Raiven: Pričakovala sem več točk

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 ต.ค. 2024
  • "S svojim nastopom sem izredno zadovoljna. Zadovoljna sem bila že s polfinalnim nastopom, finalni je bil le še njegova nadgradnja," je po zaključku Pesmi Evrovizije 2024 dejala naša evrovizijska predstavnica Raiven, ki si je po finalu z veseljem vzela čas za slovenske medije, in v tiskovnem središču strnila svoje vtise.

ความคิดเห็น • 23

  • @mihap.787
    @mihap.787 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +37

    Hvala Raiven za vso umetnost, ki si nam jo ponudila🫶Slovenija je ponosna nate, ena izmed najboljših izvajalk in pesmi kar smo jih kadarkoli poslali, res ti hvala!

  • @HanaSuralova
    @HanaSuralova 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +28

    Raiven, bila si čudovita. Ne vem za ostale, a jaz sem izjemno ponosna nate. Najboljši vedno ostajajo na repu, zapomni si to! Upam pa, da ti ta dva nastopa odpreta profesionalno pot tudi izven Slovenije. Srečno in hvala!

  • @sasavs9398
    @sasavs9398 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +17

    I love how professional, respectful and down to earth she is! She couldn't handle it better.❤

  • @AlexanderNovak0
    @AlexanderNovak0 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +20

    Zaslužila si je več, v polfinalu je bila močnejša, toda še zmerom zelo dobra.
    Vse čestitke!

  • @alenkacoz1977
    @alenkacoz1977 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

    PaulReveresNiece : she is saying how elited she is still , that she is " melanholično hvaležna = she fells melancholic gratitude ", how this was the best experience of her Life, she is saying she is not disapointed with the outcome, because she is a musician, whose Job is to make music, and to perform, and that she doesnt have a say in what happens with the voting in the end. She did expect more Points from the jury. She says , she is the most grateful for her team and that they were the best. She still cant believe , how much support her team gave her. She is moved by it
    .She says that the organizators were taking really good care of her . She laughs how her taste in music must be obscure since Norway and Estonia were in her top 3 but ended quite low on the scale.She compliments a few other artists : Switzerland - that his vocals, arangement, the song and the performance were very deserving of the win , she liked Portugeese and Irish singers , and how relaxed the Croatian Singer was, despite his country having Massive expectations to win. Him - no pressure like you would expect. In general even herself felt like they all gave her space after she arrived - contrary to hectic state Slovenia was in when she was leaving for Malmo. Once she arrived there, everything callmed down . ( I find this interesting since the rest of Europe was far from calm from the enticipation ).The interviewer asks her if she has any knowledge about what has happened with The Netherland's singer , but she says, there were so many versions of the story , that she really has no clue. She is Just very very relaxed. Her body hurts from the dancing,so she needs masage. But she truly enjoyed every second of the experience. She also feels she would like to go to the studio and make more music right now , because the Eurovision has left her so happy and so inspired to create .❤😊😊 to the question if she would perform at the Eurovision again, she said in a heart beat. If only she would be given a chance . She says she was not ever nervous ever at the Eurovision. She is more nervous at " smaller" concerts at home. What awaits her now ? She has a few concerts scheduled already . But in reality she laugs :" what is Life after Eurovision? I dont knooowww " ..she says. 😊Just to recap a " few " Words from her 😉

    • @PaulReveresNiece
      @PaulReveresNiece 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      Oh my goodness thank you so much, that was much more thorough of a recap than I was hoping for!! ❤️ I’m so excited to keep following her career. Thank you again!! Hvala!!

    • @alenkacoz1977
      @alenkacoz1977 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      @@PaulReveresNiece 😊 you're wellcome 🌸

  • @av7987
    @av7987 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +13

    Raiven tvoja glasba in glas sta predobra za Evrovizijski cirkus, ki kot ponavadi s tockami ne nagradi najbolj nadarjenih glasbenikov Sedaj po Evroviziji ti zelim, da bi pametno izkoristila svojo glasbeno prepoznavnost kot so jo izkoristili nekateri slovenski udelezenci Evrovizije pred teboj.

  • @Kaja_loveLOREEN
    @Kaja_loveLOREEN 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Super si bila Raiven❤ne se obremenjevt sej gres lahko se kdaj❤res ne bit zalostna k si se mlada in imas se moznost iti na evrovizijo❤no obozujem tvoje lase🙏🏻❤️jaz sem se pa zjokala ker sem videla LOREEN na odru in jaz sem zeloo obsedena z njo pac fuuul obsedena in nemorm nehat govorit o njej in poslusat njene glasbe❤❤❤❤❤in sm jokala ker pac so moje sanje da jo spoznam in objamem in zivim na svedskem😢ali da bi sla na njen nastop in na svedsko samo nemorem sama ker imam 14 let in mi starsi ne pustijo da bi sli skupaj na svedsko in na njen nastop😭😭😭😭😭😭mislim da bi sla tudi na tvoj nastop ker si tudi ti cudovita zenska❤❤❤prosim odgovori na moj komentar ce imas cas❤❤❤❤❤❤adijoo

  • @loladallas-il6py
    @loladallas-il6py 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    Cestitke, cestitke
    Upam, da nas July Jones tudi kdaj zastopa .
    Upam, da si lahko vzames se nekaj dni Mamla. ..uzivaj in se mnogo upehov. ❤

  • @PaulReveresNiece
    @PaulReveresNiece 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    Is anyone able to provide a quick general idea of what she’s saying? I really want to know her reaction to the Eurovision experience but don’t speak Slovenian. She did so amazing. ❤

    • @Hannah-dd9fd
      @Hannah-dd9fd 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      Basically, in short, she's saying that she isn't disappointed about her result, but she expected more points from the jury. She also said that this was the best experience of her life, and she's really grateful for her team and will remember Malmö bc of them. She explained that she gets along with a lot of contestants - Baby Lasagna, Bambie, the Norwegian & Portugal singers; that's basically the summary. She also said she wasn't really nervous to perform, and she felt good on stage bc she knew what she was doing.

    • @PaulReveresNiece
      @PaulReveresNiece 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@Hannah-dd9fd thank you so much!!! ❤️ I appreciate it!

    • @Hannah-dd9fd
      @Hannah-dd9fd 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@PaulReveresNiece aye no problem!

  • @MajaMajchy
    @MajaMajchy 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Poklon Raiven🍀

  • @ЗорроЗорро-ъ3п
    @ЗорроЗорро-ъ3п 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +4


  • @barbarazupancicstrugar2368
    @barbarazupancicstrugar2368 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    To da od strokovnih zirij ni dobila dost glasov,me ne preseneca. Me pa to,da niti od gledalcev ni dobila velik glasov,pa smo bli dost priljubljeni med feni evrosonga...mogoce so spet linije kej "zatrokirale", tko kot ze v preteklosti🤷‍♀️

  • @ALMaya888
    @ALMaya888 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Tudi jaz sem pričakovala več točk, glede na kvaliteto pesmi, glasbe.
    Sara, drugače - preveri sporočila na fb, na masažo pa pridi k meni, te bom razvajala :)

  • @anciify
    @anciify 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Very disappointing that Raiven did not feel the need to support the side with Israeli controversy this year, the side that she feels is worth defending. Such an indifferent stand of hers is of course smart and pragmatic, but also very cold... She obviously liked to live in a bubble in Malmo, so much easier to glorify fairy-tale historic injustice and look away from the present ones...

  • @megnaroz2418
    @megnaroz2418 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Raiven 2025 letsgoo, ampak Raiven daj naredi te zmagovalni komad, prosim, če ne drugega za to, da bodo negativni Slovenci pojedli sami sebe

    • @barbarazupancicstrugar2368
      @barbarazupancicstrugar2368 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Tezko,ker ni trans...je zenska

    • @intros3
      @intros3 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Škoda, da ga ni napisala že letos, kajne , glupo razmišljaš:)

    • @megnaroz2418
      @megnaroz2418 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@intros3 evo tebe tipičen negativen Slovenec. Sem dovolj neglup, da se zavedam, da s pisanjem glede tega, zakaj že letos ni pripravila zmagovalnega komada, ne bi dosegel nič. Glupo komentiraš, kolega.