izone spoiling their comeback album
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024
- i am back after 2 months aha.. anywayyy hope you enjoyed part two of izone spoiling their songs (specifically oneiric diary). i will try to put up more content for yall so uhm.. yeah subscribe :)
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#izone #wizone # fiesta #lavienrose #violeta #secretstoryoftheswan
i do not own any of the videos or songs used. the editing is done by me and is made for entertainment purposes only.
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for 'fair use' for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
because i got so much love on my previous video, here's a part two
where can i watch this in youtube...what is the tiile
What show is this?
You forgot the spoiler in 5:02 (Sakura's part)
You have the best editing! I wanted to ask if you will be making any more funny izone videos outside of spoiling?
Someone give their managers a raise, they must have lived in constant fear every single time these girls went live lmao. Eunbi loosing her mind trying to stop the kids from giving out spoilers due to her violeta trauma is so funny
No one:
EunBi when they go live:Time to save them form Showing everyonenthe Full comeback
I honestly don't get what's so bad about Eunbi's spoiler compared to all of these? Especially Hyewon's, they sang it and did the move
Can someone give me the link when eunbi spoil the violeta lyric?? I mean the live eunbi and minju
IZ*ONE: “Our managers are panicking”
Also IZ*ONE:
“Ok lets get into formation”
“If its gonna be released tomorrow, shall we do it now?”
“If we danced now, we will get many vi3ws”
*dances the main parts*
Meanwhile Eunbi: 👁👄👁
@@mertefeasilkan6004 Eunbi, the company, and the managers can't do anything about the 10 kids and a duck spoiling
@@izonelayer8376 lmao
I couldn’t stop laughing hahaha
Please WIZ*ONES sign this petition for IZ*ONE to become permanent!!
their managers and companies must’ve thought: “it’s just one live before their comeback. how much could they spoil in an hour? they won’t spoil much!” and then izone literally almost spoiled their whole album
Maybe swing doesnt watch their previous lives 😂
Well yeah, I think Chaewon's spoiler is still within the managers calculation. However, what Sakura said to defend Chaewon really provoke the kids. Firstly, Yujin and the guilty Chaewon begining to follow the bad excuse then finally Wonyoung invitation to stand up was responded by Nako Sakura Yujin Yena Minju while Hitomi only considering it but in the end Chaeyeon did dance!!. Thus, Eunbi couldn't do anything and gave up. and the Bonus, Yuri also did it. OMG!!
@@zeusherculesolympic6283 I mean Chaewon's spoiler isn't that bad though. She didn't dance the main part of the song after all. I actually did not realize that dance part was in the song too because whenever that part comes the camera always focus on Yena (ofc because its her part).
@@thitran1362 Yeah, without really watching the show or MV we would have no way to realize that Chaewon's spoiler is THAT part. However, Iz*One members, managers and crews absolutely know this so I can understand where the paranoid came from. However after Sakura said that, Yujin and the rest began to start the chaos. I really respect Eunbi as the leader. it must be very difficult to control these naughty girls.
Thats why i love them
No one:
Not even single soul:
@@joinsanacult7388 yes,i know
Representative of vlive's rule breaker haha
lol xD
IZ*ONE = Queen Of Spoiler = Queens of chaotic
We stan the right group
Queen of spoilers also keen queens of making their managers have a mini heart attack with the spoilers they give😂
253. Tria, Lois Alvi they are just Queens in every aspect and the deserve to be well known in more countries as well as become a PERMANENT GROUP!, IZ*ONE FOREVER, IZ*ONE PERMANENT
Eunbi got traumatised HAHAHAHAHA she literally spoiled the chorus and the highlight. I love these crackheads
can't wait til mama eunbi and vicky jang spoil the whole comeback
@Wolfy- ash Vicky jang = wonyoung
@Wolfy- ash it's cool! ;)
Ghost Wind Why is she called Vicky Jang
chaewon : spoils
everyone else : w h a t
hyeyul : y’all hear sumn???
eunbi : *flashbacks to violeta
[👑] IZ*ONE Spoiler Queens Charts:
1. Chaewon [NEW]
2. Eunbi [-1]
3. Wonyoung [-2]
chaewon is the new spoiler queen now lol
Hyewon also
yup... Chaewon won lol
Hyewon also joined🤣 she spoiled 3-4.... now she entered the chart🤣
sakura: it's going to be released tomorrow tho.
chaewon: if that's the case, let's just show everything.
omo i can't with these babies HAHAHAHAHHA♡
In 2022 and beyond, these two are back at it.
eunbi: andwae andwae
still eunbi: anata to
i'm dying
Eunbi realizing that she's just doing the same thing what she did in Violeta: 👁👄👁
Poor Eunbi is completely traumatized :(
@@Exonorm27 omg yes, but that violeta spoiler is still so funny
Chaeyon : "I won't say whose part it is" but afterward she glance at Yujin and look at Yujin reaction, isn't she giving away all the clue....zzzz...
When I was watching the LieV, I exactly guessed Chaeyeon was talking about Yujin's part😂
sakura: it's going to be released tomorrow anyways
tomorrow: mv delayed
Chaeyeon be like:
wHaT aRe ThEy DoIn' wItH mY eRa?
She owned this era 💅
they managed to spoil:
Secret Story of the Swan
Merry Go Round
And somehow even the japanese version of ssots
The only others songs that they could have possibly spoiled is the Japanese version of Merry Go Round, they spoiled 6/7 of the songs on the album. That is the bruh moment of the century
Rococo : phew, i didn't get spoiled lmao
@@will-du5id rococo's sighing in relief rn xD
6:45 That bright but mischievous look in Yujin's face is so funny. She's like very ready to reveal everything. Hahahaha.
How the girls give spoilers then they realized it was a problem are really entertaining xD
could you pls enlighten me on what's the ground of spoiling comeback songs? Am not that aware of rules hehe
@@mhayjuhudi4430 i read from few comments that revealing unreleased product (ie. songs / event dates) is against rules of vlive.
It's hilarious when they look like they stopped functioning and also their looks of concern
@@meowtter99 and that look of relief when they find out the camera didn't caught it when it did 🤣
I love how they stop and pay attention to what Nako going to say.. " I got a spoiler "..
They really have a soft spot for Nako 😂 like a maknae should 😅😅
Kinda unrelated but I was really impressed with the camera work on that LieV. Like on 3:27 when Yuri said she'll just show the legs choreo so they really just showed the legs lmao. But I am especially relieved about how they protected the girls by not showing the hips and chest area, or by panning out to a wide shot or a different camera angle like a zoomed in hitomi/yuri sleeping when things get dangerous because of how chaotic the kids are. I noticed when yujin/yena had the handheld, the director/producer carefully chose to show the right cuts, and quickly cut right away when things got dangerous again. Dangerous might be such a strong word but it's the first thing I can think of considering how messy they are and they were wearing pajamas.
Also, superb editing on the video! 👌🏼
Stumbled upon this channel again 2 years later and I'm just reliving the precious memories of IZ*ONE. Time has changed but IZ*ONE is forever
Chaewon: * takes a deep breath *
0:30 yujin glow while hugging chaeyeon and the song ' i think i really like you' 😂😂
0:38 nako saying “no no!” uwuu 💞
"Our managers are panicking" 🤣😭😂🤣 IZ*ONE are so chaotic I'm laughing so much watching this!
4:49 minju face when eunbi spoil violeta.. Poor eunbi..she traumatised
6:40 yujin suggestion made their managers lived in fear... Feat. Minju reaction
Ouh and what song is 3:29????
3:29 is merry-go-round
@@-OBMarzadoRomarBenedictV oo thanks
Pangtomi wrote it~!
theyre so chaotic hshshshhs i love it
Lmao gotta love a chaotic grp of girls
I wonder how it's like to be their manager 😂
Eunbi literally having a hard time to stop her kids from giving spoilers on LieV HAHAHSHHSHHD
you know what they say: like mother, like daughter 😂😂
wiz once facts 😂😂
@1:57 she literally just froze
Hyewon really be out here risking her (Vlive) life for us
I swear that yujin's smile when chaeyeon said her part is everything 😭❤️
i swear that liev is just hyeyul flirting and having their own world
Sakura: it's going to be released tomorrow anyways
Chaewon:if that's the case let's just show them everything
Managers: stop it, you all better stop giving spoilers
Hitomi: what??
Did y'all know that Chaewon was trending in twitter because of this lol HAHAHA, during that Vlive
Burn it down!!
What is zozi?
@@Neidaram uhh to make it simple ; zozi = 2021 = IZ*ONE's d15b4ndm3n7 😭😭 but we hope the will extend their contract 😔🤞🏻
Aiijuwon thanks I am also hoping they get their contract renewed they deserve it😊
6:29 even leader kwon can't stops them😂
6:15 ahhhh wtf i laughed so hard hereeeee
Poor confused eunbi WAHAHA
Izone on every comeback: Try not to give spoiler challenge
Plus Eunbi being scared every time her kids give spoilers whereas she is the one who always gives major spoiler 🙂🙂
5:53 is the best thing i have ever witnessed my heart omd
4:31 That was the cutest voice I ever heard from Eunbi 😍
2:53 Eye-
I don't know if I should laugh or cry
I’ve watched this over 50 times and still laugh so hard at the last part when they being chaotic 😂
Eunbi going crazy lol
no one :
ahn yujin : if we show the dance now, we will got many views. i-- 💀💀
3:45 i died at chaeyeon's face 😂
Lol samee
eunbi literally sacrificing her poor self for these 11 girls
5:52 ahahahahaha the cutest ever
aaannndd history repeated itself lol violeta eunbi came back
Ah, Eunbi spoiling Violeta I can't forgot that. she's totally dead that time lol
5:52 have a room hyeyul
6:48 i like how Hyeyul was so calm
*our leader kwon celeb can't even stop them from spoiling😂*
I literally burst out laughing at Chaeyeon's reaction and your edits are just so damn funny HAHHAHAHAHAHA
5:52 THE CUTEST!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️😭
One of the reasons i love iz*one so much is because of how chaotic they are 😂 just like my ult suju hahaha poor leeteuk and eunbii
No one:
Literally no one:
Izone's manager:how to quit this job?
This editing is so golden. I'm literally dying T_T
3:36 I thought you add the loading effect but my connection got disconnected this is so accurate XD
I'm laughing at the whole videoXD
Chaewon's with short pigtails is probably the cutest that ever existed in this universe!
3rd Gen Spoiler Queens - Twice
4th Gen Spoiler Queens - Iz*One
I agree 👍. Twice and Iz*one spoil lot's of their comeback. I think twice will spoil the new comeback too.
The best editor 🤣. Im laughing so hard at this.
what izone managers do before every vlive session ?
managers: let pray
rip izone oct 29, 2018- apr 29, 2021 WE WILL ALL MISS YOUR IZ*ONE SPOLIERS
Well she is THE spoiler queen lmaoo
@@mertefeasilkan6004 exactly HAHAHAHAH
hitomi and minju: obedience lvl. 999
During the Liev Chaewon was super hype and being a super cutie
honestly if the other members didn’t react or make a big deal out of it no one would really know what they’re doing (for the dance moves)
ikr.. i always think like that. i would even miss if it wasn't obviously pointed out by the members
2:52 i like this. lol
i believe the chaewon-yena duo is also spoiling the chaekura movement on 0:55
IZ*ONE's reaction when Chaewon did the spoilers is priceless 😂😂😂
3:44 i laughed at that part so much hahahaha the edit is legendary
"she's trying"
"love the effort"
Eunbi warning everyone not to do what she did in violeta be like: 👁👄👁
I came everyday to this video just because the editing is AMAZING.
Gosh, those additional comments really portrayed our girls expression on point, I can't stop laughing while watching this whole video. Thanks a lot!
Let's just wait for eunbi and victoria spoil the whole albums
how can you not love them!? This video just made me love them more and I didn't think that was even possible
0:37 soo cuteee i canttt
IZ*ONE 4EVER I miss them so much 😢 so thankful for your channel I can relive everything ❤️❤️
cant wait for the iz*one permanent spoilers
Srsly. That's all what I wAnT RiGHt NOw!!!
We need this
Sadly we didn't get any 😭. Curse you Starshit, Yuefck and wannabe famous 5 employee 8(shit)D
i cant get over how funny this video, especially chaewon part and yujin face lol
Ughhh I miss Oneiric Diary era. Everyday was chaos and there was so much content coming out. I miss the days where I force myself not to sleep in the afternoon so I won't miss anything 😔
2:49- can we appreciate how squishy and soft yuri’s cheeks are?
Ok but Chaewon in pigtails is everything 🥺🥺🥺 and when Yena played with it when Chaewon spoiled a part of SSOTS, i cant ;-;
Eunbi looks so lost i cant even 😂😂
No one:
Absoulutly no one:
Not even a single soul:
0:57 비밀 비밀 비밀~ spoiling
seems like spoiling songs is a trauma for eunbi now 🤣🤣🤣
Ahahha lol, her face tho :'v
@@pearlyshine156 👁👄👁
your editing is GOLD LOL i laughed so hard!
Eunbi and Minju's confused "wah" when Eunbi spoiled violeta..... Sksjsjshsisja
For boys we have The Boyz and AB6IX, for girls we have Twice and Izone lmao
iz*one is officially now the queen of spoiling their songs
Here eunbi is literally so worried when chaewon spoiled something while that other leader that shall not be named bullied her member for 10 years :(
Oh my God they are literally the Queens of spoilers 😂😂😂😂😂
Bruh this is literally the funniest video I've seen
New subscriber here!
"i can't handle it😭😭 I gave up.. Up to you baby~"