I swear to god when I played this in Project Sekai, the tune was so familiar!! It's like I've heard this song after a lonnggg time... I don't seem to remember where I last heard it though.
Mine Pumpkin lovesTatsumi-Fuujiko Older doesn't mean a bad thing. Luka has a mature voice, while most of Gumi's voicebanks are cute sounding. I really don't see how this was rude in any way.
Bandori has had this covered by Pastel*Palettes and it made me check this out. Turns out it was really old. Definitely a classic. I love this song, both the cover and the original!
~Romaji Lyric~ Happii shinsesaiza kimi no mune no oku made Todoku you na merodi kanaderu yo Hakanaku chitta awai kataomoi Waraibanashi da ne ima tonareba Miru mono subete kagayaite mieta Ano hibi ga kirei ni waratteruyo Gaman suru koto dake oboe nakya ikenai no? "Otona ni natte choudai ne?" naranakute ii yo Shiranai koto bakari shiranai nante ie nakute "Taihen o niai de" usotsuite gomen ne Happii shinsesaiza kimi no mune no oku made Todoku you na merodi kanaderu yo Tsumaranai "tatemae" ya ya na koto zenbu Keshite ageru kara kono oto de Nanno torie mo nai boku ni tada hitotsu Sukoshi dakedo dekiru koto Kokoro odoraseru kazaranai kotoba Denshion de tsutaeruyo Suki ni naru koto rikutsu nanka janakute "Kojitsuke" nante iranai n janai? Jidai no seito akirametara sokomade Fumidasa nakucha nani mo hajimaranai "Gomen ne yoru osokuneru to koro datta desho?" "Odoroita watashi mo kakeyou to shiteta" Kokoro no uragawa wo kusugurareteru you na Hikareau futari ni shiawase na oto wo Happii shinsesaiza horane tanoshiku naru yo Namida nuguu merodi kanaderu yo Tsuyogaranakutatte iinjanai? betsuni Jibun ni sunao ni nareba ii Nanno torie mo nai boku ni tada hitotsu Sukoshi dakedo dekiru koto Chotto tereru you na tanjun na kimochi Denshion de tsutaeruyo Happii shinsesaiza kimi no mune no oku made Todoku you na merodi kanaderu yo Tsumaranai "tatemae" ya ya na koto zenbu Keshite agerukara kono oto de Nanno torie mo nai boku ni tada hitotsu Sukoshi dakedo dekiru koto Kokoro odoraseru kazaranai kotoba Denshion de tsutaeruyo Happii shinsesaiza horane tanoshiku naru yo Namida nuguu merodi kanaderu yo Tsuyogaranakutatte iinjanai? betsuni Jibun ni sunao ni nareba ii Nanno torie mo nai boku ni tada hitotsu Sukoshi dakedo dekiru koto Chotto tereru you na tanjun na kimochi Denshion de tsutaeruyo
I love this song with all my heart. I have headcannons for this song, I have memorized the English version and am now trying to memorize this one, my friend and I already decided these would be our Halloween costumes for Halloween 2018. I also ship GumiLuka really hard.
@Joseph Sampayan everyone does, but we have to move on, otherwise we will never recover from this lost. And if we don't move on, more of our beloved vtubers will suffer the same fate. Treat this as like a lesson. Ps, she is doing just fine right now
노래 이름 : 해피 신디사이저 노래 : (루카,구미) 작사, 작곡 : Easy Pop ハッピーシンセサイザ 君の胸の奥まで 핫피 신세사이자 키미노 무네노 오쿠마데 해피 신디사이저 너의 가슴 속까지 届くようなメロディ 奏でるよ 토도쿠요-나 메로디 카나데루요 전해질 듯한 멜로디를 연주할게 儚く散った淡い片思い 하카나쿠 칫타 아와이 카타오모이 덧없이 져버린 희미한 짝사랑은 笑い話だね 今となれば 와라이바나시다네 이마토 나레바 지금 생각해 보면 우스운 이야기야 見る物全て 輝いて見えた 미루모노 스베테 카가야이테 미에타 보이는 것 모두 빛나 보였던 あの日々がキレイに笑ってるよ 아노 히비가 키레이니 와랏테루요 그 날들이 아름답게 웃고 있어 我慢する事だけ 覚えなきゃいけないの? 가만스루 코도다케 오보에나캬 이케나이노? 인내만을 배워야만 하는 거야? 「大人になって頂戴ね?」 「오토나니낫테 초-다이네」 「어른이 되어줄래?」 ならなくていいよ 나라나쿠테 이이요 되지 않아도 괜찮아 知らない事ばかり 知らないなんて言えなくて 시라나이 코토바카리 시라나이난테 이에나쿠테 모르는 것 투성인데 모른다고 말할 수 없어서 「大変お似合いで」 「다이헨 오니아이데」 「정말 잘 어울려」 ウソついてゴメンね 우소츠이테 고멘네 거짓말해서 미안해 ハッピーシンセサイザ 君の 胸の奥まで 핫피 신세사이자 키미노 무네노 오쿠마데 해피 신디사이저 너의 가슴 속까지 届くようなメロディ奏でるよ 토도쿠요-나 메로디 카나데루요 전해질 듯한 멜로디를 연주할게 つまらない「たてまえ」や ヤな事全部 츠마라나이 「타테마에」야 야나코토 젠부 시시한 「겉치레」나 성가신 일 모두 消してあげるから この音で 케시테 아게루카라 코노 오토데 이 소리로 지워줄게 何の取り柄も無い 僕に唯一つ 난노 토리에모 나이 보쿠니 타다 히토츠 아무런 장점도 없는 나에게 단 하나 少しだけど 出来る事 스코시다케도 데키루코토 조금이지만 할 수 있는 것 心躍らせる 飾らない 言葉 코코로 오도라세루 카자라나이 코토바 마음을 춤추게 하는 꾸밈없는 말을 電子音で伝えるよ 덴시온데 츠타에루요 전자음으로 전할게 好きになる事 理屈なんかじゃなくて 스키니 나루코토 리쿠츠난카자나쿠테 좋아하게 되는 이유 따위가 아닌 「こじつけ」なんて いらないんじゃない? 「코지츠케」 난테 이라나인자나이? 「억지」 따위는 필요 없지 않아? 時代のせいと 諦めたらそこまで 지다이노 세이토 아키라메타라 소코마데 시대탓이라고 포기한다면 거기까지야 踏み出さなくちゃ 何も始まらない 후미다사나쿠차 나니모 하지마라나이 앞으로 나아가지 않으면 아무것도 시작되지 않아 「ゴメンね夜遅く 寝るところだったでしょ?」 고멘네 요루오소쿠 네루토코로 닷타데쇼 "밤늦게 미안해 자려던 참이었지?" 「驚いた 私もかけようとしてた」 오도로이타 와타시모 카케요-토시테타 "놀랐어 나도 걸려고 했었어." 心の裏側をくすぐられてるような 코코로노 우라가와오 쿠스구라레테루요-나 마음의 안쪽을 간질이는 듯한 惹かれあう2人に 幸せな音を 히카레아우 후타리니 시아와세나 오토오 서로 끌리는 두 사람에게 행복한 소리를 ハッピーシンセサイザ ほらね 楽しくなるよ 핫피 신세사이자 호라네 타노시쿠나루요 해피 신디사이저 거봐 즐거워지잖아 涙拭うメロディ 奏でるよ 나미다 누구우 메로디 카나데루요 눈물을 닦아주는 멜로디를 연주할게 強がらなくたっていいんじゃない? 別に 츠요가라나쿳탓테 이인자나이 베츠니 강한 척하지 않아도 괜찮잖아? 별로 自分に素直になればいい 지분니 스나오니 나레바이이 자신에게 솔직해지면 돼 何の取り柄も無い 僕に唯一つ 난노 토리에모 나이 보쿠니 타다 히토츠 아무런 장점도 없는 나에게 단 하나 少しだけど 出来る事 스코시 다케도 데키루고토 조금이지만 할 수 있는 것 ちょっと照れるような 単純な気持ち 촛토 테레루요우나 탄준나 키모치 조금은 쑥쓰러운 듯한 단순한 마음 電子音で伝えるよ 덴시온데 츠타에루요 전자음으로 전해줄게 ハッピーシンセサイザ 君の 胸の奥まで 핫피 신세사이자 키미노 무네노 오쿠마데 해피 신디사이저 너의 가슴 속까지 届くようなメロディ奏でるよ 토도쿠요-나 메로디 카나데루요 전해질 듯한 멜로디를 연주할게 つまらない「たてまえ」や ヤな事全部 츠마라나이 타테마에야 야나코토 젠부 시시한 '겉치레'나 성가신 일 모두 消してあげるから この音で 케시테 아게루카라 코노 오토데 이 소리로 지워줄게 何の取り柄も無い 僕に唯一つ 난노 토리에모 나이 보쿠니 타다 히토츠 아무런 장점도 없는 나에게 단 하나 少しだけど 出来る事 스코시다케도 데키루코토 조금이지만 할 수 있는 것 心躍らせる 飾らない 言葉 코코로 오도라세루 카자라나이 코토바 마음을 춤추게 하는 꾸밈없는 말을 電子音で伝えるよ 덴시온데 츠타에루요 전자음으로 전할게 ハッピーシンセサイザ ほらね 楽しくなるよ 핫피 신세사이자 호라네 타노시쿠나루요 해피 신디사이저 거봐 즐거워지잖아 涙拭うメロディ 奏でるよ 나미다 누구우 메로디 카나데루요 눈물을 닦아주는 멜로디를 연주할게 強がらなくたっていいんじゃない? 別に 츠요가라나쿳탓테 이인자나이 베츠니 강한 척하지 않아도 괜찮잖아? 별로 自分に素直になればいい 지분니 스나오니 나레바이이 자신에게 솔직해지면 돼 何の取り柄も無い 僕に唯一つ 난노 토리에모 나이 보쿠니 타다 히토츠 아무런 장점도 없는 나에게 단 하나 少しだけど 出来る事 스코시 다케도 데키루고토 조금이지만 할 수 있는 것 ちょっと照れるような 単純な気持ち 촛토 테레루요우나 탄준나 키모치 조금은 쑥쓰러운 듯한 단순한 마음 電子音で伝えるよ 덴시온데 츠타에루요 전자음으로 전해줄게
Finally i found this original song! Mano Aloe sang this in her debut... this really made me cry a lot HOLOFIVE FOREVER! Thank you for making this vocaloid song this will be our remembrance for us
What this song meant before 2020: ahhh yesss... happiness. What this song means in 2020: *sob sob* sad . coming to this comment section is like attending a funeral that never ends.
@@Shigatsu- there was a vtuber that graduated shortly after her debut. she sang this song on her debut. this comment section at the time was filled with despair.
Romaji Happii shinsesaiza kimi no mune no oku made Todoku youna merodi kanaderuyo Hakanaku chitta awai kataomoi Waraibanashi dane ima tonareba Miru mono subete kagayaite mieta Ano hibi ga kirei ni waratteruyo Gaman suru koto dake oboe nakyaikenaino? "Otona ninatte choudai ne?" naranakute iiyo Shiranai koto bakari shiranai nante ie nakute "Taihen o niai de" usotsuite gomenne Happii shinsesaiza kimi no mune no oku made Todoku youna merodi kanaderuyo Tsumaranai "tatemae" ya ya na koto zenbu Keshite agerukara kono oto de Nanno torie mo nai boku ni tada hitotsu Sukoshi dakedo dekiru koto Kokoro odoraseru kazaranai kotoba Denshion de tsutaeruyo Suki ninaru koto rikutsu nanka janakute "Kojitsuke" nante iranainjanai? Jidai noseito akirametara sokomade Fumidasa nakucha nanimo hajimaranai "Gomenne yoruosokuneru to korodattadesho?" "Odoroita watashi mo kakeyoutoshiteta" Kokoro no uragawa wo kusugurareteru youna Hikareau futari ni shiawasena oto wo Happii shinsesaiza horane tanoshi kunaruyo Namida nuguu merodi kanaderuyo Tsuyogaranakutatte iinjanai? betsuni Jibun ni sunao ni nareba ii Nanno torie mo nai boku ni tada hitotsu Sukoshi dakedo dekiru koto Chotto tereruyouna tanjunna kimochi Denshion de tsutaeruyo Happii shinsesaiza kimi no mune no oku made Todoku youna merodi kanaderuyo Tsumaranai "tatemae" ya ya na koto zenbu Keshite agerukara kono oto de Nanno torie mo nai boku ni tada hitotsu Sukoshi dakedo dekiru koto Kokoro odora serukazaranai kotoba Denshion de tsutaeruyo Happii shinsesaiza horane tanoshi kunaruyo Namida nuguu merodi kanaderuyo Tsuyogaranakutatte iinjanai? betsuni Jibun ni sunao ni nareba ii Nanno torie mo nai boku ni tada hitotsu Sukoshi dakedo dekiru koto Chotto tereruyouna tanjunna kimochi Denshion de tsutaeruyo
She used to have pink hair.. now she had green.. some will not understand this comment and if you do that means you know that happy synthesizer was once a sad song
@@Rainnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn i dont know about bandori but in hololive this song is associated as a song by a member who quit because of harassment who just debuted
After all these years I'm still here listening! I have somebody I think about when I listen to it, but not who the me discovering this song would think. I hope they can look at us now and be like "wow, how did we land THEM? "
I remember as a kid I used to search up random vocaloid songs and happy synthesizer was one of the songs i enjoyed the most although it's the 96neko cover it took me years to remember the song titles w
happii shinsesaiza kimi no mune no oku made todoku youna merodei kanaderuyo Happy synthesizer I'll play a melody That will almost reach the inside your chest hakanaku chitta awai kataomoi waraibanashi dane ima tonareba miru mono subete kagayaite mieta ano hibi ga kirei ni waratteruyo Scattered faint one-sided love It's a funny story, now that I think about Everything seemed to shine so brightly Those days are smiling clearly gaman suru koto dake oboe nakyaikenaino? "otona ninatte choudaine?" naranakute iiyo shiranai koto bakari shira nainante ie nakute "taihen o niai de" usotsuite gomenne Do I have to remember only holding back? "Would you become an adult? you don't have to do that I didn't know anything, but I couldn't say I didn't know "It suits you very well" I'm sorry I lied happii shinsesaiza kimi no mune no oku made todoku youna merodei kanaderuyo tsumaranai "tatemae" ya ya na koto zenbu keshite agerukara kono oto de Happy synthesizer I'll play a melody That will almost reach inside your chest Boring "obligation" or all the things you hate I'll erase them with this sound nanno torie mo nai boku ni tada hitotsu sukoshi dakedo dekiru koto kokoro odoraseru kazaranai kotoba denshion de tsutaeruyo There's one small thing That this useless me can do Plain words that can make your heart beat I'll deliver them to you through electronic sounds suki ninaru koto rikutsu nankajanakute "kojitsuke" nante iranainjanai? jidai noseito akirametara sokomade fumidasa nakucha nanimo hajimaranai Liking someone is not an excuse We don't need "stubbornness", right? If you blame it on the era and give up, that's the end If you don't step forward, nothing starts "gomenne yoruosokuneru to korodattadesho?" "odoroita watashi mo kakeyoutoshiteta" kokoro no uragawa wo kusugurareteru youna hikareau futari ni shiawasena oto wo "Sorry, it's so late... You were sleeping, right?" "I'm surprised! I was going to call too" Like it's about to touch the heart's backside The happy sound of two attracted people happii shinsesaiza horane tanoshi kunaruyo namida nuguu merodei kanaderuyo tsuyogaranakutatte iinjanai? betsuni jibun ni sunao ninarebaii Happy synthesizer look, things will get better I'll play a inspirational melody You don't have to pretend to be strong, okay? Just be true to yourself nanno torie mo nai boku ni tada hitotsu sukoshi dakedo dekiru koto chotto tereruyouna tanjunna kimochi denshion de tsutaeruyo There's one small thing That this useless me can do A little shy but a simple mind I'll deliver it to you through electronic sounds happii shinsesaiza kimi no mune no oku made todoku youna merodei kanaderuyo tsumaranai "tatemae" ya ya na koto zenbu keshite agerukara kono oto de Happy synthesizer I'll play a melody That will almost reach the inside your chest Boring "obligation" or all the things you hate I'll erase them with this sound nanno torie mo nai boku ni tada hitotsu sukoshi dakedo dekiru koto kokoro odora serukazaranai kotoba denshion de tsutaeruyo There's one small thing That this useless me can do Plain words that can make your heart beat I'll deliver them to you through electronic sounds happii shinsesaiza horane tanoshi kunaruyo namida nuguu merodei kanaderuyo tsuyogaranakutatte iinjanai? betsuni jibun ni sunao ninarebaii Happy synthesizer look, things will get better I'll play a inspirational melody You don't have to pretend to be strong, okay? Just be true to yourself nanno torie mo nai boku ni tada hitotsu sukoshi dakedo dekiru koto chotto tereruyouna tanjunna kimochi denshion de tsutaeruyo
It's quite hard to tell the difference, heh, but... Uh, let's see. Gumi's is slightly sweeter, and cuter-pitched. ^^ Luka's is like... Sort of lower than Gumi's, more normal... I dunno. I tried my best to explain c:
@ Emmie You're right on this song, but it's not always like that. Luka does generally have a fuller tonality and she also has a smoother voice, generally. The other parameters vary with the tuning, like that cuteness sound you mentioned. When you put them on the same level of tuning tho... that's a different matter
This song Litearlly Removed my social anxiety But I brought it right back cause I’m an idiot cause I listened to Popipo and instantly felt like “I’m The weird kid aren’t I?”
Remember this lads:
No Headphones = You hear the song, but not all of it.
Headphones = All the awesome.
リナミイ- Rinamii i dont get it
WOW Dude thx for that
2020 : Happy Sanitizer
lol 😆
Ahahahaha you made my day XD
Hahahaha XD
Now her hair color suits both of them :")
@@givewater2904 💚
This song hits different now...
never forget holofive 4ever also oct 28
*) holofive 5ever
It's like those dark vocaloid songs with cheerful beat
Because of some wumao, harassing Hololive VTubers?
Here when Aloe sang it on her Debut
It was really Good!
Im falling down with this song
Im crying right now
I came here to mourn
This comment aged poorly
I swear to god when I played this in Project Sekai, the tune was so familiar!! It's like I've heard this song after a lonnggg time... I don't seem to remember where I last heard it though.
same I might have heard it before but the latest one I heard this when Fubuki sang this with her voice changer
oh my goodness same but i cant place my finger on where ive heard it
I love this song, it's my fav in Project Sekai :)
It's also in groove coaster
I heard it on the one of the Voca Nico Night's videos years ago and then rediscovered it in Project Sekai
To clear the confusions... Gumi is the cuter sounding one, Luka is the older sounding one.
RUDE They both sound alike I have always thought and Luka is the prettiest Vocaloid.
Mine Pumpkin lovesTatsumi-Fuujiko Older doesn't mean a bad thing. Luka has a mature voice, while most of Gumi's voicebanks are cute sounding. I really don't see how this was rude in any way.
I don't know it sounded like you were hating on Luka's voice lol.. I ship GumLuk / LuGu so hard.
Mine Pumpkin lovesTatsumi-Fuujiko Well, sorry that it wasn't all so clear at first.
Mine Pumpkin lovesTatsumi-Fuujiko saaaaaame but i have to agree luka sounds deeper/older
This, Bad Apple, Migikata no Chocho, Luka Luka Night Fever, Triple Baka, and World is Mine are forever my childhood.
FR 😭
This song makes me feel happy everyday :">
same : >
Not for 2020 ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
@@annoyingboss1151 yes.
AnnoyingBoss TheAnnoy ( T_T)\(T-T )
Bandori has had this covered by Pastel*Palettes and it made me check this out. Turns out it was really old.
Definitely a classic. I love this song, both the cover and the original!
@@navi_er Certainly agreeing with you on that The Expert difficulty does feel long and hard for a 26 song. Lol
I also came here from Bandori. I love the cover and og too!
Well, I heard this song in BanG! Dream. I searched it out and looked for the full version... I found this and I was not disappointed
@@navi_er There is legit not a single green note in the entire expert beatmap...just taps and flicks:3
@@theoneandonlyme4724 Yep.. it's still easy tho
12 years later and still a banger!!
This is one of the all-time artful Vocaloid compositions. Gumi and Luka both have such beautiful voices; they fit so well with the lyrics.
I thought this would be an sad song with a name like "Happy Synthesizer"
i mean it kinda is
Yeah it kinda is
@Fox Cho Don't remind me. ;-;
Also thanks for your clips, enjoy them a lot.
@@Alehero never forget oct 28
so...so kawaii..
So cute :3!
ofc its gonna be corny its an old comment ☠️ @@ballk1cker
You just don’t get the vibe. Respect the vibe.
@@kittyzukiii so sugoi!!
This is.. finally Aloe and Delutaya, the perfect represent of Luka amd Gumi
Oooooo! I noticed that right now
I love Gumi and Luka's voice just really makes it all sound even better. :D
This song cured my depression
but also put it back right away
@@Tsyossy0307 never forget oct 28
All we can do rn is protect the ones that are currently streaming so this won't happen again... she lives in our heart.
@@akdhsskorolius486 always remember
@@akdhsskorolius486 I think you mean AUG 28 because today is oct 28
~Romaji Lyric~
Happii shinsesaiza kimi no mune no oku made
Todoku you na merodi kanaderu yo
Hakanaku chitta awai kataomoi
Waraibanashi da ne ima tonareba
Miru mono subete kagayaite mieta
Ano hibi ga kirei ni waratteruyo
Gaman suru koto dake oboe nakya ikenai no?
"Otona ni natte choudai ne?" naranakute ii yo
Shiranai koto bakari shiranai nante ie nakute
"Taihen o niai de" usotsuite gomen ne
Happii shinsesaiza kimi no mune no oku made
Todoku you na merodi kanaderu yo
Tsumaranai "tatemae" ya ya na koto zenbu
Keshite ageru kara kono oto de
Nanno torie mo nai boku ni tada hitotsu
Sukoshi dakedo dekiru koto
Kokoro odoraseru kazaranai kotoba
Denshion de tsutaeruyo
Suki ni naru koto rikutsu nanka janakute
"Kojitsuke" nante iranai n janai?
Jidai no seito akirametara sokomade
Fumidasa nakucha nani mo hajimaranai
"Gomen ne yoru osokuneru to koro datta desho?"
"Odoroita watashi mo kakeyou to shiteta"
Kokoro no uragawa wo kusugurareteru you na
Hikareau futari ni shiawase na oto wo
Happii shinsesaiza horane tanoshiku naru yo
Namida nuguu merodi kanaderu yo
Tsuyogaranakutatte iinjanai? betsuni
Jibun ni sunao ni nareba ii
Nanno torie mo nai boku ni tada hitotsu
Sukoshi dakedo dekiru koto
Chotto tereru you na tanjun na kimochi
Denshion de tsutaeruyo
Happii shinsesaiza kimi no mune no oku made
Todoku you na merodi kanaderu yo
Tsumaranai "tatemae" ya ya na koto zenbu
Keshite agerukara kono oto de
Nanno torie mo nai boku ni tada hitotsu
Sukoshi dakedo dekiru koto
Kokoro odoraseru kazaranai kotoba
Denshion de tsutaeruyo
Happii shinsesaiza horane tanoshiku naru yo
Namida nuguu merodi kanaderu yo
Tsuyogaranakutatte iinjanai? betsuni
Jibun ni sunao ni nareba ii
Nanno torie mo nai boku ni tada hitotsu
Sukoshi dakedo dekiru koto
Chotto tereru you na tanjun na kimochi
Denshion de tsutaeruyo
My comfort song
I love this song with all my heart. I have headcannons for this song, I have memorized the English version and am now trying to memorize this one, my friend and I already decided these would be our Halloween costumes for Halloween 2018. I also ship GumiLuka really hard.
Gumi Megurine *Yes.*
Mhm...I will always remember Mano Aloe's singing. She may have left but her talent and identity will be remembered and remained in our hearts.
even after all these years, i still remember the lyrics
Not me still remembering the full dance to this song years later
I can't believe that this song is 12 years old... It is so cool and awesome!
Here cause of Flare and Noel on Stage 2. Thank you girls for keeping her dreams alive!
2020: Sad Synthesizer
2021: Sad Synthesizer no more
Δ 💚
@mangofuru EXPLAIN PLS
@@ratflea8203 squid game
元動画見つけちゃったールカちゃんとGumi ちゃんのハッピーシンセサイザーイラストめっちゃくちゃ可愛い!
Don't mind me I just wanna watch this because I miss someone....
@Joseph Sampayan Yes. The smile we failed to protect. Nevr forget her. Forever Five.
@Joseph Sampayan everyone does, but we have to move on, otherwise we will never recover from this lost. And if we don't move on, more of our beloved vtubers will suffer the same fate. Treat this as like a lesson.
Ps, she is doing just fine right now
@@feetus7075 yeah she's doing very great with a triangle
@@uerobeataccount1674 indeed
she is already back in youtube and her fanbox but she usually do on fanbox but in youtube have 2 stream each one have a special song in it
came here because i feel sad for a certain someone
I wonder who *she* is...
@@firzy1833 now I'm getting sad vibes from a happy song. damn I miss her
This song is sad to me forever because of this.
(T-T )
💚Gumi and Luka! Happy Synthesizer, one of my favourite Vocaloid songs! So cute!❤
노래 이름 : 해피 신디사이저
노래 : (루카,구미)
작사, 작곡 : Easy Pop
ハッピーシンセサイザ 君の胸の奥まで
핫피 신세사이자 키미노 무네노 오쿠마데
해피 신디사이저 너의 가슴 속까지
届くようなメロディ 奏でるよ
토도쿠요-나 메로디 카나데루요
전해질 듯한 멜로디를 연주할게
하카나쿠 칫타 아와이 카타오모이
덧없이 져버린 희미한 짝사랑은
笑い話だね 今となれば
와라이바나시다네 이마토 나레바
지금 생각해 보면 우스운 이야기야
見る物全て 輝いて見えた
미루모노 스베테 카가야이테 미에타
보이는 것 모두 빛나 보였던
아노 히비가 키레이니 와랏테루요
그 날들이 아름답게 웃고 있어
我慢する事だけ 覚えなきゃいけないの?
가만스루 코도다케 오보에나캬 이케나이노?
인내만을 배워야만 하는 거야?
「오토나니낫테 초-다이네」
「어른이 되어줄래?」
나라나쿠테 이이요
되지 않아도 괜찮아
知らない事ばかり 知らないなんて言えなくて
시라나이 코토바카리 시라나이난테 이에나쿠테
모르는 것 투성인데 모른다고 말할 수 없어서
「다이헨 오니아이데」
「정말 잘 어울려」
우소츠이테 고멘네
거짓말해서 미안해
ハッピーシンセサイザ 君の 胸の奥まで
핫피 신세사이자 키미노 무네노 오쿠마데
해피 신디사이저 너의 가슴 속까지
토도쿠요-나 메로디 카나데루요
전해질 듯한 멜로디를 연주할게
つまらない「たてまえ」や ヤな事全部
츠마라나이 「타테마에」야 야나코토 젠부
시시한 「겉치레」나 성가신 일 모두
消してあげるから この音で
케시테 아게루카라 코노 오토데
이 소리로 지워줄게
何の取り柄も無い 僕に唯一つ
난노 토리에모 나이 보쿠니 타다 히토츠
아무런 장점도 없는 나에게 단 하나
少しだけど 出来る事
스코시다케도 데키루코토
조금이지만 할 수 있는 것
心躍らせる 飾らない 言葉
코코로 오도라세루 카자라나이 코토바
마음을 춤추게 하는 꾸밈없는 말을
덴시온데 츠타에루요
전자음으로 전할게
好きになる事 理屈なんかじゃなくて
스키니 나루코토 리쿠츠난카자나쿠테
좋아하게 되는 이유 따위가 아닌
「こじつけ」なんて いらないんじゃない?
「코지츠케」 난테 이라나인자나이?
「억지」 따위는 필요 없지 않아?
時代のせいと 諦めたらそこまで
지다이노 세이토 아키라메타라 소코마데
시대탓이라고 포기한다면 거기까지야
踏み出さなくちゃ 何も始まらない
후미다사나쿠차 나니모 하지마라나이
앞으로 나아가지 않으면 아무것도 시작되지 않아
「ゴメンね夜遅く 寝るところだったでしょ?」
고멘네 요루오소쿠 네루토코로 닷타데쇼
"밤늦게 미안해 자려던 참이었지?"
「驚いた 私もかけようとしてた」
오도로이타 와타시모 카케요-토시테타
"놀랐어 나도 걸려고 했었어."
코코로노 우라가와오 쿠스구라레테루요-나
마음의 안쪽을 간질이는 듯한
惹かれあう2人に 幸せな音を
히카레아우 후타리니 시아와세나 오토오
서로 끌리는 두 사람에게 행복한 소리를
ハッピーシンセサイザ ほらね 楽しくなるよ
핫피 신세사이자 호라네 타노시쿠나루요
해피 신디사이저 거봐 즐거워지잖아
涙拭うメロディ 奏でるよ
나미다 누구우 메로디 카나데루요
눈물을 닦아주는 멜로디를 연주할게
強がらなくたっていいんじゃない? 別に
츠요가라나쿳탓테 이인자나이 베츠니
강한 척하지 않아도 괜찮잖아? 별로
지분니 스나오니 나레바이이
자신에게 솔직해지면 돼
何の取り柄も無い 僕に唯一つ
난노 토리에모 나이 보쿠니 타다 히토츠
아무런 장점도 없는 나에게 단 하나
少しだけど 出来る事
스코시 다케도 데키루고토
조금이지만 할 수 있는 것
ちょっと照れるような 単純な気持ち
촛토 테레루요우나 탄준나 키모치
조금은 쑥쓰러운 듯한 단순한 마음
덴시온데 츠타에루요
전자음으로 전해줄게
ハッピーシンセサイザ 君の 胸の奥まで
핫피 신세사이자 키미노 무네노 오쿠마데
해피 신디사이저 너의 가슴 속까지
토도쿠요-나 메로디 카나데루요
전해질 듯한 멜로디를 연주할게
つまらない「たてまえ」や ヤな事全部
츠마라나이 타테마에야 야나코토 젠부
시시한 '겉치레'나 성가신 일 모두
消してあげるから この音で
케시테 아게루카라 코노 오토데
이 소리로 지워줄게
何の取り柄も無い 僕に唯一つ
난노 토리에모 나이 보쿠니 타다 히토츠
아무런 장점도 없는 나에게 단 하나
少しだけど 出来る事
스코시다케도 데키루코토
조금이지만 할 수 있는 것
心躍らせる 飾らない 言葉
코코로 오도라세루 카자라나이 코토바
마음을 춤추게 하는 꾸밈없는 말을
덴시온데 츠타에루요
전자음으로 전할게
ハッピーシンセサイザ ほらね 楽しくなるよ
핫피 신세사이자 호라네 타노시쿠나루요
해피 신디사이저 거봐 즐거워지잖아
涙拭うメロディ 奏でるよ
나미다 누구우 메로디 카나데루요
눈물을 닦아주는 멜로디를 연주할게
強がらなくたっていいんじゃない? 別に
츠요가라나쿳탓테 이인자나이 베츠니
강한 척하지 않아도 괜찮잖아? 별로
지분니 스나오니 나레바이이
자신에게 솔직해지면 돼
何の取り柄も無い 僕に唯一つ
난노 토리에모 나이 보쿠니 타다 히토츠
아무런 장점도 없는 나에게 단 하나
少しだけど 出来る事
스코시 다케도 데키루고토
조금이지만 할 수 있는 것
ちょっと照れるような 単純な気持ち
촛토 테레루요우나 탄준나 키모치
조금은 쑥쓰러운 듯한 단순한 마음
덴시온데 츠타에루요
전자음으로 전해줄게
Thank you bandori for covering this gems.
n o s t a l g i c
I listened to this all the time in 5th grade. Even today, I still love it.
Finally i found this original song!
Mano Aloe sang this in her debut... this really made me cry a lot
Thank you for making this vocaloid song this will be our remembrance for us
All I can tell she's somewhere
It has been a decade 😌 I remember we danced this at high school, never regretted it 😂
Sad Synthesizer
not anymore
Happy Synthesizer :D
@@GoodOneLULE you know what i say right
@mangofuru yeah
@@ThienLoc-DDV honestly its still sad since things could've gone way better for her.
What this song meant before 2020: ahhh yesss... happiness.
What this song means in 2020: *sob sob* sad
coming to this comment section is like attending a funeral that never ends.
@@Shigatsu- there was a vtuber that graduated shortly after her debut. she sang this song on her debut. this comment section at the time was filled with despair.
Coco Kiryu?
@@NobleDemonTimnah another person
ハッピーシンセサイザ 君の 胸の奥まで
happii shinsesaiza kimi no mune no oku made
Happy Synthesizer簡直像要傳到你胸腔
届くようなメロディ 奏でるよ
todoku youna merodi kanaderuyo
內的旋律 正在演奏唷
hakanaku chitta awai kataomoi
笑い話だね 今となれば
waraibanashi dane ima tonareba
現在看起來 真是場笑話
見る物全て 輝いて見えた
miru mono subete kagayaite mieta
眼中所及的事物 看起來全都閃閃發光
あの日々がキレイに 笑ってるよ
ano hibi ga kirei ni waratteruyo
那些日子裡 耀眼的笑著
我慢する事だけ 覚えなきゃいけないの?
gaman suru koto dake oboe nakyaikenaino?
那些要忍耐的事 不記得不行嗎?
「大人になって頂戴ね?」 ならなくていいよ
"otona ninatte choudai ne?" naranakute iiyo
知らない事ばかり 知らないなんて言えなくて
shiranai koto bakari shiranai nante ie nakute
全都是不知道的事情 卻說不出一無所知
"taihen o niai de" usotsuitegomenne
ハッピーシンセサイザ 君の 胸の奥まで
happii shinsesaiza kimi no mune no oku made
Happy Synthesizer簡直像要傳到你胸腔
届くようなメロディ 奏でるよ
todoku youna merodi kanaderuyo
內的旋律 正在演奏唷
つまらない「たてまえ」や ヤな事全部
tsumaranai "tatemae" ya ya na koto zenbu
無聊的「表面工夫」之類 討厭的事情
消してあげるから この音で
keshite agerukara kono oto de
何の取り柄も無い 僕に唯一つ
nanno torie mo nai boku ni tada hitotsu
沒有任何長處的我 唯一
少しだけど 出来る事
sukoshi dakedo dekiru koto
心躍らせる 飾らない 言葉
kokoro odoraseru kazaranai kotoba
就是將沒有任何修飾 讓人雀躍的話語
denshion de tsutaeruyo
好きになる事 理屈なんかじゃなくて
suki ninaru koto rikutsu nanka janakute
喜歡的事情 才不是沒道理呢
「こじつけ」なんて いらないんじゃない?
"kojitsuke" nante iranainjanai?
「強辯」什麼的 根本不需要吧?
時代のせいと 諦めたらそこまで
jidai noseito akirametara sokomade
時代的錯誤 和 放棄了就到此為止
踏み出さなくちゃ 何も始まらない
fumidasa nakucha nanimo hajimaranai
不踏出第一步的話 什麼都無法開始
「ゴメンね夜遅く 寝るところだったでしょ?」
"gomenne yoruosokuneru to korodattadesho?"
「抱歉這麼晚才打電話 應該準備要睡了吧?」
「驚いた 私もかけようとしてた」
"odoroita watashi mo kakeyoutoshiteta"
「嚇我一跳 我也正想打給你呢」
kokoro no uragawa wo kusugurareteru youna
惹かれあう2人に 幸せな音を
hikareau futari ni shiawasena oto wo
互相吸引的兩人 用幸福的聲音
ハッピーシンセサイザ ほらね 楽しくなるよ
happii shinsesaiza horane tanoshi kunaruyo
Happy Synthesizer 你看著吧 會變快樂喔
涙拭うメロディ 奏でるよ
namida nuguu merodi kanaderuyo
拭去淚水的旋律 正在演奏唷
強がらなくたっていいんじゃない? 別に
tsuyogaranakutatte iinjanai? betsuni
無法逞強有什麼不好? 又不需要
jibun ni sunao ni nareba ii
何の取り柄も無い 僕に唯一つ
nanno torie mo nai boku ni tada hitotsu
沒有任何長處的我 唯一
少しだけど 出来る事
sukoshi dakedo dekiru koto
ちょっと照れるような 単純な気持ち
chotto tereruyouna tanjunna kimochi
就是將有點害羞 單純的心情
denshion de tsutaeruyo
ハッピーシンセサイザ 君の 胸の奥まで
happii shinsesaiza kimi no mune no oku made
Happy Synthesizer簡直像要傳到你胸腔
届くようなメロディ 奏でるよ
todoku youna merodi kanaderuyo
內的旋律 正在演奏唷
つまらない「たてまえ」や ヤな事全部
tsumaranai "tatemae" ya ya na koto zenbu
無聊的「表面工夫」之類 討厭的事情
消してあげるから この音で
keshite agerukara kono oto de
何の取り柄も無い 僕に唯一つ
nanno torie mo nai boku ni tada hitotsu
沒有任何長處的我 唯一
少しだけど 出来る事
sukoshi dakedo dekiru koto
心躍らせる 飾らない 言葉
kokoro odora serukazaranai kotoba
就是將沒有任何修飾 讓人雀躍的話語
denshion de tsutaeruyo
ハッピーシンセサイザ ほらね 楽しくなるよ
happii shinsesaiza horane tanoshi kunaruyo
Happy Synthesizer 你看著吧 會變快樂喔
涙拭うメロディ 奏でるよ
namida nuguu merodi kanaderuyo
拭去淚水的旋律 正在演奏唷
強がらなくたっていいんじゃない? 別に
tsuyogaranakutatte iinjanai? betsuni
無法逞強有什麼不好? 又不需要
jibun ni sunao ni nareba ii
何の取り柄も無い 僕に唯一つ
nanno torie mo nai boku ni tada hitotsu
沒有任何長處的我 唯一
少しだけど 出来る事
sukoshi dakedo dekiru koto
ちょっと照れるような 単純な気持ち
chotto tereruyouna tanjunna kimochi
就是將有點害羞 單純的心情
denshion de tsutaeruyo
this song is so nostalgic
We'll never forget you the little succuby... Sorry we cant protect your smile......
never forget oct 28
What happened?
@@periodt800 Mano aloe had to quit being a v tuber because of some idiots
so how is this related to Aloe?I'm sorry I don't know
@@thestowrymakerz8256 oh it’s because she sang the song as her debut
The chorus just brings me Nostalgia
Don't lie, this happens to you to
Im here Because of *vtuber 5gen AloeCh*
I'm doing the dance right now
Happii shinsesaiza kimi no mune no oku made
Todoku youna merodi kanaderuyo
Hakanaku chitta awai kataomoi
Waraibanashi dane ima tonareba
Miru mono subete kagayaite mieta
Ano hibi ga kirei ni waratteruyo
Gaman suru koto dake oboe nakyaikenaino?
"Otona ninatte choudai ne?" naranakute iiyo
Shiranai koto bakari shiranai nante ie nakute
"Taihen o niai de" usotsuite gomenne
Happii shinsesaiza kimi no mune no oku made
Todoku youna merodi kanaderuyo
Tsumaranai "tatemae" ya ya na koto zenbu
Keshite agerukara kono oto de
Nanno torie mo nai boku ni tada hitotsu
Sukoshi dakedo dekiru koto
Kokoro odoraseru kazaranai kotoba
Denshion de tsutaeruyo
Suki ninaru koto rikutsu nanka janakute
"Kojitsuke" nante iranainjanai?
Jidai noseito akirametara sokomade
Fumidasa nakucha nanimo hajimaranai
"Gomenne yoruosokuneru to korodattadesho?"
"Odoroita watashi mo kakeyoutoshiteta"
Kokoro no uragawa wo kusugurareteru youna
Hikareau futari ni shiawasena oto wo
Happii shinsesaiza horane tanoshi kunaruyo
Namida nuguu merodi kanaderuyo
Tsuyogaranakutatte iinjanai? betsuni
Jibun ni sunao ni nareba ii
Nanno torie mo nai boku ni tada hitotsu
Sukoshi dakedo dekiru koto
Chotto tereruyouna tanjunna kimochi
Denshion de tsutaeruyo
Happii shinsesaiza kimi no mune no oku made
Todoku youna merodi kanaderuyo
Tsumaranai "tatemae" ya ya na koto zenbu
Keshite agerukara kono oto de
Nanno torie mo nai boku ni tada hitotsu
Sukoshi dakedo dekiru koto
Kokoro odora serukazaranai kotoba
Denshion de tsutaeruyo
Happii shinsesaiza horane tanoshi kunaruyo
Namida nuguu merodi kanaderuyo
Tsuyogaranakutatte iinjanai? betsuni
Jibun ni sunao ni nareba ii
Nanno torie mo nai boku ni tada hitotsu
Sukoshi dakedo dekiru koto
Chotto tereruyouna tanjunna kimochi
Denshion de tsutaeruyo
happy birthday aloe
never forget oct 28
@@akdhsskorolius486 what happened?
@@fa5353 Mano Aloe
Always remember
The melody reminds me a lot of my childhood
We didn’t think it was possible for you to return, but happy you came back nonetheless, Delta.
You've got it all wrong, it's supposed to go "nice to meet you" not "welcome back"
She used to have pink hair.. now she had green.. some will not understand this comment and if you do that means you know that happy synthesizer was once a sad song
One of my fav song!
I used to listen to this everyday when I was a kid 😭😭
me to
I can’t believe this came out 10 years ago.
Wow, I had no idea this was from 2010, it sounds way ahead of its time
They producers don't make songs like this anymore :/
I will miss mano aloe but i'm glad she covered this for us
This is so kawaii. 💖💖💖
Project Mirai had me doing this song all the time!
I remember i learnt the dance and then forgot so when i wanted to learn it back and search it up i couldn't spell Synthesizer.
Im addicted to this song! I listen to it everyday XD
as a hololive and a bandori fan this song made me cry like 2 times already
It’s not a sad song though?
What does liking Hololive and Bandori have to do with thinking this is a sad song?
@@Rainnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn i dont know about bandori but in hololive this song is associated as a song by a member who quit because of harassment who just debuted
I just remembered this song today i love it
So many yearsss!!! my childhood ❤
0:41 I have given a tremendous cry of joy to know that in PIU Phoenix this song returned as Full song
after 6 years
ive finally found you
My 2 favourite Vocaloids in 1 song. Favorite & Like and Comment faster than sanic.
After all these years I'm still here listening! I have somebody I think about when I listen to it, but not who the me discovering this song would think. I hope they can look at us now and be like "wow, how did we land THEM? "
Hello . This work is full of happiness and vivid and full of fun !!! Very rhythmical drum is also good!!!
I remember as a kid I used to search up random vocaloid songs and happy synthesizer was one of the songs i enjoyed the most although it's the 96neko cover
it took me years to remember the song titles w
this song gives me serotonin
I've been looking for this song forever!!! Finally I didn't know the name of it -:( ^FI^
I'm crying and you know why
Knowing Gumi from her more "serious" songs, it's hard to imagine her singing that 💀
I love both Luka and Gumi very much! So many awesome songs that feature them or have them as the main singers!
The first couple seconds is free serotonin
happii shinsesaiza kimi no mune no oku made
todoku youna merodei kanaderuyo
Happy synthesizer I'll play a melody
That will almost reach the inside your chest
hakanaku chitta awai kataomoi
waraibanashi dane ima tonareba
miru mono subete kagayaite mieta
ano hibi ga kirei ni waratteruyo
Scattered faint one-sided love
It's a funny story, now that I think about
Everything seemed to shine so brightly
Those days are smiling clearly
gaman suru koto dake oboe nakyaikenaino?
"otona ninatte choudaine?" naranakute iiyo
shiranai koto bakari shira nainante ie nakute
"taihen o niai de" usotsuite gomenne
Do I have to remember only holding back?
"Would you become an adult? you don't have to do that
I didn't know anything, but I couldn't say I didn't know
"It suits you very well" I'm sorry I lied
happii shinsesaiza kimi no mune no oku made
todoku youna merodei kanaderuyo
tsumaranai "tatemae" ya ya na koto zenbu
keshite agerukara kono oto de
Happy synthesizer I'll play a melody
That will almost reach inside your chest
Boring "obligation" or all the things you hate
I'll erase them with this sound
nanno torie mo nai boku ni tada hitotsu
sukoshi dakedo dekiru koto
kokoro odoraseru kazaranai kotoba
denshion de tsutaeruyo
There's one small thing
That this useless me can do
Plain words that can make your heart beat
I'll deliver them to you through electronic sounds
suki ninaru koto rikutsu nankajanakute
"kojitsuke" nante iranainjanai?
jidai noseito akirametara sokomade
fumidasa nakucha nanimo hajimaranai
Liking someone is not an excuse
We don't need "stubbornness", right?
If you blame it on the era and give up, that's the end
If you don't step forward, nothing starts
"gomenne yoruosokuneru to korodattadesho?"
"odoroita watashi mo kakeyoutoshiteta"
kokoro no uragawa wo kusugurareteru youna
hikareau futari ni shiawasena oto wo
"Sorry, it's so late... You were sleeping, right?"
"I'm surprised! I was going to call too"
Like it's about to touch the heart's backside
The happy sound of two attracted people
happii shinsesaiza horane tanoshi kunaruyo
namida nuguu merodei kanaderuyo
tsuyogaranakutatte iinjanai? betsuni
jibun ni sunao ninarebaii
Happy synthesizer look, things will get better
I'll play a inspirational melody
You don't have to pretend to be strong, okay?
Just be true to yourself
nanno torie mo nai boku ni tada hitotsu
sukoshi dakedo dekiru koto
chotto tereruyouna tanjunna kimochi
denshion de tsutaeruyo
There's one small thing
That this useless me can do
A little shy but a simple mind
I'll deliver it to you through electronic sounds
happii shinsesaiza kimi no mune no oku made
todoku youna merodei kanaderuyo
tsumaranai "tatemae" ya ya na koto zenbu
keshite agerukara kono oto de
Happy synthesizer I'll play a melody
That will almost reach the inside your chest
Boring "obligation" or all the things you hate
I'll erase them with this sound
nanno torie mo nai boku ni tada hitotsu
sukoshi dakedo dekiru koto
kokoro odora serukazaranai kotoba
denshion de tsutaeruyo
There's one small thing
That this useless me can do
Plain words that can make your heart beat
I'll deliver them to you through electronic sounds
happii shinsesaiza horane tanoshi kunaruyo
namida nuguu merodei kanaderuyo
tsuyogaranakutatte iinjanai? betsuni
jibun ni sunao ninarebaii
Happy synthesizer look, things will get better
I'll play a inspirational melody
You don't have to pretend to be strong, okay?
Just be true to yourself
nanno torie mo nai boku ni tada hitotsu
sukoshi dakedo dekiru koto
chotto tereruyouna tanjunna kimochi
denshion de tsutaeruyo
the pink hair is mana aloe
and the green hair is new mana aloe
Mana? Do you think this is a games?
It's Mano Aloe
Her name is not new Mano Aloe, her name is Delutaya
@@nanamikasumi2273 ye ik but bro you should pronounce that name, she still need more time before she ready to go out in public
There is no new Mano Aloe, there is only Delta∆
Taking shelter because i miss someone
Hiya all! I hope you are enjoying this song! c: My love and I love you all!
loving this!
I am thinking of a candy paradise because of the tune lmao
Makes me want to make a Perfume commercial with this song now... >.>
Me except with Leia reon and pallete
어릴때부터 늘 듣고 젤 좋아하던 노래였는데 내가 수능을 준비하네..향수쩌는 노래 ㅠㅠ
해파리 ㅠㅠ넘추억인 ㅎ
this song makes me happy! :D
2010: Happy Synthesizer
2020: Happy Hand Sanitizer
Someone said I should headphone, but I don't really wear it, I put it around my neck...
**Randomly scrolling**
2021: Ah, how nostalgic
*Can't explain what's this feeling*
I'm going back to my vocaloid phase again.
My best friend said "Hey can you play the song happy sanitizer?"
this makes me think of bubbles :D
It's quite hard to tell the difference, heh, but... Uh, let's see. Gumi's is slightly sweeter, and cuter-pitched. ^^ Luka's is like... Sort of lower than Gumi's, more normal... I dunno. I tried my best to explain c:
Once you listen to enough vocaloid songs of one of the two you'll be able to easily tell the difference
@ Emmie
You're right on this song, but it's not always like that. Luka does generally have a fuller tonality and she also has a smoother voice, generally. The other parameters vary with the tuning, like that cuteness sound you mentioned. When you put them on the same level of tuning tho...
that's a different matter
More like happy sanitizer
best song ever
Tuna and gumi bear!!!! (Sometimes I call gumi “gummy” so that’s why I called her gumi bear)
This song Litearlly Removed my social anxiety
But I brought it right back cause I’m an idiot cause I listened to Popipo and instantly felt like “I’m The weird kid aren’t I?”
I dont feel happy anymore :'(
never forget oct 28
Not anymore
Well you should smile again now