We're a community of people from all ages, backgrounds, and cultures who believe there's more to life than what the world says. We believe everyone has an assignment, a purpose. We believe when we love God, and love people, we will see hope, joy, and transformation - not only in ourselves, but also through us. It's the love of God that compels us to love others, and it's His love that brings about true change in our hearts and allows us to live our true purpose. Whether you find yourself on the mountaintop or in a valley, we believe you have a place here. If you live in the Akron area we would love to have you join us in -person. If you are ready to take that step we would love to host you and your family. To let us know you are coming visit our website at www.prevailchurchakron.com/
everytime I hear this I cry Jesus how great are you
The most beautiful Jesus filled Christmas song I have ever heard! I just keep playing it! Bless my heart so very much!⭐️
This is much better than the Leonard Coen version. Thank you for saving us Lord Jesus!
Amen 🙏
Such a beautiful song of praise! A song to worship my Lord and Savior ❤️
May the GOD our Father shower down all his LOVE so you will recieve true happiness. Love Denise Atkinson
Joy to the world amid all the odds🙇🏽♀️🙏🏽🙌🏼💕
I love it. Thank you so much. Bless you 🙏 ♥️
Wow. This was Jaw Dropping! That's all I can say. Ty 💗 💗 💗 💗 💗
It’s hard to find the video of them singing this best Christmas song ever. I cry happy tears every time I hear it.
Thank you to the Jewish Buddhist man who wrote the song about love and pain.
Thank you. These lyrics are sooooo much better than the original. These actually are about my Saviour, full of worship.
Love this song.
Merry Christmas to all of you 🎄🎁🎉❤️
Merry Christmas @sylviaratovoson5122 ! 🤗
I love this song so much. It says so much. Hallelujah
Same here Mary!
Best Hallelujah I've heard
Whomever wrote Christmas lyrics for Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah, did an absolutely magical job.
This my group t Christmas song
Nice 🙂
Thank you lola!
What or who is Prevail church?
We're a community of people from all ages, backgrounds, and cultures who believe there's more to life than what the world says. We believe everyone has an assignment, a purpose.
We believe when we love God, and love people, we will see hope, joy, and transformation - not only in ourselves, but also through us. It's the love of God that compels us to love others, and it's His love that brings about true change in our hearts and allows us to live our true purpose. Whether you find yourself on the mountaintop or in a valley, we believe you have a place here.
If you live in the Akron area we would love to have you join us in -person. If you are ready to take that step we would love to host you and your family. To let us know you are coming visit our website at www.prevailchurchakron.com/
@@prevailchurch7978 Amen 🙏
I’m back
Hello maryperrysmith5815! 😃