I spent ages looking for fixes, taking the door off, fiddling around with it and even taking the door apart. This worked for me. I may of over done it a bit and pushed the bottom out a little too much but at least I'm not gonna have to buy new knobs when I melt the buggers. Good advice, well done.
Does this trick work for side-open wall ovens? I have a similar Fridgidaire model that opens to the side instead of down, and it's become difficult to open the door. I believe the hinges are the issue, so I'm wondering whether you've tried this on a side-open model. Cheers.
This worked perfectly on my Fisher and Paykel oven......saved me hundreds...thanks for posting this.
I spent ages looking for fixes, taking the door off, fiddling around with it and even taking the door apart. This worked for me. I may of over done it a bit and pushed the bottom out a little too much but at least I'm not gonna have to buy new knobs when I melt the buggers. Good advice, well done.
What a brilliant suggestion. Tried it first ti e on my Westinghouse oven door and hey presto it closed solid. Thank you so much
Does this trick work for side-open wall ovens? I have a similar Fridgidaire model that opens to the side instead of down, and it's become difficult to open the door. I believe the hinges are the issue, so I'm wondering whether you've tried this on a side-open model. Cheers.
It worked! thank you
Key word: re-bend 👍