Hi ms, good morning Thank you for the explanation in this video,ms. I'm EVA SUGESTINA Npm 19040024/ 19'A. I will give some of my reviews about our material this week, namely phonology. Phonology is a branch of microlinguistics which means the study of sound. Phonology has 2 branches, namely phonetics and phonemics Phonetics: the study of production, transmission and reseption of speech sounds (Todd,1991) There are 3 parts to phonetics: 1. Articulatory : speech production,the place where the sound came from 2. Acouistic : speech trasmission, about the sound itself, its quality, high and low, loud or not the sound 3. Auditory : the sound reaches the human hearing instrument Articulatory phonetics/vocal organ Have a 2 types: 1. Active (dapat di gerakkan) Ex: tongue, lips, vocal told 2. Passive (tidak dpt di gerakkan) Ex : teeth, the hard palate, velum Phonemics : the sound conveys its meaning and purpose. certain sounds produce certain meanings So the point is that phonology has two branches, namely phonetics and phonemics, where phonetics is the source where sound is produced and processed to the human ear, and phonemics is a process where the sound conveyed can be received and understood its meaning. And,In my opinion, it is very important for us as English students to master phonology material, because this material will certainly increase knowledge and understanding of English especially in communicating directly so that we can interpret and understand the meaning of every English sound we hear. That's all from me, good luck always ms
Name : Idelni saputri Npm : 19040014(19A) Review : Phonology is the study of sound. Phonology is divided into 2 parts 1. Phonetics >gather the raw material(or raw) 2. Phonemics > cook it To understand it 1. Phonetics is divided into 3 parts Articulatory(speech production) , acoustics(speech transmission) , auditory(speech perception) 2. Phonemic chart is divided into 3 parts1.(vowels> long sounds, short sounds = are sound in which there is no obstruction to the how of air as it passes from the larynx to the lips(roach,1991). Etc: a, o, u, 2.dipthongs, 3. consonant> voiced consonants, unvoiced consonants = are sounds produced with a constriction or occlusion in the oral cavity. Etc: p, b.) a. Voice, are produced when the vocal cords are almost close and air from the lungs causes them to vibrate.etc: b,d,g) b. Voiceless, are produced when the vocal cords are open. Etc: p, t, k) Phonetics and phonological study, can be subdived into 2 levels 1. Segmental phonetics> to define the articulatory properties of all human speech sounds(voiceless,dental,fricative)(voiced, dental, fricative) 1. Segmental phonology> what is the function of the sounds(found only in english) 2. Suprasegmental phonetic> investigates aspect such as pitch, loundness, and longths 2. Suprasegmental phonemics> investigates pitch, stress, intonation(tonal,stress) the explanation 1. Tonal variation, etc: I saw a pink : really Weakening > he askes four/for questions 2. Stress variation, etc: thirteen So the conclusion Phonology is the study of sound. Phonology is divided into 2 parts 1. Phonetics >gather the raw material(or raw) 2. Phonemics > cook it
Assalamu'alaikum wr wb. I am Aldi Name : Aldino Putra NPM : 19040013 / A Review: The important of studying Phonology for are to know the change in the sounds of a word, learn about the process of forming sounds, their or pronouncation, studying how the human organs work especially those related to the use language. My Understanding of Phonology about phonetics and phonemics, can be concluded that : Etymologically, phonolgy comes from phono; sound and logy; knowledge. So, Phonology is the study of sounds. Phonology is a branch of linguistics for microlinguistic studies and also has divisions (phonetics and phonemics). Sometimes the term phonemics can also be called phonology. The difference in definitions of phonetics and phonemics according to experts: phonetics according to Todd, 1991 means the study of production, transmission and reception of speech sounds, while phonemics means the study of sounds and sound pattern of a specific language. And according to Lim, 1975 phonetics means a study of speech sounds as sounds in any human language, while phonetics means the study of how the sounds are organizer and how they function in a language. Phonetics is reveals how sounds are made. Phonetics has 3 important parts in its language, articulatory phonetics, how to produce the sound in place (in the teeth, near the teeth, in the palate), and manner (plosive, nasal), Acoustic phonetics, transmitted to our ears (pitch, loudness, quality ). Then it is heard by our ears so that it is speech perception (audio qualities). Phonemics is understanding how the language sounds. So, for this phonemics to hear the sounds of the language from the phonetics earlier, and how these language sounds show the meaning. English sounds: dipthong, vowels, conconants. The sound also has (long sounds ex: i, u, 3, short sounds ex: e), and (voiced conconants ex: g, z, unvoiced conconants ex: p, f, s, k) Articulatory phonetics is definited as any vocal organ that takes part in the production of a speech sounds. Vocal organ are divided into 2 types, Active articulators (those that and move: tongue, lips, vocal fold), Passive articulators (those the remain fixed: teeth, the hard palate, alveolar ridge, velum, pharynx). According to Roach, 1991, there are 7 main articulators are the pharynx, velum, plate, alveolar ridge, tongue, teeth, lips. 3 other things of articulators, the larynx, jaw, nose and the nasal cavity. Place of articulation are bilabial / p / b / m /, labiodental / f / v /, dental /Q/, alveolar / t / d / s / z / n / r /, palato-aveolar / d3 /, palatal / j /, velar /g/ k/ . Manner of articulation are plosive / stop, fricative, affricative, nasal, lateral, appoximant. According to Roach, 1991 vowals are sound in which there is no obstruction to the flow of air as it passes from the larynx to the lips. According to Jufrizal, 1999, it is defined as those sounds produced with oral cavity relatively open to the flow of air. Conconants are sounds produced with a contriction in the oral cavity. Voice sounds are produced when the vocal cords are almost closed and air from the lungs causes then to vibrator. Voice: have vibration. All vowels are voice. Voiceless sound are produced when the vocal cords are open. All conconants appear in voiceless / voice pairs. Voice stop as [b] [d] [g] and voiceless stop as [p] [t] [k] Phonetics and phonological studies: Segmental: phonetics to define the actulatory properties of all human speech sounds. ex: voiceless, dental, fricative. voiced, dental, fricative. Phonology: what is the fuction of the sounds just English language. Supragmental: (Phonetics) to investigates aspects such as pitch, loudness, legths. (Inventories or Phonemics) to investigates pitch, stress, intonation: tonal variation ex A; i saw a white birds, B; seriously ?. There stress variation of phonemics: Lexical stress ex contrast "/ 'kantra: st /> noun /' kan'tra: st /> verb. Shift stress ex thirteen" /,Q3; ti: n/ A 13 years old boy, /,Q3:'tin/ He is 13. Weakening : He askes four/for answers. That's all my conclusion about Phonology. Thanks for attention. Wassalamu'alaikum wr wb. Thank you very much Miss. Ola for the Phonology Material today, hopefully we can understand. And don't forget guys to like, comment, subscribe, and share with your friends or family. And don't forget to turn on the notification bells. TH-cam : Yola Merina Media
Name : Yanche Aringka Npm. : 19040017 Short Argument about Phonology Etymologically, phonology comes from the language phon which means science and logy which means sound, so phonology is the study of sound. Phonology is a branch of linguistics for the study of micro-linguistics, phonology also has divisions 1.phonetics: how the sound is produced until we can hear the sound, the study of the sound that comes from humans not from animals phonetics: reveals how the sound is made. phonetics also has several parts a.Articulatory, namely a means of saying or speaking tools such as mouth b. Acoustic phonetics, which is about the tone of sound transmitted through waves c. Auditory phonetics, namely how the sound of the language is heard 2. Phonemics: examines the sound / how the sound is organized and its function or how the sound of the language shows meaning There are double sounds, double vowels and consonants (some are vibrating and some are not vibrating) in this phonemic we understand that certain sounds will produce certain meanings and the speech tools we need. 1. active articulators (speech tools that can be moved) tongue, lips, cheeks 2.Pasive articulators (speech tools that cannot be moved) teeth, palate, throat cavity The most important utterances that can produce sound: the pharynx, the velum, hard plate, the alveolar ridge, the tongue, the teeth and lips other things of articulator: the larynx, jaw, nose and nasal cavity phonetics and phonological studies have 2 levels 1.segmental: what you say (voiceless, dental, fricative) (voiced, dental, fricative) .phonology: what is the function of a sound? 2.suprasegmental: investigating the sound of the tone a.phonetics: pitch, loundness, lengths b.phonemics: tonal variation (intonation) stress (pressure) stress: a.lexical stress (pressure at the beginning) noun if the end (verb) b.shift stress
Ibuk bantu saya anak skripsi ngambilnya skripsi linguistik tp bingung pas waktu observasi nnti mau tntng apa yg mau saya tes nnti buk tolong komen ??????
Assalamualaikum miss My name Meisy Ratu Tria, NPM : 19040029 session 19'A Thank you for explaining it, miss. Review: phonology is the study of a system. In language, phonetics is the study of how a sound can be formed using several parts of the body. In this knowledge, we learn about the manner of articulation and the place of articulation. The place of articulation is divided into six, namely bilabial, labiodentals, dental, pabial, velar, glottal. Voiced and voiced pronunciation are also discussed in this field. Thank you miss
Name : Evi Yeni Hs. Samongilailai Npm : 19040004 Short argument about phonology I would you like to thank Ms. Yola for providing material on phonology. Phonology is study of sound 1. Phonetics is how the sound is produced, transmited until we can hear the sound with our hearing Aids. Reverse how sound are Made 1. Articulatory phonetics Speech production How the sound of language ia produced by human speech production 2. Acoustic phonetics Speech transmision How the sound is transmited 3. Auditorium phonetics Speech perception How the sound of language ia heard 2. phonemics The sound we are examining ia the rule up to the sound forms ini certain sound. Phonemics is understanding certain sound produced certain meanings. Ex. 1. Voewel ( i,e) ex: pit,pet 2. Dipthongs (ei,ai) ex: take,like 3.consonants (p,b) ex: pib, bib 4. Voice consonants (v,d) ex: vat, done 5. Unvoice consonants (f,p) ex : fat, put Thats all for me, thank you🙏
Assalamu'alaikum miss Name : Cintia Bustami NPM : 19040008 Short Argument : phonology is the study of sound. phonetics is the study of how these sounds are transmitted to our hearing aids. it can be concluded that audiculory, aucoustic, and auditory phonetics. segmental phonetics are sounding and muted while pronouncing. suprasegmental is the tone when pronouncing the sound. phonemics is how we examine the role of these sounds. it can be concluded that diphtongs, vowels, and consonants. segmental what is the language of the sound. the suprasegment is to find a language like tone, intonation.
Assalamu alaikum, Mbak!! Mau ajak kakak kolaborasi bikin buku tentang Phonology. Nanti diterbitkan di Nas Publishing. Biar kita patungan bikin bukunya!!
Nama: Reviaemilda npm : 19040025 my revew Phonology is the study of sound phonology itself has two branches, namely phonetic which is the part of the sound that is produced until we can listen to it with our hearing aids whereas phonemics are parts of the sound of a language that are organized in which it functions in a particular language
assalamualaikum wr.wb name : cornela fitri npm : 19040012 review: Phonology comes from the words phon and logy, phon means sound and logy, namely the science of being phonology is the study of the science of sound. Phonology is divided into 2 parts, namely phonetics and phonemic. Phonetics is the study of the transmission, production and reception of speech sounds. and phonemic is the study of sounds and sound patterns of a particular language. so phonetics is a place to collect raw materials and phonemic is a place for us to cook. Phonetics is also called by expressing how sounds are made and phonetics into several types such as articulatory, acoustic and auditory.
NAME: DIAH INDAH HAYU FIONA NPM: 19040028 REVIEW: with the explanation that miss gave me so I know what phonology is, and I can know that phonology is a branch of lingguistick that studies about sound. Phonology is also divided into 2 parts fonetics and phonemics. phonetics and phonemics can be illustrated by the famous cotation (pike, kenneth 1994) where phonetics summarizes the raw material and the phonemics that cook it. phonetics is divided into 3 1.Articulatory phonetics of how sound is produced by human speech organs 2.aucostics phonetics how the sound of the language is translated 3.Auditory phonetics how the sound of the language is heard Phonemics how do we cook the sound / how do we understand the sound of the sound Articulators phonetics to produce sound we need to know what an speech organ what are the vowel sounds that we can use 1. active articulators, word tools that can be moved such as tongue, lips, vocals, fold 2.passive articulators, immovable speech devices such as teeth, the hard, palate alveolar ridge, velum pharyinx Vowel and consonant 1. vowel: sound that comes out freely without any obstacles 2.consonant: the sound that comes out with an obstacle Phonotics and phonology study 1. Segmental Phonetics~ to devine the articulatory propeties of all human speech sound {0} Voiceles, dental ,fricative {0} Voiced, dental,fricative Phonology~ what is the function of the sound
assalamualikum miss name : melia putri NPM : 19040020 Sesion 19A my review Ponology is the study of sound. Ponology has 2 sections that discuss more specific sounds. 1. Phonetic The part of phonology that discusses where sound is processed, how sound is produced, and then how the sound is heard by the listener. Does the sound have to pop back, nasal, vibrate, hiss, click, or pop. Like the sound / p /. Example: pen When reading the pen, the pronunciation will pop, it occurs between the upper and lower lips, at the time of pronunciation there will be air coming out of the mouth. Then the pronunciation of the new pen is pronounced correctly if it is in accordance with the above procedure. 2. Phonemic Phonemic examines the sound that will become meaning. How the chanted sound produces the correct meaning. How 2 words that have the same sound will be known by the listener that the meaning of the two words has a different meaning. Then the study of phonemic symbols as phonemes will explain the sounds that will determine the meaning of the word. Example: four and for /fɔ:(r)/ and /fə(r)/ Through this sound symbol it is known that the meaning of the 2 words is different. It is said that the phonetic is a place for gathering materials I think what this means is that in the discussion of phonetic we are taught how to read a word, listen to the organ, what sound is produced Ponemic as a place to cook The meaning is that words that have been converted into symbolic form are read in a way that is taught in phonetic studies From these two studies, it will produce the correct word pronunciation with the correct meaning of the word and can be understood by listeners. thank, wassalamualaikum wr,wb
Assalammualaikum miss Name : Liceyana Lorenza Npm : 19040009 My review : Phonology is the study of sound. Phonology also has a division from the branch of linguistics to phonology, namely phonetics and phonemics. Phonemics can also be called phonology. The difference between phonetics and phonemics is: Phonetics is a place to collect raw materials, while phonemics is where we cook. Phonetics and phonemics according to Todd's expert, namely: phonetics (the study of production, transmission, and reception of speech sounds Todd, 1991), while phonemics (the study of sounds and sound patterns of a specific language). Phonetics consists of articulatory phonetics (speech production), acoustic phonetics (speech transmission), and auditory phonetics (visual feedback). Vocal organs are divided into 2 types namely: active and passive articulatory. Thank you for the material, miss, I quite understand it because the material is miss explained with various easy image examples to be understood.
Name : Aprian Dwi Putri Npm : 19040005 My Review : Sorry for my mistake miss, from your course I got if Phonology have two branches of Linguistics, those are Phonetics and Phonemics or familiarity call phonology. The different of Phonetics and Phonemics based on specialist, Phonetics is the study of production, transmission and reception of speech (Tood, 1991), reveals way how to sound th phonetics have trheree, that iss articulatory, acoustic and audiotory phonetics. While Phonemics is the study of sounds and sound pattern of a specific language. For making a language or a perfect sound we are need our articulatory, if one of its is broke so our sound wouldn't made perfectly. And our vokal organs is devided into 2 types, those are active articulatory qnd passive articulatory. Not only that, via this course I get the different of voice and voiceless sound and about vocal and consonant. Phonetics and phonological can be subdivided into 2 levels, those are segemental and suprasegmental. Actually I had watching your Vidio and download it but, I little confused how to explain again, but I had try to do that miss. I'm so sorry for my fault, and disordering of my sentences.
NAMA : Weddy Kusuma NPM : 19040007 REVIEW : Phonetics is a branch of linguistics that focuses on the production and classification of the world’s speech sounds. The production of speech looks at the interaction of different vocal organs, for example the lips, tongue and teeth, to produce particular sounds. By classification of speech, we focus on the sorting of speech sounds into categories which can be seen in what is called the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). A phoneme is the smallest unit of sound in a word that makes a difference in its pronunciation, as well as its meaning, from another word. For instance, the /s/ in ‘soar’ distinguishes it from /r/ in ‘roar’, as it becomes different from ‘soar’ in pronunciation as well as meaning.
MasyaAllah ibuk, terimakasih atas ilmunya, berkah ya buk, sehat selalu bu
Suka banget diajari sama mrs.yola, asik, fun. Gak bikin pusing🥳🥳
Nonton disini langsung ngerti, thank you mrs
Thanks mom. Cler explanation. 🙏🙏
ternyata bukan cuman belajar tahsin saja yang di kupas tuntas soal ini ya, masyaAllah ilmunya buu
Saya murid EngBreaking Revolution and Ulti Pronun.
assalamualaikum. mis, trimakasihh materi yang mis berikan di video ini benar-benar easy to understand .... thank u mis
Thank you, Ma'am. This is very helpful
Interesting....i love to teach phonology as well
Hi ms, good morning
Thank you for the explanation in this video,ms.
I'm EVA SUGESTINA Npm 19040024/ 19'A. I will give some of my reviews about our material this week, namely phonology.
Phonology is a branch of microlinguistics which means the study of sound.
Phonology has 2 branches, namely phonetics and phonemics
Phonetics: the study of production, transmission and reseption of speech sounds (Todd,1991)
There are 3 parts to phonetics:
1. Articulatory : speech production,the place where the sound came from
2. Acouistic : speech trasmission, about the sound itself, its quality, high and low, loud or not the sound
3. Auditory : the sound reaches the human hearing instrument
Articulatory phonetics/vocal organ
Have a 2 types:
1. Active (dapat di gerakkan)
Ex: tongue, lips, vocal told
2. Passive (tidak dpt di gerakkan)
Ex : teeth, the hard palate, velum
Phonemics : the sound conveys its meaning and purpose. certain sounds produce certain meanings
So the point is that phonology has two branches, namely phonetics and phonemics, where phonetics is the source where sound is produced and processed to the human ear, and phonemics is a process where the sound conveyed can be received and understood its meaning.
And,In my opinion, it is very important for us as English students to master phonology material, because this material will certainly increase knowledge and understanding of English especially in communicating directly so that we can interpret and understand the meaning of every English sound we hear.
That's all from me, good luck always ms
Name : Idelni saputri
Npm : 19040014(19A)
Review :
Phonology is the study of sound.
Phonology is divided into 2 parts
1. Phonetics >gather the raw material(or raw)
2. Phonemics > cook it
To understand it
1. Phonetics is divided into 3 parts
Articulatory(speech production) , acoustics(speech transmission) , auditory(speech perception)
2. Phonemic chart is divided into 3 parts1.(vowels> long sounds, short sounds = are sound in which there is no obstruction to the how of air as it passes from the larynx to the lips(roach,1991). Etc: a, o, u, 2.dipthongs, 3. consonant> voiced consonants, unvoiced consonants = are sounds produced with a constriction or occlusion in the oral cavity. Etc: p, b.)
a. Voice, are produced when the vocal cords are almost close and air from the lungs causes them to vibrate.etc: b,d,g)
b. Voiceless, are produced when the vocal cords are open. Etc: p, t, k)
Phonetics and phonological study, can be subdived into 2 levels
1. Segmental phonetics> to define the articulatory properties of all human speech sounds(voiceless,dental,fricative)(voiced, dental, fricative)
1. Segmental phonology> what is the function of the sounds(found only in english)
2. Suprasegmental phonetic> investigates aspect such as pitch, loundness, and longths
2. Suprasegmental phonemics> investigates pitch, stress, intonation(tonal,stress)
the explanation
1. Tonal variation, etc: I saw a pink
: really
Weakening > he askes four/for questions
2. Stress variation, etc: thirteen
So the conclusion Phonology is the study of sound.
Phonology is divided into 2 parts
1. Phonetics >gather the raw material(or raw)
2. Phonemics > cook it
Thank you ma'am.
Assalamu'alaikum wr wb.
I am Aldi
Name : Aldino Putra
NPM : 19040013 / A
The important of studying Phonology for are to know the change in the sounds of a word, learn about the process of forming sounds, their or pronouncation, studying how the human organs work especially those related to the use language.
My Understanding of Phonology about phonetics and phonemics, can be concluded that :
Etymologically, phonolgy comes from phono; sound and logy; knowledge. So, Phonology is the study of sounds. Phonology is a branch of linguistics for microlinguistic studies and also has divisions (phonetics and phonemics). Sometimes the term phonemics can also be called phonology. The difference in definitions of phonetics and phonemics according to experts: phonetics according to Todd, 1991 means the study of production, transmission and reception of speech sounds, while phonemics means the study of sounds and sound pattern of a specific language. And according to Lim, 1975 phonetics means a study of speech sounds as sounds in any human language, while phonetics means the study of how the sounds are organizer and how they function in a language.
Phonetics is reveals how sounds are made. Phonetics has 3 important parts in its language, articulatory phonetics, how to produce the sound in place (in the teeth, near the teeth, in the palate), and manner (plosive, nasal), Acoustic phonetics, transmitted to our ears (pitch, loudness, quality ). Then it is heard by our ears so that it is speech perception (audio qualities).
Phonemics is understanding how the language sounds. So, for this phonemics to hear the sounds of the language from the phonetics earlier, and how these language sounds show the meaning. English sounds: dipthong, vowels, conconants. The sound also has (long sounds ex: i, u, 3, short sounds ex: e), and (voiced conconants ex: g, z, unvoiced conconants ex: p, f, s, k)
Articulatory phonetics is definited as any vocal organ that takes part in the production of a speech sounds. Vocal organ are divided into 2 types, Active articulators (those that and move: tongue, lips, vocal fold), Passive articulators (those the remain fixed: teeth, the hard palate, alveolar ridge, velum, pharynx).
According to Roach, 1991, there are 7 main articulators are the pharynx, velum, plate, alveolar ridge, tongue, teeth, lips. 3 other things of articulators, the larynx, jaw, nose and the nasal cavity.
Place of articulation are bilabial / p / b / m /, labiodental / f / v /, dental /Q/, alveolar / t / d / s / z / n / r /, palato-aveolar / d3 /, palatal / j /, velar /g/ k/ . Manner of articulation are plosive / stop, fricative, affricative, nasal, lateral, appoximant.
According to Roach, 1991 vowals are sound in which there is no obstruction to the flow of air as it passes from the larynx to the lips. According to Jufrizal, 1999, it is defined as those sounds produced with oral cavity relatively open to the flow of air. Conconants are sounds produced with a contriction in the oral cavity.
Voice sounds are produced when the vocal cords are almost closed and air from the lungs causes then to vibrator. Voice: have vibration. All vowels are voice. Voiceless sound are produced when the vocal cords are open. All conconants appear in voiceless / voice pairs. Voice stop as [b] [d] [g] and voiceless stop as [p] [t] [k]
Phonetics and phonological studies:
Segmental: phonetics to define the actulatory properties of all human speech sounds. ex: voiceless, dental, fricative. voiced, dental, fricative.
Phonology: what is the fuction of the sounds just English language.
Supragmental: (Phonetics) to investigates aspects such as pitch, loudness, legths. (Inventories or Phonemics) to investigates pitch, stress, intonation: tonal variation ex A; i saw a white birds, B; seriously ?. There stress variation of phonemics: Lexical stress ex contrast "/ 'kantra: st /> noun /' kan'tra: st /> verb. Shift stress ex thirteen" /,Q3; ti: n/ A 13 years old boy, /,Q3:'tin/ He is 13. Weakening : He askes four/for answers.
That's all my conclusion about Phonology. Thanks for attention. Wassalamu'alaikum wr wb.
Thank you very much Miss. Ola for the Phonology Material today, hopefully we can understand. And don't forget guys to like, comment, subscribe, and share with your friends or family. And don't forget to turn on the notification bells.
TH-cam : Yola Merina Media
thanks maam, your explanation very clear than my lecture. Semoga rezekinya dilancarkan dan sering upload video maam. Terimakasih❤
fonetik adalah isi fonemik adalah wadah
Thank you ma'am for the incredible knowledge...
So easy to understand it❤️
Thanks mom i am from another univ
Name : Yanche Aringka
Npm. : 19040017
Short Argument about Phonology
Etymologically, phonology comes from the language phon which means science and logy which means sound, so phonology is the study of sound. Phonology is a branch of linguistics for the study of micro-linguistics, phonology also has divisions
1.phonetics: how the sound is produced until we can hear the sound, the study of the sound that comes from humans not from animals
phonetics: reveals how the sound is made. phonetics also has several parts
a.Articulatory, namely a means of saying or speaking tools such as mouth
b. Acoustic phonetics, which is about the tone of sound transmitted through waves
c. Auditory phonetics, namely how the sound of the language is heard
2. Phonemics: examines the sound / how the sound is organized and its function or how the sound of the language shows meaning
There are double sounds, double vowels and consonants (some are vibrating and some are not vibrating)
in this phonemic we understand that certain sounds will produce certain meanings
and the speech tools we need. 1. active articulators (speech tools that can be moved) tongue, lips, cheeks
2.Pasive articulators (speech tools that cannot be moved) teeth, palate, throat cavity
The most important utterances that can produce sound: the pharynx, the velum, hard plate, the alveolar ridge, the tongue, the teeth and lips
other things of articulator: the larynx, jaw, nose and nasal cavity
phonetics and phonological studies have 2 levels
1.segmental: what you say (voiceless, dental, fricative) (voiced, dental, fricative)
.phonology: what is the function of a sound?
2.suprasegmental: investigating the sound of the tone
a.phonetics: pitch, loundness, lengths
b.phonemics: tonal variation (intonation) stress (pressure)
stress: a.lexical stress (pressure at the beginning) noun if the end (verb)
b.shift stress
Mam I have question
How the knowledge of phonolgy will help english teacher in the future? 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Ibuk bantu saya anak skripsi ngambilnya skripsi linguistik tp bingung pas waktu observasi nnti mau tntng apa yg mau saya tes nnti buk tolong komen ??????
Assalamualaikum miss
My name Meisy Ratu Tria, NPM : 19040029 session 19'A
Thank you for explaining it, miss.
Review: phonology is the study of a system. In language, phonetics is the study of how a sound can be formed using several parts of the body. In this knowledge, we learn about the manner of articulation and the place of articulation. The place of articulation is divided into six, namely bilabial, labiodentals, dental, pabial, velar, glottal. Voiced and voiced pronunciation are also discussed in this field.
Thank you miss
Izin ibu dosen, boleh gak file ppt nya di bagikan?
Name : Evi Yeni Hs. Samongilailai
Npm : 19040004
Short argument about phonology
I would you like to thank Ms. Yola for providing material on phonology.
Phonology is study of sound
1. Phonetics is how the sound is produced, transmited until we can hear the sound with our hearing Aids.
Reverse how sound are Made
1. Articulatory phonetics
Speech production
How the sound of language ia produced by human speech production
2. Acoustic phonetics
Speech transmision
How the sound is transmited
3. Auditorium phonetics
Speech perception
How the sound of language ia heard
2. phonemics
The sound we are examining ia the rule up to the sound forms ini certain sound.
Phonemics is understanding certain sound produced certain meanings.
1. Voewel ( i,e) ex: pit,pet
2. Dipthongs (ei,ai) ex: take,like
3.consonants (p,b) ex: pib, bib
4. Voice consonants (v,d) ex: vat, done
5. Unvoice consonants (f,p) ex : fat, put
Thats all for me, thank you🙏
Assalamu'alaikum miss
Name : Cintia Bustami
NPM : 19040008
Short Argument :
phonology is the study of sound.
phonetics is the study of how these sounds are transmitted to our hearing aids. it can be concluded that audiculory, aucoustic, and auditory phonetics. segmental phonetics are sounding and muted while pronouncing. suprasegmental is the tone when pronouncing the sound.
phonemics is how we examine the role of these sounds. it can be concluded that diphtongs, vowels, and consonants. segmental what is the language of the sound. the suprasegment is to find a language like tone, intonation.
Phonology ada berapa teori kak????
Assalamu alaikum, Mbak!!
Mau ajak kakak kolaborasi bikin buku tentang Phonology.
Nanti diterbitkan di Nas Publishing.
Biar kita patungan bikin bukunya!!
Apkah mbak dosen?
Nama: Reviaemilda
npm : 19040025
my revew
Phonology is the study of sound phonology itself has two branches, namely phonetic which is the part of the sound that is produced until we can listen to it with our hearing aids whereas phonemics are parts of the sound of a language that are organized in which it functions in a particular language
assalamualaikum wr.wb
name : cornela fitri
npm : 19040012
review: Phonology comes from the words phon and logy, phon means sound and logy, namely the science of being phonology is the study of the science of sound. Phonology is divided into 2 parts, namely phonetics and phonemic. Phonetics is the study of the transmission, production and reception of speech sounds. and phonemic is the study of sounds and sound patterns of a particular language. so phonetics is a place to collect raw materials and phonemic is a place for us to cook. Phonetics is also called by expressing how sounds are made and phonetics into several types such as articulatory, acoustic and auditory.
NPM: 19040028
REVIEW: with the explanation that miss gave me so I know what phonology is, and I can know that phonology is a branch of lingguistick that studies about sound. Phonology is also divided into 2 parts fonetics and phonemics.
phonetics and phonemics can be illustrated by the famous cotation (pike, kenneth 1994) where phonetics summarizes the raw material and the phonemics that cook it.
phonetics is divided into 3
1.Articulatory phonetics of how sound is produced by human speech organs
2.aucostics phonetics
how the sound of the language is translated
3.Auditory phonetics
how the sound of the language is heard
how do we cook the sound / how do we understand the sound of the sound
Articulators phonetics
to produce sound we need to know what an speech organ
what are the vowel sounds that we can use
1. active articulators, word tools that can be moved such as tongue, lips, vocals, fold
2.passive articulators, immovable speech devices such as teeth, the hard, palate alveolar ridge, velum pharyinx
Vowel and consonant
1. vowel: sound that comes out freely without any obstacles
2.consonant: the sound that comes out with an obstacle
Phonotics and phonology study
1. Segmental
Phonetics~ to devine the articulatory propeties of all human speech sound
{0} Voiceles, dental ,fricative
{0} Voiced, dental,fricative
Phonology~ what is the function of the sound
assalamualikum miss
name : melia putri
NPM : 19040020
Sesion 19A
my review
Ponology is the study of sound. Ponology has 2 sections that discuss more specific sounds.
1. Phonetic
The part of phonology that discusses where sound is processed, how sound is produced, and then how the sound is heard by the listener. Does the sound have to pop back, nasal, vibrate, hiss, click, or pop. Like the sound / p /.
Example: pen
When reading the pen, the pronunciation will pop, it occurs between the upper and lower lips, at the time of pronunciation there will be air coming out of the mouth. Then the pronunciation of the new pen is pronounced correctly if it is in accordance with the above procedure.
2. Phonemic
Phonemic examines the sound that will become meaning. How the chanted sound produces the correct meaning. How 2 words that have the same sound will be known by the listener that the meaning of the two words has a different meaning. Then the study of phonemic symbols as phonemes will explain the sounds that will determine the meaning of the word.
Example: four and for
/fɔ:(r)/ and /fə(r)/
Through this sound symbol it is known that the meaning of the 2 words is different.
It is said that the phonetic is a place for gathering materials
I think what this means is that in the discussion of phonetic we are taught how to read a word, listen to the organ, what sound is produced
Ponemic as a place to cook
The meaning is that words that have been converted into symbolic form are read in a way that is taught in phonetic studies
From these two studies, it will produce the correct word pronunciation with the correct meaning of the word and can be understood by listeners.
thank, wassalamualaikum wr,wb
Assalammualaikum miss
Name : Liceyana Lorenza
Npm : 19040009
My review :
Phonology is the study of sound. Phonology also has a division from the branch of linguistics to phonology, namely phonetics and phonemics. Phonemics can also be called phonology. The difference between phonetics and phonemics is: Phonetics is a place to collect raw materials, while phonemics is where we cook. Phonetics and phonemics according to Todd's expert, namely: phonetics (the study of production, transmission, and reception of speech sounds Todd, 1991), while phonemics (the study of sounds and sound patterns of a specific language). Phonetics consists of articulatory phonetics (speech production), acoustic phonetics (speech transmission), and auditory phonetics (visual feedback). Vocal organs are divided into 2 types namely: active and passive articulatory. Thank you for the material, miss, I quite understand it because the material is miss explained with various easy image examples to be understood.
Name : Aprian Dwi Putri
Npm : 19040005
My Review :
Sorry for my mistake miss, from your course I got if Phonology have two branches of Linguistics, those are Phonetics and Phonemics or familiarity call phonology. The different of Phonetics and Phonemics based on specialist, Phonetics is the study of production, transmission and reception of speech (Tood, 1991), reveals way how to sound th phonetics have trheree, that iss articulatory, acoustic and audiotory phonetics. While Phonemics is the study of sounds and sound pattern of a specific language. For making a language or a perfect sound we are need our articulatory, if one of its is broke so our sound wouldn't made perfectly. And our vokal organs is devided into 2 types, those are active articulatory qnd passive articulatory. Not only that, via this course I get the different of voice and voiceless sound and about vocal and consonant. Phonetics and phonological can be subdivided into 2 levels, those are segemental and suprasegmental.
Actually I had watching your Vidio and download it but, I little confused how to explain again, but I had try to do that miss. I'm so sorry for my fault, and disordering of my sentences.
NAMA : Weddy Kusuma
NPM : 19040007
REVIEW : Phonetics is a branch of linguistics that focuses on the production and classification of the world’s speech sounds. The production of speech looks at the interaction of different vocal organs, for example the lips, tongue and teeth, to produce particular sounds. By classification of speech, we focus on the sorting of speech sounds into categories which can be seen in what is called the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).
A phoneme is the smallest unit of sound in a word that makes a difference in its pronunciation, as well as its meaning, from another word. For instance, the /s/ in ‘soar’ distinguishes it from /r/ in ‘roar’, as it becomes different from ‘soar’ in pronunciation as well as meaning.
Minta link ppt nya kk untuk bahan diskusi🙏
Nga ada link pptnya
🥺iya dh
/aɪ ˈlaɪk jə ˈklɑːs, ˈmæm. aɪ m ˈfɒnd əv ˈriːdɪŋ ˈɑ:tɪklz ɒn ˈlɪŋgwɪstɪks, fəˈnɒlədʒɪ, fəˈnetɪks, ˈsɔːts ɒv. maɪ ˈfeɪvərɪt ˈbrɪtɪʃ fəʊnəˈtɪʃnz ɑː ˈdænjəl ˈdʒəʊnz ən ˈeɪ ˈsiː ˈgɪmsn. aɪ ˈθɪŋk ðət fəˈnɒlədʒɪ ɪz ˈverɪ ɪmˈpɔːtnt ɪn ɑː ˈtraɪɪŋ tə ˈlɜːn ˈenɪ ˈfɒrɪn ˈlæŋgwɪdʒɪz. ðə ˈfɜːst ˈθɪŋ tə ˈlɜːn ɪz, əv ˈkɔːs, ðə ˈsaʊnd ˈsɪstəm əv ðə ˈtɑːgɪt ˈlæŋgwɪdʒ. wiː ˈniːd tə ˈnəʊ ðə ˈvaʊəlz, ˈdɪfθɒŋz ən ˈkɒnsəʊnənts ðət ˈfɔːm ðə ˈlæŋgwɪdʒ./