riots took place in the in French cities. Mostly migrants were involved. Riots break also out in France after France beat Morocco in semi-final of FIFA World Cup 2022. Police deployed with riot gear, water cannons and tear gas to quell the unrest. There are now 5 million Moroccans living in France. In 2023 there were also civil war-like 6 days lasted riots in France. 45,000 police officers were deployed against them. Estimates of the damage have been projected to be about $1.1 billion. The riots also spread to Switzerland and Belgium, where there have also been riots with burning cars and looting. In 2022 there were also riots in Sweden with burnt cars and looting and crowds on the streets fighting with the police and rioters tried to kill police officers. The riots were triggered by the announcement of a Public burning of the Koran by a Danish-Swedish politician. In Germany on New Year's Eve 2022/23 there were also civil war-like riots with looting and burning cars. It was mainly the migrants who were involved there. But there were also various shootings and terrorist attacks! Like the 2022 Oslo shooting! At the act of Islamist terrorism two people were killed and twenty-one people were wounded in a mass shooting in Oslo, Norway. Although I could name many other examples with many more victims. Islamist terrorist stabbings are now almost normal in certain European countries! But there have also been riots by right-wing extremists as a reaction and there were also riots of the extreme left wingers supporters of the migrants! Like the around the turn of the year 2008-2009 Oslo riots in which, no kidding, mainly Muslim youth, supported by left-wing activists attacked mostly Jews and Jewish institutions. Wiki quote: Attack type: Rioting, antisemitic hate crimes, vandalism and arson! Weapons: stones, Molotov cocktails, iron rods and fireworks. Gasoline was drawn from nearby cars to set fire to trash bins that were launched against the police. The list of such negative incidents is very long, which are probably the forerunners of a civil war. In these countries Muslim graves are already being desecrated today. Orientals are already being murdered today. For example, three Orientals were shot in Paris. Some have already been shot in Germany! There are already thousands of attacks on the migrant camps in Europe today. There is increasing resistance, both legal and illegal, against the colonization of this countries. Conversely, there is already violence in the other direction so there are also more and more radicals on the other side including terrorism. All that are forerunners of the coming civil wars. It is a fact that already today there is more and more violence from both sides with deaths. There is increasing radicalization on both sides.
All this happens at 10% of the population of Orientals in these countries. It is obvious that the situation will escalate completely when there will be 30% Orientals population. Maybe with 20% Orientals population. Due to higher birth rates and immigration, the number of Orientals in these countries will increase to this level and continue to increase. This will end in a civil war for dominance in this countries. This countries will perish in the civil war in the fight of "native" against orientals for supremacy. This countries are doomed to fail! This countries will definitely not survive that! The chaos and civil war is the future of this countries. If the EU hasn't perished before then, it will perish in these civil wars. The same applies to NATO. They have decided their own downfall! As a result of these civil wars, the EU will of course collapse, although it will most likely collapse already before then. These problems will not exist in the Slavic countries because these countries will not have this toxic population mix. But of course such explosions in the neighborhood will also endanger the Slavic countries. This will lead to the Slavic countries coming together and working much more closely together. A Slavic Union, as a defense and economic alliance, is actually only a logical consequence in order to protect the countries even better.
If I use the term Mulimes and Muslim the comment will be deleted. So instead of this term I use Orientals and Oriental to prevent deletion. Already today there are about 10% of Orientals from the Middle East in this European countries. Which are a kind of aliens, Already today there is a big conflict in this countries of the natives against the migrants, although the migrants have reached until now only about 10% of the population.
I continue the comment below. It's no joke if I post the comment as a whole it will be deleted.
If I use the term Muslims and Muslim the comment will be deleted. So instead of this terms I use Orientals and Oriental to prevent deletion. Already today there are about 10% of Orientals from the Middle East in this European countries. Already today there is a big conflict in this countries of the natives against the Orientals, although the Orientals have reached until now only about 10% of the population. So let's see what will happen in this countries when 20% or 30% of the population will be Oriental . Because of that there will be chaos and civil war for supremacy. There are already numerous forerunners of civil war with bloody riots by Orientals in various countries! In response to this from the natives already today radicals including soldiers and police officers are setting up weapons depots and planning armed struggle with the aim of overthrowing the government in some of these countries. In 2021 there was an open letter from 25 Retired French generals who warned the government that the country was headed for a civil war. "The hour is grave, France is in peril," the generals wrote, adding that failure to act against the "suburban hordes" -- a reference to residents of the mainly immigrant areas that ring French cities -- and other unnamed groups who "scorn our country" will lead to "civil war". Before there were already French riots in 2005. In 2005 a 21 days period of riots took place in the in French cities. Mostly migrants were involved. Riots break also out in France after France beat Morocco in semi-final of FIFA World Cup 2022. Police deployed with riot gear, water cannons and tear gas to quell the unrest. There are now 5 million Moroccans living in France. In 2023 there were also civil war-like 6 days lasted riots in France. 45,000 police officers were deployed against them. Estimates of the damage have been projected to be about $1.1 billion. The riots also spread to Switzerland and Belgium, where there have also been riots with burning cars and looting. In 2022 there were also riots in Sweden with burnt cars and looting and crowds on the streets fighting with the police and rioters tried to kill police officers. The riots were triggered by the announcement of a Public burning of the Koran by a Danish-Swedish politician. In Germany on New Year's Eve 2022/23 there were also civil war-like riots with looting and burning cars. It was mainly the migrants who were involved there. But there were also various shootings and terrorist attacks! Like the 2022 Oslo shooting! At the act of Islamist terrorism two people were killed and twenty-one people were wounded in a mass shooting in Oslo, Norway. Although I could name many other examples with many more victims. Islamist terrorist stabbings are now almost normal in certain European countries! But there have also been riots by right-wing extremists as a reaction and there were also riots of the extreme left wingers supporters of the migrants! Like the around the turn of the year 2008-2009 Oslo riots in which, no kidding, mainly Muslim youth, supported by left-wing activists attacked mostly Jews and Jewish institutions. Wiki quote: Attack type: Rioting, antisemitic hate crimes, vandalism and arson! Weapons: stones, Molotov cocktails, iron rods and fireworks. Gasoline was drawn from nearby cars to set fire to trash bins that were launched against the police. The list of such negative incidents is very long, which are probably the forerunners of a civil war. In these countries Muslim graves are already being desecrated today. Orientals are already being murdered today. For example, three Orientals were shot in Paris. Some have already been shot in Germany! There are already thousands of attacks on the migrant camps in Europe today. There is increasing resistance, both legal and illegal, against the colonization of this countries. Conversely, there is already violence in the other direction so there are also more and more radicals on the other side including terrorism. All that are forerunners of the coming civil wars. It is a fact that already today there is more and more violence from both sides with deaths. There is increasing radicalization on both sides.
All this happens at 10% of the population of Orientals in these countries. It is obvious that the situation will escalate completely when there will be 30% Orientals population. Maybe with 20% Orientals population. Due to higher birth rates and immigration, the number of Orientals in these countries will increase to this level and continue to increase. This will end in a civil war for dominance in this countries. This countries will perish in the civil war in the fight of "native" against orientals for supremacy. This countries are doomed to fail! This countries will definitely not survive that! The chaos and civil war is the future of this countries. If the EU hasn't perished before then, it will perish in these civil wars. The same applies to NATO. They have decided their own downfall! As a result of these civil wars, the EU will of course collapse, although it will most likely collapse already before then. These problems will not exist in the Slavic countries because these countries will not have this toxic population mix. But of course such explosions in the neighborhood will also endanger the Slavic countries. This will lead to the Slavic countries coming together and working much more closely together. A Slavic Union, as a defense and economic alliance, is actually only a logical consequence in order to protect the countries even better.