my translation: 恋の実ったその先は二人で永眠!了法寺ー! koi no minotta sono saki wa futari de eimin! ryouhouji~! beyond the fruit of love, the two of us eternally sleep! ryohoji temple! 安爾曼爾 摩禰 摩摩禰 旨隷 遮梨第 貝余よ? ani mani mane mamane shire sharite kai yo? 貝余履 多王韋 羶帝 目帝 kaiyobi taoui sentei mokutei part of the lotus sutra* ご利益あります!了法寺! Goriyaku arimasu! ryouhouji! There are benefits! ryohouji! (~talking too fast to translate w no lyrics given~) お助けします御神体 輝く後光の道しるべ O tasuke shimasu goshintai kagayaku gokō no michishirube i will help you, great deity, a guide to the shining halo 恋の願いはお任せよ お百度参りで両思い Koi no negai wa o makaseyo ohyakudo mairi de ryō omoi Leave it to me to grant the wishes of love, walking back and forth to pray 100 times, with mutual love 妙法華経 智積 菩薩 問文殊 師利言 有! myouhogekyou chishaku hosatsu monmonjyu shirigon u! 此経 甚深 微妙 諸経 中宝 世所 希有 拝はい! Shikyou jinjinmimyou shokyou chuuhou sesho ke u hai! more lotus sutra* 悩んでいるのでしょう(フジヤマ カミカゼ) Nayande iru nodeshou (fuji yama kamikaze) you're worrying aren't you (mt fuji kamikaze) 悶えているのでしょでしょ(シュリケン テンプラ) Modaete iru no deshodesho (shuriken tenpura) You're in agony arent you? (throwing star tempura) 今すぐ来て来て来て 駆け込んで(ボウズ ノホウズ) Ima sugu kite kite kite kakekonde (bōzu nohouzu) come come come, right now, rush in 脳みそ フラグメンテーション Nōmiso furagumentēshon brains fragmentation テラズッキュン 寺ズッキュン Terazukkyun tera zukkyun temple zukkyun temple zukkyun*** 愛の愛の愛の愛の 了法寺! ai no ai no ai no ai no ryōhōji! ryouhouji temple of love, of love, of love, of love 歌って学んで踊って 恋が成就します Utatte manande odotte koi ga jouju shimasu sing, learn, and dance, love will be fufilled 愛の愛の愛の愛の 八王子! Ai no ai no ai no ai no hachiōji! hachiouji of love, of love, of love, of love You 超変!有頂天! 極楽 抱きしめてね You chō hen! uchōten! gokuraku dakishimete ne Youre super strange! ecstatic! Hold onto me in paradise とろとろ とろ弁天! Torotoro toro benten! torotoro torobenten**** (~talking too fast to translate~) 分譲しますぼっち墓地 輝く墓石そびえ立つ Bunjou shimasu botchi bochi kagayaku hakaiki sobietatsu solitary cemetary for sale! shining tombstone towering over 未経験者も大歓迎 お一人様でもお気軽に Mikeiken-sha mo dai kangei ohitorisama demo o kigaru ni Big welcome to beginners, feel feel to come alone too 頗有頗有衆生 勤加精進 修行 此経 速得仏不 hau hau shuujyou gonka shoujin shugyou shikyou sokutokubu bu 文殊 師利 言言有有 裟竭 羅龍王女 年始 monjyu shiri gongon uu shakatsu raryuu ounyo nenshi more lotus sutra* 不安があるのでしょう(ヘンタイ ツンデレ) Fuan ga aru nodeshou (hentai tsundere) you have anxieties dont you? 心細いのでしょでしょ(ヒンニュウ スシトロ) Kokorobosoi nodeshodesho (hin’nyuu sushitoro) You're disheartened aren't you? 今すぐ来て来て来て駆け込んで(チクビ ウチクビ) Ima sugu kite kite kite kakekonde (chikubi uchikubi) come, come, come, right now, rush in 成仏 リインカーネーション Jōbutsu riinkānēshon reincarnation as a buddha テラズッキュン 寺ズッキュン Terazukkyun tera zukkyun temple zukkyun temple zukkyun*** 愛の愛の愛の愛の 了法寺! ai no ai no ai no ai no ryouhouji! ryouhouji of love, of love of love of love 修行で ピカって悟って 解脱しちゃいます Shugyō de pika tte satotte gedatsu shi chaimasu in training I shine and get delievered to enlightenment 愛の愛の愛の愛の 八王子! Ai no ai no ai no ai no hachiōji! hachiouji of love of love of love of love You 超変!有頂天! 極楽 抱きしめてね You chou hen! uchouten! gokuraku dakishimete ne Youre super strange! ecstatic! hold onto me in paradise とろとろ とろ弁天べんてん! Torotoro toro benten! (~talking but theyr also censored~) 如如是相 如如是性 如如是体 如如是力 nyonyo zesou nyonyo zeshou nyonyo zetai nyonyo zerika 如如是作 如如是因 如如是縁 如如是果 nyonyozesa nyonyo zein nyonyo zeenn nyonyo zeka 如如是報 如如是報 如如是報 如如是報 nyonyo zehou nyonyo zehou nyonyo zehou nyonyo zehou 如如報如 如あ如報 如如是本末 究竟等 nyonyo hou nyo nyo a nyo hou nyonyo zehon matsu kukyou tou more lotus sutra* 八歳!(八歳!) 八歳!(八歳!) 八歳!(八歳!) 智慧利根!(愛!) ×4 Hachi-sai! (hachi-sai! ) hachi-sai! (hachi-sai! ) hachi-sai! (hachi-sai! ) chie rikon! (ai! ) (repeated over chant 4×) 8 years old (eight years old) insight into enlightment (~more talking~) 愛の愛の愛の愛の 了法寺! ai no ai no ai no ai no ryouhouji! ryouhouji temple of love of love of love of love 歌って学んで踊って 恋が成就します Utatte manande odotte koi ga jouju shimasu sing, learn, and dance, love will be fufilled 愛の愛の愛の愛の 八王子! Ai no ai no ai no ai no hachiōji! hachiouji temple of love of love of love of love You 超変!有頂天! 極楽 抱きしめてね You chō hen! uchōten! gokuraku dakishimete ne Youre super strange! ecstatic! hold onto me in paradise とろとろ とろ弁天べんてん! Torotoro toro benten! (~more talking~) テラズッキュン 寺ズッキュン Terazukkyun tera zukkyun temple zukkyun temple zukkyun 恋ズッキュン 了法寺! Koi zukkyun ryouhouji! the feeling of love in your chest, ryouhouji temple! Notes: this is the theme song for ryohoji temple, located in hachioji (western tokyo). They follow nichiren buddhism. The signs there have anime versions of deities which explain things to visitors... its interesting but very hard to translate related songs knowing hardly anything about buddhism so forgive me for any mistakes *Lotus sutra: these parts i cant translate bc im not buddhist and its really complicated, theres english translations out there but i cant pick out which parts these lines would be referring to with out many hours of work, so go research nichiren buddhism if youre interested the title of the lotus sutra in japanese is 妙法蓮華経 myoho renge kyo **御神体 goshintai; object of worship housed in a Shinto shrine and believed to contain the spirit of a deity ***zukkyun is an onomatopoeia meaning a feeling inside your chest when you love someone or feel other strong emotions.. ****torobenten is toromi's character, who represents benzaiten
my translation:
koi no minotta sono saki wa futari de eimin! ryouhouji~!
beyond the fruit of love, the two of us eternally sleep! ryohoji temple!
安爾曼爾 摩禰 摩摩禰 旨隷 遮梨第 貝余よ?
ani mani mane mamane shire sharite kai yo?
貝余履 多王韋 羶帝 目帝
kaiyobi taoui sentei mokutei
part of the lotus sutra*
Goriyaku arimasu! ryouhouji!
There are benefits! ryohouji!
(~talking too fast to translate w no lyrics given~)
お助けします御神体 輝く後光の道しるべ
O tasuke shimasu goshintai kagayaku gokō no michishirube
i will help you, great deity, a guide to the shining halo
恋の願いはお任せよ お百度参りで両思い
Koi no negai wa o makaseyo ohyakudo mairi de ryō omoi
Leave it to me to grant the wishes of love, walking back and forth to pray 100 times, with mutual love
妙法華経 智積 菩薩 問文殊 師利言 有!
myouhogekyou chishaku hosatsu monmonjyu shirigon u!
此経 甚深 微妙 諸経 中宝 世所 希有 拝はい!
Shikyou jinjinmimyou shokyou chuuhou sesho ke u hai!
more lotus sutra*
悩んでいるのでしょう(フジヤマ カミカゼ)
Nayande iru nodeshou (fuji yama kamikaze)
you're worrying aren't you (mt fuji kamikaze)
悶えているのでしょでしょ(シュリケン テンプラ)
Modaete iru no deshodesho (shuriken tenpura)
You're in agony arent you? (throwing star tempura)
今すぐ来て来て来て 駆け込んで(ボウズ ノホウズ)
Ima sugu kite kite kite kakekonde (bōzu nohouzu)
come come come, right now, rush in
脳みそ フラグメンテーション
Nōmiso furagumentēshon
brains fragmentation
テラズッキュン 寺ズッキュン
Terazukkyun tera zukkyun
temple zukkyun temple zukkyun***
愛の愛の愛の愛の 了法寺!
ai no ai no ai no ai no ryōhōji!
ryouhouji temple of love, of love, of love, of love
歌って学んで踊って 恋が成就します
Utatte manande odotte koi ga jouju shimasu
sing, learn, and dance, love will be fufilled
愛の愛の愛の愛の 八王子!
Ai no ai no ai no ai no hachiōji!
hachiouji of love, of love, of love, of love
You 超変!有頂天! 極楽 抱きしめてね
You chō hen! uchōten! gokuraku dakishimete ne
Youre super strange! ecstatic! Hold onto me in paradise
とろとろ とろ弁天!
Torotoro toro benten!
torotoro torobenten****
(~talking too fast to translate~)
分譲しますぼっち墓地 輝く墓石そびえ立つ
Bunjou shimasu botchi bochi kagayaku hakaiki sobietatsu
solitary cemetary for sale! shining tombstone towering over
未経験者も大歓迎 お一人様でもお気軽に
Mikeiken-sha mo dai kangei ohitorisama demo o kigaru ni
Big welcome to beginners, feel feel to come alone too
頗有頗有衆生 勤加精進 修行 此経 速得仏不
hau hau shuujyou gonka shoujin shugyou shikyou sokutokubu bu
文殊 師利 言言有有 裟竭 羅龍王女 年始
monjyu shiri gongon uu shakatsu raryuu ounyo nenshi
more lotus sutra*
不安があるのでしょう(ヘンタイ ツンデレ)
Fuan ga aru nodeshou (hentai tsundere)
you have anxieties dont you?
心細いのでしょでしょ(ヒンニュウ スシトロ)
Kokorobosoi nodeshodesho (hin’nyuu sushitoro)
You're disheartened aren't you?
今すぐ来て来て来て駆け込んで(チクビ ウチクビ)
Ima sugu kite kite kite kakekonde (chikubi uchikubi)
come, come, come, right now, rush in
成仏 リインカーネーション
Jōbutsu riinkānēshon
reincarnation as a buddha
テラズッキュン 寺ズッキュン
Terazukkyun tera zukkyun
temple zukkyun temple zukkyun***
愛の愛の愛の愛の 了法寺!
ai no ai no ai no ai no ryouhouji!
ryouhouji of love, of love of love of love
修行で ピカって悟って 解脱しちゃいます
Shugyō de pika tte satotte gedatsu shi chaimasu
in training I shine and get delievered to enlightenment
愛の愛の愛の愛の 八王子!
Ai no ai no ai no ai no hachiōji!
hachiouji of love of love of love of love
You 超変!有頂天! 極楽 抱きしめてね
You chou hen! uchouten! gokuraku dakishimete ne
Youre super strange! ecstatic! hold onto me in paradise
とろとろ とろ弁天べんてん!
Torotoro toro benten!
(~talking but theyr also censored~)
如如是相 如如是性 如如是体 如如是力
nyonyo zesou nyonyo zeshou nyonyo zetai nyonyo zerika
如如是作 如如是因 如如是縁 如如是果
nyonyozesa nyonyo zein nyonyo zeenn nyonyo zeka
如如是報 如如是報 如如是報 如如是報
nyonyo zehou nyonyo zehou nyonyo zehou nyonyo zehou
如如報如 如あ如報 如如是本末 究竟等
nyonyo hou nyo nyo a nyo hou nyonyo zehon matsu kukyou tou
more lotus sutra*
八歳!(八歳!) 八歳!(八歳!) 八歳!(八歳!) 智慧利根!(愛!) ×4
Hachi-sai! (hachi-sai! ) hachi-sai! (hachi-sai! ) hachi-sai! (hachi-sai! ) chie rikon! (ai! ) (repeated over chant 4×)
8 years old (eight years old) insight into enlightment
(~more talking~)
愛の愛の愛の愛の 了法寺!
ai no ai no ai no ai no ryouhouji!
ryouhouji temple of love of love of love of love
歌って学んで踊って 恋が成就します
Utatte manande odotte koi ga jouju shimasu
sing, learn, and dance, love will be fufilled
愛の愛の愛の愛の 八王子!
Ai no ai no ai no ai no hachiōji!
hachiouji temple of love of love of love of love
You 超変!有頂天! 極楽 抱きしめてね
You chō hen! uchōten! gokuraku dakishimete ne
Youre super strange! ecstatic! hold onto me in paradise
とろとろ とろ弁天べんてん!
Torotoro toro benten!
(~more talking~)
テラズッキュン 寺ズッキュン
Terazukkyun tera zukkyun
temple zukkyun temple zukkyun
恋ズッキュン 了法寺!
Koi zukkyun ryouhouji!
the feeling of love in your chest, ryouhouji temple!
this is the theme song for ryohoji temple, located in hachioji (western tokyo). They follow nichiren buddhism. The signs there have anime versions of deities which explain things to visitors... its interesting but very hard to translate related songs knowing hardly anything about buddhism so forgive me for any mistakes
*Lotus sutra: these parts i cant translate bc im not buddhist and its really complicated, theres english translations out there but i cant pick out which parts these lines would be referring to with out many hours of work, so go research nichiren buddhism if youre interested
the title of the lotus sutra in japanese is
myoho renge kyo
**御神体 goshintai; object of worship housed in a Shinto shrine and believed to contain the spirit of a deity
***zukkyun is an onomatopoeia meaning a feeling inside your chest when you love someone or feel other strong emotions..
****torobenten is toromi's character, who represents benzaiten
legendary dude
satori de pon
samurai flamenco episode 4 about eight and a half minutes in
How the hell did I not notice that lol
I bet this will be the theme song for my idea made Global avengers Mizuyukiko soon!!
shit goes stupid ham
comment win XD
Alo, alo...aqui YT me envió una dimensión a explorar, pop de japon
Es interesante🤔
No es pop, es denpa