Sun - The Highest Source of Complete Nutrition | Health | Vitality | Sun Gazing | Pineal Gland

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ก.ย. 2024
  • Sun
    Nature's Signature - The Highest Source of Complete Nutrition
    For decades, the population of industrialized countries has been brainwashed into thinking the sun is evil. They've been told to cover up their skin and avoid exposure to natural sunlight. They've coated themselves with sunscreens containing toxic chemicals and taken extreme measures to avoid sunlight. However, this advice has turned out to be completely wrong. Natural sunlight is absolutely essential for good health. Without it, you are far more susceptible to cancer, depression, obesity, osteoporosis, and many other diseases. Sunlight is a natural cure that helps the body maintain a high state of health
    But what about sunburns, you ask? People are only susceptible to sunburns when they have nutritional deficiencies caused by consuming soft drinks, processed foods, white flour, refined sugars, and other similar substances. A person on the standard American diet burns very easily. However, if that same person follows a whole food diet for several months and avoids all processed foods, even redheads will not burn in the sunlight
    Regarding vitamin D, deficiencies in this vitamin are widespread. As a result, perhaps tens of millions of men each year are killed by a completely avoidable disease: prostate cancer. With sufficient vitamin D from natural sunlight, very few men ever experience prostate cancer. For women, it’s breast cancer and osteoporosis. Both diseases are entirely preventable, and sunlight is one of the most critical keys to this prevention
    It’s sad that many doctors still tell their patients to avoid the sun, which is harming their health. They are puppets of the pharmaceutical industry. The sun holds the cure to many diseases now considered epidemic in the Western world. We need more sunshine, not less. While too much sunshine in one setting can be harmful, almost nobody living in modern cities gets even the minimum daily requirement of sunshine
    Miracle Sunburn Cure
    For a miraculous cure for sunburn, try lavender essential oil. Drop it on, and then spread it using gentle pressure. After about half an hour or less, the pain should be gone. Wait until morning to shower, and then reapply the oil
    Solar Seduction: Awaken your Senses with Sun Gazing
    Sun Gazing is an ancient Egyptian technique used to elevate consciousness and upgrade our DNA on all levels - mentally, physically, & spiritually. We are beings of light. The Sun is the giver of all Life.
    Strengthen your Eyes and Enhance your Vitality through Sun Gazing
    Sun gazing offers a multitude of benefits for overall health and well-being. It can activate essential hormones such as serotonin, dopamine, and melatonin, which play crucial roles in regulating mood, sleep, and overall brain function. Additionally, sun gazing is known to stimulate, decalcify, and increase the size of the pineal gland, contributing to better endocrine health. This practice can directly combat depression, enhance blood flow, and improve bone health. Many people also experience reduced hunger cravings and increased energy levels. Moreover, sun gazing helps to reduce stress, improve the quality of sleep, and induce vivid and lucid dreams. Overall, it enhances vitality and promotes a sense of well-being
    Always be sure to ground yourself as you Sun Gaze to harness the energy from the Earth and Sun at the same time, this strengthens your Electromagnetic Torus Field
    Solar Extasy: The Alluring Power of the Sun
    The Sun is our life force, radiating pure energy and vitality
    Since birth, we've been conditioned to fear the sun, even though it sustains all life on Earth. So-called 'experts' warn against sun exposure: wear sunglasses, apply sunscreen, avoid direct sunlight, especially during an eclipse. Yet, sun gazing has been proven to be the most potent health ritual for rejuvenating vitality throughout all of humanity.
    Sun Phobia is the ultimate manifestation of manipulation and brainwashing - through fear mongering, they make money off of you being sick!
    They don’t want you to know that Sun Gazing can heal you in mind, body, & Spirit
    Celestial Awakening: Pineal Gland Activation
    The concept of celestial awakening through pineal gland activation underscores the transformative potential of this small yet crucial gland within our brain. Our eyes act as conduits for energy transmission to the pineal gland, often dubbed the "third eye," seen as a gateway to higher consciousness and spiritual enlightenment.
    Unlock the Power of Sun Gazing: Your Gateway to Elevated Consciousness & Well-being. Harness its deeply transformative potential for optimal health. Embrace the holistic nature of our divine Creator by harmonizing your Mind, Body, & Spirit through Sun Gazing! The radiant and illuminating sun, with its life-giving and celestial presence, provides vital energy for all life on Earth, inviting us to tap into its profoundly transformative power

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