When Germans still Germans, their power only last short. Ostrogoths for example only able to rule Italy only for 60 years, before the Eastern Roman empire came and defeated them. But when Germans became Romanized and Latinized, became civilized, like the Frankish who rule the Holy Roman Empire, they able to rule last longer, 1006 thousand years.
If you're male, get tested with 111 marker haplotypes (STRs) as well as enough information on single nucleotide base changes (SNPs). Data can help you not only verify but also sharpen interpretations and understanding of past actions.
The culture we know from the viking age was most likely already influenced by christianity as gods were portrayed in human form. Meanwhile Tacitus wrote in germania that the germanic people do not picture their gods in human form but rather find them in special places in nature, which is much more true to to animistic origin of paganism. Paganism wasn't christianity but with cooler lore and gods with hammers, it was and is a worldview and spirituality. Edit: to truly understand paganism/animism one has to fully let go of the christian concept of religion and superiority that is still apparent even in secular nations by the way we treat our surrounding.
@@_--Reaper--_yes. But not all who are “German” are Angles. Not all English are either, being a mix of those people, saxons, frisians, other Germanic tribes, and the native Celtic peoples. All such dna exists within modern “English” which does not exist in “German”.
The Germans need to learn how to be proud of thier history again. They are why too ashamed of something the current generation didn‘t even do.(WW2) its sad. You are in the right to be proud of your history.
Germanic people are Dutch. Danes, Germans, Austrians, Northern French, parts of Polish people, Scandinavians, Icelandic and I think Belgium and after the Anglo-Saxon invasion Brits are also part Germanic anyway Germany took the name but not only Germans are Germanic @@sparten6
One thing to be mentioned is that the germanics hated being ruled, so the countless tribes constantly battled each other when one faction would try to gain control over the others. When the Romans attacked Arminius managed to united them for a little bit but then they broke apart again. Eventually Otto the Great managed to unite the tribes to defeat the invading Hungarians.
Gladiator represents the best theatrical depiction of a battle between the Romans and the Germanics. However, in the movie the Romans lead by Maximus end up victorious. Ultimately the Germans under Arminius made sure the Romans would never dare to invade Germany again, otherwise I'd be speaking Italian.
@@arminius301 what I mean is a movie strictly about the tribes and their in fighting with no element of Rome whatsoever. Maybe a few passing lines to stress a need to unite, but beyond that I think a drama surrounding the struggle for power in that area would be fascinating.
@@HailWoden18 That we've been stripped of our ethnic identity for starters... That most of us are ashamed by the color of our skin lol. How about you? You proud of your german ancestry? Woden, yes?
@@jimmythe-gent Nope. Sounds like an American Politic and Socio problem. The English, Swiss, Austrians, Norwegians, Danes, Swedes, Icelanders, Belgians etc.. all still have their identity and are certainly not ashamed of anything. Very proud in fact. Germany and SOME Germans are very ashamed of the Holocaust, and they should certainly learn from their mistakes. You're giving examples of an extreme of a very particular political group, most common in the shthole that is USA. That is not an issue elsewhere. We don't. You have obviously never been to any of these Countries. They still very much retain their culture and traditions.
I've always viewed the Nords of Skyrim as a mix of the cultures of the Germanic People (Viking Scandinavians) and the Celts. Great game. Thanks for this great video, you represented our people well.
@@cookiezx3478 They have the Gildergreen in Whiterun, which to me indicated Celtic mythology and the forces of nature. The warrior Gods that they have tell me Norse Mythology. Wodan originated with the Germans. They had the All-Father too. Thank you for your comment.
The germanic tribes are often depicted as underdeveloped savages. But even in this times innovations where rising quickly between people. Sources like Caesar and Tacitus point out, germanic tribes fighted in formations. Their cavalry was outstanding good. The Suebi cavalry fighting Caesar was so effective that 800 suebi riders did beat 5.000 roman cavalry easily. Caesars cavalry often refused to fight germanic cavalry at all after that. Caesar solved this problem, with hiring germanic cavalry mercenaries himself. In warfare the germanic warriors even relied on engineering. In the battle of Teutoburg Forest they builded a wall to make a small path between a hill and a swamp even closer. Archaelogical findings showed hundreds of roman artefacts lost in this wall, but no artefacts on this wall or beyond. So it can be concluded the Arminius-coalition managed to finish the romans with tactical walls after weakening them with guerilla warfare in the woods.
321 AlterSchwede+ It is because the Huns and Ossetian Alans had alliance with them,the horse saddle, improvement of bow and togha(Trousers) ideas supplemented to the Germanics.
These days the only reason they are considered underdeveloped savages is because they left almost no records they wrote themselves (or at least none survived) to tell their stories. Those stories would have easily revealed typical human sophistication, as is the case for most societies.
I once had a professor in law school who mentioned during lectures (because he is from Germany) about his ancestors who were warriors way back in history, giving a hard time to the Romans. This is probably what the man was trying to tell us.
This is not the civilisation you're talking about. What you're referring to is the civilisation imported from the Middle East glorified by Greek garlands. None of those things are Germanic at all
Germany today full of Turks and Middle Eastern people. They don't come there by force, but they were brought in by the Germans, like Angela Merkel. In the name of multicultural. Lol 😂😂😂
Proud to call myself German! My lineage can be traced back to the tribe of the Thuringii in modern day Thuringia :) Even though they were eventually swallowed by the Franks like most Germanic tribes, their blood courses thru my veins regardless.
@Mr.Skeleton. How did you trace your bloodline that far back? I’m German on my mother’s side and am curious to find out what tribe our family goes back to.
Germans should be proud, as a Scotsman I respect the German people. Great warriors of history, some of the best minds and engineers ever and a strong cultural race that is very important to Europe, possibly the strongest group in Europe for millenia, the germanic, Celts and Frank's are all note worthy races of People till this day.
@@universalconquest4447 I never said they were French, I know they were Germanic and they have been integrated into the French, Dutch and German peoples
Not so much a vassel of the US, but a vassel of the Globalist banking cartel. The US simply serves as their muscle. They fleece us of our wealthy to feed their global war machine
As an American myself, I’m ashamed of what my country has done to both Germany & many other countries (such as Vietnam & Cuba). People here always hail America as a great bastion of liberty & strength, but for those that have been unfortunate enough to become the US's enemy, this couldn’t be further from the truth.
Sei froh, dass die Geschichte so gelaufen ist, wie sie ist nach dem Ende von WW2 !! Unvorstellbar, wenn die USA nicht da gewesen wären und der Kommunismus mit dem elendigen eisernen Vorhang sich bis zum Rhein möglich ausgedehnt hätte. Wie schnell Deutschland wieder aufgebaut wurde mit prächtiger Wirtschaft wäre ohne wirken der USA nicht so gelaufen, vergiss das nicht! Dein Wohlstand hängt davon noch heute ab, unter Garantie!!
We (the Swiss) still have many places and vilages that where named by germanic tribes. Also a Lot of Stone circles scathered in forests and fields. Not to mention all the Roman Ruins (i live near the ancient Border between Rome and the germanic tribes). I really Love to live in this history filled place.
i think the swiss are more celts than germans. Although its a mixture. But our affinity to 'arts' and craft (such as the swiss being famous for watches till this day for example) aswell as the style of clothing traditional in switzerland (the tracht for example) shows our celtic heritage more. Also old swiss german words are nearer to english than to german
@@Johnny3Batony you can be American and have strong Scandinavian or Germanic heritage. Most people where i live have Scandinavian last names and the town I live in is even nicknamed little Denmark.
Golden Point - What has usually happened throughout history is that the Parents leave the Property to the Good Child and the Good Child stays at home and takes care of the Parent.
Great video. I enjoyed it very much. You did a good job of condensing a lot of Germanic history into a limited amount of time. Keep it up buddy. I always look forward to your new content. 🦾👍
I am from India. But Germanic people have intrigued me for long. When I saw Gladiator movie even then I found myself respecting those warriors whom Romans in the movie were calling barbarians.
I'm descended from the Chatti. Later known as Hessians. I'm surprised my tribe wasn't mentioned. My tribe was allied to Arminius and were a good sized part of the Teutoburgewald battle.
Lots of tough MMA fighters from this area nowadays. Their tribalism is still being shown aswell in football since they cause a lot of trouble nationally and internationally.
My sister did genetic testing and although our family was from the Ukraine, we had Scandinavian heritage. I always thought it was from viking traders but it's possible that it was from this migration.
The people of Gotland for some reason, made a decision to go back to the ancient homeland to the south to what is now known as Ukraine. Again men from Sweden and Gotland came back down the great rivers as Varangians, trading with the Eastern Romans and Slavic tribes then settling there creating Kievan Rus. And for a third time the Scandinavian men of SS Wiking with the Germans battled the Soviets in Ukraine in some of the most brutal and bloodiest fighting.
If you are curious for more information, check out The Rest Is History podcast. They have two episodes on the origins of Ukraine and Russia and how it relates to Germanic Peoples.
That will be offensive according to the left. Europe must be multicultural society, open to immigrants from Middle East, Africa and Indian Subcontinent 😃
Honestly fine sir, they have the most powerful/richest history of any peoples imho. They spread across the globe far before “ academia“ would like to admit. Check out how their haplogroups from the corded where people. The goths spread out across all of Europe and Eurasia and became kings and queens of all the lands be subjugated. The goths/germanic peoples had a greater role in Roman history than I could’ve ever imagined… it just takes a little digging to find out what they actually accomplished
@@davidmacdonald2446 Even in the video, it is said that the Celts referred to the Germanics as Barbarians. The Celts accepted the supremacy of the Germanics. Even today it is. No wonder 95% of them don't know their own language. Furthermore, most of the Celts got assimilated by the Romans and Germanics.
@@papazataklaattiranimam mostly romans beat the celts not the germanics and romans fell because of internal struggle and because of these germans take the advantage and invade the western half
@@THINKincessantly that sounds amazing. and living in texas as german sounds awesome( lets go brandon!) i am from israel 25 years old just learning the language. how come your parents decided to move from germany?
@sanderson yea I know. My family is from the north Rhine river I believe. My gmas side moved here in the 1870s. I can almost pinpoint it if I tried lol
I am disgusted by the fact that Germans today do not know about the battle of Teutoburg Forrest, it's not taught to Germans today, not anywhere else. Edit. Note that I did not say all German schools. I said that the fact that any schools in Germany don't teach it is bad. I can't believe I have to specify this so much.
Because it’s pre Christian, even in Norway children learn about their pre Christian forefathers who shaped their land. Idk why they don’t learn about that either 🤷🏿♂️
@@calcaleb7041 even Ireland kept their history after Christianization. In fact, it's their books and libraries that saved modern civilization both Christian and Pagan. So I just don't get why so much is forgotten
Ah, my people! Love Germanic history Fun Fact: most of the days of the week come from Germanic gods. Monday-moon day, Tuesday-Tir’s day, Wednesday-Woden’s day or Odin’s day, Thursday-Thor’s day, Friday- Freya’s day
Golden Point - No Parent ever allows the Good Children to Leave Home as they need the Good Children to stay at home and take care of them on their old age.
I was talking to a few Germans not too long ago & they didn’t speak as highly of Arminius as I expected. He tried to use his “victory” (not really) over the Roman’s to become king of a unified German kingdom, which was a main reason for their battles against Rome, they wanted to rule themselves & this led to Arminius being assassinated
@@Johnny3Batony 😂😂😂 I think you’re the one confused. Where did modern day Germans come from if not from the Germanic tribes? Of course there will be genetic mixing over time with other groups of people such as Celtic or Latin cultures but Germanic cultures even outside of Scandinavia are still very much Germanic descended. You gonna say the Dutch aren’t descended from Germanic tribes next? I’m not even sure where you’re getting your argument. Maybe you’re saying Germans aren’t as purely Germanic as there Nordic neighbors which is probably true but to say they modern day Germans don’t have DNA from the Germanic tribes is ridiculous. Ever heard of the migration period??? Are the English not descended from a mix of celtic, Germanic (angles, Saxons, fresians, jutes) and later Norse people? Germanic DNA has spread across almost the entirety of Western Europe and much of the United States.
What have we lost in our societ ? That civilization has taken in it's views of " Peace " ? Is in fact of a contrary notion. We can pretend that we are more intelligent, more sophisticated in our thoughts. But it still comes down to our strength militarily in how we fight, how each country isn't given to govern them selfs, through economic system which only gives a certain views on still creating a class identity.
@@sebe2255 I’m of German descent. German ethnicity was coined in medieval times to describe germanic people. So all Germans if you go far back enough would have germanic ancestors. But my immediate family is German.
@@floatahhh Yes, all Germans would be Germanic, but not all Germanic people became German. The Dutch didn’t, the Luxemburgish didn’t, Scandinavians didn’t and English didn’t. And that isn’t even mentioning all the other migratory tribes like the Goths, Vandals or Suebi Germans have Germanic roots, not the other way around
It's hard to take seriously a video where the first mistake occurs as soon as 0:42. It's obvious that some Americans can't figure out a blank map of Europe. The territory of Germania, at least the one shown in the video, doesn't comprises of today's Austria at all. In fact, right next to today's Germany and to the north of Austria is located the Czech Republic that wasn't mentioned in the video. Next to it is Slovakia, also not mentioned. So much for the Central Europe. As for the north-eastern part of Germania shown in the video, it includes today's Poland, Baltic states and western part of Ukraine. None of them mentioned in the video.
My family traces back to the franks, and who knows what Germanic tribes before that. My children love the stories of their lineage, and we still get a little ancestral thrill when we beat up on the Italian's from time to time. Although Napoli taking the boots to Frankfurt the other day hurt. Millenia old battles still raging on 😂💪
Funny comment! I love my Roman ancestry. I always get an ancestral thrill knowing that no Germanic Empire has ever been as influential, dominant and long lasting compared to the Roman Empire. 🤣🤙🏼
@@sebe2255 Even better, “claiming” is to state that something is the case, even without providing evidence or proof. Germanics desired an empire such as the true Roman Empire yet could create nothing such. Also, I’m not claiming that statement, it’s a fact. It’s an honor for the Roman Empire to be so admired that others wanted to emulate and be them.
@@jmac6055 Last I checked Charlemagne was crowned Emperor by the pope in Rome and recognized a tthe time as the Western Roman Emperor But I am sure that Jmac’s biased opinion about Germanic was incredibly relevant. Besides, the Germanic tribes destroyed Rome in the West. Maybe they finally encountered a better people
6:29 , great to see a picture painted after a foto showing Maria Franz of the band "Heilung" during a live session . Check out their videos here on YT, f.e. I'd recommend the original video of their powerful piece "Krigsgaldr".
I’m grateful that I turned from the futile ways of my ancestors and worship the One true Living God, the Creator of heaven and earth. I praise Him for delivering me.
A brave warrior arose among the Germans, behold......Adolfus Hitlarious, it's believed he thought a small religious/quasi ethnic tribe group within the German territory were harming his people, this led to great adoration and love for Hitlarious but alas he was defeated by many united tribes and went down in history as a villain, had he won he would of been a hero
@@lindajo8072 Favoritism, according to Merriam-Webster, is “the unfair practice of treating some people better than others.” The Greek word translated favoritism in James 2 literally means to “receive according to the face.” In other words, to show favoritism is to make judgments about people on the basis of their outward appearance. Here are three reasons why showing favoritism is prohibited in Scripture: 1. Favoritism is inconsistent with God’s character. Impartiality is an attribute of God. He is absolutely and totally impartial in dealing with people. “For the Lord your God is the God of gods and Lord of lords, the great, mighty, and awe-inspiring God, showing no partiality and taking no bribe” (Deut. 10:17). “For there is no favoritism with God” (Rom. 2:11). “There is no favoritism with him (Eph. 6:9). “Now I truly understand that God doesn’t show favoritism” (Acts 10:34). Showing favoritism is inconsistent with God’s character, antithetical to the gospel, and therefore incompatible with “faith in our glorious Jesus Christ” (Jas. 2:1). 2. Favoritism is contrary to God’s values. James addressed a situation in which believers gave preferential treatment to the rich (2:2-3). What would motivate this kind of behavior? Is it not because these believers valued the rich more than they valued the poor? They would rather have the rich attend their church than the poor, and their treatment of the rich and of the poor reflected their values. James reminded his readers that their values were not God’s values: “Didn’t God choose the poor in this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom that he has promised to those who love him? Yet you have dishonored the poor” (2:5-6). They were acting in a way that was contrary to God’s values. In a message on the evil of favoritism in the church, John MacArthur said: “We tend to put everyone in some kind of stratified category, higher or lower than other people. It has to do with their looks. It has to do with their wardrobe. It has to do with the kind of car they drive, the kind of house they live in; sometimes it has to do with their race, sometimes with their social status, sometimes outward characteristics of personality. All of those things with God are non-issues. They are of no significance at all. They mean absolutely nothing to Him.” (gty.org) 3. Favoritism is sin. James makes clear that favoritism is not simply disrespectful of people; it is sin against God. “If … you show favoritism, you commit sin” (Jas. 2:9). It is sin because it is contrary to the character and command of God. Because favoritism is sin, there is no place for it in the hearts of God’s people, and certainly no place for it in the church.
The Germanics were mighty indeed, but so was the Celts and the Scythians. Along with Greeks and Romans they were the most powerful people in Europe. But people like the Thracians, Slavs and Iberians were also mighty and impressive. And then there was the Etruscans and the Illyrians. And we cant forget the Sea Peoples that destroyed mighty empires in the bronze age.
Germanic people are mighty only in muscle and sword, not in governing an empire, like the Romans. Thats why, all Germanic Barbarian kingdoms only exist for a decade. The Ostrogoths for example, only able to rule Italy for 60 years, with only two kings, before been defeated by the Eastern Roman Empire under Emperor Justinian I. But after the Germanic people became civilized and Romanized, like the Frankish, they then can rule much longer. The Frankish rule the Holy Roman Empire for 1006 thousand years.
@@borneandayak6725 LOL no Romans are situated in a perfect location to start a empire. protected by sea and mountains, while able to sustain a large population having rich soil and a good climate for civilization. Germanic people lived in a harsh climate without access to warm waters, growth of food in winter for example was not possible. Ostrogoths settled in Italy but weren't Italien so its is a different story. Germanic people are able to govern any empire like any other group of humans you are not special lol.
@@borneandayak6725 Most of the Germanic words are borrowed either from Scythian Alans and Latin and became Indo European,their own must be somewhat Finno Ugaric where the Blonde race originates invaded Sogdiana and Scythia and created Russia and assimilated with the locals on other side rivalled the Turkic Hun and Tartar hordes then known as Slaves.
It is sad that most of what we know about the germanic tribes comes from their enemies and is therefore probably very biased. This is true for many old cultures that didn't have a written language and we'll never truly know everything about these people.
Germanic people from Rome until WW2 and then BMW with Mercedes Now one of the powerhouse economic in the world.... Surely the most powerful European people. Except lost to oil
Didn't modern Europeans, Aryans, Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese appear in the same region in Mongolia and Siberia, according to science, why don't they look alike?
@@عليياسر-ذ5ب In a way, it all started with the Sintashta culture in Europe. These all people gathered in very large numbers and decided to leave for other places when the numbers became too large. On the way they mixed with different ethnicities upon whom they eventually ruled. Chinese Japanese and Koreans aren't Aryans though, they are also formed of many races like Ainu and Jomon etc.
@@unn5443 But the Aryans appeared at the same time with them and decided to migrate to Central Asia, Russia, Ukraine, White Russia, the Caucasus, the Iranian plateau and northern India.
Thats no mistake :) The history of the Romans in Germania spans a period of about five hundred years. In 55 BC, Gaius Julius Caesar crossed the Rhine for the first time with troops, and from 13/12 BC, the commander Drusus conducted several campaigns in Germania under Augustus. The ultimately unsuccessful attempts to make the area to the right of the Rhine as far as the Elbe a province lasted almost 30 years (Augustan Germanic Wars). The southern part of present-day Germany was Romanized. Evidence of this time includes a multitude of archaeological finds, from road construction and farmsteads to city foundations.
From the Christian European leaders who forced Christian laws against their own ppl since the year 700 and then ultimately taking away their rights like the Norwegian government does to it's citizens? 🤷🏻♂️
I sure love the pyjama pants. I like to wear them sometimes or just clothes with tartan pattern. The Scythians also had some pretty cool pants, they sure knew how to look fancy :D
Schleswig-Holstein,Frisia,Westphalia,Yutland and Saxonia are the core Germanic regions where Germanics remained.Other regions have different input alongside Germanic,like Slavic,Celtic or Romanic.It's visible in their phenotype,but they are still culturally part of Germanic world.
not really precise. the core germanic regions all are futher up north from which they migrated south into the regions you mentioned. and by the way, modern saxony in germany has almost nothing to do with the ancient saxons, that would be lower saxony and westphalia.
@@abeedhal6519 the core germanic regions are scandinavian, they settled in the mentioned regions after they migrated south driving out the celts that lived there before. and lower saxony would be more accurate, as todays saxony is in east germany and has nothing to do with the ancient lands of the old saxons.
@@weisthor0815 No a lot of people that are quite versed in that field (linguists, archeologists, ect) disagree with you on that one. I'd rather trust their understanding of the matter, than yours.
@@abeedhal6519 you are free to do so, but if i tell you that for example todays saxony has nothing to to with the ancient saxons, your so called experts should know that too, because it is a fact that isn´t even hard to google. but obviously they don´t. and how do you think the germanic tribes ended up in the places like jutland, frisia and so on? did they grow on trees or spawn from the ground? probably not ;-) you are just repeating what you´ve read somewhere, that doesn´t neccessarly mean it is true.
What amazes me about the Germanic tribes and celts are just how similar they are to the Native Americans. For instance they both thought of nature very similarly. They were fearless warriors who used gorilla tactics and with very little armor. Unfortunately though they both shared a sad commonality and that is what the Europeans did to the Native the Romans did to Northern Europeans
They had something in common because they both were not christianized at this time. They all were united by the natural spirits, even if there were cultural differences. So yea, would I be a Viking at this time, I would respect any Native American I would have met and I still do now. They all were free people until they were cut off by force from their ancestral spirits being called Demonic and such. But humans, that lose their connection with nature, also lose their native spirit, become weak over time and civilization weakens their spirit over time and the connection with the divine nature.
@@CultOfSol777 Exactly... Alotta people like to rip Europeans for oppressing the world with its religion and ways.. but in reality MOST of Europe, like 90% of it, was invaded then oppressed by the Romans who then forced their ways on the whole of Europe..
There's a big difference between them, germanic and norse people resisted to invaders and become invaders themself, they conquered all Europe and they adapt to the new that was coming (christianity), even shaped it. Native americans remained divided and didn't adapt, they were left with nothing
I think we do not know for granted what was going on in those days. Since germanic people did no writing down about themself. And the Romans could make the Storys themself as they like it.
“For violence against your brother Jacob, Shame shall cover you, And you shall be cut off forever. In the day that you stood on the other side- In the day that strangers carried captive his forces, When foreigners entered his gates And cast lots for Jerusalem- Even you were as one of them. Obadiah 1:10-11 Just guess which group of people are Esau-Edoms pretending to be innocent Judah and wants to wipe out the house of Jacob by the hands of foreigners...
interestingly, at least parts of both peoples might be related. one third of the eastern populations of native americans have r-dna, which is european, and they already had it before europeans arrived in modern history. so there was a connection much earlier, even before the vikings came to america, probably thousands of years earlier.
This comment section is genuinely awful lol. I hate that you can't make a video on ancient Germans without a million larpers showing up pretending to be anything like they were and claiming they are the "greatest race".
The Frisians killed Bonifatius, so you are really one of the cool guys, seriously. He deserved it for felling the Donar Oak and forcing people to betray their gods.
According to Warnow et al. (1996) the Germanic arose within the Satem core (is it from the Proto-Slovenes?): "... and it seems that the Germanic languages began to develop in the Satem core, as their morphology indicates, but they separated from it before the last Satemic innovations. Then they came into contact with "Western" languages ("Celtic" and Italic) and took from them much of their special vocabulary...". The presence of Y-haplogroup Q among them indicates that part of the ancestry is from Northeast Asia. About 4 thousand years ago, part of the ancestors of the present Germans lived in the Far East, north of China; there they adopted some characteristics of the Chinese language of the time, including Kentum characteristics; some of them founded the first Chinese state and drove the rest to the west (Chang 1988). Details between German and Korean also had to be considered (Lie 1991). After the strengthened Chinese drove them out, the northern parts of the Proto-Germanic people migrated from the Far East to the west and reached Europe. It remains an open question whether the ancestors of the Hittites, who came to Anatolia around 4.5 thousand years ago and subjugated the Hattians (Košak 1971, 1994), were part of these Proto-Germanic peoples, or whether the ancestors of the Hittites lived west of the Proto-Germanic people before that. The Hittite word watar for water suggests this possibility. A similar question applies to the Hyksos, who occupied Lower Egypt 3.7 millennia ago. Another question is whether the Proto-Germans were possibly part of the "peoples from beyond the sea" around 3.2 millennia ago. Developments in Europe after that time point to this possibility. Of course, we should not ignore the possibility that they came to Europe, especially to its eastern parts, already before the attacks on Egypt. Nor do we yet have reason to doubt that they would be part of the remnants of the defeated army of the "peoples from beyond the sea" who retreated across the Mediterranean Sea to Europe. As well as that they were those migrating groups of people who plundered Central Europe for centuries and challenged the maintenance of the fortifications. In any case, the "peoples from beyond the sea" have not yet been sufficiently studied. In Western Europe, the Pragermans mixed with "Italic" and "Celtic" peoples (Warnow et al. 1996). The marauding groups were later expelled to Scandinavia, where they mixed with the earlier inhabitants and became the basis for the Germanic people. Later, 2.2 to 1.8 millennia ago, they penetrated to the south, east and west into the Gallic, Baltic and Slavic regions. The original inhabitants with haplogroup I were therefore not Pragermans, although they are now claimed as such.
I remember reading a book back while I was in Serbia where one of the historian was making a connection between Serbians and Suebians and stating similarities.
Watching this made me feel close to my ancestors. Continue standing tall with pride my fellow Germanics.
Christian or pagan?
Every Roman is gangster until the Forrest starts talking Germanic.
Every Germanic is gangster until the sword of Germanicus start speaking latin
@@luciusdomitiusaurelianus5334 Germanicus gangster till Arminius rides ahead of the legion and yells something in Germanic.
@@NorthernNorthdude91749 Arminius gangster until his heart stops beating during his wedding
When Germans still Germans, their power only last short. Ostrogoths for example only able to rule Italy only for 60 years, before the Eastern Roman empire came and defeated them. But when Germans became Romanized and Latinized, became civilized, like the Frankish who rule the Holy Roman Empire, they able to rule last longer, 1006 thousand years.
Proud of my ancestors 💪🏼👊🏻
they arent proud of you
@@dogman5791 definitely not. Todays Hotel Germoney is not even the Germany i grew up and was born in. Now ita Foreignmany and Shamemany
I am German and i approve this message!
Nobody needs your approval 🤣
@chestradamusteutonic4336 that means nothing, you sound goofy
@@OmniMoon_you ARE goofy
@@isopropyltoxicity wow you made such a valid argument, I’m speaking logic you’re speaking emotions. Likes from others like you mean nothing.
If you're male, get tested with 111 marker haplotypes (STRs) as well as enough information on single nucleotide base changes (SNPs). Data can help you not only verify but also sharpen interpretations and understanding of past actions.
As an English and German descendant, I wish more folks had an appreciation for germanic culture and mythology beyond Norse mythology.
You're being redundant, the Engles/Angles were a Germanic tribe.
The culture we know from the viking age was most likely already influenced by christianity as gods were portrayed in human form.
Meanwhile Tacitus wrote in germania that the germanic people do not picture their gods in human form but rather find them in special places in nature, which is much more true to to animistic origin of paganism.
Paganism wasn't christianity but with cooler lore and gods with hammers, it was and is a worldview and spirituality.
Edit: to truly understand paganism/animism one has to fully let go of the christian concept of religion and superiority that is still apparent even in secular nations by the way we treat our surrounding.
@@_--Reaper--_yes. But not all who are “German” are Angles. Not all English are either, being a mix of those people, saxons, frisians, other Germanic tribes, and the native Celtic peoples. All such dna exists within modern “English” which does not exist in “German”.
I'm German and English WITH Swedish. All are historically significant, and coexist peacefully.
@@nocaption5562thank you sir 🙏🙏
I don’t care what anyone says, I’m proud of my Germanic heritage
The Germans need to learn how to be proud of thier history again. They are why too ashamed of something the current generation didn‘t even do.(WW2) its sad. You are in the right to be proud of your history.
@@sparten6 🤝🏻
@Unfriendly atheist - your name says it all
@@sparten6german is different from germanic. A dutch person is germanic but not german.
Germanic people are Dutch. Danes, Germans, Austrians, Northern French, parts of Polish people, Scandinavians, Icelandic and I think Belgium and after the Anglo-Saxon invasion Brits are also part Germanic anyway Germany took the name but not only Germans are Germanic @@sparten6
One thing to be mentioned is that the germanics hated being ruled, so the countless tribes constantly battled each other when one faction would try to gain control over the others.
When the Romans attacked Arminius managed to united them for a little bit but then they broke apart again.
Eventually Otto the Great managed to unite the tribes to defeat the invading Hungarians.
Thank you for the German Warriors History.
I am very very proud of my germanic heritage!!!!
Chill bruh😅
Aryan pride
As you should! The aryan children of Europe are among the greatest tribes this planet has ever seen.
@@almister cry
Me too! I will always be proud of my germanic and native american heritage.
A movie set in this era within and about these cultures and their wars/relationships would be awesome.
Netflix series "Barbarians" is pretty good
Hollyjuden would never
Gladiator represents the best theatrical depiction of a battle between the Romans and the Germanics. However, in the movie the Romans lead by Maximus end up victorious. Ultimately the Germans under Arminius made sure the Romans would never dare to invade Germany again, otherwise I'd be speaking Italian.
@@arminius301 what I mean is a movie strictly about the tribes and their in fighting with no element of Rome whatsoever. Maybe a few passing lines to stress a need to unite, but beyond that I think a drama surrounding the struggle for power in that area would be fascinating.
@Alexander Robinson I love that show.
Our Germanic ancestors would weep to see what we've become..
*wipe you out 😂
@@fahadalabdulghani6727 you're wiped already, you already are half 🐒
@@jimmythe-gent What would they weep about? Please do tell, Jude..
@@HailWoden18 That we've been stripped of our ethnic identity for starters... That most of us are ashamed by the color of our skin lol. How about you? You proud of your german ancestry? Woden, yes?
@@jimmythe-gent Nope. Sounds like an American Politic and Socio problem. The English, Swiss, Austrians, Norwegians, Danes, Swedes, Icelanders, Belgians etc.. all still have their identity and are certainly not ashamed of anything. Very proud in fact. Germany and SOME Germans are very ashamed of the Holocaust, and they should certainly learn from their mistakes. You're giving examples of an extreme of a very particular political group, most common in the shthole that is USA. That is not an issue elsewhere. We don't. You have obviously never been to any of these Countries. They still very much retain their culture and traditions.
I've always viewed the Nords of Skyrim as a mix of the cultures of the Germanic People (Viking Scandinavians) and the Celts. Great game. Thanks for this great video, you represented our people well.
Dont forget that the Nord of Skyrim are mostely originating from fantasy. There are very few to none similaritys to germanic paganism.
@@cookiezx3478 They have the Gildergreen in Whiterun, which to me indicated Celtic mythology and the forces of nature. The warrior Gods that they have tell me Norse Mythology. Wodan originated with the Germans. They had the All-Father too. Thank you for your comment.
I used to think the same, untill I took an arrow to the knee...
@@justarandomname420 I sh*t you not, my character got shot in the knee with an arrow and still walked perfectly. Nord sh*t.
You are gonna make me reinstall Skyrim now lol. There are Norse mods for it too so....for Ysgromor!!!
I'm glad you did a video on them they don't get enough coverage in history
Really? I thought they get a lot of attention.
Because blacks gave Germans knowledge.
And yet, that "knowledge" hasn't made the African continent a first world power. Go figure.
@@genox3636 weird statement.
The sound of deep inferiority complex are outstanding in this comment!!!!! Congrats!!!!!
The germanic tribes are often depicted as underdeveloped savages. But even in this times innovations where rising quickly between people. Sources like Caesar and Tacitus point out, germanic tribes fighted in formations. Their cavalry was outstanding good. The Suebi cavalry fighting Caesar was so effective that 800 suebi riders did beat 5.000 roman cavalry easily. Caesars cavalry often refused to fight germanic cavalry at all after that. Caesar solved this problem, with hiring germanic cavalry mercenaries himself. In warfare the germanic warriors even relied on engineering. In the battle of Teutoburg Forest they builded a wall to make a small path between a hill and a swamp even closer. Archaelogical findings showed hundreds of roman artefacts lost in this wall, but no artefacts on this wall or beyond. So it can be concluded the Arminius-coalition managed to finish the romans with tactical walls after weakening them with guerilla warfare in the woods.
321 AlterSchwede+ It is because the Huns and Ossetian Alans had alliance with them,the horse saddle, improvement of bow and togha(Trousers) ideas supplemented to the Germanics.
These days the only reason they are considered underdeveloped savages is because they left almost no records they wrote themselves (or at least none survived) to tell their stories. Those stories would have easily revealed typical human sophistication, as is the case for most societies.
Tbh tons of knowledge gathered by the Romans got lost after we took over.
Arminius/Hermann probably had them cats build that wall from his Roman ideas.
As an Englishman, I’m proud of my ancestors.
We germans are the same tribe with you....Angles and Saxons....the closest in europe one family..
@@ndie8075 Yeah that's why he said his ancestors haha
Are they proud of YOU?
@@borno5692they are not proud of what we have become
@@steviechampagne We’re like this now because of a certain other tribe that wants and does dominate us. It’s pathetic and sad
I once had a professor in law school who mentioned during lectures (because he is from Germany) about his ancestors who were warriors way back in history, giving a hard time to the Romans. This is probably what the man was trying to tell us.
Those of European blood must remember who they are, as our Civilization is in peril. Excellent video! Thanks for sharing!!!
This is not the civilisation you're talking about. What you're referring to is the civilisation imported from the Middle East glorified by Greek garlands. None of those things are Germanic at all
@@justinnamuco9096 interesting that you wrote this nonsense in a germanic language
Wish they taught all this stuff in school as it’s so cool and this isn’t even surface level stuff but it on it’s own makes the world make more sense.
Africans brought knowledge of math and metallurgy.
@@genox3636 ok and? This video is about a culture almost extinguished by the spread of Christianity.
@@thebilldozer7970 He's trolling just look at his comment history.
this warriors have to be pis** off when they see their country today
Germany today full of Turks and Middle Eastern people. They don't come there by force, but they were brought in by the Germans, like Angela Merkel. In the name of multicultural. Lol 😂😂😂
We are lost
Doubt we will recover
Very interesting, I'm German and Scandinavian, with a slice of Celtic. It's a fascinating history set by wonderful peoples. Thanks for your efforts.
The first Priestess has one of the most beautifully mesmerizing voices ever. (See: Heilung)
German resilience is impeccable and unmatched. Probably the strongest people to ever walk the earth.
Absolutely 💯
Proud to call myself German! My lineage can be traced back to the tribe of the Thuringii in modern day Thuringia :)
Even though they were eventually swallowed by the Franks like most Germanic tribes, their blood courses thru my veins regardless.
Be proud.
@Mr.Skeleton. How did you trace your bloodline that far back? I’m German on my mother’s side and am curious to find out what tribe our family goes back to.
Germans should be proud, as a Scotsman I respect the German people. Great warriors of history, some of the best minds and engineers ever and a strong cultural race that is very important to Europe, possibly the strongest group in Europe for millenia, the germanic, Celts and Frank's are all note worthy races of People till this day.
@@sanderson9338 The Franks were a Germanic tribe. Not to be confused with today's Frenchmen, who are a mix of Celt, Latin, Germanic.
@@universalconquest4447 I never said they were French, I know they were Germanic and they have been integrated into the French, Dutch and German peoples
I’m proud of my Germanic heritage but regret that Germany has become a vassal state of the USA. Loved the video.
America is full of Germans
Not so much a vassel of the US, but a vassel of the Globalist banking cartel. The US simply serves as their muscle. They fleece us of our wealthy to feed their global war machine
Yeah very sad and now they will use You as front against Moscow and Peking
As an American myself, I’m ashamed of what my country has done to both Germany & many other countries (such as Vietnam & Cuba).
People here always hail America as a great bastion of liberty & strength, but for those that have been unfortunate enough to become the US's enemy, this couldn’t be further from the truth.
Sei froh, dass die Geschichte so gelaufen ist, wie sie ist nach dem Ende von WW2 !! Unvorstellbar, wenn die USA nicht da gewesen wären und der Kommunismus mit dem elendigen eisernen Vorhang sich bis zum Rhein möglich ausgedehnt hätte. Wie schnell Deutschland wieder aufgebaut wurde mit prächtiger Wirtschaft wäre ohne wirken der USA nicht so gelaufen, vergiss das nicht! Dein Wohlstand hängt davon noch heute ab, unter Garantie!!
I am Irish & German. It's good to know my people were great warriors. Celtic & Barbarian
Germanic peoples still exist today:
Germans(Austrians and German Swiss included)
We (the Swiss) still have many places and vilages that where named by germanic tribes.
Also a Lot of Stone circles scathered in forests and fields.
Not to mention all the Roman Ruins (i live near the ancient Border between Rome and the germanic tribes).
I really Love to live in this history filled place.
I would include lowland scots as well.
You forgot French and Belgians. Literally almost entirety of Europe is more or less Germanic
i think the swiss are more celts than germans. Although its a mixture. But our affinity to 'arts' and craft (such as the swiss being famous for watches till this day for example) aswell as the style of clothing traditional in switzerland (the tracht for example) shows our celtic heritage more. Also old swiss german words are nearer to english than to german
BELGICA was Gaul.
This is my people. We have calmed down over the years tho.
If you're not Scandinavian, then no. They are not your people. Chances are that you are some American with 1/4 Swedish heritage.
@@Johnny3Batony Or im just 100% Norwegian, living in Norway.
@@Johnny3Batony you can be American and have strong Scandinavian or Germanic heritage. Most people where i live have Scandinavian last names and the town I live in is even nicknamed little Denmark.
We've become dangerously too soft.
Made subjects
Proud to say they’re my ancestors
Golden Point - What has usually happened throughout history is that the Parents leave the Property to the Good Child and the Good Child stays at home and takes care of the Parent.
My ancestors 💪💪💪
"Weak Pagens who were enslaved by a more powerful race" you mean
Great video. I enjoyed it very much. You did a good job of condensing a lot of Germanic history into a limited amount of time. Keep it up buddy. I always look forward to your new content. 🦾👍
germans are great race in the world . intellectually and physically
That's why in WW2 every nation want to defeat Germany cuz they feared Germans
Can't deny that or at least were idk about now
Two world wars prove that's wrong
Germanic not germans
@@swagkachu3784 No, Germans.
This was Very well done. love the art work here! God Bless you for showing real man:) I hope boys will watch this.
When you're so badass you treat war like a sport with your family cheering you on..oh and love Heilung at 6:33
I am from India. But Germanic people have intrigued me for long. When I saw Gladiator movie even then I found myself respecting those warriors whom Romans in the movie were calling barbarians.
I'm descended from the Chatti. Later known as Hessians. I'm surprised my tribe wasn't mentioned. My tribe was allied to Arminius and were a good sized part of the Teutoburgewald battle.
Lots of tough MMA fighters from this area nowadays. Their tribalism is still being shown aswell in football since they cause a lot of trouble nationally and internationally.
My sister did genetic testing and although our family was from the Ukraine, we had Scandinavian heritage. I always thought it was from viking traders but it's possible that it was from this migration.
The people of Gotland for some reason, made a decision to go back to the ancient homeland to the south to what is now known as Ukraine. Again men from Sweden and Gotland came back down the great rivers as Varangians, trading with the Eastern Romans and Slavic tribes then settling there creating Kievan Rus. And for a third time the Scandinavian men of SS Wiking with the Germans battled the Soviets in Ukraine in some of the most brutal and bloodiest fighting.
@@AnthonyEvelyn interesting! Thank you
May I ask which test did you do? I'm trying to figure my ethnic origins too
@@paolomartinelli345 23 and me I think.
If you are curious for more information, check out The Rest Is History podcast. They have two episodes on the origins of Ukraine and Russia and how it relates to Germanic Peoples.
We need more of our white history taught to our children. We need to remember where we come from and our cultural heritage.
Amerimutt moment
@@HotasianchickEuropoor moment
That will be offensive according to the left. Europe must be multicultural society, open to immigrants from Middle East, Africa and Indian Subcontinent 😃
@LetsGoCatchUsSo You will never be german
Germanic peoples have the most powerful history among European peoples
Honestly fine sir, they have the most powerful/richest history of any peoples imho. They spread across the globe far before “ academia“ would like to admit. Check out how their haplogroups from the corded where people. The goths spread out across all of Europe and Eurasia and became kings and queens of all the lands be subjugated. The goths/germanic peoples had a greater role in Roman history than I could’ve ever imagined… it just takes a little digging to find out what they actually accomplished
@@86godhand if only they kelp their beliefs and not fall to the evil Catholic Church
@@davidmacdonald2446 Even in the video, it is said that the Celts referred to the Germanics as Barbarians. The Celts accepted the supremacy of the Germanics. Even today it is. No wonder 95% of them don't know their own language. Furthermore, most of the Celts got assimilated by the Romans and Germanics.
@@papazataklaattiranimam mostly romans beat the celts not the germanics and romans fell because of internal struggle and because of these germans take the advantage and invade the western half
Thank You ❤️
Who would've guessed us Schwabians went from fierce warriors to penny pinchers.
Driving a Porsche is more fun then war. 🐸
to "sweep week defenders" 😂
Good video
Is it going to be so awesome I can’t wait for this love it
Achtung Germanic People, these are the legendary warriors of all Europe😎👍
@@davidmacdonald2446 germans gave their lands to The imigrants
Germans design and manufacture the best portfolio of goods on the planet....Autos, Computer related, industrial, pharma, military-DEUTSCHLAND 🇩🇪🤚🏻
Wie geht es dir?
@@armysimp Ich bin gut, sprechen Deutsche Sehr wenig
@@THINKincessantly . Wohin kommst du?
@@armysimp Texas! With 3 boys and 2 girls! I have spread the Germanic seed and warrior spirit that the mongrels have tried to destroy...
@@THINKincessantly that sounds amazing. and living in texas as german sounds awesome( lets go brandon!)
i am from israel 25 years old just learning the language. how come your parents decided to move from germany?
Golden Point - All the Good Children Stay at Home and take care of the Parents.
Golden point - write one comment not several.
As a German, Black, and Native American, I like the amount of fight I have in my blood🙂
That's an eclectic mix of races there my man.
@sanderson yea I know. My family is from the north Rhine river I believe. My gmas side moved here in the 1870s. I can almost pinpoint it if I tried lol
I’m Dutch, German, Spanish and Native American.
@utopia4056 You are mixed race, not german
I am disgusted by the fact that Germans today do not know about the battle of Teutoburg Forrest, it's not taught to Germans today, not anywhere else.
Edit. Note that I did not say all German schools. I said that the fact that any schools in Germany don't teach it is bad. I can't believe I have to specify this so much.
Because it’s pre Christian, even in Norway children learn about their pre Christian forefathers who shaped their land. Idk why they don’t learn about that either 🤷🏿♂️
@@calcaleb7041 even Ireland kept their history after Christianization. In fact, it's their books and libraries that saved modern civilization both Christian and Pagan. So I just don't get why so much is forgotten
@@calcaleb7041 , I'm trying to find a copy of Germania by Tacitus in Latin and German.
@@bhight100 yep that’s correct I read about that when learning about Irish history
@@bhight100 if you ever do come across please let me know it would be very interesting 😊
Ah, my people! Love Germanic history Fun Fact: most of the days of the week come from Germanic gods. Monday-moon day, Tuesday-Tir’s day, Wednesday-Woden’s day or Odin’s day, Thursday-Thor’s day, Friday- Freya’s day
Hello nors Germanic baby 🍼 girls 💗
Golden Point - No Parent ever allows the Good Children to Leave Home as they need the Good Children to stay at home and take care of them on their old age.
There were really interesting people back then
With how widespread the ancient celtic empire was, most Europeans would have celtic blood (although diluted).
Some do some dont
@@cmd7930most do
There was no one Celtic Empire
I was talking to a few Germans not too long ago & they didn’t speak as highly of Arminius as I expected.
He tried to use his “victory” (not really) over the Roman’s to become king of a unified German kingdom, which was a main reason for their battles against Rome, they wanted to rule themselves & this led to Arminius being assassinated
Modern Germans have nothing to do with those ancient Germanics. Germanics he speaks about in his video were genetically Scandinavian, not German.
@@Johnny3Batony both Germans and Scandinavians are descended from germanic tribes so not true
@@ethanpeeler3147 You don't understand how genetics work.
@@Johnny3Batony 😂😂😂 I think you’re the one confused. Where did modern day Germans come from if not from the Germanic tribes? Of course there will be genetic mixing over time with other groups of people such as Celtic or Latin cultures but Germanic cultures even outside of Scandinavia are still very much Germanic descended. You gonna say the Dutch aren’t descended from Germanic tribes next? I’m not even sure where you’re getting your argument. Maybe you’re saying Germans aren’t as purely Germanic as there Nordic neighbors which is probably true but to say they modern day Germans don’t have DNA from the Germanic tribes is ridiculous. Ever heard of the migration period??? Are the English not descended from a mix of celtic, Germanic (angles, Saxons, fresians, jutes) and later Norse people? Germanic DNA has spread across almost the entirety of Western Europe and much of the United States.
Indeed, but we will never know for sure. Western culture’s strong individuality likely comes from Germanic/Celtic culture.
I love how at 6:32 there is a drawing of the frontwoman of heilung
What have we lost in our societ ?
That civilization has taken in it's views of " Peace " ?
Is in fact of a contrary notion.
We can pretend that we are more intelligent, more sophisticated in our thoughts.
But it still comes down to our strength militarily in how we fight, how each country isn't given to govern them selfs, through economic system which only gives a certain views on still creating a class identity.
I was born in Wuppertal which is roughly 2 hours east of Dusseldorf so back in the day I would've been part of the Cimbri Tribe
I'm even prouder of my Germanic roots now
German roots* the Germanic people created the German ethnicity in medieval times
@@floatahhhSo Germanic roots then lol not German
@@sebe2255 I’m of German descent. German ethnicity was coined in medieval times to describe germanic people. So all Germans if you go far back enough would have germanic ancestors. But my immediate family is German.
@@sebe2255 yeah German technically Germanic tribes are very very very far back
@@floatahhh Yes, all Germans would be Germanic, but not all Germanic people became German. The Dutch didn’t, the Luxemburgish didn’t, Scandinavians didn’t and English didn’t. And that isn’t even mentioning all the other migratory tribes like the Goths, Vandals or Suebi
Germans have Germanic roots, not the other way around
This is so f****ng cool!!
It's hard to take seriously a video where the first mistake occurs as soon as 0:42. It's obvious that some Americans can't figure out a blank map of Europe. The territory of Germania, at least the one shown in the video, doesn't comprises of today's Austria at all. In fact, right next to today's Germany and to the north of Austria is located the Czech Republic that wasn't mentioned in the video. Next to it is Slovakia, also not mentioned. So much for the Central Europe. As for the north-eastern part of Germania shown in the video, it includes today's Poland, Baltic states and western part of Ukraine. None of them mentioned in the video.
Im mexican and German and I’m proud to say it. Aztec x Germanic Barbarian bloodline.
Proud barbarian. Lol
My family traces back to the franks, and who knows what Germanic tribes before that. My children love the stories of their lineage, and we still get a little ancestral thrill when we beat up on the Italian's from time to time. Although Napoli taking the boots to Frankfurt the other day hurt. Millenia old battles still raging on 😂💪
Funny comment! I love my Roman ancestry. I always get an ancestral thrill knowing that no Germanic Empire has ever been as influential, dominant and long lasting compared to the Roman Empire. 🤣🤙🏼
@unfriendlyatheist8653 AVE!!!
@@jmac6055 Even better a Germanic Empire claimed your title and then held it for almost 1000 years
@@sebe2255 Even better, “claiming” is to state that something is the case, even without providing evidence or proof. Germanics desired an empire such as the true Roman Empire yet could create nothing such. Also, I’m not claiming that statement, it’s a fact. It’s an honor for the Roman Empire to be so admired that others wanted to emulate and be them.
@@jmac6055 Last I checked Charlemagne was crowned Emperor by the pope in Rome and recognized a tthe time as the Western Roman Emperor
But I am sure that Jmac’s biased opinion about Germanic was incredibly relevant. Besides, the Germanic tribes destroyed Rome in the West. Maybe they finally encountered a better people
Hail to our germanic ancenstor!
The Eagles of Rome was such a good comic
6:29 , great to see a picture painted after a foto showing Maria Franz of the band "Heilung" during a live session .
Check out their videos here on YT, f.e. I'd recommend the original video of their powerful piece "Krigsgaldr".
"They were considered barbarians even by the Celts"
*Fellow Barbarians.
can you do one about dacians aswell ?
Everyone gangster until the woods start singing Sonne 🤘
Is this original artwork? What program did you to make this awesome video?
I live and grew up in northern friesland
And I am German obviously and that would mean I belong to the friesians
I’m grateful that I turned from the futile ways of my ancestors and worship the One true Living God, the Creator of heaven and earth. I praise Him for delivering me.
A brave warrior arose among the Germans, behold......Adolfus Hitlarious, it's believed he thought a small religious/quasi ethnic tribe group within the German territory were harming his people, this led to great adoration and love for Hitlarious but alas he was defeated by many united tribes and went down in history as a villain, had he won he would of been a hero
The last Great Warrior of Germany!
He was the last one who fought against the Beast. We will get that Spirit back, and send them all to
@@albinserpent1388 Albinius Serpentus
@@lindajo8072 Favoritism, according to Merriam-Webster, is “the unfair practice of treating some people better than others.” The Greek word translated favoritism in James 2 literally means to “receive according to the face.” In other words, to show favoritism is to make judgments about people on the basis of their outward appearance. Here are three reasons why showing favoritism is prohibited in Scripture:
1. Favoritism is inconsistent with God’s character.
Impartiality is an attribute of God. He is absolutely and totally impartial in dealing with people.
“For the Lord your God is the God of gods and Lord of lords, the great, mighty, and awe-inspiring God, showing no partiality and taking no bribe” (Deut. 10:17).
“For there is no favoritism with God” (Rom. 2:11).
“There is no favoritism with him (Eph. 6:9).
“Now I truly understand that God doesn’t show favoritism” (Acts 10:34).
Showing favoritism is inconsistent with God’s character, antithetical to the gospel, and therefore incompatible with “faith in our glorious Jesus Christ” (Jas. 2:1).
2. Favoritism is contrary to God’s values.
James addressed a situation in which believers gave preferential treatment to the rich (2:2-3). What would motivate this kind of behavior? Is it not because these believers valued the rich more than they valued the poor? They would rather have the rich attend their church than the poor, and their treatment of the rich and of the poor reflected their values.
James reminded his readers that their values were not God’s values: “Didn’t God choose the poor in this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom that he has promised to those who love him? Yet you have dishonored the poor” (2:5-6). They were acting in a way that was contrary to God’s values.
In a message on the evil of favoritism in the church, John MacArthur said: “We tend to put everyone in some kind of stratified category, higher or lower than other people. It has to do with their looks. It has to do with their wardrobe. It has to do with the kind of car they drive, the kind of house they live in; sometimes it has to do with their race, sometimes with their social status, sometimes outward characteristics of personality. All of those things with God are non-issues. They are of no significance at all. They mean absolutely nothing to Him.” (gty.org)
3. Favoritism is sin.
James makes clear that favoritism is not simply disrespectful of people; it is sin against God. “If … you show favoritism, you commit sin” (Jas. 2:9). It is sin because it is contrary to the character and command of God. Because favoritism is sin, there is no place for it in the hearts of God’s people, and certainly no place for it in the church.
According to Germans, people are warrior if he became cold-blooded killer. Lol, no wonder Germans became a mocking meme of civilized people.
Pure Europeans 💪💪💪💪
Golden Point - If parents allow you to leave home then you are not a Good Child.
The Germanics were mighty indeed, but so was the Celts and the Scythians. Along with Greeks and Romans they were the most powerful people in Europe. But people like the Thracians, Slavs and Iberians were also mighty and impressive. And then there was the Etruscans and the Illyrians.
And we cant forget the Sea Peoples that destroyed mighty empires in the bronze age.
Germanic people are mighty only in muscle and sword, not in governing an empire, like the Romans. Thats why, all Germanic Barbarian kingdoms only exist for a decade. The Ostrogoths for example, only able to rule Italy for 60 years, with only two kings, before been defeated by the Eastern Roman Empire under Emperor Justinian I. But after the Germanic people became civilized and Romanized, like the Frankish, they then can rule much longer. The Frankish rule the Holy Roman Empire for 1006 thousand years.
@@borneandayak6725 LOL no Romans are situated in a perfect location to start a empire. protected by sea and mountains, while able to sustain a large population having rich soil and a good climate for civilization. Germanic people lived in a harsh climate without access to warm waters, growth of food in winter for example was not possible. Ostrogoths settled in Italy but weren't Italien so its is a different story. Germanic people are able to govern any empire like any other group of humans you are not special lol.
@@borneandayak6725 Most of the Germanic words are borrowed either from Scythian Alans and Latin and became Indo European,their own must be somewhat Finno Ugaric where the Blonde race originates invaded Sogdiana and Scythia and created Russia and assimilated with the locals on other side rivalled the Turkic Hun and Tartar hordes then known as Slaves.
It is sad that most of what we know about the germanic tribes comes from their enemies and is therefore probably very biased. This is true for many old cultures that didn't have a written language and we'll never truly know everything about these people.
Germanic people from Rome until WW2 and then BMW with Mercedes
Now one of the powerhouse economic in the world.... Surely the most powerful European people. Except lost to oil
Didn't modern Europeans, Aryans, Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese appear in the same region in Mongolia and Siberia, according to science, why don't they look alike?
@@عليياسر-ذ5ب Mixing with seperate races. Y Haplogroup is shown to be same but Mt dna shows difference.
@@unn5443 Are these peoples brothers from the same father to appear in one place and one time at the same time?
@@عليياسر-ذ5ب In a way, it all started with the Sintashta culture in Europe. These all people gathered in very large numbers and decided to leave for other places when the numbers became too large. On the way they mixed with different ethnicities upon whom they eventually ruled. Chinese Japanese and Koreans aren't Aryans though, they are also formed of many races like Ainu and Jomon etc.
@@unn5443 But the Aryans appeared at the same time with them and decided to migrate to Central Asia, Russia, Ukraine, White Russia, the Caucasus, the Iranian plateau and northern India.
The Frisians were Ireland first recorded refugees. They had a big influence on Irish agriculture. They brought crop rotation to Ireland.
Is that what happened with the potato famine then?...
What do you mean Germania was dominated by the Romans? 0:36 Thats So Wrong i'm just going to assume its a mistake.
Thats no mistake :) The history of the Romans in Germania spans a period of about five hundred years. In 55 BC, Gaius Julius Caesar crossed the Rhine for the first time with troops, and from 13/12 BC, the commander Drusus conducted several campaigns in Germania under Augustus. The ultimately unsuccessful attempts to make the area to the right of the Rhine as far as the Elbe a province lasted almost 30 years (Augustan Germanic Wars). The southern part of present-day Germany was Romanized. Evidence of this time includes a multitude of archaeological finds, from road construction and farmsteads to city foundations.
@@cookiezx3478 "The ultimately unsuccessful attempts..." I guess you and I define "domination" differently some how.
Lest take our land back brothers
From the Christian European leaders who forced Christian laws against their own ppl since the year 700 and then ultimately taking away their rights like the Norwegian government does to it's citizens? 🤷🏻♂️
anyone interested in German history even before the Roman time … should read the Orea Linda
The Oera Linda has been proven to be a hoax for over a 100 years.
Anyone else think of Nick Offerman at 4:01?
My great-great-grandfather was Germanic. Although they say he was English, our surname gives it away. It has "wasser" in it.
The Germanic people created the German ethnicity you are just very pure blood German on that side
The Celts and Gauls were famous for going into battle with nothing but a sword and a pair of pyjama pants.
I sure love the pyjama pants. I like to wear them sometimes or just clothes with tartan pattern. The Scythians also had some pretty cool pants, they sure knew how to look fancy :D
Sometimes nothing at all 😅..
Proud of my ancestors ❤
Schleswig-Holstein,Frisia,Westphalia,Yutland and Saxonia are the core Germanic regions where Germanics remained.Other regions have different input alongside Germanic,like Slavic,Celtic or Romanic.It's visible in their phenotype,but they are still culturally part of Germanic world.
not really precise. the core germanic regions all are futher up north from which they migrated south into the regions you mentioned. and by the way, modern saxony in germany has almost nothing to do with the ancient saxons, that would be lower saxony and westphalia.
@@weisthor0815 No actually it was very accurate. These regions are by many to be believed to be the germanic homeland, infact.
@@abeedhal6519 the core germanic regions are scandinavian, they settled in the mentioned regions after they migrated south driving out the celts that lived there before.
and lower saxony would be more accurate, as todays saxony is in east germany and has nothing to do with the ancient lands of the old saxons.
@@weisthor0815 No a lot of people that are quite versed in that field (linguists, archeologists, ect) disagree with you on that one. I'd rather trust their understanding of the matter, than yours.
@@abeedhal6519 you are free to do so, but if i tell you that for example todays saxony has nothing to to with the ancient saxons, your so called experts should know that too, because it is a fact that isn´t even hard to google. but obviously they don´t.
and how do you think the germanic tribes ended up in the places like jutland, frisia and so on? did they grow on trees or spawn from the ground? probably not ;-)
you are just repeating what you´ve read somewhere, that doesn´t neccessarly mean it is true.
Unfortunately current ideologies which are even anti-science in some cases are destroying this race and culture.
Forced to pay taxes to live on their own land?? Hmmm 🤔 sounds familiar
The Romans were usually tolerant of native cultures and claimed few taxes. They made a mistake by being harsh with germans
All over europe. Then the politicans says they dont have money for better roads, hospitals but They have money for parties
The deutsch Netflix show "Barbarians" is about Arminus ! That a very good stuff to watch :D (i dont know the historical accuracy of the gears saddly)
"Germania, a large region dominated by the romans"
What amazes me about the Germanic tribes and celts are just how similar they are to the Native Americans. For instance they both thought of nature very similarly. They were fearless warriors who used gorilla tactics and with very little armor. Unfortunately though they both shared a sad commonality and that is what the Europeans did to the Native the Romans did to Northern Europeans
They had something in common because they both were not christianized at this time. They all were united by the natural spirits, even if there were cultural differences. So yea, would I be a Viking at this time, I would respect any Native American I would have met and I still do now. They all were free people until they were cut off by force from their ancestral spirits being called Demonic and such. But humans, that lose their connection with nature, also lose their native spirit, become weak over time and civilization weakens their spirit over time and the connection with the divine nature.
@@CultOfSol777 Exactly... Alotta people like to rip Europeans for oppressing the world with its religion and ways.. but in reality MOST of Europe, like 90% of it, was invaded then oppressed by the Romans who then forced their ways on the whole of Europe..
There's a big difference between them, germanic and norse people resisted to invaders and become invaders themself, they conquered all Europe and they adapt to the new that was coming (christianity), even shaped it. Native americans remained divided and didn't adapt, they were left with nothing
No, the Germans ended up conquering the Romans.
@@ario4795 Yea no.
I think we do not know for granted what was going on in those days. Since germanic people did no writing down about themself. And the Romans could make the Storys themself as they like it.
A certain group of people want to suppress this history…
“For violence against your brother Jacob, Shame shall cover you, And you shall be cut off forever. In the day that you stood on the other side- In the day that strangers carried captive his forces, When foreigners entered his gates And cast lots for Jerusalem- Even you were as one of them.
Obadiah 1:10-11
Just guess which group of people are Esau-Edoms pretending to be innocent Judah and wants to wipe out the house of Jacob by the hands of foreigners...
Are you talking about orange juice? Or grape Juice?
"A large region dominated by the romans" ?
When did the romans dominate Germania?
They are exactly like native Americans just from another land
interestingly, at least parts of both peoples might be related. one third of the eastern populations of native americans have r-dna, which is european, and they already had it before europeans arrived in modern history. so there was a connection much earlier, even before the vikings came to america, probably thousands of years earlier.
This comment section is genuinely awful lol. I hate that you can't make a video on ancient Germans without a million larpers showing up pretending to be anything like they were and claiming they are the "greatest race".
Yep and We Frisians still exist to this day we are the Oldest tribe in the World HAHA !!!.
The Frisians killed Bonifatius, so you are really one of the cool guys, seriously. He deserved it for felling the Donar Oak and forcing people to betray their gods.
Why did The Germanic scared the bloody sh*******"" out of the Romans
According to Warnow et al. (1996) the Germanic arose within the Satem core (is it from the Proto-Slovenes?): "... and it seems that the Germanic languages began to develop in the Satem core, as their morphology indicates, but they separated from it before the last Satemic innovations. Then they came into contact with "Western" languages ("Celtic" and Italic) and took from them much of their special vocabulary...". The presence of Y-haplogroup Q among them indicates that part of the ancestry is from Northeast Asia. About 4 thousand years ago, part of the ancestors of the present Germans lived in the Far East, north of China; there they adopted some characteristics of the Chinese language of the time, including Kentum characteristics; some of them founded the first Chinese state and drove the rest to the west (Chang 1988). Details between German and Korean also had to be considered (Lie 1991). After the strengthened Chinese drove them out, the northern parts of the Proto-Germanic people migrated from the Far East to the west and reached Europe. It remains an open question whether the ancestors of the Hittites, who came to Anatolia around 4.5 thousand years ago and subjugated the Hattians (Košak 1971, 1994), were part of these Proto-Germanic peoples, or whether the ancestors of the Hittites lived west of the Proto-Germanic people before that. The Hittite word watar for water suggests this possibility. A similar question applies to the Hyksos, who occupied Lower Egypt 3.7 millennia ago. Another question is whether the Proto-Germans were possibly part of the "peoples from beyond the sea" around 3.2 millennia ago. Developments in Europe after that time point to this possibility. Of course, we should not ignore the possibility that they came to Europe, especially to its eastern parts, already before the attacks on Egypt. Nor do we yet have reason to doubt that they would be part of the remnants of the defeated army of the "peoples from beyond the sea" who retreated across the Mediterranean Sea to Europe. As well as that they were those migrating groups of people who plundered Central Europe for centuries and challenged the maintenance of the fortifications. In any case, the "peoples from beyond the sea" have not yet been sufficiently studied.
In Western Europe, the Pragermans mixed with "Italic" and "Celtic" peoples (Warnow et al. 1996). The marauding groups were later expelled to Scandinavia, where they mixed with the earlier inhabitants and became the basis for the Germanic people. Later, 2.2 to 1.8 millennia ago, they penetrated to the south, east and west into the Gallic, Baltic and Slavic regions. The original inhabitants with haplogroup I were therefore not Pragermans, although they are now claimed as such.
I remember reading a book back while I was in Serbia where one of the historian was making a connection between Serbians and Suebians and stating similarities.
The word Serbia actually comes from serboii mean Serbia from Scythians the word suebi means Swabia.