As palavras dele saíram como flechas certeiras atingindo de cheio o coração dela - tombei com essa cena. Como muitos de vocês, também chorei. Primeiro ele fica feliz por ela não ter aceito a proposta de casamento do Luka; depois, fica com raiva dele mesmo por ter ficado feliz e acaba descontando tudo na Naná...é um bruto, mesmo.😢
"You are the head of this family" actually these words make Yaman's heart full of love but as he remembered his promise he showed that they hurt him. Actually his own words to Nana hurt him the most. Halil you are amazing
sinceramente llore con nana cada vez que esta escena desde ayer lloro con ella, no puede ser que por un lado le diga eres mi emanet y nunca estaras sola y luego para alejarla y lo peor sabiendo lo que ella siente respecto a la familia le diga eso hay palabras que duelen mas que los actos, me doy cuenta que yaman no ha madurado lo suficiente y no merece una mujer como nana.
والله مو فاهمة شو مشكلة المرضى النفسيين يلي عم بيهاجم ا نانيتا الحلوة تمثيلها كثير حلو و في كيمياء بينها و بين خليل رح يجنوا و مو قادرين يتحملوا و الله حتى لو صار الريت تحت الصفر رح نظل نشوف ها المسلسل الحلو و الممتعععع😁😉ولي مو عاجبو الكابل الحلو نانيام مو مجبور يشوف يغير عشي مسلسل كلو نكد ودموع ✌️بالتوفيق لفريق الأمانة و خاصة المبدع خليل ✌️✌️🙏❤️
For keeping one promise to Seher Yaman forgot his promise to Nana. It is difficult war Yaman bey you can't choose both of them especially if you love Nana.
Des mous plus tard je revois encore cette scène et j'en pleure, quelle merveilleux acteurs, chaque regard des deux est intense, NanYam couple exceptionnel à l'écran.
Yaman is outside and he says he’ll stick to that promise. But he already knows deep down that nothing is holding him back. I feel like the main reason why Yaman keeps bringing that promise up. Is because he’s scared to be rejected by Nana! He thinks that she doesn’t feel the same way. That’s mainly why I think he’s acting that way! He no longer feels guilty but he feels relieved. But it’ll take him a day to gather himself up! Nana sees Yaman’s car pull up, and she rushed to the door and was asking him where he was. She was scared that something could have happened to him.
Nana cares so much and she doesn’t understand her feelings for Yaman. But she also can’t understand Yaman’s behavior towards her. She still doesn’t know he loves her, she thinks he hates her and only deals with her due to yusuf icin. Yaman tells her that he doesn’t have to tell her where he was, and he said I don’t take accountability from anyone. And she said that he’ll take it from her! Like meaning answer her and tell her where he was. She tells him he’s the head of the family, Yaman turns around and said something he never wanted to say!
It’s not fair that Yaman takes out his temper on Nana because he cannot handle his emotions towards her. If he has to keep his promise to Seher and live his life in her memory then he should just do it instead of getting angry at Nana!
Yaman tells Nana that is she apart of the family? And he knows that he should have never said those things to her. The moment Nana heard that, that was such a sharp stab to her chest! She immediately starts to tear up, and she felt so much pain. Yaman’s face also starts changing because he realizes the mistake he made! That he upset her so much. For Nana family means so much to her, because she never had one growing up💔. She lost her mother at a young age, and she never hated her mother for leaving her at the farm. She understood her mother choices. But she also got bullied and made fun of due to the fact that she had no one🥺. She found out her mother passed away when she was at the farm, she felt alone. The only person she had that entered her life was Aziz, and he was such an amazing brother to her. He was there for her, but she ended losing him💔. So that hurts Nana, she considered Yaman as family not just yusuf! Yaman regrets the way he spoke to her. He feels more in pain, he never wants to make her cry or cause any pain, but he does it unintentionally sometimes.
Nana is so cute! When she tries to level the kitchen but starts making excuses to stay in the kitchen. She gets herself water and than she starts to bring something down and she sits at the table and than she can’t stop looking at the window. The way she got up so fast, and she thought Yaman came inside already, but she gets sad when she doesn’t see his car🥺.
Aww Nana was worried so much about Yaman she kept staring outside the window. She’s worried about him and knows something is wrong. She made me laugh when she said is he her husband! And she like let him come whenever he wants, even let it be morning!
Naná nao entendeu que ela nao pode interferir na vida dele ela sufoca Yaman nao dar tempo para ele vive correndo atras dele com segunda intenções nao tem bom senso de perceber que ele ainda sofre as pessoas tem que esperar o tempo dela se nao faz a outra se irritar e falar coisa que nada deve.
pero cuando un dolor por la perdida de alguien muy especial no se vive esa perdida y sanarse como y con el tiempo recordar cada minuto vivido junto a la persona que amo, pero con alegria al recordarla. (porque muchas veces o mejor siempre, un dolor mal llevado causa y hace mucho daño a lat personas que estan cerca, pues en el nombre del amor se puede hacer demasiado daño). Mereces que seas feliz Tu y Yusuf. Y que bueno es volverlos ver sonreír, soñar, y amar y tener nuevamente una familia feliz. Que no les falte la protección de DIOS sobre sus vidas. Les amamos mucho con un grato cariño familiar.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😊😊🎉🎉
YAMAN CON SOBREDOSIS DE DUREZA CON NANA 😒😒-- Nana esperando a Yaman en la ventana, dice: ¿él no ha llegado todavía? ¿Dónde estará? Nana recuerda a Yaman triste y pensativo saliendo. Nana dice no se fue contento, algo lo está molestando, no le dijo a nadie que llegaría tarde, no pienses en nada malo, Nana. Porque me preocupo, es un hombre adulto, puede venir por la mañana si quiere, me ire a dormir, me callaré y tomaré agua, y mira hacia la ventana y dice: en realidad no tengo sueño, mira escogeré arroz, hasta que me de sueño, la hermana Adalet, dice que ayuda en la vida, pero sigue mirando a la ventana y escucha un auto. Nana dice; es el sonido de un auto, se asoma a la ventana y no es. Nana lo llama y dice; coge el teléfono, no sabes si puede ser algo importante. Yaman ve la llamada de Nana y dice; debe ser para algo ridículo; y si fuera algo importante, Cenger me llamaría. Yaman triste en el auto toma la carta y recuerda las palabras de Veli, "por un lado esta tu promesa y por otro lado esta su palabra, a ver en la balanza de la vida cual pesa más." Yaman, no me retractare de mi palabra. Llega Yaman y Nana sale a recibirlo. Nana; ¿dónde estabas?, estábamos preocupados por ti. Yaman; estaba ocupado. Nana; te envié 5 mensajes y 10 llamadas, y no contestaste; ¿por qué? Yaman; me quiero retirar, aspartate de mi camino. Nana; no te vas a retirar, una vez mas no estas entendido lo que te digo, estábamos preocupados. Yaman; hablaremos por la mañana, buenas noches. Nana; el pajarito también estaba preocupado, grito tu nombre en sueños, y no puedes hacerle eso. Yaman; no contestó a nadie, apártate de mi camino, no lo diré otra vez. Nana; lo harás, porque nos preocupamos por ti, porqué eres la cabeza de esta familia. Yaman; eres acaso de esta familia? (lágrimas en Nana) Nana; lo siento, una vez más cruce los límites. 😔😔 Nana le dice; buenas noches y se va llorando a la terraza😭😭Yaman tristemente arrepentido. Nana; él está en lo cierto, no soy de esta familia, no puedo decirle que me conteste; estoy acostumbrada a sus salvajadas, pero porqué me siento triste. Llega Yaman, Nana se limpia las lágrimas. Yaman le dice; me cabreaste y por eso dije eso. Nana; no lo sientas, tú tienes razon, recordé mi lugar. Nana; deja que Yusuf te vea en la mañana, él estaba preocupado por ti. No se preocupe. Nana se va, Yaman suspira y mira al cielo oscuro. Nana llega a su cuarto y recuerda las duras palabras de Yaman; ¿eres de esta familia?; y recuerda las palabras de Yaman en el campamento; "ya no estás sola luchando, ya no lo estas, estoy contigo." Nana va la ventana y mira el cielo oscuro y recuerda las palabras de Yaman en el cementerio; "ella no está sola, ahora tu hermana me ha sido encomendado (emanet)." Nana llora y dice: pensé que esta era mi casa, pero no lo es, métetelo en la cabeza Nana; y que solo debes recordar que estas aquí, por el pajarito. Yaman en su oficina; decida lo que decida; no tengo derecho a trastórnala, le dije que se quedará en la mansión, y también dije que es mi emanet, nunca debí haber actuado así...😒😒
Nana sufre no se da cuenta esta enamorada de yaman por eso sus lágrimas yaman deje de ser terco suban los capítulos con subtitulos antes que suban capítulos antes del capítulo del capítulo conpleto porque len español se están alejando de verla porque no leen turco tampoco inglés 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱
Nana tells Yaman she’s sorry and she leaves first and goes out to the balcony. Yaman gets so sad and is upset at himself for saying harsh things to her. Nana is crying and she said that he is right, and that she’s not his family. And she said I’m used to his Yaban behavior but why I’m i sad? Yaman sees her and watches her for a bit. And Nana senses that Yaman is behind her. And she wipes her tears Away. Yaman goes to her and telling her she made him angry and she made him say that. Nana tells Yaman that she apologizes and that he’s right, she says she remembers her place. And the look on Yaman’s face when she said that! He doesn’t want her to feel that way, he made a mistake and he wants to fix it right away, he already regretted it when it left his mouth. She tells him to show himself to yusuf in the morning because yusuf was worried about him. And she leaves Yaman, Nana is back in her room and she thinks about when he said are you apart of this family! She than also remembered Yaman promising at aziz’s grave, that she’s Yaman’s emanet. Nana is confused by Yaman, she tells herself he’s right, it’s none of your business, your here for yusuf. And she said I thought this was my home but I wrong🥺. Get that through your head Nana!
உங்கள் இலக்கை அறிந்து கொள்ளுங்கள், ஆனால் நீங்கள் எடுத்து வைக்கும் அடிகளில் கவனம் செலுத்துங்கள். அடிகள் வலுவாக இருந்தால், நீங்கள் மிக நீண்ட தூரம் கூட நடக்க முடியும். ஒரு கனவு நனவாகும் சாத்தியம்தான் வாழ்க்கையை சுவாரஸ்யமாக்குகிறது. ஹலீலின் கனவுகள் நிஜமாகும் நாட்கள் மிகவும் அருகில் உள்ளது. உங்கள் வெற்றிக்கு எங்கள் வாழ்த்துகள். 🤝 என்றென்றும் புன்னகையுடன் வெற்றிகள் தொடரட்டும் ஹலீல் நண்பரே🤝🌹🙏♾️🇮🇳💐
Yaman regrets it a lot and tells himself that whatever he decides he has no right to upset her. That he brought her back to stay and that he told her she’s entrusted to him. And says acting this way was wrong!
the scene was amazing. Brilliant performance both of them. But now.............Yaman very bad guy!!!! You show us the worst Yaman. That who can hurt so deeply. I did not like the behavior and I am not going to forgive you, even if Nana does it 😂😂😂. I hope you can have something better than a picture and a flower in the next episodes........😡😡😡. I😍NanYam
Yaman you broke your promise to Nana ? Dont promise to her if you dont frove it your promise you make crying Nana ? You hurting nana if you love love Nana why you always hurting her dont make it promise if you dont frove it ? And if not sure you're promise you are undfair Yaman bey why you want always Nana crying and hurting
A mi me dio tristeza porque nana sin darse cuenta se está enamorado de yaman pero el esta enamorado pero no quiere reconocerlo pero no me gusto la tratara a si a nana que cambie yaman y le de protección y cariño🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🙏🏻🥰🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🥰🇨🇱🇨🇱🥰
ვერ გაიგებ ზოგს იამანის მოქმედება არ მოსწონს,ზოგს კიდევ ნანასი,მართალია სილამ დიდი შრომა ჩადო ამ ფილმში მაგრამ ის ხომ, თავის ნებით წავიდა,მე მინდა რომ ღმერთმა ყველას ხელი მოუმართოს, და თავიანთი მიზნები აუსრულოს. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Esta Naná nao entendeu o limite ela corre atrás demais do Yaman ela sufoca e nao tem bom senso , ela nao respeita ele faz perguntas que ela nao tem direito de saber,não dar espaco para ele ,Ela interfere muito na vida dele, nao sabe esperar o tempo dele 👎🤦♀️😡
Ai ai hoje em dia nem pedra não á pedra no arroz ...imagina gente mui rica como yaman comprar arroz de baixa qualidade á fala sério kkkKkkkk... Claro que à os de baixa qualidade ainda que tem pedra marinheiro e por ai vai.
As palavras dele saíram como flechas certeiras atingindo de cheio o coração dela - tombei com essa cena. Como muitos de vocês, também chorei. Primeiro ele fica feliz por ela não ter aceito a proposta de casamento do Luka; depois, fica com raiva dele mesmo por ter ficado feliz e acaba descontando tudo na Naná...é um bruto, mesmo.😢
Como me hubiera gustado un final entre ellos dos, cada vez que veo capitulos entre ellos mis ojos se llenande 😢 y mi corazón 💔
"You are the head of this family" actually these words make Yaman's heart full of love but as he remembered his promise he showed that they hurt him. Actually his own words to Nana hurt him the most. Halil you are amazing
Hasta a mí me hizo llorar Yaman con lo que le dijo a Nana " Eres de esta familia ? " 😢😢😢
Nana no le ruegue más a Yaman ...déjelo que siga solo y amargado
sinceramente llore con nana cada vez que esta escena desde ayer lloro con ella, no puede ser que por un lado le diga eres mi emanet y nunca estaras sola y luego para alejarla y lo peor sabiendo lo que ella siente respecto a la familia le diga eso hay palabras que duelen mas que los actos, me doy cuenta que yaman no ha madurado lo suficiente y no merece una mujer como nana.
Concordo plenamente.
والله مو فاهمة شو مشكلة المرضى النفسيين يلي عم بيهاجم ا نانيتا الحلوة تمثيلها كثير حلو و في كيمياء بينها و بين خليل رح يجنوا و مو قادرين يتحملوا و الله حتى لو صار الريت تحت الصفر رح نظل نشوف ها المسلسل الحلو و الممتعععع😁😉ولي مو عاجبو الكابل الحلو نانيام مو مجبور يشوف يغير عشي مسلسل كلو نكد ودموع ✌️بالتوفيق لفريق الأمانة و خاصة المبدع خليل ✌️✌️🙏❤️
@@Lamitalamo14.11 فعلا. مسلسل رائع 👏🌹
@@Lamitalamo14.11 فعلا. مسلسل رائع 👏🌹
Eu chorei também. ☹️
For keeping one promise to Seher Yaman forgot his promise to Nana. It is difficult war Yaman bey you can't choose both of them especially if you love Nana.
@CaptainJacksparrow🏴☠️ 🥰
Someone wrote that at some point he will be shattered between Seher and Nana . The realstic and wise thing is to choose life....which is Nana
@@salwamedicine9601 exactly 💯
Namyam ❤️🇧🇷 Emanet melhor temporada de todos 💪💪🏹💯🇧🇷🇧🇷
Achei linda a preocupação dela c ele parece esposa esperando marido lindo demais ♥️♥️♥️♥️
Des mous plus tard je revois encore cette scène et j'en pleure, quelle merveilleux acteurs, chaque regard des deux est intense, NanYam couple exceptionnel à l'écran.
Yaman the Emanet fandom gives you permission to move on with your life w Nana & Yusuf ❤😍 we wont get mad because you love another person 👊✨
Verdade 🌹
Well said ❤️
Я знаю одно они оба очень хорошо играют кто бы что ни говорил ❤
Nana esperando yaman que lindo a preocupação dela por ele 😍 vamos logo gente se rendam a esse amor 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Iki yorgun kirik kalpli guzell insan nasilda yakisiyorlar 💔❤️🩹💔
Me da mucho gusto que ahora en el capítulo 531 sea Yaman quien la esté esperando 😂😂😂😂!!! Grosero Yaban !!!!!
Yaman 💋💜💕. Nana 😍💜💕
Me encantan 😘😍👍
😢 capítulo muy hermoso el amor!!!🙏✨
Yaman is outside and he says he’ll stick to that promise. But he already knows deep down that nothing is holding him back. I feel like the main reason why Yaman keeps bringing that promise up. Is because he’s scared to be rejected by Nana! He thinks that she doesn’t feel the same way. That’s mainly why I think he’s acting that way! He no longer feels guilty but he feels relieved. But it’ll take him a day to gather himself up! Nana sees Yaman’s car pull up, and she rushed to the door and was asking him where he was. She was scared that something could have happened to him.
Nana cares so much and she doesn’t understand her feelings for Yaman. But she also can’t understand Yaman’s behavior towards her. She still doesn’t know he loves her, she thinks he hates her and only deals with her due to yusuf icin. Yaman tells her that he doesn’t have to tell her where he was, and he said I don’t take accountability from anyone. And she said that he’ll take it from her! Like meaning answer her and tell her where he was. She tells him he’s the head of the family, Yaman turns around and said something he never wanted to say!
Yaman partió el corazón 💔 de Nana con su respuesta 😢
It’s not fair that Yaman takes out his temper on Nana because he cannot handle his emotions towards her. If he has to keep his promise to Seher and live his life in her memory then he should just do it instead of getting angry at Nana!
Yaman😤 Nana 😢😢💔💔😭😭😭
Yaman tells Nana that is she apart of the family? And he knows that he should have never said those things to her. The moment Nana heard that, that was such a sharp stab to her chest! She immediately starts to tear up, and she felt so much pain. Yaman’s face also starts changing because he realizes the mistake he made! That he upset her so much. For Nana family means so much to her, because she never had one growing up💔. She lost her mother at a young age, and she never hated her mother for leaving her at the farm. She understood her mother choices. But she also got bullied and made fun of due to the fact that she had no one🥺. She found out her mother passed away when she was at the farm, she felt alone. The only person she had that entered her life was Aziz, and he was such an amazing brother to her. He was there for her, but she ended losing him💔. So that hurts Nana, she considered Yaman as family not just yusuf! Yaman regrets the way he spoke to her. He feels more in pain, he never wants to make her cry or cause any pain, but he does it unintentionally sometimes.
Nana is so cute! When she tries to level the kitchen but starts making excuses to stay in the kitchen. She gets herself water and than she starts to bring something down and she sits at the table and than she can’t stop looking at the window. The way she got up so fast, and she thought Yaman came inside already, but she gets sad when she doesn’t see his car🥺.
სილა მოკვდა,ახალი ცხოვრება უნდა დაიწყო ნანასთან ერთად💖
No eso jamás nuestra protagonista siempre sera la hermosa sila nada q ver con esta espanta pájaros yo me veo estos pedazos de capitulos por yamam
@@berthabosso5894que bueno que entre mujeres nos respetemos más de esta forma nadie abusaría de ninguna mujer
@@berthabosso5894......Que bueno que entre mujeres nos Respetemos más
Sila no a muerto murió fue Seger Kiriblim
ერთერთი ძალიან კარგი ეპიზოდი, 💙👌
Aww Nana was worried so much about Yaman she kept staring outside the window. She’s worried about him and knows something is wrong. She made me laugh when she said is he her husband! And she like let him come whenever he wants, even let it be morning!
Yaman não deveria ter falado assim com a Nana 😢
Naná nao entendeu que ela nao pode interferir na vida dele ela sufoca Yaman nao dar tempo para ele vive correndo atras dele com segunda intenções nao tem bom senso de perceber que ele ainda sofre as pessoas tem que esperar o tempo dela se nao faz a outra se irritar e falar coisa que nada deve.
Ó yabam pq vc fez isso com seu amor Naná Maria 😢 agora está arrependido né yabam lindão 🤩# Halil Ibrhaim Ceyhan 🇧🇷# Nanuka lindíssima maravilhosa 😍🇧🇷
Wau, esta escena me a echo que se me salgan las lagrimas por Nana 😢 Yaman la trató muy mal para despues venir a disculparse
pero cuando un dolor por la perdida de alguien muy especial no se vive esa perdida y sanarse como y con el tiempo recordar cada minuto vivido junto a la persona que amo, pero con alegria al recordarla. (porque muchas veces o mejor siempre, un dolor mal llevado causa y hace mucho daño a lat personas que estan cerca, pues en el nombre del amor se puede hacer demasiado daño). Mereces que seas feliz Tu y Yusuf. Y que bueno es volverlos ver sonreír, soñar, y amar y tener nuevamente una familia feliz. Que no les falte la protección de DIOS sobre sus vidas. Les amamos mucho con un grato cariño familiar.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😊😊🎉🎉
💕🌹.NANA you are so cute
YAMAN CON SOBREDOSIS DE DUREZA CON NANA 😒😒-- Nana esperando a Yaman en la ventana, dice: ¿él no ha llegado todavía? ¿Dónde estará? Nana recuerda a Yaman triste y pensativo saliendo. Nana dice no se fue contento, algo lo está molestando, no le dijo a nadie que llegaría tarde, no pienses en nada malo, Nana. Porque me preocupo, es un hombre adulto, puede venir por la mañana si quiere, me ire a dormir, me callaré y tomaré agua, y mira hacia la ventana y dice: en realidad no tengo sueño, mira escogeré arroz, hasta que me de sueño, la hermana Adalet, dice que ayuda en la vida, pero sigue mirando a la ventana y escucha un auto. Nana dice; es el sonido de un auto, se asoma a la ventana y no es. Nana lo llama y dice; coge el teléfono, no sabes si puede ser algo importante. Yaman ve la llamada de Nana y dice; debe ser para algo ridículo; y si fuera algo importante, Cenger me llamaría. Yaman triste en el auto toma la carta y recuerda las palabras de Veli, "por un lado esta tu promesa y por otro lado esta su palabra, a ver en la balanza de la vida cual pesa más." Yaman, no me retractare de mi palabra.
Llega Yaman y Nana sale a recibirlo. Nana; ¿dónde estabas?, estábamos preocupados por ti. Yaman; estaba ocupado. Nana; te envié 5 mensajes y 10 llamadas, y no contestaste; ¿por qué? Yaman; me quiero retirar, aspartate de mi camino. Nana; no te vas a retirar, una vez mas no estas entendido lo que te digo, estábamos preocupados. Yaman; hablaremos por la mañana, buenas noches. Nana; el pajarito también estaba preocupado, grito tu nombre en sueños, y no puedes hacerle eso. Yaman; no contestó a nadie, apártate de mi camino, no lo diré otra vez. Nana; lo harás, porque nos preocupamos por ti, porqué eres la cabeza de esta familia. Yaman; eres acaso de esta familia? (lágrimas en Nana) Nana; lo siento, una vez más cruce los límites. 😔😔 Nana le dice; buenas noches y se va llorando a la terraza😭😭Yaman tristemente arrepentido. Nana; él está en lo cierto, no soy de esta familia, no puedo decirle que me conteste; estoy acostumbrada a sus salvajadas, pero porqué me siento triste. Llega Yaman, Nana se limpia las lágrimas. Yaman le dice; me cabreaste y por eso dije eso. Nana; no lo sientas, tú tienes razon, recordé mi lugar. Nana; deja que Yusuf te vea en la mañana, él estaba preocupado por ti. No se preocupe. Nana se va, Yaman suspira y mira al cielo oscuro.
Nana llega a su cuarto y recuerda las duras palabras de Yaman; ¿eres de esta familia?; y recuerda las palabras de Yaman en el campamento; "ya no estás sola luchando, ya no lo estas, estoy contigo." Nana va la ventana y mira el cielo oscuro y recuerda las palabras de Yaman en el cementerio; "ella no está sola, ahora tu hermana me ha sido encomendado (emanet)." Nana llora y dice: pensé que esta era mi casa, pero no lo es, métetelo en la cabeza Nana; y que solo debes recordar que estas aquí, por el pajarito. Yaman en su oficina; decida lo que decida; no tengo derecho a trastórnala, le dije que se quedará en la mansión, y también dije que es mi emanet, nunca debí haber actuado así...😒😒
@@jolandamessner1625 siempre a la orden, lindo dia
Mulțumesc pentru traducere💯🌷🤗
@@eugeniasanda9629 siempre a la orden, lindo dia
Obrigada por traduzir 🇧🇷
Yaman ❤️ Nana ❤️ Yusuf ❤️🌟
Merci beaucoup pour la traduction en français 🥰🥰
Gracias por la traducción
Yaman aún hay cosas del pasado que no deja su poca confianza cuando se enamora el guardar silencio. Y explotar con su mal carácter
That's new from Yaman " I shouldn't behave like this " !!
Que bonito le queda el blanco a Nana🤗
👍 gracias gracias ,por los subtitulos
Kalbini çok acıttın yaman ( Yaban ) 🤣❤️🥰
Este talento são pra poucos schow lindos demais 🙏🏻
Nana sufre no se da cuenta esta enamorada de yaman por eso sus lágrimas yaman deje de ser terco suban los capítulos con subtitulos antes que suban capítulos antes del capítulo del capítulo conpleto porque len español se están alejando de verla porque no leen turco tampoco inglés 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱
Because Nana she love you
Nana tells Yaman she’s sorry and she leaves first and goes out to the balcony. Yaman gets so sad and is upset at himself for saying harsh things to her. Nana is crying and she said that he is right, and that she’s not his family. And she said I’m used to his Yaban behavior but why I’m i sad? Yaman sees her and watches her for a bit. And Nana senses that Yaman is behind her. And she wipes her tears Away. Yaman goes to her and telling her she made him angry and she made him say that. Nana tells Yaman that she apologizes and that he’s right, she says she remembers her place. And the look on Yaman’s face when she said that! He doesn’t want her to feel that way, he made a mistake and he wants to fix it right away, he already regretted it when it left his mouth. She tells him to show himself to yusuf in the morning because yusuf was worried about him. And she leaves Yaman, Nana is back in her room and she thinks about when he said are you apart of this family! She than also remembered Yaman promising at aziz’s grave, that she’s Yaman’s emanet. Nana is confused by Yaman, she tells herself he’s right, it’s none of your business, your here for yusuf. And she said I thought this was my home but I wrong🥺. Get that through your head Nana!
உங்கள் இலக்கை அறிந்து கொள்ளுங்கள், ஆனால் நீங்கள் எடுத்து வைக்கும் அடிகளில் கவனம் செலுத்துங்கள். அடிகள் வலுவாக இருந்தால், நீங்கள் மிக நீண்ட தூரம் கூட நடக்க முடியும். ஒரு கனவு நனவாகும் சாத்தியம்தான் வாழ்க்கையை சுவாரஸ்யமாக்குகிறது.
ஹலீலின் கனவுகள் நிஜமாகும் நாட்கள் மிகவும் அருகில் உள்ளது. உங்கள் வெற்றிக்கு எங்கள் வாழ்த்துகள். 🤝 என்றென்றும் புன்னகையுடன் வெற்றிகள் தொடரட்டும் ஹலீல் நண்பரே🤝🌹🙏♾️🇮🇳💐
Great acting couple ✨💎✨Nana&Halil✨💎✨
Yaman regrets it a lot and tells himself that whatever he decides he has no right to upset her. That he brought her back to stay and that he told her she’s entrusted to him. And says acting this way was wrong!
the scene was amazing. Brilliant performance both of them. But now.............Yaman very bad guy!!!! You show us the worst Yaman. That who can hurt so deeply. I did not like the behavior and I am not going to forgive you, even if Nana does it 😂😂😂. I hope you can have something better than a picture and a flower in the next episodes........😡😡😡. I😍NanYam
Yaman,Yaban...în inima ta rămâne Halil! 😊
Yaman 💘 Nana
Gracias por subir en español
Halil de neegalat ❤️❤️👍👍👏👏
Não fale assim com a naná não yaman vc tá sendo grosseiro 😌😌😌
Yaman basta con questa Sila e con queste promesse Sila è morta basta con il passato adesso c'è Nanà yusuf insieme a te ai capito Yaman
Trebuie și Nazimye sa ii fie suficient...🙏
💖💖💖💖👍👍e vero
Thank you for the subtitles 👏
Yaman you broke your promise to Nana ? Dont promise to her if you dont frove it your promise you make crying Nana ? You hurting nana if you love love Nana why you always hurting her dont make it promise if you dont frove it ? And if not sure you're promise you are undfair Yaman bey why you want always Nana crying and hurting
Oigan!!…las chicas que la vez pasada escribieron en Twitter para que nos pongan subtítulos,háganlo nuevamente por favor!!!!!
Wspaniała para NanYam ❤❤❤❤
Gracias x la traducción 👏🎉👍
Como sempre né yaman só sabe ofender trem 😔
Así es🤦♀️
Why you insulting Nana ? Nana just care of you
A mi me dio tristeza porque nana sin darse cuenta se está enamorado de yaman pero el esta enamorado pero no quiere reconocerlo pero no me gusto la tratara a si a nana que cambie yaman y le de protección y cariño🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🙏🏻🥰🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🥰🇨🇱🇨🇱🥰
ვერ გაიგებ ზოგს იამანის მოქმედება არ მოსწონს,ზოგს კიდევ ნანასი,მართალია სილამ დიდი შრომა ჩადო ამ ფილმში მაგრამ ის ხომ, თავის ნებით წავიდა,მე მინდა რომ ღმერთმა ყველას ხელი მოუმართოს, და თავიანთი მიზნები აუსრულოს.
Very talented Halil bey 👍
Thank you for the English subtitles and thank you for your hard work 💙👏👏
Why yaman 😭
Bravo yaman in sfirsit ai puso la locul ei
Thank you for the reruns and the English translation
Ainda atrapalhou o casamento de Nana....grosso. Ela devia ir embora com o amigo em vez de ficar para ser assassinada como Seher.
Esta Naná nao entendeu o limite ela corre atrás demais do Yaman ela sufoca e nao tem bom senso , ela nao respeita ele faz perguntas que ela nao tem direito de saber,não dar espaco para ele ,Ela interfere muito na vida dele, nao sabe esperar o tempo dele 👎🤦♀️😡
Por favor traducir al español gracias
Ai ai hoje em dia nem pedra não á pedra no arroz ...imagina gente mui rica como yaman comprar arroz de baixa qualidade á fala sério kkkKkkkk... Claro que à os de baixa qualidade ainda que tem pedra marinheiro e por ai vai.
I understand she is worried but also she do not have right to ask him questions she is not his wife or girlfriend. I would be angry like Yaman!
He is a mature unmarried mam and entitled yo go out...they are just use to him always being home
Un final bonito como el niño ke gustaba lis barcos
Yaban Yaban!!! Povera Nana!
Vi troverete!!!❤❤
Devia ter a deixado ir yaman trazer pra sua casa pra tratar mau 😢
Pobre Nana😢 yaman es cruel y despiadado
Bom ele se arrepender fala pra nana ralii
🐂Nice Nana cried 😤
Yaman, potrafi tylko ranić.....dlaczego? Przecież Ona na to nie zasłużyła😢😢😢😢😢😢
Why you not keeping your promise to her