Fun fact: the colors they wear in 4 became their assigned colors on Color Coded Lyrics, which is why now most line distributions use those colors to represent the members
I remember looking up old color coded lyrics for SNSD, and they had the different colors than the ones people use (as of now), so I always wondered why the colors changed...
@@Isabellawithsnsd9 the ones on other sites (other than a specific site that's no longer up) used whatever they thought - just like how in my vocal distributions I just make a gradient so the colors look good together
@@divadream Ah makes sense! The Hey Cooky color coded one was something so ordinary to me. Jessica was orange, Sunny was light green, Tiffany was dark blue and Seohyun was light yellow… I was so confused on why they had those colors cause I was used to the «correct» ones😆
Boy you could seriously hear Sooyoung's pterodactyl fan in that last clip. XD Number two's designer definitely tried working with the girls' natural skintones the most, though Taeyeon's spring tones did suffer a bit for it.
Fun fact: the colors they wear in 4 became their assigned colors on Color Coded Lyrics, which is why now most line distributions use those colors to represent the members
I remember looking up old color coded lyrics for SNSD, and they had the different colors than the ones people use (as of now), so I always wondered why the colors changed...
Yup! Except for Seohyun which changed to teal
@@Isabellawithsnsd9 the ones on other sites (other than a specific site that's no longer up) used whatever they thought - just like how in my vocal distributions I just make a gradient so the colors look good together
@@divadream Ah makes sense! The Hey Cooky color coded one was something so ordinary to me. Jessica was orange, Sunny was light green, Tiffany was dark blue and Seohyun was light yellow… I was so confused on why they had those colors cause I was used to the «correct» ones😆
@@divadream Please you can tell my why?
That gold at 6 will forever be a win for me, so so cute
I've never seen 7, but I like the multi-colored outfits best. 4 & 2.
Oh japanese versions live
Jessica is the real barbie girl ❤
Boy you could seriously hear Sooyoung's pterodactyl fan in that last clip. XD
Number two's designer definitely tried working with the girls' natural skintones the most, though Taeyeon's spring tones did suffer a bit for it.
I remembered her when doing this!!