Animation Scheme : An animation scheme is just a predefined slide transition and a collection of animation effects applied to slide objects. Animation Objects : You can animate the text, pictures, shapes, tables, SmartArt graphics, and other objects in your PowerPoint presentation. Effects can make an object appear, disappear, or move. They can change an object's size or color.
Vint cherf
Vinton cerf and bob kahn
Home work 31) ans- Vint cerf is father of Internet protocol.. 🙏
No(31)Vint Cerf
Sir animation object ଆଉ animation scheme ଭିତରେ difference kan???
Animation Scheme :
An animation scheme is just a predefined slide transition and a collection of animation effects applied to slide objects.
Animation Objects :
You can animate the text, pictures, shapes, tables, SmartArt graphics, and other objects in your PowerPoint presentation. Effects can make an object appear, disappear, or move. They can change an object's size or color.
Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn
I think hexadecimal have 16 bits but u say 4bits will you please elaborate ?
Ossc CGL pre question sabu
Vint cerf
Vint cerf
Vint cerf
Vint cerf
Vint cerf