Vote Chaos Injected for "best underground act" at Finnish Metal Awards 2010. Write name of the band (Chaos Injected), your name, e-mail and click "äänestä" Thank you!
I'd give my left testicle to see you guys live In the UK loved you since the first album. Also the hermit is the best melodeath song I can find.... Fking beautiful. Can't wait to support you
По качеству исполнения Инсомниум уж точно отдыхает
полностью соглашусь!жаль только не хотят писать новые альбомы.пишут по одной песне в год...очень жаль...
Vote Chaos Injected for "best underground act" at Finnish Metal Awards 2010.
Write name of the band (Chaos Injected), your name, e-mail and click "äänestä"
Thank you!
I'd give my left testicle to see you guys live In the UK loved you since the first album. Also the hermit is the best melodeath song I can find.... Fking beautiful. Can't wait to support you