hi bart, thanks for the tutorial, but for it to be more useful, maybe explain HOW do you know which images are for button? or where one can get more information about the positions... thanks :)
Open the stylebook and look for e.g. ButtonStyle of you want to change that. Look for the background style. There you will find a lot of properties that link to the bitmap style e.g. the propery "NormalLink". Each property uses one specific part of the bitmap style to give the button the appearance matching the state the property stands for. Dubbelclick the properties value which will open the BitmapLink editor and highlights the part of the bitmap it uses for this property. So this is how you know which part of the bitmap you have to change to get the appearance you want for the app.
Excelent demo.
Anything on then oven about (i.e.) data exchange btwen Apps ?
how do you make the single-line text field? Appreciate if you could explain :)
hi bart, thanks for the tutorial, but for it to be more useful, maybe explain HOW do you know which images are for button? or where one can get more information about the positions... thanks :)
Open the stylebook and look for e.g. ButtonStyle of you want to change that. Look for the background style. There you will find a lot of properties that link to the bitmap style e.g. the propery "NormalLink". Each property uses one specific part of the bitmap style to give the button the appearance matching the state the property stands for. Dubbelclick the properties value which will open the BitmapLink editor and highlights the part of the bitmap it uses for this property. So this is how you know which part of the bitmap you have to change to get the appearance you want for the app.
Hello, how can i change de color of a dialogbox ?
Hey my style is not showing at runtime on an android device, i didn't find any answers maybe you can help me? (The style is showing at Designtime)
i just started my first Android app on Delphi 10.3.3 and i have the same problem on Android 32 and 64 bit...
You should have just used an online conversion site to convert Hex color to RGB Color