The people doing the subtitles really fail to capture any nuance whatsoever in what people here are saying. It may be worth noting for example that Magnus is speaking with a ridiculous accent throughout the clip
It's not an american accent, they're imitating the dialect of "Kjell Elvis", the judge. He's from a southern part of Norway where they talk like that :)
Offa.... vart mest flau når han Vegard kom inn, e..... Elvis hadde jo iche DEN hengemagen da... Ellers så va ingen av dem bra. Kansje Bård, fordi han hadde tilnærma lik stemme som Kjell Henning Bjørnestad =P va vel D så va poenge?
Norway, thank you for Ylvis !!
LOL Vegard "Elvisåker": I love your Elvis tummy.
Vegard impressed me the most
må jo digge Ylvis,..klare ikke å stoppe å se på dem! feed me some awesomeness.. they bring it :3
when you say Norway in India there are two reactions
1 who what?
2 ylvis the fox
they are amazing and so talented and we love em
What if you say Magnus?
Bravo, all. Four winners for the fabulous vocals, but only Kjell Elvis has the moves!
Ylvis Presley
Haha, good one
Hah Hah Hahaha ha😂😁. Oh my god I almost pissed my pants..😱 How did you come up with that😱😱
Bard's voice is amazing, he sounded just like Elvis 😅
Magnus hørtes ut som en tysker som har bodd på vestlandet i 5 år
Nesten sånn jeg snakker. Listadialekt haha
Magnus låter som alla danskar som bor i Malmö :P
Oh my god those costumes are outrageous lmao
there are so many Elvis in a stage
I thought Bård sounded the most like Elvis, but Vegard's overall performance was better, more creative!
Yeah although he could use a proper Elvis whig
Bard and Vegard were the best :)
Bard and Vegard's reactions when the winner was announced lmao
Love your drawings!
@@Killer99215 sorry, what?
amazing !!!
Jeg lever på lista og har sett han i kirka. Og han så på mobilen😂😂😂
Calle Hellevang-Larsen just made me laugh so loud!
The were all so well!!
Kjell Elvis jeg savner deg så felt som jeg skulle ønske at du var i Lødingen 😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭
this guys are awesome!
Did that first impersonator have surgery to look like Elvis? Wow. I still don't know how I found this channel but thanks😁
Yes, he actually had.
Muito bom.
Bard was the best in vocals and movements
4:50 Er det Paul Simon (Simon & Garfunkel) som skal imitere Elvis? Den frisyren er altså spot on!
er det ingen norske som faktisk ser på dette?
+TurkeyBurd Offical Joda :)
jo det er det
Jooo hver eneste uke :)
+TurkeyBurd Offical varför norska? Ylvis är trevlig underhållning för en gammal svenska gubbe som mig.
+TurkeyBurd Offical Hmm, hvor er du fra? Vi er (antageligvis) i det minste 2!
Bård hadde best imitasjon i stemme, men Vegard hadde best utseende og holdning
Vegard ylvis åker is the best my name is aron im norwegian norsk
What about if Elvis film had Austin butler as young Elvis and kjell Elvis could be older Elvis in it do you think that is good idea
Bandet var helt rått, vanvittig brae overganger fra de forskjellige sangene.
Calle looks like Christopher Walken here
He always reminded me to Benicio Del Toro.
Omg ur right
Bard was the best (in vocal)! ((
except for those soft J's in jailhouse
0:34 Æ detta alvdøl?
Når ble dette sendt på TV?
+TheEnde124 Onsdag Januari 13 på kanal nio
Vegard was robbed 😭
Jeg synes vegard var best med humor men jeg synes bård var best
Hei kjell Elvis
What Does The Fox Say?
hahaha!!! 😂😂😂
I can’t tell if this is satire or serious but this is hilarious either way
Joel Smith it's always satire!
The people doing the subtitles really fail to capture any nuance whatsoever in what people here are saying. It may be worth noting for example that Magnus is speaking with a ridiculous accent throughout the clip
Numayam Then do it yourself hon~
Bård was the best!
Hva er den naturlige dialekten til Magnus Søgne eller Oslosk?
Jenny Garen Oslo-dialekt.
Er ikke Søgne-dialekt!!
Kriiiiise sørlandsdialekt fra Magnus
Bård looks a bit like Channing Tatum in this video.
Jarle was the best. He sounded better than Elvis to me. He has got a very good voice
Is he trying to imitate the danish accent or some norwegian dialect?
element4element4 it's a norwegian dialect.
faen ta, æ takle itj d her
Lol vegard
Vegard er uten samenligning best, men Jarle var vel hot på denne tida og det var nok scriptet at han skulle vinne.
none of Ylvis is Kjell Elvis 😂😂😂😂
They sound danish, when they are making an american accent. Pretty interesting indeed.
It's not an american accent, they're imitating the dialect of "Kjell Elvis", the judge. He's from a southern part of Norway where they talk like that :)
Oh, I thought they were trying to speak danish. This is how it sounds when norwegians speak danish, to my ears atleast.
Fengene små "sprengene".
lol Hvorfor snakker han dansk
+brannlyn Det er lista-dialekt AKA Norsk xD
+Ole Magne «Bernty-Boy» Hansen Jeg er fra lista, bare de gamle snakker sånn nå egt
Bård ligner på Elvis med blå dress. Calle ligner på Elvis med rød drakt. Vegard ligner på Elvis med hvit drakt og har takten.
Offa.... vart mest flau når han Vegard kom inn, e..... Elvis hadde jo iche DEN hengemagen da... Ellers så va ingen av dem bra. Kansje Bård, fordi han hadde tilnærma lik stemme som Kjell Henning Bjørnestad =P va vel D så va poenge?
HAHA, vilken konstig kropp. Men det är väl så ni från Danmark ser ut :)
😂 They are norwegian 🇧🇻
Ylvis Presley