These sidepanels are coming together really nicely and the mounting came out great. Was thinking about the zebra wood and it warping/expanding. Are there mouting holes for any of the componens that spans more than one section of the wood? Any concern of these holes potentially coming out of alignment or do you think the movement of the wood will be negliable in that respect? Keep up the excellent work, looking forward to the next video, inspiring stuff 🙂
@carlnorrbom- Hey Carl! Whoa, that is a great point. I honestly did not consider if there are any items that are mounted to the zebrawood that would stratal more than one of the four pieces. The only item will be the base for the 845 display tube cage, but I think it will be just fine. I am going to speak with my dad about the zebrawood also. This wood appears to not behave very well. More videos coming soon, stay tuned!
Lol on the files comments, the grooves looks great! I know how long that must have taken. Hey if it works, its a good tool, dont throw it away. Let me know if you need other types.. BTW, dont get frustrated with the design choices and lock up/spin your wheels. Do the small stuff that you know has constraints and let that inform the more flexible design choices. Also, sleep on it, keep a sketch pad handy! The creative things you've done in this process to solve issues is what will make you appreciate it forever. Oh, and for the future when you're done, don't feel bad when no one else REALLY understands the amount of work that went in. Its for YOU! :)
These sidepanels are coming together really nicely and the mounting came out great. Was thinking about the zebra wood and it warping/expanding. Are there mouting holes for any of the componens that spans more than one section of the wood? Any concern of these holes potentially coming out of alignment or do you think the movement of the wood will be negliable in that respect? Keep up the excellent work, looking forward to the next video, inspiring stuff 🙂
@carlnorrbom- Hey Carl! Whoa, that is a great point. I honestly did not consider if there are any items that are mounted to the zebrawood that would stratal more than one of the four pieces. The only item will be the base for the 845 display tube cage, but I think it will be just fine. I am going to speak with my dad about the zebrawood also. This wood appears to not behave very well. More videos coming soon, stay tuned!
Lol on the files comments, the grooves looks great! I know how long that must have taken. Hey if it works, its a good tool, dont throw it away. Let me know if you need other types.. BTW, dont get frustrated with the design choices and lock up/spin your wheels. Do the small stuff that you know has constraints and let that inform the more flexible design choices. Also, sleep on it, keep a sketch pad handy! The creative things you've done in this process to solve issues is what will make you appreciate it forever. Oh, and for the future when you're done, don't feel bad when no one else REALLY understands the amount of work that went in. Its for YOU! :)
@yomama5785 - Hey there! Thank you SO much for the comment, it means a lot. And you nailed it:)