2 Legendary box is a bummer, but still some cool cards you pulled! Right now, Cunning is my fav aspect, but I like a bunch of cards in all aspects. Congrats on winning the box!
Unfortunate that you only got 2 legendaries, though both were nice. I saw some other people get very lucky with 5 - 6 legendaries, so maybe this is a sign that boxes aren't mapable? Could be a good sign for actual randomized pull rates.
True! I just feel like 3 should be the minimum. Less than 3 feels like a major loss. Even with Spark legendary cards, if you only pull a Vader and vigilance the box would still be a net minus. :(
I was able to take a glance at my store's shipment a week ago. Soon I'll have the newest cardboard.
Trav love to see you popping up in my feed!! Btw trav kicked my trash at the PQ haha
You’re deck definitely helped me out in game two! Haha
Nice vid buddy! Hope you're already cooking for set 3 😎
Yessir! 🥰
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2 Legendary box is a bummer, but still some cool cards you pulled! Right now, Cunning is my fav aspect, but I like a bunch of cards in all aspects. Congrats on winning the box!
Thank you! Yeah 2 L’s is a bummer. Fortunately I don’t have to buy any set 3 boxes. I’ve got 2 more free ones on the way from events/trades. :)
I’m praying for both my boxes to be 3 legendary minimum. Set one I had 3 4 legendary boxes and 1 3 legendary box. Set 2 I had 3 in one box.
I think I met you at a recent PQ where you were on Rey- sick you were able to get an early box!
I did play Rey Tarkintown at my PQ. :) what were you playing?
Nah this was fire regardless of pulls, thanks for sharing
Yellow does get alot of love!
Unfortunate that you only got 2 legendaries, though both were nice. I saw some other people get very lucky with 5 - 6 legendaries, so maybe this is a sign that boxes aren't mapable? Could be a good sign for actual randomized pull rates.
True! I just feel like 3 should be the minimum. Less than 3 feels like a major loss. Even with Spark legendary cards, if you only pull a Vader and vigilance the box would still be a net minus. :(
Legendary -prices are very low for this set. Is the game dying?
Not at all. Stores were able to just buy as much product as they wanted, and a ton was printed due to set 1 selling out in 3 weeks.