This came sooner than I intended. I was unable to fix everything for the ultimate Nuzlocke so I figured it'd be best to move on since it wasn't working anymore. But this mod is what I dreamed the ultimate Nuzlocke would be when I began it around 2 years ago. After I play through all of this mod I will Nuzlocke it as well. I hope y'all are as hyped as I am for this mod!!
I don’t know if you know me or anything, but i’m gonna be making my own ABE mod which will include 24 new caves New classes, improved enemies and more. So feel free to look forward for some updates in the future. Great video video by the way, mate, hope to see more of it soon.
This came sooner than I intended. I was unable to fix everything for the ultimate Nuzlocke so I figured it'd be best to move on since it wasn't working anymore. But this mod is what I dreamed the ultimate Nuzlocke would be when I began it around 2 years ago. After I play through all of this mod I will Nuzlocke it as well. I hope y'all are as hyped as I am for this mod!!
I don’t know if you know me or anything, but i’m gonna be making my own ABE mod which will include 24 new caves New classes, improved enemies and more. So feel free to look forward for some updates in the future. Great video video by the way, mate, hope to see more of it soon.
24?! Holy crap that sounds amazing, not to mention the classes and enemies. But I bid you good luck on making your mod, I hope it all goes well!
Let's go
Could you make a tutorial on how to play the mod
Let's fucking go
16:13 lmao