There are so many games like that, it's weirdly disturbing, and I imagine the 3D era of video games further highlights the disparities, at least, it seems that way...I get not every game dev has the certain budget or time, may want it to be simple...but you'd think licensed games, especially based on major live action competitions in the real world, would shell out more.
I love how it literally doesn't matter what you do in the character creator, the only option that exists is "Trendy downtown millennial parent that named their only child Ashtian"
Penny during the Peggle/Bubsy stream: Not really angry but acting like it as a bit Penny here: Appears to actually be on the verge of tracking down the creators of these games and murdering them for their transgressions
WHATS FUNNY ABT FAMILY FEUD IS LIKE.....the hosts are asking like 100 is a large sample size when really isn't gonna be representative of the population. Its flawed polling tbh!
I wanna know how they distribute the polls as well - do they just have 100 people in the basement and they ask them every time?? Are they asking people on the street?? Which street?? Data is only as good as its collection methods, Family Feud. Get it together.
@@sailorplanetmars6103 LOLL SAME!!!! that would be really interesting to know tbh. c'mON FAMILY FEUD GET YOU HEAD IN THE GAME! (proper statistical analysis)
I always love how these modern game show video games always feel the need to include character creation, but they never look *anything* like the actual middle-aged family people you see on said game shows irl. (See the Ubisoft Wheel of Fortune game where everybody looks like a member of fucking Team 10)
in the family feud part on the 'something expensive people have two of' question i kept saying shoes and when that guy answered shoes i said "ya should've listened to me penny, even though you can't hear me" and i missed what happened while i said that and penny paused it and said "i'm sorry what?" and it scared me askfjsaldfkja;klj
I'm so glad chat is on for this one, because I just cry-laughed over someone answering "Name an occasion where you might shed tears of joy" with "titantic movie"
penny yelling "donuts and bagels are the same thing" and then immediately having to defend herself within that same breath is akin to a digital public stoning
I did an online survey a while back and I'm almost 100% certain that it was to generate the answers for this Family Feud game and I just want to say I'm so sorry lmao. Some of my answers were SO BAD but the survey was incredibly long and I was absolutely losing the plot toward the end. Anyway all this to say you can at least partially blame me for some of the tragic answers in that game. 💖
i have to assume the reason family feud answers are so bad is because the surveys are taken primarily by people who just don't give a shit and/or are being inconvenienced by the survey. it seems stupid for someone to answer the couch potato question with "couch" until you picture the person being asked while skimming through a 100-question survey for a dollar
49:48 I've seen this question on an actual episode of Family Feud years ago. It stuck with me because one person answered "cheetah" and I lost my fucking mind.
2:42:33 What kind of fool do you take me for? Penny's from Florida, Arin Hanson's from Florida, Cr1tikal's from Florida, chuggaaconroy's from Florida, I'M from Florida!! Are there any other gaming Floridians I should know about?!
I was really expecting Pennys joke with the sour cream and bacon bits (after she started saying more joke than just listing the ingredients) was going to be that the best kind of couch potato is one that’s absolutely BAKED haha nice
i got my wisdom teeth out 2 days ago and today was like "you know what'll make me feel better? watching penny play trivia games!" but omg i'm gonna rip my stitches this is too damn funny and laughing hurts
i've watched the "where's your family" clip so many times now that i couldnt not watch the full thing lmao, i'm excited for the future game show video game streams!!
I have learned two things from this stream. 1. Family Feud is a bad game with bad answers. 2. Penny does not know how voting works and that concerns me.
Had a horrible, terrible, no good night. This video is exactly the good vibes I needed right now. Thank you for being my emotional support youtube channel lmao
It's almost Valentine's day, remember to get yourself something nice, and maybe look at pictures of cute animals. (Capybaras are v good) Best wishes from, A tiny demisexual
Penny I want you to know while I was watching this video the moment you said lightning storm, lightning started outside my house. You are the storm caller.
Also, the reveal that family feud came out not only recently but at the same time the ps5 did was a twist rivaling the greatest stories of our time And they had the nerve to ask about TVs? In the year of the divine dragon Naga's 2020?
Pebbie i hope you know that this is like one of my all time favorite comfort videos. Its been over a year of this video being uploaded and its still my go-to
Sometimes a family can be a girl and her four Smash Bros alternate color schemes
wow i love the hot topic krew
The extended family is just 8 player Smash
@@pinkwyvern is that mitsuru kirijo from the hit ps2 game persona 3 in your profile pic
@@Taikofan04 yes it is, i think shes neat :] plus shes fun to draw
@@novaspacewitch9963 Sweet home Alabama
the fact that this game came out the same day as the ps5 is so insane to me. the game looks like it was released back when the wii was still a thing
you gotta be fucking kidding me
the people who made these models have never seen a human being in their lives, everyone’s arms can reach their knees
There are so many games like that, it's weirdly disturbing, and I imagine the 3D era of video games further highlights the disparities, at least, it seems that way...I get not every game dev has the certain budget or time, may want it to be simple...but you'd think licensed games, especially based on major live action competitions in the real world, would shell out more.
"Can I go for feet?"
--Penny "SnapCube" Parker, 2021
tbh the first thing that came to my mind for "what a sneaky friend might steal from you" was "a kiss"
So basically.....c**k blocking
@@captaineli2461 no like the opposite of that
I love how it literally doesn't matter what you do in the character creator, the only option that exists is "Trendy downtown millennial parent that named their only child Ashtian"
Penny during the Peggle/Bubsy stream: Not really angry but acting like it as a bit
Penny here: Appears to actually be on the verge of tracking down the creators of these games and murdering them for their transgressions
family fued was so charming when you realize chat is filling the role of pennys family in the game
WHATS FUNNY ABT FAMILY FEUD IS LIKE.....the hosts are asking like 100 is a large sample size when really isn't gonna be representative of the population. Its flawed polling tbh!
These guys don't even know basic statistical analysis 😒
I wanna know how they distribute the polls as well - do they just have 100 people in the basement and they ask them every time?? Are they asking people on the street?? Which street?? Data is only as good as its collection methods, Family Feud. Get it together.
@@Vegas242 RIGHT? LMAAOO 🤣
@@sailorplanetmars6103 LOLL SAME!!!! that would be really interesting to know tbh. c'mON FAMILY FEUD GET YOU HEAD IN THE GAME! (proper statistical analysis)
Bet they just ask the staff
I always love how these modern game show video games always feel the need to include character creation, but they never look *anything* like the actual middle-aged family people you see on said game shows irl. (See the Ubisoft Wheel of Fortune game where everybody looks like a member of fucking Team 10)
oh boy i sure do hope that there isn't any mention of smelling feet in family feud
also penny there's no way donuts and bagels are the same thing .that feels like comparing a sandwich to an ice cream sandwich
naked gramma!
@@eailyl Donuts are fried, bagels are boiled. That's it
@@Fuchsia_tude yeah but that one thing literally changes everything about them
@@caramelldansen2204 Naked- HUH?!
a family of cat furries saying they would be insulted if they were compared to a lion is making me lose it
Imagine being Connor and your fellow Wheel contestant whispers "I hope you will one day know suffering".
This really creeps me out, as that is my name…
My family is also a bunch of reskinned versions of myself
Post and pre time skip forms
@@GanguroKonata sometimes a family can be just you and your four timeclones
"WHAT IS WRONG WITH STRAIGHT PEOPLE" is definitely the quote of the stream
28:09 Damn, the straights are at it again
We scuttle under your fridge when you aren't looking too
NOT ONLY is it on the board, it's fucking number one, *43* *people* *said* *spouse*
"What's something expensive someone might have 2 of?"
Penny: *think like cishet white people*
Penny: WIVES
To be fair, having two wives would be great
@@amagicalduck155 can confirm, i have three
What is cishet? Just wondering
@@desulek7835 Cisgender (born in the right body) heterosexual (straight)
@@iKnowaNoah Ah i thought so I've just only ever heard people say cis
in the family feud part on the 'something expensive people have two of' question i kept saying shoes and when that guy answered shoes i said "ya should've listened to me penny, even though you can't hear me" and i missed what happened while i said that and penny paused it and said "i'm sorry what?" and it scared me askfjsaldfkja;klj
_[sees you through time and the computer and judges you like a boss]_
my man got vibe checked by penny
I'm so glad chat is on for this one, because I just cry-laughed over someone answering "Name an occasion where you might shed tears of joy" with "titantic movie"
the number of people in chat who immediately responded with "funeral"
Oh my god I am CRYING at 1:36:18. She deadpans to the camera after Penny answers like she's ready to strangle her to death.
*"You think this is a game??"*
"FAmily feud is fun to play casually"
Proceeds to get angy
of course the team with two furries got the zoo question
all i want to say is that i love your pfp so much
Uh, wasn't penny a furry? Or I'm wrong.
all of them had some sort of cat related clothing lol
@@bluryder4186 his shirt actually has a cat print as well
I’m a furry, and I hate the zoo it’s so boring and I always feel bad for the animals, but maybe that’s just me
>not wanting to be compared to a bear
a large amount of the gay community would disagree
That feet saga was one of the most intense anime arcs ever
0:00:00 Intro
0:00:37 The Fued
1:10:41 Wheel of fortune
2:09:59 Jeopardy
2:29:25 Rancid millionaire
2:48:38 The Fued returns
u dropped this 👑
Gotta love it when Penny is already losing it less than 5 minutes in
you gotta have multiple fur coats! one for each husband murdering!
penny yelling "donuts and bagels are the same thing" and then immediately having to defend herself within that same breath is akin to a digital public stoning
"ive been thinking about prey and only prey" catholic school fight or flight Activated
36:00 underrated moment of malice
I did an online survey a while back and I'm almost 100% certain that it was to generate the answers for this Family Feud game and I just want to say I'm so sorry lmao. Some of my answers were SO BAD but the survey was incredibly long and I was absolutely losing the plot toward the end. Anyway all this to say you can at least partially blame me for some of the tragic answers in that game. 💖
i have to assume the reason family feud answers are so bad is because the surveys are taken primarily by people who just don't give a shit and/or are being inconvenienced by the survey. it seems stupid for someone to answer the couch potato question with "couch" until you picture the person being asked while skimming through a 100-question survey for a dollar
49:48 I've seen this question on an actual episode of Family Feud years ago. It stuck with me because one person answered "cheetah" and I lost my fucking mind.
2:42:33 What kind of fool do you take me for? Penny's from Florida, Arin Hanson's from Florida, Cr1tikal's from Florida, chuggaaconroy's from Florida, I'M from Florida!! Are there any other gaming Floridians I should know about?!
@@arosenthal3318 I'm outta here.
"Name an animal that you would not like to be compared to."
Imma make the first yo mama joke ever.
“This ones for ALL the moneys !!” *lands on the one million option immediately*
why is there a lowpoly furry in this game
Collies are very smart and love to crawl and eat your chairs. Hope this helps!
Source: Have one
I just wanted to compliment ur pfp and see if ur channel had ur art and I am blessed with dog
that's a border collie though? a collie is what lassie is
To paraphrase Lucky McCoy, I hope Long John Silver created this stream
I wasn't there for the whole stream, but that moment was some of the most angry confusion I've ever seen in a twitch chat
game shows make such good stream material, i love it when my favorite streamers play them
If Amelia wins one million dollars, is she Amelia-onaire?
I was really expecting Pennys joke with the sour cream and bacon bits (after she started saying more joke than just listing the ingredients) was going to be that the best kind of couch potato is one that’s absolutely BAKED haha nice
i got my wisdom teeth out 2 days ago and today was like "you know what'll make me feel better? watching penny play trivia games!" but omg i'm gonna rip my stitches this is too damn funny and laughing hurts
The sound for moving in the Jeopardy menu, I can't, it sounds like someone's farting in my ear while I'm encased in jello
19:40 I watched this live, and I'm still mad at this being correct. Who the fuck DISLIKES being compared to a lion?
Chat: think like cishet white people
Penny: *t w o w i v e s*
"Looks like you'll be paying for dinner tonight." Um what?
i've watched the "where's your family" clip so many times now that i couldnt not watch the full thing lmao, i'm excited for the future game show video game streams!!
Penny knocks out Lucky McCoy on national television
12 minutes in and Penny becomes a "sovereign citizen."
I'm not driving! I'm travelling! I don't have to stop for a red light!
I have learned two things from this stream.
1. Family Feud is a bad game with bad answers.
2. Penny does not know how voting works and that concerns me.
I thought the Fast Money logo at 30:00 said Feet Money RIP my sense of humor
edit: someone in chat said that seconds after I commented it lmaooo
Had a horrible, terrible, no good night. This video is exactly the good vibes I needed right now. Thank you for being my emotional support youtube channel lmao
28:19 I litterly said "steal ya girl" as a joke!
"What's something people might have two of"
"Think like cishet white people!"
fun fact, I was born in Memphis and most of my dad's side of the family lives there
“Name something you always get on Valentines Day”
As an ace, it’s nothing
Buy yourself something nice, you deserve it
@@asterlyons8564 10/10 wholesome comment
It's almost Valentine's day, remember to get yourself something nice, and maybe look at pictures of cute animals. (Capybaras are v good)
Best wishes from,
A tiny demisexual
14:42 this has been my reaction the few times I've watched family feud
To be fair, this game is more egregious than the show, the show at least made a little sense
“Now I’m daddy’s favorite!” *Cuts to ad break*
Penny being a jerma fan gives me life
lucky has a permanent half-smile but its like a real person imitating a cartoon character instead of actually like a cartoon character
Wakanda forever!
The NPCs in Wheel of Fortune feel like they were specifically designed to be as punchable as possible. Those smug, smug leeches.
28:23 Really, no one knows what's wrong with straight people. One of societies greatest mysteries
the long john silver joke is because he was missing a leg so he would only wear one shoe at a time
2:29:25 This sounds like the climax of a 90’s creature feature action flic
Penny I want you to know while I was watching this video the moment you said lightning storm, lightning started outside my house. You are the storm caller.
1:17:57 Oh heck it actually was for all the monies
28:19 the question I ask myself every week
46:19 It's simple. Shoes triggered the Long John Silver comment because Long John was famous for only having one leg.
As a college student, I can confirm that saltines and peanut butter mix surprisingly well. Without milk though it feels like eating peanut sand.
I feel like Ubisoft couldn't get real people to answer the surveys because of the [sneezy sadness], and so they had to put them through an algorithm.
The Cooper family has issues
Patricia is simply too powerful, she cannot be stopped
Also, the reveal that family feud came out not only recently but at the same time the ps5 did was a twist rivaling the greatest stories of our time
And they had the nerve to ask about TVs? In the year of the divine dragon Naga's 2020?
How dare they-
Don't you hate it when your sneaky friend steals your Identity and then your spouse?
I'm two questions into Family Feud right now and I'm angry too. You run into very few red lights when you're traveling.
I do love that "Money" WAS a high scoring answer, even if it wasn't the #1
Pebbie i hope you know that this is like one of my all time favorite comfort videos. Its been over a year of this video being uploaded and its still my go-to
6:50 The top line looks like the pokémon character customization screen when you start the game.
This is honestly just like watching games shows but better because I actually like the contestants
God just the visceral “I hate you.” 😂
I ended up falling asleep to a sleep playlist with this video in it and got awakened by penny parker herself yelling while arguing about bagels
bagels and donuts are NOT the same
this is the most American stream
my top guess was pen so uh. 28:17 felt like taking a bullet ARE U ALL OKAY?????
When the stealing question came up my first thought was jokingly "seal ya wife"
How the fuck was that the top answer
Penny, donuts are sweet and bagels are savoury. Donuts are made of pastry and bagels are made of bread. I will not back down form this.
Pastry????????????? Do you think Cronuts are the same thing as Donuts?
good im so happy to be watching your stuff again, its been years since, but it's still good as ever. keep being you penny 💖
1:33:06 What the hell, Penny! Definitely worth its own clip XD
the gun clip had me snort-laughing for like an hour these games are amazing
39:02 - The Remote Control Incident
I'm gonna be honest
I cant take it serious with the dead silence and the no blinking faces on the billionaire one
1:27:06 me watching star trek
For a game they released in 2020 it sure does look like a 2005 PS2 render
It’s Ubishit.
They’re a shit company now.
1:33:19 penny says something and people got mad in response
What is it with video games offering polygonal animal masks as cosmetic options
They need to appeal to the furries while remaining marketable to the anti-furries
Listen if I got on family feud and someone was like ‘you can be a discount furry on our show’ I’d be on that shit ASAP
I would wear it on a game show
Why are all the 3D models and animations so gross lol?
This is super fun to watch though. Great content, Penny
It's a BORDER COLLIE not a collie I crazy? I'm sure it's just a dialect thing but am I alone here? I'm so mad and confused !!??
nah you're not crazy, border collie is a type of collie but not the only one.
@@RPG5rule thanks but yeah I've only heard about the one type