Brian Leftow - Did God Create Abstract Objects?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 17 มี.ค. 2022
  • Abstract objects, like numbers and logic, give God problems. Because they always exist and exist necessarily, abstract objects cannot be created or destroyed. But could God have created abstract objects? If so, how? If not, God would no longer be all-powerful and 100 percent sovereign, as theology requires, because he would not have created everything that exists.
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    Brian Leftow is the William P. Alston Professor for the Philosophy of Religion at Rutgers University
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    Closer to Truth, hosted by Robert Lawrence Kuhn and directed by Peter Getzels, presents the world’s greatest thinkers exploring humanity’s deepest questions. Discover fundamental issues of existence. Engage new and diverse ways of thinking. Appreciate intense debates. Share your own opinions. Seek your own answers.

ความคิดเห็น • 231

  • @richardburton6182
    @richardburton6182 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    "In the beginning was the Logos, and the Logos was with God, and the Logos was God." How would abstract numbers relate to the concept of the logos?

    • @thomassoliton1482
      @thomassoliton1482 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      What is the essence of “logos” or “word”? It is something that humans can “understand” and more importantly “communicate”. Whether numbers, sign-language, or Webster’s dictionary, we communicate by symbols of one form or another. HOW ELSE could humans possibly develop the concept of God? Whether God exists or not, we must be able to share the concept that there is (or might be) a God in order to have that concept at all. In other “words”, God is a shared concept as far as humans are concerned. Thus the phrase “In the beginning was the word, .. and the word was God” makes perfect sense. If humans did not have the capability for abstract thought, specifically language, we could not have the concept of God, whether God exists or not.

  • @alittax
    @alittax 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Thank you, Robert, for exploring all kinds of ideas in an open-minded, intelligent way, and for sharing your journey with us! Your programme has shaped the way I think about the world in a positive way! :)

    • @EmeraldView
      @EmeraldView 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Not sure why he hasn't yet inquired about the existence of fairies and leprechauns, or what those who still believe in the ancient Greek gods think about these topics.

    • @alittax
      @alittax 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@EmeraldView I see your point, although I couldn't have made it with such sense of irony. However, with a few exceptions, Robert managed to have a meaningful conversation with most people, except perhaps a certain doctor who is a proponent of quantum healing... I still think he (Robert) should keep doing things the way he does.

  • @LanceVanTine
    @LanceVanTine 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Brilliant! Leftow is one of my favorites! Always brings fresh insight and thoughts. Appreciate this channel as well!

  • @ricklanders
    @ricklanders 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Abstract objects do not exist, in my view. The "object" itself (a number, say) is a human construction that may, in a more or less limited way, point to a reality that to some extent might be said to exist, but the abstraction itself does not have independent existence apart from the human mind.
    One way to further demonstrate this is to notice that even if we are referring to an apparently existing phenomenon (or phenomena) - there are six apples on the table, for example - the reality is that there's actually merely a condition of energy "on the table" that appears to us in that way (as "six") because of how our senses are configured. And the table itself is a condition of energy, as is whatever it's standing on, and so forth. So where is the "six?" Not only does the abstract object (i.e., the number itself) not exist, but even the general condition of "six" actually doesn't exist. In the most absolute and fundamental sense, no "six-ness" exists. There's only one self-existing energy "field" (or whatever we want to call the totality - not even one, in fact, but just its Is-ness) and every demarcation of/within that unified situation is merely an artificial human construct for the sake of convenience in describing and possibly understanding it (or let's say apparent aspects of it).

    • @kos-mos1127
      @kos-mos1127 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      That gets back to the idea that the Cosmos is simply a complex Quantum Field and we measure only a segment of that field.

    • @anattablue
      @anattablue 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yes humanity is just letting strings meet in totality.

    • @downwinder3
      @downwinder3 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Depends if you are simply playing with definition of object and exist.
      The only human contstruct of the concept of 6 is the word six. The idea of 6 is not a human contstruct (animals can identify 6 vs 5 for example) and I would argue definitely exists.

    • @ricklanders
      @ricklanders 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@downwinder3 You think so? Hmm. Tell me how many of the six separate things exist when you're looking at them through a giant electron microscope. I think you'll be surprised to find out that what appeared to be clearly "six" is not so clear anymore. ;- )

  • @c2farr
    @c2farr 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    God was the perfect abstraction for the few to gain control over the many. Fear of death laid the groundwork for the creation of the supernatural, and thus the continuance of life beyond death. The catch was that humans had to hand their minds over to the authorities.
    Those authorities had already assigned themselves a monopoly with regard to communications with the God they had created. From there, appropriating the grand authority of that God was a logical and easy step.
    And so authoritarianism was made much easier. If people were forced to accept the God narrative in exchange for not being tortured to death, exercising full control over their minds was a no-brainer.
    Flash forward to today and the secular authorities have appropriated that grand authority. And their great promise is that we have freedom... freedom that is every bit as real as God.

    • @davenchop
      @davenchop 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      puzzling how so many cant see the obvious that you opinion is they
      do not want to know or even think about that question.. just want to live their live
      with blinders on and ears plugged... the truth is just to hart to accept for most

    • @fortynine3225
      @fortynine3225 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      The other side of that is the atheist/materialist view in which a human being is a piece of meat with the ability to think. Which cannot be true since there would be a lot of empty ''soul'' psychopath murderers out there..when you are like that there is something very wrong with you. Also there is stuff like particles that come into and out of existence and a universe from nothing. There is more to life even hard science points that way...
      I think there is the collective that is in control, the masses, that have lots of negativity in them, and there are weak individuals that represent them. Those are the leaders. That has always been that way..

    • @con.troller4183
      @con.troller4183 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@fortynine3225 "The other side of that is the atheist/materialist view in which a human being is a piece of meat with the ability to think. "
      Said no atheist, ever.
      Why can theists only win by straw-manning? Don't you nave any credible evidence for all your mystical, magical, supernatural claims?
      You have god on your side, after all.

    • @con.troller4183
      @con.troller4183 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Fear of eternal damnation is a powerful mind killer. It can even poison otherwise intelligent people.

    • @fortynine3225
      @fortynine3225 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Do the math, when matter is all there is all you are is a piece of meat with the abiliy to think. I myself am only interested in objectiv truth. I never said i believe in a god. Other than that only one universe from nothing with us being only intelligent life in which seems to be realistic at this point points towards intention as well as a supernatural which leaves plenty of room for a god.

  • @thomassoliton1482
    @thomassoliton1482 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    This is the most rediculous discussion I’ve seen here. What is an “”abstract object”? Our brains make associations and we call them symbols like 5 rocks on a table become 5, and we used to be able to buy a candy bar with 5 cents - which means something because you have the “neural” symbol for 5 and for a penny and a candybar in your brain. But do you honestly think God sits around and makes up symbols and sticks them in our brains so we are able to think about why we have five fingers? Lets hope he didn’t forget any important ones like … well, how would I know,, I’m not God!

    • @barbarajohnson3876
      @barbarajohnson3876 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Rediculous, lol, rather than ridiculous?

    • @zobbo123
      @zobbo123 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@barbarajohnson3876 it’s a spelling mistake. Do you have anything to say about the interesting point raised ?

    • @ElectricAlien577
      @ElectricAlien577 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yeah. This guys whole spiel was complete nonsense. No part of this discussion was coherent, because the concepts proposed werent defined properly, nor does it seems like the guy even properly understands what he is saying (like most religious apologetics).

  • @Gruntfutuck101
    @Gruntfutuck101 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Seems a bit like asking "Do unicorns create pixie dust?"

  • @claudetaillefer1332
    @claudetaillefer1332 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    In his essay "The Need for Abstract Entities in Semantic Analysis," Alonzo Church makes a compelling case for the existence of abstract objects. Whatever the merits of Church's argument, one problem for friends of the doctrine of abstract objects is that it leads to ontological inflation: an extravagant ontology of never-ending hierarchy of abstract objects (sets) that makes for a crowded universe, a universe so ridiculously dense that it collapses under its own ontological weight! In mathematics, there are all kinds of schools of thought that more or less arbitrarily limit the "ontological sandbox", aleph 0 (which allows only natural numbers), aleph 1 (which also allows for real numbers), and so on. Some mathematicians (nominalists) claim they can do without abstract objects. Yet most mathematicians take the naive realist position that abstract objects are out there, somewhere, and that we discover them as an explorer discovers new territory. In any case, it seems to me that God, if there is such a Being, has absolutely nothing to do with the existence or non-existence of such objects. These objects are uncreated, they do not exist in time and space: they are dimensionless and tensessly exist. Perhaps even God can't make His creation from scratch: He needs some kind of readily available raw materials to build the world. The mathematical realm, with its many entities, would serve this purpose admirably. On this view God may well be the architect, the programmer, and abstract objects are His building blocks. Some might be inclined to challenge this common view and dispense with God, arguing that the stuff that makes up our reality emerges from mathematics, not God. This latter view deserves further consideration.

  • @edit4310
    @edit4310 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Lawrence was sharp to pick up Brian's error; Brian says abstract objects do NOT exist, but rather he believes what God conceives of accounts for that abstract's objects existence (in this case the number 6). Lawrence is saying you're either saying abstract objects exist, or they don't, which is it? Brain thinks his "goddidit" answer allows for abstract objects to exist, but he maintains that abstract objects do not. Lawrence politely says it's the same thing, mate. Brian conveniently gets around this by slamming the God button; God is the beginning/creator of all things, so he precedes (and creates) even abstract objects. (...They also don't exist though, apparently!)
    Moral of the story is you won't get very far with logic against any homo-sapien who has any sort of investment in anything, such is the nature of the cognitive biases. Such discourse is a fool's errand. Sue me, philosophers.

    • @leonreynolds77
      @leonreynolds77 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yep a lot of double talking for sure.

    • @waerlogauk
      @waerlogauk 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      There is a nice symmetry in this with a non-existent god creating non-existent abstract objects.

  • @francescos7361
    @francescos7361 2 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @PetrusSolus
    @PetrusSolus ปีที่แล้ว

    Isn’t abstraction itself already an intervention on our part into an ordering of perception, and therefore conditionally, isn’t an abstract object already something that is the reified product of our own abstraction? As subjective beings we abstract all kinds of objects, through our inner experience, and our minds reify them, beginning with giving them names or words for reference. Now, did God secretly embed those names in us? If so, is He then conducting the activities of abstraction through us?

  • @jamesruscheinski8602
    @jamesruscheinski8602 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Could abstract objects transition from necessity (existence) to contingency (cause and effect)?

    • @onlyechadtherebellious2467
      @onlyechadtherebellious2467 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      No, because by definition something that is necessary is a must always exist inevitably no matter what realm of reality a human is in.

  • @godthecreatoryhvh681
    @godthecreatoryhvh681 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hi to all of you and Dr Lawrence to, of course. Let see that like this. God is a guide, God propose concept to nature, propose to the Cosmos and on and on. Being hurt on earth I just meditate if you want and propose looking at the night sky or the sun or the day sky. The concept is simple but as you go deeper is more complex as usual. Have nice day 😎

  • @wayneasiam65
    @wayneasiam65 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Another enjoyable video from Robert Kuhn's channel Closer To Truth. Isn't God thought to be SPIRIT? If so, perhaps Abstract has tinges of Spirit more than necessity. A broadening of what Is. Like pretty trim on a house.

  • @fortynine3225
    @fortynine3225 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    When this universe is a sort of (super) natural world version of a holodeck than there also are a architecture and (abstract) numbers involved being the (super) natural world version of what we consider to be architecture and (abstract) numbers. And because of that we could create (abstract) numbers related sciences. So a god could create or design such holodeck within a space where there are rules.

  • @robertdegruchy160
    @robertdegruchy160 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I guess I'm an empiricist. But using the apple analogy, if we can see, feel, toich and or taste an apple and there are six of them, the "sixness" of the group is not abstract but a physical property
    Can one be a complete skeptic and doubt the actual number of objects? To my way of thinking, designating or describing the number as 6 in this instance is neither abstract nor arbitrary. Interesting discussion I must say

  • @jamesgardner9583
    @jamesgardner9583 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    "In the beginning GOD." Even before time GOD... I love this man's explanation: "I don't know because for me all things start with GOD." BROTHER JAMES 🙏🙏🙏

    • @kos-mos1127
      @kos-mos1127 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      There is no such thing as beginning or before time that is what most people get wrong about time. Time is motion and that is how time along with space can be connected into one manifold called spacetime. Phrases like before time and in the beginning have no meaning. Essentially in the beginning means when motion began and before time means before all motion. There is no way to verify when all motions started because motion is a relative term resulting in not being able to verify if there was a beginning because beginning is a relative term.

    • @0-by-1_Publishing_LLC
      @0-by-1_Publishing_LLC 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@kos-mos1127 *"Phrases like before time and in the beginning have no meaning."*
      ... Is that because you say so? Mathematics is non-dimensional and requires no shape or structure, ... so how much "time" does it take for 2 + 2 to equal 4?
      Mathematics existed before time, my friend, ... and time is an emergent property of the same.

    • @con.troller4183
      @con.troller4183 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      2+2=4 is a linear progression.
      No linear progressions existed before space time. Therefore, mathematics did not exist before the Big bang.
      Time is an emergent property of expansion, not of existence. The singularity existed without time and, for all we know, might pave persisted in a dimensionless state, devoid of linearity.

    • @con.troller4183
      @con.troller4183 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      " I love this man's explanation: ""
      It's not an explanation. It's a baseless assertion. It's an excuse to stop thinking.

    • @0-by-1_Publishing_LLC
      @0-by-1_Publishing_LLC 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@con.troller4183 *"No linear progressions existed before space time. Therefore, mathematics did not exist before the Big bang."*
      ... Insufficient conclusion. Mathematics is nondimensional, so there are no barriers to the existence of mathematics regardless of how it is executed.
      *"Time is an emergent property of expansion, not of existence."*
      ... Expansion is the byproduct of a physical universe, and a universe is a byproduct of mathematics ... unless you want to argue that the universe wasn't mathematically orchestrated and then suddenly became mathematically orchestrated via "magic."
      *"The singularity existed without time and, for all we know, might pave persisted in a dimensionless state, devoid of linearity."*
      ... And again, mathematics requires no dimensionality (or time) to exist, and there are no physical or nonphysical barriers to the existence of mathematics, so there is no logical reason why mathematics cannot predate Big Bang.

  • @arthurwieczorek4894
    @arthurwieczorek4894 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    In what sense are abstract objects objects? Perhaps metaphorically?

  • @robertdegruchy160
    @robertdegruchy160 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Very interrsting analogy- I would argue that there are six apples on the table and since we are perceiving 6 of them, they cannot be "abstract" or not a hallucination (that would be the condition). They exist.Now we might ask: did God make them and place them?

  • @jamesruscheinski8602
    @jamesruscheinski8602 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Are abstract objects about ontology, more than epistemology?

  • @jasonsspecial
    @jasonsspecial 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Cause and effect is how I try to understand the world/universe.

  • @Light_EnterTainmenT7
    @Light_EnterTainmenT7 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Imagine, if you would be alone in this world and just woke up and see that you are thirsty and need water and have water there who kills your thirst get hungry and there are bannaas and veggies, you have ear to listen you have eyes to see ..there are rivers, oceans, blue sky, day and night coming and going.. what would you conclude??
    1. There is nobody except you
    2. There is somebody.

  • @worldnotworld
    @worldnotworld 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Maximus the Confessor would come in handy here.

  • @oremazz3754
    @oremazz3754 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    God creating tangible stuff and also creating intangible ones put humans without a free will at all. In some way is like saying all of what our children do is because of us. Tangible stuff like quarks, leptons, bosons, and antimatter symmetric particles are more or less followed by physical laws (cause-effect) up to the big bang. Here comes the other big question that is not part of this video. Returning to intangible stuff like math, ethics, language, ideas, and all the abstract existence is in my point of view, created by a few and discovered by the rest of us. The effect (abstract) is created by tangible entities (cause). In other words, the tangible universe creates the intangible one; abstract existence DEPENDS on tangible stuff to be sustained. Any abstract depends on humans, animals? books, computers, etc for their existence. Example: If one has a secret and later dies, the secret also will not exist; it depends on the person that holds it. Another example: Math is created by each human that develops it for the first time and later is discovered by us through knowledge transmission; there is no need for God as the cause-effect understand in the universe creation. Regards

    • @joegibbskins
      @joegibbskins 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      There is no god, and free will is an illusion. We don’t create anything, it’s just are biochemistry acting in accordance with the physical laws of the universe. This is the fact of existence. The reason math appears to describe reality well is because there is cause and effect at the level of classical physics and in relatively. That math also seems to work in representing the quantum is interesting. That we think math can explain many worlds, or string theory, or to model the implications of inflation in a multiverse universe is just hubris. Our brains evolved to operate in this reality and anything outside it is just conjecture, but it doesn’t matter because no one can make a choice anyway. We are just blindly following are predestined paths, written by a silent and unthinking cosmos until our own oblivion returns the cosmos to its natural state of silent death

    • @mugsofmirth8101
      @mugsofmirth8101 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Wrong and wrong

    • @abelincoln8885
      @abelincoln8885 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      There are only two existences: PHYSICAL ( ie Universe) and the ABSTRACT ( ie realm of the MIND).
      Abstract is simply a non-physical existence/reality reserved only for the mind of an intelligence.
      A Physical object are bound by the Laws of the physical existence, but an Abstract object is bound only by the mind of an intelligence.
      Knowledge, information, Thoughts, ideas, theories, questions, answers, logic, reasoning, ethics ... reason, purpose, rules, LAWS, design .. are all ABSTRACT CONSTRUCTS from the mind of an intelligence.
      Anything ... that has a purpose, rules, properties, INFORMATION ... that can be extracted & used by an intelligence ... is made by an intelligence.
      Everything in the Universe ... has a purpose, rules, properties & useful information.
      The Universe & Life ... were UNNATURALLY made ... by an intelligence ... for an intelligence.
      But unfortunately, Human Beings are FREE ... to think, believe, say & do was he/she wants ... with the data & information EXTRACTED from the physical existence.

  • @michaelmolarsky8524
    @michaelmolarsky8524 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Wait, I’m confused? If something is an object, it’s physical. If something is abstract it’s a construct of thought. How can they be one in the same?

    • @S3RAVA3LM
      @S3RAVA3LM 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      The form of the physical object is the abstract concept, becomes created when abstract is applied to matter. Matter isn't transfused with the abstract concept(soul) rather is shaped by the soul. Take matter away altogether, is the form no longer there? It's an abscract concept. And the abstract concept would have to be there prior to the matter. Matter itself is formless.

    • @abelincoln8885
      @abelincoln8885 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Anything Abstract .... is non physical, does not rely on the laws of Nature to exist, and is a construct from the mind of an intelligence.
      Anything Physical ... obviously must obey the laws of Nature of the Physical existence.
      There are only two existences: PHYSICAL ( ie Universe) and the ABSTRACT ( ie realm of the MIND).
      Knowledge, information, Thoughts, ideas, theories, questions, answers, logic, reasoning, ethics ... reason, purpose, rules, LAWS, design .. are all ABSTRACT CONSTRUCTS from the mind of an intelligence.
      Anything ... that has a purpose, rules, properties, INFORMATION ... that can be extracted & used by an intelligence ... is made by an intelligence.
      Everything in the Universe ... has a purpose, rules, properties & useful information.
      The Universe & Life ... were UNNATURALLY made ... by an intelligence ... for an intelligence.
      But unfortunately, Human Beings are FREE ... to think, believe, say & do was he/she wants ... with the data & information EXTRACTED from the physical existence.

  • @kelseycooper5973
    @kelseycooper5973 ปีที่แล้ว

    Just my humble opinion here: the first problem I'm hearing is using the term "creating abstract objects". To me, "creation" implies a temporal action that can apply apply to things that are in space and time. God can create a chair. One moment the chair doesn't exist, the next moment it exists. It is therefore created. "2+2=4" is not a thing in space and time that be subjected to such a process, therefore the whole question of "did God create abstract objects?" is nonsensical and therefore should never have even been part of the question. The temptation, I suppose, is to reject the idea of abstract objects altogether because if abstract objects cannot be created and they do necessarily exist, then this implies that God and abstract objects must be somehow at the same level of existence, and this supposedly diminishes the primacy of God. There is, however, another possibility that becomes available when we look at Christian Trinitarian language in which it is said that the Holy Spirit "precedes from the Father". This language was chosen to clarify that the Holy Spirit was not created. It is logically dependent on the transcendent Father and has always existed since the beginning of time. Now keep in mind that the immanent Holy Spirit is "consubstantial" -- that is, it possesses the same "ousios" or essence as the Father, and for this reason, the Holy Spirit is said to be God as well (but subsisting in a different hypostasis, or way of being). But what about other things like our "2+2=4+ statement (that, let's face it, was not "invented" by man)? Clearly this is an abstract object that is not consubstantial with God, and is clearly a lower kind of abstract object. Does it make sense that 2+2=4, even if it is not "created" by God (which, as I have stated, is not possible), might still logically precede from God and thus still be a subservient object in the same sense that all physical things are dependent on God for their existence? After all, we have no problem understanding how corollaries are logically dependent on axioms. Perhaps God (or the Father, to keep it more correct in a Trinitarian way) is simply the highest of all abstract "objects", and all other things, physical things, souls and abstract objects, all precede from His ultimately necessary existence.
    The next thing that makes me wonder is why people keep insisting that God must be "simple". I can see part of this rationale. Yes, God (and again, I am referring to the Father) is not made of individual pieces like atoms. He is not an emergent entity. He cannot be subdivided. So He is "simple" in this regard. But what else are people thinking when they say He is ultimately simple? Ultimately simple would be a single binary state, with no memories, no power, no internal logic. Is this what we're worshiping? Omniscience implies great inner complexity, perhaps not measured in neurons or megabits or anything physical and complex in this sense, but certainly complex in regard to information. This can take us back to our concept of abstract objects and how they relate to God. If they are all logically dependent on God, then God encompasses every number, every mathematical truth, every logical statement, every possibility, true or false, not as bits stored in a memory cell s in God's brain, but as abstract objects that precede from God, the highest of all in the hierarchy of transcendent entities.
    There's one more thing that I am concerned about: this question about God having "free will". Apparently, because God was "forced" to allow "2+2=4", God's hands are somehow tied and He doesn't have free will. But what does free will even mean? The ability to do anything, even things that go against your own very nature? Would I be practicing free will if I suddenly began injecting myself with heroin? I think not. I would be committing an error, going against my nature to seek ultimate happiness and operating in a self-destructive manner. God has a nature as well. He is the Highest Moral Good. In order for Him to truly practice free will, He would have to behave all the time according to His all good nature. Is it therefore any wonder that 2+2=4 and not 5? What a messed up world this would be if numbers did not behave according to set rules! Abstract objects, therefore, are the way they are not because God was "forced" into allowing them to have power over our universe, but because God is all good and because He does have free will and thus chose to allow these abstract objects to have power in our world.
    Of course, I realize that everything I just said makes no sense if you don't believe in an Ultimate Good Cause of All Things. Fair enough. And obviously, if God is a transcendent entity as I (and most religions) insist, then I won't be presenting you with any physical evidence for God's existence any time soon. Nevertheless, I must disagree that the belief in God is wholly a matter of "faith" (and I assume the posters that use this term are implying some emotional or arbitrarily selected belief). The universe exists rather than not exist, it has tremendous beauty and complexity, and possesses laws that appear to be finely tuned to bring about this beauty. Human beings not only exist, but exist in a personal, moral and conscious way. Moral truths appear to be self-evident and understandable to the human mind. Now I could go on and on, but the point is: I have rational reasons for believing in God, not as some ghostly white-haired, robed figure that lives in the clouds, but a transcendent, logically necessary and ultimately moral cause of all things. And yes, I recognize there are good arguments to made against this (primarily regarding the problem of evil), but in my humble opinion, the existence of abstract objects is not one of them.

  • @mugsofmirth8101
    @mugsofmirth8101 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Abstract objects don't in any way refute the general concept of gods.

  • @_XY_
    @_XY_ 2 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @antoniomoyal
    @antoniomoyal 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    "If there would be nothing..."... then we woukdnt be thinking on it.

  • @existential_o
    @existential_o 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I don't see much of any difference between the concept of God not being able to make a logical contradiction (married bachelor) and God not being able to control the consequences of existence bring about abstract objects.

  • @gingrai00
    @gingrai00 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I saw a news report somewhere that claimed VanInwagon has actually seen abstract objects but that they are very tiny!

    • @runningdecadeix4780
      @runningdecadeix4780 ปีที่แล้ว

      Lmao I don't think Van Inwagen has ever seen them. They are way too tiny for any human to see

  • @dougleeker5831
    @dougleeker5831 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    "Thats nice' about sums this up.

  • @jackarmstrong5645
    @jackarmstrong5645 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    There are no propositions "floating out there". There are human thoughts and the products of human hands. No ideas floating around attached to nothing.

  • @lukemcgregor6969
    @lukemcgregor6969 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I think, maybe we have it backwards? What if "god" it's self is an abstraction? What if the concept of an all powerful creator who makes the universe from the top down is upside down?
    In nature we see structure is built from the bottom up. Atoms build stars and planets, and they make galaxies and cosmic webs. What's the next level up from that? Looking at pictures of the cosmic microwave background radiation, or the cosmic web, it's pretty clear that, relative to these large scale structures, we live on a sub atomic particle.

    • @eenkjet
      @eenkjet 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Nature, ontologically speaking is top-down due to its 4D ontology. We might treat God (or the UWF) as space that authors chapters of a narrative, one at at time. They contain record of bottom up, but they must be produced in blocks/patches.

    • @StephensCrazyHour
      @StephensCrazyHour 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Bottom up arguments are easier to make to the modern western mind.
      A "bottom up argument for God" would be to say that the concept of God is the amalgamation of all that is good - that is, all that empowers survival of the individual and group. Belief in God therefore improves the chances of survival and strengthens the group, and in that way, God itself directly feeds back into the actions of humans. If God exists in this way, then the concept of God is written into the very fabric of our reality. In that sense God is as real as the number 3 is real, and encompasses within itself all other abstract concepts (like the number 3) that are good (or useful for survival from a Darwinian sense).
      That's the Jordan Peterson version of God. It's a more limited concept of God than theists would argue perhaps because it mostly precludes a God that could directly interfere in the material world.

  • @dyinteriors
    @dyinteriors 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I am tiring of Closer to Truth! None of the subjects he interviews can ever sufficiently present a shred of evidence for this god they claim exists, yet he never calls the question when presented with more and more complete nonsense. I still am waiting for someone to tell us this god of theirs is something more than a pure presupposition. This interview was just more of an endless stream of mind numbing nincompoopery!

    • @davenchop
      @davenchop 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      agreed.. but its entertaining to listen to some of these
      so called educated men and women (mostly men) with the
      most uneducated complete nonsense that they consider be true without

  • @JustAThought01
    @JustAThought01 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Q. Where does knowledge come from?

    • @S3RAVA3LM
      @S3RAVA3LM 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I been wondering about Intellect for some time, this channel discusses consciousness much and never Intellect.

  • @edge1481
    @edge1481 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Essentially Mr Leftow is answering the 'why is there anything rather than nothing' with God being the fundamental essence from which everything springs up from.
    Whereas Mr.Kuhn and other scientists answer this question with many worlds or infinite space and the recognition of abstract objects which must exist in any possible situation, even in the absence of existence.
    It seems to me that if God is bound by such restraints as absolute truths of abstract objects, he must be infinitely static and as such would be a mere idea assigned to the task.
    He or she or non-binary would have no choice in anything and could not make any change whatsoever. So this would go against his own supposed nature of being infinitely powerful.

    • @maxhagenauer24
      @maxhagenauer24 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      It doesn't make any sense for God to create abstract objects, they just are.

  • @elanvitalite8236
    @elanvitalite8236 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I think that if you accept a priori that God is a creator of the world then it follows that abstract objects would be part of this creation.

  • @KevinZimmerman360
    @KevinZimmerman360 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    "That's nice... that's nice" :D

  • @paulkarch3318
    @paulkarch3318 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Goes back to philosophy class: "Can God create a stone He cannot lift?"

    • @nahCmeR
      @nahCmeR 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Theoretically Yeah, just add a variable to the rock that disallows it from being moved at all even by him and wallah. Like enabling or disabling physics interactions with the object.

    • @Joseph-fw6xx
      @Joseph-fw6xx 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Yes god can make a stone he can't pick up but he made the stone that way if he wants to pick it up he can That's the omnipotent power of god. Having said that I'm an atheist but always found that argument stupid😊

    • @Joseph-fw6xx
      @Joseph-fw6xx 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@nahCmeRthat's dumb u don't get it

  • @ChristopherWentling
    @ChristopherWentling 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The concept of abstract objects means nothing before the possibility of realization. It is a fundamental misunderstanding of nothingness. In a state of nothingness you are in need of necessary being in which the abstract becomes possible. Now, saying this I’m not putting any attributes on this necessary being other than that which at the base level is the one brute necessary fact at the bedrock of all other existence.

    • @mikhilsaju6929
      @mikhilsaju6929 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      1) In a state of nothingness there shoudl be NO thing2) you are in of NECESSARY ( begging the question)

    • @ChristopherWentling
      @ChristopherWentling 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@mikhilsaju6929 A necessary being is not a thing. Things have their basis in other things. Whatever is the bedrock of things it is not another thing.

  • @eardwulf785
    @eardwulf785 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    This channel really twists my mellon

  • @rscottadams7082
    @rscottadams7082 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    To not be able to conceive that there could not be abstract objects if God does not exist, to my mind only means that the conception of “what God is” is too small.

  • @bulkzorage
    @bulkzorage 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Applying the constraints of human thought and comprehension and putting that onto a god and saying " well how does he do it then".... is kinda missing the point.
    We are inside the fish bowl looking out saying , well how the hell is it ment to move without flippers .

  • @elgatofelix8917
    @elgatofelix8917 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    We've now passed the TWO YEAR ANNIVERSARY of "TwO wEeKs To fLaTtEn MuH CuRvE"

  • @tomrobingray
    @tomrobingray 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Is this not just a rehash of Bishop Berkeley? What if abstractions are part of God?

  • @ItsEverythingElse
    @ItsEverythingElse 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    "But could God have created abstract objects? If so, how? If not, God would no longer be all-powerful and 100 percent sovereign, as theology requires, because he would not have created everything that exists."
    If God created "everything" then he created himself. If God exists outside of what we call "everything" then why even debate things like abstract objects, it becomes meaningless since our brains are incapable of ultimate understanding.

  • @projectmalus
    @projectmalus 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    The abstract objects are the Ring itself, the emanation from oneness, and the world we see degraded from both.

  • @duaneholcomb8408
    @duaneholcomb8408 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Only if you put restriction on,what God can do. We once thought it was impossible to break the sound barrier. So god can,do,all,things. If he wishes. He just might not wish to do something. But. Even we as humans have done way more than we thought possible. So why restrict god to,anything,,,, it states all things are possible with god. ,,

  • @kuroryudairyu4567
    @kuroryudairyu4567 2 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @derektrudelle4182
    @derektrudelle4182 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Abstraction is the natural condition of the mind.
    The body is a symbol of a concrete form of fear.
    The seemingly objective world and the body are part of the same illusion, perceived through a split mind (consciousness).

  • @avenoma
    @avenoma 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    i believe in the either. that theres some geometric shapes that make up the fabric of the universe. within that, i believe GOD does all sorts of abstract art.

  • @yinYangMountain
    @yinYangMountain 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    A timeless (and therefore changeless) god-type existing in a perspective of the B-Theory of Time (Ref. Stanford and Time) does not create anything-ever. From that highest and widest perspective (not ours), all things have always been eternally concluded. I.e., there was never the case where all-things have not always existed together one with the other. Noting ever goes from Not-X to X.

  • @ingenuity168
    @ingenuity168 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey God, come tell us what/ who you are. Define yourself!

    • @grijzekijker
      @grijzekijker 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      He came 2022 years ago in the flesh in Bethlehem. He explained that God is one, but threefold, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I am that I am (Ex.3;14)

    • @ingenuity168
      @ingenuity168 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@grijzekijker No that's just a story. Just like the story of Zeus etc.

    • @S3RAVA3LM
      @S3RAVA3LM 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hah I assume you know this delimma. God has nothing to compare himself with so to define.

    • @abelincoln8885
      @abelincoln8885 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      He has in the Bible & Jesus. You clearly are the majority who don't believe.
      There are only two existences: PHYSICAL ( ie Universe) and the ABSTRACT ( ie realm of the MIND).
      Abstract is simply a non-physical existence/reality reserved only for the mind of an intelligence.
      A Physical object are bound by the Laws of the physical existence, but an Abstract object is bound only by the mind of an intelligence.
      Knowledge, information, Thoughts, ideas, theories, questions, answers, logic, reasoning, ethics ... reason, purpose, rules, LAWS, design .. are all ABSTRACT CONSTRUCTS from the mind of an intelligence.
      Anything ... that has a purpose, rules, properties, INFORMATION ... that can be extracted & used by an intelligence ... is made by an intelligence.
      Everything in the Universe ... has a purpose, rules, properties & useful information.
      The Universe & Life ... were UNNATURALLY made ... by an intelligence ... for an intelligence.
      But unfortunately, Human Beings are FREE ... to think, believe, say & do was he/she wants ... with the data & information EXTRACTED from the physical existence.

  • @jacovawernett3077
    @jacovawernett3077 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    God is the constant.

  • @0-by-1_Publishing_LLC
    @0-by-1_Publishing_LLC 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    (2:15) *BL: **_"If you're thinking creation involves a beginning or the possibility of it not being that way, then you're right to be puzzled."_* ... When it comes to "creation," there are two options on how an all-powerful God can pull this off:
    *(1)* God can merely say, *_"Be!"_* and a universe magically appears all elegantly clad in its current celestial regalia.
    *(2)* God started the universe out via simplicity and slowly evolved it into complexity over billions of years.
    The problem with both options is that *option (1)* is obviously not how it happened, and why would it ever be necessary for an all-powerful God to start out simple and evolve things into complexity over time - as in *option (2)* ? When we examine how the universe evolves, how life evolves, how societies evolve, and even how inventions evolve from conception to actualization, ... we discover a similar pattern!
    At this point in _our own_ evolution, maybe it's time to reconsider what we are defining as God. It might be that theism's "God" is actually something we can all comprehend ... _and even relate to?_

    • @kos-mos1127
      @kos-mos1127 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Examining how the Universe evolves one notices two things their is space in the Universe and stuff. Gravity pulls matter together into larger and more complex structures like stars, planets, solar systems, galaxies, clusters, superclusters and domain walls. Life we notice, bacteria, single cell organisms, multicellular organisms and sentient beings. Invention go from a concept, prototype, funding and product. Everything we observe starts simple and gains complexity.
      There is non-theistic views of God but they are hard to relate to. There is the view of God as separate from the universe and outside of space and time. There is God as the Ground of Being where God is the structure of Being. Pantheism where all is God and everything is makes up God. Panentheism where all is in God and there is an all encompassing God that contains all that can be. Whichever one a person picks leads to a different way to relate to God.
      Next there is agnosticism which argues that we cannot have knowledge of God and can only imagine what God would be like. Finally atheism which does not believe in God.
      My personal view is panentheism because it makes the most sense and is consistent with what we observe. The Cosmos is all that God can be in the way an egg contains the source code and the instructions needed to develop a new individual. Time in the Cosmos is the evolution or unfoldment of God.

    • @0-by-1_Publishing_LLC
      @0-by-1_Publishing_LLC 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@kos-mos1127 *"Everything we observe starts simple and gains complexity."*
      ... What? Could it be that we've actually found some common ground?
      *"My personal view is panentheism because it makes the most sense and is consistent with what we observe."*
      ... But pantheism still begs the question, _"What is God?"_ If you're still dealing with an "all knowing" power, then logical issues remain. If God is _not_ an all-knowing power, ... then what are we really dealing with?
      God must be defined before we give it the title of "the universe." Otherwise, it's just the universe and no additional God title is required.
      *"The Cosmos is all that God can be in the way an egg contains the source code and the instructions needed to develop a new individual."*
      ... Where did the cosmos (God) obtain the source code to become the cosmos, and why is God limited to a 93-billion-light-years-wide arena as opposed to a 930-billion-light-years-wide arena ... or a 9 trillion-light-years-wide arena?
      *"Time in the Cosmos is the evolution or unfoldment of God."*
      ... The former suggests that God has "evolved" whereas the latter suggests that God has always been the same, yet sloooowly revealed over nearly 14 giga-annum.
      These are diametrically opposed conditions, so which should we go by?
      *NOTE:* I'm not really arguing against your thinking. I'm more wanting to know how you define what you are suggesting is "God." I have moved past all constructs involving God because you either end up with an omnipotent being or you don't. And if you don't, then the "God title" is not required.
      Anything less than an omnipotent being is "tangible" and therefore doesn't need the title of God attached to it.
      Lastly, I am often asked to explain my claim that *"Consciousness"* is equal to *"all information."* Can you explain how God is equal to the entire universe?

    • @kos-mos1127
      @kos-mos1127 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@0-by-1_Publishing_LLC "But pantheism still begs the question, "What is God?" If you're still dealing with an "all knowing" power, then logical issues remain. If God is not an all-knowing power, ... then what are we really dealing with?
      God must be defined before we give it the title of "the universe." Otherwise, it's just the universe and no additional God title is required."
      The Cosmos has all power and has all knowing in a practical sense. There is nothing that limits the Cosmos. Everything that is happening is intrinsic to the Cosmos. We get our knowledge about reality from observing how the Cosmos behaves.
      "Where did the cosmos (God) obtain the source code to become the cosmos, and why is God limited to a 93-billion-light-years-wide arena as opposed to a 930-billion-light-years-wide arena ... or a 9 trillion-light-years-wide arena?"
      The Cosmos was always the Cosmos. The expansion and evolution of the Cosmos is intrinsic rather than extrinsic. Meaning it evolves and expands into itself. The observable Cosmos is 93 billion light years wide because of the speed limit of light and light separated form matter 13.8 billion years ago.
      "The former suggests that God has "evolved" whereas the latter suggests that God has always been the same, yet sloooowly revealed over nearly 14 giga-annum.
      These are diametrically opposed conditions, so which should we go by?"
      They are related. Evolve means to develop and unfold means to reveal. The galaxies and large scale structures of space started off as tiny oscillations in an otherwise purely symmetric Cosmos. Then the Big Bang expansion inflated those asymmetries to the galaxies and large scale structures we see today.
      "'m not really arguing against your thinking. I'm more wanting to know how you define what you are suggesting is "God." I have moved past all constructs involving God because you either end up with an omnipotent being or you don't. And if you don't, then the "God title" is not required.
      Anything less than an omnipotent being is "tangible" and therefore doesn't need the title of God attached to it. "
      God came from ascribing human characteristics to the Cosmos. We do not know how what a cosmic consciousness would entail. We cannot imagine a person being able to decide what can or cannot exists. That would be the female selection process on an unimaginable scale. That is beyond omnipotent.

    • @0-by-1_Publishing_LLC
      @0-by-1_Publishing_LLC 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@kos-mos1127 HEY! My sincere apologies! I mistook your response as being intended for someone else. It will help in future conversations if you'll highlight whatever you are quoting in bold text:
      (asterisk)"The text you are quoting"(asterisk)
      *"There is nothing that limits the Cosmos."*
      ... The law of conservation of mass serves as a universal constraint. In fact, the only way around this constraint is to evolve into autonomous, sentient, self-aware lifeforms able to create new structures from rudimentary structure in the same way the rudimentary structures emerged within the universe:
      *Conception => Mathematical Orchestration => Actualization.*
      *"These are diametrically opposed conditions, so which should we go by?""*
      ... Whichever version can be supported by other examples of the same. We obviously don't have any Omnipotent Beings doing world-wide podcasts to explain what they're all about, but we DO have limitless examples of "simplicity evolving into complexity."
      The evolution of a Model-T into a Bugatti over x-amount of years is a human-created example.
      *"That is beyond omnipotent."*
      ... There is nothing beyond "Omnipotence" by definition. Once something has been given the title of "all power" then nothing exists beyond that power. Omnipotence is a logically unbreakable definition.
      *"We do not know how what a cosmic consciousness would entail."*
      ... We are sentient examples of a cosmic consciousness, and we mimic the processes of the universe in everything we do! Every inventor replicates how the universe came to be in how they bring their own concepts into existence. Once again: *Conception => Mathematical Orchestration => Actualization.*
      *" We cannot imagine a person being able to decide what can or cannot exists."*
      ... Aside from "logic" dictating what can or cannot exist, we do that every moment of our existence. Regarding the former, I present _"The 5 Laws of Existence"_ in my book with the 1st Law stating, _"Only that which is logically conceivable can exist. This is the primary law of Existence and from which all other laws are derived."_
      If this is not accurate, then please name anything that exists that is not logically conceivable.
      Regarding the latter, every now-obsolete invention was rendered obsolete based on decisions rendered by humans. In regard to what we create, we are the arbitrators of what is worthy of existence ... and what is not.
      *Example:* If we lived on the surface of Mars, then nobody would be inventing a lawnmower.

  • @nicolecapriani5918
    @nicolecapriani5918 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Can anybody translates this concept into a simple understandable way, please?

    • @penultimatename6677
      @penultimatename6677 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      There is the question of math and its existence. You can't touch numbers. They are an abstraction. If you saw a row of cars. You immediately know the number of cars, can count the different models and colors. You know their shapes and can calculate circumference of the tires, etc. That's an abstraction.
      Tasting a flavor or seeing a color, feeling a texture are also an abstraction. We may say the color is the result of a frequency but why one color rather than another.
      The original premise says an abstraction cannot come from a god. How can it be made? Some might say even if the universe did not exist. One plus one is still equal to two. Here's where I might not express exactly what he attempted to say. He was saying it's not an abstraction. To god it is real and is based on a thought or something coming from god.
      It is hard to understand because it is tortured logic with no basis in fact.
      I apologize if you think I assumed you did not understand different aspects of the discussion. I felt it was easier to start from the first point to reach the final point.

    • @abelincoln8885
      @abelincoln8885 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      There are only two existences: PHYSICAL ( ie Universe) and the ABSTRACT ( ie realm of the MIND).
      Abstract is simply a non-physical existence/reality reserved only for the mind of an intelligence.
      A Physical object are bound by the Laws of the physical existence, but an Abstract object is bound only by the mind of an intelligence.
      Knowledge, information, Thoughts, ideas, theories, questions, answers, logic, reasoning, ethics ... reason, purpose, rules, LAWS, design .. are all ABSTRACT CONSTRUCTS from the mind of an intelligence.
      Anything ... that has a purpose, rules, properties, INFORMATION ... that can be extracted & used by an intelligence ... is made by an intelligence.
      Everything in the Universe ... has a purpose, rules, properties & useful information.
      The Universe & Life ... were UNNATURALLY made ... by an intelligence ... for an intelligence.
      But unfortunately, Human Beings are FREE ... to think, believe, say & do was he/she wants ... with the data & information EXTRACTED from the physical existence.

    • @kos-mos1127
      @kos-mos1127 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@abelincoln8885 Physical objects are not bound by laws. The Laws of Physics are abstract models we use to describe reality. That is why Laws of Physics can change and be changed with new observation. Physical Existence interacts with the environment and every other physical entity within its particle horizon. The constraints on physical entities is other physical entities. The abstract objects are not bound by the mind of an intelligence. Abstract objects describe physical objects. In order to create an abstract object people observe a physical object and summarize its most basic features into a general principle. For example If I am only concerned with the number of cars on my street I am going to ignore the size, color, make and size of the car because I do not need that information. I might say there are 15 cars on my street by counting each car starting at 1 and ending at 15.

    • @runningdecadeix4780
      @runningdecadeix4780 ปีที่แล้ว

      There is this very big (and ancient!) question of the nature of abstract objects. A concrete object is something like a human being or a horse, or even an angel or God (if God or angels exist) even though they are immaterial - concrete objects are real, existing things which have causal powers and can affect other things, etc. We know concrete objects exist. But then there are abstract objects: things like the universal idea of "humanity", "human nature". Or "horseness". Not individual, concrete horses, but horseness in the abstract, the nature of horses. Or, to take a traditional example, mathematics. The number 2 would be an abstract object. Not two pebbles, not the "symbol" 2 which can be written on your screen with pixels, but the pure mathematical concept of two - a quantity of two things, which we equally apply to two cars, two persons, two horses, etc. The abstract object "2".
      Do abstract objects exist? Some people think they don't, that they're not truly real. But many people think they exist.
      If abstract objects exist, it can pose some difficulties for theism because abstract objects (if they exist) are supposed to be necessary (they couldn't fail to be), so it seems there'd be no way to "create" them. How can you create the NUMBER 2? You can create two concrete objects, but how can you create the number two itself if it somehow exists?
      Some theists think God could nevertheless be said to be the creator of abstract objects. But most take other views. Many believe that abstract objects do not really exist, and as such pose no problem whatsoever. But many believe that abstract objects, if they exist, exist only as mental objects - that is, they are like thoughts/thinkings. There is no "number two" apart from a mind that grasps the concept of 2. In this view, necessary objects although not "created" by God would still be dependent on him by being the divine thoughts; they are, in a nutshell, the concepts in God's intellect (that tends to be my preferred view too). There are other views available too, and a lot of debate on the topic.
      You're welcome.

    • @danarud3471
      @danarud3471 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@penultimatename6677 I’ll one up that, 1+1=2 In a universe where it doesn’t..😂😂

  • @andrewa3103
    @andrewa3103 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Metaphysician Philosopher

  • @evanjameson5437
    @evanjameson5437 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    non-starter in arguing against God

  • @Mr.Wilsin
    @Mr.Wilsin 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    God God God! That's all this !diot said! There has never been a shred of evidence for the existence of God but this guy knows it all so it must be God!

  • @penultimatename6677
    @penultimatename6677 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Another tortured explanation to try to prove what doesn't exist. One might conclude god is the ultimate abstraction. Except it is an illusion.
    To even take this seriously. If an abstracting came from the thinking of god. Then a change of heart could destroy our mathematics. Or how we taste, smell and view things. I think not.

  • @adamreecemusic160
    @adamreecemusic160 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Oh boy this convo is very misplaced. Abstract objects exist in the human mind as a way of explaining and ordering physical phenomena. Abstraction is our way of explaining reality. If we’re created by god is irrelevant to reality for any purpose besides us explaining to ourselves what there is and how it works.

  • @downwinder3
    @downwinder3 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    ".... I just prefer not to answer the question... Any answer is deeply problematic....". Lol. Exactly. The mind bending top toeing of believers.

  • @arthurwieczorek4894
    @arthurwieczorek4894 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Can God plant ideas in your mind? Can the Devil plant ideas in your mind? If you believe in God but reject the reality of the Devil, could you still be a Christian?

  • @rafaelcampos5159
    @rafaelcampos5159 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    For what I have heard the act of conscience envolves a communication to god.
    I would jump to the conclusion that our consciousness consists and builds upon of a event based simulation (look up computer network event simulations) using the comunication channel made available for the manipulationion of "the abstract objects" made available by god.
    Thank you for this video. I have all new view on this matter now of what constitues consciousness.
    UPDATE 1: Thinking still about this formation of consciousness would not only be done by the process above, but also by interaction with other consciousness beings. So our consciousness would also be afected and formed to a greater or lesser degree transitvly by "the other abstract objects" all the other consciousness interact with.

  • @robertdegruchy160
    @robertdegruchy160 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Is God not an abstract identity? We need better proofs over beliefs. Is the existence of God verifiable? The guy is obviously grounding his ideas on faith over reason, the old Anselm argument re-worded.

  • @jollygreen9377
    @jollygreen9377 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    God created ALL things, seen and unseen. Colossians 1:16.

  • @SaintBrianTheGodless
    @SaintBrianTheGodless 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Disappointing. Questions about God are like questions about whether shaking a blood-dipped zebra tail at the full moon can make a woman fertile. As in, they're all stupid questions because the presence of God in the argument renders them so.

    • @EmeraldView
      @EmeraldView 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      It really is like discussing what do we know about reality based on some fantasy imagining not grounded in a single iota of demonstrable evidence or even rationality.
      That this program even tries to give them credence is a bit embarrassing as actual physicists and philosophers try to wrap their heads around the universe and reality as we know and experience it. Here are the theists literally just making sh't up and pretending it's real.

    • @abelincoln8885
      @abelincoln8885 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      There are only two existences: PHYSICAL ( ie Universe) and the ABSTRACT ( ie realm of the MIND).
      Abstract is simply a non-physical existence/reality reserved only for the mind of an intelligence.
      A Physical object are bound by the Laws of the physical existence, but an Abstract object is bound only by the mind of an intelligence.
      Knowledge, information, Thoughts, ideas, theories, questions, answers, logic, reasoning, ethics ... reason, purpose, rules, LAWS, design .. are all ABSTRACT CONSTRUCTS from the mind of an intelligence.
      Anything ... that has a purpose, rules, properties, INFORMATION ... that can be extracted & used by an intelligence ... is made by an intelligence.
      Everything in the Universe ... has a purpose, rules, properties & useful information.
      The Universe & Life ... were UNNATURALLY made ... by an intelligence ... for an intelligence.
      But unfortunately, Human Beings are FREE ... to think, believe, say & do was he/she wants ... with the data & information EXTRACTED from the physical existence.

    • @EmeraldView
      @EmeraldView 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@abelincoln8885 You don't need any intelligence for abstractions to exist. The idea of two doesn't go away if there is nothing to think about it. It still exists whether anything is able to think about or comprehend it. If there are two entirely lifeless planets in a solar system somewhere in an entirely lifeless universe, and nothing around to think about. It's STILL two planets. They will interact with one another as two objects(planets) in that solar system. Not 3, 4, 5...
      The rest of your statements are equally just hogwash.

  • @Qeyoseraph
    @Qeyoseraph 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    No, but yes. Yes in the manner that they came to be from Her. No in the manner that She wasn't bogged down with the small things.
    Like drawing a picture of a car, you draw what it is, not what's inside.
    That's the beauty of a universe. It's like pushing a child on a bike. Eventually the goal is it happens by itself.

  • @ItsEverythingElse
    @ItsEverythingElse 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Why debate abstract objects?? You're overlooking the biggest conundrum of all: who created God?

  • @itsoblivion8124
    @itsoblivion8124 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    In order for abstracts to exist, there's no need of god

  • @jamesruscheinski8602
    @jamesruscheinski8602 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Abstract object come out of God's nature?

  • @stevecoley8365
    @stevecoley8365 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Truth (love) created good (god).
    Every miraculous work of fine art called "life" created by Love is so rare and unique that each one happens only once in time, space and dimension.
    Bullets, bombs and missiles...not so much. These things are created by vampires (greed).

  • @TheWayofFairness
    @TheWayofFairness 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Reality is an object. A mindless creator is the object itself. The object is possibly a form of nothingness. Opinions are not fact. Evidence of the object is this comment. I know of no savior separate from myself. The cause of reality is not required to have consciousness or will.

  • @brandocommando7079
    @brandocommando7079 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    God didn’t create abstraction of any kind. God created a real world that functions and our minds layer abstraction on top of it. Minds create abstractions. This misunderstanding is like confusing the menu for the food and eating the menu instead.

  • @simbasimba777
    @simbasimba777 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Seems to me this guy is trying hard to believe the things he is saying, fails to find the right words but won't admit it to himself.

  • @PrinceOfLight4
    @PrinceOfLight4 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    You don't know how to answer that because it's a belief - beliefs aren't answerable

  • @BradHolkesvig
    @BradHolkesvig 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Our Creator was able to dream up all the visible images that we're able to observe and program that information into invisible vibrations that our created minds process into visible images that the AI system of the Creation/Simulation can observe. It's sort of like a computer programmer taking very well planned images, the colors and all the measurements within his mind and striking keys on a keyboard using CAD to form those images on a computer screen that Apple siri can observe.

  • @mugsofmirth8101
    @mugsofmirth8101 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Atheistic materialism is self refuting.

  • @antoniomoyal
    @antoniomoyal 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    How por theology. God created inmaterial angels.

  • @perimetrfilms
    @perimetrfilms 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    God in the sense they use it doesn't exist so the question is pointless.

    • @S3RAVA3LM
      @S3RAVA3LM 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      God is an Appalachian; the title we give which the cosmos and ALL derives from.
      To say God doesn't exist is only so if science can show that nothingness is real.

    • @perimetrfilms
      @perimetrfilms 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@S3RAVA3LM Say what you like I know I am right.

  • @S3RAVA3LM
    @S3RAVA3LM 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Abstract concepts -- requires mind and consciousness, influenced by already had sense perception memory, utilizing the imagination or fantasy(exercising creativity) if you seek to grasp the concepts. If there was a state of nothing we couldn't imagine anything because we never had a starting point, an inspiration or an aspiration to go after. We know things by their attribution. We know light only because of it's attribution being illumination. We can to a degree fathom God because of the many attributions of the cosmos and ALL. What abstract concept could you come up with had it not been for existence, consciousness, Intellect, Life, contemplation, wonder, creativity, imagination.
    Did God create abstract concepts -- I don't think that's properly put but yes because of consciousness & Intellect.
    There's form and matter is formless, the very abstract concept(Soul) is the form that becomes created when brought into matter. You can't say what are created things are abstract rather that which is form of the created things are abscract. The abstracts would likely come from the ALL Soul or Cosmos Soul.

  • @AB-rq7qr
    @AB-rq7qr 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Guys, please dont hurt your brains so much. There is an elementary way to think about it: we are in God's dream. Anything is possible in a dream.

  • @con.troller4183
    @con.troller4183 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Abstract objects = contradiction in terms. If they are abstract they can't be objects.
    As for invisible friends creating them. Did an abstraction create abstractions? Why are they still asking silly questions like this?

    • @abelincoln8885
      @abelincoln8885 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      There are only two existences: PHYSICAL ( ie Universe) and the ABSTRACT ( ie realm of the MIND).
      Abstract is simply a non-physical existence/reality reserved only for the mind of an intelligence.
      A Physical object are bound by the Laws of the physical existence, but an Abstract object is bound only by the mind of an intelligence.
      Knowledge, information, Thoughts, ideas, theories, questions, answers, logic, reasoning, ethics ... reason, purpose, rules, LAWS, design .. are all ABSTRACT CONSTRUCTS from the mind of an intelligence.
      Anything ... that has a purpose, rules, properties, INFORMATION ... that can be extracted & used by an intelligence ... is made by an intelligence.
      Everything in the Universe ... has a purpose, rules, properties & useful information.
      The Universe & Life ... were UNNATURALLY made ... by an intelligence ... for an intelligence.
      But unfortunately, Human Beings are FREE ... to think, believe, say & do was he/she wants ... with the data & information EXTRACTED from the physical existence.

    • @con.troller4183
      @con.troller4183 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@abelincoln8885 That was a particularly rambling non sequitur, even for you.
      The root of the term abstract means to derive from. Abstractions are not realities in any sense. They are not "objects" in the world of thoughts.
      They are representations of physical realities, created (abstracted) by minds. They can be comprehended and manipulated by minds but they have no existence outside of minds.
      By asserting that they are things, you have erroneously decided that they are necessarily generated by a god-mind. You think that your mistaken idea of what an abstraction is, necessitated god.
      Your god, of course, not one of the thousands of other gods we could choose from.

    • @abelincoln8885
      @abelincoln8885 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@con.troller4183 Wrong. An Abstract is a summary at the beginning of a research paper. lol.
      To each His own.
      You seem uncomfortable with my statements of facts & universal truths about existence ... especially with the mother of all NATURAL PHENOMENA of Physical & Abstract(Mind) constructs. This is one of four natural phenomena which clearly shows the Universe & Life have a UNNATURAL origin by an intelligence.
      You can not debunk a natural phenomena ...except in your own MIND with your abstract constructs. lmfao.

    • @con.troller4183
      @con.troller4183 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@abelincoln8885 "You seem uncomfortable with my statements of facts & universal truths about existence ... "
      Opinions are not facts, Abe. But I am sure you can opinion that fact out of your crowded mind.
      Abstract means many things but in the sense you intend it, none of them are things.
      Your semantics are drooping.

  • @SaintBrianTheGodless
    @SaintBrianTheGodless 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    All I know is, keep talking about God with your science and I'm a gonna drop off your sub list.

    • @Paul_Marek
      @Paul_Marek 2 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @jackmaehoff7092
      @jackmaehoff7092 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Do it, no one cares :-)

    • @abelincoln8885
      @abelincoln8885 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Your science? There is only ONE science. lol
      You do realize Christians developed & perfected the Sciences & the scientific method, and are the majority of Nobel Prize winners, right?
      The data & sciences ... clearly support an UNNATURAL origin of the Universe & Life ... by an intelligence.
      There are only two existences: PHYSICAL ( ie Universe) and the ABSTRACT ( ie realm of the MIND).
      Abstract is simply a non-physical existence/reality reserved only for the mind of an intelligence.
      A Physical object are bound by the Laws of the physical existence, but an Abstract object is bound only by the mind of an intelligence.
      Knowledge, information, Thoughts, ideas, theories, questions, answers, logic, reasoning, ethics ... reason, purpose, rules, LAWS, design .. are all ABSTRACT CONSTRUCTS from the mind of an intelligence.
      Anything ... that has a purpose, rules, properties, INFORMATION ... that can be extracted & used by an intelligence ... is made by an intelligence.
      Everything in the Universe ... has a purpose, rules, properties & useful information.
      The Universe & Life ... were UNNATURALLY made ... by an intelligence ... for an intelligence.
      In addition, The Theory of Universal Functions is the scientific explanation for Sir Issac Newtons Watchmaker Analogy which involve the four natural phenomena of:
      1. Abstract & Physical constructs
      2. Natural Thermodynamic Systems
      3. Machine Analogies
      4. Fine Tuning.
      Everything is an abstract ( time, space, Laws) or Physical (matter, energy) FUNCTION ... with a purpose, rules, properties & information.
      Hmmmm? Didn't God ( an intelligence) make Man in his image, and the entire Universe, to live with Man forever.
      Again. Everything in the Universe has purpose, properties, rules & information ..and was made by an intelligence .... for an intelligence.

    • @TheGr8scott
      @TheGr8scott 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      His topic 'Closer to Truth' explores all aspects of humanity's journey to understanding. As Robert once said about Religion "people believe in it, so I have to cover it."

  • @mehdibaghbadran3182
    @mehdibaghbadran3182 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The God’s creates everything, and gives us an opportunity to find out how he created them!

    • @maxwellsimoes238
      @maxwellsimoes238 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Corrected but guys GOD concept are baseless rethoric.

    • @theamalgamut8871
      @theamalgamut8871 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You have the opportunity, unless you die at birth, or at a young age, of a painful disease or starvation. God is great.

    • @hecticnarcoleptic3160
      @hecticnarcoleptic3160 2 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @BibleResearchTools
    @BibleResearchTools 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Genetic information is abstract. So is music and math. All three are gifts of God.

  • @tubularbill
    @tubularbill 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    God is not of this universe he created this universe. So therefore all the laws of this universe were created by God.

  • @maryanngarcia3080
    @maryanngarcia3080 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    A nonexistent entity can't create anything

  • @ericraquedan4418
    @ericraquedan4418 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    (Did you see (GOD) inside the sun

  • @markaponte7057
    @markaponte7057 2 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @grijzekijker
    @grijzekijker 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    God gave Adam the power to name the things around him. In Gen.2;19 only living creatures are mentioned, but Adam's mind could ofcourse invent fantasy beings, abstract things, like unicorns, and name them (in Hebrew, ofcourse) Numbers are very much created by God; everywhere within the Holy Scriptures numbers are important.

  • @TheGr8scott
    @TheGr8scott 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Say God created himself and space and time from nothing. This act did not take up any 'space' or destroy the 'nothing' so why should only this God exist? What's to stop another god or infinite other gods from doing exactly the same thing in a different 'nothing'? Now you just have Platonism with gods instead of abstract mathematical objects which seems unnecessarily complicated.

    • @abelincoln8885
      @abelincoln8885 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Almighty & One true ... that's how.
      There was nothing like the God of the Jews & Christians over 4000 years ago. There is nothing like God the Father, Son, & Holy spirit and they are one God, ... today. Look at all the Non-Christian religions.
      The greatest man in all of history ... is a Jew ... who said he is the Jewish Messiah & the Son of God. Remove Christianity from world history ... and the Human Race would have destroyed itself.
      Again. There was nothing like the God of Abraham, Issac & Jacob 4000 years ago .. and still no "god" like God today.
      Why are you ignoring what God has done for the Human Race .. to state He's no more better or important than any other god? Seriously? The God of the Jews & Christians ... is no better or important than any other gods? smh.

    • @TheGr8scott
      @TheGr8scott 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@abelincoln8885You're focusing too much on the human aspect. The question was simply if this God can create all of existence out of pure nothing, not even time or space, then what rule is there to say that other gods couldn't also create a completely separate existence out of nothing.

    • @abelincoln8885
      @abelincoln8885 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@TheGr8scott I am saying there are no other gods ... and their existences.
      There is only the Physical existences ( ie Universe) and the Abstract existence ( ie realm of the mind of an intelligence).
      The Abstract is real, non-physical and reserved only for the "mind" of an intelligence.
      The Abstract existence is the only way to scientifically prove a spirit or soul ... because these things are not bound by the laws of Nature. Man's thoughts, beliefs ... imagination ... are not bound by the Laws of Nature.
      But any construct that is part of the Physical existence, must obey the Laws of Nature.
      God -- and intelligence with a mind & free will -- does not have to obey the Laws of Nature.
      And the Laws of Nature themselves ... are abstract constructs ... from the Mind of an intelligence .. who extracting them from the physical existence.
      Anything .. that has a purpose, rules, properties, design, INFORMATION ... must be made by an intelligence from an abstract construct.
      There are no other gods & alternate existences ... because only the God of the Jews & Christians, is a perfect match for all the data from the sciences about origin of the Universe & Life.
      God is an intelligence & creator ... who made Man in His image.
      God made the Universe ... for Man ... and to live together for ever.
      The evidence for intelligent design ... is intelligent design. Everything in the Universe has a purpose, properties, rules, and information ... that Man can extract & use ... and MUST be made by an intelligence from an abstract construct.

    • @TheGr8scott
      @TheGr8scott 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@abelincoln8885 You're going into this with a very defensive mindset and are unwilling or unable to understand the substance of this topic.

    • @abelincoln8885
      @abelincoln8885 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@TheGr8scott Defensive? I have clearly explained what God has to do with the Abstract and our existence. There is no need considering other propositions ... because there is only the Physical & Abstract ... and purpose, properties, LAWS, design & information are abstract constructs from the mind of an intelligence.

  • @Leathania
    @Leathania 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    God didn't create anything, because God doesn't exist. Duh!

  • @ebolart
    @ebolart 2 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @purezentity6582
    @purezentity6582 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    talking about abstract, don't bring God in, a minutes God is involve, the whole new mess is created.

  • @ricklanders
    @ricklanders 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    The guest is too affected by his own belief bias to answer the question correctly. According to most conceptions of God, God is a "first cause" in and of itself and not reliant on anything or any prior cause or condition to exist. Therefore, even in a condition of absolute nothingness, God would have to be said to be possible to exist. The condition of nothingness could not be an impediment to the existence of "something" that definitionally was not reliant on any condition for its existence.

    • @abelincoln8885
      @abelincoln8885 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      God & Man ... are an intelligence with a mind to freely think, believe, say & do as they want .. and make things with purpose, properties, rules & information.
      There are only two existences: PHYSICAL ( ie Universe) and the ABSTRACT ( ie realm of the MIND).
      Abstract is simply a non-physical existence/reality reserved only for the mind of an intelligence.
      A Physical object are bound by the Laws of the physical existence, but an Abstract object is bound only by the mind of an intelligence.
      Knowledge, information, Thoughts, ideas, theories, questions, answers, logic, reasoning, ethics ... reason, purpose, rules, LAWS, design .. are all ABSTRACT CONSTRUCTS from the mind of an intelligence.
      Anything ... that has a purpose, rules, properties, INFORMATION ... that can be extracted & used by an intelligence ... is made by an intelligence.
      Everything in the Universe ... has a purpose, rules, properties & useful information.
      The Universe & Life ... were UNNATURALLY made ... by an intelligence ... for an intelligence.
      But unfortunately, Human Beings are FREE ... to think, believe, say & do was he/she wants ... with the data & information EXTRACTED from the physical existence.

    • @kos-mos1127
      @kos-mos1127 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@abelincoln8885 There is no inherent purpose to the Universe. The Universe is Everything Everywhere and cannot be made. Space and Time are not things they exists in relation to concrete things. In General Relativity objects do not exists in space they are extended into space and time is motion. That is how space and time are the same thing. I can sate my relative location to you using spatial coordinates by saying I am x miles away. Or by using temporal coordinates and say I am x hours away.

  • @showmethescience2514
    @showmethescience2514 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    God???? 🙄

  • @Joseph-fw6xx
    @Joseph-fw6xx 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The answer is simple Robert there is no god

  • @chayanbosu3293
    @chayanbosu3293 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    God is one and only Lord Krishna.