@@hkcanit-it9197 but then there's RRSP to lower your payable income tax ... if employer already deducted income tax, one could most likely get a refund if one take advantage of the RRSP limit every year. but of course the amount depends on the RRSP contribution and if there're any medical expense which is over 3% of the family income etc.
If the employer asked “do you have Canadian working experience”。You can reply to her or him that, “if you do not give me a chance, how do I get Canadian working experience!”
I suggest people prepared a good profile in Linkedin account (not just resume ). please share your contribution to the employer in the past and asked your ex coworker or boss to give you a good comment about your profile in Linkedin. So far, Linkedin is very good marketing channel. By the way, in Canada, you just think you think your resume and cover letter as a product, you need to convince your perspective employer to why they need to interview you and then hire you.
Medical benefit and Vacation paid are also important . 4% of pay is 2 week and 6% of pay is 4 week. It is important to see whether or not the employer (company) have potential to grow.
Wiky Cheng Langley 1/2 hour ride to Burnaby, new apartment around C$450,000 2 bedroom 2 bathroom. New immigrants 35% down or 5% down and rest depends on your salary.
第4點關於因為交税,升職反而人工減少,依個理解有錯。 收入税係分階段,如果因為加人工而收入超過左上一階段(tax bracket) ,只會係超過上一階段既部分會以更高税率徵税,而係上一階範圍内既收入依然係按照低d個税率徵税。
Kie H 其實在IT界,當升管理層好多公司都唔再俾OT錢,只在年尾出多少少花紅,但如果公司業績唔好,沒花紅,所以收入會比以前有明顯下降。
我是美國的,不過google 了加拿大都有AMT, 所以應該差不多。
AMT 叫 alternative minimum tax, 它是用另一個税法稅率來計算你的稅,搵得越多越容易中這個AMT。
@@hkcanit-it9197 but then there's RRSP to lower your payable income tax ... if employer already deducted income tax, one could most likely get a refund if one take advantage of the RRSP limit every year. but of course the amount depends on the RRSP contribution and if there're any medical expense which is over 3% of the family income etc.
Hello Wingo 好耐無見您了,估唔到再見返您係喺youtube,您們的住加男人、女人,住加財經都做得好好,輕鬆得嚟資訊內容豐富實用,努力努力,加油加油😊
If the employer asked “do you have Canadian working experience”。You can reply to her or him that, “if you do not give me a chance, how do I get Canadian working experience!”
正,一開始個段係火車軌上行我總係覺得會有車撞過黎咁… 🤷🏻♂️
u sing well bro
無一樣準。第一份工絕不能有要求。拿了經驗再說。主流公司要三,四個 tests/interviews 好平常。須然加拿大好像很公平,但networking 及reference 好重要。
Trevor Wong 多謝你睇晒條片,不過真心覺得做人做事「絕不能有要求」,以後就更難有要求。btw, 我第一份工都in 咗三次先成事
I suggest people prepared a good profile in Linkedin account (not just resume ). please share your contribution to the employer in the past and asked your ex coworker or boss to give you a good comment about your profile in Linkedin. So far, Linkedin is very good marketing channel. By the way, in Canada, you just think you think your resume and cover letter as a product, you need to convince your perspective employer to why they need to interview you and then hire you.
我係低級小薯... 月尾放兩個星期假去NZ探親嚕~ (不過人工真係好低,返嚟要諗諗佢)
Ryan Cheung 睇你做邊行,大部分都係網上,sales,酒樓,通常店面攞表格。不過那一行都係有人介紹最易成功
Andrew Kwok 問題係要先到當地
我認為加拿大讀書非常好,學校教育理想,也沒有香港那麼大壓力,我以前也是在加拿大讀書的,現在在香港打工,但是我是做part time, 我不用上班的日子在家裡真的很悶,又很煩躁,因為我家樓上常常裝修,而且還是裝修很多年還沒有完成,裝修工程的噪音常常困擾我家人,尤其是禮拜一至禮拜五,從早到晚都常常聽到施工噪音,令我覺得加拿大的寧靜,在加拿大房屋真是非常好 天花板很高,住起來很舒服,又可以call 朋友們在家裡開party, 真是好懷念以前的日子 ,現在香港常常示威,差不多天天都有示威,很多地鐵站都封閉了,很多店舖在周末都不做生意,令市面非常冷清,就算是想去吃晚飯,但是部分餐廳提早打烊,好像大家樂,他們未到晚上8點就收檔了,真的,沒有騙人!
係咪僱主都要求出示ECA 證明你嘅學歷等同加拿大學歷嗎?
Medical benefit and Vacation paid are also important . 4% of pay is 2 week and 6% of pay is 4 week. It is important to see whether or not the employer (company) have potential to grow.
試下講d 平首期既細樓?
within 40 minutes drive, 800 sq ft, around half million, in Vancouver.
Wiky Cheng Langley 1/2 hour ride to Burnaby, new apartment around C$450,000 2 bedroom 2 bathroom. New immigrants 35% down or 5% down and rest depends on your salary.
hi, 可否講下小朋友係加拿大(小學)讀書情況,得著同分別,因本人有兩個小朋友分別升小三同小一,想知個邊實際情況,大人就犧牲一定會好大(錢同生活質素),所以最想知小朋友讀書方面,都係為呢樣的,唔該哂
@@kareshi2k 欺凌情況,呢樣都好擔心,請問知唔知道學校多數處理方法係點,唔該哂
@@levis8637 咁又唔使太擔心嘅,教小朋友保護自己,多啲同孩子溝通等佢話你知。 嚴重嘅你可以自己出面,輕微嘅嘗試俾佢自己解決。
@@kareshi2k 明白,謝謝你
in Vancouver, child study in school like in Disneyland, for sure, no kidding.
come to study first, and you will know the way.
D 加國人由其事D黑,白色人真中意講笑🤣