Haya an Jesus knows Every Thing God un ungry Maney unsuer for Everything when Necked my wiom my Mother Bsouth Notthin wha'h Pas' away Too my fraind who arel Juge God is savior Not I'have Notthing at all. my Question why Camera Stopp I'don' Belive You, Belive my Criest in Jesus He give me lile No't People Anong Magagawa Nang Tao
Precious Lord take my hand, I'm tired, I'mweak, I'mOld,, how Great thou art, please heal my sickness totally Lord. Amen❤
Sou Be God knows I'm Not Perfect fear Tow lord Jesus is The way Amen.
God knows I'dont Have sa Dios ako Aasa kanila mo sabin Not me ganyan may mayamam may Mahirap.
Haya an Jesus knows Every Thing God un ungry Maney unsuer for Everything when Necked my wiom my Mother Bsouth Notthin wha'h Pas' away Too my fraind who arel Juge God is savior Not I'have Notthing at all. my Question why Camera Stopp I'don' Belive You, Belive my Criest in Jesus He give me lile No't People Anong Magagawa Nang Tao