Tusiab thiab pab hlub tus vauv thiab nws tsevneeg kawg, tabsi txaus siab kawg uas tus vauv muaj peevxwm kawg es tseem los coj tau nkauv mus hais plaub thiab ua qhev pem ntuj/dab teb kawg nkaus. Tseg kiag nej cov niag niam tais ntshaw peb Hmong Meka nyiaj es tsua yog nrhiav hauv kev muag nej cov ntxhais lossi nej cov ntxhais es tsua yog npam muag nej hub pamlem tsam ces tseem hajyam yuav pom coob tshaj! Seb tuvauv puas los npaus suav rau nws tsev neeg tias nws muab nkauv take care tau li cas no faj tuaj qhia peb paub, pab tuvaus zoo siab kawg kom cov neeg siab thiaj li paub txog!
Puas mj tseeb tiag ma... yog mj tiag no ntshe kv yuav ua li tus vauv no seb sawm neej no kv ua g tau 6 lawv tuag ua dab mam los muab cov tsim txom kv saum neej no cab mus thb seb kv los khib siab thb mob siab kawg li 😬😠😲😷🖒🖒🖒❤💘
Tuag lawm ces zoo los mas! Kuv mas ntxub cov niag niam tais cob ntxhais tshaj plawg li os! Nyob tebchaws mekas no tsis zoo li nej cov niag Hmoob nplog ruam taub haus loj loj ko xav os!
Sadly her mom doesn't know the old guys in the USA use their disability money to come over there. LOL As i always said living over here doesn't mean we're rich. There's the poor, and the rich. We're all in the poor class.
Ua zoo tau koob hmoo, ua phem ces kawg tuag. Cov niam tais yuav tsis txhob ua phem rau tej vauv thiab. Phem li tus niam tais thiab tus ntxhais no mas ntxim tuag xwb tsis ntxim ua neeg nyob lawm.
Nyuam qhauv ntxim cov niam tais cob ntxhais kom mus yuav hmoob meskas kom tau mus mekas thiab khaiv kom dim laug, txhob npaus suav hais tias yuav mus raw li siab xav. Tsis muaj ib zaug niam tais cob ntxhais lub neej yuav zoo tab tom ua kom tus ntxhais raw kev txom nyem tshaj li tus dev xwb. Brother koos loos u are right, now these days that parents in law that try to let their daughter marry a hmong Americans are for immigrant and ran away it not easy as they thought. This mother in law try to ruin their daughter marriage for flirt hmong American but we hmong always say we don't see our path ahead what gonna happen to them.
Tham tau txau ntshai kawg li mloog thaum ib tag hmo li no m txau ntshai tiag rau2 siab tham peb thiaj tau mloog koj tham zoo heev li
Tusiab thiab pab hlub tus vauv thiab nws tsevneeg kawg, tabsi txaus siab kawg uas tus vauv muaj peevxwm kawg es tseem los coj tau nkauv mus hais plaub thiab ua qhev pem ntuj/dab teb kawg nkaus. Tseg kiag nej cov niag niam tais ntshaw peb Hmong Meka nyiaj es tsua yog nrhiav hauv kev muag nej cov ntxhais lossi nej cov ntxhais es tsua yog npam muag nej hub pamlem tsam ces tseem hajyam yuav pom coob tshaj! Seb tuvauv puas los npaus suav rau nws tsev neeg tias nws muab nkauv take care tau li cas no faj tuaj qhia peb paub, pab tuvaus zoo siab kawg kom cov neeg siab thiaj li paub txog!
ca kj g piav dab neeg sib hlub lawm koos loos
Nyiam mloog koj hai dab neeg dab heev li os hai kom ntau2 rau peb mloog nawb tij koo loo😊
Xav mloog dab neej dab kawg tab tst tau luag li os koos loos aw
txaug ntshai kawg yov koos loos aw
Yog kawg tij koo loo
Txuas ntshai heev li os thb hais tau zoo mloog hv li os tij laug kuv nyiam noog kj cov dab neeg dab hv li os tij laug
Zoo mloog heev li o
Zaj no txaus ntshai kawh li koos loos awj
Hahahaha suj sum os npam tsis npam os txoj kev lim hiam na
Cas koj tsis tham dab neeg kom tau OS zoo tau Los kom koj zaj dab OS zoo heev OS
Kuv mloog kuv kuj ntshai kawg thiab peb mam ua koj luag txhob ntshai os
Zoo mloog heev li og....😮
koos loos ca kv mloog kv g ntshai as kj piav cov kom tsaug ntshai duav no ma
Kv sau ib tsoj dab neeg tuaj kj piav og puag tạuqna
hais kom txaus ntsai zog tij
Zaj no los zoo kawg os tij koos loos
Puas mj tseeb tiag ma... yog mj tiag no ntshe kv yuav ua li tus vauv no seb sawm neej no kv ua g tau 6 lawv tuag ua dab mam los muab cov tsim txom kv saum neej no cab mus thb seb kv los khib siab thb mob siab kawg li 😬😠😲😷🖒🖒🖒❤💘
Cas zaj no Tsis txaus ntshai li nas. Ob ntu no cas Tsis muaj dab neeg txaus ntshai li lawm os.
@@นลินนิภาแซ่ว่าง "l
Koj puag tau pw os tiv laus koosloos
5555+ very very funny li os Tijlaugkoosloos
Koosloo ur sound effects are super scary!!!
Hhhahah pua yg os
Txaus ntshai ua luaj li os
Tej zaum tus ntxhais niam pog txiv yawg foom2 nkawv ob niam ntxhais es nkawv thiaj npam lawv tus vauv qab lawm 😁
Kooloos aws zoo li no luag thiaj hais tias ua neeg nyob txhob siab phem2 nawb kev npam muaj tiag2 li nawb ib tsoom phooj ywg. Ua neeg nyob txhob phem2 nawb.
Tham tau txau ntshai kawg
Zaum no kv yog tus ua ntej tau npaum no xyoo nim qhuav ua ntej zaum no yog thawj zaug 5555
Kl aw.... G tau luag tig cev li os mloog zaj no na
Zoo mloog ķawg tab ma txaus ntshais heev
Dab neeg Dab ma zoo hv😮
Cas koj yuav hais tau tej lub suab txaus ntshai ua luaj naj
zoo kawg tabtom zoo zoo mloog
Txaug tshaij kawm lj ua rau kuv pob kav qawg sawv tseeg
Zoo mloog ua kev kawm kawg.
Kuv tuv mloog funny xwb o koosloos
Ntuj nyob qis qis li ces npam xwb vim dag nyiaj dollars noj thiab nrauj vauv tibsi ces yog npam xwb
Zoo kkkkk
คนแรกที่ดูครับ FC
Zaj no tsis ua so kiag nawb txaus ntshais ta2....
Zaj no puas yog nplob xwb.
Xyov cas hmoob nplog yuav mu ua luaj li rau hmoob meka thiab...npaum nkau li tuaj txog teb chaw meka no es nyob noj xwb
Tos g tau koj piav cov dab neeg dab li os kooloo aws rau siab piav dab neeg dab xwb os
zoo mloog kawg
🤫🤫🤫I LOVE you🤫🤫🤫
Txhob tso cov suab no rau os tij koos loos as
Hehe tsis ua cas li
niam tais hmoob nplog xav2 tau vauv hmoob meskas thaum kawg niam tais hmoob nplog tau vauv dab kiag ntag, niam thiab ntxhais txaus siab hlo mus pem ntuj lawm.
Kv nug ma kv g tau luag li os tij koos loos
😰😱😱😱😱😱🥺😱😱😱😱😱sợ sợ 🥶🥵🥵🥵🥵
Niam tais ces hle ris hlo
Tuag lawm ces zoo los mas! Kuv mas ntxub cov niag niam tais cob ntxhais tshaj plawg li os! Nyob tebchaws mekas no tsis zoo li nej cov niag Hmoob nplog ruam taub haus loj loj ko xav os!
Hmong stories
Yog liko ces mus lawb dab loma, hmoob txojkev pamtuag ma txiasiab dhau hwv lawm os.
CAs koj tham txaus ntshai ua luâj
The time of the other side of the
UK officials
Txau ntshai heev 😨😨😨😨
Sadly her mom doesn't know the old guys in the USA use their disability money to come over there. LOL As i always said living over here doesn't mean we're rich. There's the poor, and the rich. We're all in the poor class.
Sadly, the honeymoon was so short. The fairy tale turned into a nightmare and a horrible revenge. Justice was done.
@@tshavfengvang7831 k
Ua zoo tau koob hmoo, ua phem ces kawg tuag. Cov niam tais yuav tsis txhob ua phem rau tej vauv thiab. Phem li tus niam tais thiab tus ntxhais no mas ntxim tuag xwb tsis ntxim ua neeg nyob lawm.
Cov niag niam tais ຂູດຮີດ ntxim ntxub tiag tiag
Koos loos piab li cas koj ho piab dab neej
รารา สมควรไปแล้ว😅😅 38:21
Koj ma ok with
Nej cov pim tuag tshaib sab nplog nas yuav taum tuag kom coob me ntsis mas cas tav no nyuam qhuav hnov ob niam tub ko xwb ne
Nyuam qhauv ntxim cov niam tais cob ntxhais kom mus yuav hmoob meskas kom tau mus mekas thiab khaiv kom dim laug, txhob npaus suav hais tias yuav mus raw li siab xav. Tsis muaj ib zaug niam tais cob ntxhais lub neej yuav zoo tab tom ua kom tus ntxhais raw kev txom nyem tshaj li tus dev xwb.
Brother koos loos u are right, now these days that parents in law that try to let their daughter marry a hmong Americans are for immigrant and ran away it not easy as they thought. This mother in law try to ruin their daughter marriage for flirt hmong American but we hmong always say we don't see our path ahead what gonna happen to them.
Cov niam tais hmoob nplog uas cob3 ntxhais li tus no mas coob tus vauv tseem yuav los tos mus ua qhev tom ntej no nawj.
Koos loos pau piab kuv li zav dab neej rua kuv e
很喜欢听koolsool 的鬼故事。😂原谅我不怎么懂苗文字。🤣🤣🤣
@@小姐姐-t5t 🤣🤣看来我是个假苗族人
@@熊熊金华 嗯